Results for 'Kangwoo Lee'

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  1.  58
    Vowel generation for children with cerebral palsy using myocontrol of a speech synthesizer.Chuanxin M. Niu, Kangwoo Lee, John F. Houde & Terence D. Sanger - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  2. The Light & the Room.Andrew Y. Lee - manuscript
    To be conscious—according to a common metaphor—is for the “lights to be on inside.” Is this a good metaphor? I argue that the metaphor elicits useful intuitions while staying neutral on controversial philosophical questions. But I also argue that there are two ways of interpreting the metaphor. Is consciousness the inner light itself? Or is consciousness the illuminated room? Call the first sense subjectivity (where ‘consciousness’ =def what makes an entity feel some way at all), and the second sense phenomenal (...)
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  3. Structuralism in the Science of Consciousness: Editorial Introduction.Andrew Y. Lee & Sascha Benjamin Fink - manuscript
    In recent years, the science and the philosophy of consciousness has seen growing interest in structural questions about consciousness. This is the Editorial Introduction for a special volume for Philosophy and the Mind Sciences on “Structuralism in Consciousness Studies.”.
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  4. Just probabilities.Chad Lee-Stronach - 2024 - Noûs 58 (4):948-972.
    I defend the thesis that legal standards of proof are reducible to thresholds of probability. Many reject this thesis because it appears to permit finding defendants liable solely on the basis of statistical evidence. To the contrary, I argue – by combining Thomson's (1986) causal analysis of legal evidence with formal methods of causal inference – that legal standards of proof can be reduced to probabilities, but that deriving these probabilities involves more than just statistics.
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  5. What Is A Family? A Constitutive-Affirmative Account.J. Y. Lee, R. Bentzon & E. Di Nucci - 2024 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 21 (4).
    Bio-heteronormative conceptions of the family have long reinforced a nuclear ideal of the family as a heterosexual marriage, with children who are the genetic progeny of that union. This ideal, however, has also long been resisted in light of recent social developments, exhibited through the increased incidence and acceptance of step-families, donor-conceived families, and so forth. Although to this end some might claim that the bio-heteronormative ideal is not necessary for a social unit to count as a family, a more (...)
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  6. Fictional Creationism and Negative Existentials.Jeonggyu Lee - 2023 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 53:193-208.
    In this paper, I defend fictional creationism, the view that fictional objects are abstract artifacts, from the objection that the apparent truth of fictional negative existentials, such as “Sherlock Holmes does not exist,” poses a serious problem for creationism. I develop a sophisticated version of the pragmatic approach by focusing on the inconsistent referential intentions of ordinary speakers: the upshot would be that creationism is no worse —perhaps even in a better position— than anti-realism, even if we restrict our linguistic (...)
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    Respecting Truth: Willful Ignorance in the Internet Age.Lee C. McIntyre - 2015 - New York: Routledge.
    Throughout history, humans have always indulged in certain irrationalities and held some fairly wrong-headed beliefs. But in his newest book, philosopher Lee McIntyre shows how we've now reached a watershed moment for ignorance in the modern era, due to the volume of misinformation, the speed with which it can be digitally disseminated, and the savvy exploitation of our cognitive weaknesses by those who wish to advance their ideological agendas. In _Respecting Truth: Willful Ignorance in the Internet Age_, McIntyre issues a (...)
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    Unfreedom or Mere Inability? The Case of Biomedical Enhancement.Ji Young Lee - 2024 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 49 (2):195-206.
    Mere inability, which refers to what persons are naturally unable to do, is traditionally thought to be distinct from unfreedom, which is a social type of constraint. The advent of biomedical enhancement, however, challenges the idea that there is a clear division between mere inability and unfreedom. This is because bioenhancement makes it possible for some people’s mere inabilities to become matters of unfreedom. In this paper, I discuss several ways that this might occur: first, bioenhancement can exacerbate social pressures (...)
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    Jewish Ceremonial Art and Religious ObservancePerspectives on the Study of the FilmAnimals in Art and ThoughtJohn Crowe Ransom, Critical Principles and Preoccupations.Lee T. Lemon, Abram Kanof, John Stuart Katz, Francis Klingender, E. Antal, J. Harthan & James A. Magner - 1972 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 30 (4):569.
