Results for 'Kathy Heffernan'

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  1.  34
    Service, Justice and Power at the University.Gary Chamberlain & Kathy Heffernan - 2000 - Journal for Peace and Justice Studies 11 (1):27-48.
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    Ethical Scholarship and Information Overload.Kathy Hytten - 2017 - Philosophy of Education 73:149-161.
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    Poetic and Legal Fiction in the Aristotelian Tradition.Kathy Eden - 1986 - Princeton University Press.
    When Philip Sidney defends poetry by defending the methods used by poets and lawyers alike, he relies on the traditional association between fiction and legal procedure--an association that begins with Aristotle. In this study Kathy Eden offers a new understanding of this tradition, from its origins in Aristotle's Poetics and De Anima, through its development in the psychological and rhetorical theory of late antiquity and the Middle Ages, to its culmination in the literary theory of the Renaissance. Originally published (...)
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  4. Narrative Aversion: Challenges for the Illness Narrative Advocate.Kathy Behrendt - 2017 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 42 (1):50-69.
    Engaging in self-narrative is often touted as a powerful antidote to the bad effects of illness. However, there are various examples of what may broadly be termed “aversion” to illness narrative. I group these into three kinds: aversion to certain types of illness narrative; aversion to illness narrative as a whole; and aversion to illness narrative as an essentially therapeutic endeavor. These aversions can throw into doubt the advantages claimed for the illness narrator, including the key benefits of repair to (...)
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    De -ismos, materialismos y "otras cosas".Julián Jiménez Heffernan - 2023 - Azafea: Revista de Filosofia 25:199-238.
    Treinta y seis años después de su publicación original en 1982, se publica de nuevo el libro de Felipe Martínez Marzoa titulado La filosofía de El capital (Abada, Madrid, 2018). En este artículo persigo identificar las debilidades de una propuesta, presentada como original por su autor, que no ha sido corregida en su nueva versión. Dicha propuesta viene a decir que la teoría del valor presente en el primer libro de El capital exhibe una constitución ontológica indisociable de la condición (...)
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    From Social Justice to Criminal Justice: Poverty and the Administration of Criminal Law.William C. Heffernan & John Kleinig (eds.) - 2000 - Oxford University Press USA.
    The economically deprived come into contact with the criminal court system in disproportionate number. This collection of original, interactive essays, written from a variety of ideological perspectives, explores some of the more troubling questions and ethical dilemmas inherent in this situation. The contributors, including well-known legal and political philosophers Philip Pettit, George Fletcher, and Jeremy Waldron, examine issues such as heightened vulnerability, indigent representation, and rotten social background defenses.
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  7. Leadership: The Search for a Metaphor.Kathy Broad - 2002 - Journal of Thought 37 (1):25-36.
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    (1 other version)Carolyn Steel: Sitopia: how food can save the world.Andrew Heffernan - 2021 - Agriculture and Human Values 38 (2):597-598.
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    Dimensions of justice: ethical issues in the administration of criminal law.William C. Heffernan - 2015 - Burlington, Massachusetts: Jones & Bartlett Learning.
    Thinking about justice -- The possibility of a justice convention -- The justice convention continued: Deliberating about the proper scope of public protection -- The justice convention continued: Deliberating about the appropriate response to wrongdoing -- The justice convention continued: Deliberating about criminal procedure -- The justice convention concluded: Deliberating about equality -- From natural law to human rights -- Nuremberg and beyond: the creation oa a system of international criminal justice -- Transitional justice: New democracies grapple with their past (...)
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    Some doubts about Turing machine arguments.James D. Heffernan - 1978 - Philosophy of Science 45 (December):638-647.
    In his article “On Mechanical Recognition” R. J. Nelson brings to bear a branch of mathematical logic called automata theory on problems of artificial intelligence. Specifically he attacks the anti-mechanist claim that “[i]nasmuch as human recognition to a very great extent relies on context and on the ability to grasp wholes with some independence of the quality of the parts, even to fill in the missing parts on the basis of expectations, it follows that computers cannot in principle be programmed (...)
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    ‘Sometimes it Feels like the Twin Towers Fell on our Heads Too’: East London Women and the War on Terror.Elane Heffernan - 2008 - Feminist Review 88 (1):128-139.
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  12. Two Approaches to.William C. Heffernan - 2001 - In Willa M. Bruce (ed.), Classics of administrative ethics. Boulder: Westview Press. pp. 313.
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    Using university rankings as a potential indicator of student experiences in American higher education.Troy A. Heffernan - 2019 - Perspectives: Policy and Practice in Higher Education 23 (1):12-17.
