Results for 'Jon Lecanda'

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  1.  20
    La Crisis Antropológica de la Innovación Científica.Alberto I. Vargas & Jon Lecanda - 2014 - Scientia et Fides 2 (1):9.
    This articles suggests that the root of the current crisis in modern scientific innovation is mainly due to the method that science applies towards the real world. The scientific method reduces its possibilities by not considering the comprehensiveness of the human person, i.e. science is impersonal. Philosophers of science in the 20th century have identified this anthropological reductionism and further detected the limits of the scientific method. The lack of alternative solutions leads science into a cul-de-sac. The notion of crisis, (...)
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  2. (1 other version)Bayesian Nets and Causality: Philosophical and Computational Foundations.Jon Williamson - 2004 - Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.
    Bayesian nets are widely used in artificial intelligence as a calculus for causal reasoning, enabling machines to make predictions, perform diagnoses, take decisions and even to discover causal relationships. This book, aimed at researchers and graduate students in computer science, mathematics and philosophy, brings together two important research topics: how to automate reasoning in artificial intelligence, and the nature of causality and probability in philosophy.
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    Why ‘Meaningful Competition’ is not fair competition.Jon Pike - 2023 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 50 (1):1-17.
    In this paper I discuss a new conception that has arrived relatively recently on the scene, in the context of the debate over the inclusion of transwomen (hereafter TW) in female sport. That conception is ‘Meaningful Competition’ (hereafter MC) – a term used by some of those who advocate for the inclusion of TW in female sport if and only if they reduce their testosterone levels. I will argue that MC is not fair. I understand MC as a substitute concept, (...)
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    The Cultural Evolution of Structured Languages in an Open‐Ended, Continuous World.W. Carr Jon, Smith Kenny, Cornish Hannah & Kirby Simon - 2017 - Cognitive Science 41 (4):892-923.
    Language maps signals onto meanings through the use of two distinct types of structure. First, the space of meanings is discretized into categories that are shared by all users of the language. Second, the signals employed by the language are compositional: The meaning of the whole is a function of its parts and the way in which those parts are combined. In three iterated learning experiments using a vast, continuous, open-ended meaning space, we explore the conditions under which both structured (...)
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  5. (1 other version)New difficulties with'if... then'. The paradox of the businessman.Jon Perez Laraudogoitia - 1996 - Theoria 11 (26):85-89.
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  6. Ground first: against the proof-theoretic definition of ground.Jon Erling Litland - 2023 - Synthese 201 (1):1-26.
    This paper evaluates the proof-theoretic definition of ground developed by Poggiolesi in a range of recent publications and argues that her proposed definition fails. The paper then outlines an alternative approach where logical consequence relations and the logical operations are defined in terms of ground.
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  7. “Just” accuracy? Procedural fairness demands explainability in AI‑based medical resource allocation.Jon Rueda, Janet Delgado Rodríguez, Iris Parra Jounou, Joaquín Hortal-Carmona, Txetxu Ausín & David Rodríguez-Arias - 2022 - AI and Society:1-12.
    The increasing application of artificial intelligence (AI) to healthcare raises both hope and ethical concerns. Some advanced machine learning methods provide accurate clinical predictions at the expense of a significant lack of explainability. Alex John London has defended that accuracy is a more important value than explainability in AI medicine. In this article, we locate the trade-off between accurate performance and explainable algorithms in the context of distributive justice. We acknowledge that accuracy is cardinal from outcome-oriented justice because it helps (...)
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  8. Collective Abstraction.Jon Erling Litland - 2022 - Philosophical Review 131 (4):453-497.
    This paper develops a novel theory of abstraction—what we call collective abstraction. The theory solves a notorious problem for noneliminative structuralism. The noneliminative structuralist holds that in addition to various isomorphic systems there is a pure structure that can be abstracted from each of these systems; but existing accounts of abstraction fail for nonrigid systems like the complex numbers. The problem with the existing accounts is that they attempt to define a unique abstraction operation. The theory of collective abstraction instead (...)
