Results for 'Juhani Aaltola'

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  1.  10
    Merkityksen käsite ihmistutkimuksen ja kasvatuksen perusteiden analyysin lähtökohtana.Juhani Aaltola - 1992 - Kokkola: Jyväskylän yliopisto, Chydenius-instituutti.
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  2. Animal Suffering: Philosophy and Culture.Elisa Aaltola - 2012 - Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Animal Suffering: Philosophy and Culture explores the multifaceted moral meanings allocated to non-human suffering in contemporary Western culture.
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    Defensive over Climate Change? Climate Shame as a Method of Moral Cultivation.Elisa Aaltola - 2021 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 34 (1):1-23.
    The climate crisis is an enormous challenge for contemporary societies. Yet, public discussions on it often lead to anger, mocking, denial and other defensive behaviours, one prominent example of which is the reception met by the climate advocate Greta Thunberg. The paper approaches this curious phenomenon via shame. It argues that the very idea of anthropogenic climate change invites feelings of human failure and thereby may also entice shame. The notion of “climate shame” is introduced and distinguished from “climate guilt”. (...)
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    Embodied and Existential Wisdom in Architecture: The Thinking Hand.Juhani Pallasmaa - 2017 - Body and Society 23 (1):96-111.
    In our culture, intelligence, emotions and embodied intuitions continue to be seen as separate categories. The body is regarded as a medium of identity as well as social and sexual appeal, but neglected as the ground of embodied existence and silent knowledge, or the full understanding of the human condition. Prevailing educational and pedagogic practices also still separate the mental and intellectual capacities from emotions and the senses, and the multifarious dimensions of human embodiment.
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  5. Personhood and Animals.Elisa Aaltola - 2008 - Environmental Ethics 30 (2):175-193.
    A common Western assumption is that animals cannot be persons. Even in animal ethics, the concept of personhood is often avoided. At the same time, many in cognitive ethology argue that animals do have minds, and that animal ethics presents convincing arguments supporting the individual value of animals. Although “animal personhood” may seem to be an absurd notion, more attention needs to placed on the reasons why animals can or cannot be included in the category of persons. Of three different (...)
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  6. Animal Ethics and the Argument from Absurdity.Elisa Aaltola - 2010 - Environmental Values 19 (1):79-98.
    Arguments for the inherent value, equality of interests,or rights of non-human animals have presented a strong challenge for the anthropocentric worldview. However, they have been met with criticism.One form of criticism maintains that,regardless of their theoretical consistency,these 'pro-animal arguments' cannot be accepted due to their absurdity. Often, particularly inter-species interest conflicts are brought to the fore: if pro-animal arguments were followed,we could not solve interest conflicts between species,which is absurd. Because of this absurdity, the arguments need to be abandoned. The (...)
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    Juhani Pallasmaa ‘TALKS’ with Students.Aurosa Alison & Juhani Pallasmaa - 2023 - Espes. The Slovak Journal of Aesthetics 11 (2):79-90.
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    The Embodied Image: Imagination and Imagery in Architecture.Juhani Pallasmaa - 2011 - Wiley.
    Introduction -- Image in contemporary culture -- Language, thought and image -- The many faces of the image -- The anatomy of the poetic image -- The architectural image.
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  9. Skepticism, Empathy, and Animal Suffering.Elisa Aaltola - 2013 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 10 (4):457-467.
    The suffering of nonhuman animals has become a noted factor in deciding public policy and legislative change. Yet, despite this growing concern, skepticism toward such suffering is still surprisingly common. This paper analyzes the merits of the skeptical approach, both in its moderate and extreme forms. In the first part it is claimed that the type of criterion for verification concerning the mental states of other animals posed by skepticism is overly (and, in the case of extreme skepticism, illogically) demanding. (...)
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    Lawlikeness, analogy and inductive logic.Juhani Pietarinen - 1972 - Amsterdam,: North-Holland Pub. Co..
  11. Affective empathy as core moral agency: psychopathy, autism and reason revisited.Elisa Aaltola - 2014 - Philosophical Explorations 17 (1):76-92.
    Empathy has become a common point of debate in moral psychology. Recent developments in psychiatry, neurosciences and social psychology have led to the revival of sentimentalism, and the ‘empathy thesis’ has suggested that affective empathy, in particular, is a necessary criterion of moral agency. The case of psychopaths – individuals incapable of affective empathy and moral agency, yet capable of rationality – has been utilised in support of this case. Critics, however, have been vocal. They have asserted that the case (...)
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  12.  97
    Embodied experience and sensory thought.Juhani Pallasmaa - 2007 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 39 (7):769–772.
