Results for 'Katharina Wezel'

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  1. 15 challenges for AI: or what AI (currently) can’t do.Thilo Hagendorff & Katharina Wezel - 2020 - AI and Society 35 (2):355-365.
    The current “AI Summer” is marked by scientific breakthroughs and economic successes in the fields of research, development, and application of systems with artificial intelligence. But, aside from the great hopes and promises associated with artificial intelligence, there are a number of challenges, shortcomings and even limitations of the technology. For one, these challenges arise from methodological and epistemological misconceptions about the capabilities of artificial intelligence. Secondly, they result from restrictions of the social context in which the development of applications (...)
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    Understanding collective agency in bioethics.Katharina Beier, Isabella Jordan, Claudia Wiesemann & Silke Schicktanz - 2016 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 19 (3):411-422.
    Bioethicists tend to focus on the individual as the relevant moral subject. Yet, in highly complex and socially differentiated healthcare systems a number of social groups, each committed to a common cause, are involved in medical decisions and sometimes even try to influence bioethical discourses according to their own agenda. We argue that the significance of these collective actors is unjustifiably neglected in bioethics. The growing influence of collective actors in the fields of biopolitics and bioethics leads us to pursue (...)
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  3. Should the probabilities count?Katharina Rasmussen - 2012 - Philosophical Studies 159 (2):205-218.
    When facing a choice between saving one person and saving many, some people have argued that fairness requires us to decide without aggregating numbers; rather we should decide by coin toss or some form of lottery, or alternatively we should straightforwardly save the greater number but justify this in a non-aggregating contractualist way. This paper expands the debate beyond well-known number cases to previously under-considered probability cases, in which not (only) the numbers of people, but (also) the probabilities of success (...)
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  4.  49
    Learning What to See in a Changing World.Katharina Schmack, Veith Weilnhammer, Jakob Heinzle, Klaas E. Stephan & Philipp Sterzer - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
  5.  52
    Relational Capacity: Broadening the Notion of Decision-Making Capacity in Paediatric Healthcare.Katharina M. Ruhe, Eva De Clercq, Tenzin Wangmo & Bernice S. Elger - 2016 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 13 (4):515-524.
    Problems arise when applying the current procedural conceptualization of decision-making capacity to paediatric healthcare: Its emphasis on content-neutrality and rational cognition as well as its implicit assumption that capacity is an ability that resides within a person jeopardizes children’s position in decision-making. The purpose of the paper is to challenge this dominant account of capacity and provide an alternative for how capacity should be understood in paediatric care. First, the influence of developmental psychologist Jean Piaget upon the notion of capacity (...)
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  6. Thick Terms and Secondary Contents.Felka Katharina & Franzén Nils - 2024 - Festschrift for Matti Eklund.
    In recent literature many theorists, including Eklund (2011), endorse or express sympathy towards the view that the evaluative content of thick terms is not asserted with utterances of sentences containing them but rather part of their secondary content. In this article we discuss a number of features of thick terms which speak against this view. We further argue that these features are not shared by another, recently much-discussed, class of hybrid evaluative terms, so-called slurs, and that the evaluative contents of (...)
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    Arthur C. Dantos Kunstphilosophie Eine kritische Bestandsaufnahme.Katharina Bahlmann & Daniel Martin Feige - 2014 - Zeitschrift für Kulturphilosophie 2014 (2):323-341.
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  8. Spatial correlation in directionally selective complex cells of cat area 17.R. J. A. van Wezel, M. J. M. Lankheet, S. O. Dumoulin & W. A. van de Grind - 1996 - In Enrique Villanueva, Perception. Ridgeview Pub. Co. pp. 125-126.
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  9. Perfektionierung in der antiken Philosophie und im frühen Christentum.Katharina Waldner - 2018 - In Thomas Bahne & Katharina Waldner, Die Perfektionierung des Menschen?: religiöse und ethische Perspektiven. Münster: Aschendorff Verlag.
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    Versuch über die Kenntnis des Menschen.Johann Karl Wezel - 1971 - Frankfurt am Main,: Athenäum.
