Results for 'Julie Chor'

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  1.  25
    Educational Pelvic Examinations Under Anesthesia: Recommendations for Clinicians and Learners.Julie Chor & Stephanie Tillman - 2022 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 33 (4):347-351.
    Professional directives are unwavering: educational intimate exams should only ever occur with patients’ explicit consent. This article describes the current clinical, educational, and ethical landscape of educational pelvic examinations under anesthesia, underscores the imperative that these exams only ever occur with patients’ explicit consent, and offers accessible modifications to students’ involvement in these exams.
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    Permanent Sterilization in Nulliparous Patients: Is Legislative Anxiety an Indication for Surgery?Julie Chor, Katherine Rivlin, Neha Bhardwaj, Hillary McLaren, Camille Johnson & Catherine Hennessey - 2023 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 34 (4):320-327.
    The Supreme Court’s Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization decision, first leaked to the public on 2 May 2022 and officially released on 24 June 2022, overturned Roe v. Wade and thereby determined that abortion is no longer a federally protected right under the Constitution. Instead, the decision gives individual states the right to regulate abortion. Since the Dobbs decision first leaked, our institution has received numerous requests for permanent contraception from individuals stating that their motivation to pursue permanent contraception (...)
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    Reproductive ethics in clinical practice: Preventing, initiating and managing pregnancy and delivery. Essays inspired by the MacLean Center for Clinical Medical Ethics Lecture Series. Chor, Julie and Watson, Katie. New York: Oxford University Press, 2021. 261 pp. $29.95 (Paperback), $99.00 (Hardcover). [REVIEW]Anne Drapkin Lyerly - 2022 - Bioethics 36 (9):999-1000.
    Bioethics, Volume 36, Issue 9, Page 999-1000, November 2022.
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    Ethics Dumping: Case Studies from North-South Research Collaborations.Doris Schroeder, Julie Cook, François Hirsch, Solveig Fenet & Vasantha Muthuswamy (eds.) - 2017 - New York: Springer.
    This open access book provides original, up-to-date case studies of “ethics dumping” that were largely facilitated by loopholes in the ethics governance of low and middle-income countries. It is instructive even to experienced researchers since it provides a voice to vulnerable populations from the fore mentioned countries. Ensuring the ethical conduct of North-South collaborations in research is a process fraught with difficulties. The background conditions under which such collaborations take place include extreme differentials in available income and power, as well (...)
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    Extending Research Protections to Tribal Communities.Bobby Saunkeah, Julie A. Beans, Michael T. Peercy, Vanessa Y. Hiratsuka & Paul Spicer - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics 21 (10):5-12.
    The history of research in American Indian/Alaska Native communities has been marked by unethical practices, resulting in mistrust and reluctance to participate in research. Harms are not l...
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    A Self‐Organizing Approach to Subject–Verb Number Agreement.Garrett Smith, Julie Franck & Whitney Tabor - 2018 - Cognitive Science 42 (S4):1043-1074.
    We present a self-organizing approach to sentence processing that sheds new light on notional plurality effects in agreement attraction, using pseudopartitive subject noun phrases. We first show that notional plurality ratings predict verb agreement choices in pseudopartitives, in line with the “Marking” component of the Marking and Morphing theory of agreement processing. However, no account to date has derived notional plurality values from independently needed principles of language processing. We argue on the basis of new experimental evidence and a dynamical (...)
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    Interspecies.Jasbir K. Puar & Julie Livingston - 2011 - Duke University Press.
    Industries of production and scientific research rely on the use of nonhuman animals and plants, remaking environments, populations, and even genetic information to suit human designs. This issue of _Social Text_ considers the radical implications of questioning the exceptional status of humans among the planet’s species. Responding to growing interest in animal studies and posthumanism, the contributors draw on racial, feminist, queer, postcolonial, and disability theories to probe the diversity of human relationships with other forms of biosocial life. “Interspecies” queries (...)
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    Ethics Dumping: Introduction.Doris Schroeder, Julie Cook, François Hirsch, Solveig Fenet & Vasantha Muthuswamy - 2017 - In Doris Schroeder, Julie Cook, François Hirsch, Solveig Fenet & Vasantha Muthuswamy, Ethics Dumping: Case Studies from North-South Research Collaborations. New York: Springer. pp. 1-8.
