Results for 'Karim Aghili'

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  1.  27
    Stability, the NIP, and the NSOP: model theoretic properties of formulas via topological properties of function spaces.Karim Khanaki - 2020 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 66 (2):136-149.
    We study and characterize stability, the negation of the independence property (NIP) and the negation of the strict order property (NSOP) in terms of topological and measure theoretical properties of classes of functions. We study a measure theoretic property, Talagrand's stability, and explain the relationship between this property and the NIP in continuous logic. Using a result of Bourgain, Fremlin, and Talagrand, we prove almost definability and Baire 1 definability of coheirs assuming the NIP. We show that a formula has (...)
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  2. Symplectic Reduction and the Problem of Time in Nonrelativistic Mechanics.Karim P. Y. Thébault - 2012 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 63 (4):789-824.
    Symplectic reduction is a formal process through which degeneracy within the mathematical representations of physical systems displaying gauge symmetry can be controlled via the construction of a reduced phase space. Typically such reduced spaces provide us with a formalism for representing both instantaneous states and evolution uniquely and for this reason can be justifiably afforded the status of fun- damental dynamical arena - the otiose structure having been eliminated from the original phase space. Essential to the application of symplectic reduction (...)
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    Re-enacting in the Second Person.Karim Dharamsi - 2011 - Journal of the Philosophy of History 5 (2):163-178.
    R. G. Collingwood's theory of re-enactment has long been understood as an important contribution to the philosophy of history. It has also been challenging to understand how re-enactment is operationalized in the practice of understanding past actors or, indeed, other minds occupying less remote regions of our experiences. Sebastian Rödl has recently articulated a compelling defence of second person ascription, arguing that it is, in form, analogous to first person understanding. By Rödl's lights, second person understanding follows the same order (...)
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    (1 other version)Adolescent entre situation traumatogène et protection familiale.Karim Mekiri - 2013 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 201 (3):121.
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    Some properties of the -calculus.Karim Nour & Khelifa Saber - 2012 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 22 (3):231-247.
    In this paper, we present the -calculus which at the typed level corresponds to the full classical propositional natural deduction system. The Church–Rosser property of this system is proved using the standardisation and the finiteness developments theorem. We also define the leftmost reduction and prove that it is a winning strategy.
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    The Disunity of Philosophy of Science as a Worrying Hypothesis.Karim P. Y. Thebault - unknown
    Review of ‘Physical Theory: Method and Interpretation’ edited by Lawrence Sklar.
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    What Can We Learn From Analogue Experiments?Karim P. Y. Thebault - unknown
    In 1981 Unruh proposed that fluid mechanical experiments could be used to probe key aspects of the quantum phenomenology of black holes. In particular, he claimed that an analogue to Hawking radiation could be created within a fluid mechanical `dumb hole', with the event horizon replaced by a sonic horizon. Since then an entire sub-field of `analogue gravity' has been created. In 2016 Steinhauer reported the experimental observation of quantum Hawking radiation and its entanglement in a Bose-Einstein condensate analogue black (...)
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  8.  18
    Introduction: The Armchair and the Pickaxe.Karim Dharamsi, Giuseppina D'Oro & Stephen Leach - 2018 - In Karim Dharamsi, Giuseppina D'Oro & Stephen Leach, Collingwood on Philosophical Methodology. Cham: Springer Verlag. pp. 1-14.
    Is philosophy continuous with science or does it have a distinctive domain of inquiry that differs from that of the special sciences? Collingwood claimed that philosophy has a distinctive subject matter and a distinctive method. Its distinctive subject matter is what he called the “absolute presuppositions” that govern the special sciences and its method consists in making these presuppositions explicit by showing that they are entailed by the questions asked in the special sciences. In this chapter the editors seek to (...)
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  9.  14
    Kommunikative Komplexitätsbewältigung: Integrierter Methodenpluralismus Zur Optimierung Disziplinübergreifender Kommunikation.Karim Fathi - 2019 - Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden.
