Results for 'Jovan Arandjelovic'

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    Can philosophy contribute to a change of ethos? (The road from the law of the ethos toward European law.Jovan Arandjelovic - 2003 - Filozofija I Društvo 2003 (21):117-135.
    The author examines the character of the changes taking place in contemporary Serbian society. He emphasizes at the same time that contemporary Serbian philosophy is facing these crucial questions as well, which without it cannot be even addressed, let alone solved. The key difference between modern West European and contemporary Serbian societies, seen from the perspective of philosophy, is demonstrated most clearly in the manner of constituting institutions and transforming the modern Serbian society. In the process of building modern institutions (...)
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    Vladimir N. Cvetkovic: Polis i filozofija - anticka filozofija i njen istorijsko-politicki horizont, Sluzbeni list SRJ, Beograd, 2002.Jovan Arandjelovic - 2002 - Filozofija I Društvo 2002 (19):387-392.
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  3. Self-Regarding / Other-Regarding Acts: Some Remarks.Jovan Babic - 2006 - Prolegomena 5 (2):193-207.
    In his essay On Liberty, John Stuart Mill presents the famous harm principle in the following manner: “[…] the sole end for which mankind are warranted, individually or collectively, in interfering with the liberty of action of any of their number, is self-protection. […] The only part of the conduct of anyone, for which he is amenable to society, is that which concerns others. […] Over himself, over his own body and mind, the individual is sovereign.” Hence, there is a (...)
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  4. Masculinity and the questions of “is” and “ought”: revisiting the definition of the notion of masculinity itself.Ognjen Arandjelovic - 2023 - Sexes 4 (4):448-461.
    The Oxford English Dictionary (OED) lists 1571 as the year of the first recorded use of the English word ‘masculinity’; the Ancient Greek ανδρεια (andreia), usually translated as ‘courage’, was also used to refer to manliness. The notion of manliness or masculinity is undoubtedly older still. Yet, despite this seeming familiarity, not only is the notion proving to be highly elusive, its understanding by the society being in a constant flux, but also one which is at the root of bitter (...)
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  5. Die Pflicht, nicht zu lügen — Eine vollkommene, jedoch nicht auch juridische Pflicht.Babić Jovan - 2000 - Kant Studien 91 (4):433-446.
  6. Logic of catastrophe - deep logic of reality.Jovan Babić - 2021 - In Nenad Cekić (ed.), Етика и истина у доба кризе. Belgrade: University of Belgrade - Faculty of Philosophy. pp. 11-30.
    The huge change brought about by the corona virus pandemic contains some structural characteristics that define it as a catastrophe. The text explores and offers an outline of a possible analysis of some of the logical and normative features of this phenomenon.
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    Speaking from the bedrock of ethics.Spoma Jovanic & Roy V. Wood - 2004 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 37 (4):317-334.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Rhetoric 37.4 (2004) 317-334 [Access article in PDF] Speaking from the Bedrock of Ethics Spoma Jovanovic Department of Communication University of North Carolina, Greensboro Roy V. Wood Human Communication Studies University of Denver In a moment familiar to many of us, one of the authors of this piece attended a philosophical meeting on the topic of Emmanuel Levinas. "So, you are in communication studies," said a philosopher (...)
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    On the Subjective Value of Life.Ognjen Arandjelović - 2023 - Philosophies 8 (2):23.
    Claims (or the implicit assumption of the inherent worth of life) are pervasive and remain virtually unchallenged. I have already argued that these outright moral dictates are thinly veiled vestiges of theological ethics which, following the removal of their theological foundations, remain little more than nebulous claims supported only by fear of the consequences of a challenge. In my previous work, I rejected an a priori claim of an objective life’s worth, which is the worth that we should assign to (...)
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    (1 other version)On normative judgments and ethics.Arandjelović Ognjen - forthcoming - Most Recent Articles: Bmc Medical Ethics.
    Recent rapid technological and medical advance has more than ever before brought to the fore a spectrum of problems broadly categorized under the umbrella of ‘ethics of human enhancement’. Some of the most con...
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    Bearings: an essay on fundamental philosophy.Jovan Brkic - 2013 - New York: Peter Lang Publishing.
    Warm-up -- Definability -- Neti neti -- Space-time -- The known universe -- The biosphere -- The separation region -- The sociosphere -- The phenomenon of family -- The phenomenon of state -- The phenomenon of religion -- The phenomenon of norms -- Where's the future?
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    Norm and order.Jovan Brkić - 1970 - New York,: Humanities Press.
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    Presecanje haosa.Jovan écekiâc - 1998 - Beograd: Geopoetika.
