Results for 'Kevin Tracey'

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  1.  17
    Out of the margins: readers and the early modern (re-)emergence of mathematics.Kevin Gerard Tracey - forthcoming - Intellectual History Review.
    Reading Galileo: Scribal Technologies and The Two New Sciences, by Renée Raphael, Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University Press, 2017, ix + 265 pp., figs., bibl., index, £40.50 (cloth), ISBN 9781421421...
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    It takes guts to grow a brain.Betty Diamond, Patricio T. Huerta, Kevin Tracey & Bruce T. Volpe - 2011 - Bioessays 33 (8):588-591.
    A new study entitled “Normal gut microbiota modulates brain development and behavior”, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, requires that we reconsider the notion that the brain is an immune‐privileged site. The authors demonstrate that intestinal microbiota must be present within a set time‐frame for normal synaptogenesis to occur in the brain. In the absence of intestinal microbiota, histopathological and behavioral abnormalities arise. These observations necessitate a new look at the many interconnections of the immune system (...)
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    Book Review: Work, Life and Time: Diane Perrons, Colette Fagan, Kath Ray, Linda McDowell and Kevin Ward, eds Gender Divisions and Working Time in the New Economy: Changing Patterns of Work, Care and Public Policy in Europe and North America Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2006, xvi + 319 pp., ISBN 13: 978 1 84542 020 8. [REVIEW]Tracey Warren - 2007 - European Journal of Women's Studies 14 (4):359-361.
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  4. Transparency and Assurance Minding the Credibility Gap.Nicole Dando & Tracey Swift - 2003 - Journal of Business Ethics 44 (2/3):195 - 200.
    There is a growing realisation that the current upward trend in levels of disclosure of social, ethical and environmental performance by corporations and other organisations is not being accompanied by simultaneous greater levels of public trust. Low levels of confidence in the information communicated in public reporting is probably undermining the impetus for this disclosure. This article suggests that this credibility gap can be narrowed through the use of third party independent assurance. However, this is not an unqualified panacea. Much (...)
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  5. Material mathematics : British algebra as algorithmic mathematics.Kevin Lambert - 2022 - In Morgan G. Ames & Massimo Mazzotti, Algorithmic modernity: mechanizing thought and action, 1500-2000. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
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    Observations on ερεσσειν, μαστοσ and eur. Tro. 570-571.Kevin H. Lee - 1973 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 117 (1-2):264-266.
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    Against virtual community for a politics of distance.Kevin Robins - 1999 - Angelaki 4 (2):163 – 170.
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    Friendship in Aristotle and Buddhism: Confluences and Divergences.Kevin Taylor - 2021 - In Soraj Hongladarom & Jeremiah Joven Joaquin, Love and Friendship Across Cultures: Perspectives From East and West. Springer Singapore. pp. 37-53.
    This paper aims at a cross-cultural comparison between friendship in Aristotle and friendship in Buddhist traditions. Aristotle’s thorough analysis of friendship results in Buddhist concepts of friendship necessarily a sub-category as Aristotle deems friendship within religious communities to be a niche category of friendship. Although Buddhist notions of love and compassion are universally prescribed, monastic friendship is necessarily highly selective to be between like-minded individuals within a Buddhist community pursuing the shared end of enlightenment. Buddhism however offers three categories of (...)
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    Response to Colin Koopman's “Historical Critique or Transcendental Critique in Foucault: Two Kantian Lineages”.Kevin Thompson - 2010 - Foucault Studies 8:122-128.
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    On Joan Mellen In the Realm of the Senses.Kevin Teo Kia Choong - 2006 - Film-Philosophy 10 (1):78-82.
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    Plato and the Body: Reconsidering Socratic Asceticism by Coleen P Zoller.Kevin Crotty - 2019 - Review of Metaphysics 72 (3):619-621.
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    Norbert Hoerster: Was ist eine gerechte Gesellschaft? Eine philosophische Grundlegung.Kevin M. Dear - 2014 - Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 100 (3):404-407.
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  13. Dark times : the end of the republic and the beginning of Chinese philosophy.Kevin S. Decker - 2015 - In Jason T. Eberl & Kevin S. Decker, The Ultimate Star Wars and Philosophy: You Must Unlearn What You Have Learned. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
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  14.  23
    Schoolchildren’s transitive reasoning with the spatial relation ‘is left/right of’.Kevin Demiddele, Tom Heyman & Walter Schaeken - forthcoming - Thinking and Reasoning:1-31.