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  9. Perceptual entitlement and skepticism.Anthony Brueckner & Jon Altschul - 2020 - In Peter Graham & Nikolaj Jang Lee Linding Pedersen (eds.), Epistemic Entitlement. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
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    Decomposing Legal Personhood.Jon Garthoff - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 154 (4):967-974.
    The claim that corporations are not people is perhaps the most frequently voiced criticism of the United States Supreme Court decision Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission. There is something obviously correct about this claim. While the nature and extent of obligations with respect to group agents like corporations and labor unions is far from clear, it is manifest in moral understanding and deeply embedded in legal practice that there is no general requirement to treat them like natural persons. Group (...)
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    Luke 5:1–11.Jon L. Berquist - 2004 - Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 58 (1):62-64.
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    Does God Exist in Methodological Atheism? On Tanya Lurhmann's When God Talks Back and Bruno Latour.Jon Bialecki - 2014 - Anthropology of Consciousness 25 (1):32-52.
    In the anthropology of Christianity, and more broadly in the anthropology of religion, methodological atheism has foreclosed ethnographic description of God as a social actor. This prohibition is the product of certain ontological presumptions regarding agency, an absence of autonomy of human creations, and a truncated conception of what can be said to exist. Reading Tanya Luhrmann's recent ethnography, When God Talks Back: Understanding the American Evangelical Relationship with God (2012), in light of both the ontological postulates of Object Orientated (...)
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  13.  9
    The logic of the fetish in the present.Jon Bialecki - 2024 - History of European Ideas 50 (4):670-672.
    Building on Pietz’s speculation about the construction of a “history of the fetish’ that might be related to, yet stand apart from the fetish as a historical construct, this paper asks if there might be novel yet unmarked contemporary fetish-formations. Taking the later chapters of Pietz’s volume, which focuses on capital and techno-political infrastructures, this essay suggests that non-fungible tokens, or “NFTs,” might be thought of as failed fetishes, objects that work to occlude the material infrastructure that supports blockchain, yet (...)
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  14.  32
    The Tragic Political Assemblage: Implications of Contemporary Anthropological Debates on Hierarchy, Heterarchy, and Ontology as Political Challenges.Jon Bialecki - 2017 - Substance 46 (1):140-154.
    A project conceiving of political assemblages as anything larger than just an object of intellectual history will have to face a question—what is the potential scope and entailments of the idea of political assemblages outside of the very specific late twentieth-century milieu that it was conceived in? And given the present moment, there is also is much more specific question that should well be taken up: what place any project organized as a political assemblage could have in an era of (...)
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  15.  13
    The Pillar.Jon Bilbao - 2021 - Common Knowledge 27 (1):127-158.
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    My Wrangell Mountains.Ruedi Homberger, Jon Van Zyle, Jona Van Zyle & Chris Larsen - 2011 - University of Alaska Press.
    High atop cascading waterfalls and deep within the lush green depths of the valleys, Swiss photographer Ruedi Homberger has for more than twenty years captured in photographs the majestic beauty of eastern Alaska's Wrangell Mountain range. In addition to summiting some of the Wrangells' loftiest peaks, Homberger has in recent years incorporated a technically challenging new approach into his work. Flying above the mountains in a small plane, Homberger literally goes to new heights to reveal a series of stunning aerial (...)
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  17.  12
    Holism: Blueprint for Revival?Jon Wynne-Tyson - 1991 - Between the Species 7 (3):16.
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    Notes to a Marxist Phenomenology: the Body and the Machine in Engels’ The Condition of the Working Class in England.Jon Stewart - 2022 - Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Philosophia 67 (1):75-99.
    "In his The Condition of the Working Class in England, Friedrich Engels outlines systematically the miseries of the workers in England in the context of industrialization. A key to his argument concerns the interface between the human body and the machine. In this article I argue that Engels provides a kind of a phenomenology of the body in his analyses of the relation of the worker to the new machines. The limited secondary literature on Marxism and phenomenology has not been (...)
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    On Norton’s dome.Jon Pérez Laraudogoitia - 2013 - Synthese 190 (14):2925-2941.
