Results for 'Gerardine Doyle'

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  1.  13
    “Data is the new oil”: citizen science and informed consent in an era of researchers handling of an economically valuable resource.Gerardine Doyle, Katie Kirkwood, Eamonn Ambrose, Aileen K. Ho, David M. Doyle, Ingrid Holme & Etain Quigley - 2021 - Life Sciences, Society and Policy 17 (1):1-13.
    As with other areas of the social world, academic research in the contemporary healthcare setting has undergone adaptation and change. For example, research methods are increasingly incorporating citizen participation in the research process, and there has been an increase in collaborative research that brings academic and industry partners together. There have been numerous positive outcomes associated with both of these growing methodological and collaborative processes; nonetheless, both bring with them ethical considerations that require careful thought and attention. This paper addresses (...)
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    Mediaeval Philosophical Texts in Translation.John P. Doyle - 2001
    Annotation Scholars of medieval scholastic philosophy as well as those who study semiotics will appreciate this side-by-side translation, with introduction, by Doyle (Saint Louis U.) of a late 16th-early 17th century Jesuit text. The text (its name is taken from the U. of Coimbra, in Portugal, where the authors taught) contains commentaries on Aristotle, as part of a course in philosophy, particularly logic. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (
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    Parent moral distress in serious pediatric illness: A dimensional analysis.Kim Mooney-Doyle & Connie M. Ulrich - 2020 - Nursing Ethics 27 (3):821-837.
    Background: Moral distress is an important and well-studied phenomenon among nurses and other healthcare providers, yet the conceptualization of parental moral distress remains unclear. Objective: The objective of this dimensional analysis was to describe the nature of family moral distress in serious pediatric illness. Design and methods: A dimensional analysis of articles retrieved from a librarian-assisted systematic review of Scopus, CINAHL, and PsychInfo was conducted, focusing on how children, parents, other family members, and healthcare providers describe parental moral distress, both (...)
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    Desire for Parenthood in Context of Other Life Aspirations Among Lesbian, Gay, and Heterosexual Young Adults.Doyle P. Tate & Charlotte J. Patterson - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Accepter sa vulnérabilité. Rester vivant jusqu'au bout.Marie-Odile Gérardin - 2009 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 1 (1):95-108.
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    Mémoire constructive, imagination et voyage mental dans le temps.Loraine Gérardin-Laverge - 2017 - Cahiers Philosophiques 149 (2):23-40.
    Au sujet de la mémoire on a couramment deux présupposés. En parlant de la mémoire, on semble la considérer comme une faculté unifiée. Et on a l’habitude de la penser comme une faculté conservatrice. C’est pourtant une image bien différente qui émerge de la recherche contemporaine. Dans ce texte, nous proposons une histoire de l’émergence de l’hypothèse d’une dimension constructive de la mémoire épisodique, en dégageant trois dimensions de la construction : une dimension culturelle, une dimension intersubjective, et une dimension (...)
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    Critical Network Literacy: Humanizing Professional Development for Educators.Kira J. Baker-Doyle - 2023 - Harvard Education Press.
    _This practical and forward-focused book presents a framework that uses social infrastructure to produce effective and inclusive professional development options in education._ Although technology has increased our capacity for social networking both in the digital space and face-to-face, Kira J. Baker-Doyle contends that most professional development opportunities for educators are still fundamentally asocial. She calls for the adoption of humanizing network practices to create meaningful continuing education experiences that leverage the collective knowledge, expertise, and social capital of educators to (...)
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    Hircocervi & other metaphysical wonders: essays in honor of John P. Doyle.Victor M. Salas & John P. Doyle (eds.) - 2013 - Milwaukee, Wisconsin: Marquette University Press.
    A student of Étienne Gilson and Joseph Owens, John P. Doyle taught medieval and Scholastic philosophy at Saint Louis University for forty years. Of continuing interest to Doyle has been the thought of Francisco Suárez, S.J. On this topic Doyle has published over a dozen articles and four English translations of portions of Suárez's key works. This volume celebrates the life and career of one of those rare kinds of scholars who has mastered an entire field of (...)
