Results for 'Karine Ashughyan'

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  1.  15
    Pʻilisopʻayakan ev geghagitakan mitkʻě 13-14-rd dareri hay kʻerakanutʻyan meknutʻyunnerum.Karine Ashughyan - 2015 - Erevan: HH GAA "Gitutʻyun" hratarakchʻutʻyun. Edited by Ya Khachʻikyan.
  2.  26
    Fifteen years of the history of science in Europe: Personal reflections by the ESHS presidents.Koen Vermeir, Claude Debru, Robert Fox, Eberhard Knobloch, Helge Kragh, Soňa Štrbáňová, Fabio Bevilacqua, Karine Chemla & Antoni Malet - 2018 - Centaurus 60 (1-2):104-123.
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    Defining "Development".Thomas Pradeu, Lucie Laplane, Karine Prévot, Thierry Hoquet, Valentine Reynaud, Giuseppe Fusco, Alessandro Minelli, Virginie Orgogozo & Michel Vervoort - unknown
    Is it possible, and in the first place is it even desirable, to define what "development" means and to determine the scope of the field called "developmental biology"? Though these questions appeared crucial for the founders of "developmental biology" in the 1950s, there seems to be no consensus today about the need to address them. Here, in a combined biological, philosophical, and historical approach, we ask whether it is possible and useful to define biological development, and, if such a definition (...)
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    Lessons learned from the Last Gift study: ethical and practical challenges faced while conducting HIV cure-related research at the end of life.John Kanazawa, Stephen A. Rawlings, Steven Hendrickx, Sara Gianella, Susanna Concha-Garcia, Jeff Taylor, Andy Kaytes, Hursch Patel, Samuel Ndukwe, Susan J. Little, Davey Smith & Karine Dubé - 2023 - Journal of Medical Ethics 49 (5):305-310.
    The Last Gift is an observational HIV cure-related research study conducted with people with HIV at the end of life (EOL) at the University of California San Diego. Participants agree to voluntarily donate blood and other biospecimens while living and their bodies for a rapid research autopsy postmortem to better understand HIV reservoir dynamics throughout the entire body. The Last Gift study was initiated in 2017. Since then, 30 volunteers were enrolled who are either (1) terminally ill with a concomitant (...)
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    L’Aphrodision.Hélène Aurigny, Francis Croissant, Lionel Fadin & Karine Rivière - 2016 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 139:843-848.
    Figurines de terre cuite (H. Aurigny, Fr. Croissant) Tous les fragments sont désormais enregistrés dans la base FileMakerPro, terminée pour l’essentiel en 2013 et complétée en 2015. La mission prévue en 2014 ayant été annulée par l’École française d’Athènes pour raisons budgétaires, un réexamen à distance de l’ensemble du matériel avait néanmoins permis d’en esquisser à distance le classement typologique et d’élaborer quelques hypothèses, qui ont pu être vérifiées et affinées sur place en mai...
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    Multiple dimensions of epigenetic gene regulation in the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum.Ferhat Ay, Evelien M. Bunnik, Nelle Varoquaux, Jean-Philippe Vert, William Stafford Noble & Karine G. Le Roch - 2015 - Bioessays 37 (2):182-194.
    Plasmodium falciparum is the most deadly human malarial parasite, responsible for an estimated 207 million cases of disease and 627,000 deaths in 2012. Recent studies reveal that the parasite actively regulates a large fraction of its genes throughout its replicative cycle inside human red blood cells and that epigenetics plays an important role in this precise gene regulation. Here, we discuss recent advances in our understanding of three aspects of epigenetic regulation in P. falciparum: changes in histone modifications, nucleosome occupancy (...)
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    Reproducibility and Validity of a Stroke Effectiveness Test in Table Tennis Based on the Temporal Game Structure.Taisa Belli, Milton Shoiti Misuta, Pedro Paulo Ribeiro de Moura, Thomas dos Santos Tavares, Renê Augusto Ribeiro, Yura Yuka Sato dos Santos, Karine Jacon Sarro & Larissa Rafaela Galatti - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:434524.
    Purpose: This study aimed to develop a stroke effectiveness test in table tennis based on the temporal game structure to assess the ball speed and ball placement of the players, with a purpose to analyze its reproducibility and validity. Methods: Nineteen male table tennis players participated in this study. The test was performed twice during the first session and once during the second session to assess the intrasession and intersession reproducibility, respectively. Moreover, the test was examined on its ability to (...)
