Results for 'Jossi Stern'

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  1.  14
    Adaptations and innovations: studies on the interaction between Jewish and Islamic thought and literature from the early Middle Ages to the late twentieth century, dedicated to Professor Joel L. Kraemer.Joel L. Kraemer, Y. Tzvi Langermann & Jossi Stern (eds.) - 2007 - Dudley, MA: Peeters.
    The interconnections, common interests, and other linkages between the Jewish and Islamic traditions have long been a matter of interest to academics. Today the need to understand these relationships, and to emphasize commonalities rather than conflicts, is of the greatest public interest. The present volume of studies, likely the first such collection in the scholarly literature, explores the full range of interconnections between Jews and Muslims in all fields (intellectual history, religion, philosophy, social history, etc.) and in all periods, from (...)
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  2. 3.“Zarathustra Is Dead, Long Live Zarathustra!”“Zarathustra Is Dead, Long Live Zarathustra!”(pp. 83-93).Christa Davis Acampora, Joe Ward, Robert Guay, Robbie Duschinsky, Stanley Rosen & Tom Stern - 2011 - Journal of Nietzsche Studies 41 (1).
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  3. Introduction.Robert Stern - 1999 - In Transcendental Arguments: Problems and Prospects. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press UK.
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    The Art of Biblical NarrativeThe Great Code: The Bible and Literature.Laurent Stern, Robert Alter & Northrop Frye - 1983 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 41 (3):340.
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  5. Freedom, self-legislation and morality in Kant and Hegel: Constructivist vs. realist accounts.Robert Stern - 2007 - In Espen Hammer, German Idealism: Contemporary Perspectives. Routledge. pp. 245--66.
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  6. The availability of Wittgenstein's philosophy.David G. Stern - 1996 - In Hans D. Sluga & David G. Stern, The Cambridge Companion to Wittgenstein. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.
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    Dual Selfhood and Self-Perfection in the Enneads.Suzanne Stern-Gillet - 2009 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 13 (2):331-345.
    Plotinus’s theory of dual selfhood has ethical norms built into it, all of which derive from the ontological superiority of the higher (or undescended) soul in us overthe body-soul compound. The moral life, as it is presented in the Enneads, is a life of self-perfection, devoted to the care of the higher self. Such a conception of morality is prone to strike modern readers as either ‘egoistic’ or unduly austere. If there is no doubt that Plotinus’s ethics is exceptionally austere, (...)
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  8. The Autonomy of Morality and the Morality of Autonomy.Robert Stern - 2009 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 6 (3):395-415.
    This review article is a discussion of Charles Larmore's book The Autonomy of Morality. After presenting an outline of Larmore's position, it focuses on three critical issues: whether Larmore is right to see Kant as an anti-realist; whether he deals adequately with the threat to autonomy posed by the apparent obligatoriness of morality; and whether he establishes that the constructivist idea of practical reason as self-legislating must really be as unconstrained and empty as he suggests.
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    Truth and Subjunctive Theories of Knwledge: No Luck?Johannes Stern - manuscript
    The paper explores applications of Kripke's theory of truth to semantics for anti-luck epistemology, that is, to subjunctive theories of knowledge. Subjunctive theories put forward modal or subjunctive conditions to rule out knowledge by mere luck as to be found in Gettier-style counterexamples to the analysis of knowledge as justified true belief. Because of the subjunctive nature of these conditions the resulting semantics turns out to be non-monotone, even if it is based on non-classical evaluation schemes such as strong Kleene (...)
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    The Immanence of Thought.David S. Stern - 1990 - The Owl of Minerva 22 (1):19-33.
    From Kierkegaard’s famous polemic against Hegel’s system, and Marx’s rejection of the “mysticism” of reason, to Heidegger’s claim that Hegel completes the tradition of western metaphysics, and contemporary critics’ identification of Hegel as the authoritative spokesman — the “Master” — for the principles of unity and identity, a standard view has governed interpretations and evaluations of Hegel’s philosophy. Though familiarity with the positions just cited reveals considerable disparity, one does not need an especially discerning eye to recognize the common features (...)
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    Hesiod's Proem And Plato's Ion.Suzanne Stern-Gillet - 2014 - Classical Quarterly 64 (1):25-42.
