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  1. Abstract particulars.Keith Campbell - 1990 - Cambridge, Mass., USA: Blackwell.
  2. Body and Mind.Karlyn K. Campbell - 1970 - Notre Dame, Ind.: Doubleday.
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  3. (1 other version)The Metaphysic of Abstract Particulars.Keith Campbell - 1981 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 6 (1):477-488.
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    Metaphysics: An Introduction.Keith Campbell - 1976 - Dickenson.
  5. Gender Diversity in the Boardroom and Firm Financial Performance.Kevin Campbell & Antonio Mínguez-Vera - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 83 (3):435-451.
    The monitoring role performed by the board of directors is an important corporate governance control mechanism, especially in countries where external mechanisms are less well developed. The gender composition of the board can affect the quality of this monitoring role and thus the financial performance of the firm. This is part of the “business case” for female participation on boards, though arguments may also be framed in terms of ethical considerations. While the issue of board gender diversity has attracted growing (...)
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  6. (1 other version)Body and Mind.Keith Campbell - 1970 - Philosophy 47 (181):286-287.
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    Pain is three-dimensional, inner, and occurrent.Keith Campbell - 1985 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 8 (1):56-57.
  8. Ontology, Causality and Mind: Essays in Honour of D M Armstrong.John Bacon, Keith Campbell & Lloyd Reinhardt (eds.) - 1993 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    D. M. Armstrong is an eminent Australian philosopher whose work over many years has dealt with such subjects as: the nature of possibility, concepts of the particular and the general, causes and laws of nature, and the nature of human consciousness. This collection of essays explores the many facets of Armstrong's work, concentrating on his more recent interests. There are four sections to the book: possibility and identity, universals, laws and causality, and philosophy of mind. The contributors comprise an international (...)
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  9. Colours.K. Campbell - 1969 - In Robert Brown & Calvin Dwight Rollins, Contemporary philosophy in Australia. New York,: Humanities P..
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    Philosophy and Common Sense.Keith Campbell - 1988 - Philosophy 63 (244):161 - 174.
    This paper identifies moore's use of a carefully selected group of propositions from common sense as a touchstone for philosophical credibility, As belonging to a tradition in metaphysics which is neither ambitiously constructive nor sceptically negative, But rather acts as a "whistle-Blowing" restraint. It traces the later disappearance of any common-Sensical touchstones, Then argues that two aspects of fodor's "modularity of mind" provide a basis for the return of a modest reliance on common-Sense knowledge as a point of reference. The (...)
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  11. Abstract particulars and the philosophy of mind.K. Campbell - 1983 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 61 (2):129-41.
  12.  88
    Selective Realism in the Philosophy of Physics.Keith Campbell - 1994 - The Monist 77 (1):27-46.
    In metaphysics, we seem to have in every generation an oscillation between realist positions and stances that are in one way or another idealist, instrumentalist, or constructivist. Realists in the philosophy of science are those philosophers who will not conclude, from the fact that scientific theories are undoubtedly constructs of human mentality and culture, that therefore the content of these theories is inevitably some function of the human mentality and culture that have produced them. Realists are unimpressed by response-dependence. Realism (...)
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    Family Resemblance Predicates.Keith Campbell - 1965 - American Philosophical Quarterly 2 (3):238 - 244.
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    Demographic and endocrinological aspects of low natural fertility in highland New Guinea.James W. Wood, Patricia L. Johnson & Kenneth L. Campbell - 1985 - Journal of Biosocial Science 17 (1):57-79.
    SummaryThe Gainj of highland Papua New Guinea do not use contraception but have a total fertility rate of only 4·3 live births per woman, one of the lowest ever recorded in a natural fertility setting. From an analysis of cross-sectional demographic and endocrinological data, the causes of low reproductive output have been identified in women of this population as: late menarche and marriage, a long interval between marriage and first birth, a high probability of widowhood at later reproductive ages, low (...)
