Results for 'Juan Munt'

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  1. Reflexiones sobre la ontología de la economía: la visión tradicional vs. la heterodoxia moderna.Juan Munt & Gisela Barrionuevo - 2010 - Kairos: Revista de Temas Sociales 26:5.
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  2. From understanding to justifying: Computational reliabilism for AI-based forensic evidence evaluation.Juan Manuel Durán, David van der Vloed, Arnout Ruifrok & Rolf J. F. Ypma - 2024 - Forensic Science International: Synergy 9.
    Techniques from artificial intelligence (AI) can be used in forensic evidence evaluation and are currently applied in biometric fields. However, it is generally not possible to fully understand how and why these algorithms reach their conclusions. Whether and how we should include such ‘black box’ algorithms in this crucial part of the criminal law system is an open question that has not only scientific but also ethical, legal, and philosophical angles. Ideally, the question should be debated by people with diverse (...)
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  3. Sesgo implícito, externalismo y segunda persona.Juan R. Loaiza - 2025 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 29 (1):73-94.
    En este texto, sostengo que el estudio psicológico del sesgo implícito puede beneficiarse de los enfoques de segunda persona. Específicamente, muestro que las aproximaciones experimentales dominantes basadas en el Test de Asociación Implícita (IAT por su sigla en inglés) presuponen un internalismo según el cual la posesión de un sesgo implícito se identifica con la posesión de una asociación conceptual. Al equiparar la posesión del sesgo implícito con la posesión de una asociación conceptual, la visión tradicional reduce el sesgo a (...)
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  4. Walking the Path of Taste: On the Kantian Roots of José Vasconcelos’s Aesthetics.Juan Carlos Gonzalez - 2025 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism:1-16.
    I reconstruct 20th-century Mexican philosopher José Vasconcelos’s answers to two important aesthetic-political questions: (1) Can aesthetic judgments bind community? and (2) Can aesthetic judgments drive political, social, and cultural change? My objectives are twofold: one, to show that Vasconcelos’s responses make original contributions to an important aesthetic-political tradition that begins with Kant, and two, to offer key ideas from Vasconcelos’s aesthetics to a wider audience, as an invitation to engage with his work in their research and teaching. In section I, (...)
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    Trust and Trustworthiness in AI.Juan Manuel Durán & Giorgia Pozzi - 2025 - Philosophy and Technology 38 (1):1-31.
    Achieving trustworthy AI is increasingly considered an essential desideratum to integrate AI systems into sensitive societal fields, such as criminal justice, finance, medicine, and healthcare, among others. For this reason, it is important to spell out clearly its characteristics, merits, and shortcomings. This article is the first survey in the specialized literature that maps out the philosophical landscape surrounding trust and trustworthiness in AI. To achieve our goals, we proceed as follows. We start by discussing philosophical positions on trust and (...)
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    Coaching by Age: An Analysis of Coaches’ Paternalistic Leadership on Youth Athletes’ Organizational Citizenship Behavior in China.Juan Li, Sitan Li, Jianbo Hu & Ruichang Chen - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Based on social cognitive theory, we studied the relationship between coaches’ paternalistic leadership and youth athletes’ organizational citizenship behavior and the mediation effect of athletes’ trust in coaches, in China. This age-specific research was conducted among more than 2,000 Chinese youth soccer players. Overall, 758 youth soccer players, aged 13–18 years, completed a self-report questionnaire. The results showed that the three dimensions of the coaches’ PL have different relationships with OCB, and the differences were due to differences in athletes’ ages. (...)
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    Nation and globalization as social interaction: Interdiscursivity of discourse and semiosis in the 2008 Beijing Olympics' opening ceremony.Juan Li - 2014 - Semiotica 2014 (200):137-164.
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    Cultural variation of emotions and radical relativism.Juan R. Loaiza - forthcoming - Theory & Psychology.
    One important question in emotion science is determining what emotions there are. To answer this question, researchers have assumed either that folk emotion concepts are unsuitable for scientific inquiry, or that they are constitutive or explanatorily significant for emotion research. Either option faces a challenge from the cultural variability of folk emotion concepts, prompting debate on the universality of emotions. I contend that cultural variation in emotion should be construed as variations in components rather than entire emotional repertoires. To do (...)
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    The undereducation and overcriminalization of US Latinas/os: A post-Los Angeles riots LatCrit analysis.Juan Carlos González & Edwardo L. Portillos - 2007 - Educational Studies 42 (3):247-266.
