Results for 'Johannes Bernard'

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    Plutarch: three studies.Johannes Schroetter, Herbert Holtorf & Bernard Latzarus (eds.) - 1911 - New York: Garland.
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    Evidence for multiple routes in learning to read.Jonathan Grainger, Bernard Lété, Daisy Bertand, Stéphane Dufau & Johannes C. Ziegler - 2012 - Cognition 123 (2):280-292.
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    Bernard Stiegler's Theology of Writing and the Disorientation of Western Modernity.Johann Rossouw - 2018 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2018 (185):149-164.
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    Changes in gray matter volume after microsurgical lumbar discectomy: a longitudinal analysis.Michael Luchtmann, Sebastian Baecke, Yvonne Steinecke, Johannes Bernarding, Claus Tempelmann, Patrick Ragert & Raimund Firsching - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    Lier la couleur et l'être humain: Johann W. von Goethe, Rudolf Steiner et Liane Collot d'Herbois revisites.Chantal Bernard - 2017 - Yverdon-les-Bains: Éditions anthroposophiques romandes. Edited by Janny Mager.
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    Secularity and modernity? A brief response to Herbert de vriese.Johann Rossouw - 2010 - Sophia 49 (3):429-432.
    In this brief response to Herbert De Vriese’s The Charm of Disenchantment, his attempt to link secularism and modernity is questioned. Criticism is leveled at De Vriese’s use of the correspondence between Voltaire and Frederick the Great without reference to the historical context, notably the confessional states that existed between roughly 1650 and 1800 in Europe. De Vriese’s apology for disenchantment and modernity is also questioned in the light of both modern religious and secular responses to modernity as exemplified by (...)
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    An entire body of philosophy, according to the principles of the famous Renate des Cartes, in three books.Antoine Le Grand, Richard Blome, Johannes Kip, Michael van der Gucht & Bernard Lens - 1694 - New York,: Johnson Reprint. Edited by Richard Blome.
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    New Astronomy. Johannes Kepler, William H. Donahue. [REVIEW]Bernard R. Goldstein - 1995 - Philosophy of Science 62 (1):161-162.
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    Philosophie et droits de l'homme: de Kant à Marx.Bernard Bourgeois - 1990 - Presses Universitaires de France - PUF.
    Cette édition numérique a été réalisée à partir d'un support physique, parfois ancien, conservé au sein du dépôt légal de la Bibliothèque nationale de France, conformément à la loi n° 2012-287 du 1er mars 2012 relative à l'exploitation des Livres indisponibles du XXe siècle. Pages de début Avant-propos I - Philosophie des droits de l'homme 2 - Kant et les droits de l'homme 3 - Fichte et les droits de l'homme 4 - Hegel et les droits de l'homme 5 - (...)
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  10. Bernard Delfgaauw, "Geschichte als Fortschritt". [REVIEW]Johannes Witt-Hansen - 1968 - Man and World 1 (1):143.
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    Eriugena: East and West : Papers of the Eighth International Colloquium of the Society for the Promotion of Eriugenian Studies, Chicago and Notre Dame, 18-20 October 1991.Bernard McGinn & Willemien Otten - 1994 - University of Notre Dame Press.
    Addressed to historians of medieval and Byzantine thought, philosophers and theologians, Eriugena: East and West provides an in-depth study of how the great Irish scholar, John Scottus Eriugena, bridged the gap between Eastern, Greek-speaking Christianity and the Latin West. In these essays, selected from the Eighth International Colloquium of the Society for the Promotion of Eriugenian Studies, 12 scholars not only focus on one crucial exemplar of the history of Christian ecumenism, but also open a fruitful discussion about the contemporary (...)
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    Augustinus von Hippo. Eine Biographie von Peter Brown . Aus dem Englischen übersetzt von Johannes Bernard. Societätsverlag Frankfurt a. Main 1973, 499 pp. [REVIEW]Michael Thomas & Rainer Haas - 1973 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 25 (4):369-373.
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  13. Bernard Williams on Philosophy and History.Marcel van Ackeren & Matthieu Queloz (eds.) - forthcoming - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    For Bernard Williams, philosophy and history are importantly connected. His work exploits this connection in a number of directions: he believes that philosophy cannot ignore its own history the way science can; that even when engaging with philosophy’s history primarily to produce history, one needs to draw on philosophy; and that when doing the history of philosophy primarily to produce philosophy, one still needs a sense of how historically distant past philosophers are, because the point of reading them is (...)
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    Seventeenth Century Johannes Kepler, Mysterium Cosmographicum: The secret of the universe. Translation by A. M. Duncan, Introduction and Commentary by E. J. Aiton, with a Preface by I. Bernard Cohen. New York: Abaris Books, 1981. Pp. 267. ISBN 0-913870-64-1. £13. [REVIEW]N. Jardine - 1984 - British Journal for the History of Science 17 (1):108-109.
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  15. Existence and Thought: Exploring the Complementarity of Existentialism and Intellectualism in the Works of Soren Kierkegaard and Bernard Lonergan.Paul St Amour - 1998 - Dissertation, Fordham University
    This dissertation explores the dialectic of thought and existence implicit in the human person's task of self-constitution as both a knower and a chooser. By way of comparative interpretation and critical analysis of the thought of Soren Kierkegaard and Bernard Lonergan, it argues for the complementarity of cognitional and existential praxis and adumbrates the possibility of an intellectualist existentialism. ;The Kierkegaardian polarization of thought and existence is situated within the context of a polemic against Hegelian holism and its totalizing (...)