  13. Animal ethics and interest conflicts.Elisa Aaltola - 2005 - Ethics and the Environment 10 (1):19-48.
    : Animal ethics has presented convincing arguments for the individual value of animals. Animals are not only valuable instrumentally or indirectly, but in themselves. Less has been written about interest conflicts between humans and other animals, and the use of animals in practice. The motive of this paper is to analyze different approaches to interest conflicts. It concentrates on six models, which are the rights model, the interest model, the mental complexity model, the special relations model, the multi-criteria model, and (...)
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  14.  82
    Animal Ethics and Philosophy: Questioning the Orthodoxy.Elisa Aaltola & John Hadley (eds.) - 2014 - New York: Rowman & Littlefield International.
    Bringing together new theory and critical perspectives on a broad range of topics in animal ethics, this book examines the implications of recent developments in the various fields that bear upon animal ethics. Showcasing a new generation of thinkers, it exposes some important shortcomings in existing animal rights theory.
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    Philosophy and Animal Studies: Calarco, Castricano, and Diamond.Elisa Aaltola - 2009 - Society and Animals 17 (3):279-286.
    Recently, animal studies has started to gain popularity. This interdisciplinary field investigates the human- animal relationship from different perspectives, including philosophy, cultural studies, and biology. In 2008, at least three books explored themes related to animal studies : Matthew Calarco, Zoographies: The Question of the Animal ; Jodey Castricano, Animal Subjects: An Ethics Reader in a Posthuman World; and Cora Diamond, Cary Wolfe, et al. Philosophy and Animal Life. Each volume approaches animal studies from a different viewpoint, but they also (...)
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  16.  36
    Report on Books and Articles.Elisa Aaltola, Gary Backhaus, John Murungi, Jennifer Bates, Emily Brady, Emily Brady Haapala, J. Baird Callicott & Robert L. Chapman - 2003 - Environmental Ethics 24 (2):75-91.
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    Thinking Animals: Why Animal Studies Now?Elisa Aaltola - 2014 - Journal of Animal Ethics 4 (1):109-110.
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    Rethinking Wilderness: by Mark Woods, Peterborough, Ontario, Broadview Press, 2017, 312 pp., $29.95 (paperback), ISBN: 978-1-55111-348-7.Elisa Aaltola - 2020 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 23 (2):240-242.
    The first impression after opening Mark Wood’s Rethinking Wilderness is that of vigor and thoroughness: clearly a significant amount of research and work has gone into this book. In analyzing diffe...
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  19. User on the payroll – The challenges of revenue sharing in commercial mediaspace.Juhani Linna and Mari Ainasoja - 2014 - Iris 35.
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  20. User on the payroll–The challenges of revenue sharing in commercial mediaspace.Juhani Linna & Mari Ainasoja - 2014 - Iris 35.
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    A note on simple graphic algebras.Juhani Nieminen - 1975 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 21 (1):365-367.
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  22. Spinoza on causal explanation of action.Juhani Pffitarinen - 2003 - In Matti Sintonen, Petri Ylikoski & Kaarlo Miller (eds.), Realism in Action: Essays in the Philosophy of the Social Sciences. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 137.
  23.  30
    Varieties of Empathy: Moral Psychology and Animal Ethics.Elisa Aaltola - 2018 - Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield International.
    Empathy is a term used increasingly both in moral theory and animal ethics. Yet, its precise meaning is often left unexplored. The book aims to tackle this by clarifying the different and even contradictory ways in which “empathy” can be defined.
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  24. (2 other versions)Lawlikeness, analogy, and inductive logic.Juhani Pietarinen - 1973 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 163:370-370.
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  25. Varieties of Empathy and Moral Agency.Elisa Aaltola - 2014 - Topoi 33 (1):1-11.
    Contemporary literature includes a wide variety of definitions of empathy. At the same time, the revival of sentimentalism has proposed that empathy serves as a necessary criterion of moral agency. The paper explores four common definitions in order to map out which of them best serves such agency. Historical figures are used as the backdrop against which contemporary literature is analysed. David Hume’s philosophy is linked to contemporary notions of affective and cognitive empathy, Adam Smith’s philosophy to projective empathy, and (...)
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  26. The Anthropocentric Paradigm and the Possibility of Animal Ethics.Elisa Aaltola - 2010 - Ethics and the Environment 15 (1):27.
    Animal ethics has tended to follow an analytical approach and has focused much attention on moral reason and theory. Recently, some have argued this to be a fundamental problem. The 'paradigmatic account' claims that instead of reason and theory, ethics ought to emphasize common paradigms and meanings. Since these paradigms and meanings tend to be anthropocentric, the pro-animal arguments presented within animal ethics ought to be viewed critically. The paper explores two variants of this account: anthropocentric casuistry and the Wittgensteinian (...)
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    Sub- and supralexical information in early phases of lexical access.Juhani Järvikivi - 2011 - Frontiers in Psychology 2.
