Results for 'Katerina Daniel'

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  1.  43
    Fundamentals of Psychoanalytic Technique: A Lacanian Approach for Practitioners.Katerina Daniel - 2008 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 39 (1):111-114.
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    Paul Ricœur and Phenomenology: The Twenty-Fourth Annual Symposium of the Simon Silverman Phenomenology Center.David Pellauer & Katerina Daniel (eds.) - 2007 - Simon Silverman Phenomenology Center, Duquesne University.
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    The New Science of Practical Wisdom.Dilip V. Jeste, Ellen E. Lee, Charles Cassidy, Rachel Caspari, Pascal Gagneux, Danielle Glorioso, Bruce L. Miller, Katerina Semendeferi, Candace Vogler, Howard Nusbaum & Dan Blazer - 2019 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 62 (2):216-236.
    We are drowning in information, while starving for wisdom.Are the smartest people also the wisest? Not necessarily. While traditional intellectual reasoning and procedural knowledge have helped build the communities we live in, there is a growing scientific understanding that we need emotionally balanced and better-fitting prosocial frameworks for coping with the uncertainties and complexities of life and addressing new challenges of the modern world. We are now poised on the edge of a new science of wisdom.The concept of wisdom, long (...)
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    Educational States of Suspension.Tyson E. Lewis & Daniel Friedrich - 2016 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 48 (3).
    In response to the growing emphasis on learning outcomes, life-long learning, and what could be called the learning society, scholars are turning to alternative educational logics that problematize the reduction of education to learning. In this article, we draw on these critics but also extend their thinking in two ways. First, we use Giorgio Agamben and Gilles Deleuze to posit two educational logics—tinkering and hacking, respectively—that suspend and render inoperative learning logics, expectations, and evaluative metrics. Second, we argue that contemporary (...)
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    What’s wrong with philosophical history of philosophy? The historiography of philosophy, by Michael Frede, with a postface by Jonathan Barnes, edited by Katerina Ierodiakonou, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2022, pp.256, £55.00 (hb), ISBN: 9780198840725. [REVIEW]Christof Rapp - 2023 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 31 (5):1056-1065.
    In a programmatic paper from 2005, Daniel Garber writes: “People do histories of all sorts of things, including politics, military strategy, theatre, table manners, corkscrews. Why not a real histo...
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  6. Jacobi and Hemsterhuis.Daniel Whistler - 2023 - In Alexander J. B. Hampton, Friedrich Jacobi and the end of the enlightenment: religion, philosophy, and reason at the crux of modernity. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
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  7. Kant on fundamental geometrical relations.Daniel Sutherland - 2005 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 87 (2):117-158.
    Equality, similarity and congruence are essential elements of Kant’s theory of geometrical cognition; nevertheless, Kant’s account of them is not well understood. This paper provides historical context for treatments of these geometrical relations, presents Kant’s views on their mathematical definitions, and explains Kant’s theory of their cognition. It also places Kant’s theory within the larger context of his understanding of the quality-quantity distinction. Most importantly, it argues that the relation of equality, in conjunction with the categories of quantity, plays a (...)
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    Patrick Manning; Daniel Rood (Editors). Global Scientific Practice in an Age of Revolutions, 1750–1850. vii + 401 pp., figs., bibl., index. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2016. $49.95 (cloth); ISBN 9780822944546. E-book available. Patrick Manning; Mat Savelli (Editors). Global Transformations in the Life Sciences, 1945–1980. xi + 314 pp., notes, bibl., index. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2018. $45 (cloth); ISBN 9780822945277. E-book available. Patrick Manning; Abigail Owen (Editors). Knowledge in Translation: Global Patterns of Scientific Exchange, 1000–1800 CE. xv + 437 pp., notes, bibl., index. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2018. $55 (cloth); ISBN 9780822945376. E-book available. [REVIEW]Dániel Margócsy - 2020 - Isis 111 (4):852-855.
  9.  18
    Animal Ethics and Theology: The Lens of the Good Samaritan.Daniel K. Miller - 2011 - Routledge.