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    Keeping the Spirits Up: The Effect of Teachers’ and Parents’ Emotional Support on Children’s Working Memory Performance.Loren Vandenbroucke, Jantine Spilt, Karine Verschueren & Dieter Baeyens - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    The Need to Track Payment Incentives to Participate in HIV Research.Brandon Brown, Jerome T. Galea, Karine Dubé, Peter Davidson, Kaveh Khoshnood, Lisa Holtzman, Logan Marg & Jeff Taylor - 2018 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 40 (4):8-12.
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    Penser la crise de l’éthique contemporaine avec Kostas Axelos.Alain Vuillot, Régis Aubry & Karine Bréhaux - 2022 - Philosophie 2:61-72.
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    Teachers’ Responses to Bullying Questionnaire: A Validation Study in Two Educational Contexts.Fleur Elisabeth van Gils, Hilde Colpin, Karine Verschueren, Karlien Demol, Isabel Maria ten Bokkel, Ersilia Menesini & Benedetta Emanuela Palladino - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Given the high prevalence and dramatic impact of being bullied at school, it is crucial to get more insight into how teachers can reduce bullying. So far, few instruments have measured elementary teachers’ responses to bullying. This study investigated the validity of the student-reported Teachers’ Responses to Bullying Questionnaire. The factor structure and measurement invariance were tested across two educational contexts among fourth and fifth grade students from Italy and Belgium. Furthermore, associations between student-perceived teachers’ responses and students’ bullying behavior (...)
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    (1 other version)The Structural Persistence of Nazism in Contemporary Legal Theory and its Impact on Brazilian Legal Interpretation.Andityas Soares de Moura Costa Matos & Joyce Karine de Sá Souza - 2019 - Archiv Fuer Rechts Und Sozialphilosphie 105 (4):484-507.
    This article proposes a reflection on the persistence of Nazi jurisdictional models in contemporary legal theory, briefly comparing the work of authors such as Wolf, Larenz, Schmitt, Dworkin and Alexy. It aims to demonstrate the authoritarian and radically undemocratic character of certain theoretical constructions used in adjudication, particularly in Brazil. For this purpose, three representative judicial decisions from 2016 are analyzed, highlighting typical structural features of Nazi legal theory which remain accepted by current legal theory, such as the disregard for (...)
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    Estratificação do risco cardiovascular em cadeirantes jogadores de basquetebol.Kelen Cristina Estavanate de Castro, Ana Clara Garcia Guimarães, Guilherme Junio Silva, Marconi Guarienti, Maria Georgina Marques Tonello, Olímpio Pereira de Melo Neto, Karine Cristine de Almeida & Daniel dos Santos - 2020 - Aletheia 53 (2).
    Objetivou-se estratificar fatores de risco para doenças cardiovasculares (DCV) em dez anos em jogadores de basquetebol em cadeiras de rodas. O percentual de risco cardiovascular foi estratificado pelos escores de Framingham (ERF) e de Risco Global (ERG). Dos treze jogadores avaliados, 38,46% apresentava sobrepeso e obesidade e 77%, alterações na porcentagem de gordura corporal e na circunferência abdominal. O ERF identificou 15,38% dos jogadores com risco intermediário para desenvolvimento de DCV e pelo ERG, 15,4% dos homens apresentava risco intermediário, 7,7% (...)
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    Ethical and practical considerations for cell and gene therapy toward an HIV cure: findings from a qualitative in-depth interview study in the United States.Jane Simoni, Steven G. Deeks, Michael J. Peluso, John A. Sauceda, Boro Dropulić, Kim Anthony-Gonda, Jen Adair, Jeff Taylor, Lynda Dee, Jeff Sheehy, Laurie Sylla, Michael Louella, Hursch Patel, John Kanazawa & Karine Dubé - 2022 - BMC Medical Ethics 23 (1):1-17.
    BackgroundHIV cure research involving cell and gene therapy has intensified in recent years. There is a growing need to identify ethical standards and safeguards to ensure cell and gene therapy (CGT) HIV cure research remains valued and acceptable to as many stakeholders as possible as it advances on a global scale.MethodsTo elicit preliminary ethical and practical considerations to guide CGT HIV cure research, we implemented a qualitative, in-depth interview study with three key stakeholder groups in the United States: (1) biomedical (...)
