Results for 'Kenji Iohara'

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  1.  22
    Maurice Janet’s algorithms on systems of linear partial differential equations.Kenji Iohara & Philippe Malbos - 2020 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 75 (1):43-81.
    This article describes the emergence of formal methods in theory of partial differential equations in the French school of mathematics through Janet’s work in the period 1913–1930. In his thesis and in a series of articles published during this period, Janet introduced an original formal approach to deal with the solvability of the problem of initial conditions for finite linear PDE systems. His constructions implicitly used an interpretation of a monomial PDE system as a generating family of a multiplicative set (...)
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    Kenji Tsuda: Liberal Protestantism and Christian Studies at Kyoto University: A Case Study of Tetsutaro Ariga.Kenji Tsuda - 2020 - Journal for the History of Modern Theology/Zeitschrift für Neuere Theologiegeschichte 27 (1):12-19.
    Ariga Tetsutaro (1899–1977) war Professor für das Studium des Christentums an der Universität Kyoto und gehörte dort der zweiten Professoren-generation an. Er legte die Grundlagen der Patristik und der Erforschung des Christentums in Japan. In seinem Hauptwerk “Origenes” hatte er den Historismus in der Theologie erforscht, aber nachdem er seinen Dienst als Professor an der staatlichen Universität aufgenommen hatte, die die Trennung von Staat und Religion hochhielt, suchte er nach Wegen, ein ‘Studium des Christlichen’ zu etablieren, das sich von der (...)
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    The scientific object and material diplomacy: The shipment of radioisotopes from the United States to Japan in 1950.Kenji Ito - 2021 - Centaurus 63 (2):296-319.
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  4. Nishida Kitarō, sono kiseki to keifu (Kuwaki Genyoku, Tanabe Hajime, Kōsaka Masaaki, Yamauchi Tokuryū): tetsugaku no bungakuteki kōsatsu.Kenji Fujita - 1993 - Tōkyō: Hōsei Daigaku Shuppankyoku.
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  5. Rekishiteki sekai to ningen sonzai.Kenji Fujita - 1964
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  6.  10
    Sports as metaphor.Kenji Haga - 1990 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport and Physical Education 12 (2):95-105.
  7. Nishida tetsugaku to saha no hitotachi =.Kenji Hattori - 2000 - Tōkyō: Kobushi Shobō.
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    Explaining the "Mystery" of Ban Dainagon ekotoba.Matsuo Kenji - 2001 - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 28 (1-2):103-131.
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    Nihon no biishiki.Kenji Miyamoto - 2008 - Tōkyō: Kōbunsha.
    人間は「生」を得た瞬間から「死」という「滅び」に向かって生きている。そうであるからこそ「生」を尊ぶという考え方が日本の美をつくってきた。日本の美意識の基層をなし、自然に美を見いだした「優美」。演技を七 分にとどめ、完全に演じ切らないことを説いた世阿弥の「幽玄」。慢心する秀吉を戒め、侘びることを説いた利休の「侘び」。旅の途中で寂びつくして命つきることを願った芭蕉の「さび」。西欧文化の影響が背景にある「 きれい」。そして、二一世紀に世界を席巻する「かわいい」とは―。日本の美の潮流を俯瞰し、心のふるさとに耳をすます。.
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    Žižek and Lacanian Henology—With a “Silent Partner”.Kenji Nobutomo - 2018 - International Journal of Žižek Studies 12 (2).
    This article aims to clarify the meaning of henology for Lacan and Žižek. Žižek apparently rejects Neoplatonic way of thinking, but by considering Lacanian Henology through its origin, Etienne Gilson, Lacanian henology and Žižek’s Hegelian reading of the One become converged. Both of them think the movement of the One from one principle and its two aspects. The principle is that the One gives something that it does not have, and it corresponds to Lacanian definition of love. Regarding its two (...)
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  11. Chūgoku shisōshi no kenkyū.Kenji Shimada - 2002 - Kyōto-shi: Kyōto Daigaku Gakujutsu Shuppankai.
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  12.  6
    Die neo-konfuzianische Philosophie: die Schulrichtungen Chu Hsis und Wang Yang-mings.Kenji Shimada - 1979 - Hamburg: Gesellschaft für Natur- und Völkerkunde Ostasiens e.V..
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  13. Shin juka tetsugaku ni tsuite: Yū Jūriki no tetsugaku.Kenji Shimada - 1987 - Kyōto-shi: Dōhōsha.
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  14.  75
    Extended quantum logic.Kenji Tokuo - 2003 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 32 (5):549-563.