    Achieving equity in international research is a pressing concern. Exploitation in any scenario, whether of human research participants, institutions, local communities, animals or the environment, raises the overarching question of how to avoid such exploitation. Agreed principles can be universally applied to research in any discipline or geographical area, whatever methodologies are employed. This chapter introduces a collection of case studies, presenting a range of up-to-date examples of exploitation in North-South research collaborations, in order to raise awareness of ethics dumping.
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    On the presumed superiority of analytical solutions over numerical methods.Vincent Ardourel & Julie Jebeile - 2017 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 7 (2):201-220.
    An important task in mathematical sciences is to make quantitative predictions, which is often done via the solution of differential equations. In this paper, we investigate why, to perform this task, scientists sometimes choose to use numerical methods instead of analytical solutions. Via several examples, we argue that the choice for numerical methods can be explained by the fact that, while making quantitative predictions seems at first glance to be facilitated by analytical solutions, this is actually often much easier with (...)
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    Ethical review and qualitative research competence: Guidance for reviewers and applicants.Julie Mooney-Somers & Anna Olsen - 2017 - Research Ethics 13 (3-4):128-138.
    It is difficult to consider, describe or address the ethical issues particular to qualitative research without experience and understanding of the technicalities of qualitative methodologies. The Australian National Statement on the Ethical Conduct of Research Involving Humans charges researchers with a responsibility to demonstrate that they have the appropriate experience, qualifications and competence for their proposed research. Ethical review committees have the responsibility to judge claimed research competence. This article provides practical guidance to researchers and review committees on using formal (...)
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  11. Liberal toleration in Rawls's law of peoples.Kok-Chor Tan - 1998 - Ethics 108 (2):276-295.
  12.  49
    Vantage perspective in analogue trauma memories: an experimental study.Nora Mooren, Julie Krans, Gérard Näring & Agnes van Minnen - 2018 - Cognition and Emotion 33 (6):1261-1270.
    ABSTRACTVantage perspective during recall is thought to affect the emotionality and accessibility of distressing memories. This study aimed to test the effects of vantage perspective during recall...
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    Infant Hand Preference and the Development of Cognitive Abilities.George F. Michel, Julie M. Campbell, Emily C. Marcinowski, Eliza L. Nelson & Iryna Babik - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Medical Students’ Efforts to Integrate and/or Reclaim Authentic Identity: Insights from a Mask-Making Exercise.Johanna Shapiro, Julie Youm, Michelle Heare, Anju Hurria, Gabriella Miotto, Bao-Nhan Nguyen, Tan Nguyen, Kevin Simonson & Artur Turakhia - 2018 - Journal of Medical Humanities 39 (4):483-501.
    Medical students’ mask-making can provide valuable insights into personal and professional identity formation and wellness. A subset of first- and second-year medical students attending a medical school wellness retreat participated in a mask-making workshop. Faculty-student teams examined student masks and explanatory narratives using visual and textual analysis techniques. A quantitative survey assessed student perceptions of the experience. We identified an overarching theme: “Reconciliation/reclamation of authentic identity.” The combination of nonverbal mask-making and narrative offers rich insights into medical students’ experience and (...)
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    The Impact of Orthography on Text Production in Three Languages: Catalan, English, and Spanish.Anna Llaurado & Julie E. Dockrell - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    How Much Can Really Be Saved by Rolling Back SCHIP? The Net Cost of Public Health Insurance for Children.Thomas M. Selden & Julie L. Hudson - 2005 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 42 (1):16-28.
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    Correction to: Medical Students’ Efforts to Integrate and/or Reclaim Authentic Identity: Insights from a Mask-Making Exercise.Johanna Shapiro, Julie Youm, Michelle Heare, Anju Hurria, Gabriella Miotto, Bao-Nhan Nguyen, Tan Nguyen, Kevin Simonson & Atur Turakhia - 2022 - Journal of Medical Humanities 43 (2):207-207.
    The authors would like to correct a misspelling in the name of one of the authors due to a typographical error. The name should read Atur Turakhia, not Artur Turakhia. This does not change the conclusions or interpretations presented.
