Results for 'Katherine Tarca'

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  1.  51
    Colorblind in control: The risks of resisting difference amid demographic change.Katherine Tarca - 2005 - Educational Studies 38 (2):99-120.
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  2. Social Structures and the Ontology of Social Groups.Katherine Ritchie - 2018 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 100 (2):402-424.
    Social groups—like teams, committees, gender groups, and racial groups—play a central role in our lives and in philosophical inquiry. Here I develop and motivate a structuralist ontology of social groups centered on social structures (i.e., networks of relations that are constitutively dependent on social factors). The view delivers a picture that encompasses a diverse range of social groups, while maintaining important metaphysical and normative distinctions between groups of different kinds. It also meets the constraint that not every arbitrary collection of (...)
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  3. The Metaphysics of Social Groups.Katherine Ritchie - 2015 - Philosophy Compass 10 (5):310-321.
    Social groups, including racial and gender groups and teams and committees, seem to play an important role in our world. This article examines key metaphysical questions regarding groups. I examine answers to the question ‘Do groups exist?’ I argue that worries about puzzles of composition, motivations to accept methodological individualism, and a rejection of Racialism support a negative answer to the question. An affirmative answer is supported by arguments that groups are efficacious, indispensible to our best theories, and accepted given (...)
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  4. What are groups?Katherine Ritchie - 2013 - Philosophical Studies 166 (2):257-272.
    In this paper I argue for a view of groups, things like teams, committees, clubs and courts. I begin by examining features all groups seem to share. I formulate a list of six features of groups that serve as criteria any adequate theory of groups must capture. Next, I examine four of the most prominent views of groups currently on offer—that groups are non-singular pluralities, fusions, aggregates and sets. I argue that each fails to capture one or more of the (...)
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  5. Should We Use Racial and Gender Generics?Katherine Ritchie - 2019 - Thought: A Journal of Philosophy 8 (1):33-41.
    Recently several philosophers have argued that racial, gender, and other social generic generalizations should be avoided given their propensity to promote essentialist thinking, obscure the social nature of categories, and contribute to oppression. Here I argue that a general prohibition against social generics goes too far. Given that the truth of many generics require regularities or systematic rather than mere accidental correlations, they are our best means for describing structural forms of violence and discrimination. Moreover, their accuracy, their persistence in (...)
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  6. Essentializing Language and the Prospects for Ameliorative Projects.Katherine Ritchie - 2021 - Ethics 131 (3):460-488.
    Some language encourages essentialist thinking. While philosophers have largely focused on generics and essentialism, I argue that nouns as a category are poised to refer to kinds and to promote representational essentializing. Our psychological propensity to essentialize when nouns are used reveals a limitation for anti-essentialist ameliorative projects. Even ameliorated nouns can continue to underpin essentialist thinking. I conclude by arguing that representational essentialism does not doom anti-essentialist ameliorative projects. Rather it reveals that would-be ameliorators ought to attend to the (...)
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    Essentializing Inferences.Katherine Ritchie - 2021 - Mind and Language 36 (4):570-591.
    Predicate nominals (e.g., “is a female”) seem to label or categorize their subjects, while their adjectival correlates (e.g., “is female”) merely attribute a property. Predicate nominals also elicit essentializing inferential judgments about inductive potential and stable explanatory membership. Data from psychology and semantics support that this distinction is robust and productive. I argue that while the difference between predicate nominals and predicate adjectives is elided by standard semantic theories, it ought not be. I then develop and defend a psychologically motivated (...)
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  8. Total Pragmatic Encroachment and Epistemic Permissiveness.Katherine Rubin - 2015 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 96 (1):12-38.
    This article explores the relationship between pragmatic encroachment and epistemic permissiveness. If the suggestion that all epistemic notions are interest-relative is viable , then it seems that a certain species of epistemic permissivism must be viable as well. For, if all epistemic notions are interest relative then, sometimes, parties in paradigmatic cases of shared evidence can be maximally rational in forming competing basic doxastic attitudes towards the same proposition. However, I argue that this total pragmatic encroachment is not tenable, and, (...)
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    Are high-level aftereffects perceptual?Katherine R. Storrs - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  10. Why Euclid’s geometry brooked no doubt: J. H. Lambert on certainty and the existence of models.Katherine Dunlop - 2009 - Synthese 167 (1):33-65.
