Results for 'Kapur Manu'

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  1.  58
    Productive Failure in Learning Math.Manu Kapur - 2014 - Cognitive Science 38 (5):1008-1022.
    When learning a new math concept, should learners be first taught the concept and its associated procedures and then solve problems, or solve problems first even if it leads to failure and then be taught the concept and the procedures? Two randomized-controlled studies found that both methods lead to high levels of procedural knowledge. However, students who engaged in problem solving before being taught demonstrated significantly greater conceptual understanding and ability to transfer to novel problems than those who were taught (...)
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  2. Designing for productive failure in mathematical problem solving.Manu Kapur & June Lee - 2009 - In N. A. Taatgen & H. van Rijn, Proceedings of the 31st Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. pp. 2632--7.
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    The Disappearing “Advantage of Abstract Examples in Learning Math”.Dragan Trninic, Manu Kapur & Tanmay Sinha - 2020 - Cognitive Science 44 (7):e12851.
    When teaching a novel mathematical concept, should we present learners with abstract or concrete examples? In this experiment, we conduct a critical replication and extension of a well‐known study that argued for the general advantage of abstract examples (Kaminski, Sloutsky, & Heckler, 2008a). We demonstrate that theoretically motivated yet minor modifications of the learning design put this argument in question. A key finding from this study is that participants who trained with improved concrete examples performed as well as, or better (...)
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  4. Collaborative Virtual Worlds and Productive Failure.Michael J. Jacobson, Charlotte Taylor, Anne Newstead, Wai Yat Wong, Deborah Richards, Meredith Taylor, Porte John, Kartiko Iwan, Kapur Manu & Hu Chun - 2011 - In Michael J. Jacobson, Charlotte Taylor, Anne Newstead, Wai Yat Wong, Deborah Richards, Meredith Taylor, Porte John, Kartiko Iwan, Kapur Manu & Hu Chun, Proceedings of the CSCL (Computer Supported Cognition and Learning) III. University of Hong Kong.
    This paper reports on an ongoing ARC Discovery Project that is conducting design research into learning in collaborative virtual worlds (CVW).The paper will describe three design components of the project: (a) pedagogical design, (b)technical and graphics design, and (c) learning research design. The perspectives of each design team will be discussed and how the three teams worked together to produce the CVW. The development of productive failure learning activities for the CVW will be discussed and there will be an interactive (...)
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  5. Proceedings of the CSCL (Computer Supported Cognition and Learning) III.Michael J. Jacobson, Charlotte Taylor, Anne Newstead, Wai Yat Wong, Deborah Richards, Meredith Taylor, Porte John, Kartiko Iwan, Kapur Manu & Hu Chun - 2011 - University of Hong Kong.
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  6. Kothari, Manu.; Mehta, Lopa.: The Cloning Bandwagon. Issues in Medical Ethics. 6 (1). Jan 1998. P. 17-19.Manu Kothari - 1998 - Issues in Medical Ethics 6 (1):17-19.
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  7. Why it is wrong to be always guided by the best: Consequentialism and friendship.Neera Badhwar Kapur - 1991 - Ethics 101 (3):483-504.
    I take friendship to be a practical and emotional relationship marked by mutual and (more-or-less) equal goodwill, liking, and pleasure. Friendship can exist between siblings, lovers, parent and adult child, as well as between otherwise unrelated people. Some friendships are valued chiefly for their usefulness. Such friendships are instrumental or means friendships. Other friendships are valued chiefly for their own sakes. Such friendships are noninstrumental or end friendships. In this paper I am concerned only with end friendships, and the challenge (...)
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    A Communitarian Utility Function and its Social and Economic Implications: Basant K. Kapur.Basant K. Kapur - 1999 - Economics and Philosophy 15 (1):43-62.
    The term ‘communitarianism’ is often identified with ‘altruism’: an individual is taken to be communitarian-minded if he or she is concerned with the well-being of others, and not only with his or her own well-being. While communitarianism may embrace altruism, it is most appositely viewed as having a broader connotation. Consider, for example, the puzzle of voting behaviour, discussed by Amitai Etzioni and many others ). Casting one's vote entails a cost, albeit usually a small one: however, if there are (...)
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  9. AHRC Research Centre for Law, Gender and Sexuality, University of Kent, UK. The AHRC Research Centre for Law, Gender and Sexuality is very pleased to be hosting two events at the University of Kent in summer 2006.Ratna Kapur, Margaret Davies & Ziba Mir-Hosseini - 2006 - Feminist Legal Studies 14:139.
  10.  7
    Can Indian Spiritual Practices Be Used in Psychotherapy?R. L. Kapur - 2009 - In George Derfer, Zhihe Wang & Michel Weber, The Roar of Awakening: A Whiteheadian Dialogue Between Western Psychotherapies and Eastern Worldviews. Ontos Verlag. pp. 20--103.