    The concept of quantum logic is extended so that it covers a more general set of propositions that involve non-trivial probabilities. This structure is shown to be embedded into a multi-modal framework, which has desirable logical properties such as an axiomatization, the finite model property and decidability.
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    Unified Interpretation of Quantum and Classical Logics.Kenji Tokuo - 2012 - Axiomathes (1):1-7.
    Quantum logic is only applicable to microscopic phenomena while classical logic is exclusively used for everyday reasoning, including mathematics. It is shown that both logics are unified in the framework of modal interpretation. This proposed method deals with classical propositions as latently modalized propositions in the sense that they exhibit manifest modalities to form quantum logic only when interacting with other classical subsystems.
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  16. Kokugaku no kenkyū.Kenji Ueda - 1981
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  17.  16
    Tracking Child Language Development With Neural Network Language Models.Kenji Sagae - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Recent work on the application of neural networks to language modeling has shown that models based on certain neural architectures can capture syntactic information from utterances and sentences even when not given an explicitly syntactic objective. We examine whether a fully data-driven model of language development that uses a recurrent neural network encoder for utterances can track how child language utterances change over the course of language development in a way that is comparable to what is achieved using established language (...)
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  18.  38
    EEG Correlates of the Flow State: A Combination of Increased Frontal Theta and Moderate Frontocentral Alpha Rhythm in the Mental Arithmetic Task.Kenji Katahira, Yoichi Yamazaki, Chiaki Yamaoka, Hiroaki Ozaki, Sayaka Nakagawa & Noriko Nagata - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  19. The Handbook of Brain Theory and Neural Networks.Kenji Doya - 2002
  20. Gendai no tetsugaku.Kenji Fujita, Yoshio Kayano & Keiichi Kashiwabara - 1970 - Gakubunsha. Edited by Yoshio Kayano, Kashiwabara, Keiichi & [From Old Catalog].
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  21. Gendai tetsugaku nyūmon.Kenji Fujita - 1974
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  22. Wakaki hitobito ni.Kenji Fujita - 1964
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  23. Die Linken der Kyoto-Schule und ihre Rezeptionsweise des Marxismus.Kenji Hattori - 2004 - Synthesis Philosophica 19 (1):129-138.
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  24. Shimin tetsugaku no kenkyū.Kenji Inoue - 1985 - Tōkyō: Hatsubaijo Keisō Shobō.
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  25.  24
    Report on the 32th Conference of Japan Society for the Philosophy of Sport and Physical Education.Kenji Ishigaki - 2011 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport and Physical Education 33 (1):41-44.
  26. Gendaishi e no shiza.Kenji Kawano - 1972
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  27. Kan shukansei no ningen kagaku: tasha kōi mono kankyō no gensetsu saikō ni mukete.Kenji Kawano, Hideo Tsuburaoka, Takuma Yogo & Shunji Ōta (eds.) - 1999 - Tōkyō: Gensōsha.
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  28.  10
    Classes of Activities in Clinical Laboratories: Practice, Research, or Else?Kenji Matsui & Shimon Tashiro - 2009 - Asian Bioethics Review 1 (3):281-284.
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  29. Sō Min no shisōshi.Kenji Matsukawa - 1982 - Sapporo: Hokkaidō Daigaku Tosho Kankōkai.
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  30.  26
    The Ethics of Non-Specific Consent to Unforeseen Uses of Biobanked Materials: Donors' Views and Rationales.Kenji Matsui - 2012 - Asian Bioethics Review 4 (2):115-126.
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  31.  11
    Agustín y el De dialectica: intención del autor.Kenji Mizuochi - 1995 - Augustinus 40 (156-159):207-213.
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  32.  1
    November 1857 Bis Februar 1858.Kenji Mori, Rolf Hecker, Izumi Omura & Atsushi Tamaoka - 2017 - De Gruyter.
    Der Band enthält die drei bislang unveröffentlichten "Krisenhefte" von Marx mit Exzerpten, Zeitungsausschnitten und Notizen, die 1857/1858 während der ersten Weltwirtschaftskrise entstanden sind. Die Materialsammlung dokumentiert Marx’ empirische Untersuchung dieser Krise, die er mit der Zusammenstellung und Systematisierung von Artikeln, Angaben und Kommentaren aus führenden Zeitungen wie "The Times", "The Morning Star", "The Standard", "The Manchester Guardian" und "The Economist" durchführte. In den Auszügen werden Wirtschafts- und Finanzfragen in den europäischen Ländern sowie den USA, China, Indien, Ägypten, Australien und Brasilien (...)
