Results for 'Karl Herrmann'

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    Das Staatsdenken bei Leibniz.Karl Herrmann - 1958 - Bonn,: H. Bouvier.
  2. Kritik und Vision zwischen Ökonomie und Philosophie. Zum 200. Geburtstag von Karl Marx (1818 – 1883).Kay Herrmann - 2018 - WiSt 47 (05):50-53.
    Concentration of the world’s wealth in the hands of a few, corporate owners as heads of state – these are facts that lend plausibility to Marx' pronouncements. Yet, how should we evaluate his ideas from today’s vantage point?
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    Jewish lifeworlds and Jewish thought: Festschrift presented to Karl E. Grözinger on the occasion of his 70th birthday.Karl-Erich Grözinger & Nathanael Riemer (eds.) - 2012 - Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag.
    The areas of interest of the scholar of religious studies, Karl E. Grozinger, are diverse. His research is concentrated on the religious and cultural history of Judaism throughout the ages: Israel in antiquity, the era of rabbinical traditional literature, philosophy of religion during the Middle Ages, the kabbalistic tradition, as well as Jewish thinkers and devout movements in contemporary times. On the occasion of Professor Grozinger's seventieth birthday, numerous scholars present the first fruits of their current research as a (...)
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  4. Herrmann, Karl. Einführung in die neukantische Philosophie. [REVIEW]Gerhard Stammler - 1928 - Kant Studien 33:259.
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  5. "Hinweise auf": S. Mansion: Études Aristotéliciennes; G. Pico della Mirandola, Über die Vorstellung; G. Pontano: Dialoge; A Spinoza Bibliography 1971-1983 ; Chr. Wolff: Rede über die praktische Philosophie der Chinesen; J. M. Chladenius: Allgemeine Geschichtswissenschaft; R. Heckmann/H. Krings/R. W. Meyer : Natur und Subjektivität; M. Jäger: Die Ästhetik als Antwort auf das kopernikanische Weltbild; G. Pasternack: Georg Lukács, Späte Ästhetik und Literaturtheorie; C. F. Graumann/Th. Herrmann : Karl Bühlers Axiomatik u. A. Eschbach : Bühler-Studien; Y. Nitta : Japanische Beiträge zur Phänomenologie; H. Plessner: Gesammelte Schriften IX; Ch. Taylor: Philosophical Papers I u. II; R. K. Merton: Entwicklung und Wandel von Forschungsinteressen. [REVIEW]Peter Rohs - 1986 - Philosophische Rundschau 33:157-160.
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    Nachlese: Biographisches, Erwachsenenbildung und Volkshochschule, pädagogische Positionen und Impulse, Würdigungen, Nachkriegszeit, philosophische Reflexionen und Kulturphilosophie / Wilhelm Flitner ; besorgt von Ulrich Herrmann.Wilhelm Flitner - 2014 - Paderborn: Ferdinand Schöningh. Edited by Ulrich Herrmann.
    Der 12. Band beschließt die Ausgabe von Wilhelm Flitner Gesammelten Schriften. Diese "Nachlese" dokumentiert in über 100 Beiträgen die erstaunliche Breite des Denkens und Wirkens dieses Pädagogen und Kulturphilosophen über acht Jahrzehnte. Wilhelm Flitner gilt als Klassiker der Pädagogik des 20. Jahrhunderts. Dieser 12. Band beschließt die "Gesammelten Schriften" von Wilhelm Flitner (1889-1990). Über 100 Beiträge dokumentieren die außerordentliche Spannweite seines Denkens und Wirkens. Sie reicht von den Anfängen der Erwachsenenbildung nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg bis zur Funk- und Fernuniversität nach (...)
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  7. The Humanity of God.Karl Barth - 1960
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    Critical Heidegger.Christopher E. Macann (ed.) - 1995 - New York: Routledge.
