Results for 'Kate Brittlebarik'

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  1. Book reviews and notices. [REVIEW]Robert Menzies, Julius Lipner, Pradip Bhattacharya, Christian K. Wedemeyer, Carl Olson, Kate Brittlebarik, Karen Pechilis Prentiss, David Carpenter, Anne E. Monius, Robin Rinehart, Patricia M. Greer, John Grimes, Srimati Basu, Lorilai Biernacki, Reid B. Locklin, Srimati Basu, Michael H. Eisher, Doris R. Jakobsh, Steve Derné, Gail M. Harley, Gavin Flood, Frederick M. Smith & Ariel Glucklich - 2002 - International Journal of Hindu Studies 6 (1):75-110.
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    (1 other version)“A Woman First and a Philosopher Second”: Relative Attentional Surplus on the Wrong Property.Ella Kate Whiteley - 2023 - Ethics 133 (4):497-528.
    One theme in complaints from those with marginalized social identities is that they are seen primarily in terms of that identity. Some Black artists, for instance, complain about being seen as Black first and artists second. These individuals can be understood as objecting to a particularly subtle form of morally problematic attention: “relative attentional surplus on the wrong property.” This attentional surplus can coexist with another type of common problematic attention affecting these groups, including attentional deficits; marginalized individuals and groups (...)
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  3. On 'Whites Only' Signs and Racist Hate Speech: Verbal Acts of Racial Discrimination.Mary Kate McGowan - 2012 - In Ishani Maitra & Mary Kate McGowan, Speech and Harm: Controversies Over Free Speech. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 121-147.
    This paper argues that racist speech in public places ought to be regulable even with teh strict free speech protections of the First Amendment. McGowan argues that the same justification for regulating the hanging of a 'Whites Only' sign applies to racist utterances in public spaces.
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  4. Classifying Genetic Essentialist Biases using Large Language Models.Ritsaart Reimann, Kate Lynch, Stefan Gawronski, Jack Chan & Paul Edmund Griffiths - manuscript
    The rapid rise of generative AI, including LLMs, has prompted a great deal of concern, both within and beyond academia. One of these concerns is that generative models embed, reproduce, and therein potentially perpetuate all manner of bias. The present study offers an alternative perspective: exploring the potential of LLMs to detect bias in human generated text. Our target is genetic essentialism in obesity discourse in Australian print media. We develop and deploy an LLM-based classification model to evaluate a large (...)
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  5. On Racist Hate Speech and the Scope of a Free Speech Principle.Mary Kate McGowan & Ishani Maitra - 2009 - Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence 23 (2):343-372.
    In this paper, we argue that to properly understand our commitment to a principle of free speech, we must pay attention to what should count as speech for the purposes of such a principle. We defend the view that ‘speech’ here should be a technical term, with something other than its ordinary sense. We then offer a partial characterization of this technical sense. We contrast our view with some influential views about free speech , and show that our view has (...)
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  6. Attentional Discrimination and Victim Testimony.Ella Kate Whiteley - 2024 - Philosophical Psychology (6):1407-1431.
    Sometimes, a form of discrimination is hard to register, understand, and articulate. A rich precedent demonstrates how victim testimonies have been key in uncovering such “hidden” forms of discrimination, from sexual harassment to microaggressions. I reflect on how this plausibly goes too for “attentional discrimination”, referring to cases where the more meaningful attributes of one social group are made salient in attention in contrast to the less meaningful attributes of another. Victim testimonies understandably dominate the “context-of-discovery” stage of research into (...)
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  7. Global Poverty, Structural Change, and Role-Ideals.Olga Lenczewska & Kate Yuan - 2024 - Philosophy and Public Issues - Filosofia E Questioni Pubbliche 2024 (2):431-458.