    We examine schoolchildren’s reasoning with spatial relations, such as ‘is to the left of’. Our aims are to obtain a more precise account of the effect of working memory on reasoning, a more detaile...
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  15.  8
    Planning for Spontaneity or Preparing for Kairos in the Classroom.Kevin Gary - 2016 - Philosophy of Education 72:250-252.
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    Going beyond intuitions: Reclaiming the philosophy in business ethics.Kevin Gibson - 2002 - Teaching Business Ethics 6 (2):151-166.
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    Foucault and the Iranian Revolution.Kevin Gray - 2007 - Symposium 11 (2):474-476.
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  18.  38
    Overcoming Statism from Within: The International Criminal Court and the Westphalian System.Kevin W. Gray & Kafumu Kalyalya - 2016 - Critical Horizons 17 (1):53-65.
    This paper argues that cosmopolitan law has been more successfully achieved not by appeal to a supra-state authority or community, but by the development of features of existing treaty law. Specifically, it shows how the International Criminal Court's jurisdiction over serious human rights violations has been extended to the citizens and territories of non-member states – and even to otherwise immune state officials – not by challenging the sovereignty of non-member states directly, but on the basis of member states’ own (...)
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  19.  25
    Theory Discovery and Hypothesis Language.Kevin T. Kelly - unknown
    This paper develops a framework in which to compare the discovery problems determined by a wide range of distinct hypothesis languages. Twelve theorems are presented which provide a comprehensive picture of the solvability of these problems according to four intuitively motivated criteria of scientific success.
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    How can economics be an inductive science?Kevin D. Hoover - 2009 - Economics and Philosophy 25 (2):202.
  21.  11
    Enquêtes et renseignement numérique dans la guerre en Ukraine.Kévin Limonier & Marie-Gabrielle Bertran - 2022 - Multitudes 89 (4):88-94.
    La guerre qui fait actuellement rage en Ukraine a initié un changement d’échelle dans le recours aux investigations numériques. Elle est le premier conflit de haute intensité qui se déroule dans une zone aussi largement couverte par Internet, et où l’utilisation des réseaux sociaux par les individus est une pratique habituelle. Manœuvres, assauts et exactions sont ainsi documentés en temps quasi réel et fournissent aux journalistes et observateurs des données sur le déroulement du conflit. Cependant, ces mêmes données sont analysées, (...)
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  22. A Defense of a Deflationary Theory of Self-Deception.Kevin Lynch - 2012 - Dissertation, Warwick University
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  23.  39
    Matthias Steup and Ernest Sosa : Contemporary Debates in Epistemology.Kevin McCain - 2013 - Science & Education 22 (5):1257-1263.
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  24. Front Yards.Kevin Melchionne - 2002 - In Arnold Berleant, The Environment and the Arts. Ashgate Press.
  25.  38
    Alice's discriminating palate.Kevin W. Sweeney - 1999 - Philosophy and Literature 23 (1):17-31.
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  26.  12
    The Arts and the New England Economy.Kevin V. Mulcahy - 1984 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 18 (3):122.
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    Motor equivalence and goal descriptors.Kevin G. Munhall - 1986 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 9 (4):615-616.
  28.  31
    Critical Craft: Technology, Globalization, and Capitalism ed. by Clare M. Wilkinson-Weber and Alicia Ory DeNicola.Kevin Murray - 2017 - Utopian Studies 28 (3):671-673.
    Craft in a modern context is more often a symbolic good rather than a utilitarian item. It carries stories of its production along with related values. Given the mute nature of the object, many of these narratives are projected by the consumer, which can often be based on fiction rather than reality. This makes ethnographic research, such as that collected in Critical Craft, of great importance.One of the principal structures addressed is the hierarchy of craft and design. Geoffrey Gowlland's "Materials, (...)
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  29. Punishment.Kevin Murtagh - 2005 - In [no title].
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  30. African Philosophy and Deep Ecology.Kenneth Abudu, Kevin Behrens & Elvis Imafidon (eds.) - 2025 - Routledge.
  31. Response to Levinas.Kevin McCain - 2006 - Gnosis 8 (1):66-71.
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  32. How is Art Presented to the Public.Kevin Melcbionne - 1998 - In Carolyn Korsmeyer, Aesthetics: The Big Questions. Malden, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 2--98.