    _Critical Heidegger_ brings together a selection of the best work on Martin Heidegger from a number of key commentators working in Europe. These new and classic essays, for the most part translated from German and French originals, are an essential guide to the current European reception of Heidegger and make available essays that have had considerable impact on English-language Heidegger studies. Essays in this collection: * Marlene Zarader, `The mirror with the triple reflection' * Franco Volpi, `Dasein and Praxis: Aristotle' (...)
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    Revelatory positivism?: Barth's earliest theology and the Marburg school.Simon Fisher - 1988 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Filling a gap in scholarship on 19th- and 20th-century religious thought, this book discusses the philosophy and theology of the influential Marburg School in Germany before 1914, focusing on the writings of Hermann Cohen, its leader, and on the Ritschlian theologian Wilhelm Herrmann, Karl Barth's teacher. In addition, Fisher examines Barth's earliest writings and clarifies the little-known liberal phase of Barth's theology.
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    (3 other versions)The Grammar of Science.Karl Pearson - 1892 - W. Scott.
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    Kantian reason and Hegelian spirit: the idealistic logic of modern theology.Gary Dorrien - 2012 - Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
    Introduction: Kantian concepts, liberal theology, and post-Kantian idealism -- Subjectivity in question: Immanuel Kant, Johann G. Fichte, and critical idealism -- Making sense of religion: Friedrich Schleiermacher, John Locke, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, and liberal theology -- Dialectics of spirit: F.W.J. Schelling, G.W.F. Hegel, and absolute idealism -- Hegelian spirit in question: David Friedrich Strauss, Søren Kierkegaard, and mediating theology -- Neo-Kantian historicism: Albrecht Ritschl, Adolf von Harnack, Wilhelm Herrmann, Ernst Troeltsch, and the Ritschlian school -- Idealistic ordering: Lux Mundi, (...)
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    Diskurs und Verantwortung: das Problem des Übergangs zur postkonventionellen Moral.Karl-Otto Apel - 1975 - Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
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  13. Freedom, Power and Democratic Planning.Karl Mannheim - 1951 - Science and Society 15 (3):278-280.
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    Kant's elliptical path.Karl Ameriks - 2012 - Oxford : Clarendon Press,: Clarendon Press.
    This book explores the main stages and key concepts in the development of Kant's critical philosophy, from the early 1760s to the 1790s. Karl Ameriks provides a detailed and concise account of the main ways in which the later critical works provide a plausible defense of the conception of humanity's fundamental end that Kant turned to after reading Rousseau in the 1760s. Separate essays are devoted to each of the three Critiques, as well as to earlier notes and lectures (...)
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    Immunoceptive inference: why are psychiatric disorders and immune responses intertwined?Karl Friston, Maxwell Ramstead, Thomas Parr & Anjali Bhat - 2021 - Biology and Philosophy 36 (3):1-24.
    There is a steadily growing literature on the role of the immune system in psychiatric disorders. So far, these advances have largely taken the form of correlations between specific aspects of inflammation (e.g. blood plasma levels of inflammatory markers, genetic mutations in immune pathways, viral or bacterial infection) with the development of neuropsychiatric conditions such as autism, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia and depression. A fundamental question remains open: why are psychiatric disorders and immune responses intertwined? To address this would require a (...)
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  16. Dogmatics in Outline.Karl Barth - 1948
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    Curious Virtues in Hume's Epistemology.Karl Schafer - 2014 - Philosophers' Imprint 14:1-20.
    Discusses Hume's considered view of what "good" belief-formation consists in. In doing so, attributes to Hume a sentimentalist picture of epistemic virtue in which the passion of curiosity plays a foundational role.
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    Three Essays on Marxism.Karl Korsch - 1971 - 8 Cottons Gardens E2 8dn Pluto Press.
    These three essays by the independent German Marxist Karl Korsch offer expositions, often in polemical form, of basic Marxist ideas. Since they cover both sociology and economics, they are excellent guides for the student on the most introductory, though not the most elementary, level. The first essay, "Leading Principles of Marxism," takes up Marxism on the plane of sociology and deals with the relation of Marxism to Comte and positivism, and to bourgeois sociology in general. The second, his introduction (...)
