Results for 'Jörn Henrich'

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  1. The Secret of Our Success: How Culture Is Driving Human Evolution, Domesticating Our Species, and Making Us Smarter.J. Henrich - 2016 - Princeton University Press.
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  2. Division of labor, economic specialization, and the evolution of social stratification.Joseph Henrich & Robert Boyd - 2008 - Current Anthropology 49 (4):715-724.
    This paper presents a simple mathematical model that shows how economic inequality between social groups can arise and be maintained even when the only adaptive learning process driving cultural evolution increases individuals’ economic gains. The key assumptions are that human populations are structured into groups and that cultural learning is more likely to occur within than between groups. Then, if groups are sufficiently isolated and there are potential gains from specialization and exchange, stable stratification can sometimes result. This model predicts (...)
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    The Role of Deployment Policies in Fostering Innovation for Clean Energy Technologies.Joern Hoppmann - 2015 - Business and Society 54 (4):540-558.
    In recent years, governments in a large number of countries have introduced so-called deployment policies to foster the diffusion of clean energy technologies. While there is little doubt that these demand-side measures have been very effective in raising the share of clean electricity generation, currently, much less is known about how deployment policies affect—and are affected by—technological innovation beyond the mere diffusion of existing technologies. Against this backdrop, this dissertation abstract and commentary presents the dissertation work of Dr. Joern Hoppmann. (...)
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    Dieter Henrich - "Sterbliche Gedanken": Dieter Henrich im Gespräch mit Alexandru Bulucz.Dieter Henrich - 2015 - Frankfurt am Main: Edition Faust. Edited by Alexandru Bulucz.
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    Henrich: Reply to Commentators.Dieter Henrich - 1970 - Proceedings of the Hegel Society of America 1:55-60.
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    Philosophie und Leben: Erkundungen mit Dieter Henrich.Friedrich Vollhardt & Dieter Henrich (eds.) - 2018 - Göttingen: Wallstein Verlag.
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  7. Space, time, myth, and morals: a selection of Jao Tsung-i's studies of cosmological thought in early China and beyond.Joern Peter Grundmann (ed.) - 2022 - Boston: Brill.
    The articles in this volume present an important selection of Jao Tsung-i's research in the field of the early Chinese intellectual tradition, especially as concerns the question of the conditio humana. Whether his focus is on myth, religion, philosophy or morals, Jao constantly aims at describing the Chinese version of a series of developments that are broadly associated with the Axial Age in the study of the ancient world in general. He is particularly interested in showing how early China had (...)
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    Wonderful Words of Life.Pamela Joern - 2003 - Feminist Studies 29:379-385.
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    Models of decision-making and the coevolution of social preferences.Henrich Joseph, Boyd Robert, Bowles Samuel, Camerer Colin, Fehr Ernst, Gintis Herbert, McElreath Richard, Alvard Michael, Barr Abigail & Ensminger Jean - 2005 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 28 (6).
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  10. Disrupted will, real will and human freedom with Augustinus-An analytically motivated contextualisation of'Confessiones' VIII.Joern Mueller - 2007 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 114 (1):49-72.
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  11. The Course of Remembrance and Other Essays on Hölderlin Studies in Kant and German Idealism.Dieter Henrich - 1996
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    Foundations of Human Sociality - Economic Experiments and Ethnographic: Evidence From Fifteen Small-Scale Societies.Joseph Henrich, Robert Boyd, Samuel Bowles, Colin Camerer, Ernst Fehr & Herbert Gintis (eds.) - 2004 - Oxford University Press UK.
    What motives underlie the ways humans interact socially? Are these the same for all societies? Are these part of our nature, or influenced by our environments?Over the last decade, research in experimental economics has emphatically falsified the textbook representation of Homo economicus. Literally hundreds of experiments suggest that people care not only about their own material payoffs, but also about such things as fairness, equity and reciprocity. However, this research left fundamental questions unanswered: Are such social preferences stable components of (...)
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  13. The weirdest people in the world?Joseph Henrich, Steven J. Heine & Ara Norenzayan - 2010 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 33 (2-3):61-83.
    Behavioral scientists routinely publish broad claims about human psychology and behavior in the world's top journals based on samples drawn entirely from Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich, and Democratic (WEIRD) societies. Researchers – often implicitly – assume that either there is little variation across human populations, or that these “standard subjects” are as representative of the species as any other population. Are these assumptions justified? Here, our review of the comparative database from across the behavioral sciences suggests both that there is (...)
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    Walter Puchner.Kyriaki Chrysomalli-Henrich & Günther S. Henrich - 2007 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 100 (2):889-894.
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    Einleitung in philosophische Vorlesungen.Henrich Steffens - 2012 - Frankfurt am Main: Lang. Edited by Heiko Uecker.