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    Association Henri Poincaré Pour l’Histoire et la Philosophie des Mathématiques et de la Physique Modernes.Michel Blay, Jean-Luc Chabert, Karine Chemla, Catherine Chevalley, Thierry Coulhon, Amy Dahan, Olivier Darrigol, Dominique Pestre & Hourya Sinaceur - 1990 - Revue de Synthèse 111 (1-2):223-224.
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    Conditional and Unconditional Cash Transfers: Implications for Gender.Nathalia Carvalho Moreira, Stephanie Paterson & Karine Levasseur - 2018 - Basic Income Studies 13 (1).
    Solving poverty is a laudable public policy goal. While there are many approaches, one that has gained popularity is the conditional cash transfer that requires recipients to satisfy conditions imposed on them such as requiring regular medical checkups. Another approach, which is gaining interest is unconditional cash transfers that do not impose conditions. The question we ask in this paper is: what do these past and current attempts tell us about the implications for gender? To answer this question, we explore (...)
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    Usability Issues of Clinical and Research Applications of Virtual Reality in Older People: A Systematic Review.Cosimo Tuena, Elisa Pedroli, Pietro Davide Trimarchi, Alessia Gallucci, Mattia Chiappini, Karine Goulene, Andrea Gaggioli, Giuseppe Riva, Fabrizia Lattanzio, Fabrizio Giunco & Marco Stramba-Badiale - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
  18.  21
    Quality of Life, Depression, Anxiety Symptoms and Mood State of Wheelchair Athletes and Non-athletes: A Preliminary Study.Rodrigo Luiz Vancini, Andressa Amato Gomes, Hudson de Paula-Oliveira, Claudio de Lira, Weverton Rufo-Tavares, Marilia Santos Andrade, Karine Jacon Sarro, Martoni Moreira Sampaio, Ricardo Borges Viana, Pantelis Theodoros Nikolaidis, Thomas Rosemann & Beat Knechtle - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Acoustic Measures of Brazilian Transgender Women's Voices: A Case–Control Study.Anna Paula Villas-Bôas, Karine Schwarz, Anna Martha Vaitses Fontanari, Angelo Brandelli Costa, Dhiordan Cardoso da Silva, Maiko Abel Schneider, Carla Aparecida Cielo, Poli Mara Spritzer & Maria Inês Rodrigues Lobato - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Objective: This study aims to compare the acoustic vocal analysis results of a group of transgender women relative to those of cisgender women.Methods: Thirty transgender women between the ages of 19 and 52 years old participated in the study. The control group was composed of 31 cisgender women between the ages of 20 and 48 years old. A standardized questionnaire was administered to collect general patient data to better characterize the participants. The vowel /a/ sounds of all participants were collected (...)
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  20. The cognitive and neural bases of language acquisition.Karin Stromswold - 1995 - In Michael S. Gazzaniga, The Cognitive Neurosciences. MIT Press. pp. 855--870.
  21.  33
    Adorno's Nietzschean Narratives: Critiques of Ideology, Readings of Wagner.Karin Bauer - 1999 - State University of New York Press.
    Investigates the intellectual affinities of Adorno and Nietzsche, culminating in a discussion of their readings of Wagner, who serves as a medium and supplement for their critiques of modern culture.
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  22. Taking Friendship Seriously.Shyli Karin-Frank - 1997 - In Sirkku Hellsten, Marjaana Kopperi & Olli Loukola, Taking the Liberal Challenge Seriously: Essays on Contemporary Liberalism at the Turn of the 21st Century. Ashgate. pp. 246.
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    Paulo Freire y la educación social: apuntes para una educación transformadora.Karine Santos & Levi Nauter de Mira - forthcoming - Voces de la Educación:89-102.
    Paulo Freire, uno de los teóricos brasileños más importantes en la historia de la educación, dejó un legado que hasta hoy inspira y orienta prácticas en diferentes áreas del conocimiento. Así, este texto sitúa las contribuciones de la filosofía freiriana y la educación popular a la educación social en desarrollo en Brasil.
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  24. Não violência na educação.Karin Zanotto - 2009 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 14 (3):209-215.
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    Hans Reichenbach: sein Leben und Wirken: eine wissenschaftliche Biographie.Karin Gerner - 1997 - Osnabrück: Phoebe Autorenpress.
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    For the Love of Metaphysics: Nihilism and the Conflict of Reason From Kant to Rosenzweig.Karin Alina Nisenbaum - 2018 - New York, NY, United States of America: Oxford University Press.