    It has often been argued that charitable donations are not a sufficient response to global poverty; individuals need to address structural injustice. Proponents of the Effective Altruism (EA) movement have raised two main problems with this focus on structural injustice. In this paper, we respond to these concerns. The first problem raised by EA proponents is that focusing on structural injustice absolves individuals of any responsibility other than political ones. In response, we argue that discharging this duty requires more commitment (...)
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  8. The Metaphysics of Intersectionality Revisited.Holly Lawford-Smith & Kate Phelan - 2021 - Journal of Political Philosophy 30 (2):166-187.
    ‘Intersectionality’ is one of the rare pieces of academic jargon to make it out of the university and into the mainstream. The message is clear and well-known: your feminism had better be intersectional. But what exactly does this mean? This paper is partly an exercise in conceptual clarification, distinguishing at least six distinct types of claim found across the literature on intersectionality, and digging further into the most philosophically complex of these claims—namely the metaphysical and explanatory. It’s also partly a (...)
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  9. The Limits of Free Speech: Pornography and the Question of Coverage.Ishani Maitra & Mary Kate McGowan - 2007 - Legal Theory 13 (1):41-68.
    Many liberal societies are deeply committed to freedom of speech. This commitment is so entrenched that when it seems to come into conflict with other commitments (e.g., gender equality), it is often argued that the commitment to speech must trump the other commitments. In this paper, we argue that a proper understanding of our commitment to free speech requires being clear about what should count as speech for these purposes. On the approach we defend, should get a special, technical sense, (...)
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    Rightsholder-Driven Remedy for Business-Related Human Rights Abuse: Case of the Fair Food Program.Alysha Kate Shivji - 2024 - Journal of Business Ethics 193 (2):363-382.
    This paper investigates necessary conditions for developing a participatory, rightsholder-driven approach to remedy for business-related human rights abuses by analyzing findings from a case study with the Fair Food Program. With the inclusion of human rights into discussions of business ethics and CSR, scholars and practitioners have made calls for participatory approaches to remedy to address cases of human rights abuses. However, a gap remains in our understanding of how to operationalize participatory approaches in a manner that empowers rightsholders, particularly (...)
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  11. How should we conceive of individual consumer responsibility to address labour injustices?Christian Barry & Kate Macdonald - 2016 - In Yossi Dahan, Hanna Lerner & Faina Milman-Sivan, Global Justice and International Labour Rights. Cambridge University Press.
    Many approaches to addressing labour injustices—shortfalls from minimally decent wages and working conditions— focus on how governments should orient themselves toward other states in which such phenomena take place, or to the firms that are involved with such practices. But of course the question of how to regard such labour practices must also be faced by individuals, and individual consumers of the goods that are produced through these practices in particular. Consumers have become increasingly aware of their connections to complex (...)
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    Theorizing Effective (Preventative) Remedy: Exploring the Root Cause Dimensions of Human Rights Abuse & Remedy.Alysha Kate Shivji - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-19.
    This paper puts forth a critical perspective on remedy for business-related human rights abuses. It reflects on the purpose of remedy in Business and Human Rights and argues that effective remedy should address the multiple root causes of abuses to prevent reoccurrences rather than focus on surface issues and isolated cases. To develop a theoretical framework to conceptualize preventative remedy that addresses multiple root causes, this research draws on Fraser’s radical democratic conception of justice and participatory parity. According to the (...)
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    The Surreal Social Commentary That Sparks Love and Dreams.J. Palmer & Kate Henry - 2024 - Amazon Book Review Series of “Wild Wise Weird”.
    Amazon Book Review Series of “Wild Wise Weird”.
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    Hidden Markov model analysis reveals the advantage of analytic eye movement patterns in face recognition across cultures.Tim Chuk, Kate Crookes, William G. Hayward, Antoni B. Chan & Janet H. Hsiao - 2017 - Cognition 169 (C):102-117.
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    The war came alive inside of them.Kate E. Temoney - 2021 - Journal of Religious Ethics 49 (3):479-494.
