Results for 'Jonathan Rebetz'

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  1.  7
    Matej Hriberšek, Slovenski doktorji klasične filologije na dunajski univerzi v obdobju 1872–1918 (recenzija).Jonathan Rebetz - 2022 - Clotho 4 (1):182-187.
    Matej Hriberšek z monografijo Slovenski doktorji klasične filologije na dunajski univerzi v obdobju 1872–1918 razširja in nadgrajuje raziskave, ki jih je izvedel za področje klasične filologije v sklopu projekta »Zgodovina doktorskih disertacij slovenskih kandidatov v avstro-ogrski monarhiji (1872–1918)«. Izbira letnic je logična: leta 1872 je v avstro-ogrski monarhiji prišlo do korenite reforme doktorskega študija (odtlej so doktorski kandidati morali pred promoviranjem napisati znanstveno disertacijo ter uspešno opraviti dva rigoroza), leto 1918 pa zaznamuje konec monarhije. Za to obdobje je na dunajski (...)
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  2. Dual-processing accounts of reasoning, judgment, and social cognition.Jonathan Evans - 2008 - Annual Review of Psychology 59:255–78.
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  3. Norms of assertion.Jonathan L. Kvanvig - 2011 - In Jessica Brown & Herman Cappelen (eds.), Assertion: New Philosophical Essays. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press. pp. 233--250.
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    The Richness of Inner Experience: Relating Styles of Daydreaming to Creative Processes.Claire M. Zedelius & Jonathan W. Schooler - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
  5. Imagination, Dreaming, and Hallucination.Jonathan Jenkins Ichikawa - 2016 - In Amy Kind (ed.), The Routledge Handbook of the Philosophy of Imagination. New York: Routledge. pp. 149-62.
  6. Responses to Critics.Jonathan Kvanvig - 2009 - In Adrian Haddock, Alan Millar & Duncan Pritchard (eds.), Epistemic value. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 339-353.
    I begin by expressing my sincere thanks to my critics for taking time from their own impressive projects in epistemology to consider mine. Often, in reading their criticisms, I had the feeling of having received more help than I really wanted! But the truth of the matter is that we learn best by making mistakes, and I appreciate the conscientious attention to my work that my critics have shown.
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  7. Commutativity or Holism? A Dilemma for Conditionalizers.Jonathan Weisberg - 2009 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 60 (4):793-812.
    Conditionalization and Jeffrey Conditionalization cannot simultaneously satisfy two widely held desiderata on rules for empirical learning. The first desideratum is confirmational holism, which says that the evidential import of an experience is always sensitive to our background assumptions. The second desideratum is commutativity, which says that the order in which one acquires evidence shouldn't affect what conclusions one draws, provided the same total evidence is gathered in the end. (Jeffrey) Conditionalization cannot satisfy either of these desiderata without violating the other. (...)
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  8. In Two Minds: Dual Processes and Beyond.Jonathan St Evans & Keith Frankish - 2010 - Critica 42 (125):104-114.
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  9. (2 other versions)Aristotle and Logical Theory.Jonathan Lear - 1980 - Philosophy 57 (222):557-559.
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    Ethics and Public Policy: Responses.Jonathan Wolf - 2014 - Philosophy and Public Issues - Filosofia E Questioni Pubbliche 4 (3).
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    Political Philosophy and the Real World of the Welfare State.Jonathan Wolff - 2015 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 32 (4):360-372.
    What contribution can political philosophers make to policy questions, such as the best configuration of the welfare state? On one view, political philosophers set out abstract theories of justice that can guide policy makers in their attempt to transform existing institutions. Yet it rarely seems the case that such a model is used in practice, and it therefore becomes unclear how political philosophy can contribute to policy debates. Following a suggestion from Margaret MacDonald, I consider the view that political philosophers (...)
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    The Possibility of an All-Knowing God.Jonathan L. Kvanvig - 1986 - London: Macmillan Press.
  13. Reconciling open-mindedness and belief.Jonathan Adler - 2004 - Theory and Research in Education 2 (2):127–42.
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  14. Two Accounts of the Normativity of Rationality.Jonathan Way - 2009 - Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy 4 (1):1-9.