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    Linking unfounded beliefs to genetic dopamine availability.Katharina Schmack, Hannes Rössler, Maria Sekutowicz, Eva J. Brandl, Daniel J. Müller, Predrag Petrovic & Philipp Sterzer - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  12.  61
    Kant on Self-Knowledge and Self-Formation: The Nature of Inner Experience.Katharina T. Kraus - 2020 - New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
    As the pre-eminent Enlightenment philosopher, Kant famously calls on all humans to make up their own minds, independently from the constraints imposed on them by others. Kant's focus, however, is on universal human reason, and he tells us little about what makes us individual persons. In this book, Katharina T. Kraus explores Kant's distinctive account of psychological personhood by unfolding how, according to Kant, we come to know ourselves as such persons. Drawing on Kant's Critical works and on his (...)
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  13.  33
    Towards an experimental test of gravity-induced quantum state reduction.Jasper van Wezel, Tjerk Oosterkamp & Jan Zaanen - 2008 - Philosophical Magazine 88 (7):1005-1026.
  14.  79
    Angelic Devil’s Advocates and the Forms of Adversariality.Katharina Stevens & Daniel H. Cohen - 2020 - Topoi 40 (5):899-912.
    Is argumentation essentially adversarial? The concept of a devil's advocate—a cooperative arguer who assumes the role of an opponent for the sake of the argument—serves as a lens to bring into clearer focus the ways that adversarial arguers can be virtuous and adversariality itself can contribute to argumentation's goals. It also shows the different ways arguments can be adversarial and the different ways that argumentation can be said to be "essentially" adversarial.
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    Relative Age Effects in Mathematics and Reading: Investigating the Generalizability across Students, Time and Classes.Katharina Thoren, Elisa Heinig & Martin Brunner - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7:195306.
    A child’s age in comparison to the age of her or his classmates (relative age) has been found to be an influential factor on academic achievement, particularly but not exclusively at the beginning of formal schooling. However, few studies have focused on the generalizability of relative age effects. To close this gap, the present study analyzes the generalizability across students with and without immigrant backgrounds, across three student cohorts that entered school under a changing law of school enrollment, and across (...)
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  16.  49
    A Practical Ethics of Care: Tinkering with Different ‘Goods’ in Residential Nursing Homes.Katharina Molterer, Patrizia Hoyer & Chris Steyaert - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 165 (1):95-111.
    In this paper, we argue that ‘good care’ in residential nursing homes is enacted through different care practices that are either inspired by a ‘professional logic of care’ that aims for justice and non-maleficence in the professional treatment of residents, or by a ‘relational logic of care’, which attends to the relational quality and the meaning of interpersonal connectedness in people’s lives. Rather than favoring one care logic over the other, this paper indicates how important aspects of care are constantly (...)
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  17.  20
    The Schrödinger–Newton equation as a possible generator of quantum state reduction.Jasper van Wezel & Jeroen van den Brink - 2008 - Philosophical Magazine 88 (11):1659-1671.
  18.  26
    Dimensions of Individuality in Ancient Mystery Cults: Religious Practice and Philosophical Discourse.Katharina Waldner - 2013 - In Jörg Rüpke, The Individual in the Religions of the Ancient Mediterranean. Oxford University Press. pp. 215.
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    Critical Realism: The Epistemic Position of Gestalt Theoretical Psychotherapy.Katharina Sternek - 2021 - Gestalt Theory 43 (1):13-27.
    Summary In this contribution, I discuss the relevance of epistemological models for psychotherapy. Despite its importance epistemology is seldom explicitly dealt with in the psychotherapeutic landscape. Based on the presentation of “Critical Realism (CR),” the epistemological position of Gestalt Theoretical Psychotherapy (GTP), I intend to show to which extent this explanatory model supports a differentiated understanding of problems between human beings, arising from the differences in experiencing “reality.” The presentation deals explicitly with some conclusions that can be drawn from the (...)
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  20.  14
    (2 other versions)Kommentar zu Nietzsches "Also sprach Zarathustra" I und II.Katharina Grätz - 2023 - De Gruyter.