    Karim Fathi liefert erstmalig einen Überblick über die unterschiedlichen Diskurse und Strategien der Komplexitätsbewältigung auf der Ebene von Teams, Organisationen und Gesellschaften. Unter der Leitdifferenz kommunikativer Komplexitätsbewältigung untersucht er Fragen wie: Welche Strategien und Methoden ergeben sich im Umgang mit komplexen, vieldimensionalen und unvorhersehbaren Problemen? Wie können Kommunikationsprozesse so gestaltet werden, dass sie höhere kollektive Intelligenz ermöglichen? Sein universell anwendbarer Ansatz unterstützt komplexe Problemlöseprozesse auf allen Ebenen und fördert transdisziplinäres Denken in Zeiten globalen strukturellen Wandels.
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    The morphogenetic approach and immanent causality: A spinozian perspective.Karim Knio - 2018 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 48 (4):398-415.
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  11.  73
    Understandings of genomic research in developing countries: a qualitative study of the views of MalariaGEN participants in Mali.Karim Traore, Susan Bull, Alassane Niare, Salimata Konate, Mahamadou A. Thera, Dominic Kwiatkowski, Michael Parker & Ogobara K. Doumbo - 2015 - BMC Medical Ethics 16 (1):1-10.
    BackgroundObtaining informed consent for participation in genomic research in low-income settings presents specific ethical issues requiring attention. These include the challenges that arise when providing information about unfamiliar and technical research methods, the implications of complicated infrastructure and data sharing requirements, and the potential consequences of future research with samples and data. This study investigated researchers’ and participants’ parents’ experiences of a consent process and understandings of a genome-wide association study of malaria involving children aged five and under in Mali. (...)
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  12.  95
    Schrodinger Evolution for the Universe: Reparametrization.Karim P. Y. Thebault & Sean Gryb - unknown
    Starting from a generalized Hamilton-Jacobi formalism, we develop a new framework for constructing observables and their evolution in theories invariant under global time reparametrizations. Our proposal relaxes the usual Dirac prescription for the observables of a totally constrained system and allows one to recover the influential partial and complete observables approach in a particular limit. Difficulties such as the non-unitary evolution of the complete observables in terms of certain partial observables are explained as a breakdown of this limit. Identification of (...)
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  13. Theoretical considerations for a meaningful code of professional ethics.Karim Jamal & Norman E. Bowie - 1995 - Journal of Business Ethics 14 (9):703 - 714.
    The professions have focused considerable attention on developing codes of conduct. Despite their efforts there is considerable controversy regarding the propriety of professional codes of ethics. Many provisions of professional codes seem to exacerbate disputes between the profession and the public rather than providing a framework that satisfies the public''s desire for moral behavior.After examining three professional codes, we divide the provisions of professional codes into those provisions which urge professionals to avoid moral hazard, maintain professional courtesy and serve the (...)
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  14.  32
    Impact of profession and wards on moral distress in a community hospital.Karim Bayanzay, Behzad Amoozgar, Varun Kaushal, Alissa Holman, Valentina Som & Shuvendu Sen - 2022 - Nursing Ethics 29 (2):356-363.
    Background: Recently, a singular survey titled “Measure of Moral Distress—Healthcare Professionals,” which addresses shortcomings of previous instruments, has been validated. Aim: To determine how moral distress affects nurses and physicians differently across the various wards of a community hospital. Participant and research context: We distributed a self-administered, validated survey titled “Measure of Moral Distress—Healthcare Professionals” to all nurses and physicians in the medical/surgical ward, telemetry ward, intensive care units, and emergency rooms of a community hospital. Findings: A total of 101 (...)
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  15.  14
    Les Libertés de la presse écrite en Tunisie: des débuts a nos jours.Karim Freund - 1988 - Communications 14 (3):129-146.
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    : Melancholy Acts: Defeat and Cultural Critique in the Arab World.Karim Mattar - 2025 - Critical Inquiry 51 (2):443-444.
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  17.  47
    La valeur d'un entier classique en $\lambda\mu$ -calcul.Karim Nour - 1997 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 36 (6):461-473.
    In this paper, we present three methods to give the value of a classical integer in $\lambda\mu$ -calculus. The first method is an external method and gives the value and the false part of a normal classical integer. The second method uses a new reduction rule and gives as result the corresponding Church integer. The third method is the M. Parigot's method which uses the J.L. Krivine's storage operators.
