Results for 'Katharina Poggendorf-Kakar'

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  1.  13
    Handlungsfähigkeit und systemische Gewalt: Weibliche Erotik und Macht am Beispiel der Mystikerin Andal.Katharina Poggendorf-Kakar - 2022 - Paragrana: Internationale Zeitschrift für Historische Anthropologie 31 (1):87-100.
    Ist emanzipatorisches Handeln von Frauen innerhalb einer religiös-patriarchalen Kultur möglich? Wird es gesucht? Es löst oft ein Unbehagen aus, wenn Frauen ihre Identität und Macht in anderen Kontexten verorten als in säkularen Vorstellungen von Begehren und Freiheit. Anhand der tamilischen Mystikerin Andal (9. Jh.) und Beispielen der gegenwärtigen hinduistischen Kultur wird Fragen nach Widerstand, Unterwerfung und systemischer Gewalt nachgegangen.
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    India Analysed: Sudhir Kakar in Conversation with Ramin Jahanbegloo.Sudhir Kakar & Ramin Jahanbegloo - 2015 - Oxford University Press India.
    India Analysed recounts the life and ideas of Sudhir Kakar in his own words and, in the process, gives readers an insight into the psychological make-up of modern Indian.
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    Psychoanalysis, culture, and religion: essays in honour of Sudhir Kakar.Sudhir Kakar & Dinesh Sharma (eds.) - 2014 - New Delhi: Oxford University Press.
    On psychoanalysis and culture with relations to works by Sudhir Kakar, Indian psychoanalyst and writer; contributed articles in his honor.
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    The essential writings of Sudhir Kakar.Sudhir Kakar - 2001 - New York: Oxford University Press.
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    The essential Sudhir Kakar.Sudhir Kakar - 2011 - New Delhi: Oxford University Press.
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    Shamans, Mystics and Doctors: A Psychological Inquiry into India and Its Healing Traditions.Sudhir Kakar - 1993 - Philosophy East and West 43 (2):352-352.
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    Mad and Divine: Spirit and Psyche in the Modern World.Sudhir Kakar - 2009 - University of Chicago Press.
    Sudhir Kakar, India’s foremost practitioner of psychoanalysis, has focused his career on infusing this preeminently Western discipline with ideas and views ...
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    The analyst and the mystic: psychoanalytic reflections on religion and mysticism.Sudhir Kakar - 1991 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    Kakar goes beyond the traditional psychoanalytic interpretation of Ramakrishna's mystical visions and practices. He clarifies their contribution to the psychic transformation of a mystic and offers fresh insight into the relation between sexuality and ecstatic mysticism. Through a comparison of the healing techniques of the mystical guru and those of the analyst, Kakar highlights the difference in their healing objectives and reveals the positive psychological aspects of the religious experience.
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    Arthur C. Dantos Kunstphilosophie Eine kritische Bestandsaufnahme.Katharina Bahlmann & Daniel Martin Feige - 2014 - Zeitschrift für Kulturphilosophie 2014 (2):323-341.
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    Work-life balance practices and organizational cynicism: The mediating role of person-job fit.Abdul Samad Kakar, Niel Kruger, Dilawar Khan Durrani, Muhammad Asif Khan & Natanya Meyer - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This study aims to elaborate on how work-life balance practices influence organizational cynicism through the mediation effects of person-job fit. We collected data from 331 nurses through a self-administered survey, and we tested our hypothesized model through partial least square structural equation modeling techniques using SmartPLS software. The findings revealed that WLB practices influenced OC negatively and PJF positively. We further found that PJF negatively influenced OC and mediated WLB practices’ effect on OC. These findings imply that nurses should be (...)
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    The time of Kali: Violence between religious groups in india.Kakar Sudhir - 2000 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 67 (3).
  12. Perfektionierung in der antiken Philosophie und im frühen Christentum.Katharina Waldner - 2018 - In Thomas Bahne & Katharina Waldner, Die Perfektionierung des Menschen?: religiöse und ethische Perspektiven. Münster: Aschendorff Verlag.
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    Ethics and compliance programs in multinational organizations.Katharina Wulf - 2012 - Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.