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    Que Moral Para un Derecho Intercultural? La Autonomía y el Concepto “Simpliciter” de Tolerancia.Juan Pablo Zambrano Tiznado - 2012 - Trans/Form/Ação 35 (3):221-230.
    El objetivo del presente trabajo es doble. En primer lugar, pretendo defender un concepto simpliciter de tolerancia según el cual la autonomía personal o la necesidad de fortalecer una cultura son las únicas razones que debe ponderar el agente-Estado para tolerar. En segundo lugar, pretendo responder afirmativamente a la pregunta de si puede el liberalismo perfeccionista y multicultural de Joseph Raz sostener desde la teoría moral y política un derecho intercultural. Para cumplir estos objetivos, me concentraré en los usos morales (...)
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  11. Eucaristía y vida contemplativa.Juan María de la Torre - 2011 - Nova et Vetera: Temas de Vida Cristiana 35 (71):77-84.
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  12. Lenguaje informático Y moléculas de la Vida.Juan Manuel Torres - 2011 - Ludus Vitalis 19 (36):321-324.
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    La doctrina del eterno retorno y los avances de la ciencia.Juan Trejos - 1964 - Madrid,: Ediciones Iberoamericanos.
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    Antecedents of Tourists’ Environmentally Responsible Behavior: The Perspective of Awe.Juan Jiang, Bo Wendy Gao & Xinwei Su - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The promotion of tourists’ environmentally responsible behavior plays a central role in destination management for sustainability. Based on the stimulus–organism–response framework, this study proposes an integrated model for behavior management by examining the relationship between stimuli and response factors through the organism. Survey data from 458 tourists visiting Mount Heng in Hunan Province, Southern China, were used to empirically evaluate the proposed framework. The findings demonstrate that the perception of a destination’s natural environment positively impacts tourists’ sense of awe and (...)
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  15. Acuíferos de emociones.Juan Carlos Pérez Jiménez - 2006 - Contrastes: Revista Cultural 43:115-117.
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    Problematismo, lucidez y pontencialidad de la filosofía zubiriana de la inteligencia.Víctor M. Tirado San Juan - 2022 - Quaestio 21:97-128.
    After the last very deep and intense investigations on Zubiri’s thought carried out in recent decades, this essay aims to contribute to make an assessment of the current state of the matter, examining several fundamental problems concerning human knowledge, which has been masterfully elucidated by the Spanish thinker: the question of truth and its modalities; the link between truth, knowledge and reality (the question of realism, types of scepticism and the question of hermeneutic). It is also about seeing the question (...)
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  17. Spinoza, Marx, and the Terror of Racism.E. San Juan Jr - 2003 - Nature, Society, and Thought 16 (2):193-230.
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    Identification with characters and narrative persuasion through fictional feature films.Juan-José Igartua - 2010 - Communications 35 (4):347-373.
    This article presents three studies examining the importance of identification with characters in research on media entertainment. In Study 1 it was found that identification with characters was associated with spectators' degree of enjoyment of feature films of different genres. Study 2 showed that identification with characters predicts the affective impact of a dramatic film and, also, it was associated with greater cognitive elaboration and a more complex reflexive process during the viewing of the dramatic film. In Study 3 it (...)
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    Disabling Scaffolds: The Lived Embodiment of Disability in an Oppressive Sociomaterial Environment.Juan Toro, Erik Rietveld & Julian Kiverstein - forthcoming - Topoi:1-15.
    The influential social model understands disability in terms of oppression instantiated in a material environment that disables bodily impaired people. Many of the demands of disability activists for what we might call equal material access have since been satisfied. Yet oppression of subtler psychological and emotional forms persists for many disabled people. We will argue that the results of these psychosocial forms of oppression is that scaffolding which was set up to provide access to disabled people may become disabling. We (...)
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    Del sueño al vuelo hacia Dios por la poesía de Fermín de Mieza. Examen de su evolución a través de cuatro obras, de 1983 a 1999.Juan J. Pindado Uslé - 2001 - Naturaleza y Gracia 1:203-230.
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  21. Joan Scott y Frank Ankersmit.Juan Ignacio Veleda - 2020 - In Rosa Belvedresi, La filosofía de la historia hoy: preguntas y problemas. Rosario [Argentina]: Prohistoria Ediciones.
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  22. Lordon, Fréderic (2018), La sociedad de los afectos: por un estructuralismo de las pasiones.Juan Franco Vidal - 2021 - Páginas de Filosofía 21 (24):112-122.
    Se trata de una reseña del libro de Lordon, Fréderic, La sociedad de los afectos: por un estructuralismo de las pasiones. Buenos Aires, Adriana Hidalgo editora, 360 páginas. ARK: ark:/s18537960/sejo0udld.