    In this book, Daniel K. Miller articulates a new vision of human and animal relationships based on the foundational love ethic within Christianity. Framed around Jesus' parable of the Good Samaritan, Animal Ethics and Theologythoughtfully examines the shortcomings of utilitarian and rights-based approaches to animal ethics. By considering the question of animals within the Christian concept of neighbourly love, Miller provides an alternative narrative for understanding the complex relationships that humans have with other animals. This book addresses significant theological (...)
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  10. The impertinence of Frankfurt-style argument.Daniel James Speak - 2007 - Philosophical Quarterly 57 (226):76-95.
    Discussions of the principle of alternative possibilities have largely ignored the limits of what Frankfurt-style counter-examples can show. Rather than challenging the coherence of the cases, I argue that even if they are taken to demonstrate the falsity of the principle, they cannot advance the compatibilist cause. For a forceful incompatibilist argument can be constructed from the Frankfurtian premise that agents in Frankfurtian circumstances would have done what they did even if they could have done something else. This 'counterfactual stability' (...)
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    On the Complementarity of the Ages of Life.Daniel Weinstock - 2018 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 35 (S1):47-59.
    In a pair of influential papers, Tamar Schapiro argues that childhood is a ‘predicament’, in that children lack stable characters that allow them to be subjects of ascriptions of moral responsibility. Comparing childhood to the political ‘state of nature’, Schapiro holds that childhood is a stage of life from which agents must be liberated. I argue that the comparison to the state of nature gives rise to the implication that ‘instantaneous adulthood’ would be a desirable state. Canvassing the nascent literature (...)
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  12. Autonomy, social structure, and the economy : freedom within restriction and opportunity.Daniel K. Finn - 2025 - In Christopher J. Insole & Benjamin R. DeSpain, Redeeming autonomy: secular and theological crossings. New York: T&T Clark.
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  13. Philosophy and Prophecy: A Discussion of Miriam Galston, Politics and Excellence: The Political Philosophy of Alfarabi.Daniel H. Frank - 1994 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 12:251-258.
  14. Michael J. Dodds, The Unchanging God of Love: Thomas Aquinas and Contemporary Theology on Divine Immutability.Daniel B. Gallagher - 2009 - Philosophy in Review 29 (6):401.
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  15. Emmanuel Lévinas: etapas de vida y pensamiento.Daniel Gamarra - 2009 - Acta Philosophica 18 (1).
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  16. The Double Arguments.Daniel Silvermintz - 2008 - In Patricia F. O'Grady, The Sophists: An Introduction. Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 147-153.
    Provides an overview of the anonymous work of sophistic rhetoric known as Dissoi Logoi or Double Arguments.
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    Music's monisms: disarticulating modernism.Daniel Albright - 2021 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Edited by Alexander Rehding.
    The late Daniel Albright was one of the preeminent scholars of musical and literary modernism, leaving behind a rich body of work before his untimely passing. In the essays contained in Music's Monisms, he shows how musical phenomena, like literary ones, can be fruitfully investigated through the lens of monism, the philosophical belief that things that appear to be two are actually one. Albright shows how, in music, despite its many binaries-diatonic vs. chromatic, staccato vs. legato, major vs. minor, (...)
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  18. Teaching Recent Continental Philosophy.Stephen H. Daniel - 2004 - In Tziporah Kasachkoff, Teaching Philosophy: Theoretical Reflections and Practical Suggestions. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. pp. 197-206.
    An explanation of how to organize and teach a course in recent continental thought, including treatments of the major figures in critical theory, hermeneutics, structuralism, deconstruction, psychoanalytic feminism, poststructuralism, postcolonialism, and postmodernism. Reprint from *In the Socratic Tradition: Essays on Teaching Philosophy*, ed. Tziporah Kasachkoff (Lanham, Md: Rowman and Littlefield, 1998).
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    Business Meeting of the Semiotic Society of America.Daniel Laferrière & Margot Lenhart - 1978 - Semiotic Scene 2 (1):16-18.
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    Rectangle discriminability: Perceptual relativity and the law of Pragnanz.Daniel J. Weintraub - 1971 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 88 (1):1.