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    The Myth of Eugene O'Neill.Doyle - 1964 - Renascence 17 (2):59-62.
  10.  21
    United States Normative Attitudes for Pursuing Parenthood as a Function of Gender, Sexual Orientation, and Age.Doyle P. Tate - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Decisions about whether or not to become a parent are significant parts of normative human development. Many studies have shown that married different-sex couples are expected to become parents, and that many social pressures enforce this norm. For same-sex couples, however, much less is known about social norms surrounding parenthood within marriage. This study examined injunctive norms and descriptive norms for the pursuit of parenthood as a function of age, gender, and sexual orientation. Participants in an internet survey included 1020 (...)
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  11.  22
    The moral implications of the subversion of the Nonproliferation Treaty regime.Thomas Doyle - 2009 - Ethics and Global Politics 2 (2):131-154.
    All non-nuclear-weapon states are morally and legally obliged by the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT) to refrain from acquiring nuclear weapons. These obligations cannot be overridden for reasons of mere prudence. Only (i) material breaches of the treaty and/or a corresponding; (ii) ‘fundamental change in circumstances’ (rebus sic stantibus) that undermines the integrity of the NPT may override states parties’ legal nonproliferation duties. More than the violations of the NPT by ‘rogue’ states like North Korea or Iran, I argue that the (...)
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    Listening to algorithms: The case of self‐knowledge.Casey Doyle - forthcoming - European Journal of Philosophy.
    This paper begins with the thought that there is something out of place about offloading inquiry into one's own mind to AI. The paper's primary goal is to articulate the unease felt when considering cases of doing so. It draws a parallel between the use of algorithms in the criminal law: in both cases one feels entitled to be treated as an exception to a verdict made on the basis of a certain kind of evidence. Then it identifies an account (...)
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    Fanon's Lexical Intervention: Writing Blackness in Black Skin, White Masks.Doyle Calhoun - 2020 - Paragraph 43 (2):159-178.
    This essay provides a subtly new reading of Frantz Fanon's Peau noire, masques blancs through a re-examination of one of its key terms: noirceur, or ‘blackness’. Whi...
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  14.  36
    Father X Builds a Bridge.Doyle - 1925 - Modern Schoolman 1 (4):1-4.
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    The Education of Behavior.Doyle - 1925 - Modern Schoolman 1 (5):9-9.
  16. Some Questions on Signs.John P. Doyle - 2003 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 65 (3):588-588.
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  17. The Perspectival Unity of Nietzsche’s Metaphysics.Tsarina Doyle - 2008 - Yearbook of the Irish Philosophical Society.
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    Review essay / empowering and restraining the police: How to accomplish both.James F. Doyle - 1992 - Criminal Justice Ethics 11 (1):52-57.
    Howard S. Cohen and Michael Feldberg, Power and Restraint: The Moral Dimension of Police Work, New York Praeger, 1991; xvii + 166 pp.
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    Security versus autonomy motivation in Anthony Giddens' concept of agency.Doyle Paul Johnson - 1990 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 20 (2):111–130.
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    H. J. Bridges vs Clarence Darrow.Doyle - 1925 - Modern Schoolman 1 (3):1-4.
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    The Myth of Eugene O'Neill (Continued).Doyle - 1964 - Renascence 17 (2):81-81.
  22.  24
    Unreal objects: Digital materialities, technoscientific projects and political realities, Kate O’Riordan. [REVIEW]Julie Doyle - 2018 - Feminist Theory 19 (3):390-392.
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  23. Freeloading through the revolution.Andrew Doyle - 2013 - Agora (History Teachers' Association of Victoria) 48 (3):47.
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  24. On Mill, Walzer and Non-Intervention.Michael Doyle - 2013 - In Yitzhak Benbaji & Naomi Sussmann, Reading Walzer. New York: Routledge.