    Increasingly, scholarship on moral injury is expanding to include non‐military personnel, and considers a violation of bodily integrity—for example, of civilian women who are targeted for sexual violence in warfare—as a particularly egregious harm. Moral injury discourse also extends beyond the individual to the social context in which moral injury arises, its relational effects, and its utterly devastating impact on personhood, an impact frequently characterized as a “soul wound.” The intersection of genocidal rape—both as an individual and a group harm—with (...)
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    Domestic abuse, civil protection orders and the `new criminologies': is there any value in engaging with the law?Clare Connelly & Kate Cavanagh - 2007 - Feminist Legal Studies 15 (3):259-287.
    Changes in government policy over the last two decades have seen the traditional goals of criminal justice, namely prosecution and punishment, being replaced by an emphasis on prevention, fear reduction, security and harm reduction. During this time domestic abuse has gained a place on the political agenda, which has resulted in legislative initiatives in the form of civil protection orders across the U.K. which primarily focus on prevention but have also more recently begun to rely on the traditional criminal justice (...)
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    New Applications, Hepeating, and Discrimination: Response to Anderson, Horisk, and Watson.Mary Kate McGowan - 2021 - Res Philosophica 98 (3):537-544.
    This article is the author's response to critical essays by Luvell Anderson, Claire Horisk, and Lori Watson. The legal concept of discrimination, the sneaky communicative functioning of joke-telling, and the phenomenon of hepeating are each discussed.
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  18. The Quality of Life, Lived Experiences, and Challenges Faced by Senior Citizen Street Vendors.Francine Kate R. Tipon, Kaissery Baldado, Alyssa Mae, Jhaimee Lyzette Montaos & Jhoselle Tus - 2023 - Psychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journal 7 (1):14-19.
    The odds of encountering a senior citizen selling on the street have increased. The claim that they have no choice but to work and sell on the street, despite the dangers, illnesses, and psychological issues they may face, to provide for their family’s needs is very evident. Therefore, this study explores the quality of life, lived experiences, challenges, and coping mechanisms of senior citizen street vendors in Bulacan, Philippines. The study employed Heideggerian Phenomenology and Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA). Moreover, the (...)
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    On Keeping Things as Books.Fabio Morabito, Kate van Orden, Deidre Shauna Lynch, Tom Stammers & Erin Johnson-Williams - 2025 - Critical Inquiry 51 (2):365-396.
    Music, literature, history. These things are not quite alike. But in Europe, before the advent of recording machines that made it possible for sounds to be recorded and played back, the three activities relied on the same technology of preservation. They were kept in/as books. Bookishness, in European and colonial imaginaries, was an often-idealized, powerful means of keeping things from slipping away. An understanding of bookish things as a repository can be evinced in laws that required preserving a copy of (...)
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    Addressing Racism in the Healthcare Encounter: The Role of Clinical Ethics Consultants.Erin Talati Paquette, Kate MacDuffie & Vanessa Madrigal - 2022 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 33 (3):202-209.
    Clinical ethicists move in different environments and interface with a variety of stakeholders, and are therefore uniquely positioned to answer the call for equity and anti-racism. We describe why a clinical ethicist should contribute to anti-racism efforts and describe general approaches for addressing racism across institutional contexts, including: (1) addressing racism as a bedside clinical ethics consultant, (2) addressing a wider lens of anti-racism work across multiple ethics consults over time, and (3) addressing racism at the organizational level.
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    Linguagens (i)móveis e literacias em educação matemática.Kate le Roux - 2024 - Prometeica - Revista De Filosofía Y Ciencias 31:285-299.
    analiticamente para a produção de conhecimento sobre linguagens e literacias em educação matemática. Isto é motivado por duas preocupações que estão relacionadas: aquela em que a busca da certeza, estabilidade e permanência dos significados dos conceitos analíticos trazem para algumas existências do ser, e não outras; e aquela em que aos conceitos são atribuídos significados em lugares geopolíticos e relacionais, nos quais passados, presentes e futuros estão entrelaçados. Eu escrevo do e para meu contexto geopolítico e relacional do Sul, um (...)