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    David Armstrong and realism about colour.K. Campbell - 1993 - In John Bacon, Keith Campbell & Lloyd Reinhardt, Ontology, Causality and Mind: Essays in Honour of D M Armstrong. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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  16.  57
    Can intuitive psychology survive the growth of neuroscience?Keith Campbell - 1986 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 29 (June):143-152.
    This paper considers the impact which developments in neuroscience seem likely to have on our inherited, intuitive psychology ? the system of beliefs called ?folk psychology? by enthusiasts for its elimination. The paper argues that while closer relations between a developing genuinely scientific cognitive psychology and a burgeoning neurological understanding are to be welcomed, physiology will not reduce psychology, and the concepts belonging to intuitive psychology will be transformed and enriched, but not discredited or discarded, when psychology, in its cognitive (...)
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    Lactation and birth spacing in highland New Guinea.James W. Wood, Daina Lai, Patricia L. Johnson, Kenneth L. Campbell & Ila A. Maslar - 1985 - Journal of Biosocial Science 17 (S9):159-173.
    SummaryThe effects of infant suckling patterns on the post-partum resumption of ovulation and on birth-spacing are investigated among the Gainj of highland New Guinea. Based on hormonal evidence, the median duration of lactational anovulation is 20·4 months, accounting for about 75% of the median interval between live birth and next successful conception. Throughout lactation, suckling episodes are short and frequent, the interval changing slowly over time, from 24 minutes in newborns to 80 minutes in 3-year olds. Maternal serum prolactin concentrations (...)
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  18. Moral grandstanding in public discourse: status-seeking motives as a potential explanatory mechanism in predicting conflict.Joshua Grubbs, Brandon Warmke, Justin Tosi, Shanti James & Keith Campbell - 2019 - PLoS ONE 14 (10).
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  19. Self-mastery and Stoic Ethics.Keith Campbell - 1985 - Philosophy 60 (233):327-340.
    For the Stoic hero, the man or woman of virtue, the conduct of life presents no serious problems. The life of the sage comprises a consistent and effortless flow of actions, all conforming to virtue and all undertaken for the sake of their place in a virtuous life. The Stoic sage has advanced to a point where a life of courage and wisdom, justice and temperance comes easily and naturally, without struggle and without repinings.
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  20. Modality and abstract concepts.Fred Adams & Kenneth Campbell - 1999 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (4):610-610.
    Our concerns fall into three areas: (1) Barsalou fails to make clear what simulators are (vs. what they do); (2) activation of perceptual areas of the brain during thought does not distinguish between the activation's being constitutive of concepts or a mere causal consequence (Barsalou needs the former); and (3) Barsalou's attempt to explain how modal symbols handle abstraction fails.
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  21. Derrida degree: A question of honour.Barry Smith, Hans Albert, David M. Armstrong, Ruth Barcan Marcus, Keith Campbell, Richard Glauser, Rudolf Haller, Massimo Mugnai, Kevin Mulligan, Lorenzo Peña, Willard Van Orman Quine, Wolfgang Röd, Karl Schuhmann, Daniel Schulthess, Peter M. Simons, René Thom, Dallas Willard & Jan Wolenski - 1992 - The Times 9 (May 9).
    A letter to The Times of London, May 9, 1992 protesting the Cambridge University proposal to award an honorary degree to M. Jacques Derrida.
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  22. The Promise of Feminist Reflexivities: Developing Donna Haraway's Project for Feminist Science Studies.Kirsten Campbell - 2004 - Hypatia 19 (1):162-182.
    This paper explores models of reflexive feminist science studies through the work of Donna Haraway. The paper argues that Haraway provides an important account of science studies that is both feminist and constructivist. However, her concepts of “situated knowledges” and “diffraction” need further development to be adequate models of feminist science studies. To develop this constructivist and feminist project requires a collective research program that engages with feminist reflexivity as a practice.
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    Determinants of Attitudes toward Ethical Dilemmas in News: A Survey of Student Journalists.Karyn S. Campbell & Bryan E. Denham - 2021 - Journal of Media Ethics 36 (3):170-179.