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    Der Grund im Bewusstsein: Untersuchungen zu Hölderlins Denken (1794-1795).Dieter Henrich - 1992
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    Hegels theorie über den zufall.Henrich Dieter - 1959 - Kant Studien 50 (1-4):131-148.
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    Dies Ich, das viel besagt. Fichtes Einsicht nachdenken.Dieter Henrich - 2018 - Frankfurt am Main: Vittorio Klostermann. Edited by Dieter Henrich.
    Auf den ersten Blick scheint Selbstbewusstsein zu dem zu gehören, was sich nahezu von selbst versteht. In anhaltendem Nachdenken stellt sich aber heraus, dass mit ihm der Philosophie eines ihrer schwierigsten und folgenreichsten Probleme aufgegeben ist. Vor über fünfzig Jahren erschien Dieter Henrichs Abhandlung Fichtes ursprüngliche Einsicht, welche dieses Problem ausarbeitete. Sie zeigte, dass es Fichte war, der als erster das Problem sicher erfasste und zum Leitthema seines Denkens werden liess. Dem unveränderten Abdruck dieses Textes folgt nun -- als um (...)
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  19. (1 other version)Hegels Theorie über den Zufall.D. Henrich - 1958 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 50:131.
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    Theorien der Kunst.Dieter Henrich & Wolfgang Iser (eds.) - 1982 - Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
    Henrich, Dieter: Theorieformen moderner Kunsttheorie. ISer, Wolfgang: Interpretationsperspektiven moderner Kunsttheorie. GAdamer, Hans G.: Zur Fragwurdigkeit des asthetischen BewuSStseins. INgarden, Roman: Prinzipien einer erkenntnistheoretischen Betrachtung der asthetischen Erfahrung.. KUhn, Helmut: Die Ontogenese der Kunst. ARnheim, Rudolf: Gestaltpsychologie und kunstlerische Form. [ubersetzt von Jurgen Schlaeger]. GOmbrich, Ernst H.: Norm und Form. KUhns, Richard: Psychoanalytische Theorie als Kunstphilosophie. [ubersetzt von Dieter Henrich]. GEhlen, Arnold: uber einige Kategorien des entlasteten, zumal des asthetischen Verhaltens. SImmel, Georg: Soziologische Asthetik. LUkács, Georg: Kunst und objektive (...)
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    Identität und Objektivität: e. Unters. über Kants transzendentale Deduktion.Dieter Henrich - 1976 - Heidelberg: C. Winter.
  22. Über Kants Entwicklungsgeschichte.Dieter Henrich - 1965 - Philosophische Rundschau 13:252.
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    Konzepte: Essays zur Philosophie in der Zeit.Dieter Henrich - 1987 - Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
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    Hegel in Jena: d. Entwicklung d. Systems u.d. Zusammenarbeit mit Schelling.Dieter Henrich & Klaus Düsing (eds.) - 1980 - Bonn: Bouvier.
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  25. Kant oder Hegel ? Über Formen der Begründung in der Philosophie. Stuttgarter Hegel-Kongress 1981.D. Henrich - 1986 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 48 (1):137-137.
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  26. Between Kant and Hegel. Lectures on German Idealism.Dieter Henrich & David S. Pacini - 2004 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 66 (3):588-590.
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  27. Hegel y Hölderlin.Dieter Henrich - 1970 - Diálogos. Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Puerto Rico 7 (20):49.
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  28. Le Systeme des valeurs et autres articles.Henrich Rickert & M. De Launay - 2008 - Archives de Philosophie 71 (2):333.
    Heinrich Rickert fut, avec Windelband et Lask, l’un des principaux représentants de l’école néokantienne de Heidelberg, qui se différencie essentiellement de l’école de Marbourg par la façon dont elle redéfinit l’idéalisme transcendantal à partir de la problématique de la validité, héritée notamment de la philosophie de Lotze.Les six articles réunis ici, publiés par Rickert dans la revue Logos entre 1911 et 1932, dessinent les grandes lignes d’une philosophie systématique des valeurs qui ne se veut pas seulement une théorie transcendantale du (...)
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    The Basic Structure of Modern Philosophy.Dieter Henrich - 1974 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 2 (1):1-18.
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  30. The Unity of Reason: Essays in Kant’s Philosophy.Fred L. Rush, Dieter Henrich, Richard Velkley, Guenter Zoeller, Manfred Kuehn, Louis Hunt, Jeffrey Edwards, Eckart Forster, Abraham Anderson & Taylor Carman - 1998 - Journal of Philosophy 95 (3):149.
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    Forelæsninger og fragmenter.Henrich Steffens - 1967 - Oslo,: Tanum.
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  32. Bewusstes Leben. Untersuchungen zum Verhältnis von Subjektivität und Metaphysik.Dieter Henrich - 2000 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 62 (3):606-607.
