Results for 'Katherine Bougarel'

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  1. Photography and Reality.Jean A. Keim & Katherine Bougarel - 1965 - Diogenes 13 (50):57-72.
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    The Study of Mime as a Manifestation of Sociability, as Play and Artistic Expression.Edmond Radar & Katherine Bougarel - 1965 - Diogenes 13 (50):43-56.
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    Interaction versus observation: A finer look at this distinction and its importance to autism.Elizabeth Redcay, Katherine Rice & Rebecca Saxe - 2013 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 36 (4):435 - 435.
    Although a second-person neuroscience has high ecological validity, the extent to which a second- versus third-person neuroscience approach fundamentally alters neural patterns of activation requires more careful investigation. Nonetheless, we are hopeful that this new avenue will prove fruitful in significantly advancing our understanding of typical and atypical social cognition.
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  4. Exploitative Epistemic Trust.Katherine Dormandy - 2019 - In Trust in Epistemology. New York: Taylor & Francis. pp. 241-264.
    Where there is trust, there is also vulnerability, and vulnerability can be exploited. Epistemic trust is no exception. This chapter maps the phenomenon of the exploitation of epistemic trust. I start with a discussion of how trust in general can be exploited; a key observation is that trust incurs vulnerabilities not just for the party doing the trusting, but also for the trustee (after all, trust can be burdensome), so either party can exploit the other. I apply these considerations to (...)
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  5. (1 other version)Introduction: An Overview of Trust and Some Key Epistemological Applications.Katherine Dormandy - 2019 - In Trust in Epistemology. New York: Taylor & Francis. pp. 1-40.
    I give an overview of the trust literature and then of six central issues concerning epistemic trust. The survey of trust zeroes in on the kinds of expectations that trust involves, trust’s characteristic psychology, and what makes trust rational. The discussion of epistemic trust focuses on its role in testimony, the epistemic goods that we trust for, the significance of epistemic trust in contrast to reliance, what makes epistemic trust rational, and epistemic self-trust.
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  6. Intersectionality as a Regulative Ideal.Katherine Gasdaglis & Alex Madva - 2019 - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy 6.
    Appeals to intersectionality serve to remind us that social categories like race and gender cannot be adequately understood independently from each other. But what, exactly, is the intersectional thesis a thesis about? Answers to this question are remarkably diverse. Intersectionality is variously understood as a claim about the nature of social kinds, oppression, or experience ; about the limits of antidiscrimination law or identity politics ; or about the importance of fuzzy sets, multifactor analysis, or causal modeling in social science.
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  7. I—What Is Impostor Syndrome?Katherine Hawley - 2019 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 93 (1):203-226.
    People are described as suffering from impostor syndrome when they feel that their external markers of success are unwarranted, and fear being revealed as a fraud. Impostor syndrome is commonly framed as a troubling individual pathology, to be overcome through self-help strategies or therapy. But in many situations an individual’s impostor attitudes can be epistemically justified, even if they are factually mistaken: hostile social environments can create epistemic obstacles to self-knowledge. The concept of impostor syndrome prevalent in popular culture needs (...)
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    Scientific Research on Nanotechnology in Latin American Journals Published in SciELO: Bibliometric Analysis of Gender Differences.Elizabeth Duran, Katherine Astroza, Jaime Ocaranza-Ozimica, Damary Peñailillo, Iskra Pavez-Soto & Rodrigo Ramirez-Tagle - 2019 - NanoEthics 13 (2):113-118.
    Papers on nanotechnology in the Scientific Electronic Library Online database were studied bibliometrically. The terms ‘nanotechnology’, ‘nanoparticle’, ‘graphene’, ‘fullerene’, ‘nanotube’ and ‘quantum dot’ were used for the search in their singular and plural forms in three languages, and a total of 1205 papers were selected for the study to assess the frequency rates of the study variables. The results of the study are presented in this article focusing on gender differences.
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    Application and Assessment of an Ethics Presentation for Accounting and Business Classes.L. Murphy Smith, Katherine T. Smith & Elizabeth Vallery Mulig - 2005 - Journal of Business Ethics 61 (2):153-164.
    This paper describes a presentation on ethics for accounting and business students. In 2001 and 2002, major corporate failures such as Enron and Worldcom, combined with questionable accounting practices, made ethics a paramount concern to persons working in business and accounting. While financial statement analysis and regulatory requirements are important technical topics, the issue of ethics provides faculty a unique and very appropriate setting to discuss deeper truths about doing business and living life well. This paper briefly describes the development (...)