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    Traumatic Stress and Its Aftermath: Cultural, Community, and Professional Contexts.James A. W. Heffernan - 2013 - Routledge.
    Explore the aftermath of traumatic stress as it affects various populations, including therapists themselves! This book will educate you about the aftermath of traumatic stress as it impacts people in a variety of settings. It explores the factors that lead to increased or reduced vulnerability to the effects of traumatic stress, emphasizing the impact of cumulative/multiple trauma rather than the effects of a single traumatic incident, to help you design and implement effective prevention and intervention programs. The specific populations and (...)
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    Editor's introduction.William C. Heffernan - 1994 - Criminal Justice Ethics 13 (2):3-4.
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  16. Stopping the traffic in women: Power, agency and abolition in feminist debates over sex-trafficking.Kathy Miriam - 2005 - Journal of Social Philosophy 36 (1):1–17.
  17.  10
    Isagoge in die phänomenologische Apophantik: Eine Einführung in die Phänomenologische Urteilslogik durch die Auslegung des Textes der Formalen und transzendentalen Logik von Edmund Husserl.George Heffernan & Edmund Husserl - 1989 - Springer.
    Erstmals lemte ich die Formale und transzendentale Logik von Edmund HusserI - damals noch in der hervorragenden englischen Ubersetzung von D. Cairns: Formal and transcendental Logic - im Herbstsemester 1977 kennen, als ich als cando phil. an der School of Philosophy der Catholic University of America in Washington, D. C., an einem Hauptseminar daruber bei Herm Prof. Dr. Robert Sokolowski teilnahm. Das an diesem Text, was mich sofort interessierte und seitdem interessiert, ist die Art und Weise, wie HusserI den "natiirIichen (...)
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  18. Intersectionality as buzzword: A sociology of science perspective on what makes a feminist theory successful.Kathy Davis - 2008 - Feminist Theory 9 (1):67-85.
    Since its inception, the concept of `intersectionality' — the interaction of multiple identities and experiences of exclusion and subordination — has been heralded as one of the most important contributions to feminist scholarship. Despite its popularity, there has been considerable confusion concerning what the concept actually means and how it can or should be applied in feminist inquiry. In this article, I look at the phenomenon of intersectionality's spectacular success within contemporary feminist scholarship, as well as the uncertainties and confusion (...)
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    Folding Souls or the Real Self?: The Theories of Self of Roy Bhaskar and Nicholas Rose through the Case of Five Visual Artists.Kathy Pitt - 2010 - Journal of Critical Realism 9 (2):172-198.
    Arguments about the discursive shaping of our inner lives explain the shaping powers of normalising forces on individual and collective social action, but, I argue here, do not adequately account for the actions of those who choose to follow alternative ways of being. Meta- Reality brings into this picture those aspects of being that are ‘beyond language’, and theorises human consciousness as stratified. I argue that it provides a fuller theoretical explanation for the motivations of five contemporary British visual artists. (...)
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  20. Remaking the She-Devil: A Critical Look at Feminist Approaches to Beauty.Kathy Davis - 1991 - Hypatia 6 (2):21 - 43.
    Cosmetic surgery provides a problematic case for feminist theorizing about femininity and women's relationship with their bodies. Feminist accounts of femininity and beauty are unable to explain cosmetic surgery without undermining the women who opt for it. I argue that cosmetic surgery may have less to do with beauty and more to do with being ordinary, taking one's life into one's own hands, and determining how much suffering is fair.
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  21.  26
    The Singularity of our Inhabited World: William Whewell and A. R. Wallace in Dissent.William C. Heffernan - 1978 - Journal of the History of Ideas 39 (1):81.
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    (1 other version)Constituting feminist subjects.Kathi Weeks - 1998 - Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.
    What remains as an ongoing project, Weeks contends, is creating a theory of the constitution of subjects to account for the processes of social construction. This book presents one such account.
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    Parents' rights and educational policy.Kathie Forster - 1989 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 21 (1):47–52.
  24.  6
    The Surprise Question and Serious Illness Conversations: A pilot study.Kathy Le, Jenny Lee, Sameer Desai, Anita Ho & Holly van Heukelom - 2021 - Nursing Ethics 28 (6):1010-1025.
    Background: Serious Illness Conversations aim to discuss patient goals. However, on acute medicine units, seriously ill patients may undergo distressing interventions until death. Objectives: To investigate the feasibility of using the Surprise Question, “Would you be surprised if this patient died within the next year?” to identify patients who would benefit from early Serious Illness Conversations and study any changes in the interdisciplinary team’s beliefs, confidence, and engagement as a result of asking the Surprise Question. Design: A prospective cohort pilot (...)
