Results for 'Juha Moring'

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  1. Replacing recipe realism.Juha Saatsi - 2017 - Synthese 194 (9):3233-3244.
    Many realist writings exemplify the spirit of ‘recipe realism’. Here I characterise recipe realism, challenge it, and propose replacing it with ‘exemplar realism’. This alternative understanding of realism is more piecemeal, robust, and better in tune with scientists’ own attitude towards their best theories, and thus to be preferred.
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  2. Realism and the limits of explanatory reasoning.Juha Saatsi - 2017 - In The Routledge Handbook of Scientific Realism. New York: Routledge. pp. 200-211.
    This chapter examines issues surrounding inference to the best explanation, its justification, and its role in different arguments for scientific realism, as well as more general issues concerning explanations’ ontological commitments. Defending the reliability of inference to the best explanation has been a central plank in various realist arguments, and realists have drawn various ontological conclusions from the premise that a given scientific explanation best explains some phenomenon. This chapter stresses the importance of thinking carefully about the nature of explanation (...)
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    Ethical Dilemmas in a Psychiatric Nursing Study.Eila Latvala, Sirpa Janhonen & Juha Moring - 1998 - Nursing Ethics 5 (1):27-35.
    This article describes the ethical dilemmas encountered by the authors while conducting qualitative research with psychiatric patients as participants. The ethical conflicts are explored in terms of the principles of personal autonomy, voluntariness and awareness of the purpose of the study, with illustrations from the authors’ research experience. This study addresses the everyday life of psychiatric nursing in a psychiatric hospital as described by patients, nurses and nursing students. The data were collected in a university hospital in northern Finland, using (...)
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    Waismann’s Testimony of Wittgenstein’s Fresh Starts in 1931–35.Juha Manninen - 2011 - Vienna Circle Institute Yearbook 15:243-265.
    In the Vienna Circle archives in Haarlem, NL, there are a great number of protocols connected with Moritz Schlick’s philosophical chair – manuscripts, typescripts and shorthand manuscripts. They contain extensive and detailed information about Schlick’s seminars and also about the elementary seminars, so-called proseminars, which were held, as the documents explain: “bei Prof. Schlick”, but actually after 1929 not by him. Since his arrival in Vienna, Schlick was responsible for these both types of seminars and they were under his supervision. (...)
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    Between the Vienna Circle and Ludwig Wittgenstein: The Philosophical Teachers of G. H. von Wright.Juha Manninen - 2010 - Vienna Circle Institute Yearbook 14:47-67.
    Georg Henrik von Wright always mentioned that his academic teachers had been Eino Kaila and Ludwig Wittgenstein. He even spoke of the two as his “father figures”. Georg Henrik was a sunny boy, but his “fathers” appear to be quite enigmatic. An industry of philosophical literature is needed to interpret Wittgenstein. Kaila seems to be at most a minor figure with some contacts to the Vienna Circle. It is not wrong to see von Wright as a follower of Wittgenstein, and (...)
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    Gendered racial disparities in health of parents with children with developmental disabilities.Juha Lee, Manjing Gao & Chioun Lee - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    BackgroundThere is little information on how adverse experiences in early life are associated with the risk of having a child with health problems and whether the health of racial and gender minority groups would be particularly compromised if they have developmentally disabled children.ObjectiveBy integrating life-course perspectives and the intersectionality framework, we examine the extent to which parents’ early-life adversities are associated with having children with DD or other health issues and whether the association between having DD children and parental health (...)
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    Husserl's Two Truths, Adequate and apodictic evidence.Juha Himanka - 2005 - Phänomenologische Forschungen 36 (1):93-112.
    Edmund Husserl's Logical Investigations was the breakthrough of phenomenology. What made it a breakthrough was the new way of explicating truth or evidence as self-givenness or adequacy. Husserl did however also have another interpretation of truth: evidence as indubitability or certainty of apodicticity. Originally Husserl thought that apodicticity increases the evidence of something already adequately given. Yet, in the first Cartesian Meditation Husserl differentiates the two modes of evidence. In this article the way to this split up of evidence is (...)