    This book argues that the development of German philosophy from Kant, through post-Kantian German Idealism, to the thought of Franz Rosenzweig, was largely driven by the perceived promise of Kant's philosophy for solving the conflict of reason, but also by its perceived shortcomings in solving this conflict.
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  27.  12
    The Oxford Handbook of Generality in Mathematics and the Sciences.Karine Chemla, Renaud Chorlay & David Rabouin (eds.) - 2016 - New York, NY, USA: Oxford University Press UK.
    Generality is a key value in scientific discourses and practices. Throughout history, it has received a variety of meanings and of uses. This collection of original essays aims to inquire into this diversity. Through case studies taken from the history of mathematics, physics and the life sciences, the book provides evidence of different ways of understanding the general in various contexts. It aims at showing how individuals have valued generality and how they have worked with specific types of "general" entities, (...)
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    God pro nobis: on non-metaphysical realism and the philosophy of religion.Karin Johannesson - 2007 - Leuven: Peeters.
    Drawing on the work of Putnam, Michael Dummett and Donald Davidson, the author elaborates a non-metaphysical realist perspective that she recommends as a ...
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    Epistemic Cultures: How the Sciences Make Knowledge.Karin Knorr Cetina - 1999 - Harvard University Press.
    How does science create knowledge? Epistemic cultures, shaped by affinity, necessity, and historical coincidence, determine how we know what we know. In this book, Karin Knorr Cetina compares two of the most important and intriguing epistemic cultures of our day, those in high energy physics and molecular biology. The first ethnographic study to systematically compare two different scientific laboratory cultures, this book sharpens our focus on epistemic cultures as the basis of the knowledge society.
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    Financial conflicts and clinical research.Karin Meyers - 2009 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 31 (4):17.
    “Financial Conflicts and Clinical Research’”: a letter from Karin Meyers about “Community Hospital Oversight of Clinical Investigators’ Financial Relationships ”.
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    Late Medieval and Early Modern Fight Books.Karin Verelst, Daniel Jaquet & Timothy Dawson (eds.) - 2016 - Leiden: Brill.
    Late Medieval and Early Modern Fight Books offers insights into the cultural and historical transmission and practices of martial arts, based on the corpus of the Fight Books (Fechtbücher) in 14th- to 17th-century Europe. The first part of the book deals with methodological and specific issues for the studies of this emerging interdisciplinary field of research. The second section offers an overview of the corpus based on geographical areas. The final part offers some relevant case studies. This is the first (...)
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    Ästhetik: Aufgabe(n) einer Wissenschaftsdisziplin.Karin Hirdina & Renate Reschke (eds.) - 2004 - Freiburg im Breisgau: Rombach.
    Der Streit um das, was Ästhetik ist und sein kann, konzentriert sich auf Fragen nach der Diskurs-, Analyse- und Problematisierungsfähigkeit ihres historischen und epistemologischen Instrumentariums, d.h. ihrer tradierten Begriffe ebenso wie nach der Konturierung ihrer Grundthemen und Gegenstandsfelder. Im vorliegenden Band wird die Zukunft ästhetischer Forschung, ihrer Methoden und Inhalte nicht allein aus philosophischer, sondern auch aus interdisziplinärer Perspektive thematisiert. Kulturwissenschaftler, Medientheoretiker, Soziologen, Literatur- und Kunstwissenschaftler beantworten auf unterschiedliche Weise die Frage nach dem Wozu der Ästhetik und bezeichnen die Schnittmengen, (...)
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    Kennt die Globalisierung auch Gewinner? Persönliche Beobachtungen aus Indien: Karin Steinberger.Karin Steinberger - 2006 - Jahrbuch Menschenrechte 2007 (jg):189-196.
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  34. Different Clusters of Texts from Ancient China, Different Mathematical Ontologies.Karine Chemla - 2020 - In Geoffrey E. R. Lloyd & Aparecida Vilaça, Science in the forest, science in the past. Chicago: HAU Books.
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    Zwischen Fürstenwillkür und Menschheitswohl: Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz als Bibliothekar.Karin Hartbecke (ed.) - 2008 - Frankfurt am Main: Vittorio Klostermann.
    Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz leitete die Bibliothek der Hannoveraner Welfen vierzig Jahre lang bis zu seinem Tod 1716.