    The study examines how multinational organizations implement the concept of ethics and compliance programs into their businesses and the extent to which these programs were geared to the 2004 Amendments. The study explores the applicability of the 2004 Amendments and analyzes the instruments organizations use to successfully develop and maintain these programs. By including research from various fields, a theoretical framework was developed for implementing an ethics and compliance program that takes into account the 2004 Amendments.
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    Virtue, piety and the law: a study of Birgivī Meḥmed Efendī's al-Ṭarīqa al-Muḥammadīyya.Katharina A. Ivanyi - 2021 - Leiden, The Netherlands: Koninklijke Brill NV.
    In Virtue, Piety and the Law Katharina Ivanyi examines Birgivī Meḥmed Efendī's (d. 981/1573) al-Ṭarīqa al-muḥammadiyya, a major work of pietist exhortation and advice, composed by the sixteenth-century Ottoman jurist, Ḥadīth scholar and grammarian, who would articulate a style of religiosity that had considerable reformist appeal into modern times. Linking the cultivation of individual virtue to questions of wider political, social and economic concern, Birgivīplayed a significant role in the negotiation and articulation of early modern Ottoman Ḥanafīpiety. Birgivī's deep (...)
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    Hungarian Cubes: Subversive Ornaments in Socialism.Katharina Roters (ed.) - 2014 - Park Books.
    "Hungarian Cubes" proposes an aesthetical typology of the ornamentation of cubic houses from the 1960s 70s in Hungary. The book is based on the artistic project Magyar Kocka Hungarian Cube, which German-Hungarian artist Katharina Roters is pursuing since 2005. The origins of the Hungarian Cube, a standardized type of residential house, date back to the 1920s, when the cube as prototype of a radically functional design first appeared in plans for single-family homes in Budapest s suburbs and also in (...)
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    Pre-Reflective Self-Consciousness as the Form of Reflexivity.Katharina T. Kraus - 2024 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 131 (2):114-124.
    Boyle’s account of self-consciousness is inspired by a long-standing theme in Kant and the post-Kantian idealist tradition, according to which “self-consciousness transforms the general character of human knowing” (Boyle 2023, 12). In this paper, I explore similarities and differences between Kant’s view (as I understand it) and Boyle's Sartrean view. I will argue, first, that the kind of pre-reflective self-consciousness that Boyle locates in Sartre’s conception of non-positional (self-)consciousness can also be retrieved from Kant’s account of transcendental self-consciousness. Second, I (...)
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  17. Ethical and legal aspects of research with human tissue in Europe (First International Conference, G ottingen).Katharina Beier - 2011 - In Katharina Beier, Nils Hoppe, Christian Lenk & Silvia Schnorrer, The ethical and legal regulation of human tissue and biobank research in Europe: proceedings of the Tiss.EU project. [G ottingen]: Universit atsverlag G ottingen.
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  18. Unlikely bedfellows? Putnam and Hegel on natural kind terms.Katharina Dulckeit - 2009 - In Angelica Nuzzo, Hegel and the Analytic Tradition. Continuum.
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    Der Einfluss der stoischen Philosophie auf die Moralphilosophie der deutschen Aufklärung.Katharina Korn Franz - 1940 - Halle: Brühlsche Universitätsdruckerei.
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    Trump, Snakes and the Power of Fables.Katharina Stevens - 2018 - Informal Logic 38 (1):53-83.
    At a recent rally, Donald Trump resumed a habit he had developed during his election-rallies and read out the lyrics to a song. It tells the Aesopian fable of The Farmer and the Snake: A half frozen snake is taken in by a kind-hearted person but bites them the moment it is revived. Trump tells the fable to make a point about Islamic immigrants and undocumented immigrants from Southern and Central America: He claims the immigrants will cause problems and much (...)
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    Penthesileas Kuss: Liebe und Krieg in der Literatur der Antike.Katharina Volk - 2010 - In Marco Formisano & Hartmut Böhme, War in Words: Transformations of War From Antiquity to Clausewitz. de Gruyter. pp. 19--189.
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    Leitbilder in den Sozialwissenschaften: Begriffe, Theorien und Forschungskonzepte.Katharina D. Giesel - 2007 - Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.
    Katharina D. Giesel befasst sich mit den Fragen, was in den verschiedensten Sozialwissenschaften unter Leitbildern verstanden wird, wie diese Kategorie konzeptionell in Forschungs- und Handlungskonzepte eingebunden wird und inwiefern ...