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  8. Form-driven vs. content-driven arguments for realism.Juha Saatsi - 2009 - In P. D. Magnus & Jacob Busch, New waves in philosophy of science. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    I offer a meta-level analysis of realist arguments for the reliability of ampliative reasoning about the unobservable. We can distinguish form-driven and content-driven arguments for realism: form-driven arguments appeal to the form of inductive inferences, whilst content-driven arguments appeal to their specific content. After regimenting the realism debate in these terms, I will argue that the content-driven arguments are preferable. Along the way I will discuss how my analysis relates to John Norton’s recent, more general thesis that the grounds for (...)
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  9. Explanatory Abstractions.Lina Jansson & Juha Saatsi - 2019 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 70 (3):817–844.
    A number of philosophers have recently suggested that some abstract, plausibly non-causal and/or mathematical, explanations explain in a way that is radically dif- ferent from the way causal explanation explain. Namely, while causal explanations explain by providing information about causal dependence, allegedly some abstract explanations explain in a way tied to the independence of the explanandum from the microdetails, or causal laws, for example. We oppose this recent trend to regard abstractions as explanatory in some sui generis way, and argue (...)
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  10. Environmental Security and Just Causes for War.Juha Räikkä & Andrei Rodin - 2015 - Almanac: Discourses of Ethics 10 (1):47-54.
    This article asks whether a country that suffers from serious environmental problems caused by another country could have a just cause for a defensive war? Danish philosopher Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen has argued that under certain conditions extreme poverty may give a just cause for a country to defensive war, if that poverty is caused by other countries. This raises the question whether the victims of environmental damages could also have a similar right to self-defense. Although the article concerns justice of war, (...)
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    Media populism and the life-cycle of the Norwegian Progress Party.Juha Herkman & Bente Kalsnes - 2023 - Communications 48 (2):315-335.
    The paper examines the media attention given to the Norwegian Progress Party (FrP) during the parliamentary elections in which it participated between 1973 and 2017. Particular attention is paid to the ideas of media populism and the so-called life-cycle model that outlines the relationship between the different media types and a populist movement regarding its life span. Our data consist of media coverage of the parliamentary election campaigns in Norway in Verdens Gang’s (tabloid) and Aftenposten’s (legacy) newspapers between 1973 and (...)
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    Are there Alternative Methods in Ethics?Juha Räikkä - 1996 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 52 (1):173-189.
    Do all methods of moral justification resemble the method of reflective equilibrium in presupposing that moral judgment's being justified depends at least in part on its being appropriately related to our actual substantial moral views? Can a moral judgment be justified without such a presupposition? I shall distinguish three versions of the no-option argument According to any version of the no-option argument, there is certain fact which characterizes moral theories, and that fact implies that there is no option other than (...)
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    Pogge on global poverty.Juha Räikkä - 2006 - Journal of Global Ethics 2 (1):111 – 118.
    Thomas Pogge has recently defended additional ways in which to eradicate poverty from the developing world. In this article, Pogge's argument is discussed. First the premises on which Pogge relies are summarized and the logic of 'international borrowing privilege' introduced. Then it is argued that Pogge's solutions to the poverty problem would face similar difficulties to many other solutions - that is, in order to work properly they all must gain extensive international support and political willingness, which they will not (...)
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  14. Form vs. Content-driven Arguments for Realism.Juha Saatsi - 2009 - In P. D. Magnus & Jacob Busch, New waves in philosophy of science. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    I offer a meta-level analysis of realist arguments for the reliability of ampliative reasoning about the unobservable. We can distinguish form-driven and content-driven arguments for realism: form-driven arguments appeal to the form of inductive inferences, whilst content-driven arguments appeal to their specific content. After regimenting the realism debate in these terms, I will argue that the content-driven arguments are preferable. Along the way I will discuss how my analysis relates to John Norton’s recent, more general thesis that the grounds for (...)
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  15.  41
    Climate Change Conspiracy Theories.Juha Räikkä - 2023 - In Gianfranco Pellegrino & Marcello Di Paola, Handbook of the Philosophy of Climate Change. Springer. pp. 1161-1177.
    Climate change conspiracy theories raise many questions. Some of the questions are philosophical in nature. They include issues such as how to define “conspiracy theory” (a conceptual question), what the ethical status of conspiracy theorizing is (a moral question), and how decision-makers should deal with climate change conspiracy theories (a practical question). One way to define “climate change conspiracy theory” is to say that they are explanations that (1) refer to conspiracies, (2) are not in line with more or less (...)
