Results for 'Kieran Owens'

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  1. Embodied understanding: On a path not travelled in Gadamer's hermeneutics.Kieran Owens - 2011 - Emergent Australasian Philosophers 4 (1).
    This article challenges and builds upon the language-centred model of understanding found in Gadamer‟s hermeneutics. The alternative that is developed employs a concept of embodied understanding, derived from the work of Heidegger and Merleau-Ponty, which is better able to comprehend that which lies on the borders of language such as animality, infant development and aesthetic experience.
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  2. Shaping the Normative Landscape.David Owens - 2012 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    Shaping the Normative Landscape is an investigation of the value of obligations and of rights, of forgiveness, of consent and refusal, of promise and request. David Owens shows that these are all instruments by which we exercise control over our normative environment.
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  3. A simple theory of promising.David Owens - 2006 - Philosophical Review 115 (1):51-77.
    Why do human beings make and accept promises? What human interest is served by this procedure? Many hold that promising serves what I shall call an information interest, an interest in information about what will happen. And they hold that human beings ought to keep their promises because breaches of promise threaten this interest. On this view human beings take promises seriously because we want correct information about how other human beings are going to act. Some such view is taken (...)
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    ‘My Fitbit Thinks I Can Do Better!’ Do Health Promoting Wearable Technologies Support Personal Autonomy?John Owens & Alan Cribb - 2019 - Philosophy and Technology 32 (1):23-38.
    This paper critically examines the extent to which health promoting wearable technologies can provide people with greater autonomy over their health. These devices are frequently presented as a means of expanding the possibilities people have for making healthier decisions and living healthier lives. We accept that by collecting, monitoring, analysing and displaying biomedical data, and by helping to underpin motivation, wearable technologies can support autonomy over health. However, we argue that their contribution in this regard is limited and that—even with (...)
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  5. Testimony and Assertion.David Owens - 2006 - Philosophical Studies 130 (1):105-129.
    Two models of assertion are described and their epistemological implications considered. The assurance model draws a parallel between the ethical norms surrounding promising and the epistemic norms which facilitate the transmission of testimonial knowledge. This model is rejected in favour of the view that assertion transmits knowledge by expressing belief. I go on to compare the epistemology of testimony with the epistemology of memory.
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    Freedom and practical judgement.David Owens - 2009 - In Lucy O'Brien & Matthew Soteriou (eds.), Mental actions. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 122-137.
    Unlike many other animals, human beings enjoy freedom of action. They are capable of acting freely because they have certain psychological capacities which other animals lack. In this paper, I argue that the crucial capacity here is our ability to make practical judgements; to make judgements about what we ought to do. A number of other writers share this view but they treat practical judgement as a form of belief. Since, as I argue, we don't control our beliefs, that undermines (...)
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    From “Human in the Loop” to a Participatory System of Governance for AI in Healthcare.Zachary Griffen & Kellie Owens - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (9):81-83.
    The common “human in the loop” narrative in artificial intelligence (AI) implementation is in critical need of analysis and explanation, as Salloch and Eriksen (2024) rightfully argue. Researchers...
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    Deliberation and the first person.David Owens - 2011 - In Anthony Hatzimoysis (ed.), Self-Knowledge. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press. pp. 261-277.
    Philosophers like Shoemaker and Burge argue that only self-conscious creatures can exercise rational control over their mental lives. In particular they urge that reflective rationality requires possession of the I-concept, the first person concept. These philosophers maintain that rational creatures like ourselves can exercise reflective control over belief as well as action. I agree that we have this sort of control over our actions and that practical freedom presupposes self-consciousness. But I deny that anything like this is true of belief.
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    The Failure of Lewis’s Functionalism.Joseph Owens - 1986 - Philosophical Quarterly 36 (143):159-173.
  10.  50
    Does a Promise Transfer a Right?David Owens - 2014 - In George Letsas, Prince Saprai & Gregory Klass (eds.), Philosophical Foundations of Contract Law. Oxford University Press. pp. 78-95.