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  21. Cognitive Self‐Enhancement as a Duty to Oneself: A Kantian Perspective.Katharina Bauer - 2018 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 56 (1):36-58.
    Recently some bioethicists and neuroscientists have argued for an imperative of chemical cognitive enhancement. This imperative is usually based on consequentialist grounds. In this paper, the topic of cognitive self-enhancement is discussed from a Kantian point of view in order to shed new light on the controversial debate. With Kant, it is an imperfect duty to oneself to strive for perfecting one’s own natural and moral capacities beyond one’s natural condition, but there is no duty to enhance others. A Kantian (...)
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  22. Anscombe on the Sources of Normativity.Katharina Nieswandt - 2017 - Journal of Value Inquiry 51 (1):141-163.
    Anscombe is usually seen as a critic of “Modern Moral Philosophy.” I attempt a systematic reconstruction and a defense of Anscombe’s positive theory. Anscombe’s metaethics is a hybrid of social constructivism and Aristotelian naturalism. Her three main claims are the following: (1) We cannot trace all duties back to one moral principle; there is more than one source of normativity. (2) Whether I have a certain duty will often be determined by the social practices of my community. For instance, duties (...)
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    Why Sketching May Aid Learning From Science Texts: Contrasting Sketching With Written Explanations.Katharina Scheiter, Katrin Schleinschok & Shaaron Ainsworth - 2017 - Topics in Cognitive Science 9 (4):866-882.
    The goal of this study was to explore two accounts for why sketching during learning from text is helpful: sketching acts like other constructive strategies such as self-explanation because it helps learners to identify relevant information and generate inferences; or that in addition to these general effects, sketching has more specific benefits due to the pictorial representation that is constructed. Seventy-three seventh-graders were first taught how to either create sketches or self-explain while studying science texts. During a subsequent learning phase, (...)
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    The attraction of the ideal has no traction on the real: on adversariality and roles in argument.Katharina Stevens & Daniel Cohen - 2018 - Argumentation and Advocacy:forthcoming.
    If circumstances were always simple and all arguers were always exclusively concerned with cognitive improvement, arguments would probably always be cooperative. However, we have other goals and there are other arguers, so in practice the default seems to be adversarial argumentation. We naturally inhabit the heuristically helpful but cooperation-inhibiting roles of proponents and opponents. We can, however, opt for more cooperative roles. The resources of virtue argumentation theory are used to explain when proactive cooperation is permissible, advisable, and even mandatory (...)
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  25.  65
    Fooling the Victim: Of Straw Men and Those Who Fall for Them.Katharina Stevens - 2021 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 54 (2):109-127.
    ABSTRACT This paper contributes to the debate about the strawman fallacy. It is the received view that strawmen are employed to fool not the arguer whose argument they distort, but instead a third party, an audience. I argue that strawmen that fool their victims exist and are an important variation of the strawman fallacy because of their special perniciousness. I show that those who are subject to hermeneutical lacunae or who have since forgotten parts of justifications they have provided earlier (...)
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    Reasoning by Precedent—Between Rules and Analogies.Katharina Stevens - 2018 - Legal Theory 24 (3):216-254.
    This paper investigates the process of reasoning through which a judge determines whether a precedent-case gives her a binding reason to follow in her present-case. I review the objections that have been raised against the two main accounts of reasoning by precedent: the rule-account and the analogy-account. I argue that both accounts can be made viable by amending them to meet the objections. Nonetheless, I believe that there is an argument for preferring accounts that integrate analogical reasoning: any account of (...)
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  27.  65
    The Roles We Make Others Take: Thoughts on the Ethics of Arguing.Katharina Stevens - 2019 - Topoi 38 (4):693-709.
    Feminist argumentation theorists have criticized the Dominant Adversarial Model in argumentation, according to which arguers should take proponent and opponent roles and argue against one another. The model is deficient because it creates disadvantages for feminine gendered persons in a way that causes significant epistemic and practical harms. In this paper, I argue that the problem that these critics have pointed out can be generalized: whenever an arguer is given a role in the argument the associated tasks and norms of (...)