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  16. Conspiracy Theories and Ethics.Juha Räikkä - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 50:651-659.
    Political conspiracy theorists have done a lot of good in the past; undoubtedly they will do a lot of good in the future too. However, it is important to point out that conspiracy theories may have adverse consequences too. Political conspiracy theorizing, as a public activity, may lead to harmful scapegoating and its implications may be racist and fascist rather than democratic. Conspiracy theories may undermine trust in political institutions. Certain conspiracy theories are kept artificially alive, because of their political (...)
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    Brain imaging and privacy.Juha Räikkä - 2010 - Neuroethics 3 (1):5-12.
    I will argue that the fairly common assumption that brain imaging may compromise people’s privacy in an undesirable way only if moral crimes are committed is false. Sometimes persons’ privacy is compromised because of failures of privacy. A normal emotional reaction to failures of privacy is embarrassment and shame, not moral resentment like in the cases of violations of right to privacy. I will claim that if (1) neuroimaging will provide all kinds of information about persons’ inner life and not (...)
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    How Does a Dark Room Appear: Husserl’s Illumination of the Breakthrough of Logical Investigations.Juha Himanka - 2006 - Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology 6 (2):1-8.
    Evidence is the very core of Husserlian phenomenology, with the term “evidence” signifying for Husserl the phenomenological perspective on the question of truth. In contrast to the conventional philosophical understanding of “truth” in mainly epistemological terms, Husserl’s notion of “evidence”, as elaborated in his Logical Investigations (1900–1), is more essentially ontological, pointing to the way in which a phenomenon becomes clear to us in its constitution. Husserl’s main point in the Sixth Investigation was that we can “see” how evidence functions (...)
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  19. Coercive population policies, procreative freedom, and morality.R. Juha - 2001 - Philosophy and Geography 4 (1):67 – 77.
    I shall briefly evaluate the common claim that ethically acceptable population policies must let individuals to decide freely on the number of their children. I shall ask, first, what exactly is the relation between population policies that we find intuitively appealing, on the one hand, and population policies that maximize procreative freedom, on the other, and second, what is the relation between population policies that we tend to reject on moral grounds, on the one hand, and population policies that use (...)
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  20.  24
    Intermingling Academic and Business Activities: A New Direction for Science and Universities?Tarja Knuuttila & Juha Tuunainen - 2009 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 34 (6):684-704.
    The growing role of universities in the knowledge economy as well as technology transfer has increasingly been conceptualized in terms of the hybridization of public academic work and private business activity. In this article, we examine the difficulties and prospects of this kind of intermingling by studying the long-term trajectories of two research groups operating in the fields of plant biotechnology and language technology. In both cases, the attempts to simultaneously pursue academic and commercial activities led to complicated boundary maintenance, (...)
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    Recalling a Habermas-inspired experimental realism: Hans Radder: The material realization of science: From Habermas to experimentation and referential realism. Revised edition, with a new postscript. Dordrecht: Springer, 2012, xix+205pp, €106,95 HB. [REVIEW]Juha Saatsi - 2014 - Metascience 23 (2):339-341.
    This is a revised edition of Hans Radder’s Habermas-inspired study of scientific experimentation and realism. The previous English edition (1988) has been out of print since 2004 (The book first appeared in Dutch in 1984). The author (together with the editors of the Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science) has deemed it worthy of resuscitation. Perhaps it is. There are certainly a number of lasting elements of continuing interest, some of which indeed strike to the heart of the contemporary (...)
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    An Institutionalist Approach to Environmental Valuation: The Regional Forest Programme of Southwest Finland as an Example.Juha Hiedanpää - 2004 - Environmental Values 13 (2):243-260.
    This paper discusses the impacts of different formal and informal institutions upon the Regional Forest Programme of Southwest Finland. The divide between formal and informal institutions is a binary distinction: it is used as a discursive tool for identifying social structures and processes and for articulating their significance in development and environmental planning, valuation and decision-making. In the end part of the paper, there is a brief discussion of how normative and moral issues can be explicitly and more creatively integrated (...)
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    Genes and Morality: New Essays.Veikko Launis, Juhani Pietarinen & Juha Räikkä - 1999 - Rodopi.
