Results for 'Judith Roche'

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  1.  40
    “Salmon Suite” (poems).Judith Roche - 2008 - Environmental Philosophy 5 (2):93-97.
  2.  35
    Roche’s Clinical Trials with Organs from Prisoners: Does Profit Trump Morals?Judith Schrempf-Stirling - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 121 (2):315-328.
    This case study discusses the economic, legal, and ethical considerations for conducting clinical trials in a controversial context. In 2010, pharmaceutical giant Roche received a shame award by the Swiss non-governmental organization Berne Declaration and Greenpeace for conducting clinical trials with organs taken from executed prisoners in China. The company respected local regulations and industry ethical standards. However, medical associations condemned organs from executed prisoners on moral grounds. Human rights organizations demanded that Roche ended its clinical trials in (...)
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  3. Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity.Judith Butler & Suzanne Pharr - 1990 - Hypatia 5 (3):171-175.
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    Why is collective violence collective?Roberta Senechal de la Roche - 2001 - Sociological Theory 19 (2):126-144.
    A theory of collective violence must explain both why it is collective and why it is violent. Whereas my earlier work addresses the question of why collective violence is violent, here I apply and extend Donald Black's theory of partisanship to the question of why violence collectivizes. I propose in general that the collectivization of violence is a direct function of strong partisanship. Strong partisanship arises when third parties support one side against the other and are solidary among themselves. Such (...)
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    The Policy Implications of Differing Concepts of Risk.Judith A. Bradbury - 1989 - Science, Technology and Human Values 14 (4):380-399.
    The author draws on the policy analysis literature to delineate the linkage between conceptualization of risk and the formulation and proposed solution of risk-related policy problems. Two concepts of risk are identified: a concept of risk as a physically given attribute of hazardous technologies and a concept of risk as a socially constructed attribute. The argument is advanced that the social construction of risk provides a firm, theoretical basis for the design of policy. The discussion links the perception, manage ment, (...)
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    The New Schelling.Alistair Welchman & Judith Norman (eds.) - 2004 - London, UK: Continuum.
    Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Von Schelling (1775-1854) was a colleague of Hegel, Holderlin, Fichte, Goethe, Schlegel, and Schiller. Always a champion of Romanticism, Schelling advocated a philosophy which emphasized intuition over reason, which maintained aesthetics and the creative imagination to be of the highest value. At the same time, Schelling's concerns for the self and the rational make him a major precursor to existentialism and phenomenology. Schelling has exercised a subterranean influence on modern thought. His diverse writings have not given rise (...)
  7. News media coverage of euthanasia: a content analysis of Dutch national newspapers.Judith Ac Rietjens, Natasja Jh Raijmakers, Pauline Sc Kouwenhoven, Clive Seale, Ghislaine Jmw van Thiel, Margo Trappenburg, Johannes Jm van Delden & Agnes van der Heide - 2013 - BMC Medical Ethics 14 (1):1-7.
    The Netherlands is one of the few countries where euthanasia is legal under strict conditions. This study investigates whether Dutch newspaper articles use the term ‘euthanasia’ according to the legal definition and determines what arguments for and against euthanasia they contain. We did an electronic search of seven Dutch national newspapers between January 2009 and May 2010 and conducted a content analysis. Of the 284 articles containing the term ‘euthanasia’, 24% referred to practices outside the scope of the law, mostly (...)
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  8.  23
    The Double Edge of Legitimation: The Micro Dynamics in Framing Corporate Community Involvement.Judith van der Voort & Lucas Meijs - 2007 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 18:271-276.
    This article draws on the results of an inductive qualitative study on the microdynamics of framing corporate community involvement. Insight is provided into these dynamics by using the metaphor of a social movement and drawing on that literature’s framing perspective. Based on accounts of diverse organizational members, we identify several double edges in framing CCI as a strategic issue, and we develop a model that helps to understand why and how strategizing CCI may be controversial.
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  9. Deep Democracy: Community, Diversity, and Transformation.Judith M. Green - 2002 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 38 (3):464-467.
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  10.  28
    Identity, Nature, Life.Judith Revel - 2009 - Theory, Culture and Society 26 (6):45-54.