    Norton’s very simple case of indeterminism in classical mechanics has given rise to a literature critical of his result. I am interested here in posing a new objection different from the ones made to date. The first section of the paper expounds the essence of Norton’s model and my criticism of it. I then propose a specific modification in the absence of gravitational interaction. The final section takes into consideration a surprising consequence for classical mechanics from the new model introduced (...)
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  20.  53
    Bell's Curve: Why the Arc of American History Does Not Bend Toward Racial Equality.Jon Thomas - 2015 - Dissertation, Georgia State University, Atlanta
    ABSTRACT Socioeconomic disparities between whites and blacks are pervasive in American society. Structuring of the discussion of these disproportions is the liberal race relations paradigm. According to Racial Liberalism, racial inequalities are an impermanent feature of American society because they are due primarily to race prejudice and discriminatory practices, which are continuously diminishing among whites. Challenging this view is Racial Realism. Racial Realism attributes the persistence of racial inequality to institutional privileges whites retain and refuse to relinquish whether or not (...)
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  21. Hobbes and the future of religion.Jon Parkin - 2018 - In Laurens van Apeldoorn & Robin Douglass (eds.), Hobbes on Politics and Religion. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
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  22.  26
    The evolving landscape of imprinted genes in humans and mice: Conflict among alleles, genes, tissues, and kin.Jon F. Wilkins, Francisco Úbeda & Jeremy Van Cleve - 2016 - Bioessays 38 (5):482-489.
    Three recent genome‐wide studies in mice and humans have produced the most definitive map to date of genomic imprinting (gene expression that depends on parental origin) by incorporating multiple tissue types and developmental stages. Here, we explore the results of these studies in light of the kinship theory of genomic imprinting, which predicts that imprinting evolves due to differential genetic relatedness between maternal and paternal relatives. The studies produce a list of imprinted genes with around 120–180 in mice and ∼100 (...)
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  23.  38
    Authentication in Ethos.W. Michael Petullo & Jon A. Solworth - 2013 - Ethos(misc.) 4 (24):67.
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    Onmyodo in the Muromachi Period.Yanagihara Toshiaki, Jon Morris & 柳原敏昭 - 2013 - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 40 (1):131-150.
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    The Virtues of Hunting.Jon Jensen - 2001 - Philosophy in the Contemporary World 8 (2):113-124.
    Few activities divide the environmental community the way that hunting does. Opponents decry its cruelty and failure to respect animal rights, while hunting advocates cite the necessity of controlling populations of game and the naturalness of humans functioning as predators. This debate is both emotional and fiercely intellectual with environmental philosophers waging wars of words to match the protests by PETA and other anti-hunting groups. Perhaps Edward Abbey said it best: "Hunting is one of the hardest things even to think (...)
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    The Life of an Idiot: Artaud and the Dogmatic Image of Thought after Deleuze.Jon K. Shaw - 2016 - Theory, Culture and Society 33 (7-8):237-252.
    The conceptual persona of the idiot recurs and evolves over the decades between Deleuze’s Difference and Repetition and his final book with Guattari, What is Philosophy?, shifting from a philosophical question to a nonphilosophical one that allies thought with literature and life. The great figure of this shock of literature is Antonin Artaud who, Deleuze argues, refinds thought’s creative capacity by putting it back in touch with its immanent outside – with a machinic and pre-personal ‘unthought’. This essay will argue (...)
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  27.  29
    Postmodern paranoia? Pynchon and Jameson.Jon Simons - 2000 - Paragraph 23 (2):207-221.
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    Philodème de Gadara. Sur la musique, Livre IV.Jon Solomon - 2009 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 102 (4):509-511.
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  29. The jerusalem decree, Paul, and the Gentile analogy to homosexual persons.Jon C. Olson - 2012 - Journal of Religious Ethics 40 (2):360-384.
