Results for 'Katie Holmes'

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  1.  13
    “Data is the new oil”: citizen science and informed consent in an era of researchers handling of an economically valuable resource.Gerardine Doyle, Katie Kirkwood, Eamonn Ambrose, Aileen K. Ho, David M. Doyle, Ingrid Holme & Etain Quigley - 2021 - Life Sciences, Society and Policy 17 (1):1-13.
    As with other areas of the social world, academic research in the contemporary healthcare setting has undergone adaptation and change. For example, research methods are increasingly incorporating citizen participation in the research process, and there has been an increase in collaborative research that brings academic and industry partners together. There have been numerous positive outcomes associated with both of these growing methodological and collaborative processes; nonetheless, both bring with them ethical considerations that require careful thought and attention. This paper addresses (...)
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  2. Rolston's Theory of Value.Katie McShane - 2007 - In Christopher J. Preston and Wayne Ouderkirk, Nature, Value, Duty: Life on Earth with Holmes Rolston, III. Springer.
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    Caring for Nature: What Science and Economics Can't Teach Us but Religion Can.Holmes Rolston Iii - 2006 - Environmental Values 15 (3):307 - 313.
    Neither ecologists nor economists can teach us what we most need to know about nature: how to value it. The Hebrew prophets claimed that there can be no intelligent human ecology except as people learn to use land justly and charitably. Lands do not flow with milk and honey for all unless and until justice rolls down like waters. What kind of planet ought we humans wish to have? One we resourcefully manage for our benefits? Or one we hold in (...)
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    Do We Understand Historically How Experimental Knowledge is Acquired?Frederic L. Holmes - 1992 - History of Science 30 (2):119-136.
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    The "Revolution in Chemistry and Physics": Overthrow of a Reigning Paradigm or Competition between Contemporary Research Programs?Frederic Holmes - 2000 - Isis 91 (4):735-753.
  6.  28
    Nature, the Genesis of Value, and Human Understanding.Holmes Rolston Iii - 1997 - Environmental Values 6 (3):361 - 364.
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    The challenge of the new millennium.Holmes Rolston Iii - 2012 - The Philosophers' Magazine 59 (59):30-37.
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    The Human Standing in Nature.Holmes Rolston Iii - 1986 - Bowling Green Studies in Applied Philosophy 8:90-101.
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  9. The evidence for repression: An examination of sixty years of research.David S. Holmes - 1990 - In Jerome L. Singer, Repression and Dissociation: Implications for Personality Theory, Psychopathology and Health. University of Chicago Press. pp. 85--102.
  10.  25
    Killing for the state: the darkest side of American nursing.Dave Holmes & Cary Federman - 2003 - Nursing Inquiry 10 (1):2-10.
    The aim of this article is to bring to the attention of the international nursing community the discrepancy between a pervasive ‘caring’ nursing discourse and a most unethical nursing practice in the United States. In this article, we present a duality: the conflict in American prisons between nursing ethics and the killing machinery. The US penal system is a setting in which trained healthcare personnel practice the extermination of life. We look upon the sanitization ofdeathworkas an application of healthcare professionals’ (...)
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    Cognitive dynamical models as minimal models.Travis Holmes - 2021 - Synthese 199 (1):2353-2373.
    The debate over the explanatory nature of cognitive models has been waged mostly between two factions: the mechanists and the dynamical systems theorists. The former hold that cognitive models are explanatory only if they satisfy a set of mapping criteria, particularly the 3M/3m* requirement. The latter have argued, pace the mechanists, that some cognitive models are both dynamical and constitute covering-law explanations. In this paper, I provide a minimal model interpretation of dynamical cognitive models, arguing that this both provides needed (...)
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    Mentor as Sculptor, Makeover Artist, Coach, or CEO: Evaluating Contrasting Models for Mentoring Undergraduates' Mesearch Toward Publishable Research.Kevin J. Holmes & Tomi-Ann Roberts - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
  13.  37
    Feeling Beyond Rules: Politicizing the Sociology of Emotion and Anger in Feminist Politics.Mary Holmes - 2004 - European Journal of Social Theory 7 (2):209-227.
    The part anger plays in motivating political action is frequently noted, but less is said about ways in which anger continues to be a part of how people do politics. This article critically assesses approaches to emotions that emphasize managing anger in accordance with ‘feeling rules’. It reflects on the utility of Marxist notions of conflict as the engine of change for the understanding of how anger operates in political life. This involves understanding the ambivalence of anger and its operation (...)