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    La simpatía como concepto moral.Juan Carlos Suárez Villegas - 2009 - Anuario Filosófico 42 (94):159-178.
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  24. Memética E imitación: Posibilidades desde un enfoque cognitivista1.Juan Carlos Vélez & David Fajardo Chica - 2009 - Ludus Vitalis 17 (31):87-101.
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  25. Catálogo crítico de publicaciones recientes.Juan Adolfo Vázquez - 1959 - Philosophia (Misc.) 22:73.
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    Acting Green? Private Environmental Coalitions in the United States.Juan Pablo González - forthcoming - Business and Society.
    Voluntary environmental programs (VEPs) have gained popularity in recent times as stakeholders strengthen pressure on private firms to address the climate crisis. In this article, I analyze a type of VEP with increasing importance within the private sector: environmental coalitions. Focusing on US publicly traded firms, I show that the firms that join a green coalition are greener than others and that they were also greener before becoming members. I apply a difference-in-differences design, using the fact that different firms became (...)
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    Attempts to account for chemical periodicity in terms of the electronic structure of elements: Thomson, Bohr and Madelung.Juan Quílez - forthcoming - Foundations of Chemistry:1-31.
    This paper performs a historical study of the attempts made by Thomson and Bohr to explain the Periodic Table in terms of the electronic configurations of chemical elements. Specifically, Thomson’s early theoretical ideas about the electronic arrangements of atoms are initially outlined. This system gave way to the first quantum constrains introduced by Bohr in 1913. It is discussed how Bohr eventually revised this initial work on this topic ten years later. Then, it is presented a concise historical account of (...)
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    Schelling’s Ontological Turn: Pronominal Being against Fichte’s Idealism of Absolute Reflection.Juan José Rodríguez - 2025 - Sophia 64 (1):21-35.
    This article explores Schelling's critique of Fichte's idealism in light of his evolving metaphysical framework, emphasizing his affirmation of the primacy of nature. By challenging Fichte's concept of being, Schelling underscores the importance of a realist position that asserts the unity of ideal and real, drawing on Hölderlin’s idea of Being as trans-reflexive. The first major theme examined is Schelling’s critique of the distinction between consciousness and its real content, which Fichte's system inadvertently promotes. Schelling counters this by advocating for (...)
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    The time of survival Friendship and mourning in Jacques Derrida.Juan Álvarez - 2024 - Ideas Y Valores 73 (186):75-97.
    Jacques Derrida argues that what constitutes and structures a priori friendship is the death of the friend, his anticipated and originary mourning. From this approach, and in a joint reading with the notion of philia in Aristotle, this article seeks to achieve an in-depth understanding of the Derridian thesis on friendship and advances towards a hypothesis about friendship as survival or incessant affirmation of the to come.
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    Philosophy as a Base for Management: An Aristotelian Integrative Proposal.Juan Fontrodona & Domènec Melé - 2002 - Philosophy of Management 2 (2):3-9.
    Current theories of management have difficulty overcoming certain problems and limitations related to some features of the field itself multiplicity, midtidisciplinarityt fragmentation, presence or lack of paradigms, se/freferentiality, and ethnocentrism. This paper first reviews these issues broadly. Then, it emphasises the preponderance of the scientific method and the exclusion of philosophy as theoretical foundations for management. It proposes taking philosophy as the science to provide the foundations of management. It explains how philosophy — especially philosophy that has its roots in (...)
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  31. A One-Page Proof of a Theorem of Beleznay.Juan P. Aguilera & Martina Iannella - 2024 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 30 (4):536-537.
    We give a short proof of a theorem of Beleznay asserting that the set $L2$ of reals coding linear orders of the form $I + I$ is complete analytic.
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  32. Beyond Sovereignty in advance.Juan Pablo Arteaga - forthcoming - Philosophy Today.
    Jacques Derrida uses the expression democracy to come to think a new figure to come that is beyond sovereignty. However, I argue that, if we are to think beyond sovereignty, democracy to come is insufficient and it must be considered together with voyoucracy since, according to Derrida himself, the latter is a transgressive countersovereignty and has all the makings of a counterconcept of sovereignty. To explain and defend this thesis, first, I describe the expression democracy to come. I begin with (...)
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  33. Vitam instituere. Genealogy of the institution.Juan Francisco Franck - 2025 - Prometeica - Revista De Filosofía Y Ciencias 32.
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  34. Leonardo Polo y las teorías de la verdad.Juan-José Padial - forthcoming - Studia Poliana.