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  10. Argument from Personal Narrative: A Case Study of Rachel Moran's Paid For: My Journey Through Prostitution.Katherine Dormandy - 2016 - Res Philosophica 93 (3):601-620.
    Personal narratives can let us in on aspects of reality which we have not experienced for ourselves, and are thus important sources for philosophical reflection. Yet a venerable tradition in mainstream philosophy has little room for arguments which rely on personal narrative, on the grounds that narratives are particular and testimonial, whereas philosophical arguments should be systematic and transparent. I argue that narrative arguments are an important form of philosophical argument. Their testimonial aspects witness to novel facets of reality, but (...)
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    Valuing the Acute Subjective Experience.Katherine Cheung, Brian D. Earp & David B. Yaden - 2024 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 67 (1):155-165.
    ABSTRACT:Psychedelics, including psilocybin, and other consciousness-altering compounds such as 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA), currently are being scientifically investigated for their potential therapeutic uses, with a primary focus on measurable outcomes: for example, alleviation of symptoms or increases in self-reported well-being. Accordingly, much recent discussion about the possible value of these substances has turned on estimates of the magnitude and duration of persisting positive effects in comparison to harms. However, many have described the value of a psychedelic experience with little or no reference (...)
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    Morality, justice, and the law: the continuing debate.M. Katherine B. Darmer & Robert M. Baird (eds.) - 2007 - Amherst, N.Y.: Prometheus Books.
    Intellectually stimulating articles, which grapple with the tough issues involving morality, justice, and the law. This balanced anthology will be of interest to philosophers, legal scholars, and anyone concerned about the relation of law to morality.
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    Child Trafficking: Issues for Policy and Practice.V. Jordan Greenbaum, Katherine Yun & Jonathan Todres - 2018 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 46 (1):159-163.
    Efforts to address child trafficking require intensive collaboration among professionals of varied disciplines. Healthcare professionals have a major role in this multidisciplinary approach. Training is essential for all professionals, and policies and protocols may assist in fostering an effective, comprehensive response to victimization.
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  14. Making Meaning at the Intersections: Developing a Digital Archive for Multimodal Research.Michael Neal, Katherine Bridgman & Stephen J. McElroy - forthcoming - Topoi.
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    What Is the Minimal Competency for a Clinical Ethics Consult Simulation? Setting a Standard for Use of the Assessing Clinical Ethics Skills (ACES) Tool.Katherine Wasson, William H. Adams, Kenneth Berkowitz, Marion Danis, Arthur R. Derse, Mark G. Kuczewski, Michael McCarthy, Kayhan Parsi & Anita J. Tarzian - 2019 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 10 (3):164-172.
    Background: The field of clinical ethics is examining ways of determining competency. The Assessing Clinical Ethics Skills (ACES) tool offers a new approach that identifies a range of skills necessary in the conduct of clinical ethics consultation and provides a consistent framework for evaluating these skills. Through a training website, users learn to apply the ACES tool to clinical ethics consultants (CECs) in simulated ethics consultation videos. The aim is to recognize competent and incompetent clinical ethics consultation skills by watching (...)
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    Relationships of individual and workplace characteristics With nurses’ moral resilience.Katherine Brewer, Haydee Ziegler, Sarin Kurdian & Jinhee Nguyen - 2024 - Nursing Ethics 31 (4):432-442.
    Background Moral resilience is the integrity and emotional strength to remain buoyant and achieve moral growth amid distressing situations. Evidence is still emerging on how to best cultivate moral resilience. Few studies have examined the predictive relationship of workplace well-being and of organizational factors with moral resilience. Research aims The aims are to examine associations of workplace well-being (i.e., compassion satisfaction, burnout, and secondary traumatic stress) and moral resilience, and to examine associations of workplace factors (i.e., authentic leadership and perceived (...)
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    A Companion to the Book of Margery Kempe.John H. Arnold & Katherine J. Lewis - 2010 - Ds Brewer.
    Margery Kempe and her Book studied in both literary and historical context.
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    Practical Implications of the Minimally Conscious State Diagnosis in Adults.Karola V. Kreitmair & Katherine E. Kruse - 2017 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 26 (4):628-639.
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    Addressing education: purposes, plans, and politics.Peggy A. Pittas & Katherine M. Gray (eds.) - 2004 - [Philadelphia]: Xlibris.
    Addressing Education: Purposes, Plans, and Politics is the first in the 10-volume series, Lynchburg College Symposium Readings, 3rd edition. Each volume presents primary texts organized around an interdisciplinary, liberal arts theme such as education, politics, social issues, science and technology, morals and ethics. The series has been developed by Lynchburg College faculty for use in the Senior Symposium and the Lynchburg College Symposium Readings Program (SS/LCSR). While these programs are distinctive to Lynchburg College, the texts are used on many college (...)