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  18.  34
    Method and Impasse: Critical Remarks on the Reconstruction of Formative Islam.Karim Samji - 2016 - Der Islam: Journal of the History and Culture of the Middle East 93 (1):216-233.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Der Islam Jahrgang: 93 Heft: 1 Seiten: 216-233.
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  19. Thomas Aquinas or John Henry Newman? : the intellectual itinerary of Johannes Willebrands.Karim Schelkens - 2018 - In Rajesh Heynickx & Stéphane Symons, So What's New About Scholasticism?: How Neo-Thomism Helped Shape the Twentieth Century. Boston: De Gruyter.
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  20.  52
    Symmetry, Ontology and the Problem of Time: On the Interpretation and Quantisation of Canonical Gravity.Karim P. Y. Thebault - unknown
  21. En torno a la palabra y el silencio.Karim Martínez Zavala - 2012 - In Ayala Barrón, Juan Carlos & Mauricio Beuchot, Ensayos de filosofía mexicana. Culiacán (Sinaloa): Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa.
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    The Problem of Time.Karim P. Y. Thebault - 2022 - In Eleanor Knox & Alastair Wilson, The Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Physics. London, UK: Routledge.
    The `problem of time' is a cluster of interpretational and formal issues in the foundations of general relativity relating to both the representation of time in the classical canonical formalism, and to the quantization of the theory. The purpose of this short chapter is to provide an accessible introduction to the problem.
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  23.  50
    Radicalizing numerical cognition.Karim Zahidi - 2020 - Synthese 198 (Suppl 1):529-545.
    In recent decades, non-representational approaches to mental phenomena and cognition have been gaining traction in cognitive science and philosophy of mind. In these alternative approach, mental representations either lose their central status or, in its most radical form, are banned completely. While there is growing agreement that non-representational accounts may succeed in explaining some cognitive capacities, there is widespread skepticism about the possibility of giving non-representational accounts of cognitive capacities such as memory, imagination or abstract thought. In this paper, I (...)
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  24.  37
    Shīʿī Readings of human evolution: Ṭabāṭabāʾī to ḥaydarī.Karim Gabor Kocsenda - 2022 - Zygon 57 (2):418-442.
    Zygon®, Volume 57, Issue 2, Page 418-442, June 2022.
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  25. Three denials of time in the interpretation of canonical gravity.Karim P. Y. Thébault - 2012 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 43 (4):277-294.
    The analysis of the temporal structure of canonical general relativity and the connected interpretational questions with regard to the role of time within the theory both rest upon the need to respect the fundamentally dual role of the Hamiltonian constraints found within the formalism. Any consistent philosophical approach towards the theory must pay dues to the role of these constraints in both generating dynamics, in the context of phase space, and generating unphysical symmetry transformations, in the context of a hypersurface (...)
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  26. Dating through the filters.Karim Nader - 2020 - Social Philosophy and Policy 37 (2):237-248.
    In this essay, I explore ethical considerations that might arise from the use of collaborative filtering algorithms on dating apps. Collaborative filtering algorithms can predict the preferences of a target user by looking at the past behavior of similar users. By recommending products through this process, they can influence the news we read, the movies we watch, and more. They are extremely powerful and effective on platforms like Amazon and Google. Recommender systems on dating apps are likely to group people (...)
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  27.  35
    On Mach on time.Karim P. Y. Thébault - 2021 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 89 (C):84-102.
  28.  9
    Call for papers: special issue on Morphogenetic Régulation.Karim Kniou Associate Editor - 2024 - Journal of Critical Realism 23 (2):243-244.
    Volume 23, Issue 2, April 2024, Page 243-244.
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    Public understanding of artificial intelligence through entertainment media.Karim Nader, Paul Toprac, Suzanne Scott & Samuel Baker - 2022 - AI and Society 39 (2):713–726.
    Artificial intelligence is becoming part of our everyday experience and is expected to be ever more integrated into ordinary life for many years to come. Thus, it is important for those in product development, research, and public policy to understand how the public’s perception of AI is shaped. In this study, we conducted focus groups and an online survey to determine the knowledge of AI held by the American public, and to judge whether entertainment media is a major influence on (...)
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  30.  28
    Remarks on the NIP in a model.Karim Khanaki & Anand Pillay - 2018 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 64 (6):429-434.