  21.  13
    Representations of commonsense knowledge.Daniel S. Weld - 1993 - Artificial Intelligence 61 (1):113-120.
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    Renewing moral theology: Christian ethics as action, character and grace.Daniel A. Westberg - 2015 - Downers Grove, IL: IVP Academic, an imprint of InterVarsity Press.
    Moral theology: tradition and prospects -- Purpose, reason and action -- The process of practical reasoning -- How to evaluate good and bad actions -- Actions, dispositions and character -- The reality of sin -- Conversion to Christ -- God's will and God's law -- Virtues: moral dispositions for acting well -- Wisdom in action -- Justice -- Fortitude -- Self-control -- Faith -- Love -- Hope.
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    Foucault at Work: Archaeology, Genealogy, and the Dispositions of Power.Daniel White - 2009 - The European Legacy 14 (3):317-324.
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    The Mind's New Architecture: Cognitive Science and the Humanities.Daniel White - 2006 - The European Legacy 11 (4):433-437.
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    Pain and the senses [Commentary].Daniel Wikler - 2009 - Brain and Mind 908:315.
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    Babbage among the insurers: Big 19th-century data and the public interest.Daniel C. S. Wilson - 2018 - History of the Human Sciences 31 (5):129-153.
    This article examines life assurance and the politics of ‘big data’ in mid-19th-century Britain. The datasets generated by life assurance companies were vast archives of information about human longevity. Actuaries distilled these archives into mortality tables – immensely valuable tools for predicting mortality and so pricing risk. The status of the mortality table was ambiguous, being both a public and a private object: often computed from company records they could also be extrapolated from public projects such as the census, or (...)
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    Das Masslose der Spätmoderne: eine Kritische Theorie.Daniel Zettler - 2020 - Bielefeld: Transcript.
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  28. Czy argument z jezyka prywatnego mówi nam cos o tym, jak nie powinnismy myslec o spolecznych praktykach kezykowych?Daniel Zuromski - 2007 - Studia Philosophiae Christianae 43 (1):47-53.
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  29. Forms of Justice: Critical Perspectives on David Miller's Political Philosophy.Daniel A. Bell & Avner de-Shalit - 2005 - Philosophical Quarterly 55 (218):146-148.
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    7. Is Democracy the “Least Bad” System for Minority Groups?Daniel A. Bell - 2006 - In Beyond Liberal Democracy: Political Thinking for an East Asian Context. Princeton University Press. pp. 180-205.
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  31. A philosophical approach to satire and humour in social context.Daniel Abrahams - 2020 - Dissertation, University of Glasgow
    The topic of my dissertation is satire. This seems to excite many people, and over the past four years I have heard many variations of a similar refrain: “Oh, wow. You’re studying satire? That’s very topical. You must have a lot of material to work with.” There is a way in which this is true, though I suspect in a way that diverges from the way that most of my interlocutors believed. I suspect that the material they imagined me to (...)
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  32. Semantic tableau versions of some normal modal systems with propositional quantifiers.Daniel Rönnedal - 2019 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 47 (4):505–536.
    In Symbolic Logic (1932), C. I. Lewis developed five modal systems S1 − S5. S4 and S5 are so-called normal modal systems. Since Lewis and Langford’s pioneering work many other systems of this kind have been investigated, among them the 32 systems that can be generated by the five axioms T, D, B, 4 and 5. Lewis also discusses how his systems can be augmented by propositional quantifiers and how these augmented logics allow us to express some interesting ideas that (...)
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  33. Democratic Deliberation: the problem of implementation.Daniel A. Bell - 1999 - In Stephen Macedo, Deliberative politics: essays on democracy and disagreement. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 70--87.
  34. Kommentar till deduktionen.Daniel Birnbaum & Hans Ruin - 1992 - Norsk Filosofisk Tidsskrift 3.
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  35. The Politics of Survival: Peirce, Affectivity, and Social Criticism: As Políticas da Sobrevivência: Peirce, Afetividade e Criticismo Social.Daniel Campos - 2011 - Cognitio 12 (1).
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    Travel Narrative and the Problem of Human Nature in Locke, Shaftesbury, and Hutcheson.Daniel Carey - 1993
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    Socrates on samos.Daniel W. Graham - 2008 - Classical Quarterly 58 (1):308-313.
