Results for 'Jozef Zajac'

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  1. Jozef Tischner (1931-2000): Dialogue on earth--the synergy of christianity and terrism.Jozef Tischner - 2000 - Dialogue and Universalism 10 (9-10):123-124.
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    Boleslaw Jozef gawecki-a philosopher of the natural sciences.Jozef M. Dolega - 2001 - In Władysław Krajewski, Polish philosophers of science and nature in the 20th century. New York, NY: Rodopi. pp. 3--75.
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  3. Punishing Robots – Way Out of Sparrow’s Responsibility Attribution Problem.Maciek Zając - 2020 - Journal of Military Ethics 19 (4):285-291.
    The Laws of Armed Conflict require that war crimes be attributed to individuals who can be held responsible and be punished. Yet assigning responsibility for the actions of Lethal Autonomous Weapon...
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  4. Spare Not a Naked Soldier: A Response to Daniel Restrepo.Maciek Zając - 2022 - Journal of Military Ethics 21 (1):66-81.
    In his recent JME article Daniel Restrepo argues that both legal and ethical rules should protect the so-called Naked Soldiers, combatants engaged in activity unrelated to military operations and unaware of the imminent danger threatening them. I criticize this position from several angles. I deny the existence of any link between vulnerability and innocence, and claim ignorance of deadly threats does not give rise to a morally distinguished type of vulnerability. I argue that actions not contributing to the war effort (...)
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    An Obituary to Józef Tischner.Józef Bremer Sj - 2001 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 6:235-237.
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  6. Beyond Deadlock: Low Hanging Fruit and Strict yet Available Options in AWS Regulation.Maciej Zając - 2022 - Journal of Ethics and Emerging Technologies 2 (32):1-14.
    Efforts to ban Autonomous Weapon Systems were both unsuccessful and controversial. Simultaneously the need to address the detrimental aspects of AWS development and proliferation continues to grow in scope and urgency. The article presents several regulatory solutions capable of addressing the issue while simultaneously respecting the requirements of military necessity and so attracting a broad consensus. Two much stricter solutions – regional AWS bans and adoption of a no first use policy – are also presented as fallback strategies in case (...)
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    Promoting virtual, informal learning now to thrive in a post‐pandemic world.Stephanie Zajac, Jason Randall & Courtney Holladay - 2022 - Business and Society Review 127 (S1):283-298.
    Business and Society Review, Volume 127, Issue S1, Page 283-298, Spring 2022.
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    An Obituary for Prof. Józef Kałuża.Józef Bremer - 1970 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 9 (1):273-275.
    After the unexpected death of Professor Józef Kałuża at the age of 74 on the 26th of July 2003, not only Polish neuropathology but also Polish philosophy of medical investigations lost one of its most renowned minds. Beginning in 1949, Professor Kałuża studied medical sciences for five years at the Medical Faculty of the Jagiellonian University in Cracow. He did his Ph.D. thesis in neuropathology in the Department of Neuropathology of the Polish Academy of Science. In 1962 he received a (...)
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  9. Wielkość grupy społecznej a demokracja u Montesquieu.Józef Chałasiński - 1927 - Kwartalnik Filozoficzny 5 (2):152-184.
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    Affine spaces over GF(3).Józef Dudek - 2002 - Studia Logica 72 (3):363-366.
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    Performance, promotion and information.Zajac Jaroslav - 2004 - Journal of Business Ethics 50 (2):187-198.
    If a firm provides incentives by promoting those who have performed well in a job, it may transfer them to a job to which they are not well suited and agents are promoted to their levels of incompetence. Tournaments are an alternative to reputation as a means of ensuring that firms reward good performance when performance is unverifiable.
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    Terms of reference: The moral economy of reputation in a sharing economy platform.Karolina Mikołajewska-Zając - 2018 - European Journal of Social Theory 21 (2):148-168.
    Reputation is often seen as central to the coordination of transactions in sharing economy platforms. Participants perform a double role regarding reputation management: while engaging in exchanges with other peers, they build their individual ‘reputation capital’ and simultaneously execute community oversight. In Couchsurfing (CS), a network often cited as paradigmatic of the sharing economy, there is, however, a clear bias for positive references. In the digital economy literature, participants’ friendly behaviour is understood as motivated by self-interest and an incentive to (...)