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    “Frequently Asked Questions” About Genetic Engineering in Farm Animals: A Frame Analysis.Katherine E. Koralesky, Heidi J. S. Tworek, Marina A. G. von Keyserlingk & Daniel M. Weary - 2024 - Food Ethics 9 (1):1-20.
    Calls for public engagement on emerging agricultural technologies, including genetic engineering of farm animals, have resulted in the development of information that people can interact and engage with online, including “Frequently Asked Questions” (FAQs) developed by organizations seeking to inform or influence the debate. We conducted a frame analysis of FAQs webpages about genetic engineering of farm animals developed by different organizations to describe how questions and answers are presented. We categorized FAQs as having a regulatory frame (emphasizing or challenging (...)
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  21. "In Abundance of Counsellors there Is Victory": Reasoning about Public Policy from a Religious Worldview.Katherine Dormandy - 2019 - In Peter Jonkers & Oliver J. Wiertz, Religious Truth and Identity in an Age of Plurality. Routledge. pp. 162-181.
    Some religious communities argue that public policy is best decided by their own members, on the grounds that collaborating with those reasoning from secular or “worldly” perspectives will only foment error about how society should be run. But I argue that epistemology instead recommends fostering disagreement among a plurality of religious and secular worldviews. Inter-worldview disagreement over public policy can challenge our unquestioned assumptions, deliver evidence we would likely have missed, and expose us to new epistemic alternatives; when done respectfully, (...)
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    The Meaning of Ātmahano Janāḥ in Īśā Upaniṣad 3The Meaning of Atmahano Janah in Isa Upanisad 3.Arvind Sharma & Katherine K. Young - 1990 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 110 (4):595.
  23. Trust in Epistemology.Katherine Dormandy (ed.) - 2019 - New York: Taylor & Francis.
    Trust is fundamental to epistemology. It features as theoretical bedrock in a broad cross-section of areas including social epistemology, the epistemology of self-trust, feminist epistemology, and the philosophy of science. Yet epistemology has seen little systematic conversation with the rich literature on trust itself. This volume aims to promote and shape this conversation. It encourages epistemologists of all stripes to dig deeper into the fundamental epistemic roles played by trust, and it encourages philosophers of trust to explore the epistemological upshots (...)
  24. Doktrin oder Diskurs? Fördern religiöse Verschiedenheiten die Erkenntnis der Wahrheit? [Doctrine or Discours: Does Religious Disagreement Promote Religious Knowledge?].Katherine Dormandy - 2017 - In Dormandy Katherine, Glaube und Politik in einer pluralen Welt.
    Wegen der Globalisierung und der Säkularisierung ist heute nicht mehr selbstverständlich davon auszugehen, dass die eigenen religiösen Überzeugungen richtig sind. Wie können Gläubige darauf reagieren? Eine nachvollziehbare Reaktion wäre zu versuchen, das eigene religiöse Glaubenssystem vor aller scheinbaren Konkurrenz zu schützen, indem man religiösen Dissens innerhalb oder außerhalb der Glaubensgemeinschaft unterbindet oder unterdrückt. Die Autorin argumentiert jedoch dafür, dass die Förderung von solchem Dissens die religiöse Erkenntnis eigentlich begünstigt und zwar selbst für diejenigen, die ihr eigenes religiöses Glaubenssystem möglichst bewahren (...)
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  25. Epistemic Discrimination.Katherine Puddifoot - 2017 - In Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen, The Routledge Handbook of the Ethics of Discrimination. New York: Routledge.
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    Biomarkers for PTSD Susceptibility and Resilience, Ethical Issues.Katherine C. Bassil, Bart P. F. Rutten & Dorothee Horstkötter - 2019 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 10 (3):122-124.
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    Disclosure of Mental Health: Philosophical and Psychological Perspectives.Katherine Puddifoot - 2019 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 26 (4):333-348.
    PEOPLE WITH MENTAL HEALTH conditions are often required to address the question of whether they should disclose information about their mental health. Should they inform their employers, colleagues, friends, family, neighbors, and so on, that they have a mental health condition? Should they be encouraged by others to do so? There has been a recent move to promote disclosure as a way to increase the empowerment and decrease the self-stigma of people with mental health conditions. For instance, a three-week intervention, (...)
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    Engaging With a New Taxonomy for Clinical Ethics Consultation: What Are the Implications?Katherine Wasson - 2019 - American Journal of Bioethics 19 (11):69-70.
    Volume 19, Issue 11, November 2019, Page 69-70.