  11. Pātañjala yoga praveśa: mūla sūtra, anuvāda sahita: sapariśishṭa.Gokulchand Kapur - 1970 - Vārāṇasī: Māsṭara Khelāṛī Lāla Saṅkaṭā Prasāda. Edited by Patañjali.
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    The Khotanese ŚūraṅgamasamādhisūtraThe Khotanese Surangamasamadhisutra.Manu Leumann & R. E. Emmerick - 1974 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 94 (4):478.
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  13. Methodological frame of the field.Manu - 2005 - Hyderabad, Patna, New Delhi: New age Books.
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    Rāja karegā k̲h̲ālasa te hora nibandha.Kapur Singh - 2007 - Ammritasara: Siṅgha Bradaraza. Edited by Guramukha Siṅgha.
    Articles on Sikh ethos, history, and philosophy.
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    Creating Satisfied Employees Through Workplace Spirituality: A Study of the Private Insurance Sector in Punjab.Manu Gupta, Vinod Kumar & Mandeep Singh - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 122 (1):79-88.
    Spirituality in the workplace is gaining recognition and value among researchers, academicians, and business professionals. The aim of this paper is to examine the impact of spirituality in the workplace on job satisfaction by measuring four dimensions of spirituality in the workplace: meaningful work, sense of community, organizational values, and compassion. The impact of each dimension on job satisfaction is hypothesized. A cross-sectional survey was used to collect data from 100 payroll employees in private insurance companies in Punjab. A correlation (...)
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  16.  68
    Well-Being: Happiness in a Worthwhile Life.Neera Kapur Badhwar - 2014 - , US: Oup Usa.
    This book offers a new argument for the ancient claim that well-being as the highest prudential good -- eudaimonia -- consists of happiness in a life according to virtue. Virtue is a source of happiness, but happiness also requires external goods.
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    “Poor in World”: Hannah Arendt’s critique of imperialism.Manu Samnotra - 2019 - Contemporary Political Theory 18 (4):562-582.
    This article addresses Hannah Arendt’s controversial engagement with European imperial ventures in Africa. For many of her critics, Arendt’s description of imperialism either duplicates the ideologically inflected accounts and justifications of mass-murder, or conveys her own personal views of Africans and peoples of African descent. I argue that Arendt’s account in the “Imperialism” chapter of the Origins of Totalitarianism must be read parallel to her discussion of the conflict in Palestine between Jewish settlers and native Arabs. Rather than provide us (...)
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  18.  38
    Crisis Economics: Keynes and the End of Empire.Manu Goswami - 2018 - Constellations 25 (1):18-34.
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  19.  22
    Too Hot to Handle: The Cultural Politics of Fire.Ratna Kapur - 2000 - Feminist Review 64 (1):53-64.
    This essay explores the ways in which the definition of Indian culture has become a site of contest, and how this contest played out in the controversy that erupted over the release and screening of Deepa Mehta's diasporic film, Fire, in India. I locate this controversy within the broader controversies that are taking place over culture, particularly when issues of sex and sexuality are involved. The continuous targeting of representations of sex and sexuality, betrays an underlying fear that sex is (...)
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    HIV and AIDS as a Human Rights Challenge to Faith Communities in Pietermaritzburg, South Africa.Beatrice Okyere-Manu - 2015 - In Lars Charbonnier & Wilhelm Gräb, Religion and Human Rights: Global Challenges From Intercultural Perspectives. De Gruyter. pp. 187-200.
  21.  12
    Introduction: Exploring Development Ethics in an African Context.Beatrice Okyere-Manu, Stephen Nkansah Morgan & Ovett Nwosimiri - 2023 - In Beatrice Okyere-Manu, Stephen Nkansah Morgan & Ovett Nwosimiri, Contemporary Development Ethics from an African Perspective: Selected Readings. Springer Verlag. pp. 3-14.
    The word ‘development’ can mean different things to different people. It is one of the most elusive concepts to define, alongside the concept of modernization. Often and perhaps due to its elusive nature, people tend to rely on an economic definition of development where definite parameters and indices can be used to assess and determine levels of development ‘objectively’. Thus, a nation’s development is measured in terms of its Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Gross National Income (GNI), Per-Capita Income and Foreign (...)
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  22.  37
    “Sensitive to Shame”: Hannah Arendt on Becoming Worldly.Manu Samnotra - 2014 - Constellations 21 (3):338-350.
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    On Gender, Alterity and Human Rights: Freedom in a Fishbowl.Ratna Kapur - 2019 - Feminist Review 122 (1):167-171.
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    Therapy and the Counter-Tradition: The Edge of Philosophy.Manu Bazzano & Julie Webb (eds.) - 2016 - New York: Routledge.