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    Jutra sa Leutara: reči o čoveku.Jovan Duéciâc - 1995 - Beograd: Mono.
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    Characteristics of Peer Review Reports: Editor-Suggested Versus Author-Suggested Reviewers.Jovan Shopovski, Cezary Bolek & Monika Bolek - 2020 - Science and Engineering Ethics 26 (2):709-726.
    Peer review is widely recognized as a mechanism for quality control of academic content. This research article aims at comparing the review reports and decisions of reviewers who are members of the editorial board of the European Scientific Journal with those reviewers suggested by the authors and who are not affiliated with the journal. 457 review reports on 378 papers submitted to the ESJ in the period of October–December 2017 were analysed. Statistical methods including OLS and Wilcoxon rank-sum test were (...)
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    Samoubistvo i apsurd.Jovan N. Striković - 1982 - [Beograd]: "Partizanska knjiga"--Ljubljana, OOUR Izdavačko-publicistička delatnost Beograd.
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  16. The Ill-Thought-Through Aim to Eliminate the Education Gap Across the Socio-Economic Spectrum.Ognjen Arandjelovic - forthcoming - Open Psychology Journal.
    In an era of dramatic technological progress, the consequent economic transformations, and an increasing need for an adaptable workforce, the importance of education has risen to the forefront of the social discourse. The concurrent increase in the awareness of issues pertaining to social justice and the debate over what this justice entails and how it ought to be effected, feed into the education policy more than ever before. From the nexus of the aforementioned considerations, a concern over the so-called education (...)
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  17. Resolving the Ethical Quagmire of the Persistent Vegetative State.Ognjen Arandjelović - 2023 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice.
    A patient is diagnosed with the persistent vegetative state (PVS) when they show no evidence of the awareness of the self or the environment for an extended period of time. The chance of recovery of any mental function or the ability to interact in a meaningful way is low. Though rare, the condition, considering its nature as a state outwith the realm of the conscious, coupled with the trauma experienced by the patient's kin as well as health care staff confronted (...)
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  18. AI & democracy, and the importance of asking the right questions.Ognjen Arandjelović - 2021 - AI Ethics Journal 2 (1):2.
    Democracy is widely praised as a great achievement of humanity. However, in recent years there has been an increasing amount of concern that its functioning across the world may be eroding. In response, efforts to combat such change are emerging. Considering the pervasiveness of technology and its increasing capabilities, it is no surprise that there has been much focus on the use of artificial intelligence (AI) to this end. Questions as to how AI can be best utilized to extend the (...)
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  19. The Making of a Discriminatory Ism.Ognjen Arandjelović - 2023 - Equality, Diversity and Inclusion 42.
    Purpose: The millennia long struggles of various oppressed groups have over time illuminated widespread social injustices, organically leading to the recognition of yet further injustices captured by the umbrella of discriminatory isms, such as racism, sexism, classism, ableism, anti-Semitism, ageism, heterosexism, and many others. In recent years, the debate has become increasingly fierce, polarized, and even physically violent. -/- Approach: One of the premises of the present work is that in part, the aforementioned unconstructive behaviours are a result of the (...)
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    Kantova koncepcija dužnosti.Jovan Babić - 1991 - Theoria 34 (2):47-68.
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  21. Religious and political toleration in the age of globalization.Jovan Babić - 2002 - Filozofski Godišnjak (15):93-98.
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    War as a phenomenon and as a practice.Jovan Babić - 1995 - Theoria 38 (2):7-34.
  23. Ravnoteza(ne) moi i" glas iz privrede".Jovan Miri - forthcoming - Scientia.
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  24. A Modest Proposal for Preventing the Votes of People with Short Life Expectancy From Being a Long-Term Burden to Their Country.Ognjen Arandjelović - 2023 - Social Sciences 12 (3):173.
    In response to the growing social discontent at what is perceived as generational injustice, due to younger generations of voters facing long-term negative consequences from issues disproportionately decided by the votes of older generations of voters, there have been suggestions to introduce an upper age voting threshold. These have been all but universally dismissed as offensive and contrary to basic democratic values. In the present article, I show that the idea is in fact entirely consonant with present-day democratic practices and (...)
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  25. Ethics of War as a Part of Military Ethics.Jovan Babic - 2016 - In Th R. Elssner & R. Janke (ed.), Didactics of Military Ethics. Brill Nijhoff. pp. 120-126.