    A number of authors from Grotius onwards have proposed that a binding promise transfers a right from promisor to promisee. The promisee now has the right, previously possessed by the promisor, to determine whether the promisor performs the act mentioned in their promise. This proposal runs into problems of detail. The chapter first reformulates the theory so as to avoid these problems. It then considers a more fundamental difficulty raised by Hume and argues that the reformulated theory succumbs to Hume’s (...)
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  11. Propositional Attitudes: The Role of Content in Language, Logic, and Mind.C. Anthony Anderson & Joseph Owens (eds.) - 1990 - CSLI Publications.
  12. Does belief have an aim?David John Owens - 2003 - Philosophical Studies 115 (3):283-305.
    The hypothesis that belief aims at the truth has been used to explain three features of belief: (1) the fact that correct beliefs are true beliefs, (2) the fact that rational beliefs are supported by the evidence and (3) the fact that we cannot form beliefs.
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    Habitual agency.David Owens - 2017 - Philosophical Explorations 20 (sup2):93-108.
    It is often maintained that practical freedom is a capacity to act on our view of what we ought to do and in particular on our view of what it would be best to do. Here, I discuss an important exception to that claim, namely habitual agency. Acting out of habit is widely regarded as a form of reflex or even as compulsive behaviour but much habitual agency is both intentional and free. Still it is true that, in so far (...)
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    Attentional biases to emotional faces among women with a history of single episode versus recurrent major depression.Claire E. Foster, Max Owens, Anastacia Y. Kudinova & Brandon E. Gibb - 2021 - Cognition and Emotion 35 (1):193-198.
    Major depressive disorder is a highly prevalent psychiatric disorder, and recurrent depression is associated with severe and chronic impairment. Identifying markers of risk is imperative to i...
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    Should Blackmail Be Banned?David Owens - 1988 - Philosophy 63 (246):501-514.
    There is no right to blackmail. So says the law and so say most moral observers. A few libertarian voices have been raised in defence of blackmail but such a defence is liable to be treated as a reductio of the defender's own free market philosophy. However, it is surprisingly difficult to say just what is wrong with blackmail.
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    Aquinas on Being and Thing.Joseph Owens - 1981 - Niagara University Press.
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    Current periodical articles 671.Joseph Owens - 1994 - Philosophy 69 (267).
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    The Neoplatonic Leaven in Western Culture.Joseph Owens - 1988 - Philosophie Et Culture: Actes du XVIIe Congrès Mondial de Philosophie 5:181-185.
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  19. Windows on a broken world: Gordon Matta-Clark's photographs of public housing in New York.Gwendolyn Owens - 2019 - In Edward Dimendberg (ed.), The moving eye: film, television, architecture, visual art, and the modern. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
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  20. St. Thomas and the Future of Metaphysics. Aquinas Lecture, 1957.Jospeh Owens - 1957
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    Descartes's Use of Doubt.David Owens - 2007 - In Janet Broughton & John Carriero (eds.), A Companion to Descartes. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 164–178.
    This chapter contains section titled: The Role of Reflection The Need for Certainty Descartes's Conjectures Descartes's Suppositions Note References and Further Reading.
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    The Causal Proposition—Principle or Conclusion? (continued).Joseph Owens - 1955 - Modern Schoolman 32 (4):323-339.
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  23. Epistemic Akrasia.David Owens - 2002 - The Monist 85 (3):381-397.
    One way of discerning what sort of control we have over our mental lives is to look at cases where that control is not exercised. This is one reason why philosophers have taken an interest in the phenomenon of akrasia, in an agent's ability to do, freely and deliberately, something that they judge they ought not to do. Akrasia constitutes a failure of control but not an absence of control. The akratic agent is not a compulsive; an akratic agent has (...)