    Revisionists and traditionalists appeal to Acts 15, welcoming the Gentiles, for analogies directing the church's response to homosexual persons. John Perry has analyzed the major positions. He faults revisionists for inadequate attention to the Jerusalem Decree and faults one traditionalist for using the Decree literally rather than through analogy. I argue that analogical use of the Decree must supplement rather than displace the plain sense. The Decree has been neglected due to assumptions that Paul opposed it, that it expired, or (...)
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  30. Wrestling with (and without) dialetheism.Josh Parsons & Jon Cogburn - 2005 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 83 (1):87 – 102.
    Neil Tennant and Joseph Salerno have recently attempted to rigorously formalize Michael Dummett's argument for logical revision. Surprisingly, both conclude that Dummett commits elementary logical errors, and hence fails to offer an argument that is even prima facie valid. After explicating the arguments Salerno and Tennant attribute to Dummett, I show how broader attention to Dummett's writings on the theory of meaning allows one to discern, and formalize, a valid argument for logical revision. Then, after correctly providing a rigorous statement (...)
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  31. Conflicted Medical Journals and the Failure of Trust.Leemon McHenry & Jon Jureidini - 2011 - Accountability in Research 18:45-54.
    Journals are failing in their obligation to ensure that research is fairly represented to their readers, and must act decisively to retract fraudulent publications. Recent case reports have exposed how marketing objectives usurped scientific testing and compromised the credibility of academic medicine. But scant attention has been given to the role that journals play in this process, especially when evidence of research fraud fails to elicit corrective measures. Our experience with The Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent (...)
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  32.  22
    St. Martin's Summer.Jon Wynne-Tyson - 1989 - Between the Species 5 (3):20.
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  33.  18
    Vii. Reply to comments.Jon Elster - 1980 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 23 (2):213 – 232.
    I am most grateful that the Editor of Inquiry has invited these scholars to comment upon my Logic and Society (hereafter LS). The symposiasts have acutely singled out a number of statements in my book that are wrong, incomplete or ambiguous. They also provide important further suggestions, supplementing my own ideas in fertile ways. And at times they fail to understand what I was trying to do, or they advance objections that I cannot accept. I shall first react to a (...)
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  34.  45
    Justice, Desert, and Ideal Theory.Jon Mandle - 1997 - Social Theory and Practice 23 (3):399-425.
  35.  58
    Locke on Persons and Personal Identity.Jon W. Thompson - 2022 - Philosophical Quarterly 73 (1):296-299.
    I. SummaryRuth Boeker's Locke on Persons and Personal Identity is a profound treatment of Locke's views on the nature and identity of human persons. The book is divided roughly into two halves. The first half (Chapters 1–6 and 8) focuses on providing a philosophically sophisticated interpretation of Locke that engages with the most recent secondary literature. Chapter 3, for instance, includes an important contribution to scholarly debates about Locke's sortal-relative account of identity in the Essay II.xxvii.§7–8. Some (the coincidence theorists) (...)
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  36.  32
    Sport and Moral Conflict.Jon Pike - 2023 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 50 (1):148-153.
    Bill Morgan has written a terrific book, the culmination of his career long engagement in the philosophy of sport and a work which is immediately a required read – one might say a required grapple...
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  37.  84
    Understanding Derrida.Jack Reynolds & Jon Roffe (eds.) - 2004 - New York: Continuum.
    The essays cover language, metaphysics, the subject, politics, ethics, the decision, translation, religion, psychoanalysis, literature, art, and Derrida's ...
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  38.  44
    Class Counts: Comparative Studies in Class Analysis.Jon Gubbay - 1999 - Historical Materialism 5 (1):281-300.
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    Cosmopolitanism as a Moral Imperative.Jon Mahoney - 2002 - Philosophy in the Contemporary World 9 (2):41-47.
    In this paper I consider and respond to two arguments against cosmopolitanism, the membership needs argument and the preferential treatment argument. I argue that if there are reasonable grounds for endorsing universal norms such as human rights, then there are no reasonable grounds for rejecting moral cosmopolitanism.
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  40. Liberalism, justice, and markets: A critique of liberal equality.Jon Mandle - 2000 - Philosophical Review 109 (4):601-604.
