Results for 'Kazuko Yamasaki'

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  1.  34
    Preferential attachment and growth dynamics in complex systems.Kazuko Yamasaki, Kaushik Matia, Fabio Pammolli, Sergey Buldyrev, Massimo Riccaboni, H. Eugene Stanley & Dongfeng Fu - manuscript
    Complex systems can be characterized by classes of equivalency of their elements defined according to system specific rules. We propose a generalized preferential attachment model to describe the class size distribution. The model postulates preferential growth of the existing classes and the steady influx of new classes. According to the model, the distribution changes from a pure exponential form for zero influx of new classes to a power law with an exponential cut-off form when the influx of new classes is (...)
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    The distribution of quantificational suffixes in Japanese.Kazuko Yatsushiro - 2009 - Natural Language Semantics 17 (2):141-173.
    The existential and universal quantifiers in Japanese both consist of two morphemes: an indeterminate pronoun and a quantificational suffix. This paper examines the distributional characteristics of these suffixes (ka for the existential quantifier and mo for the universal quantifier). It is shown that ka can appear in a wider range of structural positions than mo can. This difference receives explanation on semantic grounds. I propose that mo is a generalized quantifier. More specifically, I assume that the phrase headed by mo (...)
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    Opening remarks.Beatrice Yamasaki - 1973 - Philosophy East and West 23 (1/2):7-8.
  4. Kō Sōgi.Kazuko Ono - 1967
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  5. Seishin no haienatachi e no tegami.Kazuko Shiraishi - 1970
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    Visual and Proprioceptive Perceptions Evoke Motion-Sound Symbolism: Different Acceleration Profiles Are Associated With Different Types of Consonants.Kazuko Shinohara, Shigeto Kawahara & Hideyuki Tanaka - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    The Significance of Body-Mind Awareness in Physical Education.Kazuko Takahashi, Naofumi Masumoto & Takuro Endo - 2007 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport and Physical Education 29 (1):71-77.
  8. Yokubō bōryoku no rejīmu: yuragu hyōshō kakutōsuru riron.Kazuko Takemura (ed.) - 2008 - Tōkyō: Sakuhinsha.
  9.  28
    Reading "Little Women", Reading Motherhood in Japan.Kazuko Watanabe - 1999 - Feminist Studies 25 (3):698.
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    Bibliography: The publications of Charles A. Moore.Beatrice T. Yamasaki - 1967 - Philosophy East and West 17 (1/4):173-177.
  11. Die Einbildungskraft in Kants Philosophie (in Japanese).Kazuko Yamaguchi - 1978 - Bigaku 29.
    In kants kritik der reinen vernunft ist die urteilskraft ein vermogen, das besondere unter das allgemeine zu subsumieren. unter dieser bestimmenden urteilskraft wird die spontaneitat der einbildungskraft, die auf der subjektsseite von der urteilsform wirkt, durch die verstandesbegriffe, die die pradikatsseite ausmachen, beschrankt. trotzdem realisiert die einbildungskraft die verstandesbegriffe durch die produkzion der schemata. also muss die eigentliche spontaneitat der einbildungskraft darin bestehen, das intellektuelle ddrzustellen und zu realisieren. in kants kritik der urteilskraft ist die urteilskraft die reflektierende, zum besonderen (...)
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  12. Die Kunst beim spaten Schelling (in Japanese).Kazuko Yamaguchi - 1993 - Bigaku 44 (2):24-34.
    Der spate Schelling sieht aber in der Natur nicht mehr die gottliche Poesie, sondern das irrationale Prinzip, auf dem die "Unseligkeit alles Seins" beruht. In die Natur zu pflanzen bedeutet daher in die Unseligkeit des Lebens zu pflanzen. Beim spaten Schelling liegt das Grauen der Schonheit zugrunde. Der spate Schelling fordert von der Kunst, sowie von der Philosophie, die Starke, sich mit dem Leben zu messen und ihre Kraft aus der Wirklichkeit zu nehmen. Und diese Starke allein fuhrt den Menschen (...)
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  13.  32
    Within-Subject Correlation Analysis to Detect Functional Areas Associated With Response Inhibition.Tomoko Yamasaki, Akitoshi Ogawa, Takahiro Osada, Koji Jimura & Seiki Konishi - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  14.  3
    Kongen to ryūdō: Vorsokratiker, Herakleitos, Hegel ronkō.Teruo Yamasaki - 1985 - Tōkyō: Keiō Gijuku Daigaku Hōgaku Kenkyūkai.