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    Authenticity and Heidegger's Antigone.Katherine Withy - 2014 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 45 (3):239-253.
    Sophocles' Antigone is the only individual whom Heidegger names as authentic. But the usual interpretations of Heidegger's ‘authenticity’ either do not apply to Antigone or do not capture what Heidegger finds significant about her. By working through these failures, I develop an interpretation of Heideggerian authenticity that is adequate to his Antigone. The crucial step is accurately identifying the finitude to which Antigone authentically relates: what Heidegger calls ‘uncanniness'. I argue that uncanniness names being's presencing through self-withdrawal and that Antigone (...)
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    Do Medicare Beneficiaries Living With HIV/AIDS Choose Prescription Drug Plans That Minimize Their Total Spending?Katherine A. Desmond, Thomas H. Rice & Arleen A. Leibowitz - 2017 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 54:004695801773403.
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    John Lydgate's Lyf of Our Lady.Katherine K. O'Sullivan - 2005 - Mediaevalia 26 (2):169-201.
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    Hermeneutical Paths to the Sacred Worlds of India: Essays in Honour of Robert W. Stevenson.Robert W. Stevenson & Katherine K. Young - 1994 - Atlanta : Scholars Press.
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    A Research Publication and Grant Preparation Program for Native American Faculty in STEM: Implementation of the Six R’s Indigenous Framework.Anne D. Grant, Katherine Swan, Ke Wu, Ruth Plenty Sweetgrass-She Kills, Salena Hill & Amy Kinch - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:734290.
    Faculty members in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics disciplines are typically expected to pursue grant funding and publish to support their research or teaching agendas. Providing effective professional development programs on grant preparation and management and on research publications is crucial. This study shares the design and implementation of such a program for Native STEM faculty from two tribal colleges and one public, non-tribal, Ph.D. granting institution during a 3-year period. The overall development and implementation of the program is centered (...)
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    Plastic scraps: biodegradable mulch films and the aesthetics of ‘good farming’ in US specialty crop production.Katherine Dentzman & Jessica R. Goldberger - 2020 - Agriculture and Human Values 37 (1):83-96.
    Agriculture is a serious contributor to pollution and other environmental harms, making it an important site of action for the development of environmentally friendly products and practices. However, farmer adoption of such options is varied and dependent on a wide range of factors including the visual appeal of sustainable farming. Recent studies have shown that negative aesthetics related to more environmentally friendly ways of farming can delay or prevent adoption of such practices. Drawing on the concepts of good farming, cultural (...)
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    “Modern” farming and the transformation of livelihoods in rural Tanzania.Katherine A. Snyder, Emmanuel Sulle, Deodatus A. Massay, Anselmi Petro, Paschal Qamara & Dan Brockington - 2020 - Agriculture and Human Values 37 (1):33-46.
    This paper focuses on smallholder agriculture and livelihoods in north-central Tanzania. It traces changes in agricultural production and asset ownership in one community over a 28 year period. Over this period, national development policies and agriculture programs have moved from socialism to neo-liberal approaches. Using a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods, we explore how farmers have responded to these shifts in the wider political-economic context and how these responses have shaped their livelihoods and ideas about farming and wealth. This (...)
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    Chronicles of communication and power: informed consent to sterilisation in the Namibian Supreme Court’s LM judgment of 2015.Nyasha Chingore-Munazvo, Katherine Furman, Annabel Raw & Mariette Slabbert - 2017 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 38 (2):145-162.
    The 2015 judgment of the Namibia Supreme Court in Government of the Republic of Namibia v LM and Others set an important precedent on informed consent in a case involving the coercive sterilisation of HIV-positive women. This article analyses the reasoning and factual narratives of the judgment by applying Neil Manson and Onora O’Neill’s approach to informed consent as a communicative process. This is done in an effort to understand the practical import of the judgment in the particular context of (...)
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    Sidney's personal imprese.Katherine Duncan-Jones - 1970 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 33 (1):321-324.
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    Comments on Ontology Made Easy by Amie Thomasson.Katherine Hawley - 2019 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 99 (1):229-235.
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    Shifting Climates, Foods, and Diseases: The Human Microbiome through Evolution.Katherine R. Amato, Thiviya Jeyakumar, Hendrik Poinar & Philippe Gros - 2019 - Bioessays 41 (10):1900034.
    Human evolution has been punctuated by climate anomalies, structuring environments, deadly infections, and altering landscapes. How well humans adapted to these new circumstances had direct effects on fitness and survival. Here, how the gut microbiome could have contributed to human evolutionary success through contributions to host nutritional buffering and infectious disease resistance is reviewed. How changes in human genetics, diet, disease exposure, and social environments almost certainly altered microbial community composition is also explored. Emerging research points to the microbiome as (...)