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  24. Heidegger's philosophy of art.Wayne D. Owens - 1989 - British Journal of Aesthetics 29 (2):128-139.
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    Normativity and Control.David J. Owens - 2017 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Do we control what we believe? Are we responsible for what we believe? In a series of ten essays David Owens explores various different forms of control we might have over belief, and the different forms of responsibility these forms of control generate.
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    Synonymy and the nonindividualistic model of the mental.Joseph Owens - 1986 - Synthese 66 (3):361 - 382.
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  27. Functionalism and Propositional Attitudes.Joseph Owens - 1983 - Noûs 17 (4):529.
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    IEEN workshop report: Professionalism in interdisciplinary and empirical bioethics.John Owens, Jonathan Ives & Alan Cribb - 2014 - Clinical Ethics 9 (4):109-112.
    The Interdisciplinary and Empirical Ethics Network was established in 2012 with funding from the Wellcome Trust in order to facilitate critical and constructive discussion around the nature of the disciplinary diversity within bioethics and to consider the ongoing development of bioethics as an evolving field of interdisciplinary study. In April 2013, the Interdisciplinary and Empirical Ethics Network organized a workshop at the Centre for Public Policy Research, King’s College London, which discussed the nature and possibility of professionalism within interdisciplinary and (...)
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    The acratic’s “ultimate premise” in Aristotle.Joseph Owens - 1985 - In Aristoteles - Werk Und Wirkung, Bd I, Aristoteles Und Seine Schule. De Gruyter. pp. 376-392.
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  30. Aesthetics and experience in music performance.E. Mackinlay, D. Collins & S. Owens (eds.) - 2005
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    Disjunctive Laws?David Owens - 1989 - Analysis 49 (4):197-202.
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  32. Knowing your own mind.David Owens - 2003 - Dialogue 42 (4):791-798.
    What is it to “know your own mind”? In ordinary English, this phrase connotes clear headed decisiveness and a firm resolve but in the language of contemporary philosophy, the indecisive and the susceptible can know their own minds just as well as anybody else. In the philosopher’s usage, “knowing your own mind” is just a matter of being able to produce a knowledgeable description of your mental state, whether it be a state of indecision, susceptibility or even confusion. What exercises (...)
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  33. Levels of explanation.David Owens - 1989 - Mind 98 (389):59-79.
  34. Duress, deception, and the validity of a promise.David Owens - 2007 - Mind 116 (462):293-315.
    An invalid promise is one whose breach does not wrong the promisee. I describe two different accounts of why duress and deception invalidate promises. According to the fault account duress and deception invalidate a promise just when it was wrong for the promisee to induce the promisor to promise in that way. According to the injury account, duress and deception invalidate a promise just when by inducing the promise in that way the promisee wrongs the promisor. I demonstrate that the (...)
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    Bound by convention: obligation and social rules.David Owens - 2022 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    How should we assess the social structures that govern human conduct and settle whether we are bound by their rules? One approach is to ask whether those social arrangements reflect pre-conventional facts about our nature. If they do, compliance will serve our interests because these rules are not just conventions. Another approach is to ask whether following a convention has desirable consequences. For example, the rule which makes the dollar bill legal tender is a convention and the great usefulness of (...)
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    Teleology of Nature in Aristotle.Joseph Owens - 1968 - The Monist 52 (2):159-173.
    I. An approach to the question of teleology in nature for Aristotle requires first of all a sufficiently clear understanding of the terms involved. In regard to the notion of teleology itself, there can hardly be any pertinent difficulty. The term is a modern one, and is quite definitely fixed in meaning by contemporary use. It seems to have been coined in eighteenth-century philosophical Latin to denote the study of final causes in nature. It became readily accepted in modern philosophical (...)
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  37. Introducing THE PHILOSOPHY OF CREATIVITY.Elliot Samuel Paul & Scott Barry Kaufman - 2014 - In Elliot Samuel Paul & Scott Barry Kaufman (eds.), The Philosophy of Creativity. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 3-14.