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    Representation of Functions and Total Antisymmetric Relations in Monadic Third Order Logic.M. Randall Holmes - 2019 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 48 (2):263-278.
    We analyze the representation of binary relations in general, and in particular of functions and of total antisymmetric relations, in monadic third order logic, that is, the simple typed theory of sets with three types. We show that there is no general representation of functions or of total antisymmetric relations in this theory. We present partial representations of functions and of total antisymmetric relations which work for large classes of these relations, and show that there is an adequate representation of (...)
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  15. Emerging into the rainforest: Emergence and special science ontology.Alexander Franklin & Katie Robertson - 2024 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 14 (4):1-26.
    Scientific realists don’t standardly discriminate between, say, biology and fundamental physics when deciding whether the evidence and explanatory power warrant the inclusion of new entities in our ontology. As such, scientific realists are committed to a lush rainforest of special science kinds (Ross, 2000). Viruses certainly inhabit this rainforest – their explanatory power is overwhelming – but viruses’ properties can be explained from the bottom up: reductive explanations involving amino acids are generally available. However, reduction has often been taken to (...)
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  16.  39
    How and when does syntax perpetuate stereotypes? Probing the framing effects of subject-complement statements of equality.Kevin J. Holmes, Evan M. Doherty & Stephen J. Flusberg - 2022 - Thinking and Reasoning 28 (2):226-260.
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    Cognitive extra-mathematical explanations.Travis Holmes - 2022 - Synthese 200 (2):1-23.
    This paper advances the view that some explanations in cognitive science are extra-mathematical explanations. Demonstrating the plausibility of this interpretation centers around certain efficient coding cases which ineliminably enlist information theoretic laws, facts and theorems to identify in-principle, mathematical constraints on neuronal information processing capacities. The explanatory structure in these cases is shown to parallel other putative instances of mathematical explanation. The upshot for cognitive mathematical explanations is thus two-fold: first, the view capably rebuts standard mechanistic objections to non-mechanistic explanation; (...)
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  18. Disability Rights as a Necessary Framework for Crisis Standards of Care and the Future of Health Care.Laura Guidry-Grimes, Katie Savin, Joseph A. Stramondo, Joel Michael Reynolds, Marina Tsaplina, Teresa Blankmeyer Burke, Angela Ballantyne, Eva Feder Kittay, Devan Stahl, Jackie Leach Scully, Rosemarie Garland-Thomson, Anita Tarzian, Doron Dorfman & Joseph J. Fins - 2020 - Hastings Center Report 50 (3):28-32.
    In this essay, we suggest practical ways to shift the framing of crisis standards of care toward disability justice. We elaborate on the vision statement provided in the 2010 Institute of Medicine (National Academy of Medicine) “Summary of Guidance for Establishing Crisis Standards of Care for Use in Disaster Situations,” which emphasizes fairness; equitable processes; community and provider engagement, education, and communication; and the rule of law. We argue that interpreting these elements through disability justice entails a commitment to both (...)
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  19. Psychopathic disorder: a category mistake?C. A. Holmes - 1991 - Journal of Medical Ethics 17 (2):77-85.
    Although the concept of psychopathy retains its currency in British psychiatry, apparently being meaningful as well as useful to practitioners (1), it is often taken to refer to a purely legal category with social control functions rather than a medical diagnosis with treatment implications. I wish, in this brief article, to suggest that it is essentially, and most usefully, an ethical category which stands outside the diagnostic framework of present-day psychiatry.
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  20. On the Epistemic Roles of the Individualized Niche Concept in Ecology, Behavioral and Evolutionary Biology.Marie I. Kaiser & Katie H. Morrow - 2025 - Philosophy of Science 92:162–184.
    We characterize four fruitful and underappreciated epistemic roles played by the concept of an individualized niche in contemporary biology, utilizing results of a qualitative empirical study conducted within an interdisciplinary biological research center. We argue that the individualized niche concept (1) shapes the research agenda of the center, (2) facilitates explaining core phenomena related to inter-individual differences, (3) helps with managing individual-level causal complexity, and (4) promotes integrating local knowledge from ecology, evolutionary biology, behavioral biology and other biological fields. We (...)
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  21.  61
    Pacifism: A Philosophy of Nonviolence.Robert L. Holmes - 2016 - New York: Bloomsbury.
    In a world riven with conflict, violence and war, this book proposes a philosophical defense of pacifism. It argues that there is a moral presumption against war and unless that presumption is defeated, war is unjustified. Leading philosopher of non-violence Robert Holmes contends that neither just war theory nor the rationales for recent wars defeat that presumption, hence that war in the modern world is morally unjustified. A detailed, comprehensive and elegantly argued text which guides both students and scholars (...)