    J. H. Lambert proved important results of what we now think of as non-Euclidean geometries, and gave examples of surfaces satisfying their theorems. I use his philosophical views to explain why he did not think the certainty of Euclidean geometry was threatened by the development of what we regard as alternatives to it. Lambert holds that theories other than Euclid's fall prey to skeptical doubt. So despite their satisfiability, for him these theories are not equal to Euclid's in justification. Contrary (...)
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  11. Does the Paradox of Fiction Exist?Katherine Tullmann & Wesley Buckwalter - 2014 - Erkenntnis 79 (4):779-796.
    Many philosophers have attempted to provide a solution to the paradox of fiction, a triad of sentences that lead to the conclusion that genuine emotional responses to fiction are irrational. We suggest that disagreement over the best response to this paradox stems directly from the formulation of the paradox itself. Our main goal is to show that there is an ambiguity regarding the word ‘exist’ throughout the premises of the paradox. To reveal this ambiguity, we display the diverse existential commitments (...)
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  12. Can Semantics Guide Ontology?Katherine Ritchie - 2016 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 94 (1):24-41.
    Since the linguistic turn, many have taken semantics to guide ontology. Here, I argue that semantics can, at best, serve as a partial guide to ontological commitment. If semantics were to be our guide, semantic data and semantic treatments would need to be taken seriously. Through an examination of plurals and their treatments, I argue that there can be multiple, equally semantically adequate, treatments of a natural language theory. Further, such treatments can attribute different ontological commitments to a theory. Given (...)
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  13.  51
    The problem of the species in medio at Oxford in the generation after Ockham.Katherine H. Tachau - 1982 - Mediaeval Studies 44 (1):394-443.
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    Environmental Aesthetics and Public Environmental Philosophy.Katherine W. Robinson & Kevin C. Elliott - 2011 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 14 (2):175-191.
    We argue that environmental aesthetics, and specifically the concept of aesthetic integrity, should play a central role in a public environmental philosophy designed to communicate about environmental problems in an effective manner. After developing the concept of the “aesthetic integrity” of the environment, we appeal to empirical research to show that it contributes significantly to people’s sense of place, which is, in turn, central to their well-being and motivational state. As a result, appealing to aesthetic integrity in policy contexts is (...)
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    How to Collaborate Well.Katherine Sweet - 2023 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 104 (2):252-273.
    In this paper, I answer the question,how do we collaborate well with others?I first look at cases of good collaboration, contrasting them briefly with some cases of poor collaboration; I then describe the similarities between the good cases, such as shared aims, shared planning of projects, shared norms among collaborators. The conclusion is that collaborating well involves shared norms, derived both from societal norms and from a well‐ordered relationship between participants; a shared vision derived from shared knowledge and open communication (...)
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  16.  43
    Experiencing Gendered Seeing.Katherine Tullmann - 2017 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 55 (4):475-499.
    This paper explores the concept of “gendered seeing”: the capacity to visually perceive another person's gender and the role that one's own gender plays in that perception. Assuming that gendered properties are actually perceptible, my goal is to provide some support from the philosophy of perception on how gendered visual experiences are possible. I begin by exploring the ways in which sociologists and psychologists study how we perceive one's sex and the implications of these studies for the sex/gender distinction. I (...)
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    Empathy, Power, and Social Difference.Katherine Tullmann - 2020 - Journal of Value Inquiry 54 (2):203-225.
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    The contents of racialized seeing.Katherine Tullmann - 2020 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 20 (4):723-741.
    This paper explores the conscious visual experience of seeing race. In everyday occurrences, racialized seeing involves the capacity for a subject to simply “see” that someone she encounters belongs to a racial category. I bridge research in analytic philosophy of perception and accounts from phenomenologists and critical race theorists on the lived experience of racialized seeing. I contend that we should not trust our visual experiences of racialized seeing because they provide, at best, incomplete information on a target’s racial identity. (...)
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  19. The Global Forum for Bioethics in Research: Past present and future.Katherine Littler, Joseph Millum & Douglas Richard Wassenaar - 2014 - South African Journal of Bioethics and Law 7 (1):5.
    The Global Forum on Bioethics in Research (GFBR) served as a global platform for debate on ethical issues in international health research between 1999 and 2008, bringing together research ethics experts, researchers, policy makers and community members from developing and developed countries. In total, nine GFBR meetings were held on six continents. Work is currently underway to revive the GFBR. This paper describes the purpose and history of the GFBR and presents key elements for its reinstatement, future functioning and sustainability. (...)