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    Mental Control in Musical Imagery: A Dual Component Model.Katherine N. Cotter - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    The Problem of Other Minds.Katherine Tullmann - 2019 - Metaphilosophy 50 (5):708-728.
    This paper reimagines the traditional problem of other minds. On a Cartesian view, the problem involves humans’ inability to perceive other persons’ minds. Similarly, Gilbert Ryle claims that we cannot directly access another’s mind. The paper’s rethinking of the problem of other minds moves beyond these questions of perceptibility and accessibility. It asks whether there are certain groups of people whose minds are systematically misinterpreted, or even denied mentality. It argues that there are. This claim builds off recent work in (...)
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    Nucleocytoplasmic trafficking of proteins: With or without Ran?Ursula Stochaj & Katherine L. Rother - 1999 - Bioessays 21 (7):579-589.
    Proteins and RNAs move between the nucleus and cytoplasm by translocation through nuclear pore complexes in the nuclear envelope. To do this, they require specific targeting signals, energy, and a cellular apparatus that catalyzes their transport. Several of the factors involved in nucleocytoplasmic trafficking of proteins have been identified and characterized in some detail. The emerging picture for nuclear transport proposes a central role for the small GTPase Ran and proteins with which it interacts. In particular, asymmetric distribution of these (...)
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    Seeing Fictions in Film: The Epistemology of Movies by wilson, george m.Katherine Thomson-Jones - 2012 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 70 (4):393-394.
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  44. Socialism in Western Europe at Mid-Century.Katherine S. Van Eerde - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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    An Antiskeptical Theory of When and How We Katherine Badriyeh - 1981 - Dialectica 35 (4):415-432.
    SummarySkepticism is very powerful and persuasive, yet it is not the basis upon which the reasonable person operates in the world. In this paper I've tried to articulate the criteria whereby the reasonable person determines what is a fact and determines that she/he knows. I've taken six areas where knowledge is a matter of contention between the reasonable person and the skeptic and constructed dialogues between the two. The six areas are things not directly perceived mathematical and tautological statements the (...)
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    Is it time to abandon paper? The use of emails and the Internet for health services research – a cost‐effectiveness and qualitative study.Jennifer Hunter, Katherine Corcoran, Stephen Leeder & Kerryn Phelps - 2012 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 19 (5):855-861.
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    La empatía, aspecto fundamental de la educación.Liz Katherine Cañón Parra - 2022 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 109:273-283.
    El presente artículo busca resaltar la importancia de la empatía en la escuela, puesto que esta no sólo implica un yo individual sino la relación que tengo con otros yoes y cómo me dejo interpelar por ellos, de modo que es necesario estudiar la relación de la empatía planteada por Edith Stein y su fundamento para los procesos de formación. Para ello, es perentorio analizar la empatía desde su concepción steiniana, seguidamente se relacionará el cuerpo como aprehensión de vivencias ajenas (...)
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    Impact of Donor-imposed Requirements and Restrictions on Standards of Prevention and Access to Care and Treatment in HIV Prevention Trials.Sean Philpott, Katherine West Slevin, Katharine Shapiro & Lori Heise - 2010 - Public Health Ethics 3 (3):220-228.
    The number of women living with HIV/AIDS is increasing worldwide, and there is an urgent public health need to develop new user-initiated HIV prevention methods, including microbicides. Although funding for microbicide development has increased since 2000, financial support is provided predominantly by governmental agencies and private foundations. Many donors, including the US Agency for International Development and the US National Institutes of Health, have policies that restrict how research funds may be used. Among these are the now-rescinded Mexico City Policy, (...)
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    No Master of Himself: Pope and the Response of Wonder.Katherine Playfair Quinsey - 2020 - Lumen: Selected Proceedings From the Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies 39:181-211.
    Although he is the exemplar of poetic balance, control, and precision, Pope’s classical aesthetics and ecological vision are ultimately authorized not by restraint but by excess, by a response of wonder: emotive not rational, imaginative not formulaic, and fundamentally religious in nature. Pope’s lifelong and profound engagement with wonder—in both personal expression and formal poetics—embodies the tensions of his time: between myth and parody, enthusiasm and restraint, hyperbolic parody and interrupted awe, self-realization and self-loss, emotive expression and formalistic control. His (...)
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    Inattentional Blindness During Driving in Younger and Older Adults.Raheleh Saryazdi, Katherine Bak & Jennifer L. Campos - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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