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  22. Issues in Reproductive Technology.Helen Bequaert Holmes - 1996 - Science and Society 60 (2):243-246.
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    Introduction to applied ethics.Robert L. Holmes - 2018 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    How do you decide what is ethically wrong and right? Few people make moral judgments by taking the theory first. Specifically written with the interests, needs, and experience of students in mind, this textbook approaches thinking ethically as you do in real life – by first encountering practical moral problems and then introducing theory to understand and integrate the issues. Built around engaging case studies from news media, court hearings, famous speeches and philosophical writings, each of the 15 chapters: - (...)
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    Explainable AI tools for legal reasoning about cases: A study on the European Court of Human Rights.Joe Collenette, Katie Atkinson & Trevor Bench-Capon - 2023 - Artificial Intelligence 317 (C):103861.
  25. Feminist perspectives in medical ethics.D. Wertz, J. Fletcher, B. Holmes & L. Purdy - 1992 - In Helen B. Holmes & Laura Martha Purdy, Feminist Perspectives in Medical Ethics. Indiana University Press.
  26.  45
    “Surprise” and the Bayesian Brain: Implications for Psychotherapy Theory and Practice.Jeremy Holmes & Tobias Nolte - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
  27.  76
    Feminist Perspectives in Medical Ethics.Helen B. Holmes & Laura Martha Purdy (eds.) - 1992 - Indiana University Press.
    The fields of medical ethics, bioethics, and women's studies have experienced unprecedented growth in the last forty years. Along with the rapid pace of development in medicine and biology, and changes in social expectations, moral quandaries about the body and social practices involving it have multiplied. Philosophers are uniquely situated to attempt to clarify and resolves these questions. Yet the subdiscipline of bioethics still in large part reflects mainstream scholars' lack of interest in gender as a category of analysis. This (...)
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  28.  29
    Toward an ontology of the mutant in the health sciences: Re/defining the person from Cronenberg's perspective.Dave Holmes, Pier-Luc Turcotte, Simon Adam, Jim Johansson & Lauren Orser - 2024 - Nursing Inquiry 31 (1):e12599.
    Traditional health sciences (including nursing) paradigms, conceptual models, and theories have relied heavily upon notions of the ‘person’ or ‘patient’ that are deeply rooted in humanistic principles. Our intention here, as a collective academic assemblage, is to question taken‐for‐granted definitions and assumptions of the ‘person’ from a critical posthumanist perspective. To do so, the cinematic works of filmmaker David Cronenberg offer a radical perspective to revisit our understanding of the ‘person’ in nursing and beyond. Cronenberg's work explores bodily transformation and (...)
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    Academics and practitioners: nurses as intellectuals.Colin A. Holmes - 2002 - Nursing Inquiry 9 (2):73-83.
    Academics and practitioners: nurses as intellectualsIn the author's experience, nurse educators working in universities generally accept that they are ‘academics’, but dismiss suggestions that they are ‘intellectuals’ because they see it as a pretentious description referring to a small number of academics and aesthetes who inhabit a conceptual world beyond the imaginative capacity of most other people. This paper suggests that the concept of the ‘intellectual’, if not the word itself, be admitted into nursing discourse through the adoption of a (...)
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    A Call to Heal Medicine.Helen Bequaert Holmes - 1989 - Hypatia 4 (2):1 - 8.
    Authors in this special Hypatia issue seem called to heal ethics, medicine, and the new field - medical ethics. After explaining why feminists should feel this calling, I group authors' contributions as responses to questions: 1. Why hasn't medical ethics already healed medicine? 2. What role should 'caring' play? 3. Must we first heal science? 4. Are we calling health a virtue? 5. Why haven't the many medical ethics books helped? 6. How do our sisters in sociology support us?
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    Civic Education in Ten Countries.Brian Holmes, J. V. Torney, A. N. Oppenheim & R. F. Farnen - 1978 - British Journal of Educational Studies 26 (1):94.
  32.  15
    Ethical lawyering in the Anthropocene.Vivien Holmes - 2023 - Legal Ethics 26 (2):201-218.
    Law must evolve to play its part in addressing the anthropogenic threats of climate change and biodiversity loss. Lawyers have a key role to play in assisting that evolution, and the ethics that govern lawyers’ work will play a large part in determining its success. This article explains how four core approaches to legal ethics support lawyers in their work to address climate change and to facilitate more sustainable ways of living.