    We define the notion has the NIP (not the independence property) in A, where A is a subset of a model, and give some equivalences by translating results from function theory. We also discuss the number of coheirs when A is not necessarily countable, and revisit the notion “ has the NOP (not the order property) in a model M”.
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  31. El sufismo y el Islam.Gamal Abdel-Karim - 2008 - Pensamiento 64 (242):931.
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  32.  19
    Odeim y Oido en Nocturno de Chile de Roberto Bolaño.Karim Benmiloud - 2010 - Aisthesis 48:229-243.
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  33. Sacred Earth'.Karim Benammar - 1999 - In Robert Frodeman & Victor R. Baker, Earth Matters: The Earth Sciences, Philosophy, and the Claims of Community. Prentice-Hall. pp. 165.
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  34. Eristik.Karim Bschir - 2013 - In Stefan Schierholz & Herbert Ernst Wiegand, Wörterbücher Zur Sprach- Und Kommunikationswissenschaft Wsk. De Gruyter.
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  35. Elenktik.Karim Bschir - 2013 - In Stefan Schierholz & Herbert Ernst Wiegand, Wörterbücher Zur Sprach- Und Kommunikationswissenschaft Wsk. De Gruyter.
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    Predicting under Structural Uncertainty: Why not all Hawkmoths are Ugly.Karim Bschir & Lydia Braunack-Mayer - unknown
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    Oscillation and Emancipation: Collingwood on History and Human Nature.Karim Dharamsi - 2018 - In Karim Dharamsi, Giuseppina D'Oro & Stephen Leach, Collingwood on Philosophical Methodology. Cham: Springer Verlag. pp. 177-207.
    Dharamsi considers Collingwood’s defence of the autonomy of the mental and contrasts it with the one articulated by liberal naturalists such as McDowell. Both Collingwood and McDowell, Dharamsi argues, acknowledge the irreducibly normative nature of the study of mind and both reject the widespread naturalist assumption that philosophy is continuous with natural science. The liberal naturalist’s and Collingwood’s strategy are however fundamentally different. McDowell’s strategy is to soften naturalism so as to accommodate within its womb the normative character of the (...)
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  38. The Historical Imagination Toward an Understanding of Cultural Pluralism.Karim Dharamsi - 1994
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    (1 other version)Les oecuménistes catholiques francophones d’avant Vatican II.Karim Schelkens - 2018 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 74 (3):407-418.
    In this contribution, the author investigates the often heard claim that John Henry Newman influenced the teachings of Vatican II. The focus lies on the conciliar opening toward ecumenical dialogue, and the way in which Newman’s ideas have been received by an intermediary generation of theologians, who in turn brought them to the conciliar hall. In particular, this article illustrates how Newman’s legacy was received in French-speaking European milieus of the first half of the twentieth century. In order to do (...)
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  40.  21
    Physical Theory: Method and Interpretation.Karim Thébault - 2015 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 29 (4):438-441.
  41.  23
    On Matti Häyry’s “Exit Duty Generator”.Karim Akerma - 2024 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 33 (2):232-237.
    Matti Häyry presents a new ethical theory that he calls “conflict-responsive need-based negative utilitarianism.”1 In this commentary, I present my critical observations on his main points against the more general background of utilitarianism and theories of value.
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  42.  20
    Dividing lines in unstable theories and subclasses of Baire 1 functions.Karim Khanaki - 2022 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 61 (7):977-993.
    We give a new characterization of _SOP_ (the strict order property) in terms of the behaviour of formulas in any model of the theory as opposed to having to look at the behaviour of indiscernible sequences inside saturated ones. We refine a theorem of Shelah, namely a theory has _OP_ (the order property) if and only if it has _IP_ (the independence property) or _SOP_, in several ways by characterizing various notions in functional analytic style. We point out some connections (...)
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  43.  38
    Perspectivism in current epigenetics.Karim Bschir - 2020 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 10 (3):1-18.
    Discussions about perspectivism in the current philosophical literature often focus on questions concerning perspectival modeling or the compatibility between perspectivism and realism. In this paper, I propose to extend the debate on perspectivism by taking into account the social dimension of scientific perspectives. Scientific perspectives are always adopted and advocated for by individual scientists and groups of scientists with different epistemic affinities. I describe an example of a current and ongoing controversy in the field of epigenetics in order to illustrate (...)