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    Public perceptions of the use of artificial intelligence in Defence: a qualitative exploration.Lee Hadlington, Maria Karanika-Murray, Jane Slater, Jens Binder, Sarah Gardner & Sarah Knight - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-14.
    There are a wide variety of potential applications of artificial intelligence (AI) in Defence settings, ranging from the use of autonomous drones to logistical support. However, limited research exists exploring how the public view these, especially in view of the value of public attitudes for influencing policy-making. An accurate understanding of the public’s perceptions is essential for crafting informed policy, developing responsible governance, and building responsive assurance relating to the development and use of AI in military settings. This study is (...)
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  11.  55
    Eternal Return Hermeneutics in Nietzsche, Heidegger, and Derrida.Lee Braver - 2023 - Open Philosophy 6 (1):525-58.
    Nietzsche’s Eternal Return (ER) is interpreted in many ways, including by him. I present it as a hermeneutic device, a way of reading texts, especially those whose influence threatens one’s authorial autonomy and/or are later difficult to take ownership of due to philosophical growth. It returns past texts with new interpretations, similar to the way ER leads one to embrace one’s past without changing anything, which radically changes everything from a resented painful burden into a celebrated enhancement of freedom and (...)
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  12.  26
    Unveiling nurses’ end-of-life care experiences: Moral distress and impacts.Myung Nam Lee, So-Hi Kwon, SuJeong Yu, Sook Hyun Park, Sinyoung Kwon, Cho Hee Kim, Myung-Hee Park, Sung Eun Choi, Sanghee Kim & Sujeong Kim - 2024 - Nursing Ethics 31 (8):1600-1615.
    Background Nurses providing care to patients with end-of-life or terminal illnesses often encounter ethically challenging situations leading to moral distress. However, existing quantitative studies have examined moral distress using instruments that address general clinical situations rather than those specific to end-of-life care. Furthermore, qualitative studies have often been limited to participants from a single unit or those experiencing moral distress-induced circumstances. A comprehensive and integrated understanding of the overarching process of moral distress is vital to discern the unique circumstances surrounding (...)
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  13.  9
    What Does “Bioethics” Mean? Education, Training, and Shaping the Future of Our Field.Brian Tuohy, Lisa M. Lee, Nicolle Strand, Shaden Eldakar-Hein & Elyse Gadra - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (9):35-38.
    In “Bioethicists Today: Results of the Views in Bioethics Survey,” Pierson et al. (2024) provide a valuable snapshot of the normative commitments and demographic backgrounds of 824 U.S. bioethicist...
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    The Authority and Content of Morality: A Dilemma for Constitutivism and a Coherentist Approach to Normativity.Byeong D. Lee - forthcoming - Journal of Value Inquiry:1-18.
  15.  25
    Lived Religion in Religious Vaccine Exemptions.Hajung Lee - 2024 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 67 (1):96-113.
    ABSTRACT:This essay explores a more inclusive and equitable interpretation of "religion" within the context of religious vaccine exemptions. The existing literature critiques the prevalent interpretation of the meaning of religion in religious exemption cases, but frequently overlooks the importance of incorporating the concept of "lived religion." This essay introduces the concept of lived religion from religious studies, elucidates why this lived religion approach is crucial for redefining "religion," and illustrates its application in the domain of religious vaccine exemptions. The author (...)
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    For Bioethics to Center Justice, We Must Reconsider Funding, Training, and the Taxonomy of Bioethics.Lisa M. Lee - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (3):26-28.
    In their article “The Bioethics of Environmental Injustice: Ethical, Legal, and Clinical Implications of Unhealthy Environments,” Ray and Cooper (2024) invite us to prioritize environmental health...
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  17.  25
    Mechanisms of skillful interaction: sensorimotor enactivism & mechanistic explanation.Jonny Lee & Becky Millar - forthcoming - Philosophical Psychology.
    The mechanistic model depicts scientific explanations as involving the discovery of multi-level, organized components that constitute a target phenomenon. Meanwhile, sensorimotor enactivism purports to offer a scientifically informed account of perceptual experience as a skill-laden interactive relationship, constitutively involving both perceiver and world, rather than as an agent-bound representation of the world. Insofar as sensorimotor enactivism identifies an empirically tractable phenomenon – skillful agent-world interaction – and mechanistic explanation establishes the subpersonal components of this phenomenon, the two approaches allow for (...)