    This article examines three terms associated with the take-up of Foucault’s analysis of the biopolitical, namely identity, nature and life. It argues that Foucault opposes their reduction respectively to sameness, to origin, or to some primordial force. These reductions not only fall into species of metaphysics, they fail to recognize the integration of difference and of constitutive relationality in Foucault’s conceptualization of the process of subjectivation and becoming as historically dynamic and mobile. The article emphasizes the importance of historicization and (...)
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  11.  78
    Toward a scientific theory of terrorism.Roberta Senechal de la Roche - 2004 - Sociological Theory 22 (1):1-4.
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  12. Leveling the Playing Field: Justice, Politics, and College Admissions.Robert K. Fullinwider & Judith Lichtenberg - 2004 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Leveling the Playing Field examines the admissions policies of contemporary American colleges and universities in light of the assumption that enhancing the educational opportunities of lower-income and minority students would make American society more just. The book evaluates controversies about such issues as the nature of merit, the missions of universities, affirmative action, the role of standardized tests, legacy preference, early decision, financial aid, the test-prep industry, and athletics.
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    Gina, genism, and civil rights.George J. Annas, Patricia Roche & Robert C. Green - 2008 - Bioethics 22 (7):ii-iv.
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  14. Oughts and Cans.Judith Lichtenberg - 2010 - Philosophical Topics 38 (1):123-142.
    Many philosophers argue that reasonably well-off people have very demanding moral obligations to assist those living in dire poverty. I explore the relevance of demandingness to determining moral obligation, challenging the view that “morality demands what it demands” and that if we cannot live up to its demands that’s our problem, not morality’s. I argue that not only for practical reasons but also for moral-theoretical ones, the language of duty, obligation, and requirement may not be well-suited to express the nature (...)
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    La ley en el "Defensor Minor" de Marsilio de Padua.Pedro Roche Arnas - 1995 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 2:91-100.
    Defensor Minor follows the basic objective of the works of Marsilio de Padua: the critique of the theocratic conception of papal power. Some of the aspects here studied include the nature of power, the differences and relationships between divine law and human law and the coactive character of both.
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    San Agustín y Egidio Romano: de la reducción del poder temporal a la autoridad espiritual.Pedro Roche Arnas - 2008 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 15:113-126.
    The sources in which Egidio 's texts of De Ecclesiastica Potestate anchors its roots are multiple. But on this occasion we would like to centre on the constant and crucial quotations from Saint Augustine appearing on Egidio 's works. We believe that on the basis of sorne particular texts but taking a very different point ofview in socio-political and cultural questions, Egidio directs the interpretation of Saint Augustine's work towards horizons quite apart from the Saint's views on the subject and (...)
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  17.  10
    Una lectura medieval del intelecto activo de Aristóteles.Pedro Roche Arnas - 2003 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 10:147-156.
    Los numerosos interrogantes planteados por el texto sobre el Intelecto Activo en el De Anima de Aristóteles lo convirtieron en un problema central del pensamiento árabe y cristiano. La interpretación de Avempace, cuyo Entendimiento Agente sintetiza los caracteres del Motor Inmóvil aristotélico y del Nous de Plotino, de Dios en definitiva, supone una respuesta de indudable originalidad.The plurality of issues brought up by the text concerning the Active Intellect in the Aristotle´s De Anima made that text to turn into a (...)
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  18. As interfaces entre a bioética e o direito.Judith Martins-Costa - 2012 - In Joaquim Clotet (ed.), Bioética: meio ambiente, saúde pública, novas tecnologias, deontologia médica, direito, psicologia, material genético humano. Porto Alegre: ediPUCRS.
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  19. Human Aspects of Biomedical Innovation.Everett Mendelsohn, Judith P. Swazey & Irene Taviss - 1972 - Science and Society 36 (4):501-503.
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  20.  14
    "Property" and "People": Political Usages in Locke and Some Contemporaries.Judith Richards - 1981 - Journal of the History of Ideas 42 (1):29.
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    Changing the HEC Mission.Judith Wilson Ross - 2000 - HEC Forum 12 (1):4-7.
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  22.  34
    Shades of surprise: Assessing surprise as a function of degree of deviance and expectation constraints.Judith Gerten & Sascha Topolinski - 2019 - Cognition 192:103986.