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  23. On the presuppositions of number sentences.Katharina Felka - 2015 - Synthese 192 (5):1393-1412.
    This paper is concerned with an intuitive contrast that arises when we consider sentences containing empty definite descriptions. A sentence like ‘The king of France is bald’ appears neither true nor false, while a sentence like ‘My friend was visited by the king of France’ appears false. Recently, Stephen Yablo has suggested an account of this intuitive contrast. Yablo’s account is particularly interesting, since it has important consequences for the ontological commitments of number sentences like ‘The number of planets is (...)
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  24. Number words and reference to numbers.Katharina Felka - 2014 - Philosophical Studies 168 (1):261-282.
    A realist view of numbers often rests on the following thesis: statements like ‘The number of moons of Jupiter is four’ are identity statements in which the copula is flanked by singular terms whose semantic function consists in referring to a number (henceforth: Identity). On the basis of Identity the realists argue that the assertive use of such statements commits us to numbers. Recently, some anti-realists have disputed this argument. According to them, Identity is false, and, thus, we may deny (...)
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  25. Here I Stand. About the Weight of Personal Practical Necessity.Katharina Bauer - 2017 - In Katharina Bauer, Somogy Varga & Corinna Mieth, Dimensions of Practical Necessity. "Here I stand I can do no other.". Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 215-235.
    When we quote Luther’s dictum, “Here I stand. I can do no other,” we refer to the composure of someone who experiences the necessity to follow a particular course of action against all odds. The incapacity of alternative action is not regarded as a deficit; in such cases, it seems to “lend some added weight” to the decision. This paper deals with the question what kind of value is attributed to experiences of practical necessities or incapacities, in particular, if these (...)
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    „[I]m Laboratorio des Cörpers“ – Kant zur Rolle des Körpers.Katharina Blühm - 2021 - In Camilla Serck-Hanssen & Beatrix Himmelmann, The Court of Reason: Proceedings of the 13th International Kant Congress. De Gruyter. pp. 1105-1114.
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    Ist Vieles mehr? Eine Diskussion von Emanuel Viebahns Semantic Pluralism.Katharina Felka - 2019 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 73 (4):575-580.
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    (1 other version)The Public Intellectual as Survivor: The Cases of Josef Haslinger and Kathrin Röggla.Katharina Gerstenberger - 2012 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2012 (159):120-131.
    ExcerptThis article compares two fairly recent autobiographical works about the experiences of two highly publicized global disasters: Josef Haslinger's Phi Phi Island: Ein Bericht (2004) and Kathrin Röggla's really ground zero: 11. september und folgendes (2001). Röggla was in lower Manhattan on September 11, 2001. Haslinger was a victim of the 2004 tsunami in Thailand, where he vacationed with his family. Both tell stories that are at once intensely personal, relating threats to the narrator's very existence, and decidedly public, as (...)
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    Introduction to natural language semantics, henriëtte de Swart.Katharina Hartmann & Thomas Ede Zimmermann - 2001 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 10 (4):511-518.
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    Kompensationen in alternativen. Konfliktregelungsverfahren.Katharina Holzinger - 1997 - Analyse & Kritik 19 (1):33-63.
    In many cases collectively desirable projects can be carried out only after considerable social conflict because the unequal distribution of burden and benefit from such projects leads to local Opposition. From an economic perspective this problem can (and should) be resolved by compensating those who are negatively affected. Using a fictitious example, the author demonstrates that compensation packages will ( a) increase the collective welfare, (b) have a positive redistributive effect, and ( c) contribute to unblocking negotiation standstills that result (...)
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    Preface.Katharina Neges, Josef Mitterer, Sebastian Kletzl & Christian Kanzian - 2017 - In Katharina Neges, Josef Mitterer, Sebastian Kletzl & Christian Kanzian, Realism - Relativism - Constructivism: Proceedings of the 38th International Wittgenstein Symposium in Kirchberg. Boston: De Gruyter.
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  32. To be or Not to be Authentic. In Defence of Authenticity as an Ethical Ideal.Katharina Bauer - 2017 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 20 (3):567-580.