    Most public discussion has focused on those effects of genetic research that are considered in some way unwanted or unpleasant. For example, there has been much debate concerning the risks and the ethical appropriateness of genetic screening, gene therapy, and agricultural applications based on genetic techniques. It often claimed that genetic research may cause new problems such as genetic discrimination, stigmatization, environmental risks, or mistreatment of animals. Genes and Morality: New Essays adopts a critical attitude toward genetic research, on both (...)
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    Reviews. [REVIEW]Hans-Joachim Dahms, Markus Lammenranta, Juha Manninen & Georg Schiemer - 2011 - Vienna Circle Institute Yearbook 15:337-349.
    As Paul Feyerabend once remarked, philosophy of science is a subject with a great past. Let me for the moment leave aside his disillusioned impression that it had only a sad present and no future and concentrate on its past. It is surprising indeed that much has been published on the history of science in the last few decades, while only very few efforts have been made to give an overall description of the history of philosophy of science. That of (...)
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  25. Juha Räikkä, Social Justice in Practice.Holly Lawford-Smith - 2014 - Journal of Value Inquiry:1-6.
    Imagine yourself standing on the edge of a canyon, marveling at the terrain below, wondering about all the sights currently obscured from your view, and lamenting that you just don’t have time to commit to the steep descent in and long trek across, which would give you a perspective from right up close. Being handed Juha Räikkä’s new book Social Justice in Practice is like being told there’s a flying fox you can take: the canyon is applied political theory, (...)
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    Erratum to: Scandinavian Stakeholder Thinking: Seminal Offerings from the Late Juha Näsi.Kai Hockerts, R. Edward Freeman & Robert Strand - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 127 (1):107-107.
    In this article, we first provide evidence that Scandinavian contributions to stakeholder theory over the past 50 years play a much larger role in its development than is presently acknowledged. These contributions include the first publication and description of the term “stakeholder”, the first stakeholder map, and the development of three fundamental tenets of stakeholder theory: jointness of interests, cooperative strategic posture, and rejection of a narrowly economic view of the firm. We then explore the current practices of Scandinavian companies (...)
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  27. Scandinavian Stakeholder Thinking: Seminal Offerings from the Late Juha Näsi. [REVIEW]Robert Strand - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 127 (1):1-17.
    In this article, we first provide evidence that Scandinavian contributions to stakeholder theory over the past 50 years play a much larger role in its development than is presently acknowledged. These contributions include the first publication and description of the term “stakeholder”, the first stakeholder map, and the development of three fundamental tenets of stakeholder theory: jointness of interests, cooperative strategic posture, and rejection of a narrowly economic view of the firm. We then explore the current practices of Scandinavian companies (...)
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    Normativity, the base-rate fallacy, and some problems for retail realism.Paul Dicken - 2013 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 44 (4):563-570.
    Recent literature in the scientific realism debate has been concerned with a particular species of statistical fallacy concerning base-rates, and the worry that no matter how predictively successful our contemporary scientific theories may be, this will tell us absolutely nothing about the likelihood of their truth if our overall sample space contains enough empirically adequate theories that are nevertheless false. In response, both realists and anti-realists have switched their focus from general arguments concerning the reliability and historical track-records of our (...)
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    Incorporating Stakeholder Thinking into the Neo-Classical Capital Circulation Model of the Firm.Salme Näsi & Hannele Mäkelä - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 96 (S1):51-56.
    This paper discusses and provides a tentative model of a firm for purposes of accounting. The paper first presents the neo-classical capital circulation model of the firm—a model that has been an integral part of Finnish business economics and accounting education for at least half a century. During the same period the stakeholder model has become an alternative model of the firm in Scandinavia. These models have represented two alternatives to define the firm in education. In this paper we try (...)
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    The Sleep of Reason: Erotic Experience and Sexual Ethics in Ancient Greece and Rome (Book).Mark Masterson - 2003 - American Journal of Philology 124 (3):477-481.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:American Journal of Philology 124.3 (2003) 477-481 [Access article in PDF] Martha C. Nussbaum and Juha Sihvola, eds. The Sleep of Reason: Erotic Experience and Sexual Ethics in Ancient Greece and Rome. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2002. viii + 457 pp. Paper, $26. The Sleep of Reason derives from a conference held at the Finnish Institute at Rome in 1997. In their introduction to the volume, the (...)