  26. Etika i moral.Jovan Babić - 2008 - Theoria: Beograd 51 (2):35-48.
    The main goal in the article is to develop a definition of the morality as the subject of study for ethics, a part of philosophy dealing with the nature and the scope of possible application of morality as a specific evaluational criterion. Some basic features of this specificity have been explored, and a list of ethical theories have been briefly analyzed, two of them in some more details. A sketch of a possible connection between ethics and democracy has been given (...)
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  27. COVID-19 and Science Communication: The Recording and Reporting of Disease Mortality.Ognjen Arandjelovic - 2022 - Information 13 (2):97.
    The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has brought science to the fore of public discourse and, considering the complexity of the issues involved, with it also the challenge of effective and informative science communication. This is a particularly contentious topic, in that it is both highly emotional in and of itself; sits at the nexus of the decision-making process regarding the handling of the pandemic, which has effected lockdowns, social behaviour measures, business closures, and others; and concerns the recording and reporting of (...)
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  28. A more principled use of the p-value? Not so fast: a critique of Colquhoun’s argument.Ognjen Arandjelovic - 2019 - Royal Society Open Science 6 (5):181519.
    The usefulness of the statistic known as the p-value, as a means of quantify-ing the strength of evidence for the presence of an effect from empirical data has long been questioned in the statistical community. In recent years there has been a notable increase in the awareness of both fundamental and practical limitations of the statistic within the target research fields, and especially biomedicine. In this article I analyse the recently published article which, in summary, argues that with a better (...)
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  29. Meta-etika.Jovan Babić - 2006 - Theoria 49 (1-2):100-125.
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    Jedna klasična kritika etičkog formalizma.Jovan Babić - 1994 - Theoria 37 (1):23-40.
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    Social security in crisis conditions.Jovan Pejkovski - 2020 - Годишен зборник на Филозофскиот факултет/The Annual of the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje 73:361-368.
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    The Higher Education and Salaries.Jovan Pejkovski - 2018 - Годишен зборник на Филозофскиот факултет/The Annual of the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje 71:407-415.
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    Sloboda u kavezu.Jovan N. Striković - 1989 - Beograd: Sloboda.
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  34. (1 other version)Primenjena etika.Jovan Babić - 1992 - Theoria 35 (2):97-103.
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  35. Dobra volja.Jovan Babić - 2007 - Theoria 50 (4):7-20.
    Kant begins his most important ethical writing, Groundwork of The metaphysics of morals, with a very strong statement that “it is impossible to think of anything at all in the world, or indeed beyond it, that could be considered good without limitation except a good will”. Other goods, or good features of human nature and the benefits of a good life, are good only under some proper conditions, the most important of which is precisely the good will. It is the (...)
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  36. Ethics of War and Ethics in War.Jovan Babic - 2019 - Conatus 4 (1):9.
    The paper examines the justification of warfare. The main thesis is that war is very difficult to justify, and justification by invoking “justice” is not the way to succeed it. Justification and justness are very different venues: while the first attempts to explain the nature of war and offer possible schemes of resolution, the second aims to endorse a specific type of warfare as correct and hence allowed – which is the crucial part of “just war theory.” However, “just war (...)
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  37. Crime & Punishment: A Rethink.Ognjen Arandjelović - 2023 - Philosophies 8 (3):47.
    Incarceration remains the foremost form of sentence for serious crimes in Western democracies. At the same time, the management of prisons and of the prison population has become a major real-world challenge, with growing concerns about overcrowding, the offenders’ well-being, and the failure of achieving the distal desideratum of reduced criminality, all of which have a moral dimension. In no small part motivated by these practical problems, the focus of the present article is on the ethical framework that we use (...)
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  38. Norm and order.C. Jovan Brki - 1970 - New York,: Humanities Press.
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  39. World Governance.Jovan Babić (ed.) - 2010 (Hardcover) - Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Press.
    In the age of globalization, and increased interdependence in the world that we face today, there is a question we may have to raise: Do we need and could we attain a world government, capable of insuring the peace and facilitating worldwide well-being in a just and efficient manner? In the twenty chapters of this book, some of the most prominent living philosophers give their consideration to this question in a provocative and engaging way. Their essays are not only of (...)
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  40. A Case for 'Killer Robots': Why in the Long Run Martial AI May Be Good for Peace.Ognjen Arandjelović - 2023 - Journal of Ethics, Entrepreneurship and Technology 3 (1).
    Purpose: The remarkable increase of sophistication of artificial intelligence in recent years has already led to its widespread use in martial applications, the potential of so-called 'killer robots' ceasing to be a subject of fiction. -/- Approach: Virtually without exception, this potential has generated fear, as evidenced by a mounting number of academic articles calling for the ban on the development and deployment of lethal autonomous robots (LARs). In the present paper I start with an analysis of the existing ethical (...)