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  18.  36
    Who should provide the uterus? The ethics of live donor recruitment for uterus transplantation.J. Y. Lee - forthcoming - Journal of Medical Ethics.
    Uterus transplantation (UTx) is an experimental surgery likely to face the issue of organ shortage. In my article, I explore how this issue might be addressed by changing the prevailing practices around live uterus donor recruitment. Currently, women with children – often the mothers of recipients – tend to be overrepresented as donors. Yet, other potentially eligible groups who may have an interest in providing their uterus – such as transgender men, or cisgender women who do not wish to gestate (...)
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    Accentuate the positive: Evidence that context dependent self-reference drives self-bias.Naomi A. Lee, Douglas Martin & Jie Sui - 2023 - Cognition 240 (C):105600.
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    What Patient‐Experience Data Reveal about Trust.Thomas H. Lee, Senem Guney & Deirdre E. Mylod - 2023 - Hastings Center Report 53 (S2):46-52.
    This essay analyzes two types of patient‐experience data to broaden and deepen understanding of trust in health care. Analysis of patients’ open‐ended comments shows a close connection between patients’ feelings of trust and their intent to recommend providers and provider organizations—a global measure to evaluate patients’ perceptions of care experiences. Patients’ comments also reveal the bidirectional building of trust between the patient and the caregiver. Trust gets built when patients perceive their caregivers to trust their knowledge of their bodies as (...)
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  21. From indeterminacy in a fundamental theory to fundamental indeterminacy?Chanwoo Lee - 2025 - Analytic Philosophy 66 (1):84-96.
    In this paper, I examine a case for fundamental indeterminacy (FI) by Elizabeth Barnes and offer my counterarguments. Barnes' account of FI includes both the characterization of FI and why we need to accept it. I argue that her reasons for accepting FI can be challenged even when we accept her characterization of FI. Her main claim is that finding a fundamental proposition that our fundamental theory is indeterminate about (FPF) gives us a reason to accept FI in metaphysics. I (...)
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  22. On the Agent-Relativity of 'Ought'.Junhyo Lee - forthcoming - Analysis.
    In the standard theory of deontic modals, ‘ought’ is understood as expressing a propositional operator. However, this view has been called into question by Almotahari and Rabern’s puzzle about deontic ‘ought’, according to which the ethical principle that one ought to be wronged by another person rather than wrong them is intuitively coherent but the standard theory makes it incoherent. In this paper, I take up Almotahari and Rabern’s challenge and offer a refinement of the standard theory to handle the (...)
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  23.  14
    Existential Propositions in the Thought of St. Thomas Aquinas.Patrick Lee - 1988 - The Thomist 52 (4):605-626.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:EXISTENTIAL PROPOSITIONS IN THE THOUGHT OF ST. THOMAS AQUINAS A REVALENT VIEW of St. Thomas Aquinas's position on the logic of propositions has been that according to him propositions of the :form, x is, hold a privileged place, that they are in a special sense " existential," and that such propositions straight.forwardly attribute the act of exi,stence to an individual or to a class of individuals.1 Some texts seem (...)
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  24.  55
    The Problem with Preparing to Kill in Self‐Defense.Lee-Ann Chae - 2024 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 41 (4):575-589.
    In a society marked by liberal gun ownership laws, and an increasingly militarized police force, how should we think about cases where a homeowner shoots a person who has mistakenly knocked on the wrong door, or where a police officer shoots someone who is unarmed? The general tendency – by shooters, courts, and many observers – is to use the framework of self-defense. However, as I will argue, relying on the framework of self-defense is inappropriate in these cases, because theories (...)
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    Ethnography of Singapore Chinese Names: Race, Religion, and Representation.Lee Leng - 2011 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 7 (1):101-133.
    Ethnography of Singapore Chinese Names: Race, Religion, and Representation Singapore Chinese is part of the Chinese Diaspora. This research shows how Singapore Chinese names reflect the Chinese naming tradition of surnames and generation names, as well as Straits Chinese influence. The names also reflect the beliefs and religion of Singapore Chinese. More significantly, a change of identity and representation is reflected in the names of earlier settlers and Singapore Chinese today. This paper aims to show the general naming traditions of (...)