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  19. Sprachpragmatik und Philosophie.Karl-Otto Apel - 1985 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 47 (3):528-529.
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  20. Analytische Geschichtsphilosophie: eine krit. Einf.Karl Acham - 1974 - München: Alber.
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    Die ontologische Erfahrung.Karl Albert - 1974 - Kastellaun: Henn.
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  22. Nelson – Kritische Naturphilosophie.Kay Herrmann Jörg Schroth - 2004 - Winter.
    Metaphysics as the foundation of science, philosophy as an exact method to discover this foundation: These are central themes in the Kant-Friesian philosophy which, at the beginning of the 20th century, Leonard Nelson, using the methods of mathematical axiomatics, further developed into interdisciplinary research programmes. Nelson carried out this research programme in his ethics but his untimely death prevented a systematic presentation of his natural philosophy and his doctrine of method. The present volume contains four transcripts of his seminars on (...)
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    Platons Mythen.Karl Reinhardt - 1927 - Bonn,: F. Cohen.
    Karl Reinhardt, einer der wichtigsten Altphilologen des 20. Jahrhunderts, hat sich in seinen Untersuchungen uber Platons Mythen, die 1927 erschienen und zuletzt 1969 in einem Sammelband neu aufgelegt wurden, mit diesen ratselhaften Passagen aus Platons Dialogen beschaftigt. Mit seiner grundlegend neuen Deutung des Verhaltnisses des Mythischen und Rationalen bei Platon hat Reinhardt ein neues Kapitel der Platon-Interpretation aufgeschlagen. Seine Auslegung des Mythos als poetischer Selbstentfaltung des Logos hat von ihrer Aktualitat nichts verloren und leistet einen wichtigen Beitrag auch zur (...)
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  24. Der Aufbau Der Systeme von 1924, Leipzig 1924.Karl Groos - 1925 - Kwartalnik Filozoficzny 3 (1):116-117.
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    Reason and Existenz.Karl Jaspers - 1955 - [New York,: Noonday Press.
    The intent of Jaspers' philosophizing then is simply to recall us to our authentic situation. This recall is not itself a doctrine; it is only the stimulus to an inward action each must perform for himself in communication with others. Jaspers' Existenz-philosophy is thus an attempt to consider and enact human honesty; it is philosophy, not as wisdom, but as the love of wisdom.
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    Ethics & the Materialist Conce.Karl Kautsky & John B. Tr Askew - 2016 - Chicago,: Wentworth Press. Edited by John B. Askew.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work. This work is in the public domain (...)
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  27. When frames meet realities : on the perceived correctness of inaccurate estimates.Karl Halvor Teigen - 2011 - In Gideon Keren (ed.), Perspectives on framing. New York: Psychology Press.
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    (1 other version)Calculi of individuals and some extensions: An overview'.Karl-Georg Niebergall - 2009 - In Alexander Hieke & Hannes Leitgeb (eds.), Reduction: Between the Mind and the Brain. Frankfurt: Ontos Verlag. pp. 11--335.
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  29. Whatever Became of Sin?Karl Menninger - 1973
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    Fixed-parameter tractability and completeness IV: On completeness for W[P] and PSPACE analogues.Karl A. Abrahamson, Rodney G. Downey & Michael R. Fellows - 1995 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 73 (3):235-276.
    We describe new results in parametrized complexity theory. In particular, we prove a number of concrete hardness results for W[P], the top level of the hardness hierarchy introduced by Downey and Fellows in a series of earlier papers. We also study the parametrized complexity of analogues of PSPACE via certain natural problems concerning k-move games. Finally, we examine several aspects of the structural complexity of W [P] and related classes. For instance, we show that W[P] can be characterized in terms (...)
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    Reciprocity and the Guaranteed Income.Karl Widerquist - 1999 - Politics and Society 27 (3):387-402.