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  41. Doping Use Meta-Analysis: Science Seasoned with Moralistic Prejudice.Ognjen Arandjelovic - 2015 - Sports Medicine 45 (3):443-444.
  42. Apropos of "Speciesist bias in AI: how AI applications perpetuate discrimination and unfair outcomes against animals".Ognjen Arandjelović - 2023 - AI and Ethics.
    The present comment concerns a recent AI & Ethics article which purports to report evidence of speciesist bias in various popular computer vision (CV) and natural language processing (NLP) machine learning models described in the literature. I examine the authors' analysis and show it, ironically, to be prejudicial, often being founded on poorly conceived assumptions and suffering from fallacious and insufficiently rigorous reasoning, its superficial appeal in large part relying on the sequacity of the article's target readership.
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  43. NHS Underfunding and the Lopsided Socialized Model.Ognjen Arandjelović - 2023 - Ethics, Medicine and Public Health 28:Article 100902.
    Background: The funding of health care is a major challenge to governments all across the world; the UK presents a useful and illustrative case. -/- Methodology: In this article I explain why the manner in which the provision of health care in the UK is organized is fundamentally incoherent and continuing to ignore this incoherence is bound to lead to ever-greater problems. -/- Discussion: Our society must decide on its priorities; herein I do not wish to argue what these ought (...)
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    On the Value of Life.Ognjen Arandjelović - 2021 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 35 (2):227-241.
    That life has value is a tenet eliciting all but universal agreement, be it amongst philosophers, policy-makers, or the general public. Yet, when it comes to its employment in practice, especially in the context of policies which require the balancing of different moral choices—for example in health care, foreign aid, or animal rights related decisions—it takes little for cracks to appear and for disagreement to arise as to what the value of life actually means and how it should guide our (...)
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  45. Utilitarizam i sloboda (Ogled o Džonu Stjuartu Milu).Jovan Babic - 1998 - In Jovan Babić (ed.), Moral i naše vreme. Belgrade, Serbia: Službeni glasnik. pp. 71-102.
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  46. Asistirana humana reprodukcija.Jovan Babić - 2012 - In Ž. Radinković R. Drezgć (ed.), Horizont bioetike: moral u doba tehničke reprodukcije života. Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju. pp. 15-67.
    Nove tehnologije omogućavaju nove postupke i prakse koji moraju da se moralno i pravno opravdaju. IVF i surogat materinstvo, pored ostalih, spadaju u takve nove prakse. Stara pravila o tome šta je dopušteno a šta mora da se zabrani ponekad nisu dovoljna, a ni analogije obično nisu dovoljne. Da bi se došlo do prihvatljive linije razdvajanja izmedju opravdanog i neopravdanog postupanja treba izvršiti adekvatnu etičku analizu tih fenomena. IVF, tehnologija oplodnje „in vitro“, iako na prvi pogled izaziva sumnjičavost, ne sadrži (...)
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  47. The Structure of Peace.Jovan Babić - 2010 (Hardcover) - In World Governance. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Press. pp. 202-216.
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    How Good is the Science That Informs Government Policy? A Lesson From the U.K.’s Response to 2020 CoV-2 Outbreak.Jessica Cooper, Neofytos Dimitriou & Ognjen Arandjelovíc - 2021 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 18 (4):561-568.
    In an era when public faith in politicians is dwindling, yet trust in scientists remains relatively high, governments are increasingly emphasizing the role of science based policy-making in response to challenges such as climate change and global pandemics. In this paper we question the quality of some scientific advice given to governments and the robustness and transparency of the entire framework which envelopes such advice, all of which raise serious ethical concerns. In particular we focus on the so-called Imperial Model (...)
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  49. Human assisted procreation: An ethical approach.Jovan Babić - 1992 - Theoria 35 (4):35-62.
    Nove tehnologije omogućavaju nove postupke i prakse koji moraju da se moralno i pravno opravdaju. IVF i surogat materinstvo, pored ostalih, spadaju u takve nove prakse. Stara pravila o tome šta je dopušteno a šta mora da se zabrani ponekad nisu dovoljna, a ni analogije obično nisu dovoljne. Da bi se došlo do prihvatljive linije razdvajanja izmedju opravdanog i neopravdanog postupanja treba izvršiti adekvatnu etičku analizu tih fenomena. IVF, tehnologija oplodnje „in vitro“, iako na prvi pogled izaziva sumnjičavost, ne sadrži (...)
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  50. Duh polemike u filozofiji.Jovan Babić - unknown
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