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  18. Emergent mattering : building rhetorical ethics at the limits of the human.Kellie Sharp-Hoskins & Julie Jung - 2017 - In Chris Mays, Nathaniel A. Rivers & Kellie Sharp-Hoskins, Kenneth Burke + the posthuman. University Park, Pennsylvania: The Pennsylvania State University Press.
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    Functional brain correlates of psychiatric function in Huntington's disease: The Image-HD study.Driscoll Shannon, Poudel Govinda, Stout Julie, Dominguez Juan, Churchyard Andrew, Chua Phyllis & Egan Gary - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  20. U.N.-authorized interventions : a slippery slope of forcible interference?Anne Julie Semb - 2007 - In Henrik Syse & Gregory M. Reichberg, Ethics, nationalism, and just war: medieval and contemporary perspectives. Washington, D.C.: The Catholic University of America Press.
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    L’approche écocollaborative en éducation : un métissage culturel en quête d’homéostasie, d’émancipation et de self-empowerment.Geneviève Lessard, Julie Bergeron, Stéphanie Demers & Nathalie Anwandter Cuellar - 2017 - Revue Phronesis 6 (1-2):177-188.
    This paper proposes to analyze the significant methodological adjustments which were brought to a collaborative research project in response to specific contextual constraints. The research issues which emerged from this context and led the research team to a methodological reconceptualization are presented along with the emerging methodological model. Outcomes of the methodological changes including participant empowerment, are discussed and lead the authors to postulate that an ecocollaborative approach, based upon horizontal relationships and taking into account the complexity of systems, appears (...)
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    Aquinas on Sin, Essence, and Change: Applying the Reasoning on Women to Evolution in Aquinas.Julie Loveland Swanstrom - 2021 - Zygon 56 (2):467-480.
    Aberrations and variations within kinds of creatures required explanation to Western medievals, who took the Genesis creation narratives together with Aristotelian species to imply that change was limited to within species; consequently, species were presumed static. Medieval philosophers often explained variation—including “new” kinds like mules—as due to problems in procreation/gestation (following Aristotle) or by sin. I argue that Aquinas's explanation of variation in women, people with disabilities, and mules suggests that Aquinas cannot be taken to entirely reject the possibility of (...)
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    Does systematically organized care improve outcomes for women with diabetes?Julia Lowe, Julie Byles, Xenia Dolja-Gore & Anne Young - 2010 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 16 (5):887-894.
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    Les risques émergents des nouvelles mobilités : la voiture autonome.Marie-Julie Loyer-Lemercier - 2020 - Archives de Philosophie du Droit 62 (1):299-307.
    Jusqu’à une date récente, la voiture reposait sur des principes bien établis de mécanique et de thermodynamique, elle doit maintenant intégrer les technologies numériques. Tiraillé entre l’appel du progrès et les peurs qui y sont associées, le législateur a un rôle clé à jouer dans les nombreux domaines qui seront touchés par la montée en puissance de l’intelligence artificielle. Sous le chapitre des véhicules autonomes tout particulièrement, accepter de confier sa sécurité à une intelligence artificielle est un pas essentiel, mais (...)
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    Justice Between Sites of Justice.Kok-Chor Tan - 2016 - Law and Philosophy 35 (3):291-311.
    Michael Blake argues that states are the primary sites of justice for persons and that the function of international justice is to ensure that states interact with each other in ways that preserve the capacity of each to realize justice for their own members. This paper will argue that justice among states requires more of states than that they preserve and maintain each other's capacity as primary sites of justice. Justice among states will require some justification, as well, of the (...)
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    Traces of the Invisible: How an Alternative Reading of The Sleeping Beauty Fashioned a Bookwork Heightening Awareness of the Role of the Anesthetist.Julie Brixey-Williams - 2020 - Journal of Medical Humanities 41 (1):41-51.
    This article discusses a Leverhulme residency undertaken by the author Julie Brixey-Williams in 2003–4 at the Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland. Notions of medical visibility were explored through practice-led investigations under the umbrella title, Traces of the Invisible, that concentrated on making concrete, visible responses to the hidden or intangible elements of the anesthetist’s working life in areas such as sleep, breath, pain and genetic markers. Rosebud is a unique nine-foot concertina bookwork created after reading the (...)
