Results for 'Kai-Mikael Jää-Aro'

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  1. Exploring the Relations Among Teachers’ Epistemic Theories, Work Engagement, Burnout and the Contemporary Challenges of the Teacher Profession.Heidi Lammassaari, Lauri Hietajärvi, Katariina Salmela-Aro, Kai Hakkarainen & Kirsti Lonka - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Current educational reforms concerning curricula and digitalization challenge educators to meet new demands for learning and schooling. What is common for current educational reforms is that they tend to emphasize competencies that are not related to the traditional subject-matters and reflect a stance which presents learning as a naturally reflective and collaborative act. It is often assumed that teachers are automatically ready to implement ideas of this kind in practice. In this study, we propose that teachers’ theories about knowledge, knowing (...)
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  2. Restrictions on Quantifier Domains.Kai von Fintel - 1994 - Dissertation, University of Massachusetts at Amherst
    This dissertation investigates the ways in which natural language restricts the domains of quantifiers. Adverbs of quantification are analyzed as quantifying over situations. The domain of quantifiers is pragmatically constrained: apparent processes of "semantic partition" are treated as pragmatic epiphenomena. The introductory Chapter 1 sketches some of the background of work on natural language quantification and begins the analysis of adverbial quantification over situations. Chapter 2 develops the central picture of "semantic partition" as a side-effect of pragmatic processes of anaphora (...)
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    Prolegomena to a theory of X-marking.Kai von Fintel & Sabine Iatridou - 2023 - Linguistics and Philosophy 46 (6):1467-1510.
    The morphological marking that distinguishes conditionals that are called “counterfactual” from those that are not, can also be found in other modal constructions, such as in the expression of wishes and oughts. We propose to call it “X-marking”. In this article, we lay out desiderata for a successful theory of X-marking and make some initial informal observations. Much remains to be done.
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    (2 other versions)Wittgensteinian Fideism.Kai Nielsen - 1967 - Philosophy 42 (161):191-209.
    Wittgenstein did not write on the philosophy of religion. But certain strands of his later thought readily lend themselves to what I call Wittgensteinian Fideism. There is no text that I can turn to for an extended statement of this position, but certain remarks made by Winch, Hughes, Malcolm, Geach, Cavell, Cameron and Coburn can either serve as partial statements of this position, or can be easily used in service of such a statement. Some of their contentions will serve as (...)
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  5. Universals in semantics.Kai von Fintel & Lisa Matthewson - manuscript
    This article surveys the state of the art in the field of semantic universals. We examine potential semantic universals in three areas: (i) the lexicon, (ii) semantic “glue” (functional morphemes and composition principles), and (iii) pragmatics. At the level of the lexicon, we find remarkably few convincing semantic universals. At the level of functional morphemes and composition principles, we discuss a number of promising constraints, most of which require further empirical testing and/or refinement. In the realm of pragmatics, we predict (...)
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  6. Directed Reflective Equilibrium: Thought Experiments and How to Use Them.Adam Slavny, Kai Spiekermann, Holly Lawford-Smith & David V. Axelsen - 2020 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 18 (1):1-25.
    In this paper we develop a new methodology for normative theorising, which we call Directed Reflective Equilibrium. Directed Reflective Equilibrium is based on a taxonomy that distinguishes between a number of different functions of hypothetical cases, including two dimensions that we call representation and elicitation. Like its predecessor, Directed Reflective Equilibrium accepts that neither intuitions nor basic principles are immune to revision and that our commitments on various levels of philosophical enquiry should be brought into equilibrium. However, it also offers (...)
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  7. There is no dilemma of dirty hands.Kai Nielsen - 2007 - In Igor Primoratz, Politics and morality. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 1-7.
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    Animals and African ethics.Kai Horsthemke - 2015 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    African ethics is primarily concerned with community and harmonious communal relationships. The claim is frequently made on behalf of African moral beliefs and customs that African society does not objectify and exploit nature and natural existents, unlike Western moral attitudes and practices. This book investigates whether this claim is correct by examining religious and philosophical thought, as well as traditional cultural practices in Africa. Through exploration of what kind of status is reserved for other-than-human animals in African ethics, Horsthemke argues (...)
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    Istorii︠a︡ lingvisticheskikh ucheniĭ: pozdnee Srednevekovʹe.A. V. Desnit︠s︡kai︠a︡ (ed.) - 1991 - Sankt-Peterburg: "Nauka," S.-Peterburgskoe otd-nie.
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  10. Dynamic Context.Kai von Fintel - unknown
    A primary goal of research in the semantics/pragmatics interface is to investigate the division of labor between the truth-conditional component of the meaning of an expression and other factors of a more pragmatic nature. One favorite strategy, associated foremost with Grice (1967, 1989), is to keep to a rather austere semantics and to derive the overall meaning of an utterance by predictable additional inferences, called ``implicatures,'' which are seen as based on certain principles of rational and purposeful interaction. In this (...)