    Recent views of reasons and rationality make it plausible that it can sometimes be rational to do what you have no reason to do. A number of writers have concluded that if this is so, rationality is not normative. But this is a mistake. Even if we assume a tight connection between reasons and normativity, the normativity of rationality does not require that there is always reason to be rational. The first half of this paper illustrates this point with reference (...)
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    Children’s imagination and belief: Prone to flights of fancy or grounded in reality?Jonathan D. Lane, Samuel Ronfard, Stéphane P. Francioli & Paul L. Harris - 2016 - Cognition 152 (C):127-140.
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    You Can Trust the Ladder, But You Shouldn't.Jonathan Tallant - 2019 - Theoria 85 (2):102-118.
    My claim in this article is that, contra what I take to be the orthodoxy in the wider literature, we do trust inanimate objects – per the example in the title, there are cases where people really do trust a ladder (to hold their weight, for instance), and, perhaps most importantly, that this poses a challenge to that orthodoxy. My argument consists of four parts. In Section 2 I introduce an alleged distinction between trust as mere reliance and trust as (...)
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    Forms of differential social inclusion.Jonathan Wolff - 2017 - Social Philosophy and Policy 34 (1):164-185.
    :Advocates of social equality need to develop an account of the society they favor. I have argued elsewhere that social equality should be conceived negatively: in terms of opposition to asymmetric and alienating relations such as hierarchy, domination and social exclusion, rather than in terms of a positive model of equality. This essay looks in detail at social exclusion, or rather “differential social inclusion,” and especially at the mechanisms that create exclusion and bind excluded groups together, and the consequent effects (...)
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    Love and Its Place in Nature.Jonathan Lear - 2001 - Mind 110 (440):1087-1092.
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  19. The Analysis of Knowledge.Jonathan Ichikawa & Matthias Steup - 2014 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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    Evaluating Interventions in Health: A Reconciliatory Approach.Jonathan Wolff, Sarah Edwards, Sarah Richmond, Shepley Orr & Geraint Rees - 2012 - Bioethics 26 (9):455-463.
    Health‐related Quality of Life measures have recently been attacked from two directions, both of which criticize the preference‐based method of evaluating health states they typically incorporate. One attack, based on work by Daniel Kahneman and others, argues that ‘experience’ is a better basis for evaluation. The other, inspired by Amartya Sen, argues that ‘capability’ should be the guiding concept. In addition, opinion differs as to whether health evaluation measures are best derived from consultations with the general public, with patients, or (...)
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  21. Nozickian epistemology and the value of knowledge.Jonathan L. Kvanvig - 2004 - Philosophical Issues 14 (1):201–218.
  22. Actual Causation and Simple Voting Scenarios.Jonathan Livengood - 2011 - Noûs 47 (2):316-345.
    Several prominent, contemporary theories of actual causation maintain that in order for something to count as an actual cause (in the circumstances) of some known effect, the potential cause must be a difference-maker with respect to the effect in some restricted range of circumstances. Although the theories disagree about how to restrict the range of circumstances that must be considered in deciding whether something counts as an actual cause of a known effect, the theories agree that at least some counterfactual (...)
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    What is the value of preventing a fatality?Jonathan Wolff - 2007 - In Tim Lewens (ed.), Risk: Philosophical Perspectives. New York: Routledge.
    in Risk: Philosophical Perspectives ed Tim Lewens, Routledge.
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  24. Sartre's Theory of Character.Jonathan Webber - 2006 - European Journal of Philosophy 14 (1):94-116.
    Various influential ethical theories propose that we should strive to develop morally sound character traits, either because good actions are those that issue from good character traits, or because good traits are those that generally incline us toward actions that are good for some independent reason such as the intentions with which they are performed or the consequences of performing them. This proposal obviously raises questions about the nature and origins of character traits, and our degree of control over them. (...)
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  25. ``Propositionalism and the Perspectival Character of Justification".Jonathan L. Kvanvig - 2003 - American Philosophical Quarterly 40 (1):3-18.
    The flight from foundationalism in the earlier part of this century left several options in its wake. Distress over the possibility of foundationalist replies to the regress problem, coupled with consternation over the thought of circular reasoning mysteriously becoming acceptable as the circle gets large led to the attraction of holistic theories of a coherentist variety. Yet, such coherentisms seemed to leave the belief system cut off from the world, and perhaps a better idea was to abandon the approach to (...)