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    Opposing FGF and retinoid pathways: a signalling switch that controls differentiation and patterning onset in the extending vertebrate body axis.Ruth Diez del Corral & Kate G. Storey - 2004 - Bioessays 26 (8):857-869.
    Construction of the trunk/caudal region of the vertebrate embryo involves a set of distinct molecules and processes whose relationships are just coming into focus. In addition to the subdivision of the embryo into head and trunk domains, this “caudalisation” process requires the establishment and maintenance of a stem zone. This sequentially generates caudal tissues over a long period which then undergo differentiation and patterning in the extending body axis. Here we review recent studies that show that changes in the signalling (...)
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    The Politics of Judicial Independence in the Uk's Changing Constitution.Graham Gee, Robert Hazell, Kate Malleson & Patrick O'Brien - 2015 - Cambridge University Press.
    Judicial independence is generally understood as requiring that judges must be insulated from political life. The central claim of this work is that far from standing apart from the political realm, judicial independence is a product of it. It is defined and protected through interactions between judges and politicians. In short, judicial independence is a political achievement. This is the main conclusion of a three-year research project on the major changes introduced by the Constitutional Reform Act 2005, and the consequences (...)
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    Commencement of the Legal Year Drinks.Athol Opas, Andrew Crockett, Daniel Moulis, Kate Fiddy, Brad Beasley Anu, Ruth Freeman, Nathalie Shepherd, Justice Terence Higgins, Margaret Reid & Gary Parker - forthcoming - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology.
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    De Novis Libris Iudicia.W. J. Verdenius, H. Bolkestein, G. Van Hoorn, Olivier Masson, G. L. Muskens, D. M. Schenkeveld, R. Ten Kate, A. D. Leeman, J. H. H. A. Indemans, W. Den Boer & H. T. Wallinga - 1964 - Mnemosyne 17 (1):81-106.
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    Researching the Everyday Educational Lives of Low-Income Families: The Importance of Researcher and Participant Contexts.Emma Wainwright, Kate Hoskins, Refika Arabaci, Junqing Zhai, Jie Gao & Yuwei Xu - 2025 - British Journal of Educational Studies 73 (1):5-25.
    This paper highlights the importance of considering both researcher and participant contexts when exploring everyday educational lives. It emerges during a period of increasing and sustained social inequality in England, and against a backdrop of increasingly tight research timeframes and resources in higher education. Drawing on a project engaging low-income families in Greater London, the paper takes the everyday as its conceptual focus and questions how we can be critically attentive to everyday educational lives if we struggle to access and (...)
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  27. An audit of mental capacity assessment on general medical wards.Isobel Sleeman & Kate Saunders - 2013 - Clinical Ethics 8 (2-3):47-51.
    The Mental Capacity Act (2005) was designed to protect and empower patients with impaired capacity. Despite an estimated 40% of medical inpatients lacking capacity, it is unclear how many patients undergo capacity assessments and treatment under the Act. We audited the number of capacity assessments on the general medical wards of an English-teaching hospital. A total of 95 sets of case notes were reviewed: the mean age was 78.6 years, 57 were female. The most common presenting complaints were feeling ‘unwell’ (...)
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    Dimensional versus conceptual incommensurability in the social and behavioral sciences.Eugene Vaynberg, Kate Nicole Hoffman, Jacqueline Mae Wallis & Michael Weisberg - 2024 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 47:e64.
    This commentary analyzes the extent to which the incommensurability problem can be resolved through the proposed alternative method of integrative experiment design. We suggest that, although one aspect of incommensurability is successfully addressed (dimensional incommensurability), the proposed design space method does not yet alleviate another major source of discontinuity, which we call conceptual incommensurability.
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    Germ cell suicide: new insights into apoptosis during spermatogenesis.Cristin G. Print & Kate Lakoski Loveland - 2000 - Bioessays 22 (5):423-430.