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    Macrina the Younger: Philosopher of God. By Anna M. Silvas.Stephen Augustine Holmes - 2011 - Heythrop Journal 52 (5):854-856.
  34. Nisi credidero non intelligam. The neo-Anselmian theory of categories in S. Korner and the later Collingwood.S. Holmes - 1973 - Rivista Di Studi Crociani 10:28-42.
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    Notes on Lucan.Nigel Holmes - 1991 - Classical Quarterly 41 (1):272-274.
    ‘Phoceus’is ambiguous. It could mean ‘Phocian, of Phocis’, and thus ‘Massilian’. Massilia was founded by refugees from Phocaea; but Latin writers sometimes put instead Phocis, a name which Lucan also used for Massilia. Alternatively it could be a proper name appropriate to a Massilian. It is difficult to decide between the two readings: while no other participant is mentioned simply as a Roman or a Greek, some do appear unnamed. I prefer to see ‘Phoceus’as the swimmer's name. It seems attractive (...)
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    Portus Itius.T. Rice Holmes - 1914 - The Classical Review 28 (06):193-196.
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    Postdisciplinarity in mental health‐care: an Australian viewpoint.Colin A. Holmes - 2001 - Nursing Inquiry 8 (4):230-239.
    Postdisciplinarity in mental health‐care: an Australian viewpointThis paper outlines some of the powerful forces progressively undermining the conceptual and practical foundations upon which the major disciplines have been established, and dissolving the boundaries which have traditionally distinguished them from each other, particularly those disciplines involved in the healthcare enterprise. It discusses some of the implications of these processes for mental health nursing, and champions a new cadre of ‘postdisciplinary’ staff, comprising a graduate generic mental healthcare worker and a postgraduate clinical (...)
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    Principles of contraception: a handbook for the general practitioner.E. M. Holmes - 1936 - The Eugenics Review 28 (1):70.
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    Reminiscences and Reflections. Hans Krebs.Frederic Holmes - 1983 - Isis 74 (2):296-297.
  40.  12
    Remembering Their History: Memories of Irish Migratory Agricultural. Workers in Scotland.Heather Holmes - 2002 - Human Affairs 12 (2):139-152.
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    Symmetry as a Criterion for Comprehension Motivating Quine’s ‘New Foundations’.M. Randall Holmes - 2008 - Studia Logica 88 (2):195-213.
    A common objection to Quine's set theory "New Foundations" is that it is inadequately motivated because the restriction on comprehension which appears to avert paradox is a syntactical trick. We present a semantic criterion for determining whether a class is a set which motivates NF.
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    South African Environments into the 21st Century.Iii Holmes Rolston - 1992 - Environmental Ethics 14 (1):87-91.
  43. Spiritual Evolution as a Gospel of Salvation and a Principle of Conduct.Edmond Holmes - 1923 - Hibbert Journal 22:311.
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  44.  65
    ‘Something Much Too Plain to Say’: Towards a Defence of the Doctrine of Divine Simplicity.Stephen R. Holmes - 2001 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 43 (1):137-154.
    In diesem Aufsatz wird die Auffassung entwickelt, daß die Lehre von der Einfachheit Gottes erstens theologisch sinnvoll vertreten werden kann und sich zweitens für die Gotteslehre als hilfreich erweist. Der erste Argumentationsgang weist nach, daß die Kritik an der Lehre von der Einfachheit Gottes, die in den letzten Jahren mehrheitlich vorgetragen worden ist, auf einem Mißverständnis beruht. Es wird unterstellt, daß diese Lehre eine Ontologie voraussetzt, die faktisch in den traditionellen Ausformungen der Lehre von der Einfachheit Gottes gänzlich fehlt. Vor (...)
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    Signifying Practices.Colin Holmes - 1995 - Nursing Inquiry 2 (4):241-242.
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    Science, sensitivity and the sociozoological scale: Constituting and complicating the human-animal boundary at the 1875 Royal Commission on Vivisection and beyond.Tarquin Holmes - 2021 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 90 (C):194-207.
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    Some writings of William Torrey Harris.Brian Holmes - 1956 - British Journal of Educational Studies 5 (1):47-66.
  48. Terrestrial and extraterrestrial altruism.I. I. I. Holmes Rolston - 2014 - In Douglas A. Vakoch, Extraterrestrial altruism: evolution and ethics in the cosmos. New York: Springer.
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    The American Hegelians.Brian Holmes - 1974 - British Journal of Educational Studies 22 (2):210.
  50.  81
    Toward a Nonviolent American Revolution.Robert L. Holmes - 2011 - The Acorn 14 (2):5-14.
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