    Plato's Hesiod is a neglected topic, scholars having long regarded Plato's Homer as a more promising field of inquiry. My aim in this chapter is to demonstrate that this particular bias of scholarly attention, although understandable, is unjustified. Of no other dialogue is this truer than of the Ion.
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    5. contestable interpretations: Interpretations of artworks.Laurent Stern - 2005 - In Interpretive Reasoning. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press. pp. 87-105.
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    Comment lire les recherches philosophiques?David Stern & Élisabeth Rigal - 2005 - Philosophie 86 (3):40-61.
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    10. critique of interpretive reasoning.Laurent Stern - 2005 - In Interpretive Reasoning. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press. pp. 187-212.
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  15. Considerations of Albert Camus' Doctrine.Alfred Stern - 1960 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 41 (4):448.
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  16. Classics of Biology.C. M. Stern - 1956 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 7 (26):179-179.
  17. Die Theorie der asthetischen Anschauung und die Association.P. Stern - 1900 - Philosophical Review 9:437.
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  18. Der Weltenwanderer.Bolko Stern - 1943 - München,: E. Reinhardt.
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  19. Die Wahrnehmung von Helligkeits-Veranderungen.W. Stern - 1894 - Philosophical Review 3:741.
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    Factual Constraints on Interpreting.Laurent Stern - 1990 - The Monist 73 (2):205-221.
    A fundamental change in the understanding of interpreting has taken place since the beginning of this century. Many interpreters no longer believe that in interpreting we discover the meaning of what was said or done. Meaning is understood as a product of interpreting, not its object: interpretations are constructions. This change does not free interpreters from the constraints of objectivity and it does not contribute to the lowering of standards for evaluating interpretations.
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    Friedrich Nietzsche.Joseph Peter Stern - 1978 - New York: Penguin Books.
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  22. Faces of the Infinite: Neoplatonism and Poetics at the Confluence of Africa, Asia and Europe. Proceedings of the British Academy.Suzanne Stern-Gillet (ed.) - forthcoming - The British Academy.
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  23.  30
    Fiktionen und Mythen in der Geschichte.Alfred Stern - 1979 - Kant Studien 70 (1-4):52-65.
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    17. Graffiti.E. Von Stern - 1913 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 72 (1-4):546-548.
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    Guilt and Mourning.Alexander Stern - 2019 - In Peter Eli Gordon, A companion to Adorno. Hoboken: Wiley. pp. 51–66.
    Walter Benjamin's influence on Theodor Adorno centers on the former's early philosophy of language, which drew on manifold sources, including importantly the theological writings of Johann Georg Hamann. Adorno adapts this “expressivist” philosophy of language as part of a critique of Hegel's dialectic that forms the basis for Adorno's understanding of epistemology and social criticism. The result of this tempered influence is that Benjamin's and Adorno's projects share a great deal of common ground and vocabulary, but diverge in fundamental ways. (...)
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  26. (1 other version)Hegel And The New Historicism.Robert Stern - 1990 - Bulletin of the Hegel Society of Great Britain 21:55-70.
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    History and the Limits of Population Policy.Mark J. Stern & Michael B. Katz - 1980 - Politics and Society 10 (2):225-245.
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    Hume and the Self at a Moment.Cindy D. Stern - 1987 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 4 (2):217 - 233.
  29. Heidegger and Wittgenstein on the subject of Kantian philosophy.David G. Stern - 1997 - In David E. Klemm & Günter Zöller, Figuring the Self: Subject, Absolute, and Others in Classical German Philosophy. State University of New York Press.
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    Hegel's Critique of Kant: From Dichotomy to Identity.Robert Stern - 2013 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 21 (4):807-810.
    (2013). Hegel's Critique of Kant: From Dichotomy to Identity. British Journal for the History of Philosophy: Vol. 21, No. 4, pp. 807-810. doi: 10.1080/09608788.2013.792778.
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  31.  12
    Hegel et les idées de 1789.Alfred Stern - 1939 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 128 (9/12):353 - 363.
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    How Is Love of the Neighbour Possible? A Løgstrupian Response to a Lutheran Critique of Levinas—and Vice Versa.Robert Stern - 2020 - The Monist 103 (1):83-101.