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    I don't think that's what< em> really happened: The effect of cross-examination on the accuracy of children's reports.Rachel Zajac & Harlene Hayne - 2003 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied 9 (3):187.
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    Postural control: A further look at neural control stategies set by boundaries in space.Felix E. Zajac - 1985 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 8 (1):167-167.
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    Paradigmatic deformations of the grotesque.Marta Zajac - 1997 - The European Legacy 2 (4):793-797.
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  16. Practical and Productive Thinking in Aristotle.Jozef Müller - 2018 - Phronesis 63 (2):148-175.
    I argue that on Aristotle’s account practical thinking is thinking whose origin (archē) is a desire that has as its object the very thing that one reasons about how to promote. This feature distinguishes practical from productive reasoning since in the latter the desire that initiates it is not (unless incidentally) a desire for the object that one productively reasons about. The feature has several interesting consequences: (a) there is only a contingent relationship between the desire that one practically reasons (...)
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  17. No Right To Mercy - Making Sense of Arguments From Dignity in the Lethal Autonomous Weapons Debate.Maciej Zając - 2020 - Etyka 59 (1):134-55.
    Arguments from human dignity feature prominently in the Lethal Autonomous Weapons moral feasibility debate, even though their exists considerable controversy over their role and soundness and the notion of dignity remains under-defined. Drawing on the work of Dieter Birnbacher, I fix the sub-discourse as referring to the essential value of human persons in general, and to postulated moral rights of combatants not covered within the existing paradigm of the International Humanitarian Law in particular. I then review and critique dignity-based arguments (...)
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    An Obituary to Józef Tischner.Józef Bremer - 1970 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 6 (1):235-237.
    Where you have freedom, the meaning of the word increases, where the word is meaningful, you presuppose freedom." Józef Tischner.
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    Introduction to Call for Papers on Ethics of War.Maciej Zając - 2024 - Etyka 59 (1-2):7-9.
    The field of war ethics changes its focus, and grows, in reaction to salient conflicts of the day – and this is how things should be. World War II made the deficiencies of contemporary law and policy crystal clear, remaining the obvious reference point up to this day. It was in reaction to the atrocities of the Vietnam War that Michael Walzer and others made just war theory relevant again, featured in military academies and politician’s speeches. The Iraq War inspired (...)
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    Józef Andrzej Stuchliński, Problemy wyboru strategii metodologicznej w biologii współczesnej (Choice of Methodological Strategy in Contemporary Biology). [REVIEW]Józef Andrzej Stuchliński - 1980 - Dialectics and Humanism 7 (2):170-174.
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  21. Defeating Ignorance – Ius ad Bellum Heuristics for Modern Professional Soldiers.Maciej Marek Zając - 2018 - Diametros 62 (62):1-17.
    Just War Theory debates discussing the principle of the Moral Equality of Combatants involve the notion of Invincible Ignorance; the claim that warfi ghters are morally excused for participating in an unjust war because of their epistemic limitations. Conditions of military deployment may indeed lead to genuinely insurmountable epistemic limitations. In other cases, these may be overcome. This paper provides a preliminary sketch of heuristics designed to allow a combatant to judge whether or not his war is just. It delineates (...)
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    (1 other version)Actes du deuxième congrès international de l'union internationale de philosophie Des sciences.K. Józef St - 1955 - Dialectica 9 (3-4):278-278.
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    Bring Them Home: Creating a Humane and Enforceable POW Parole System.Maciej Zając - 2025 - Journal of Military Ethics 23 (3):182-200.
    There are several strong moral reasons for restoring the practice of parole for prisoners of war (POWs), that is, allowing them to spend their POW internment in a neutral country or in their own country provided they abstain from any military activity. This article makes an ethical case for parole, while discussing thoroughly theoretical as well as practical arguments against its reintroduction. The article suggests ways to create a reliable, internationally recognized way of paroling POWs. It concludes that the reintroduction (...)