    This paper argues that a guaranteed income is not only consistent with the principle of reciprocity but is required for reciprocity. This conclusion follows from a three-part argument. First, if a guaranteed income is in place, all individuals have the same opportunity to live without working. Therefore, those who choose not to work do not take advantage of a privilege that is unavailable to everyone else. Second, in the absence of an unconditional income, society is, in effect, applying the principle, (...)
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    Self-consciousness and intentionality.Karl H. Pribram - 1976 - In Gary E. Schwartz & D. H. Shapiro (eds.), Consciousness and Self-Regulation. Plenum. pp. 51--100.
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    Letters to the Editor.Karl Wulff - 2010 - Isis 101 (1):172-172.
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    (1 other version)Der Entwicklungsgedanke in Schellings Naturphilosophie.Karl Zöckler - 1915 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 28 (1-4):257-296.
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    The Morphophonemics of Saussure's 'Cours de Linguistique Générale'.Karl E. Zimmer - 1970 - Foundations of Language 6 (3):423-426.
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    Die Idee der Universität.Karl Jaspers - 1946 - Springer.
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  37. Sporthelden. Spitzensport in postheroischen Zeiten.Karl-Heinrich Bette - 2019
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  38. Der Intuitionismus.Karl Menger - 1930 - Blätter Für Deutsche Philosophie 4:311--325.
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  39. Die großen Philosophen.Karl Jaspers & Hans Saner - 1983 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 37 (4):647-650.
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    The Epistle to the Romans.Karl Barth - 1933 - Oxford University Press.
    Named one of Church Times's Best Christian Books This volume provides a much-needed English translation of the sixth edition of what is considered the fundamental text for fully understanding Barthianism. Barth--who remains a powerful influence on European and American theology--argues that the modern Christian preacher and theologian face the same basic problems that confronted Paul. Assessing the whole Protestant argument in relation to modern attitudes and problems, he focuses on topics such as Biblical exegesis; the interrelationship between theology, the Church, (...)
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    The Modern Subject: Conceptions of the Self in Classical German Philosophy.Karl Ameriks & Dieter Sturma (eds.) - 1995 - State University of New York Press.
    Provides a thorough background study of the postmodern assault on the standpoint of the subject as a foundation for philosophy, and assesses what remains today of the philosophy of subjectivity.
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  42. Sul concetto di filosofia nel Fedro platonico.Karl Albert - 1989 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 81 (2):219-223.
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  43. Bilder und Gleichnisse in den Sermones des Nikolaus von Kues.Karl-Hermann Kandler - 2006 - Mitteilungen Und Forschungsbeiträge der Cusanus-Gesellschaft 31:9-27.
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  44. Graham Parkes.Karl Marx - 2003 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 30:19-38.
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  45. On the origin and foundation of the concept "The Person" metaphysical realism or interpersonal recognition?Karl-Heinz Nusser - 2008 - Sapientia 64 (224):51-64.
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  46. Czy księżyc może rzucić światło na drogi Parmenidesa?Karl R. Popper - 2006 - Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia:161-169.
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  47. The Development of Advaita Vedanta as a School of Philosophy'.Karl Potter - 1989 - In S. Radhakrishnan, G. Parthasarathi & D. P. Chattopadhyaya (eds.), Radhakrishnan, centenary volume. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 71--99.
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  48. La teoría dell'emblema in Espagna: I testi fondamentali.Karl-Ludwig Selig - 1955 - Convivium: revista de filosofía 23:414.
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  49. Epicureanism, Extrinsic Value, and Prudence.Karl Ekendahl & Jens Johansson - 2015 - In Michael Cholbi (ed.), Immortality and the Philosophy of Death. New York: Rowman & Littlefield International.
  50. Regarding the relationship of morality, law and democracy: on Habermas's Philosophy of Law (1992) from a transcendental-pragmatic point of view. In.: ABOULAFIA, M.Karl-Otto Apel, Ma De Oliveira & L. Moreira - 2002 - In Mitchell Aboulafia, Myra Orbach Bookman & Catherine Kemp (eds.), Habermas and pragmatism. New York: Routledge.
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