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    Aspectual coercions in content composition.Nicholas Asher & Julie Hunter - 2012 - In L. Filipovic & K. M. Jaszczolt, Space and Time in Languages and Cultures: Language, culture, and cognition. John Benjamins. pp. 55.
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  28. Institutionalism, injustice and personal responsibility.Kok-Chor Tan - 2022 - In Chris Melenovsky, Routledge Handbook of Philosophy, Politics, and Economics. New York: Routledge.
  29. Liberal equality : what, where, and why.Kok-Chor Tan - 2008 - In Cheryl Misak, The Oxford handbook of American philosophy. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Military Intervention as a Moral Duty.Kok-Chor Tan - 1995 - Public Affairs Quarterly 9 (1):29-46.
  31.  8
    Quest for Civil Order: Politics, Rules and Individuality.Cheung Chor-Yung - 2007 - Imprint Academic.
    Examines four notable thinkers in the field of modern social and political theory, with a view to determining how far it is possible to create and maintain a non-coercive but sustainable political order under conditions of diversity in contemporary Western democracies.
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    Tang Junyi: Confucian Philosophy and the Challenge of Modernity by Thomas Fröhlich.Chor-Yung Cheung - 2019 - Philosophy East and West 69 (2):650-653.
    Thomas Fröhlich's book has made an important contribution to Tang Junyi scholarship. It is probably the most systematic study of Tang's philosophical thought in English so far. While there are a number of pioneering works in English that have touched upon various aspects of Tang's philosophy, Fröhlich's is a fully-fledged monograph dedicated to the study of Tang in a comprehensive manner. It covers, among other things, the ideas of mind and nature in Tang's thought, his civil theology, moral vision, cultural (...)
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    Julie Dickson.Julie Dickson - 2017 - Problema. Anuario de Filosofía y Teoria Del Derecho 1 (11).
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    Gamification for Internet Gaming Disorder Prevention: Evaluation of a Wise IT-Use (WIT) Program for Hong Kong Primary Students.Chor-lam Chau, Yvonne Yin-yau Tsui & Cecilia Cheng - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  35. Rule of law or city of Babel : Oakeshott on the twentieth-century state.Cheung Chor-Yung - 2015 - In Terry Nardin & Edmund Neill, Michael Oakeshott's Cold War liberalism. New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan.
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  36. Kantian Ethics and Global Justice.Kok-Chor Tan - 1997 - Social Theory and Practice 23 (1):53-73.
    Kant divides moral duties into duties of virtue and duties of justice. Duties of virtue are imperfect duties, the fulfillment of which is left to agent discretion and so cannot be externally demanded of one. Duties of justice, while perfect, seem to be restricted to negative duties (of nondeception and noncoercion). It may seem then that Kant's moral philosophy cannot meet the demands of global justice. I argue, however, that Kantian justice when applied to the social and historical realities of (...)
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    Priority for compatriots: Commentary on globalization and justice.T. A. N. Kok-Chor - 2006 - Economics and Philosophy 22 (1):115-123.
    In his stimulating and provocative collection of essays, Globalization and Justice, Kai Nielsen (2003b) defends a cosmopolitan account of global justice. On the cosmopolitan view, as Nielsen understands it, individuals are entitled to equal consideration regardless of citizenship or nationality and global institutions should be arranged in such a way that each person's interest is given equal consideration. Nielsen's defense of cosmopolitan justice in this collection will be of no surprise to readers familiar with his socialist egalitarian commitments. Indeed, the (...)
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    Subjective memory complaints among patients on sick leave are associated with symptoms of fatigue and anxiety.Julie K. Aasvik, Astrid Woodhouse, Henrik B. Jacobsen, Petter C. Borchgrevink, Tore C. Stiles & Nils I. Landrø - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Free Time.Julie L. Rose - 2016 - Princeton: Princeton University Press.
    Recent debates about inequality have focused almost exclusively on the distribution of wealth and disparities in income, but little notice has been paid to the distribution of free time. Free time is commonly assumed to be a matter of personal preference, a good that one chooses to have more or less of. Even if there is unequal access to free time, the cause and solution are presumed to lie with the resources of income and wealth. In Free Time, Julie (...)