    It has recently been pointed out that the cloudiness of the concept of authenticity as well as inflated ideologies of the ‘true self’ provide good reasons to criticize theories and ideals of authenticity. Nevertheless, there are also good reasons to defend an ethical ideal of authenticity, not least because of its critical and oppositional force, which is directed against experiences of self-abandonment and self-alienation. I will argue for an elaborated ethical ideal of authenticity: the ambitious ideal of a continuous self-reflective (...)
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    Kant on Self-Knowledge and Self-Formation: The Nature of Inner Experience.Katharina T. Kraus - 2020 - New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
    As the pre-eminent Enlightenment philosopher, Kant famously calls on all humans to make up their own minds, independently from the constraints imposed on them by others. Kant's focus, however, is on universal human reason, and he tells us little about what makes us individual persons. In this book, Katharina T. Kraus explores Kant's distinctive account of psychological personhood by unfolding how, according to Kant, we come to know ourselves as such persons. Drawing on Kant's Critical works and on his (...)
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    Materia Prima: Zur Semantik des Begriffs in Naturkundlichen Sachschriften des 16. Jahrhunderts.Katharina Dück - 2019 - Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden.
    Katharina Dück widmet sich in diesem Buch dem umfangreichen Doktrinenschatz des Begriffs „Materia prima“ im Spannungsfeld von Theorie und wiederholbarer Praxis in deutschsprachigen alchemisch-naturkundlichen Sachschriften des 16. Jahrhunderts. Sie trägt damit neue Aspekte zur Debatte des Materialismus in der Frühen Neuzeit bei. Untersucht werden Texte sogenannter Meisterdenker als auch Zeugnisse derer, die bisher wenig berücksichtigt wurden. Dem Corpus Paracelsicum und der Strömung des Paracelsismus wird besondere Beachtung gezollt. Drei rasterartig umrissene Grundmuster, denen die „Materia prima“-Vorstellungen zugeordnet sind, werden ausführlich (...)
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    Culture and Psyche: Psychoanalysis and India.Sudhir Kakar - 1997 - Psyche Press.
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    Why Is It ethical? Comparing Potential European Partners: A Western Christian and An Eastern Islamic Country – On Arguments Used in Explaining Ethical Judgments.Katharina J. Srnka, A. Ercan Gegez & S. Burak Arzova - 2007 - Journal of Business Ethics 74 (2):101-118.
    Located at the crossroads of the Eastern and Western world, Turkey today is characterized by a demographically versatile and modernizing society as well as a rapidly developing economy. Currently, the country is negotiating its accession to the European Union. This article yields some factual grounding into the ongoing value-related debate concerning Turkey's potential EU-membership. It describes a mixed-methodology study on moral reasoning in Austria and Turkey. In this study, the arguments given by individuals when evaluating ethically problematic situations in business (...)
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    No Praise for Unknown Cakes: What Is the Source of the Acquaintance Inference?Katharina Felka - forthcoming - Erkenntnis:1-18.
    Based on utterances of sentences that contain predicates of taste hearers typically infer that the speaker has first-hand experience with the object being evaluated. That is, utterances of such sentences invoke an acquaintance inference. Various authors have argued that the acquaintance inference is due to peculiarities of predicates of taste. In the paper we critically discuss these proposals and reject them in favour of a version of an epistemic account, according to which the acquaintance inference results from peculiarities of knowledge (...)
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  38. The Virtuous Arguer: One Person, Four Roles.Katharina Stevens - 2016 - Topoi 35 (2):375-383.
    When evaluating the arguer instead of the argument, we soon find ourselves confronted with a puzzling situation: what seems to be a virtue in one argumentative situation could very well be called a vice in another. This paper will present the idea that there are in fact two sets of virtues an arguer has to master—and with them four sometimes very different roles.
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  39. Anscombe on the Sources of Normativity.Katharina Nieswandt - 2017 - Journal of Value Inquiry 51 (1):141-163.
    Anscombe is usually seen as a critic of “Modern Moral Philosophy.” I attempt a systematic reconstruction and a defense of Anscombe’s positive theory. Anscombe’s metaethics is a hybrid of social constructivism and Aristotelian naturalism. Her three main claims are the following: (1) We cannot trace all duties back to one moral principle; there is more than one source of normativity. (2) Whether I have a certain duty will often be determined by the social practices of my community. For instance, duties (...)