    _Therapy & the Counter-tradition: The Edge of Philosophy_ brings together leading exponents of contemporary psychotherapy, philosophers and writers, to explore how philosophical ideas may inform therapy work. Each author discusses a particular philosopher who has influenced their life and therapeutic practice, while questioning how counselling and psychotherapy can address human ‘wholeness’, despite the ascendancy of rationality, regulation and diagnosis. It also seeks to acknowledge the distinct lack of philosophical input and education in counselling and psychotherapy training. The chapters are rooted (...)
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  25.  33
    Monitoring Democracy: When International Election Observation Works, and Why It Often Fails by Judith G. Kelley: Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2010.Manu V. Devadevan - 2015 - Human Rights Review 16 (4):405-407.
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    Geometric reasoning and artificial intelligence: Introduction to the special volume.Deepak Kapur & Joseph L. Mundy - 1988 - Artificial Intelligence 37 (1-3):1-11.
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    Proof by consistency.Deepak Kapur & David R. Musser - 1987 - Artificial Intelligence 31 (2):125-157.
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  28. Psychological Theories and Practices in Ayurveda.Malavika Kapur - 2008 - In K. Ramakrishna Rao, A. C. Paranjpe & Ajit K. Dalal, Handbook of Indian psychology. New Delhi: Campridge University Press India.
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    Kātoanga Faiva: a pedagogical site for Tongan students.Linitā Manu'atu - 2000 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 32 (1):73-80.
  30. Friendship: a philosophical reader.Neera Kapur Badhwar (ed.) - 1993 - Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press.
    Introduction: The Nature and Signif1cance of Friendship Neera Kapur Badhwar Philosophers have long recognized that friendship plays a central role in a ...
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    How Does Health Insurance Affect the Retirement Behavior of Women?Kanika Kapur & Jeannette Rogowski - 2011 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 48 (1):51.
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    Looking for images of memory.Narinder Kapur - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (2):364-365.
    This is an excellent book but it lacks a detailed presentation and formulation of images of memory. Positron emission tomography (PET) findings sometimes raise more enigmatic questions than they answer, with differences between studies and differences with established lesion evidence. Perhaps the book could have been more critical in its analysis of these enigmas, covering more of the basic issues and assumptions underlying PET research.
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  33. Sterven met mijn bril op.Manu Keirse - 1981 - In Frans de Weer & Jean-Pierre Goetghebuer, Eenzaam en nabij: omgaan met sterven. Tielt: Lannoo.
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    Fardīd az nigāh-i dīgarān.Baktāsh Manūchihrī (ed.) - 2010 - [Tihrān]: Intishārāt-i Qaṣīdahʹsarā.
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    Negeri utama Dan perannya dalam meraih kebahagiaan perspektif al-farabi.Alamsyah Kaharuddin Manu & Zainab Soraya - 2021 - Kanz Philosophia a Journal for Islamic Philosophy and Mysticism 7 (1):65-86.
    Kebahagiaan adalah tema abadi yang selalu dibicarakan manusia. Banyak filosof yang membicarakan kebahagiaan, dihitung dari zaman Yunani kuno hingga zaman filosof muslim. Al-Farabi, seorang filosof muslim di masa awal, menawarkan pandangan menarik tentang kebahagiaan: Negeri Utama sebagai pondasi meraih kebahagiaan. Kebahagiaan didefinisikan sebagai kebaikan tertinggi yang membuat manusia terlepas dari alam materi dan hidup bersama dengan makhluk non-materi selama-lamanya. Negeri Utama yang diumpamakan dengan sebuah tubuh, memiliki pemimpin yang telah mencapai kesempurnaan manusiawi. Melalui pemimpin itulah, masyarakat Negeri Utama berusaha secara (...)
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  36. Sharḥ naẓm muwajjahāt al-tahdhīb.Manṣūr ibn ʻAlī Manūfī - 2019 - Abū Ẓaby, al-Imārāt al-ʻArabīyah al-Muttaḥidah: Majlis Ḥukamāʼ al-Muslimīn.
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  37. Zībāʼīʹshināsī.Mihrangīz Manūchihriyān - 1950 - [Tehran?]: Amīr-i kabīr.
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  38.  62
    Overpopulation and the Lifeboat Metaphor: A Critique from an African Worldview.Beatrice Okyere-Manu - 2016 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 30 (3):279-289.
    This article is a contribution to overpopulation discourse in environmental ethics. It is based on the hypothesis that, even though the idea and reasoning behind Garret Hardin’s lifeboat metaphor are crucial within the current environmental crisis, from an African perspective, the metaphor raises a number of questions. The article argues that the lifeboat metaphor poses an ethical challenge to most communities particularly in Africa because it runs contrary to their political and cultural worldview. I advance two central claims in the (...)