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    Democracy as Socio-Cultural Project of Individual and Collective Sovereignty.Natalie Doyle - 2003 - Thesis Eleven 75 (1):69-95.
    French political philosophy has experienced a renewal over the last twenty years. One of its leading projects is Marcel Gauchet’s reflection on democracy and religion. This project situates itself within the context of the French debate on modernity and autonomy launched by the work of Cornelius Castoriadis. Gauchet’s work makes a significant contribution to this debate by building on the pioneering work of Lefort on the political self-instituting capacity of modern societies and the associated shift from religion to ideology. It (...)
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  26. Nietzsche's Justification of the Will to Power.Tsarina Doyle - 2001 - Pli 11:79-102.
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  27. Ringers for Belief.Casey Doyle - 2019 - In Casey Doyle, Joseph Milburn & Duncan Pritchard, New Issues in Epistemological Disjunctivism. New York: Routledge. pp. 345-365.
    This chapter examines an epistemological disjunctivist treatment of self-knowledge of belief. More specifically, it considers whether such a Disjunctivism is confronted by a familiar objection facing Disjunctivism about perceptual knowledge. The objection is this: given that good and bad cases are subjectively indistinguishable, one cannot take oneself to be in the good case, when one is, by reflection alone, as Disjunctivists claim. Some philosophers have argued that the objection does not apply to the case of self-knowledge; I argue they are (...)
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    How (not) to study Descartes' Regulae.Bret Lalumia Doyle - 2009 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 17 (1):3-30.
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  29. (1 other version)Socratic Methods.James Doyle - 2012 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 42:39-75.
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    Non-monotonic logic I.Drew McDermott & Jon Doyle - 1980 - Artificial Intelligence 13 (1-2):41-72.
  31.  17
    What Does It Mean to Be Human? Life, Death, Personhood and the Transhumanist Movement.D. John Doyle - 2018 - Springer Verlag.
    This book is a critical examination of the philosophical and moral issues in relation to human enhancement and the various related medical developments that are now rapidly moving from the laboratory into the clinical realm. In the book, the author critically examines technologies such as genetic engineering, neural implants, pharmacologic enhancement, and cryonic suspension from transhumanist and bioconservative positions, focusing primarily on moral issues and what it means to be a human in a setting where technological interventions sometimes impact strongly (...)
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    Multiple Realities: The Changing Life Worlds of Actors.Charlotte L. Doyle - 2016 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 47 (2):107-133.
    This is an empirical phenomenological interview study into the experiences of professional actors as they create and perform roles for the stage. Prior research was inadequate for capturing actors’ changing life worlds over time. Analyzing the interviews using the descriptive phenomenological method yielded general structural descriptions and pointed to the relevance of Schütz’s description of multiple realities. Being cast in a role changes the pace and goals of actors’ everyday worlds and leads the actors intermittently and with intention to enter (...)
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  33.  8
    Alienation, Self-Blindness, and the Concept of Belief.Casey Doyle - 2025 - In Adam Andreotta & Benjamin Winokur, New perspectives on transparency and self-knowledge. New York, NY: Routledge. pp. 142-165.
    Richard Moran and Matthew Boyle have objected to a variety of accounts of self-knowledge of belief on the grounds that they depict us, in possessing that knowledge, as alienated from our beliefs. The idea of alienation is meant to capture something important about the first-person perspective and to help us rule out competing accounts of self-knowledge. Moran and Boyle’s claim is that standing in a first-personal relation to one’s belief involves both knowing what one believes and occupying the perspective of (...)
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    A truth maintenance system.Jon Doyle - 1979 - Artificial Intelligence 12 (3):231-272.
  35. Introduction : Marcel Gauchet : his work in context.Natalie J. Doyle & Sean McMorrow - 2022 - In Natalie Doyle & Sean McMorrow, Marcel Gauchet and the Crisis of Democratic Politics. New York: Routledge.