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  15. Najwcześniejsze studium Schellinga o Platonie.Kazuko Yamaguchi - 1999 - Idea Studia nad strukturą i rozwojem pojęć filozoficznych 12 (12).
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    情報フロー理論と抽象の階層概念との統合に基づく情報の哲学の基礎的問題の解明.Sakiko Yamasaki - 2022 - Kagaku Tetsugaku 55 (1):1-45.
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  17.  52
    Extension of trigonometric and hyperbolic functions to vectorial arguments and its application to the representation of rotations and Lorentz transformations.H. Yamasaki - 1983 - Foundations of Physics 13 (11):1139-1154.
    The use of the axial vector representing a three-dimensional rotation makes the rotation representation much more compact by extending the trigonometric functions to vectorial arguments. Similarly, the pure Lorentz transformations are compactly treated by generalizing a scalar rapidity to a vector quantity in spatial three-dimensional cases and extending hyperbolic functions to vectorial arguments. A calculation of the Wigner rotation simplified by using the extended functions illustrates the fact that the rapidity vector space obeys hyperbolic geometry. New representations bring a Lorentz-invariant (...)
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  18. From Dewey to Kinokuni : an intellectual and professional journey in Japan.Yoko Yamasaki - 2016 - In Peter Cunningham & Ruth Heilbronn, Dewey in our time: learning from John Dewey for transcultural practice. London: UCL Institute of Education Press, University College London.
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  19. Gensō to satori.Masakazu Yamasaki - 1977
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  20. Meiyo kakumei no ningenzō.Tokihiko Yamasaki - 1952
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  21.  27
    Three-dimensional analysis of platinum supercrystals by transmission electron microscopy and high-angle annular dark-field scanning transmission electron microscopy observations.J. Yamasaki, N. Tanaka, N. Baba, H. Kakibayashi & O. Terasaki - 2004 - Philosophical Magazine 84 (25-26):2819-2828.
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  22. Teiyāru do Sharudan: mirai e no toikake.Yōichirō Yamasaki - 1971 - Tōkyō: Kōdansha.
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    The Association Between Locus of Control and Psychopathology: A Cross-Cohort Comparison Between a UK (Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children) and a Japanese (Tokyo Teen Cohort) Cohort.Sarah Sullivan, Syudo Yamasaki, Shuntaro Ando, Kaori Endo, Kiyoto Kasai, Iryna Culpin, Christina Dardani, Stanley Zammit & Atsushi Nishida - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Background: An external locus of control is associated with poorer psychopathology in individualist cultures, but associations are reported to be weaker in collectivist cultures where an external style is less maladaptive. We investigated the prospective association between externality and psychotic-like experiences and depressive symptoms and compared the strength of associations between a UK and a Japanese cohort.Method: Cross-cultural cohort study of a UK and a Japanese cohort. Externality was assessed using the Children's Nowicki and Strickland Internal, External Scale and DS (...)
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    Social Change and the Individual, Japan before and after Defeat in World War II.George A. DeVos & Kazuko Tsurumi - 1972 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 92 (4):558.
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  25.  34
    Crystallographic nature of deformation bands shown in Zn and Mg-based long-period stacking ordered phase.Koji Hagihara, Michiaki Yamasaki, Masahito Honnami, Hitoshi Izuno, Masakazu Tane, Takayoshi Nakano & Yoshihito Kawamura - 2015 - Philosophical Magazine 95 (2):132-157.
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  26.  15
    A Study of Japanese Syntax.S. -Y. Kuroda & Kazuko Inoue - 1972 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 92 (2):353.
  27. A Study of Consciousness in Farming and Fishing Villagers: Religious Faith through Festivals of Gods! Sumiko Hattorr 147 Eliciting the Maturity in Structural Knowledge through Concepts Sorting Task.Hiroshi Maeda & Kazuko Shinohara - 1999 - Educational Studies 41:301.
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  28.  15
    Participation gouvernementale et adaptation organisationnelle : une analyse qualiquantitative comparée des partis écologistes en Europe occidentale.Benoît Rihoux & Sakura Yamasaki - 2003 - Res Publica 45 (1):143-171.
    This contribution explores the reciprocal links between the organisational transformation of Western European Green parties and the access of some of these parties to national government participation. On the one hand, a series of hypotheses with regard to the possible link between prior organisational adaptation and eventual access to governmental participation are examined. On the other hand, the opposite question is addressed : that of the potential impact of governmental participation on further organisational adaptation. Following both a qualitative and Qualitative (...)