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    Optically Engineered Quantum States in Ultrafast and Ultracold Systems.Kenji Ohmori - 2014 - Foundations of Physics 44 (8):813-818.
    This short account summarizes our recent achievements in ultrafast coherent control of isolated molecules in the gas phase, and its ongoing applications to an ensemble of ultracold Rydberg atoms to explore quantum many-body dynamics.
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    Fūkei no seisan fūkei no kaihō: media no arukeorojī.Kenji Satō - 1994 - Tōkyō: Kōdansha.
  35. Shimbu no michi.Kenji Satō - 1943
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  36. Chūgoku ni okeru kindai shii no zasetsu.Kenji Shimada - 1970 - Chikuma Shobo.
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  37. Shushigaku to Yōmeigaku.Kenji Shimada - 1967 - Iwanami Shoten.
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  38.  7
    Gendai gengoron: Soshūru, Furoito, Wittogenshutain.Kenji Tatsukawa & Hiroaki Yamada - 1990 - Tōkyō: Shinʾyōsha. Edited by Hiroaki Yamada.
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    Kokugaku no kenkyū: sōsōki no hito to gyōseki.Kenji Ueda - 2005 - Tōkyō: Ātsu Ando Kurafutsu.
  40.  20
    Attentional Capture to a Singleton Distractor Degrades Visual Marking in Visual Search.Kenji Yamauchi, Takayuki Osugi & Ikuya Murakami - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Tanabe Hajime to Hiromatsu Wataru: kondakushita shisa to kihatsusuru tsūkaku no naka de.Kenji Yonemura - 2015 - Tōkyō-to Bunkyō-ku: Ochanomizu Shobō.
    田辺は自己の生を包摂する時代の趨勢と真摯に対峙し、廣松は「近代」の陥穽を注視し絶えず他者との協働を考察し続けた。この二人の視座から「啓蒙の弁証法」の陥穽に落ちた日本社会と日本人の「生の姿」を考えていく 。.
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  42. Ethical discrepancy between observational and experimental methodologies in research.Kenji Matsui - 2010 - Asian Bioethics Review 2 (3):218-228.
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  43.  28
    Grammatical description versus configurational arrangement in language acquisition: The case of relative clauses in Japanese.Kenji Hakuta - 1981 - Cognition 9 (3):197-236.
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  44.  61
    Informed consent to future research on stored tissue samples: the views of researchers, ethics review committee members and policy makers in five non-Western countries.Kenji Matsui, Alaa Abou Zeid, Zhang Xinqing, Benjamin Krohmal, Vasantha Muthuswamy, Young Mo Koo, David Wendler, Jesse Chao, Yoshikuni Kita & Reidar Lie - 2009 - Asian Bioethics Review 1 (4):401-416.
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  45.  8
    Review Mechanisms for Advanced Medical Therapies in Japan and Thailand: A Proposal for the Use of Expert Clinical Benefit Assessments at Designated Institutions.Kenji Matsui, Nipan Israsena, Jaranit Kaewkungwal, Pornpimon Adams, David Wendler & Reidar K. Lie - 2025 - Asian Bioethics Review 17 (1):101-115.
    Advanced new therapies, such as stem cell and gene therapies and xenotransplantation, represent challenges for regulatory and ethical review. Major drug agencies, such as in the U.S., India, and Europe, have asserted regulatory authority and require ethics review by local ethics review committees, using the same strict requirements as those for standard drug approvals. In spite of this, unapproved and undocumented stem cell clinics flourish in all of these places, suggesting that current approaches do not offer patients sufficient protection. Japan (...)
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  46. Recurrent networks: learning algorithms.Kenji Doya - 2002 - In Michael A. Arbib, The Handbook of Brain Theory and Neural Networks, Second Edition. MIT Press. pp. 955--960.
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  47. The Aesthetics of the Japanese Lunch-Box.Kenji Ekuan & David B. Stewart - 1999 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 57 (4):485-486.
  48. Supervised learning in recurrent networks.Kenji Doya - 1995 - In Michael A. Arbib, Handbook of Brain Theory and Neural Networks. MIT Press.
  49. Rekishi ni okeru shizen no ronri: Foierubahha, Marukusu, Kakehashi Akihide o chūshin ni.Kenji Hattori - 1990 - Tōkyō: Shinsensha.
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  50.  17
    The Sport Philosophy of World and the Philosophy of sport and PE. of Japan.Kenji Ishigaki - 2009 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport and Physical Education 31 (2):121-127.
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