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    Global Development of Community Colleges, Technical Colleges, and Further Education Programs.Paul A. Elsner & Judith T. Irwin (eds.) - 2008 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    We live and thrive in a global society and economy where education and training is essential to a nation’s competitiveness and to the standard of living of its people. Opening the doors of higher or further education beyond the enrollments in elite or select universities has become a greater necessity. This has spawned a movement to develop or expand institutions that are more affordable, accessible, flexible, and tied to business and industry. Take a look at the systems that have been (...)
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  24. Masculine Mystique, Feminine Mistake, and the Desire of the Analyst.Judith Feher-Gurewich - 2001 - Analysis (Australian Centre for Psychoanalysis) 10:32.
  25. Soziale Wahrnehmung.Tobias Schlicht & Judith H. Martens - 2017 - In Tobias Schlicht & Judith H. Martens (eds.), Bedeutung und Gefährdung der Sinne im Digitalen Zeitalter. Wittener Kolloquium für Humanismus, Philosophie und Medizin. Witten:
    Dieser Beitrag nimmt als Ausganspunkt die gegenwärtige kontroverse Debatte um den adäquaten Erklärungsansatz in der Kognitionswissenschaft, und zwar zwischen Enaktivisten einerseits und Repräsentationalisten andererseits. Beispielhaft wurde aufgezeigt, dass in Bezug auf die soziale Kognition der enaktivistische Ansatz eine Voraussetzung machen muss, die er mit seinen eigenen Mitteln nicht einzufangen in der Lage ist. Denn der Versuch, das Verstehen des Anderen durch gemeinsame Sinnstiftung der Akteure innerhalb ihrer sozialen Interaktion zu erklären, gerät in einen Zirkel, da nicht erklärt wird, wie die (...)
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  26.  53
    Précis of the realm of rights.Review author[S.]: Judith Jarvis Thomson - 1993 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 53 (1):159-162.
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  27. Ethics, Professionalism, and Humanities at Michigan State University College of Human Medicine.Tom Tomlinson, Judith Andre & Len Fleck - 2003 - Academic Medicine 78 (10).
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    Successful simulation requires bridging levels of abstraction.Zidong Zhao, Judith N. Mildner & Diana I. Tamir - 2020 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 43.
    Although many simulations draw upon only one level of abstraction, the process for generating rich simulations requires a dynamic interplay between abstract and concrete knowledge. A complete model of simulation must account for a mind and brain that can bridge the perceptual with the conceptual, the episodic with the semantic, and the concrete with the abstract.
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    Illness and health in the Jewish tradition: writings from the Bible to today.David L. Freeman & Judith Z. Abrams (eds.) - 1999 - Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society.
    "The premise of the Jewish attitude toward illness is that living is sacred, that good health enables us to live a fully religious life, and that disease is an evil. Any effective therapy is permitted, even if it conflicts with Jewish law. To bring about healing is a responsibility not only of the person who is ill and of the professional caregivers, but also of the loved ones, and of the larger circle of family, friends, and community." "Illness and Health (...)
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  30. Opinion.Jonathan Gilmore & Judith Surkis - unknown
    The recent arrest of Roman Polanski, the film director who fled to France from the United States in 1978 on the eve of sentencing for having unlawful sex with a 13-year-old girl, has caused an international ruckus. The French culture minister, Frédéric Mitterrand, and the French foreign minister, Bernard Kouchner, both issued statements of support for Mr. Polanski. But many others in France have expressed outrage at that support and said he should face justice for the crime.
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  31. Questões conceituais de ética em educação // Questions about the concept of ethics in education.Maria Judith Sucupira da Costa Lins - 2013 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 18 (2):91-106.
    Resumo (200 palavras) Podem-se encontrar diferentes conceitos na história da Ética. Esse artigo lida com a ideia que se deve identificar um conceito de Ética para se discutir sobre sua relação com Educação. Moral é um conceito que aparece quando se pensa sobre Ética. Por isso uma discussão sobre o conceito de Moral e sua relação com Ética é apresentado. Discutir Ética significa entender o conceito na sociedade porque Ética não pode acontecer a uma pessoa sozinha. Pessoas se relacionam na (...)
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    Are families out of date?Mary Midgley & Judith Hughes - 1997 - In Hilde Lindemann (ed.), Feminism and Families. Routledge. pp. 55--68.
  33. The 1994 International Buddhist-Christian Theological Encounter.Judith Simmer-Brown & John Borelli - forthcoming - Buddhist-Christian Studies.