    In this research, we surveyed 214 college journalists to assess their attitudes toward a series of ethical dilemmas. Significant predictors of a nine-item index included years enrolled in college,...
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    Primary and Secondary Qualities.Keith Campbell - 1972 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 2 (2):219 - 232.
    The paper distinguishes between epistemic and ontic divisions of qualities into primary and secondary. It identifies two functions which ontic division has been called upon to fulfill - setting the limits on what a realist philosophy of science must achieve, And providing a means of judging between rival realist philosophies of science. It argues for an interaction pattern criterion of primacy, And concludes that while this enables the first function to be achieved, No primary/secondary distinction can fulfill the second.
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    Do we “fear for the worst” or “Hope for the best” in thinking about the unexpected?: Factors affecting the valence of unexpected outcomes reported for everyday scenarios.Molly S. Quinn, Katherine Campbell & Mark T. Keane - 2021 - Cognition 208 (C):104520.
    Though we often “fear the worst”, worrying that unexpectedly bad things will happen, there are times when we “hope for the best”, imagining that unexpectedly good things will happen, too. The paper explores how the valence of the current situation influences people's imagining of unexpected future events when participants were instructed to think of “something unexpected”. In Experiment 1, participants (N = 127) were asked to report unexpected events to everyday scenarios under different instructional conditions (e.g., asked for “good” or (...)
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    Donald Cary Williams.Keith Campbell, James Franklin & Douglas Ehring - 2012 - In Ed Zalta, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, CA: Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. pp. 0.
    Stanford Encyclopedia article surveying the life and work of D.C. Williams, notably in defending realism in metaphysics in the mid-twentieth century and in justifying induction by the logic of statistical inference.
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  27.  21
    Can Effective Risk Management Signal Virtue-Based Leadership?Karen A. Campbell - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 129 (1):115-130.
    Using exploratory factor analysis on a unique dataset of global executives, we find that their perceptions of their national government’s risk management effectiveness are largely driven by two latent factors: leadership virtue, and governance. We show that the leadership virtue signal is potentially a stronger signal. We hypothesize that this may be because making decisions and taking actions to manage risk is a continuous process requiring inter alia foresight and moral discipline in looking to the interests of others and acting (...)
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    Fuller on legal fictions.Kenneth Campbell - 1983 - Law and Philosophy 2 (3):339 - 370.
    What are legal fictions? Professor Lon Fuller discussed the matter at some length. One interpretation of his answer is this: they are lies that are not intended to deceive. This solution fails, in the end, to be convincing. But some remarks of Fuller provide the clue to another way of looking at the problem: fictions are means of changing the application of the law by relying on a tension between two classifications of fact.
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  29. The implications of land's theory of colour vision.K. Campbell - 1982 - In Laurence Jonathan Cohen, Logic, methodology, and philosophy of science VI: proceedings of the Sixth International Congress of Logic, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science, Hannover, 1979. New York: sole distributors for the U.S.A. and Canada, Elsevier North-Holland.
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    (1 other version)What motivates eliminativism?Keith Campbell - 1993 - Mind and Language 8 (2):206-210.
  31.  58
    Heidegger and the History of Philosophy.Hans-Georg Gadamer & Karen Campbell - 1981 - The Monist 64 (4):434-444.
    Since Schleiermacher and Hegel it has been part of the tradition of German philosophy to view the history of philosophy as an essential aspect of philosophy itself. The topic of “Heidegger and the History of Philosophy” should be considered with this in mind, which means that our question is as follows: Within this general attitude towards the history of philosophy, which has dominated German philosophy since Hegel, what distinctive attitudes are to be found in Heidegger? The context assumed by the (...)
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    The Faces of Existence: An Essay in Nonreductive Metaphysics.Keith Campbell - 1988 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 49 (2):358-362.
  33.  32
    Highly relevant stimuli may passively elicit processes associated with consciousness during the sleep onset period.Paniz Tavakoli, Sonia Varma & Kenneth Campbell - 2018 - Consciousness and Cognition 58:60-74.