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    Silence at the Meta-Level: A Story about Argumentative Cruelty.Katharina Stevens - 2022 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 55 (1):76-82.
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    Face Attractiveness versus Artistic Beauty in Art Portraits: A Behavioral Study.Schulz Katharina & U. Hayn-Leichsenring Gregor - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  30. Testimony of Oppression and the Limits of Empathy.Katharina Anna Sodoma - 2024 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 27 (2):185-202.
    Testimony of oppression is testimony that something constitutes or contributes to a form of oppression, such as, for example, “The stranger’s comment was sexist.” Testimony of oppression that is given by members of the relevant oppressed group has the potential to play an important role in fostering a shared understanding of oppression. Yet, it is frequently dismissed out of hand. Against the background of a recent debate on moral testimony, this paper discusses the following question: How should privileged hearers approach (...)
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    Harm and Discrimination.Katharina Berndt Rasmussen - 2018 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 22 (4):873-891.
    Many legal, social, and medical theorists and practitioners, as well as lay people, seem to be concerned with the harmfulness of discriminative practices. However, the philosophical literature on the moral wrongness of discrimination, with a few exceptions, does not focus on harm. In this paper, I examine, and improve, a recent account of wrongful discrimination, which divides into a definition of group discrimination, and a characterisation of its moral wrong-making feature in terms of harm. The resulting account analyses the wrongness (...)
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  32. Ethical and legal aspects of research with human tissue in Europe (First International Conference, G ottingen).Katharina Beier - 2011 - In Katharina Beier, Nils Hoppe, Christian Lenk & Silvia Schnorrer, The ethical and legal regulation of human tissue and biobank research in Europe: proceedings of the Tiss.EU project. [G ottingen]: Universit atsverlag G ottingen.
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  33. Unlikely bedfellows? Putnam and Hegel on natural kind terms.Katharina Dulckeit - 2009 - In Angelica Nuzzo, Hegel and the Analytic Tradition. Continuum.
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    (1 other version)The Public Intellectual as Survivor: The Cases of Josef Haslinger and Kathrin Röggla.Katharina Gerstenberger - 2012 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2012 (159):120-131.
    ExcerptThis article compares two fairly recent autobiographical works about the experiences of two highly publicized global disasters: Josef Haslinger's Phi Phi Island: Ein Bericht (2004) and Kathrin Röggla's really ground zero: 11. september und folgendes (2001). Röggla was in lower Manhattan on September 11, 2001. Haslinger was a victim of the 2004 tsunami in Thailand, where he vacationed with his family. Both tell stories that are at once intensely personal, relating threats to the narrator's very existence, and decidedly public, as (...)
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    Die psychische Kausalität und ihre Bedeutung für das Leibnizsche System.Katharina Heufelder Kanthack - 1939 - Leipzig,: S. Hirzel.
  36.  45
    Realism - Relativism - Constructivism: Proceedings of the 38th International Wittgenstein Symposium in Kirchberg.Katharina Neges, Josef Mitterer, Sebastian Kletzl & Christian Kanzian (eds.) - 2017 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    The book presents papers from leading proponents of realist, relativist, and constructivist positions in epistemology and the philosophy of language and ethics.
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    Die Wanderarbeitnehmerkonvention der Vereinten Nationen - ein unbekanntes Instrument zum Schutz von Migrantinnen und Migranten.Katharina Spieß - 2007 - Jahrbuch Menschenrechte 2008 (jg):238-245.
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    La décolonisation de l'Afrique vue par Les Temps modernes (1945-1952).Katharina Städtler - 2002 - Rue Descartes 2 (2):93-105.
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    Seeing Seneca whole: perspectives on philosophy, poetry, and politics.Katharina Volk & Gareth D. Williams (eds.) - 2006 - Boston: Brill.
    This volume contains ten essays on Seneca the Younger. Approaching the Roman writer from various angles, the authors endeavor both to illuminate individual aspects of Seneca's enormous output and to discern common themes among the different genres practiced by him.