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    Essay review: technopolitics, development and the residues of the South African state.Anne Heffernan - forthcoming - British Journal for the History of Science:1-5.
    It has been thirty years since the end of political apartheid in South Africa in 1994. Those decades have been marked by single-party dominance under the African National Congress (ANC), and the expansion of democratic rights and public goods like education, as well as neoliberal economic policies, growing inequality and, in recent years, corruption and maladministration scandals. On the heels of a historic election in May 2024, one which marked the end of the ANC's electoral dominance and was shaped, in (...)
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    Stein’s Critique of Husserl’s Transcendental Idealism.George Heffernan - 2021 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 95 (3):455-479.
    Stein claims that Husserl’s transcendental idealism makes it impossible to clarify the transcendence of the world because it posits that consciousness constitutes being. Inspired by Aquinas, Stein counters that making thinking the measure of being deprives what is of its epistemological and ontological independence from and primacy over what thinks. She contends that this approach inverts the natural relationship between the mind and the world. Given the complicated relationship between them, however, the question is whether Stein’s argument that Husserl lacked (...)
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  27.  35
    Scaling-Up: A Marxist Feminist Archive.Kathi Weeks - 2021 - Feminist Studies 47 (3):842-870.
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    Adorno's Materialist Ethic of Love.Kathy J. Kiloh - 2019 - In Peter Eli Gordon (ed.), A companion to Adorno. Hoboken: Wiley. pp. 601–613.
    Adorno's philosophical project hinges on two claims about the mimetic impulse: it is a universal impulse, from which we cannot be liberated; and it is historically mediated, which means that, over time, it takes different forms. Western philosophy, according to Adorno, has repressed the role of mimesis in human life. As a result, reified subjectivity is often misrecognized as freedom. Adorno develops a materialist ethic that exposes and counters the Idealist narratives involved in this suppression. Further, this materialist ethic identifies (...)
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    Private and Public Corruption.William C. Heffernan & John Kleinig (eds.) - 2004 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    The book roots corruption in the idea of a departure from conventional standards, and thus offers an account not only of its corrosiveness but also of its malleability and controversiality. In the course of a broadranging exploration, it examines various links between private and public corruption, connecting the latter with other social and political structures.
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    No Justification to Exclude State Ward from Pediatric Transplant Research.Kathy J. Forte & Emily E. Anderson - 2022 - American Journal of Bioethics 22 (4):87-89.
    With an overall estimated 5-year survival rate of 67 percent, bone marrow transplant is a potential cure for patients with primary immune regulatory diseases. Given that Sa...
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  31. A few opinions on sentencing enhancement for hate crimes.Chief Justice Heffernan - forthcoming - Criminal Justice Ethics.
  32.  41
    From “Pure Democracy” to ‘Pure Republic’.George Heffernan - 1987 - Philosophy Research Archives 13:1-62.
    In key numbers of The Federalist Publius argues that the only good form of popular government is republican popular government and that the only good form of republican popular government is federal republican popular government. Essential to both arguments is the distinction between “democracy” and “republic”; By the former Publius means a form of popular government in which the citizens assemble in person and administer the affairs of government directly, so that such a society must be confined to a small (...)
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  33. Learned societies.Michael Heffernan - 2011 - In John A. Agnew & David N. Livingstone (eds.), The SAGE handbook of geographical knowledge. Los Angeles: SAGE.
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    Resistance in educational leadership, management and administration.Amanda Heffernan, Pat Thomson & Jill Blackmore (eds.) - 2024 - New York: Routledge.
    This edited volume brings together a range of perspectives on Educational Leadership, Management and Administration (ELMA) and various theories of resistance or compliance along with how policy and politics play out in school communities. The book makes a significant contribution to debates around theorising educational leadership and the implications of discourses on schooling and the politics of education. It brings together a broad array of international scholars to examine theories of resistance in ELMA and establish a resistance-oriented agenda for critical (...)
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    Essays in Memory of Richard Helgerson: Laureations.Kathy Lavezzo & Roze Hentschell (eds.) - 2011 - University of Delaware Press.
    Essays in Memory of Richard Helgerson: Laureations brings together new essays by leading literary scholars of the British and European middle ages and early modern period who have been influenced by the groundbreaking scholarship of Richard Helgerson. The contributors evince the ongoing impact of Helgerson's work in critical debates including those of nationalism, formal analysis, and literary careerism.