    In 1981, Ronald Dworkin published a two-part article entitled “What Is Equality?”. In it, he considers what egalitarians should aim to equalize. Dworkin argues in favor of equality of resources rather than equality of welfare, and in particular, he maintains that a proper egalitarian theory of distributive justice should be “ambition-sensitive” but not “endowment-sensitive.” That is, it will allow inequalities that reflect the fact that some people “choose to invest rather than consume, or to consume less expensively rather than more, (...)
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    Hume's Impression of Succession (Time).Jon Charles Miller - 2008 - Dialogue 47 (3-4):603-.
    ABSTRACT: In this article I argue that Hume's empiricism allows for time to exist as a real distinct impression of succession, not, as many claim, merely as a nominal abstract idea. In the first part of this article I show how for Hume it is succession and not duration that constitutes time, and, further, that only duration is fictional. In the second part, I show that according to the way Hume describes the functions of the memory and imagination, it is (...)
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    Why Study Philosophy?Jon A. Miller - 2000 - Teaching Philosophy 23 (4):359-380.
    This paper takes up and provides three answers to the question “Why study philosophy?” Beginning with a discussion of why this question has been ignored in literature pertaining to the teaching of philosophy, the paper turns to an analysis of what it means to ask about the importance of philosophy, pointing out that the question is ambiguous with other questions like “why should so-and-so study philosophy” or “why does so-and-so study philosophy.” The author then provides three answers that are similar (...)
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  43.  23
    Plato on Persuasion and Credibility.Jon Moline - 1988 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 21 (4):260 - 278.
  44.  38
    The Explanatory Import of Dispositions: A Defense of Scientific Realism.Jon D. Ringen - 1982 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1982:122 - 133.
    It is widely assumed that disposition predicates do not designate entities which could be causal factors in the production of natural phenomena. Yet, the fact that an object has a given dispositional property is often taken to help explain behavior exhibited by objects to which the disposition is ascribed. Instrumentalist, realist, and rationalist analyses of disposition predicates embody three quite distinct views of how both assumptions could be correct. It is argued that the instrumentalist fails to capture basic intuitions concerning (...)
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  45.  36
    Entrenchment and Engagement.Jon Wheatley - 1967 - Analysis 27 (4):119 - 127.
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    Future Contingents and the Iterated Exchange.Jon Bornholdt - 2022 - Vivarium 60 (4):296-324.
    In his Reportatio super Sententias (ca. 1321–1323), Walter Chatton proposes a solution to the problem of future contingents based on propositional analysis. Future-tense statements must be disambiguated with the help of a scope distinction between temporal and truth operators, such that a statement like “Socrates will sit” comes out either as (1) “it is true now that Socrates will sit,” or (2) “it will be true that Socrates sits.” On the first analysis, Socrates’s action is necessitated, whereas on the second (...)
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  47.  20
    The Philosophical Essay.Jon Cook - 2022 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 55 (3):286-302.
    ABSTRACT Tensions between an idea of philosophy and the practice of the essay are explored in relation to the work of Montaigne in the sixteenth century and Hume in the eighteenth. The comparison between the two lays a basis for thinking about the contrast between philosophy as a way of life and its opposite. The changing and equivocal character of the philosophical essay is further explored with reference to Adorno’s “Essay as Form” and Howard Caygill’s recently published collection, Force and (...)
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  48. The effects of person–organization ethical fit on employee attraction and retention: Towards a testable explanatory model.A. Coldwell David, Nathalie Meurs Jon Billsberrvany & J. G. Marsh Philip - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 78 (4).
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    Public Education and the Aesthetic Dimension of Strauss’s Theologico-Political Problem.Jon Fennell - 2009 - Philosophy of Education 65:317-325.
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    In Search of Business Ethics.Paul Griseri & Jon Groucutt - 1997 - Financial Times/Prentice Hall.
    As demonstrated repeatedly in the press, unethical decisions lead to damaged reputations and financial loss in business. This practical briefing provides board members and executives with advice on handling key business areas where ethics are essential.
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