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    Filozofia po tej i tamtej stronie wieku: materiały z konferencji naukowej, Katowice-Wisła, 10-14 maja 1999 roku.Józef Bańka (ed.) - 2000 - Katowice: Wydawn. Uniwersytetu Śląskiego.
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    Psychoanalyse - Wissenschaft oder Mythos?Józef Bremer - 2001 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 6:114-116.
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  26. Epistemologiczny sens idei bezzałożeniowości oraz inne aspekty problematyki bezzałożeniowego fundowania wiedzy.Józef Dębowski - 1988 - Studia Filozoficzne 268 (3).
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    W kwestii prawdziwości dzieł sztuki.Józef Dębowski - 2019 - Humanistyka I Przyrodoznawstwo 24:455-469.
    W niniejszym artykule rozważam możliwość orzekania prawdy i fałszu o wytworach aktywności artystycznej człowieka, czyli dziełach sztuki. Rozważania te zawierają trzy ograniczenia: w polu moich zainteresowań pozostają przede wszystkim literackie dzieła sztuki; chodzi mi przede wszystkim o czysto poznawczy sens prawdy i fałszu, w szczególności, możliwość aplikacji tzw. klasycznej definicji prawdy; za podstawę swoich rozważań biorę przede wszystkim ustalenia wypływające z rozważań fenomenologów, w szczególności: W. Stróżewskiego, R. Ingardena, M. Heideggera i E. Husserla. Ustalenia te pozwalają mi ostatecznie przyjąć, iż (...)
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    Hemisphere asymmetry: Old views in new light.Jozef Černáček - 1985 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 8 (4):636-636.
  29. O terminologii psychologicznej.Józef K. Potocki - 1897 - Przegląd Filozoficzny 1 (1).
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  30. Sextus Empiricus przeciw muzykom.Józef Reiss - 1935 - Kwartalnik Filozoficzny 12 (2):136-185.
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  31. Crypta refugii: L'obbedienza come esperienza di sicurezza in dio in San Francesco d'assisi.Andrzej Zajac - 2012 - Miscellanea Francescana 112 (3-4):485-503.
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  32. Dwa rodzaje wypełnienia i dwa typy wiedzy: Husserl i Russell.Mirosław Zając - 1988 - Studia Filozoficzne 275 (10).
  33. Deux types de connaissance chez Husserl et Russell.M. Zajac - 1988 - Studia Filozoficzne 275:23-32.
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  34. Dyskusja wokół społecznej filozofii nauki szkoły edynburskiej.Mirosław Zając - 1989 - Studia Filozoficzne 281 (4).
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    Historia tureckojęzycznej literatury na Cyprze i jej związki z literaturą turecką.Grażyna Zając - 2024 - Rocznik Filozoficzny Ignatianum 30 (3):191-208.
    Celem artykułu jest zwięzłe przedstawienie historii rozwoju literatury Turków cypryjskich od momentu pojawienia się Osmanów na wyspie pod koniec XVI wieku po czasy najnowsze. Osmańscy zdobywcy przywieźli na Cypr swoją tradycję, kulturę i literaturę, ale rozwój piśmiennictwa na wyspie odbywał się w innym tempie i w zależności od sytuacji politycznej podlegał różnym wpływom, nie tylko anatolijskim. Także wielokulturowość miała duży wpływ na charakter rozwoju tureckojęzycznej literatury w ciągu całej 450-letniej obecności Turków na wyspie. W artykule przedstawiono pokrótce najważniejsze wydarzenia polityczne, (...)
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  36. Próba systematycznej artykulacji metafilozofii Richarda Rorty'ego.Patryk Zając - 2012 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 83 (3):111-116.
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  37. Przyczynowość stanów mentalnych.Mirosław Zając - 1996 - Nowa Krytyka 7.
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    Thomas More in The Catholic Lawyer.Hal Zajac - 1976 - Moreana 13 (3):81-82.
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  39. Wielki Brat Szef: Kontrola pracowników przy użyciu nowo− czesnych technologii i jej aspekty psychospołeczne.„.Jan M. Zając - forthcoming - Zagadnienia Naukoznawstwa.