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    Lógica elemental.Juan Rivano - 1970 - [Santiago de Chile]: Editorial Universitaria.
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    Attitudes, Content and Identity: A Dynamic View.Juan J. Acero - 1996 - In J. Ezquerro A. Clark, Philosophy and Cognitive Science: Categories, Consciousness, and Reasoning. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 135--158.
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  37. El hombre.Juan Antonio Ahumada - unknown
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    Criterio social de Luis Vives.Juan Bautista Gomis - 1946 - Madrid,: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Instituto "Balmes," de Sociología.
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    ¿ Cómo es posible el orden organizacional? Hacia Una revisión de Los supuestos sociológicos acerca de las organizaciones.Juan Pablo Gonnet - 2012 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 9.
    La sociología de las organizaciones reconoce a Weber como un referente fundacional del sub-campo disciplinar, centralmente, a partir de su análisis del fenómeno de la dominación burocrática. Si bien ha habido cuestionamientos y distanciamientos en relación a las observaciones seminales de Weber, consideramos que los supuestos básicos de esta herencia no han sido suficientemente problematizados. La sociología de las organizaciones ha tendido a conceptualizar a su objeto de estudio desde las caracterizaciones de la teoría de la burocracia y a asumir (...)
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  40. La globalización: ante una encrucijada político-jurídica.Juan Ramón Capella Hernández - 2005 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 39:13-24.
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    Validez ejemplar, sentido común y universalismo: um estudio sobre la ejemplaridad en Kant y en la retórica aristotélica.Juan Carlos Castro Hernandez - 2019 - Trans/Form/Ação 42 (3):33-54.
    Resumen: Una de las nociones más controvertidas dentro de las interpretaciones contemporáneas de la Crítica de la facultad de juzgar, es la de “sentido común”. Junto a éste, Kant propuso un nuevo modelo de validez normativa calificada como “ejemplar”, cuyo planteamiento resulta bastante problemático. El presente artículo propone una lectura y una interpretación de este tipo de validez, a partir de la reactualización realizada por Alessandro Ferrara, y desde el horizonte de la tradición retórica, representada por Aristóteles Con ello se (...)
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  42. Internet,¿ una oportunidad o una amenaza para la gestión de los derechos?Ignasi Labastida I. Juan - 2010 - Contrastes: Revista Cultural 57:104-111.
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  43. Un enfoque de la filosofía política de Stuart Mill desde la ética utilitarista.Juan Ramón Fuentes Jiménez - 2012 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 39:171-190.
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    Dinamismo intelectivo y subjetividad.Víctor Manuel Tirado San Juan - 1999 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 26:203-224.
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  45. Hugh MacDiarmid: Sketch of a Materialist Poetics.E. San Juan Jr - 1993 - Nature, Society, and Thought 6 (4):411-436.
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    Ted Becker y Christa Daryl Slaton: The Future of Teledemocracy, Praeger, Westport, Connecticut, 2000.María Jesús Hinojal Juan - 2002 - Foro Interno. Anuario de Teoría Política 2:135-172.
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  47. The Revolutionary Aesthetics of Frederick Engels.E. San Juan Jr - 1995 - Nature, Society, and Thought 8 (4):405-432.
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  48. El museo de la novela de la Eterna: el mundo fue inventado antiguo….Juan Guillermo Sánchez Martínez - 2010 - Logos: Revista de la Facultad de Filosofia y Humanidades 17:135-144.
    In 1967 Macedonio Fernández proposed new perspectives to read and write the Latin American novel with El museo de la novela de la Eterna. This article will analyze some of the metafictional games which the Argentinean writer played in his great work. At the same time, it will show how these games developed –with their unique style– foundational concepts of Literature Studies, presented in theory streams such as Formalism, Structuralism and Postmodernism.
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  49. Racionalismo Crítico y Kant.Juan-Antonio Nicolás Marín & Manuel Sánchez Rodríguez - 2005 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 61 (3):901-928.
    O presente artigo trata da influência exercida pela filosofia kantiana na actualidade a partir da chamada crise da Modernidade ilustrada. Os autores começam por analisar o posicionamento original kantiano, incidindo especialmente na sua concepção do criticismo e do transcendentalismo. Esta análise é feita a partir da perspectiva da aberta pela Kritik der Urteilskraft enquanto marco do sistema da razão, capaz de incorporar a finitude da mesma. Seguidamente são analisadas a recepção e a transformação do pensamento kantiano a partir de duas (...)
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  50. (1 other version)El mundo nuevo..Juan Stefanich - 1941 - Buenos Aires,: Editorial Paraguay nuevo.
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