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    Is There Such a Thing as a Biosignature?Christophe Malaterre, Inge Loes Ten Kate, Mickael Baqué, Vinciane Debaille, John Lee Grenfell, Emmanuelle Javaux, Nozair Khawaja, Fabian Klenner, Yannick Lara, Sean McMahon, Keavin Moore, Lena Noack, C. H. Lucas Patty & Frank Postberg - unknown
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    Newington College: Building thinking communities.Britta Jensen, Kate Kennedy White & Michael Parker - 2024 - Journal of Philosophy in Schools 11 (1):104.
    In the Australian context, all teachers are obliged, in accordance with the national curriculum, to engage students in critical and creative thinking in the classroom. Yet teachers often wonder ‘How do we facilitate the development of (critical and creative) thinking skills in our students?’ In our specific local context, a large-scale community consultation highlighted a need for a thorough, concerted strategic approach in relation to this obligation. In this paper we spell out our response to this need: the establishment of (...)
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    The phenomenology of dwelling in the past post-traumatic stress disorder & oppression.Emily Kate Walsh - forthcoming - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences:1-21.
    This article explores the idea that there is a spectrum of individuals who feel compelled to dwell in the past, either due to psychological or social conditions. I analyze both conditions respectively by critically examining two cases: post-traumatic stress disorder and racialized oppression. I propose that individuals with PTSD can feel psychologically compelled to dwell in the past in a dually negative sense: the individual lives in the past but also broods on it, causing them to feel “stuck” in the (...)
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  33. At the university of pennsylvania.Sasha Bernier, Annie Cho, Molly Davidson-Welling, Allison Foley, Matt Friedman, Mani Golzari, Allison Hester, Kate Mcmahon, Joanne Mulder & Sandra Sandoval - 2006 - Philosophy 9.
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  34. Auchmuty, Rosemary, 163, 315 Biggs, Hazel, 291 Bridgeman, Jo, 213 Burton, Frances, 113.Mandy Burton, Eileen V. Fegan, Piyel Haldar, Colin Harvey, Kirsty Horsey, Heather Keating, Robin MacKenzie, Kate Malleson, Ambreena Manji & Clare McGlynn - 2003 - Feminist Legal Studies 11 (325).
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  35. II. Qu'est-ce que les lumières?Jean Salem & Guillaume Pigeard de Gurbert et Kate E. Tunstall - 2006 - In G. J. Mallinson, Interdisciplinarity: qu'est-ce que les lumières: la reconnaissance au dix-huitième siècle. Oxford: Voltaire Foundation.
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    Development of a Parental Feeding Goal Measure: The Family Mealtime Goals Questionnaire.Sarah Snuggs, Carmel Houston-Price & Kate Harvey - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Are there perceptual alterations in modalities other than vision?Marlene Behrmann, Cibu Thomas & Kate Humphreys - 2006 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 10 (6):258-264.
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    Disappointment for others.Patrick J. Carroll, James A. Shepperd, Kate Sweeny, Erika Carlson & Joann P. Benigno - 2007 - Cognition and Emotion 21 (7):1565-1576.
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    Eye movements reveal a dissociation between memory encoding and retrieval in adults with autism.Rose A. Cooper, Kate C. Plaisted-Grant, Simon Baron-Cohen & Jon S. Simons - 2017 - Cognition 159 (C):127-138.
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    Notes and Correspondence.Solomon Gandz, Henri Bernard, R. Ockenden, Kate Mead & Lynn Thorndike - 1936 - Isis 25:449-460.
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    De Fragmento Nubium Aristophanis in Pap. Argent. Gr. 621 Servato.W. J. W. Koster, D. Holwerda, B. A. Van Groningen, R. G. Tanner, P. K. Marshall, Stig Y. Rudberg & R. Ten Kate - 1962 - Mnemosyne 15 (3):267-276.