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  40. Aristotle on Virtue of Character and the Authority of Reason.Jozef Müller - 2019 - Phronesis: A Journal for Ancient Philosophy 64 (1):10-56.
    I argue that, for Aristotle, virtue of character is a state of the non-rational part of the soul that makes one prone to making and acting on decisions in virtue of that part’s standing in the right relation to (correct) reason, namely, a relation that qualifies the agent as a true self-lover. In effect, this central feature of virtue of character is nothing else than love of practical wisdom. As I argue, it not only explains how reason can hold direct (...)
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  41. Filozofia i życie.Jóżef Gołuchowski - 2008 - Kronos - metafizyka, kultura, religia 1 (5):240-281.
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  42. Aristotle and the Origins of Evil.Jozef Müller - 2020 - Phronesis: A Journal for Ancient Philosophy 65 (2):179-223.
    The paper addresses the following question: why do human beings, on Aristotle’s view, have an innate tendency to badness, that is, to developing desires that go beyond, and often against, their natural needs? Given Aristotle’s teleological assumptions (including the thesis that nature does nothing in vain), such tendency should not be present. I argue that the culprit is to be found in the workings of rationality. In particular, it is the presence of theoretical reason that necessitates the limitless nature of (...)
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    How Do Institutional Prescriptions (Fail to) Address Governance Challenges Under Institutional Hybridity? The Case of Governance Code Creation for Cooperative Enterprises.Jozef Cossey, Adrien Billiet, Frédéric Dufays & Johan Bruneel - 2025 - Journal of Business Ethics 196 (2):451-470.
    Codes of governance have mushroomed in contexts operating under a single, dominant institutional logic, such as publicly listed corporations. These codes act as institutional prescriptions that help spread best practices throughout industries. More recently, in some countries, specific codes have been developed for hybrid organizations that integrate multiple, conflicting institutional logics simultaneously, such as cooperative enterprises. Drawing on an extensive set of qualitative data, we ask how such institutional prescriptions may (fail to) address governance challenges in organizations with multiple, conflicting (...)
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  44. Filozofia nauk o ochronie środowiska i kultura ekologiczna.Jozef M. Dołega - 2000 - Studia Philosophiae Christianae 36 (2):67-79.
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  45. Uwagi nad pragmatyzmem, jako metodą heurystyczną i opisową.Józef Mirsk - 1922 - Kwartalnik Filozoficzny 1 (2):233-238.
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  46. Kryzys w metodologii - przyczyny choroby i rokowania na przyszłość.Józef Misiek - 1996 - Filozofia Nauki 2.
    The great vision of logical empiricism brought up a hope for ultimate solving the problem of understanding our knowledge. Starting, for the first time in the history of empiricism, from a point of view typical for mathematicians not empiricists, i.e. from the program of logicism, the philosophers of Vienna Circle aimed at creating a consistent philosophy which makes possible both mathematics and empirical knowledge. Today, after more than a half century, their efforts seem to be completely futile. The topic of (...)
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    Fine arts and pictorial competence.Jožef Muhovič - 1998 - Semiotica 118 (1-2):71-90.
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    Tvorivost̕ literatúry.Peter Zajac - 1990 - Bratislava: Slovenský spisovatel̕.
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    Józef Żuraw, Myśl Filozoficzna I Społeczna Tadeusza Kościuszki. Tradycje I Współczesnść (The Philosophical and Social Thought Of Tadeusz Kościuszko. Traditions and the Present Day). [REVIEW]Józef Żuraw - 1980 - Dialectics and Humanism 7 (2):168-170.
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  50. AWS compliance with the ethical principle of proportionality: three possible solutions.Maciek Zając - 2023 - Ethics and Information Technology 25 (1):1-13.
    The ethical Principle of Proportionality requires combatants not to cause collateral harm excessive in comparison to the anticipated military advantage of an attack. This principle is considered a major (and perhaps insurmountable) obstacle to ethical use of autonomous weapon systems (AWS). This article reviews three possible solutions to the problem of achieving Proportionality compliance in AWS. In doing so, I describe and discuss the three components Proportionality judgments, namely collateral damage estimation, assessment of anticipated military advantage, and judgment of “excessiveness”. (...)
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