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    Mood states determine the degree of task shielding in dual-task performance.Katharina Zwosta, Bernhard Hommel, Thomas Goschke & Rico Fischer - 2013 - Cognition and Emotion 27 (6):1142-1152.
  41. Moral Relativism, Metalinguistic Negotiation, and the Epistemic Significance of Disagreement.Katharina Anna Sodoma - 2021 - Erkenntnis 88 (4):1621-1641.
    Although moral relativists often appeal to cases of apparent moral disagreement between members of different communities to motivate their view, accounting for these exchanges as evincing genuine disagreements constitutes a challenge to the coherence of moral relativism. While many moral relativists acknowledge this problem, attempts to solve it so far have been wanting. In response, moral relativists either give up the claim that there can be moral disagreement between members of different communities or end up with a view on which (...)
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    Seriously Personal: The Reasons that Motivate Entrepreneurs to Address Climate Change.Katharina Kaesehage, Michael Leyshon, George Ferns & Catherine Leyshon - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 157 (4):1091-1109.
    Scholars increasingly argue that entrepreneurs and their small- and medium-sized enterprises should play a central role in reducing the rate and magnitude of climate change. However, evidence suggests that while some entrepreneurs recognize their crucial role in addressing climate change, most do not. Why some entrepreneurs nevertheless concern themselves with climate change has largely been overlooked. Some initial work in this area tentatively suggests that these entrepreneurs may engage with climate change because of their personal values, which either focus on (...)
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  43.  43
    Dealing With the COVID-19 Infodemic: Distress by Information, Information Avoidance, and Compliance With Preventive Measures.Katharina U. Siebenhaar, Anja K. Köther & Georg W. Alpers - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    An Alternative to Mapping a Word onto a Concept in Language Acquisition: Pragmatic Frames.Katharina J. Rohlfing, Britta Wrede, Anna-Lisa Vollmer & Pierre-Yves Oudeyer - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Plasticity of Executive Control through Task Switching Training in Adolescents.Katharina Zinke, Manuela Einert, Lydia Pfennig & Matthias Kliegel - 2012 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 6.
  46.  37
    Why severe moral transgressions are often difficult to understand.Katharina Anna Sodoma - 2024 - Philosophical Explorations 27 (2):144-156.
    When we learn about a severe moral transgression that has been committed, we are often not only horrified but also puzzled. We are inclined to raise questions such as ‘Why did they do this?’ or exclaim: ‘I cannot understand why anyone would do such a thing!’. This suggests that there is something difficult to understand about severe moral wrongs. In this paper, I offer an explanation of the phenomenon that severe moral transgressions are often difficult to understand. I begin by (...)
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    The History of the Word "Vampire".Katharina M. Wilson - 1985 - Journal of the History of Ideas 46 (4):577.
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    Beliefs about willpower moderate the effect of previous day demands on next day’s expectations and effective goal striving.Katharina Bernecker & Veronika Job - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    End-of-Life Decision Making in Pediatrics: Literature Review on Children's and Adolescents’ Participation.Katharina M. Ruhe, Domnita O. Badarau, Bernice S. Elger & Tenzin Wangmo - 2014 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 5 (2):44-54.
    Background: Pediatric guidelines recommend that children and adolescents participate in a developmentally appropriate way in end-of-life decision making. Shared decision making in pediatrics is unique because of the triadic relationship of patient, parents, and physician. The involvement of the patient may vary on a continuum from no involvement to being the sole decision maker. However, the effects of child participation have not been thoroughly studied. The aims of this literature review are to identify studies on end-of-life decision making in pediatrics, (...)
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    Implicit Bias and Discrimination.Katharina Berndt Rasmussen - 2020 - Theoria 86 (6):727-748.
    Recent social‐psychological research suggests that a considerable amount of, for example, racial and gendered discrimination may be connected to implicit biases: mental processes beyond our direct control or endorsement, that influence our behaviour toward members of socially salient groups. In this article I seek to improve our understanding of the phenomenon of implicit bias, including its moral status, by examining it through the lens of a theory of discrimination. In doing so, I also suggest ways to improve this theory of (...)
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