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    Platonic Love of Nonhuman Nature and Animals.Elisa Aaltola - 2022 - The Harvard Review of Philosophy 29:33-44.
    Some philosophers have argued that love has moral-psychological power, as it can motivate one to appreciate the existence of others and to offer care for them. This appears evident in the context of our relations with nonhuman animals and nature: love can motivate one to think of them as morally considerable. But what is love? The paper at hand investigates one classic philosophical definition of love and applies it to our relationship with other animals and nature. This definition is the (...)
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  29.  17
    The Existential Image: Lived Space in Cinema and Architecture.Juhani Pallasmaa - 2012 - Phainomenon 25 (1):157-174.
    Walter Benjamin pointed out the affinity of cinema and architecture, and argued unexpectedly that tbese art forms are both essentially tactile arts. The tactility of the material art of building is not difficult to grasp, but the idea that a cinematic projection could result in fundamentally tactile experience certainly meets objections. However, the philosophical as well as neurological studies ofthe past few decades in perception, emotion, and thought, as well as in artistic expressions, suggest that these two arts, or poetic (...)
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  30.  80
    ‘Other Animal Ethics’ and the Demand for Difference.Elisa Aaltola - 2002 - Environmental Values 11 (2):193-209.
    Traditionally animal ethics has criticised the anthropocentric worldview according to which humans differ categorically from the rest of the nature in some morally relevant way. It has claimed that even though there are differences, there are also crucial similarities between humans and animals that make it impossible to draw a categorical distinction between humans who are morally valuable and animals which are not. This argument, according to which animals and humans share common characteristics that lead to moral value, is at (...)
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  31.  89
    Species Conservation and Minority Rights: The Case of Springtime Bird Hunting in Åland.Elisa Aaltola & Markku Oksanen - 2002 - Environmental Values 11 (4):443-460.
    The article examines the case of springtime bird hunting in Åland from a moral point of view. In Åland springtime hunting has been a cultural practice for centuries but is now under investigation due to the EU Directive on the protection of birds. The main question of the article is whether restrictions on bird hunting have a sound basis. We approach this question by analysing three principles: The animal rights principle states that if hunting is not necessary for survival, it (...)
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  32.  73
    Wilderness Experiences as Ethics: From Elevation to Attentiveness.Elisa Aaltola - 2015 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 18 (3):283-300.
    Wilderness experiences were celebrated by the Great Romantics, and figures such as Wordsworth and Thoreau emphasized the need to seek direct contact with the non-human world. Later deep ecologists accentuated the way in which wilderness experiences can spark moral epiphanies and lead to action on behalf of the natural environment. In recent years, psychological studies have manifested how the observations made by the Romantics, nature authors and deep ecologists apply to laypeople: contact with the wilderness does tend to lead to (...)
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  33.  56
    Review Animals and the Human Imagination: A Companion to Animal Studies Gross Aaron Valley Anne Columbia University Press New York, NY.Elisa Aaltola - 2014 - Journal of Animal Ethics 4 (2):102-104.
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    Tres argumentos estándar contra el valor individual de los animales no-humanos.Elisa Aaltola - 2010 - Telos: Revista Iberoamericana de Estudios Utilitaristas 17 (1).
    Animal ethics has presented challenging questions regarding the human-animalrelationship. According to some philosophers, non-human animals have value inthemselves. This claim is most commonly based on sentience or consciousness inthe phenomenal sense: since it is like something to be an animal, animals cannotbe treated as mere biological matter. However, the claim has been met with criticism.This paper analyses three of the most common arguments against what ishere called the “individual value” of non-human animals. These arguments are thecapacity argument, the humanistic argument, (...)
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    Hobbes, Conatus and the Prisoner’s Dilemma.Juhani Pietarinen - 1998 - The Paideia Archive: Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 11:143-147.
    I want to show the importance of the notion of conatus for Hobbes' political philosophy. According to Hobbes, all motion of bodies consists of elementary motions he called 'endeavors.' They are motions 'made in less space and time than can be given,' and they obey the law of persistence or inertia. A body strives to preserve its state and resist the causal power of other bodies. I call this the conatus-principle. Hobbes' argument for social contract and sovereign is based essentially (...)
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  36.  78
    Inductive immodesty and lawlikeness.Juhani Pietarinen - 1974 - Philosophy of Science 41 (2):196-198.
    David Lewis [2] suggests that an adequate inductive method should be immodest, i.e. recommend itself as at least as accurate as any of its rivals. On this basis he works out a solution to the intricate problem of choosing among Carnap's λ-methods. Lewis himself points out certain undesirable consequences of his solution. I will argue that the solution breaks down for a more general reason than that indicated by Lewis; like other procedures for estimating degrees of belief I am familiar (...)