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  29.  28
    Makiko's Diary: A Merchant Wife in 1910 Kyoto.Laurel Rasplica Rodd & Kazuko Smith - 1996 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 116 (4):758.
  30.  40
    Semantics and pragmatics: from experiment to theory.Uli Sauerland & Kazuko Yatsushiro (eds.) - 2009 - Basingstoke: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    This volume comprises thirteen original research papers and three overview papers presenting new work using a number of experimental techniques from psycho- and neurolinguistics in the three key areas of current semantics and pragmatics: implicature, negation and presupposition.
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    Individual differences in the Simon effect are underpinned by differences in the competitive dynamics in the basal ganglia: An experimental verification and a computational model.Andrea Stocco, Nicole L. Murray, Brianna L. Yamasaki, Taylor J. Renno, Jimmy Nguyen & Chantel S. Prat - 2017 - Cognition 164 (C):31-45.
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  32. Ainu Aesthetics.Mara Miller & Koji Yamasaki - forthcoming - In Minh Nguyen, New Studies in Japanese Aesthetics. Lexington Books.
    Ainu artists were invited to make “replicas” of traditional Ainu arts held in an important museum collection and describe their choices, process and results. The resulting Ainu aesthetics challenges—and changes—our understanding of aesthetics and the philosophy of art, on four levels: descriptive aesthetics, categorical aesthetics (the categories through which the Ainu understand aesthetic value), implications of these aesthetics for a variety of human activities such as museum practice and daily life, and the implications of the first three for our broader (...)
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    Descolonizando o currículo escolar e o ensino de história: Agudás, os retornados a África.Ana Lúcia Da Silva & Teresa Kazuko Teruya - 2020 - Odeere 5 (10):41-69.
    O objetivo deste artigo é analisar a letra do samba-enredo: “Agudás: os que levaram a África no coração e trouxeram para o coração da África, o Brasil”. Que contribuição este enredo oferece ao ensino de História da África e cultura afro-brasileira? Oferece uma memória histórica inédita ao carnaval carioca, dando visibilidade ao povo negro que retornou à África antes da abolição da escravidão no Brasil em 1888. Assim, propõe desconstruir o paradigma eurocêntrico e construir caminhos para a descolonização do currículo (...)
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  34.  30
    Altered visual information processing systems in bipolar disorder: evidence from visual MMN and P3.Toshihiko Maekawa, Satomi Katsuki, Junji Kishimoto, Toshiaki Onitsuka, Katsuya Ogata, Takao Yamasaki, Takefumi Ueno, Shozo Tobimatsu & Shigenobu Kanba - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
  35.  53
    The Japanese on American Intellectual HistoryHistory of American Thought.Robert S. Schwantes, Abe Kozo, Minami Hiroshi, Tsurumi Shunsuke & Tsurumi Kazuko - 1954 - Journal of the History of Ideas 15 (3):466.
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    The Status System and Social Organization of Satsuma: A Translation of the Shūmon Tefuda Aratame JōmokuThe Status System and Social Organization of Satsuma: A Translation of the Shumon Tefuda Aratame Jomoku.Conrad Totman, Torao Haraguchi, Robert K. Sakai, Mitsugu Sakihara, Kazuko Yamada & Masato Matsui - 1978 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 98 (2):184.
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  37.  13
    Decomposition in early stages of learning novel morphologically derived words: The impact of linear vs. non-linear structure.Upasana Nathaniel, Stav Eidelsztein, Kate Girsh Geskin, Brianna L. Yamasaki, Bracha Nir, Vedran Dronjic, James R. Booth & Tali Bitan - 2023 - Cognition 240 (C):105604.
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    Yamasaki, G 1998 - John the Baptist in life and death: audience-orientated criticism of Matthew's narrative.Evert-Jan Vledder - 2000 - HTS Theological Studies 56 (2/3).
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    Meaningful Emptiness: Ground Zero 1.Wayne Andersen - 2003 - The European Legacy 8 (1):5-11.
    According to the most ancient Greeks, the planet Earth was created by a battle among gods. That battle happened before human beings were put on Earth. On 11 September 2001, a battle, said to be between the god of Muslims and the god of Jews and Christians, removed 3,000 humans from the earth. "Praise Allah!" said the Muslim terrorist, "for helping us kill that many." "Thank God," said the Jew and the Christian, "for saving so many others." What a misuse (...)
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