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  20. Ethics, Law, and Commercial Surrogacy: A Call for Uniformity.Katherine Drabiak, Carole Wegner, Valita Fredland & Paul R. Helft - 2007 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 35 (2):300-309.
    In July of 2005, Indianapolis witnessed streaming headlines in the local newspaper attempting to distill the confusion surrounding the adoption of two premature infants by an adoptive parent. Thirteen articles and opinion pieces introduced the public to a murky legal and ethical transaction. Stating his overwhelming desire to have children, a New Jersey schoolteacher hired the services of a local attorney. The attorney procured a South Carolina woman for a compensated gestational surrogacy contract. Under the contract, the surrogate and the (...)
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  21. What we can do.Katherine Ritchie - 2020 - Philosophical Studies 177 (4):865-882.
    Plural first-person pronouns have often been ignored in the literature on indexicals and pronouns. The assumption seems to be that we is just the plural of I. So, we can focus on theorizing about singular indexicals and about non-indexical plurals then combine the results to yield a theory of plural indexicals. Here I argue that the “divide and conquer” strategy fails. By considering data involving plurals, generics, and complex demonstratives, I argue for a referential semantics on which we can refer (...)
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    For This Is the Naked Truth.Katherine Romack - 2011 - American Journal of Semiotics 27 (1-4):203-231.
    Dozens of records attest to the fact that during the mid-seventeenth century politicized public nudity or “going naked as a sign” as it was known to early modernsubjects proliferated. This practice captured so much popular attention that Sir Charles Sedley along with other royalist libertines notoriously stripped in front of 1,000 spectators in 1663 and delivered a mock sermon in a grotesque parody of religious sectarians. I examine Quaker approaches to signification, focusing on their deployment of incarnational signs to advance (...)
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    Women Preaching in a Not So Plain Style.Katherine Romack - 2007 - Semiotics:159-169.
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    Incorporating environmental ethics into the undergraduate engineering curriculum.Katherine Rowden & Bradley Striebig - 2004 - Science and Engineering Ethics 10 (2):417-422.
    The design and economic realities associated with Personal Computers (PCs) was used as a model for implementing ethical issues into the core-engineering curriculum. Historically, products have not been designed to be recycled easily. By incorporating environmental ethics into our classrooms and industries, valuable materials can be recovered and harmful materials can be eliminated from our waste stream. Future engineers must consider the economic cost-benefit analysis of designing a product for easy material recovery and recycling versus the true cost of the (...)
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  25.  64
    Augustine’s Picture of Language.Katherine Rudolph - 2005 - Augustinian Studies 36 (2):327-358.
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    Descartes' discourse.Katherine Rudolph - 1993 - Philosophy Today 37 (1):38-51.
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  27. Sympathy and Fascination.Katherine Tullmann - 2016 - British Journal of Aesthetics 56 (2):115-129.
    Why do we form strong emotional attachments to unlikeable and immoral characters during our engagements with fictions? These pro-attitudes persist even as we realize that we would loathe these people if we were to encounter them in real-life. In this paper, I explore the implications of the sympathy for the devil phenomenon. I begin by considering several popular explanations, including simulation, aesthetic distancing, pre-focusing, and the ‘best of all characters’. I conclude that each one is inadequate. I then propose my (...)
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    Observing resuscitative practice. A novice researcher’s experience of obtaining ethics approval.Katherine Riley, Luke Molloy, Val Wilson & Rebekkah Middleton - 2023 - Nursing Ethics 30 (7-8):1190-1198.
    Undertaking research involving vulnerable groups, such as those requiring resuscitation involves careful analysis during the ethical review process. When a person lacks the capacity to make an informed choice about their participation in a research study, a waiver of consent offers an alternative. This paper is based on a doctoral research study using ethnography to explore the resuscitative practices and experiences of rural nurses through observation and interviews. This paper aims to explore the ethical issues raised by the Human Research (...)
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    Varieties of Pictorial Illusion.Katherine Tullmann - 2016 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 74 (3):265-278.
    This article focuses on a potentially perplexing aspect of our interactions with pictorial representations : in some cases, it seems that visual representations can play tricks on our cognitive faculties. We may either come to believe that objects represented in pictures are real or perhaps perceive them as such. The possibility of widespread pictorial illusions has been oft discussed, and discarded, in the aesthetics literature. I support this stance. However, the nature of the illusion is more complicated than is usually (...)