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  26. Judaism and Hellenism in Antiquity: Conflict or Confluence?Lee I. Levine - 1998
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    Tests of the Rescorla-Wagner model of Pavlovian conditioning.Lee Levitan - 1975 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 6 (3):265-268.
  28.  54
    Enforcing Ethical Standards of Professional Associations.Lee Loevinger - 1996 - Professional Ethics, a Multidisciplinary Journal 5 (1):157-166.
  29.  48
    The ethics of informed consent for infants born to adolescents: A case study from Malaysia.Jeffrey Soon-Yit Lee, Benjamin Wei-Liang Ng & Mohammad Firdaus bin Abdul Aziz - 2024 - Clinical Ethics 19 (1):125-131.
    Adolescent pregnancy results from the complex interaction between various internal and external vulnerabilities. These vulnerabilities persist after the infant's birth when the adolescent becomes a parent. Adolescent parents are unfairly stereotyped as unmotivated and incompetent. Some legislations prohibit adolescents from giving consent on the grounds of incompetency. Despite being different, “competency” is frequently used interchangeably with “capacity”; thus, incompetent individuals are often mistaken to lack capacity. Consequently, legally incompetent adolescents who became parents are frequently disregarded during their infant's decision-making process. (...)
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  30.  18
    The Analogies of Being in St. Thomas Aquinas.Richard Lee - 1994 - The Thomist 58 (3):471-488.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:THE ANALOGIES OF BEING IN ST. THOMAS AQUINAS RICHARD LEE New School for Social Research New York, New York IN HIS Commentary on the Sentences of Peter Lombard, Aquinas offers three modes of analogy.1 The three modes offered there are referred to, though not by the names given them, throughout his works. It remains a curious fact, however, that Aquinas varies his opinion as to whether analogy of attribution (...)
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  31.  8
    The Surprise Question and Serious Illness Conversations: A pilot study.Kathy Le, Jenny Lee, Sameer Desai, Anita Ho & Holly van Heukelom - 2021 - Nursing Ethics 28 (6):1010-1025.
    Background: Serious Illness Conversations aim to discuss patient goals. However, on acute medicine units, seriously ill patients may undergo distressing interventions until death. Objectives: To investigate the feasibility of using the Surprise Question, “Would you be surprised if this patient died within the next year?” to identify patients who would benefit from early Serious Illness Conversations and study any changes in the interdisciplinary team’s beliefs, confidence, and engagement as a result of asking the Surprise Question. Design: A prospective cohort pilot (...)
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  32.  42
    Ethics After Comparative Religious Ethics: Rereading Little and Twiss in a Pragmatic Light.Jung H. Lee - 2024 - Journal of Religious Ethics 52 (1):71-94.
    This paper presents a rereading of David Little and Sumner Twiss's Comparative Religious Ethics in the context of its initial reception and legacy within the field of religious ethics and argues that we can read it more charitably as a piece of pragmatism rather than as a work of formalism or semi-formalism. If one does not read Little and Twiss as committed positivists concerned with realizing a specific research program associated with the “twilight of logical empiricism,” then their theoretical and (...)
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  33.  26
    The OECD’s new discourse of curriculum reform: student agency, competency, colonization, and translation.Sangeun Lee - 2024 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 58 (2-3):321-342.
    The Organization of Economic Co-operation and Development’s (OECD) global governance of education has been gradually increasing. Its field of interest is currently expanding from educational evaluation through the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) to curriculum reform through the Education 2030 project. Here, it is interesting to note that the nature of the terms the OECD has been creating reveals a ‘humanistic turn’. This shows up well in the frequent occurrence of terms such as ‘well-being’, ‘attitudes and values’, ‘inclusiveness’, ‘responsibility’, (...)
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  34.  6
    A unified theoretical framework underlying the regulation of motivated behavior.Yu-Been Kim, Young Hee Lee, Shee-June Park & Hyung Jin Choi - 2024 - Bioessays 46 (11):2400016.