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    Family Presence in Pediatric Cardiac Procedural Settings: A Qualitative Study of Clinicians, A Key Stakeholder Group.Zoel A. Quiñónez, Kimberly A. Pyke-Grimm, Shreya K. Kamra, Kate E. Holmes & Danton Char - forthcoming - AJOB Empirical Bioethics.
    Background With increased emphasis on healthcare transparency, parents are increasingly asking to be present for procedures performed on their children, especially in high-acuity contexts like care of children with congenital heart disease (CHD), where procedures may inform critical care decisions. In addition, observations of complex care may better communicate clinical knowledge and benefit grieving after adverse events. We examined clinicians’ views on current family presence (FP) efforts and on the expansion of FP to include the observation of operative procedures.Methods This (...)
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    Automatic recognition, elimination strategy and familiarity feeling: Cognitive processes predict accuracy from lineup identifications.Tania Wittwer, Colin G. Tredoux, Jacques Py, Alicia Nortje, Kate Kempen & Celine Launay - 2022 - Consciousness and Cognition 98 (C):103266.
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    Cultivating Moral Agency in a Technology Ethics Course.William B. Cochran & Kate Allman - 2023 - Teaching Ethics 23 (1):15-34.
    The rapid pace of technological development often outstrips the ability of legislators and regulators to establish proper guardrails on emerging technologies. A solution is for those who develop, deploy, and use these technologies to develop themselves as moral agents—i.e., as agents capable of steering the course of emerging technologies in a direction that will benefit humanity. However, there is a dearth of literature discussing how to foster moral agency in computer science courses, and little if any research on the effectiveness (...)
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    Pr\'ecis for Just Words: On Speech and Hidden Har.Mary Kate McGowan - 2021 - Res Philosophica 98 (3):509-511.
    This is a summary of the book _Just Words: On Speech and Hidden Harm (OUP 2019)_. We all know that speech can be harmful. But what are the harms and how exactly does the speech in question brings those harms about? Just Words identifies a previously overlooked mechanism by which speech constitutes, rather than merely causes, harm. The author argues that speech constitutes harm when it enacts a norm that prescribes that harm. She illustrates this theory by considering many categories (...)
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    Waltman, Max. Pornography: The Politics of Legal Challenges.Mary Kate McGowan - 2023 - Ethics 133 (4):653-658.
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    EEG activity during administration of low-concentration odors.Tyler S. Lorig, Kate B. Herman, Gary E. Schwartz & William S. Cain - 1990 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 28 (5):405-408.
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    Extinction.Andy Purvis, Kate E. Jones & Georgina M. Mace - 2000 - Bioessays 22 (12):1123-1133.
    In the life of any species, extinction is the final evolutionary process. It is a common one at present, as the world is entering a major extinction crisis. The pattern of extinction and threat is very non-random, with some taxa being more vulnerable than others. Explaining why some taxa are affected and some escape is a major goal of conservation biology. More ambitiously, a predictive model could, in principle, be built by integrating comparable studies of past and present extinctions. We (...)
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    A disanalogy with RCTs and its implications for second-generation causal knowledge.Kate E. Lynch, Rachael L. Brown, Jeremy Strasser & Shang Long Yeo - 2023 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 46:e194.
    We are less optimistic than Madole & Harden that family-based genome-wide association studies (GWASs) will lead to significant second-generation causal knowledge. Despite bearing some similarities, family-based GWASs and randomised controlled trials (RCTs) are not identical. Most RCTs assess a relatively homogenous causal stimulus as a treatment, whereas GWASs assess highly heterogeneous causal stimuli. Thus, GWAS results will not translate so easily into second-generation causal knowledge.
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  50. Hair today, gone tomorrow: holistic processing of facial-composite images (Forthcoming).Charlie D. Frowd, Kate Herold, Michael McDougall, Lauren Duckworth, Amal Hassan, Alex Riley, Neelam Butt, David McCrae, Caroline Wilkinson & Faye Collette Skelton - forthcoming - Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied.
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