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  31. Philosophy of Science: The Central Issues.Martin Curd & Jan A. Cover (eds.) - 1998 - Norton.
    Contents Preface General Introduction 1 | Science and Pseudoscience Introduction Karl Popper, Science: Conjectures and Refutations Thomas S. Kuhn, Logic of Discovery or Psychology of Research? Imre Lakatos, Science and Pseudoscience Paul R. Thagard, Why Astrology Is a Pseudoscience Michael Ruse, Creation-Science Is Not Science Larry Laudan, Commentary: Science at the Bar---Causes for Concern Commentary 2 | Rationality, Objectivity, and Values in Science Introduction Thomas S. Kuhn, The Nature and Necessity of Scientific Revolutions Thomas S. Kuhn, Objectivity, Value Judgment, and (...)
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    Aatteiden ja oppien teillä: Juha Mannisen juhlakirja.Juha Manninen & Niina Timosaari (eds.) - 2014 - Rovaniemi: Pohjois-Suomen Historiallinen Yhdistys.
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    Revealing the habitual: The teachings of unconventional piano-playing.Tuomas Mali - 2006 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 14 (1):77-88.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy of Music Education Review 14.1 (2006) 77-88 [Access article in PDF] Revealing the Habitual: The Teachings of Unconventional Piano-Playing Tuomas Mali Vantaa, Finland Playing Experiences as a Source of Knowledge As a pianist, I know piano-playing from the inside as something I am accustomed to doing. For me, as for every serious pianist, playing is an everyday activity that has become so habitual as to be inseparable from (...)
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  34. Truth vs. Progress Realism about Spin.Juha Saatsi - 2020 - In Juha Saatsi & Steven French, Scientific Realism and the Quantum. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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  35. The Problem of the Second Best: Conceptual Issues: Juha Räikkä.Juha Räikkä - 2000 - Utilitas 12 (2):204-218.
    In this article I shall undertake a preliminary exploration of the notion of second best. I shall follow a three-step strategy. First, I shall introduce some applications of the theorem of the second best in different fields of philosophy and social sciences. Secondly, I shall make several conceptual distinctions related to the theorem. I aim to show that there are certain theoretical results that are similar but not identical to the theorem of the second best, and that the notion of (...)
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    On Explanations from Geometry of Motion.Juha Saatsi - 2016 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science:axw007.
    This paper examines explanations that turn on non-local geometrical facts about the space of possible configurations a system can occupy. I argue that it makes sense to contrast such explanations from “geometry of motion” with causal explanations. I also explore how my analysis of these explanations cuts across the distinction between kinematics and dynamics.
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    On the Mechanisms of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation : How Brain State and Baseline Performance Level Determine Behavioral Effects of TMS.Juha Silvanto, Silvia Bona, Marco Marelli & Zaira Cattaneo - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
  38.  27
    Definability of second order generalized quantifiers.Juha Kontinen - 2010 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 49 (3):379-398.
    We study second order generalized quantifiers on finite structures. One starting point of this research has been the notion of definability of Lindström quantifiers. We formulate an analogous notion for second order generalized quantifiers and study definability of second order generalized quantifiers in terms of Lindström quantifiers.
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    Feuer am Pol: zum Aufbau der Vernunft im europäischen Norden.Juha Manninen - 1996
    Gegenwartig, da ein neues Europa errichtet wird, ist es wieder aktuell, nach dem philosophischen und wissenschaftlichen Erbe der kleineren Lander Europas zu fragen, die in der international dominierenden Forschung oft im Schatten geblieben sind. Fern von den Machtzentren existierten dort aber auch Freiheiten und Betatigungsrahmen, wie sie ein Zentrum nicht unbedingt gestattet hatte. Dieses Buch behandelt zumeist unerforschte und unbekannte Materialien aus Schweden, Finnland und Osterreich und zeigt diese sowohl in ihren Kontakten zu den Zentren als auch in ihren lokalen (...)
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    On the Order Between Quantifiers.Juha Oikkonen & Dag Westerstahl - 1989 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 54 (2):631.
  41. Eino Kaila in Carnap's circle.Juha Manninen - 2012 - In Ilkka Niiniluoto & Sami Pihlström, Reappraisals of Eino Kaila's philosophy. Helsinki: Philosophical Society of Finland.