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  37. Motion and reason : Hobbes's difficulties with the idea of active power.Juhani Pietarinen - 2009 - In Juhani Pietarinen & Valtteri Viljanen (eds.), The World as Active Power: Studies in the History of European Reason. Leiden: Brill.
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    Oikeus itsemääräämiseen.Juhani Pietarinen (ed.) - 1994 - Helsinki: Painatuskeskus.
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  39. Plato on diversity and stability in nature.Juhani Pietarinen - 2004 - In Markku Oksanen & Juhani Pietarinen (eds.), Philosophy and Biodiversity. New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press.
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  40. The World as Active Power: Studies in the History of European Reason.Juhani Pietarinen & Valtteri Viljanen (eds.) - 2009 - Leiden: Brill.
    This collection of essays discusses a central feature of European philosophy: the idea of a universal active power as the ultimate world-explanation.
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    Conatus as active power in Hobbes.Juhani Pietarinen - 2001 - Hobbes Studies 14 (1):71-82.
    The idea of active power played central role in the 17th Century philosophy and science. The idea is as follows: if not prevented, bodies necessarily do certain things in virtue of their power. This kind of thought naturally arose from what might properly be called the law of persistence, according to which moving bodies continue their motion unchanged if no new external force intervenes.1 What bodies do in virtue of their power was called actions, and in terms of actions such (...)
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  42. Narrow Content.Juhani Yli-Vakkuri & John Hawthorne - 2018 - Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. Edited by John Hawthorne.
    Can there be 'narrow' mental content, that is entirely determined by the goings-on inside the head of the thinker? This book argues not, and defends instead a thoroughgoing externalism: the entanglement of our minds with the external world runs so deep that no internal component of mentality can easily be cordoned off.
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    Brutian's Logic, Language and Argumentation in Projection of Philosophical Knowledge.Juhani Pietarinen & Juho Ritola - 2000 - Informal Logic 20 (2).
  44. Plato's dualism : the cosmos as active and passive power.Juhani Pietarinen - 2009 - In Juhani Pietarinen & Valtteri Viljanen (eds.), The World as Active Power: Studies in the History of European Reason. Leiden: Brill.
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    Stanovich's Who Is Rational? Studies of Individual Differences in Reasoning.Juhani Pietarinen & David Hitchcock - 2000 - Informal Logic 20 (3).
  46. Williamson on Modality.Juhani Yli-Vakkuri & Mark McCullagh - 2016 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 46 (4-5):453-851.
    This special issue of the Canadian Journal of Philosophy is dedicated to Timothy Williamson's work on modality. It consists of a new paper by Williamson followed by papers on Williamson's work on modality, with each followed by a reply by Williamson. -/- Contributors: Andrew Bacon, Kit Fine, Peter Fritz, Jeremy Goodman, John Hawthorne, Øystein Linnebo, Ted Sider, Robert Stalnaker, Meghan Sullivan, Gabriel Uzquiano, Barbara Vetter, Timothy Williamson, Juhani Yli-Vakkuri.
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    DNA polymerase epsilon: The latest member in the family of mammalian DNA polymerases.Juhani E. Syväoja - 1990 - Bioessays 12 (11):533-536.
    DNA polymerase epsilon is a mammalian polymerase that has a tightly associated 3′→5′ exonuclease activity. Because of this readily detectable exonuclease activity, the enzyme has been regarded as a form of DNA polymerase delta, an enzyme which, together with DNA polymerase alpha, is in all probability required for the replication of chromosomal DNA. Recently, it was discovered that DNA polymerase epsilon is both catalytically and structurally distinct from DNA polymerase delta. The most striking difference between the two DNA polymerases is (...)
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  48. Modal skepticism and counterfactual knowledge.Juhani Yli-Vakkuri - 2013 - Philosophical Studies 162 (3):605-623.
    Abstract Timothy Williamson has recently proposed to undermine modal skepticism by appealing to the reducibility of modal to counterfactual logic ( Reducibility ). Central to Williamson’s strategy is the claim that use of the same non-deductive mode of inference ( counterfactual development , or CD ) whereby we typically arrive at knowledge of counterfactuals suffices for arriving at knowledge of metaphysical necessity via Reducibility. Granting Reducibility, I ask whether the use of CD plays any essential role in a Reducibility-based reply (...)
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  49. The Architecture of image: existential space in cinema.Juhani Pallasmaa - 2001 - Helsinki: Rakennustieto.
    This book explores the shared experiential ground of cinema, art, and architecture. Pallasmaa carefully examines how the classic directors Alfred Hitchcock, Stanley Kubrick, Michelangelo Antonioni, and Andrei Tarkovsky used architectural imagery to create emotional states in their movies. He also explores the startling similarities between the landscapes of painting and those of movies.
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  50. Propositions and compositionality.Juhani Yli-Vakkuri - 2013 - Philosophical Perspectives 27 (1):526-563.
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