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  33.  14
    Localism and the Administrative Foundations of American Public Broadcasting.Kevin V. Mulcahy - 1988 - The Journal of Aesthetic Education 22 (3):13.
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    Chesterton and Kenelm Henry Digby.Kevin L. Morris - 1985 - The Chesterton Review 11 (3):332-337.
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  35. Language and Thought.Kevin Mulligan - 1997 - Hawthorne: De Gruyter.
  36.  41
    Foundations of class compromise: A theoretical basis for understanding diverse patterns of regime outcomes.Kevin Neuhouser - 1993 - Sociological Theory 11 (1):96-116.
    Since 1945 regions undergoing dependent development have displayed a great diversity of regime outcomes. In contrast, the nations of the capitalist core have experienced relatively stable democratic regimes. In this paper I begin the development of a theoretical framework for comprehending these diverse patterns. I argue that regime outcomes vary across regions of the capitalist world economy because structural economic constraints also vary by region. Dependent economies are characterized by two major constraints: 1) the lack of a locally dynamic accumulation (...)
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  37.  63
    Experiencing God.Kevin Corcoran - 1999 - Sophia 38 (2):116-141.
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    Love of God, Love of Self, and Love of Neighbor.Kevin Corrigan - 2003 - Augustinian Studies 34 (1):97-106.
  39. Plotinus, Enneads 5, 4 [7], 2 and Related Passages: A New Interpretation of the Status of the Intelligible Object.Kevin Corrigan - 1986 - F. Steiner Verlag Wiesbaden.
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    Should we kill the messenger? The role of the surveillance complex in translation termination and mRNA turnover.Kevin Czaplinski, Maria J. Ruiz-Echevarria, Carlos I. González & Stuart W. Peltz - 1999 - Bioessays 21 (8):685-696.
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  41. Nationalism as dialectics: Ethnicity, moralism, and the state in early twentieth-century Japan.Kevin Doak - 1995 - In James W. Heisig & John C. Maraldo, Rude awakenings: Zen, the Kyoto school, & the question of nationalism. Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press. pp. 174--96.
  42.  31
    The motivational view of 'ought'.Kevin Donaghy - 1976 - Philosophical Studies 30 (1):39 - 43.
  43. Scientific thought.Kevin Dunbar - 2003 - In L. Nadel, Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science. Nature Publishing Group.
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  44. Implicit content and implicit processes in mass media use.Kevin Durkin - 1998 - In K. Kirsner & G. Speelman, Implicit and Explicit Mental Processes. Lawrence Erlbaum. pp. 273.
  45.  11
    Perimeter: A Contemporary Portrait of Lake Michigan.Kevin J. Miyazaki - 2014 - Wisconsin Historical Society Press.
    Commissioned by the Haggerty Museum of Art at Marquette University to create an artwork reflecting on the importance of freshwater, Milwaukee-based photographer Kevin J. Miyazaki embarked on a two-week, 1,800-mile drive around Lake Michigan. He traveled its perimeter, through Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, and Michigan, to produce what he calls “a contemporary portrait of Lake Michigan.” Miyazaki set up his portable studio on beaches, in parks, on boat docks, and in backyards, photographing those he met along the way. From residents, (...)
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  46.  24
    Rethinking the Discourse.Kevin Gibson - 2012 - Philosophy Now 88:16-18.
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  47. The counter-spiritual life.Kevin Hart - unknown
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    Preserving the Creation: Environmental Theology and Ethics.Kevin W. Irwin, Edmund D. Pellegrino & Judith L. Kissell - 1994
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  49.  42
    Naturalism logicized.Kevin Kelly - unknown
    The approach to scientific methodology developed in my recent book The Logic of Reliable Inquiry (LRI) shares many general features with that summarized in Larry Laudan’s concurrently published collection of papers Beyond Positivism and Relativism (BPR). Nonetheless, this fact might not be apparent, as my own work emphasizes mathematical theorems, whereas Laudan’s draws primarily upon historiography. It is, therefore, of some interest to discuss the extent of the agreement and the significance of the differences. More generally, the discussion will (I) (...)
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  50.  20
    Hanging up Kings: The Political Bible in Early Modern England.Kevin Killeen - 2011 - Journal of the History of Ideas 72 (4):549-570.
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