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  36. Perspectives on women in management research; introduction.Wendy Doyle - 1990 - Journal of Business Ethics (Jbe 9:243-5.
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    The ethics of concurrent care for children: A social justice perspective.Kim Mooney-Doyle, Jessica Keim-Malpass & Lisa C. Lindley - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (5):1518-1527.
    Recent estimates indicate that over 40,000 children die annually in the United States and a majority have life-limiting conditions. Children at end of life require extensive healthcare resources, including multiple hospital readmissions and emergency room visits. Yet, many children still suffer from symptoms at end of life—including fatigue, pain, dyspnea, and anxiety—with less than 10% of these children utilizing hospice care services. A critical barrier to pediatric hospice use was the original federal regulations associated with the hospice care that required (...)
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  38. Can a Picture Prove a Theorem? Using Empirical Methods to Investigate Visual Proofs by Induction.Josephine Relaford-Doyle & Rafael Núñez - 2019 - In Andrew Aberdein & Matthew Inglis, Advances in Experimental Philosophy of Logic and Mathematics. London: Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 95-121.
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    Building a New Life in Britain: The Skills, Experiences and Aspirations of Young Syrian Refugees.Georgios Karyotis, Ben Colburn, Lesley Doyle, Kristinn Hermannsson, Gareth Mulvey & Dimitris Skleparis - 2018 - Project Report.
    This report, the first of the project, presents original research evidence based on 1,516 face-to-face interviews with young Syrian international protection beneficiaries and applicants, 18-32 years old, which were conducted in the UK, Lebanon and Greece, between April and October 2017. Key findings from this comparative analysis inform our policy recommendations concerning the settlement, training and skills provision for young forced migrants in the UK. Key Findings: - Young Syrian refugees in the UK have the highest levels of skills and (...)
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  40. Andrew Feenberg and Jim Freedman, When Poetry Ruled the Streets. The French May Events of 1968.N. Doyle - 2002 - Thesis Eleven 68:122-124.
  41. Computability and computational complexity.Patrick Doyle - 2003 - In L. Nadel, Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science. Nature Publishing Group.
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    Detectionless processing with semantic activation? A footnote to greenwald, Klinger, and Liu.J. R. Doyle - 1990 - Mem Cognit 17 (1):35-47.
  43. Farhad Khosrokhavar, Les Nouveaux Martyrs d'Allah.N. Doyle - 2004 - Thesis Eleven 76:115-119.
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  44. Ratzinger on Prayer.Brett Doyle - 2009 - The Australasian Catholic Record 86 (3):328.
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  45. The Death: The Horror of the Plague [Book Review].Andrew Doyle - 2010 - Agora (History Teachers' Association of Victoria) 45 (1):65.
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  46. Ways of War and Peace: Realism, Liberalism, and Socialism.Michael W. Doyle - 1997 - W W Norton & Company.
    Examines political philosophies of the classic theorists as a means to understand international dilemmas in the post-Cold War world.
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  47. Brian Nelson (ed.), Forms of Commitment: Intellectuals in Contemporary France.N. Doyle - 1997 - Thesis Eleven 49:117-127.
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  48. Environment and Politics.Timothy Doyle, Doug Mceachern, John Barry, Vernon Pratt, Jane Howarth & Emily Brady - 2002 - Environmental Values 11 (1):97-102.
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    Marcel Gauchet and the loss of common purpose: imaginary Islam and the crisis of European democracy.Natalie Doyle - 2017 - Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books.
    French post-Marxist theory and Gauchet's model of critique -- French post-Marxist theory and the political : Gauchet and religion -- Gauchet and the genesis of modern society -- The legacy of French sociology and anthropology : Gauchet and the question of the post-secular -- The crisis of European democracy : the neo-liberal ideology and political radicalization.
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  50. The rhetoric of prostitution.Jennifer Doyle - 2009 - In Jack Amariglio, Joseph W. Childers & Stephen Cullenberg, Sublime economy: on the intersection of art and economics. New York: Routledge.
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