    To orchestrate behaviors for survival, multiple psychological components have evolved. The current theories do not clearly distinguish the distinct components. In this article, we provide a unified theoretical framework. To optimize survival, there should be four components; (1) “need”, an alarm based on a predicted deficiency. (2) “motivation”, a direct behavior driver. (3) “pleasure”, a teacher based on immediate outcomes. (4) “utility”, a teacher based on final delayed outcomes. For behavior stability, need should be accumulated into motivation to drive behavior. (...)
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  35. A Way of Seeing Ways of Being: A New Case for Ontological Pluralism.Joshua Lee Harris & Roger J. Ronald - forthcoming - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association.
    Ontological pluralism is the view that there are ways of being. In this paper, we build a new case for ontological pluralism in the form of three contributions: (1) We offer a theoretically useful definition of ‘way of being’ as a positive principle of similarity and difference that is distinct from—and a prior condition for—having properties. (2) We develop a test for distinguishing ways of being from properties: features of entities that are conceptually redundant when represented as predicates in standard (...)
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  36. Saying Yes to Life in Spite of Everything.Joshua Lee Harris - 2023 - Renovatio: The Journal of Zaytuna College 7 (1):105-113.
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  37. The Human Arts of Graceful Giving and Grateful Receiving.Joshua Lee Harris - 2021 - Renovatio: The Journal of Zaytuna College 5 (1):11-14.
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    A Leibnizian Antirealist Account of Fictional Characters.Byeong D. Lee - forthcoming - Dialogue.
    Résumé Alberto Voltolini préconise une analyse syncrétique des entités fictives, affirmant qu'elle satisfait tous les desiderata d'une analyse appropriée des entités fictives. Cet article présente une analyse des personnages fictifs qui réponde à ces critères, tout en évitant les problèmes que rencontre l'analyse de Voltolini. Selon mon analyse antiréaliste et leibnizienne, un personnage fictif peut être identifié par la collection de prédicats attribués à son nom. Cette analyse offre le bénéfice de la théorie des faisceaux, puisqu'elle écarte la question des (...)
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    Einfühlungskonzept bei Walter Benjamin.Hanuel Lee - 2024 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 76 (1):19-36.
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    Monitoring Public Interest and Sentiment on Basic Income: Using Google and Twitter Data in the U.S.Soomi Lee & Taeyong Park - 2024 - Basic Income Studies 19 (1):31-49.
    This study uses data from Google Trends and Twitter to analyze how public interest and sentiment towards Universal Basic Income (UBI) changed across all 50 states and Washington D.C. between 2018 and 2021. We specifically selected this time period as it includes both Andrew Yang’s UBI campaign during the Democratic primaries in 2019 and the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 when UBI gained attention due to the federal government’s unconditional cash payment to almost all citizens. To overcome the limitations of sporadic (...)
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    Casting a Vote for Subordination Using a Slur.Duckkyun Lee - 2023 - The Pluralist 18 (3):37-58.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Casting a Vote for Subordination Using a SlurDuckkyun Lee1. IntroductionIn this paper, I develop an account of slurs focusing on their two underappreciated features. The first underappreciated feature is what I call their "communal nature." Slurs are communal. The meaning of a slur depends on the existence of a significant number of people who are bigoted against the target. When this condition is not satisfied, a slur loses its (...)
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    A Brief Study on Demonstrations about the Analects of Confucius in Susagosinrok(洙泗考信錄) and Susagosinyeorok(洙泗考信餘錄).Kyoung-Moo Lee - 2024 - Journal of the New Korean Philosophical Association 115:147-177.
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  43.  24
    Correction: Facing the Lively Unity of Difference: Heidegger’s Thoughts on Nietzsche’s Philosophy of Eternal Return and the Self-Overcoming Power of Thinking.SangWon Lee - 2024 - Human Studies 47 (2):415-415.
  44.  49
    The potential of plant action potentials.Jonny Lee & Paco Calvo - 2023 - Synthese 202 (6):1-30.
    The mechanism underlying action potentials is routinely used to explicate the mechanistic model of explanation in the philosophy of science. However, characterisations of action potentials often fixate on neurons, mentioning plant cells in passing or ignoring them entirely. The plant sciences are also prone to neglecting non-neuronal action potentials and their role in plant biology. This oversight is significant because plant action potentials bear instructive similarities to those generated by neurons. This paper helps correct the imbalance in representations of action (...)