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  36. AI in Medical Practice.Karin Jongsma & Martin Sand - 2022 - In Ezio Di Nucci, Ji-Young Lee & Isaac A. Wagner, The Rowman & Littlefield Handbook of Bioethics. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
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  37. Fusing fragments : repaired objects, refitted parts and upcycled pieces in the late bronze age metalwork of Southern Scandinavia.Karin Ojala & Anna Sörman - 2024 - In Anna Sörman, Astrid A. Noterman & Markus Fjellström, Broken bodies, places and objects: new perspectives on fragmentation in archaeology. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    Bildung im Dialog: Eduard Sprangers Korrespondenz mit Frauen und sein Profil als Wissenschaftler (1903-1924).Karin Priem - 2000 - Köln: Böhlau.
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    Specific language impairments.Karin Stromswold - 2000 - In Martha J. Farah & Todd E. Feinberg, Patient-Based Approaches to Cognitive Neuroscience. MIT Press. pp. 217.
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    Finding a Way through the Labyrinth: Some Methodological Remarks on Critically Editing the Fight Book Corpus.Karin Verelst - 2016 - In Karin Verelst, Daniel Jaquet & Timothy Dawson, Late Medieval and Early Modern Fight Books. Leiden: Brill. pp. 117-188.
    In this paper we shall give an extended overview of the diffferent methodological options and approaches at the disposal of future editors of scientifijically sound, scholarly editions of our Fight Book sources. These options will be evaluated with respect to applicability of the material envisaged, work load, comparative and editorial obstacles, etc. The inevitably preliminary conclusions will then be tested by applying them to one extremely important exemplum for the whole corpus: the text tradition concerning the Zedel, the verses ascribed (...)
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    Towards an Ontology of Experience-methodological reflections1.Karin Verelst - 2002 - Ludus Vitalis 10 (17):149-162.
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  42. Światło w kontekście filozofii paradoksu Mikołaja Kuzańczyka.Karin Wawrzynek & Jadwiga Sebesta - 2011 - Principia 54:25-36.
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    Cultures without culturalism: the making of scientific knowledge.Karine Chemla & Evelyn Fox Keller (eds.) - 2017 - Durham: Duke University Press.
    Cultural accounts of scientific ideas and practices have increasingly come to be welcomed as a corrective to previous—and still widely held—theories of scientific knowledge and practices as universal. The editors caution, however, against the temptation to overgeneralize the work of culture, and to lapse into a kind of essentialism that flattens the range and variety of scientific work. The book refers to this tendency as culturalism. The contributors to the volume model a new path where historicized and cultural accounts of (...)
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  44. No Longer a Friend of Narnia: Gender in Narnia.Karin Fry - 2005 - In Gregory Bassham & Jerry L. Walls, The Chronicles of Narnia and Philosophy: The Lion, the Witch, and the Worldview. Open Court. pp. 155--66.
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  45. (1 other version)'The individual in the world-the world in the individual': towards a human science phenomenology that includes the social world.Karin Dahlberg - 2006 - Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology: Methodology: Special Edition 6:p - 1.
    Human science researchers tend to be targeted for critique on the grounds that their approach is too individualistic to take due cognisance of societal and political influences. What is accordingly advocated is that the phenomenological and so-called romantic theories should be abandoned in favour of analytic or continental theories that have as their main focus the system, the group, the society, and the various influences of the social world on the existential reality of the individual.
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  46. Fag, faglighed og fagordbøger.Karin Balsgart - 1993 - Hermes 10:65-94.
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  47. Precaution, scientization or deliberation? Prospects for Greening and democratizing science.Karin Bckstrand - 2004 - In Marcel L. J. Wissenburg & Yoram Levy, Liberal democracy and environmentalism: the end of environmentalism? New York: Routledge.
  48. Remembering within the national inquiry into missing and murdered indigenous women and girls in Canada.Karine Duhamel - 2025 - In Alison Crosby, Memorializing violence: transnational feminist reflections. New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press.
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  49. Newton's alchemy.Karin Figala - 2002 - In I. Bernard Cohen & George E. Smith, The Cambridge Companion to Newton. Cambridge University Press. pp. 370--86.
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  50. Commitment to develop appreciative relationships in school : nonviolent communication as an approach to specify a facet of teacher ethos.Karin Heinrichs & Simone Ziegler - 2018 - In Alfred Weinberger, Horst Biedermann, Jean-Luc Patry & Sieglinde Weyringer, Professionals’ Ethos and Education for Responsibility. Boston: Brill | Sense.
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