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    Ethical considerations in geographic research: What especially graduate students need to know.Daniel A. Griffith - 2008 - Ethics, Place and Environment 11 (3):237 – 252.
    The topic of research ethics is assuming an increasingly more central role when preparing research proposals, with Institutional Review Boards being instructed to oversee more and more research activities. Graduate students, especially, should be educated about ethical and unethical research practices, for they will be taking over the research enterprise in the not-too-distant future. An ethics benchmark is outlined, and numerous research examples involving the themes of plagiarism, deception, fraud, confidentiality, and informed consent are discussed here. This narrative emphasizes that (...)
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    Countervailing tendencies and falsifiability in capital.Daniel Little - 1981 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 42 (2):283-291.
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    Wissenschaftskommunikation und Verantwortung.Daniel Eggers - 2022 - In Wilfried Hinsch & Susanne Brandtstädter, Gefährliche Forschung?: Eine Debatte Über Gleichheit Und Differenz in der Wissenschaft. De Gruyter. pp. 123-136.
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    Dichter Bund – loses NetzClose Alliance – Loose Net.Daniel Ehrmann - 2018 - Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft Und Geistesgeschichte 92 (4):463-492.
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    Paul le mystique.Daniel Marguerat - 2012 - Revue Théologique de Louvain 43 (4):473-493.
    L’apôtre Paul a la réputation d’être un théologien performant dans l’argumentation, plus enclin à la rationalité qu’aux envols extatiques. Or, un examen attentif de sa correspondance fait apparaître la présence d’expériences religieuses, que l’apôtre raconte, et que l’on ne peut hésiter à appeler mystiques. Les signes sont discrets, mais indéniables: parler en langues, guérisons charismatiques, extases, visions. L’enquête de Daniel Marguerat fait l’inventaire de ces expériences, mettant en évidence l’interprétation qu’en donne l’apôtre. On ira jusqu’à parler d’une subversion de (...)
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    Not Even a Sparrow Falls: The Philosophy of Stephen R. L. Clark.Daniel A. Dombrowski (ed.) - 2000 - Michigan State University Press.
    Since the mid-1970s an amazing philosopher has blazed across the philosophic sky—Stephen R. L. Clark. To date he has written twelve books, including _From Athens to Jerusalem, Aristotle's Man, Animals and Their Moral Standing, Civil Peace and Sacred Order, God's World and the Great Awakening, The Mysteries of Religion, The Moral Status of Animals, The Nature of the Beast, and A Parliament of Souls,_ as well as dozens of articles. Critics find him "arresting," "profound," "amusing," and, paradoxically, "irritating." In this (...)
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  44. What Now?: Youth Ministry in the Wake of World Youth Day 2008: The Ongoing Challenge.Daniel Ang - 2008 - The Australasian Catholic Record 85 (4):403.
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    ʻAl śefat ha-heʼarah =.Daniel Arel - 2017 - Ḥefah: Pardes, sifrut ʻIvrit mitḳademet.
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    Cornelius Castoriadis o la sociedad autónoma.Daniel H. Cabrera - 2012 - In Aragüés Estragués, Juan Manuel, López de Lizaga & José Luis, Perspectivas: una aproximación al pensamiento ético y político contemporáneo. Zaragoza: Prensas Universitarias de Zaragoza. pp. 211--115.
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  47. Moral and aesthetic judgments reconsidered.Daniel Came - 2012 - Journal Ofvalue Inquiry 46 (2):159–71.
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  48. Les origines intellectuelles de la Révolution française.Daniel Mornet - 1934 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 117 (3):301-303.
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  49. Strip-Showing and the Suspension of a Naked End.Daniel Sack - 2017 - In Laurie A. Frederik, Showing off, showing up: studies of hype, heightened performance, and cultural power. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
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  50. Idea of Progress.Daniel Sarewitz - 2012 - In Jan Kyrre Berg Olsen Friis, Stig Andur Pedersen & Vincent F. Hendricks, A Companion to the Philosophy of Technology. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
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