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  11. Modality and language.Kai Von Fintel - 2005 - In Donald M. Borchert, Encyclopedia of Philosophy. macmillan reference. pp. 20-27.
  12. Relativism and Wide Reflective Equilibrium.Kai Nielsen - 1993 - The Monist 76 (3):316-332.
    The method of appealing to considered judgments in Wide Reflective Equilibrium has been thought to have unwelcome relativistic or ethnocentric implications. This belief, which is widely held, is, I shall argue, mistaken. Wide Reflective equilibrium has no such untoward implications. I shall first specify what I am talking about in speaking of relativism, then generally characterize WRE, then deploy some central arguments for it and finally try to show that it has no relativistic implications.
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  13. Radical Egalitarian Justice.Kai Nielsen - 1979 - Social Theory and Practice 5 (2):209-226.
  14. Scorekeeping trolls.William Tuckwell & Kai Tanter - 2020 - Thought: A Journal of Philosophy 9 (3):215-224.
    Keith DeRose defends contextualism: the view that the truth-conditions of knowledge ascriptions vary with the context of the ascriber. Mark Richard has criticised contextualism for being unable to vindicate intuitions about disagreement. To account for these intuitions, DeRose has proposed truth-conditions for “knows” called the Gap view. According to this view, knowledge ascriptions are true iff the epistemic standards of each conversational participant are met, false iff each participant's standards aren't met, and truth-valueless otherwise. An implication of the Gap view (...)
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  15. Cosmopolitanism and the compatriot priority principle.Jocelyne Couture & Kai Nielsen - 2005 - In Gillian Brock & Harry Brighouse, The Political Philosophy of Cosmopolitanism. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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    A practical approach to the ethical use of memory modulating technologies.Shawn Zheng Kai Tan & Lee Wei Lim - 2020 - BMC Medical Ethics 21 (1):1-14.
    BackgroundRecent advancements in neuroscientific techniques have allowed us to make huge progress in our understanding of memories, and in turn has paved the way for new memory modification technologies that can modulate memories with a degree of precision, which was not previously possible. With advancements in such techniques, new and critical ethical questions have emerged. Understanding and framing these ethical questions within the current philosophical theories is crucial in order to systematically examine them as we translate these techniques to the (...)
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    (1 other version)Afterword: Liberal Nationalism Both Cosmopolitan and Rooted.Jocelyne Couture, Kai Nielsen & Michel Seymour - 1996 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy, Supplementary Volume 22:579-662.
    There are nationalisms and nationalisms, and as nationalisms vary from barbarous and murderous to benign and, all things considered, perhaps desirable, so theories of nationalism vary from irrational or turgid metaphysical accounts to reasonable and carefully articulated and argued theories of nationalism. André Van de Putte has well described some of the former while David Miller, Yael Tamir, Geneviève Nootens, Ross Poole, and Robert X. Ware have carefully argued for some modest forms of nationalism, sometimes explicitly and sometimes only by (...)
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  18. Why Should I Be Moral?Kai Nielsen - 1963 - Methodos 15 (59-60):275-306.
  19. Why Should I Be Moral? Revisited.Kai Nielsen - 1984 - American Philosophical Quarterly 21 (1):81 - 91.
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  20. Dukh Serebri︠a︡nogo veka: k fenomenologii ėpokhi.N. K. Bonet︠s︡kai︠a︡ - 2022 - Sankt-Peterburg: Aleteĭi︠a︡.
    Razdel 1. F. Nit︠s︡she i russkai︠a︡ myslʹ Serebri︠a︡nogo veka -- Razdel 2. Religii︠a︡ Serebri︠a︡nogo veka -- Razdel 3. Russkai︠a︡ germenevtika -- Razdel 4. Filosofii︠a︡ imeni v Rossii.
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  21. Susan Sherwin.From Marsha Hanen & Kai Nielsen - forthcoming - Contemporary Issues in Bioethics.
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    Philosophy & political action.Virginia Held, Kai Nielsen & Charles Parsons (eds.) - 1972 - New York,: Oxford University Press.
  23. Observations on listening in Aristotle's practical philosophy.I. -Kai Jeng - 2022 - In Jill Gordon, Hearing, sound, and the auditory in ancient Greece. Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press.
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    Rule-based schema matching for ontology-based mediators.Gunter Saake, Kai-Uwe Sattler & Stefan Conrad - 2005 - Journal of Applied Logic 3 (2):253-270.