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  26. A Note on Zeno's Arrow.Jonathan Lear - 1981 - Phronesis 26 (2):91-104.
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    The Precautionary Attitude: Asking Preliminary Questions.Jonathan Wolff - 2014 - Hastings Center Report 44 (S5):27-28.
    Innovation in basic science is often a cause for won­der and excitement. Those associated with a new development are quick to point out the anticipated benefits: a cure for cancer or dementia, an end to unsafe water or hunger. These advocates are slower to draw at­tention to the possible costs, which may become known only much later. It is always hard to have an accurate overview, as it is almost impossible to predict the total effects of the widespread adoption of (...)
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    The dilemma of desert.Jonathan Wolff - 2003 - In Serena Olsaretti (ed.), Desert and justice. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 219--232.
    Serena Olsaretti brings together new essays by leading moral and political philosophers on the nature of desert and justice, their relations with each other and with other values.
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  29. Colour: A Philosophical Introduction.Jonathan Westphal - 1991 - Cambridge, Mass., USA: Blackwell.
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    Fallacies Not Fallacious: Not!Jonathan E. Adler - 1997 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 30 (4):333 - 350.
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  31. The Cambridge Companion to Darwin.Jonathan Hodge & Gregory Radick - 2004 - Journal of the History of Biology 37 (2):389-391.
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  32. Ignorance and Presuppositions.Jonathan Jenkins Ichikawa - 2015 - Mind 124 (496):1207-1219.
    I develop a class of counterexamples to Blome-Tillmann’s ‘Presuppositional Epistemic Contextualism’. There are cases in which subjects are ignorant of key propositions that are inconsistent with the pragmatic presuppositions in conversational contexts in which they are discussed; in such contexts, PEC wrongly predicts the subjects to satisfy certain ‘knows’ attributions.
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  33. Contextualism, Contrastivism, Relevant Alternatives, and Closure.Jonathan L. Kvanvig - 2007 - Philosophical Studies 134 (2):131-140.
    Contextualists claim two important virtues for their view. First, contextualism is a non-skeptical epistemology, given the plausible idea that not all contexts invoke the high standards for knowledge needed to generate the skeptical conclusion that we know little or nothing. Second, contextualism is able to preserve closure concerning knowledge – the idea that knowledge is extendable on the basis of competent deduction from known premises. As long as one keeps the context fixed, it is plausible to think that some closure (...)
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  34. Contrastivism and closure.Jonathan Kvanvig - 2008 - Social Epistemology 22 (3):247 – 256.
    This paper argues for a solution to a problem that contrastivism faces. The problem is that contrastivism cannot preserve closure, in spite of claims to the contrary by its defenders. The problem is explained and a response developed.
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    The Importance of the Discussion Method in the Undergraduate Business Classroom.Jonathan Ying - 2020 - Humanistic Management Journal 5 (2):251-278.
    The Discussion Method produces significant student learning outcomes. In a time where we are only beginning to witness artificial intelligence’s disruption of work and the economy, these learning outcomes are crucial to personal and professional success. This paper begins by tracing the role of the Discussion Method within the liberal arts tradition, and by extension the Confucian tradition. Second, this paper examines how the Discussion Method lost its value in higher education as a consequence of the employability problem. In this (...)
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  36. The future and the truth-value links: A common sense view.Jonathan Westphal - 2006 - Analysis 66 (1):1–9.
  37. Propositionalism and the metaphysics of experience.Jonathan Kvanvig - 2007 - Philosophical Issues 17 (1):165–178.
    The view I've been defending in the theory of justification I have termed ‘propositionalism’. It counsels beginning inquiry into the nature of justification by adopting a particular form of evidentialism, according to which the first task is to describe the abstract relation of evidencing that holds between propositional contents. Such an approach has a variety of implications for the theory of justification itself, and many of the motivations for the view are of a standard internalist variety. Some of these motivations (...)
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  38. How Propaganda Works.Jonathan Wolff - 2016 - Analysis 76 (4):558-560.
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    The Social Individual in Clinical Ethics.Jonathan D. Moreno - 1992 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 3 (1):53-55.
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    Epistemic Dependence, Diversity of Ideas, and a Value of Intellectual Vices.Jonathan E. Adler - 1999 - The Proceedings of the Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 3:117-129.