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    Four Objections to a Broad Scope Theory of Intention.Harrison Lee - 2021 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 95:225-239.
    Proponents of “broad scope” theories of intention argue that agents cannot intend to achieve given ends without intending certain inevitable or probable consequences. I shall argue that some Thomistic variants of these theories collapse into the Expectation View (EV), i.e., that we intend to produce all of the consequences that we expect to result from our actions. I shall then raise four objections to EV. First, EV falsely implies that we intend to produce all of the expected beneficial consequences of (...)
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  46.  16
    Unraveling Temporal Dynamics of Multidimensional Statistical Learning in Implicit and Explicit Systems: An X‐Way Hypothesis.Stephen Man-Kit Lee, Nicole Sin Hang Law & Shelley Xiuli Tong - 2024 - Cognitive Science 48 (4):e13437.
    Statistical learning enables humans to involuntarily process and utilize different kinds of patterns from the environment. However, the cognitive mechanisms underlying the simultaneous acquisition of multiple regularities from different perceptual modalities remain unclear. A novel multidimensional serial reaction time task was developed to test 40 participants’ ability to learn simple first‐order and complex second‐order relations between uni‐modal visual and cross‐modal audio‐visual stimuli. Using the difference in reaction times between sequenced and random stimuli as the index of domain‐general statistical learning, a (...)
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    Conscious and unconscious memory and eye movements in context-guided visual search: A computational and experimental reassessment of Ramey, Yonelinas, and Henderson (2019).Daryl Y. H. Lee & David R. Shanks - 2023 - Cognition 240 (C):105539.
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    A Study on ‘Despair’ in Modern Society from the Perspective of Philosophical Counseling - Focusing on Kierkegaard’s Understanding of ‘Anxiety’ and ‘Despair’ -.In-je Lee - 2023 - Philosophical Practice and Counseling 13:121-147.
    이 논문은 현대 사회의 절망이라는 현상에 주목하면서 실존적 의미에서의 인간의 절망이란 무엇이고 절망의 근본 원인이 무엇인지 살펴보고, 이를 통하여 이러한 절망을 어떻게 극복할 수 있는가에 대하여 논의한다. 불안과 절망이라는 중요한 철학적 심리학의 주제에 관하여 키에르케고어는 그의 저서인 『불안의 개념』과 『죽음에 이르는 병』에서 인간이 근본 조건으로서의 불안과 절망을 경험할 수밖에 없는 근거를 해명하고자 했다. 본 연구에서는 키에르케고어의 이해에 바탕한 불안과 절망에 대한 이론적 고찰로부터 현대 사회에서 인간이 겪는 구체적인 형태의 절망을 철학적으로 어떻게 바라볼 수 있는지를 논의한다. 나아가 현대 사회에서 인간이 경험하는 (...)
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    Detecting the unknown in a sea of knowns: Health surveillance, knowledge infrastructures, and the quest for classification egress.Francis Lee - 2022 - Science in Context 35 (2):153-172.
    The sociological study of knowledge infrastructures and classification has traditionally focused on the politics and practices of classifying things or people. However, actors’ work to escape dominant infrastructures and pre-established classification systems has received little attention. In response to this, this article argues that it is crucial to analyze, not only the practices and politics of classification, but also actors’work to escape dominant classification systems. The article has two aims: First, to make a theoretical contribution to the study of classification (...)
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    Jeong Eui-rim’s Theory of Liqi 理氣 and the Origin of Species’ Natures.WonSeok Lee - 2023 - THE JOURNAL OF ASIAN PHILOSOPHY IN KOREA 60:95-117.
    Ki Jeong-jin proposed a distinctive perspective in which the unified li 理 transforms into individual li by itself, and these individual li subsequently become the natures of distinct species. This viewpoint starkly contrasts with the Yulgok school’s theory, which posits that the unified principle differentiates through qi 氣. In response, Jeon Woo critiqued Ki Jeong-jin by adhering to the doctrines of the Yulgok school. According to him, a species’ nature is wholly attributed to the influence of qi. Ki Jeong-jin’s disciple, (...)
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