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  39.  9
    Worldly shame: ethos in action.Manu Samnotra - 2020 - Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books.
    Does shame have any role in politics? Far too often, shame is used as a weapon to dominate those who lack social power. For which reason, it is often regarded with skepticism by its many critics. But in an era where lying in order to get ahead in political contests seems to go unpunished by voters, where the sale of life-saving drugs is increased to astronomical proportions in the pursuit of profits, and where daily infractions against the dignity of individuals (...)
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  40.  19
    A Communism of Intelligence: Early Communism in Late Imperial India.Manu Goswami - 2020 - Diacritics 48 (2):90-109.
  41.  19
    Elements of an Alternative to Nuclear Power as a Response to the Energy-Environment Crisis in India: Development as Freedom and a Sustainable Energy Utility.Manu V. Mathai - 2009 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 29 (2):139-150.
    Even as the conventional energy system is fundamentally challenged by the “energy-environment crisis,” its adherents have presented the prospect of “abundant” and purportedly “green” nuclear power as part of a strategy to address the crisis. Surveying the development of nuclear power in India, this article finds that it is predisposed to centralization and secrecy, that nuclear power as energy policy is based on a presumption that overabundance is imperative for viable forms of social and economic development; its institutionalization has tended (...)
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  42. Friends as ends in themselves.Neera Kapur Badhwar - 1987 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 48 (1):1-23.
    Philosophy and Phenomenological Research is currently published by International Phenomenological Society.
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  43. The loss of episodic memories in retrograde amnesia: single-case and group studies.Michael D. Kopelman & Narinder Kapur - 2002 - In Alan Baddeley, John Aggleton & Martin Conway, Episodic Memory: New Directions in Research : Originating from a Discussion Meeting of the Royal Society. Oxford University Press.
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  44.  16
    Imperial parody.Ratna Kapur - 2001 - Feminist Theory 2 (1):79-88.
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  45. Buddha is dead: Nietzsche and the dawn of European Zen.Manu Bazzano - 2006 - Portland, Or.: Sussex Academic Press.
    Drawing on Zen as well as on Nietzsche's thought and its ramifications in and for western culture, this book is a fervent call for a re-visioning of philosophy ...
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    Spectre of the stranger: towards a phenomenology of hospitality.Manu Bazzano - 2012 - Portland: Sussex Academic Press.
    A place in the sun -- A human revolution -- Dwelling poetically on this earth -- Epilogue.
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  47.  28
    The Citizen and the Migrant: Postcolonial Anxieties, Law, and the Politics of Exclusion/inclusion.Ratna Kapur - 2007 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 8 (2):537-570.
    This Article examines how the legal subjectivity of the migrant subject is intimately connected to the construction of the citizenship subject and how both have been products of the colonial encounter. Deploying the lens of postcolonialism, I argue that the migrant is addressed through a spectrum of legal rules based on normative criteria reminiscent of the colonial encounter. These criteria reinscribe citizenship within dominant racial, sexual, and cultural norms as well as claims of civilizational superiority. That which does not fall (...)
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  48.  18
    Contemporary Development Ethics from an African Perspective: Selected Readings.Beatrice Okyere-Manu, Stephen Nkansah Morgan & Ovett Nwosimiri (eds.) - 2023 - Springer Verlag.
    This book offers fresh academic insights, reflections, questions, issues, and approaches to development ethics, taking into account, African values and ethics. Development ethics is an area of applied ethics that examines the moral issues involved in global, social, and economic transformation. While it is a relatively new discipline, there have been numerous scholarly publications on it from Western perspectives. However, only a few studies that focused on development ethics from the African perspective. To address this gap, the book seeks to (...)
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  49. The Pursuant of Well-Being in Contemporary Africa.Beatrice Okyere-Manu, Ovett Nwosimiri & Stephen Nkansah Morgan - 2023 - In Bolaji Bateye, Mahmoud Masaeli, Louise F. Müller & Angela C. M. Roothaan, Wellbeing in African Philosophy: Insights for a Global Ethics of Development. Lanham, USA: Rowman and Littlefield.
    The concept of well-being has been and continues to be topical and a contested subject among scholars. It has generated different meanings and conversations within disciplines such as Economics, Ethics, Philosophy, Sociology and Psychology. Furthermore, well-being has been more conceptualised within Western literature than African literature. In an attempt to define the concept, Ruggeri et al, say that ‘It is a sustainable condition that allows the individual or population to develop and thrive’’ (2009:2). The definition provided above suggests that the (...)
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  50.  18
    Who is umuntu in Umuntu ngumuntu ngabantu? Interrogating moral issues facing Ndau women in polygyny.Beatrice Dedaa Okyere-Manu & Elias Konyana - 2018 - South African Journal of Philosophy 37 (2):207-216.
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