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    Modality Switching in Landmark-Based Wayfinding.Mira Schwarz & Kai Hamburger - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This study investigates switching costs in landmark-based wayfinding using olfactory and visual landmark information. It has already been demonstrated that there seem to be no switching costs, in terms of correct route decisions, when switching between acoustically and visually presented landmarks. Olfaction, on the other hand, is not extensively focused on in landmark-based wayfinding thus far, especially with respect to modality switching. The goal of this work is to empirically test and compare visual and olfactory landmark information with regard to (...)
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    The Influence of Chinese Machiavellianism and Moral Identity on the Level of Anxiety in Moral Dilemma Situations in Chinese Students.Shujun Tang & Kai Li - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Based on the conflict-of-values theory, this study examines the influences of Machiavellianism and ethical values on anxiety in college students when they face moral dilemmas. Questionnaires on the Chinese equivalent of Machiavellianism, moral identity, and anxiety were completed by 115 Chinese college students. The results suggest that Machiavellianism and ethical values influence anxiety, and the interaction between ethical values and Machiavellianism is significant—among individuals with high ethical values, those with high levels of Machiavellianism exhibit markedly higher levels of anxiety than (...)
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  27. Postscript to “Whatever” {Comments on Condoravdi}.Kai von Fintel - unknown
    Condoravdi shows that the ignorance component is not a presupposition: • Ignorance is not signalled as taken for granted • No presupposition denial • No presupposition filtering So, what else could I have reached for in 2000? Not much, because I tend to buy my tools on the open market rather than develop them myself.
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    Differential impact of affective and cognitive attributes on preference under deliberation and distraction.Zuo-Jun Wang, Kai-Qin Chan, Jiao-Jiao Chen, Ai Chen & Fei Wang - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Toward a Better Understanding of Language Learning Motivation in a Study Abroad Context: An Investigation Among Chinese English as a Foreign Language Learners.Zhen Yue, Kai Zhao, Yaru Meng, Xi Qian & Lin Wu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Motivation has been recognized as a vital component in successfully learning a second or foreign language. However, research on language learners’ motivation in a study abroad context requires more attention in an era in which international mobility is becoming a new normal. This study investigated 217 Chinese overseas university students’ L2 motivation during their one-year postgraduate study in the United Kingdom. by examining a range of motivational variables in relation to their motivated English language learning behaviors. Integrating results from both (...)
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  30. African Philosophy of Education: The Price of Unchallengeability.Kai Horsthemke & Penny Enslin - 2008 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 28 (3):209-222.
    In South Africa, the notion of an African Philosophy of Education emerged with the advent of post-apartheid education and the call for an educational philosophy that would reflect this renewal, a focus on Africa and its cultures, identities and values, and the new imperatives for education in a postcolonial and post-apartheid era. The idea of an African Philosophy of Education has been much debated in South Africa. Not only its content and purpose but also its very possibility have been, and (...)
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  31. Wittgenstein and Wittgensteinians on religion.Kai Nielsen - 2000 - In Mark Addis & Robert L. Arrington, Wittgenstein and Philosophy of Religion. New York: Routledge. pp. 137--166.
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    A Modified Binary Pigeon-Inspired Algorithm for Solving the Multi-dimensional Knapsack Problem.Obinna Damian Adubisi, Babatunde Sulaiman Balogun, Peter Bamidele Shola, Friday Zinzendoff Okwonu & Asaju La’aro Bolaji - 2020 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 30 (1):90-103.
    The pigeon-inspired optimization algorithm is a category of a newly proposed swarm intelligence-based algorithm that belongs to the population-based solution technique. The MKP is a class of complex optimization problems that have many practical applications in the fields of engineering and sciences. Due to the practical applications of MKP, numerous algorithmic-based methods like local search and population-based search algorithms have been proposed to solve the MKP in the past few decades. This paper proposes a modified binary pigeon-inspired optimization algorithm named (...)
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    Rorty and the Self-Image of Philosophy.Kai Nielsen - 1986 - International Studies in Philosophy 18 (1):19-28.
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    Scientism, pragmatism, and the fate of philosophy.Kai Nielsen - 1986 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 29 (1-4):277 – 304.
    I assume here, what I have argued elsewhere, that Rorty's dissolution of the Tradition is in the main well taken. Foundationalist epistemologically based or metaphysically oriented philosophy, including systematic analytical philosophy, is not a viable enterprise. I then argue that Rorty's replacement is itself not plausible and I further argue that, his affinities with pragmatism to the contrary notwithstanding, his ?aestheticized pragmatism? misses (a) the key social functions of philosophy (a reconstructed philosophy) articulated and practised by Dewey with his conception (...)
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    Rawls and classist amoralism.Kai Nielsen - 1977 - Mind 86 (341):19-30.
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    Richard Rorty.Kai Nielsen - 2006 - In John R. Shook & Joseph Margolis, A Companion to Pragmatism. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 127–138.