    This paper considers how both Levinas and Løgstrup seek to explain how love of the neighbour is possible. It focuses on a criticism of Levinas made by Merold Westphal, which follows Kierkegaard in arguing on Lutheran grounds that such love first requires a relation to God as a “middle term,” but that Levinas cannot appeal to this relation to account for neighbour love, as for him the God relation itself arises through love of the neighbour. In response, the paper explores (...)
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    Heroic images on runestones in the context of commemoration and communication.Marjolein Stern - 2015 - In Sigmund Oehrl & Wilhelm Heizmann, Bilddenkmäler Zur Germanischen Götter- Und Heldensage. De Gruyter. pp. 375-396.
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  34. Hommage à Jean HYPPOLITE.Suzanne Stern-Gillet - 1969 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 23 (4=90):548.
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  35.  45
    Hegel's Naturalism: Mind, Nature, and the Final Ends of Life. By Terry Pinkard. (Oxford UP, 2012. Pp. xii + 213. Price £40.00.).Robert Stern - 2013 - Philosophical Quarterly 63 (251):393-395.
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    Halakhah Tsiyonit: ha-mashmaʻuyot ha-hilkhatiyot shel ha-ribonut ha-Yehudit = Jewish law and Zionism: halakhic ramifications of national sovereignty.Yedidia Z. Stern & Yair Sheleg (eds.) - 2017 - Yerushalayim: ha-Makhon ha-Yisreʼeli le-demoḳraṭyah.
  37. ha-Ḥomer ṿeha-tsurah be-Moreh nevukhim le-Rambam =.Josef Stern - 2017 - Tel Aviv: ha-K̇ibuts ha-meʼuḥad.
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    Hegelianism vs. Spinozism?Robert Stern - 2015 - Philosophical Topics 43 (1-2):97-112.
    This paper considers A. W. Moore’s treatment of Hegel in his book The Evolution of Modern Metaphysics: Making Sense of Things. The paper begins by setting out the context that Moore gives to his discussion of Hegel, and the themes that he focuses on. It then considers the ways in which Moore judges Hegel to fall short, showing how they relate to Moore’s reading of Spinoza and of Deleuze. It is argued that there are ways of conceiving of Hegel’s position (...)
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    Introduction.David G. Stern - 1995 - In Wittgenstein on mind and language. New York: Oxford University Press.
    Unlike most books on Wittgenstein, Wittgenstein on Mind and Language begins from the initial articulation of his thoughts in his first drafts, conversations, and lectures, and attends closely to the process of revision that led to the Tractatus and Philosophical Investigations. This introductory chapter provides information about the nature of the Wittgenstein papers, summarizes the rationale for reading his work in this way, and outlines the reading of the development of Wittgenstein’s philosophy that this approach yields. This discussion on the (...)
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    Index.Paul Stern - 2018 - In Dante's Philosophical Life: Politics and Human Wisdom in "Purgatorio". University of Pennsylvania Press. pp. 283-290.
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    Index.Laurent Stern - 2005 - In Interpretive Reasoning. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press. pp. 213-214.
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    Introduction.Laurent Stern - 2005 - In Interpretive Reasoning. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press. pp. 1-4.
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    Introduction.Josef Stern - 2019 - In Josef Stern, James T. Robinson & Yonatan Shemesh, Maimonides' "Guide of the Perplexed" in Translation: A History From the Thirteenth Century to the Twentieth. London: University of Chicago Press. pp. 1-32.
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  44. Introduction.Maria Stern, Sofie Hellberg & Stina Hansson - 2014 - In Stina Hansson, Sofie Hellberg & Maria Stern, Studying the agency of being governed. New York: Routledge.
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  45. Idealism and Pragmatism.Robert Stern (ed.) - 2018 - Routledge.
    This book explores the complex relationship between the idealism and pragmatism, showing how they share important common ground, and illustrating their intertwined histories. This book was first published as a special issue of the British Journal for the History of Philosophy.
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    Introductory Comments.David T. Stern & M. Roy Schwarz - 2004 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 15 (1):5-6.
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    Toward a solution of the problem of solipsism.Alfred Stern - 1947 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 8 (4):679-687.
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    The Bind of Responsibility.David S. Stern - 2003 - Philosophy Today 47 (1):34-43.
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  49. The Current Crisis in the Realm of Values.Alfred Stern - 1950 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 31 (3):245.
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  50.  27
    The Coins of Thamal and of Other Governors of Tarsus.S. M. Stern - 1960 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 80 (3):217-225.
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