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    Von den Schwierigkeiten der Zuspitzung Replik auf Udo Tietz' „hilfslosen Antistalinismus des Bert Brecht“.Katharina Bluhm - 1992 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 40 (6):679-688.
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    Women at Qumran? Between texts and objects.Katharina Galor - 2014 - Clio 40:19-43.
    La question du sexe des résidents du site de Qumrân a longtemps été ignorée, comme s’il allait de soi qu’une telle communauté ne pouvait compter que des hommes. Longtemps aussi les spécialistes ont raisonné en utilisant uniquement les textes des manuscrits trouvés dans les grottes de la mer Morte comme si les données matérielles fournies par les fouilles du site archéologique de Qumrân ne pouvaient leur être associées. Cet article entend analyser les raisons pour lesquelles les chercheurs ont pu affirmer (...)
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    „Der Dichter verräth sich in seinen Gestalten“ – und bleibt ungreifbar: Nietzsche, Zarathustra und Zarathustras Schatten.Katharina Grätz - 2018 - Nietzscheforschung 25 (1):123-136.
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    From Which Direction Does the Empire Strike (Back)?Katharina Theresa Halicki, Moritz Ingendahl, Maren Mayer, Melvin John, Marcel Raphael Schreiner & Michaela Wänke - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    In cultures with left-right-script, agentic behavior is mentally represented as following a left-to-right trajectory, an effect referred to as the Spatial Agency Bias. In this research, we investigated whether spatial representations of activities are universal across activities by analyzing the opposite concepts of “attack” and “defense”. Both behaviors involve similar actions but may differ in perceived agency. Moreover “defense” is necessarily always a response to an attack and may therefore be represented by a trajectory in the opposite direction. Two studies (...)
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    Culture and psyche: selected essays.Sudhir Kakar - 2008 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Culture and Psyche is a collection of Sudhir Kakar's essays on cultural psychology, which analyses various facets of Indian identity and sexuality through sources as diverse as case studies, Indian myths and legends, and popular cinema. The second edition of this classic includes a new introduction and three additional essays which explore issues like riots, the psychology of Islamist terrorism, among others.
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    Tales of Love, Sex, and Danger.Sudhir Kakar & John Munder Ross - 2011 - Oxford University Press India.
    This book discusses the complexities of love and the nature of erotic passion as these appear in the great love stories of the world. Starting with the story of Romeo and Juliet and its roots in European Christianity, the authors uncover hidden depths of cultural and universal significance in famous romantic tales of the Middle East and the Indian Subcontinent-'Layla and Majnun', 'Heer and Ranjha', 'Sohni and Mahinwal', 'Vis and Ramin', and 'Radha and Krishna'. Moving westward again, Kakar and (...)
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    Veränderte Perspektiven für Roma in Europa nach der Osterweiterung der europäischen Union.Katharina Köhler - 2005 - Jahrbuch Menschenrechte 2006 (jg):296-303.
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    The Social Life of Painting in Ancient Rome and on the Bay of Naples.Katharina Lorenz - 2005 - American Journal of Philology 126 (4):626-629.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:...
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    Dank.Katharina D. Martin & Ann-Cathrin Drews - 2017 - In Katharina D. Martin & Ann-Cathrin Drews, Innen - Außen - Anders: Körper Im Werk von Gilles Deleuze Und Michel Foucault. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag. pp. 9-10.
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    Hume, Passion, and Action by Elizabeth Radcliffe.Katharina Paxman - 2021 - Hume Studies 44 (1):113-116.
    It is a challenge to write a book on a topic that has received extensive treatment in philosophical discourse—especially when said treatment has been varied in purpose, angle, and aim. Hume’s work on the relationship between passion and action is one such topic. Scholarship on this theme has ranged from historically situated interpretive work, to theoretical work that assumes a Kantian foil, to the robust discourse of contemporary Humean views. In her book, Hume, Passion, and Action, Elizabeth Radcliffe has taken (...)
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    Sex Differences in Intergenerational Income Transmission and Educational Attainment: Testing the Trivers-Willard Hypothesis.Katharina E. Pink, Anna Schaman & Martin Fieder - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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