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  40.  32
    Relationships of regeneration in Great Plains commodity agriculture.Julie Snorek, Susanne Freidberg & Geneva Smith - 2024 - Agriculture and Human Values 41 (4):1449-1464.
    In recent years regenerative agriculture has attracted growing attention as a means to improve soil health and farmer livelihoods while slowing climate change. With this attention has come increased policy support as well as the launch of private sector programs that promote regenerative agriculture as a form of carbon farming. In the United States many of these programs recruit primarily in regions where large-scale commodity production prevails, such as the Great Plains. There, a decades-old regenerative agriculture movement is growing rapidly, (...)
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    July Members' Lunch.Julie O’Donnell, Uwe Boettcher & Sophie Banks - forthcoming - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology.
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  42. The Grounds of Moral Status.Julie Tannenbaum & Agnieszka Jaworska - 2018 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy:0-0.
    This article discusses what is involved in having full moral status, as opposed to a lesser degree of moral status and surveys different views of the grounds of moral status as well as the arguments for attributing a particular degree of moral status on the basis of those grounds.
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  43. A Defense of Luck Egalitarianism.Kok-Chor Tan - 2008 - Journal of Philosophy 105 (11):665-690.
  44.  66
    Climate Reparations: Why the polluter pays principle is neither unfair nor unreasonable.Kok-Chor Tan - 2023 - WIREs Climate Change 14 (4).
    The polluter pays principle (PPP) has the form of a reparative principle. It holds that since some countries have historically contributed more to global warming than others, these countries have the follow-up responsibility now to do more to address climate change. Yet in the climate justice debate, PPP is often rejected for two reasons. First, so the objection goes, it wrongly burdens present-day individuals because the actions of their predecessors. This is the unfairness objection. The second objection is that early (...)
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    Achieving incremental semantic interpretation through contextual representation.Julie C. Sedivy, Michael K. Tanenhaus, Craig G. Chambers & Gregory N. Carlson - 1999 - Cognition 71 (2):109-147.
  46. Chapter Two Risks and Vulnerabilities in the Struggle for Recognition Julie Connolly.Julie Connolly - 2007 - In Julie Connolly, Michael Leach & Lucas Walsh, Recognition in politics: theory, policy and practice. Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Press. pp. 37.
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  47. Interdisciplinarity: history, theory, and practice.Julie Thompson Klein - 1990 - Detroit: Wayne State University Press.
    Acknowledgments THROUGHOUT this book I cite the many people who have provided information on individual programs and activities. ...
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  48. Achieving incremental semantic interpretation through contextual representation.Julie Sedivy, Michael Tanenhaus, Craig Chambers & Gregory Carlson - 1999 - Cognition 71:109-47.
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    Global Ethics or Universal Ethics?Kok-Chor Tan, Steve Coutinho, Zachary Penman, Saranindranath Tagore & Inés Valdez - 2021 - Journal of World Philosophies 6 (1):99-138.
    Kok-Chor Tan argues that cosmopolitan liberalism can serve as a means to implement the ideal of moral universalism, if one sufficiently distinguishes non-toleration from intervention and moral universalism from dogmatism. In a further move, Tan claims that such an understanding of cosmopolitan liberalism can work to mutually regulate the behavior of states in the global arena. Tan’s co-panelists engage different aspects of his vision. Steve Coutinho underscores that changes within cultures do not typically result from a dialogue across cultures (...)
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    Public expectations for return of results from large-cohort genetic research.Juli Murphy, Joan Scott, David Kaufman, Gail Geller, Lisa LeRoy & Kathy Hudson - 2008 - American Journal of Bioethics 8 (11):36 – 43.
    The National Institutes of Health and other federal health agencies are considering establishing a national biobank to study the roles of genes and environment in human health. A preliminary public engagement study was conducted to assess public attitudes and concerns about the proposed biobank, including the expectations for return of individual research results. A total of 141 adults of different ages, incomes, genders, ethnicities, and races participated in 16 focus groups in six locations across the country. Focus group participants voiced (...)
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