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  36. Beyond a rebarbative commitment to consent.Kathy Liddell - 2009 - In Oonagh Corrigan (ed.), The limits of consent: a socio-ethical approach to human subject research in medicine. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Caring and Gnosis: Moral Implications for Nursing.Kathy Pike Parker - 1990 - In Madeleine M. Leininger (ed.), Ethical and moral dimensions of care. Detroit: Wayne State University Press.
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    Memory for Childhood Events: How Suggestible Is It?Kathy Pezdek & Chantal Roe - 1994 - Consciousness and Cognition 3 (3-4):374-387.
    The veracity of children′s memory is frequently doubted because it is assumed that first, children′s memory is generally not very good, and second, children and their memories are too vulnerable to suggestibility to be credible. In this article these two assumptions are evaluated and three experiments are presented that address constraints on the construct of suggestibility. In the first experiment, it is reported that memory for a more frequently occurring event is more resistant to suggestibility than is memory for an (...)
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  39. Ecologie et religion en Russie: crainte de la fin des temps et profusion utopique.Kathy Rousselet - 1994 - Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie 96:145-163.
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    Revisiting standpoint theory.Kathy Rudy - 1999 - Theory and Event 3 (3).
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    The reproduction of America.Kathy Rudy - 1994 - Journal of Medical Humanities 15 (4):201-215.
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    " Hours for What We Will": Work, Family, and the Movement for Shorter Hours.Kathi Weeks - 2009 - Feminist Studies 35 (1):101-127.
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    Autistic Self-Advocacy and the Neurodiversity Movement: Implications for Autism Early Intervention Research and Practice.Kathy Leadbitter, Karen Leneh Buckle, Ceri Ellis & Martijn Dekker - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The growth of autistic self-advocacy and the neurodiversity movement has brought about new ethical, theoretical and ideological debates within autism theory, research and practice. These debates have had genuine impact within some areas of autism research but their influence is less evident within early intervention research. In this paper, we argue that all autism intervention stakeholders need to understand and actively engage with the views of autistic people and with neurodiversity as a concept and movement. In so doing, intervention researchers (...)
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    Politics and Affect in Black Women's Fiction.Kathy Glass - 2017 - Lexington Books.
    This book offers original readings of classic and contemporary black texts, highlighting the pain of racism and love-based strategies of antiracist resistance. Kathy Glass gives sustained attention to the impact of racist affect on the black body and how black women writers deploy emotional states to move readers to progressive political action.
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  45. Toward a Professional Responsibility Theory of Public Relations Ethics.Kathy Fitzpatrick & Candace Gauthier - 2001 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 16 (2-3):193-212.
    This article contributes to the development of a professional responsibility theory of public relations ethics. Toward that end, we examine the roles of a public relations practitioner as a professional, an institutional advocate, and the public conscience of institutions served. In the article, we review previously suggested theories of public relations ethics and propose a new theory based on the public relations professional's dual obligations to serve client organizations and the public interest.
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  46. The Unaccountable Subject: Judith Butler and the Social Conditions of Intersubjective Agency.Kathy Dow Magnus - 2006 - Hypatia 21 (2):81 - 103.
    Judith Butler's Kritik der ethischen Gewalt represents a significant refinement of her position on the relationship between the construction of the subject and her social subjection. While Butler's earlier texts reflect a somewhat restricted notion of agency, her Adorno Lectures formulate a notion of agency that extends beyond mere resistance. This essay traces the development of Butler's account of agency and evaluates it in light of feminist projects of social transformation.
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    Observed Workplace Incivility toward Women, Perceptions of Interpersonal Injustice, and Observer Occupational Well-Being: Differential Effects for Gender of the Observer.Kathi N. Miner & Lilia M. Cortina - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Neural Adaptations Associated with Interlimb Transfer in a Ballistic Wrist Flexion Task.Kathy L. Ruddy, Anne K. Rudolf, Barbara Kalkman, Maedbh King, Andreas Daffertshofer, Timothy J. Carroll & Richard G. Carson - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
  49.  49
    1 Embody-ing Theory.Kathy Davis - 1997 - In Embodied practices: feminist perspectives on the body. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications. pp. 1--1.
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    Who owns intersectionality? Some reflections on feminist debates on how theories travel.Kathy Davis - 2020 - European Journal of Women's Studies 27 (2):113-127.
    Feminist scholars have increasingly expressed their worries about the depoliticization of intersectionality since it has travelled from its point of origin in US Black feminist theory to the shores of Europe. They have argued that the subject for which the theory was intended has been displaced, that Black feminists have been excluded from the discussion, and that white European feminists have usurped all the credit for intersectionality as theory. Intersectionality has been transformed into a product of the neoliberal academy rather (...)
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