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    The Flying Phoenix: Aspects of Chinese Sectarianism in Taiwan.Judith Magee Boltz, David K. Jordan & Daniel L. Overmyer - 1989 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 109 (3):499.
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  35.  54
    Ce que vaut la vie.Judith Revel - 2007 - Multitudes 4 (4):5-10.
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    The Task Force Report: Comprehensible Forest or Unknown Beetles?Judith Wilson Ross - 1999 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 10 (1):26-33.
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    De la vie en milieu précaire.Judith Revel - 2007 - Multitudes 27 (4):157-171.
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    'A Gentle Death? A Christian View of Euthanasia, 109-110'A Christian Response to Physician-Assisted Suicide', 279-280.Abraham S. Abraham, Judith Abrams, Steven Abrams, Sura Al-Ahzab, Sura Al-Bakara, Gad Al-Hak, Sura Al-Hegret, Sura Al-Nahl, Sura Al-Omran & Sura Al-Sura - 1997 - Bioethics Yearbook: Volume 5-Theological Developments in Bioethics: 1992-1994 5:289.
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    Educational intervention in patients with bruxism and temporomandibular dysfunction.Judith Aúcar López, Siomara Hidalgo Hidalgo, Loreydis Castañeda Casal, Maitee Lajes Ugarte & Melania Josefa Díaz Ramos - 2018 - Humanidades Médicas 18 (3):469-488.
    RESUMEN El presente texto expone los resultados de un estudio prospectivo, del tipo de intervención comunitaria aplicado en la Clínica Estomatológica Docente La Vigía, provincia Camagüey, con el objetivo de instrumentar una estrategia educativa en pacientes con bruxismo y disfunción temporomandibular en el período de enero de 2017 a enero de 2018. Se diseñó y aplicó una estrategia educativa según la metodología utilizada por la Maestría Nacional de Educación para la salud. Predominó el sexo femenino y las edades comprendidas entre (...)
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    Engaging the public : the role of the media.Chang Ai-Lien & Judith Tan - 2010 - In John Elliott, W. Calvin Ho & Sylvia S. N. Lim (eds.), Bioethics in Singapore: The Ethical Microcosm. World Scientific. pp. 51.
  41. Aproximaciones a la imagen biblica Del hombre.Nelhbe Judith Bordón - 1977 - Humanitas 24:61.
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    Actors-in-time: A proposed real time, decisional model for evaluating the ethical content of decisions in the financial services industry.Allen D. Engle, Judith Winters Spain & J. C. Thompson - 2002 - Teaching Business Ethics 6 (1):137-150.
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  43. Edited volumes-science literacy for the 21st century. Epilogue by nobel laureate Leon Lederman.Stephanie Pace Marshall, Judith A. Scheppler & Michael J. Palmisano - 2002 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 24 (3-4):557-557.
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    The Oxford Handbook of Nineteenth-Century Christian Thought.Joel Rasmussen, Judith Wolfe & Johannes Zachhuber (eds.) - 2017 - Oxford University Press.
    This Handbook considers Christian thought in the long nineteenth century, encompassing not only doctrine and theology, but also Christianity's mutual influence on literature and the arts, political and economic thought, and the natural and social sciences.
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  45. Intergenerational justice and the concept of common concern in marine resource allocation and ocean governance.Judith Schäli - 2019 - In Thomas Cottier, Shaheeza Lalani & Clarence Siziba (eds.), Intergenerational equity: environmental and cultural concerns. Boston: Brill Nijhoff.
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    After Utopia.Judith N. Shklar - 1958 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 18 (4):563-564.
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    A New Fragment of the Kaṭhinavastu of the SarvāstivādavinayaA New Fragment of the Kathinavastu of the Sarvastivadavinaya.Judith M. Boltz & Richard Salomon - 1988 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 108 (4):539.
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    Musical References in the Chinese Classics.Judith Magee Boltz & Walter Kaufmann - 1980 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 100 (1):95.
  49.  26
    New Excursions from the Hall of Harmonious Wind.Judith Magee Boltz & Liu Ts'un-yan - 1986 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 106 (2):392.
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  50. A phenomenological study of near-death experiences, ultimate reality and life after death.Judith A. Boss - 2002 - Ultimate Reality and Meaning 25 (3):214-224.
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