  34. Body and Mind, Reprint.Keith Campbell - 1980 - Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press.
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    Jacques Lacan and feminist epistemology.Kirsten Campbell - 2004 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    Using Lacanian psychoanalysis as a starting point, Campbell examines contemporary feminism's turn to accounts of feminist 'knowing' to create new conceptions of the political.
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    Comments on: Mark Woodhouse, A New Epiphenomenalism?.Keith Campbell - 1974 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 52 (2):170-173.
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    Patterson brown on God and evil.Keith Campbell - 1965 - Mind 74 (296):582-584.
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    Unit Properties, Relations, and Spatio-Temporal Naturalism.Keith Campbell - 2002 - Modern Schoolman 79 (2-3):151-162.
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    Definitions of entailment.Keith Campbell - 1965 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 43 (3):353 – 359.
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    Just in Time: Calling, Responding, and Making Music from the Soul.Kermit Campbell - 2023 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 56 (3):320-329.
    ABSTRACT Although Kairos in Greek mythology is often depicted as the winged son of Zeus who grants to those who lay hold of his single lock of hair their once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, in traditional African American culture, particularly when it comes to speech, Kairos is essentially family. Given how much African American speakers depend on seizing the moment to invoke spiritual connections, emit laughter, and profess the truth, Kairos, or what we might call CPT (“Colored People’s Time”), can be summoned almost (...)
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  41. Epiphenomenalism.Keith Campbell & Nicholas J. J. Smith - 1993 - Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Epiphenomenalism is a theory concerning the relation between the mental and physical realms, regarded as radically different in nature. The theory holds that only physical states have causal power, and that mental states are completely dependent on them. The mental realm, for epiphenomenalists, is nothing more than a series of conscious states which signify the occurrence of states of the nervous system, but which play no causal role. For example, my feeling sleepy does not cause my yawning — rather, both (...)
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    What Was It.Pierre Alferi & Kate Lermitte Campbell - 2010 - Substance 39 (3):24-37.
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    Voices from Roslin: the creators of Dolly discuss science, ethics, and social responsibility. Interview by Arlene Judith Klotzko.G. Bulfield, K. Campbell, R. James & I. Wilmut - 1998 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 7 (2):121.
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    A New Age of Patient Transparency: An Organizational Framework for Informed Consent.Kenneth Campbell & Kayhan Parsi - 2017 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 45 (1):60-65.
    With the many changes occurring in today's healthcare organizations, patients are increasingly equipped with a vast quantity of health care data and being more included in the healthcare decision-making process. The new approach we propose incorporates a new patient-organization framework that examines relevant historical, legal and ethical elements within the doctrine of informed consent in addition to examining the role of new healthcare organizations' obligations to include data to support addressing issues such as population health, health outcomes and health disparities (...)
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  45. (2 other versions)Body and mind.Keith Campbell - 1971 - London,: Macmillan.
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    Contemporary Anglo-American Legal Philosophy: The Problem of the Unity of Concepts.Kenneth Campbell - 1985 - Revue de Synthèse 106 (118-119):205-217.
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    Critical feminism: argument in the disciplines.Kate Campbell (ed.) - 1992 - Philadelphia: Open University Press.
    The essays in this volume consider how feminism has affected a range of academic disciplines - psychology, art, art history, history, social work and literary criticism. Particular attention is given to certain relationships: feminism and socialism; feminism and deconstruction; men and feminism; academic discourse and wider cultural values and theory and practice. The contributions on literary criticism deal with specific questions within that field, while those on other disciplines adopt a broad approach.
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    DM Armstrong and the Recovery of Ontology.Keith Campbell - 2012 - In Leila Haaparanta & Heikki J. Koskinen, Categories of Being: Essays on Metaphysics and Logic. Oxford, England: OUP USA. pp. 420.
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    David Malet Armstrong (8 July 1926 – 13 May 2014).Keith Campbell - 2014 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 92 (3):617-618.
  50. Direct realism and perceptual error.Keith Campbell - 1969 - In The Business Of Reason. Routledge & K Paul.
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