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    Momentary student engagement as a dynamic developmental system.Jennifer E. Symonds, Avi Kaplan, Katja Upadyaya, Katariina Salmela Aro, Benjamin M. Torsney, Ellen Skinner & Jacquelynne S. Eccles - forthcoming - Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology.
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    Heritability of decisions and outcomes of public goods games.Kai Hiraishi, Chizuru Shikishima, Shinji Yamagata & Juko Ando - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  39. Kielmeyer-Bibliographie. Verzeichnis der Literatur von und uber den Naturforscher Carl Friedrich Kielmeyer (1765-1844).Kai Torsten Kanz & Gerhard H. Muller - 1995 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 17 (1):173.
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    (1 other version)Rationality and relativism.Kai Nielsen - 1974 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 4 (2):313-331.
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    Education rejected and intergenerational failures.Bianca Thoilliez & Kai Wortmann - 2024 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 56 (11):1088-1100.
    This article interlaces the story ‘Comfort’ by Alice Munro with Hannah Arendt’s understanding of education as intergenerational passing on. Its principal aim is not to criticise Arendt or the fictional character of Lewis but to work with them towards a richer and more complex understanding of what can go wrong in education in general and teaching in particular. For this purpose, the article does not start from a theoretical framework but from the concrete aesthetic artifact – the story – itself. (...)
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    Epistemic reparations and postcolonial pedagogy: some conceptual decluttering.Kai Horsthemke - forthcoming - Ethics and Education.
    The latest buzz word within the intersecting terrain of postcolonial pedagogy and social and applied epistemology seems to be the notion of ‘reparation’ – or, to be more precise, reparation pertaining to past and ongoing epistemic injustice and harm. Reparations are frequently taken to involve decolonisation of both education and knowledge. The present contribution examines the plausibility and applicability of the notions in question.
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    On equivalence relations generated by Cauchy sequences in countable metric spaces.Longyun Ding & Kai Gu - 2020 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 171 (10):102854.
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    Epistemic empathy in childrearing and education.Kai Horsthemke - 2015 - Ethics and Education 10 (1):61-72.
    The question, what is it like to be a child?, is one that most of us, in our capacity as parents and/or educators, have probably asked ourselves already at some point. Perhaps one might go further and suggest that it is a question we ought to ask ourselves, insofar as the attempt to provide a meaningful response has a significant bearing on childrearing and education. It is a question that presumably frames the processes of cognitive and moral education – i.e. (...)
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    Knowledge, Truth, and Education in Post-Normal Times.Kai Horsthemke - 2022 - Ethics and Education 17 (4):373-387.
    ABSTRACT The advent of Covid-19, a new and highly contagious form of Corona virus, in late 2019 cast a harsh light on human vulnerabilities and on the provocations (and opportunities) facing humanity. Although many of the more drastic measures applied within educational settings have since ceased to apply, at least for the time being, we are not yet ‘past Covid’: many of the challenges that are discussed here still exist. As we faced unprecedented disruption to economies, societies and education systems, (...)
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    (1 other version)Ways of Discourse and Ways of Life.I.-Kai Jeng - 2020 - Metaphilosophy 51 (2-3):318-334.
    In book X of the Republic, Plato famously reports “a quarrel between poetry and philosophy.” The present essay examines this quarrel in book X, along with other relevant parts of the Republic, by understanding “philosophy” and “poetry” as rival ways of life and rival ways of discourse. The essay first explains why, in Plato’s view, poetic discourse weakens one’s power to reason and is at odds with philosophic discourse. Then it shows how poetic discourse is bound up with a way (...)
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    The Future of Action Video Games in Psychological Research and Application.Harun Karimpur & Kai Hamburger - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    A Unifying Approach to High- and Low-Level Cognition.Peter König, Kai-Uwe Kühnberger & Tim C. Kietzmann - 2013 - In Ulrich Gähde, Stephan Hartmann & Jörn Henning Wolf, Models, Simulations, and the Reduction of Complexity. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 117-140.
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  49. Proportionality and rights inflation.Kai Mèoller - 2014 - In Grant Huscroft, Bradley W. Miller & Grégoire C. N. Webber, Proportionality and the Rule of Law: Rights, Justification, Reasoning. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
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    Dao Companion to Zhu Xi’s Philosophy.Kai-Chiu Ng & Yong Huang (eds.) - 2020 - Springer.
    Zhu Xi has been commonly and justifiably recognized as the most influential philosopher of Neo-Confucianism, a revival of classical Confucianism in face of the challenges coming from Daoism and, more importantly, Buddhism. His place in the Confucian tradition is often and also very plausibly compared to that of Thomas Aquinas, slightly later, in the Christian tradition. This book presents the most comprehensive and updated study of this great philosopher. It situates Zhu Xi’s philosophy in the historical context of not only (...)
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