  42. Explanation and explanationism in science and metaphysics.Juha Saatsi - 2017 - In Matthew H. Slater & Zanja Yudell, Metaphysics and the Philosophy of Science: New Essays. New York, NY, USA: Oxford University Press.
    This chapter examines the status of inference to the best explanation in naturalistic metaphysics. The methodology of inference to the best explanation in metaphysics is studied from the perspective of contemporary views on scientific explanation and explanatory inferences in the history and philosophy of science. This reveals serious shortcomings in prevalent attempts to vindicate metaphysical "explanationism" by reference to similarities between science and naturalistic metaphysics. This critique is brought out by considering a common gambit of methodological unity: (1) Both metaphysics (...)
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    Why is “blindsight” blind? A new perspective on primary visual cortex, recurrent activity and visual awareness.Juha Silvanto - 2015 - Consciousness and Cognition 32:15-32.
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    Reinventing Paulo Freire’s pedagogy in Finnish non-formal education: The case of Life Skills for All model.Juha Suoranta, Nina Hjelt, Tuukka Tomperi & Anna Grant - 2022 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 54 (13):2228-2242.
    The article contributes to the academic discussion on Paulo Freire’s pedagogical thinking as a basis for reinventing contemporary non-formal education. In Finland, Freire’s transformational/liberatory theory of adult learning was applied as a framework for developing an adult educational model called Life Skills for All. The pilot project’s case studies were carried out with different groups of people during the model’s development phase. We describe these cases and discuss what can be learned from them for offering basic and life skills education (...)
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  45. Mathematics and Explanatory Generality: Nothing but Cognitive Salience.Juha Saatsi & Robert Knowles - 2021 - Erkenntnis 86 (5):1119-1137.
    We demonstrate how real progress can be made in the debate surrounding the enhanced indispensability argument. Drawing on a counterfactual theory of explanation, well-motivated independently of the debate, we provide a novel analysis of ‘explanatory generality’ and how mathematics is involved in its procurement. On our analysis, mathematics’ sole explanatory contribution to the procurement of explanatory generality is to make counterfactual information about physical dependencies easier to grasp and reason with for creatures like us. This gives precise content to key (...)
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  46. Realism and Explanatory Perspectivism.Juha Saatsi - 2019 - In Michela Massimi & Casey D. Mccoy, Understanding Perspectivism (Open Access): Scientific Challenges and Methodological Prospects. New York, NY, USA: Routledge.
    This chapter defends a (minimal) realist conception of progress in scientific understanding in the face of the ubiquitous plurality of perspectives in science. The argument turns on the counterfactual-dependence framework of explanation and understanding, which is illustrated and evidenced with reference to different explanations of the rainbow.
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  47. On Explanations from Geometry of Motion.Juha Saatsi - 2015 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 69 (1):253–273.
    This paper examines explanations that turn on non-local geometrical facts about the space of possible configurations a system can occupy. I argue that it makes sense to contrast such explanations from "geometry of motion" with causal explanations. I also explore how my analysis of these explanations cuts across the distinction between kinematics and dynamics.
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  48. Das verbotene Buch des Wiener Kreises.Juha Manninen - 2001 - Topos 17:65-77.
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  49. (1 other version)Scientific Realism meets Metaphysics of Quantum Mechanics.Juha Saatsi - 2017 - In Philosophers Think About Quantum Theory.
    I examine the epistemological debate on scientific realism in the context of quantum physics, focusing on the empirical underdetermin- ation of different formulations and interpretations of QM. I will argue that much of the interpretational, metaphysical work on QM tran- scends the kinds of realist commitments that are well-motivated in the light of the history of science. I sketch a way of demarcating empirically well-confirmed aspects of QM from speculative quantum metaphysics in a way that coheres with anti-realist evidence from (...)
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  50. (1 other version)Historical inductions, Old and New.Juha Saatsi - 2015 - Synthese:1-15.
    I review prominent historical arguments against scientific realism to indicate how they display a systematic overshooting in the conclusions drawn from the historical evidence. The root of the overshooting can be located in some critical, undue presuppositions regarding realism. I will highlight these presuppositions in connection with both Laudan’s ‘Old induction’ and Stanford’s New induction, and then delineate a minimal realist view that does without the problematic presuppositions.
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