    The present argument assumes that teaching through modeling attempts to teach the intellectual virtues not primarily as an independent goal of education as, for example, a way to build good character, but for its value to inquiry. I argue that intellectual vices (such as being gullible, dogmatic, pigheaded, or prejudiced)—while harmful to inquiry in certain ways—are essential to its well functioning. Furthermore, to the extent that teaching models critical inquiry, there are educational lessons for which some students ought to take (...)
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    Princess Elisabeth of Bohemia as a Cartesian, de Lisa Shapiro.Jonathan Alvarenga - 2022 - Kant E-Prints 17 (1):144-149.
    O que esta resenha busca é a apresentação e análise do artigo Princess Elisabeth of Bohemia as a Cartesian – publicado como o décimo sétimo capítulo do livro The Oxford Handbook of Descartes and Cartesianism –, da comentadora Lisa Shapiro, também tradutora das correspondências entre Descartes e Elisabeth para a língua inglesa e grande pesquisadora do tema.
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    Normalization and excluded middle. I.Jonathan P. Seldin - 1989 - Studia Logica 48 (2):193 - 217.
    The usual rule used to obtain natural deduction formulations of classical logic from intuitionistic logic, namely.
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    Self-esteem revisited: Performance on the implicit relational assessment procedure as a measure of self- versus ideal self-related cognitions in dysphoria.Jonathan Remue, Jan De Houwer, Dermot Barnes-Holmes, Marie-Anne Vanderhasselt & Rudi De Raedt - 2013 - Cognition and Emotion 27 (8):1441-1449.
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    Crooked timber and liberal culture.Jonathan Riley - 2000 - In Maria Baghramian & Attracta Ingram (eds.), Pluralism: The Philosophy and Politics of Diversity. New York: Routledge. pp. 120.
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  45. Restriction strategies for knowability : Some lessons in false hope.Jonathan Kvanvig - 2008 - In Joe Salerno (ed.), New Essays on the Knowability Paradox. Oxford, England and New York, NY, USA: Oxford University Press.
    The knowability paradox derives from a proof by Frederic Fitch in 1963. The proof purportedly shows that if all truths are knowable, it follows that all truths are known. Antirealists, wed as they are to the idea that truth is epistemic, feel threatened by the proof. For what better way to express the epistemic character of truth than to insist that all truths are knowable? Yet, if that insistence logically compels similar assent to some omniscience claim, antirealism is in jeopardy. (...)
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    On truth-gaps, bipolar belief and the assertability of vague propositions.Jonathan Lawry & Yongchuan Tang - 2012 - Artificial Intelligence 191-192 (C):20-41.
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    Predicting Clinical Trial Results: A Synthesis of Five Empirical Studies and Their Implications.Jonathan Kimmelman, David R. Mandel & David M. Benjamin - 2023 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 66 (1):107-128.
    Abstractabstract:Expectations about future events underlie practically every decision we make, including those in medical research. This paper reviews five studies undertaken to assess how well medical experts could predict the outcomes of clinical trials. It explains why expert trial forecasting was the focus of study and argues that forecasting skill affords insights into the quality of expert judgment and might be harnessed to improve decision-making in care, policy, and research. The paper also addresses potential criticisms of the research agenda and (...)
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    Culture, collectivism-individualism and college student plagiarism.Jonathan Kasler, Leehu Zysberg & Raya Gal - 2021 - Ethics and Behavior 31 (7):488-497.
    ABSTRACT We tested a model in which individualist and collectivist orientations mediate the association between cultural background and students’ self-reported plagiarism. A sample of 430 Jewish and non-Jewish undergraduates at a college in northern Israel completed a questionnaire to assess individualist and collectivist orientation and demographics, and answered a question regarding whether they had committed plagiarism during their studies. The results partly supported the model; individualism, but not collectivism, mediated the association between cultural background and admitting plagiarism. The model and (...)
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  49. ``The Rational Significance of Reflective Ascent".Jonathan Kvanvig - 2011 - In Trent Dougherty (ed.), Evidentialism and its Discontents. Oxford, GB: Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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    A framework for linguistic modelling.Jonathan Lawry - 2004 - Artificial Intelligence 155 (1-2):1-39.
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