    Creativity pervades human life. It is the mark of individuality, the vehicle of self-expression, and the engine of progress in every human endeavor. It also raises a wealth of neglected and yet evocative philosophical questions: What is the role of consciousness in the creative process? How does the audience for a work for art influence its creation? How can creativity emerge through childhood pretending? Do great works of literature give us insight into human nature? Can a computer program really be (...)
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  38. Externalism, self-knowledge, and skepticism.Kevin Falvey & Joseph Owens - 1994 - Philosophical Review 103 (1):107-37.
    Psychological externalism is the thesis that the contents of many of a person's propositional mental states are determined in part by relations he bears to his natural and social environment. This thesis has recently been thrust into prominence in the philosophy of mind by a series of thought experiments due to Hilary Putnam and Tyler Burge. Externalism is a metaphysical thesis, but in this work I investigate its implications for the epistemology of the mental. I am primarily concerned with the (...)
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    Beyond Choice and Individualism: Understanding Autonomy for Public Health Ethics.J. Owens & A. Cribb - 2013 - Public Health Ethics 6 (3):262-271.
    Attention to individual choice is a valuable dimension of public health policy; however, the creation of effective public health programmes requires policy makers to address the material and social structures that determine a person’s chance of actually achieving a good state of health. This statement summarizes a well understood and widely held view within public health practice. In this article, we (i) argue that advocates for public health can and should defend this emphasis on ‘structures’ by reference to citizen autonomy (...)
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    The theological ethics of Herbert McCabe, op: A review essay.L. Roger Owens - 2005 - Journal of Religious Ethics 33 (3):571-592.
    Herbert McCabe, OP (d. 2001), was a significant theological figure in England in the last century. A scholar of Aquinas, he was also influenced by Wittgenstein and Marx, his reading of whom helped him articulate a distinctive Thomistic account of human embodiment that serves as a critique of other dominant approaches in ethics. This article shows McCabe's contribution to moral theology by placing his work in conversation with other important approaches, namely, situation ethics, proportionalism, and the New Natural Law Theory.
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    In defense of a different doppelganger.Joseph Owens - 1987 - Philosophical Review 96 (October):521-54.
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    A Non-expendable Heritage.Joseph Owens - 1972 - American Catholic Philosophical Association.
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  43. Aristoteles - Werk Und Wirkung, Bd I, Aristoteles Und Seine Schule.Joseph Owens - 1985 - De Gruyter.
  44. Presidential Address: Scholasticism Then and Now. --.Joseph Owens - 1966 - Catholic University of America.
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    The Autonomy of Psychology.David John Owens - 1988 - Dissertation, University of Oxford
  46. Thinking about political things: An Aristotelian approach to Pacific life [Book Review].John F. Owens - 2016 - The Australasian Catholic Record 93 (3):381.
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  47. The Contribution of Phenomenology to the Philosophy of Language: A Study of the Language Phenomenon in Heidegger and Merleau-Ponty.Wayne Dean Owens - 1982 - Dissertation, Depaul University
    This dissertation seeks to explicate the fundamental contributions of phenomenology to the philosophy of language as it is presently conceived in the Anglo-American tradition for which John Searle serves as the representative. They are the essence of language in the later essays of Martin Heidegger and the perspicacious description of the experience of speaking in Maurice Merleau-Ponty. ;After roughly describing the subjectivistic assumptions, the questions, and the goals of the philosophy of language in the works of Searle, the study proceeds (...)
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  48. The Philosophical Tradition of St. Michael's College, Toronto.Joseph Owens - 1979 - University of St. Michael's College Archives.
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    Total Quality Learning.Kathleen C. Owens - 1992 - Listening 27 (3):181-194.
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    Soul as Agent in Aquinas.Joseph Owens - 1974 - New Scholasticism 48 (1):40-72.
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