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  33. Fixpunkte. Abhandlungen und Essays zur Theorie der Kunst.Dieter Henrich - 2004 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 66 (2):371-373.
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  34. Identität und Objektivität.Dieter Henrich - 1978 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 32 (2):303-308.
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  35. “Economic man” in cross-cultural perspective: Behavioral experiments in 15 small-scale societies.Joseph Henrich, Robert Boyd, Samuel Bowles, Colin Camerer, Ernst Fehr, Herbert Gintis, Richard McElreath, Michael Alvard, Abigail Barr, Jean Ensminger, Natalie Smith Henrich, Kim Hill, Francisco Gil-White, Michael Gurven, Frank W. Marlowe & John Q. Patton - 2005 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 28 (6):795-815.
    Researchers from across the social sciences have found consistent deviations from the predictions of the canonical model of self-interest in hundreds of experiments from around the world. This research, however, cannot determine whether the uniformity results from universal patterns of human behavior or from the limited cultural variation available among the university students used in virtually all prior experimental work. To address this, we undertook a cross-cultural study of behavior in ultimatum, public goods, and dictator games in a range of (...)
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  36. The Evolution of Religion: How Cognitive By-Products, Adaptive Learning Heuristics, Ritual Displays, and Group Competition Generate Deep Commitments to Prosocial Religions.Scott Atran & Joseph Henrich - 2010 - Biological Theory 5 (1):18-30.
    Understanding religion requires explaining why supernatural beliefs, devotions, and rituals are both universal and variable across cultures, and why religion is so often associated with both large-scale cooperation and enduring group conflict. Emerging lines of research suggest that these oppositions result from the convergence of three processes. First, the interaction of certain reliably developing cognitive processes, such as our ability to infer the presence of intentional agents, favors—as an evolutionary by-product—the spread of certain kinds of counterintuitive concepts. Second, participation in (...)
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  37. Susceptibility to the Muller-lyer illusion, theory-neutral observation, and the diachronic penetrability of the visual input system.Robert N. McCauley & Joseph Henrich - 2006 - Philosophical Psychology 19 (1):79-101.
    Jerry Fodor has consistently cited the persistence of illusions--especially the M.
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    (1 other version)Aufklärung der Herkunft des Manuskriptes "Das älteste Systemprogramm des Deutschen Idealismus".Dieter Henrich - 1976 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 30 (4):510 - 528.
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    All-Einheit: Wege eines Gedankens in Ost und West.Dieter Henrich (ed.) - 1985 - Stuttgart: Klett-Cotta.
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    (1 other version)Der ontologische Gottesbeweis.Dieter Henrich - 1960 - Tübingen,: Mohr.
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  41. Filozofia i jej zadania (zamiast programu).Władysław Henrich - 1922 - Kwartalnik Filozoficzny 1 (1):1-18.
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  42. Fichtes Urspr K Slashã¼ngliche Einsicht.D. Henrich - 1967 - Klostermann, Frankfurt Am Main.
  43. O Zagadnieniach podstawowych filozofii.Władysław Henrich - 1924 - Kwartalnik Filozoficzny 2 (3):269-302.
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  44. Speculative idealism.D. Henrich - forthcoming - Hegel-Studien.
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  45. Selbstbewusstsein und spekulatives Denken: Autocoscienza e pensare speculativo.D. Henrich - 1982 - Aquinas 25 (1):1-75.
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  46. The faithfulness of wisdom+ Kuhn, Helmut.D. Henrich - 1985 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 92 (1):156-161.
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  47. The molding of Hegel dialectics-the inseparability of Hegels methods from his system.D. Henrich - 1982 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 36 (139):139-162.
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  48. Kant oder Hegel?Dieter Henrich - 1985 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 39 (2):317-321.
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  49. A Cultural Species and its Cognitive Phenotypes: Implications for Philosophy.Joseph Henrich, Damián E. Blasi, Cameron M. Curtin, Helen Elizabeth Davis, Ze Hong, Daniel Kelly & Ivan Kroupin - 2022 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 14 (2):349-386.
    After introducing the new field of cultural evolution, we review a growing body of empirical evidence suggesting that culture shapes what people attend to, perceive and remember as well as how they think, feel and reason. Focusing on perception, spatial navigation, mentalizing, thinking styles, reasoning (epistemic norms) and language, we discuss not only important variation in these domains, but emphasize that most researchers (including philosophers) and research participants are psychologically peculiar within a global and historical context. This rising tide of (...)
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  50. (1 other version)The Principles of Mechanics. Edited by D.E. Jones and James Walley.E. A. Singer, Henrich Hertz, D. E. Jones & J. T. Walley - 1900 - Philosophical Review 9 (6):676.
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