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  44.  78
    Quantisation, Representation and Reduction; How Should We Interpret the Quantum Hamiltonian Constraints of Canonical Gravity?Karim P. Y. Thébault - unknown
    Hamiltonian constraints feature in the canonical formulation of general relativity. Unlike typical constraints they cannot be associated with a reduction procedure leading to a non-trivial reduced phase space and this means the physical interpretation of their quantum analogues is ambiguous. In particular, can we assume that “quantisation commutes with reduction” and treat the promotion of these constraints to operators annihilating the wave function, according to a Dirac type procedure, as leading to a Hilbert space equivalent to that reached by quantisation (...)
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  45.  39
    Wissenschaft und Realität. Versuch eines pragmatischen Empirismus.Karim Bschir - 2012 - Mohr Siebeck.
    Versuch eines pragmatischen Empirismus Karim Bschir. vom Rationalismus abzugrenzen, welcher neben der Erfahrung auch die reine Verstandestätigkeit als Erkenntnisquelle zulässt. Auf der anderen Seite benutzt man „Empirismus“ bzw.
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  46. Many worlds: decoherent or incoherent?Karim P. Y. Thébault & Richard Dawid - 2015 - Synthese 192 (5):1559-1580.
    We claim that, as it stands, the Deutsch–Wallace–Everett approach to quantum theory is conceptually incoherent. This charge is based upon the approach’s reliance upon decoherence arguments that conflict with its own fundamental precepts regarding probabilistic reasoning in two respects. This conceptual conflict obtains even if the decoherence arguments deployed are aimed merely towards the establishment of certain ‘emergent’ or ‘robust’ structures within the wave function: To be relevant to physical science notions such as robustness must be empirically grounded, and, on (...)
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  47.  96
    Should Extinction Be Forever?Karim Jebari - 2016 - Philosophy and Technology 29 (3):211-222.
    This article will explore a problem which is related to our moral obligations towards species. Although the re-creation of extinct animals has been discussed to some degree both in lay deliberations as well as by scientists, advocates tend to emphasize the technological and scientific value of such an endeavour, and the “coolness” factor, 32–33, 2013). This article will provide an argument in favour of re-creation based on normative considerations. The environmentalist community generally accepts that it is wrong to exterminate species, (...)
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  48.  12
    Remarks on Convergence of Morley Sequences.Karim Khanaki - 2024 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 89 (3):1339-1357.
    We refine results of Gannon [6, Theorem 4.7] and Simon [22, Lemma 2.8] on convergence of Morley sequences. We then introduce the notion of eventual $NIP$, as a property of a model, and prove a variant of [15, Corollary 2.2]. Finally, we give new characterizations of generically stable types (for countable theories) and reinforce the main result of Pillay [17] on the model-theoretic meaning of Grothendieck’s double limit theorem.
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  49.  44
    Investigating populations in generalized Darwinism.Karim Baraghith - 2020 - Biology and Philosophy 35 (1):1-27.
    Darwinian evolution is a population-level phenomenon. This paper deals with a structural population concept within the framework of generalized Darwinism, resp. within a generalized theory of evolution. According to some skeptical authors, GD is in need of a valid population concept in order to become a practicable research program. Populations are crucial and basic elements of any evolutionary explanation—biological or cultural—and have to be defined as clearly as possible. I suggest the “causal interactionist population concept”, by R. Millstein for this (...)
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  50.  84
    Virtual competitions and the gamer’s dilemma.Karim Nader - 2020 - Ethics and Information Technology 22 (3):239-245.
    This paper expands Rami Ali’s dissolution of the gamer’s dilemma (Ethics Inf Technol 17:267-274, 2015). Morgan Luck’s gamer’s dilemma (Ethics Inf Technol 11(1):31-36, 2009) rests on our having diverging intuition when considering virtual murder and virtual child molestation in video games. Virtual murder is seemingly permissible, when virtual child molestation is not and there is no obvious morally relevant difference between the two. Ali argues that virtual murder and virtual child molestation are equally permissible/impermissible when considered under different modes of (...)
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