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    The high cost of water: Leslie Tomory: The history of the London water industry 1580–1820. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 314pp, $54.95 HB.Katherine Rinne - 2017 - Metascience 27 (1):143-146.
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    Engaging people with lived experience in the grant review process.Katherine Rittenbach, Candice G. Horne, Terence O’Riordan, Allison Bichel, Nicholas Mitchell, Adriana M. Fernandez Parra & Frank P. MacMaster - 2019 - BMC Medical Ethics 20 (1):1-5.
    People with lived experience are individuals who have first-hand experience of the medical condition being considered. The value of including the viewpoints of people with lived experience in health policy, health care, and health care and systems research has been recognized at many levels, including by funding agencies. However, there is little guidance or established best practices on how to include non-academic reviewers in the grant review process. Here we describe our approach to the inclusion of people with lived experience (...)
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    Review Essay: For the People: Deepening the Democratic Turn in Machiavelli Studies.Katherine M. Robiadek - 2021 - Political Theory 49 (4):686-699.
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  33. A Socratic Dialogue with Libby Larsen.Katherine Strand & Libby Larsen - 2011 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 19 (1):52-66.
    This article represents conversations with the American composer Libby Larsen in which she described her beliefs about music, music education, and the dilemmas that our current system faces as we seek to provide relevant and meaningful music education to our students. Our conversation explores such topics as cognitive psychology, music theory, cultural practices and developments in American culture, and current music education practices. Larsen brought up many questions about music education in America, providing some suggestions for the future and posing (...)
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    The Problem of Other Minds.Katherine Tullmann - 2019 - Metaphilosophy 50 (5):708-728.
    This paper reimagines the traditional problem of other minds. On a Cartesian view, the problem involves humans’ inability to perceive other persons’ minds. Similarly, Gilbert Ryle claims that we cannot directly access another’s mind. The paper’s rethinking of the problem of other minds moves beyond these questions of perceptibility and accessibility. It asks whether there are certain groups of people whose minds are systematically misinterpreted, or even denied mentality. It argues that there are. This claim builds off recent work in (...)
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  35.  54
    Open Casket and the Art World: A Cautionary Tale.Katherine Tullmann - 2022 - Hypatia 37 (1):27-42.
    In 2017, the artist Dana Schutz presented her painting, Open Casket, at the Whitney Biennial. Both the painting and the painter were subsequently subjected to criticism from the art world. A central critique was that Schutz usurped the story of Emmett Till and that, as a white woman, she had no right to do so. Much can—and has—been said on the appropriateness of Schutz's painting. In this article, I argue that Open Casket is a site of oppression, an object that (...)
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    A Need for New Ideas.Katherine Swartz - 2002 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 39 (3):199-200.
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    Electronic Medical Records – Federal Standards Needed.Katherine Swartz - 2006 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 43 (4):307-308.
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    Effects of Rising Costs on Health Insurance Coverage: Private and Public Choices Are Not Independent of One Another.Katherine Swartz - 2002 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 39 (2):93-95.
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  39.  24 – Add Your Voice to Increase Funding for Investigator-Initiated Research.Katherine Swartz - 2005 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 42 (2):107-109.
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    Health Is a Budget Priority—Its Funding Needs to be Restored.Katherine Swartz - 2002 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 39 (1):3-4.
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    Informed Consumer – Caveat Emptor.Katherine Swartz - 2005 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 42 (1):3-5.
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    Inquiry's 40thAnniversary—and Research Questions.Katherine Swartz - 2003 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 40 (2):111-113.
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    It's Time to Fix Broken Insurance Promises to Workers.Katherine Swartz - 2004 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 41 (2):113-115.
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    Risk Adjustment in the Private Sector.Katherine Swartz - 2001 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 38 (3):240-241.
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    Tax Cuts and Cynicism.Katherine Swartz - 2001 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 38 (1):3-5.
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    Tax Credits and Incentives to Purchase Health Insurance.Katherine Swartz - 2001 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 38 (2):88-89.
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    Time for a Change-Time for Universal Coverage.Katherine Swartz - 2007 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 44 (1):5-7.
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    Tearing Medicare Apart.Katherine Swartz - 2004 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 41 (1):3-5.
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    The Risks of an Ownership Society.Katherine Swartz - 2004 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 41 (4):357-359.
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    Wish List for Research Papers in 2006.Katherine Swartz - 2005 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 42 (4):317-319.
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