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    The First Progressive Educator.James Scott Johnston - 2021 - Con-Textos Kantianos 14:458-461.
    Review of: Robert Louden, Johann Bernard Basedow and the Transformation of Modern Education: Educational Reform in the German Enlightenment, London, Bloomsbury, 2021, 225 p. ISBN: 9781350163669.
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    The Principles of Representative Government.Bernard Manin - 1997 - Cambridge University Press.
    A survey of democratic institutions and republics reveals the aristocratic origins of democracy.
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  18. Panini's view of meaning and its western counterpart.Johannes Bronkhorst - 1992 - In Maksim Stamenov (ed.), Current advances in semantic theory. Philadelphia: John Benjamins. pp. 73--455.
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    Organisms in evolution.Johannes Martens - 2010 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 32 (2/3).
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    Causal Facts.Johannes Persson - unknown
    The thesis addresses the nature of causation. It is argued that causation exists and is as local as its causes and effects. As a consequence, the position advocated is contrary to the as yet prevailing view that no 'causal tie' between cause and effect exists. Moreover, it is suggested that this tie can be perceived. The essay attempts to elucidate the nature of causes, effects, and causal mechanisms. It is argued that they are facts rather than particulars or universals. Furthermore (...)
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  21. Supervenience arguments under relaxed assumptions.Johannes Schmitt & Mark Schroeder - 2011 - Philosophical Studies 155 (1):133 - 160.
    When it comes to evaluating reductive hypotheses in metaphysics, supervenience arguments are the tools of the trade. Jaegwon Kim and Frank Jackson have argued, respectively, that strong and global supervenience are sufficient for reduction, and others have argued that supervenience theses stand in need of the kind of explanation that reductive hypotheses are particularly suited to provide. Simon Blackburn's arguments about what he claims are the specifically problematic features of the supervenience of the moral on the natural have also been (...)
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    Equity and Efficiency in Multi-Worker Firms: Insights from Experimental Economics.Johannes Abeler, Steffen Altmann, Sebastian J. Goerg, Sebastian Kube & Matthias Wibral - 2011 - Analyse & Kritik 33 (1):325-348.
    In this article, we discuss recent evidence from experimental economics on the impact of social preferences on workplace behavior. We focus on situations in which a single employer interacts with multiple employees. Traditionally, equity and efficiency have been seen as opposing aims in such work environments: individual pay-for-performance wage schemes maximize of efficiency but might lead to inequitable outcomes. We present findings from laboratory experiments that show under which circumstances partially incomplete contracts can create equitable work environments while at the (...)
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    Normativität: über die Hintergründe sozialwissenschaftlicher Theoriebildung.Johannes Ahrens, Raphael Beer, Uwe H. Bittlingmayer & Jürgen Gerdes (eds.) - 2011 - Wiesbaden: VS Verlag.
    Normativität hat in den Sozialwissenschaften noch immer etwas Anrüchiges, fast Abschreckendes. Es gibt eine lange Traditionslinie in den Sozialwissenschaften, die versucht, ihre Disziplin gegenüber normativen Argumenten „sauber“ zu halten. Das wird in der Regel damit begründet, dass im wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisprozess Gesinnungsmotive nicht hilfreich sind und im Extremfall Ergebnisse verzerren. Befürworter normativer Sozialwissenschaften halten dagegen, dass die fehlende Thematisierung etwa von sozialen Ungleichheits- und Herrschaftsverhältnissen die Welt, so wie sie gerade ist, einmal mehr bestätigt – und das ist eben auch nicht (...)
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    System der ästhetik.Johannes Volkelt (ed.) - 1905 - München,: Beck.
    Bd. 1: Grundlegung der Ästhetik. Bd. 2: Die ästhetischen Grundgestalten. Bd. 3: Kunstphilosophie und Metaphysik der Ästhetik Bd. 1 , XII- 560, Bd. 2 , XX-602 und Bd. 3 : XX-600.
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    Conscious contents provide the nervous system with coherent, global information.Bernard J. Baars - 1983 - In Richard J. Davidson, Gary E. Schwartz & D. H. Shapiro (eds.), Consciousness and Self-Regulation. Plenum. pp. 41--79.
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    The church and diaconia as local partners in the social space: Challenges and opportunities.Johannes Eurich - 2020 - HTS Theological Studies 76 (2).
    Demographic change, change in family structures, growing ethnic plurality resulting from migration, social inequality and so on require new ways of addressing spiritual and social needs in many Western European countries. In view of these current social changes, increasingly more effort is being put into strengthening cooperation between church congregations and diaconal institutions at the local level. This article will focus on the reciprocal relationship between the church and its immediate local context by focusing on one of the church’s ministries (...)
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  27. Science and the Social Order.Bernard Barber - 1955 - Philosophy 30 (112):87-88.
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    Moral reflection differences among Norwegian business students. A presentation and discussion of findings.Johannes Brinkmann - 2002 - Teaching Business Ethics 6 (1):83-99.
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    The theater of individuation: phase-shift and resolution in Simondon and Heidegger.Bernard Stiegler - 2009 - Parrhesia 7:46-57.
  30. Was Brentano an Early Deflationist about Truth?Johannes Brandl - 2017 - The Monist 100 (1):1-14.
    It is often assumed that deflationist accounts of truth are a product of philosophy of logic and language in the twentieth century. In this paper I show why this assumption is historically short-sighted. An early version of deflationism about truth can already be found in Brentano’s 1889 lecture “On the Concept of Truth.” That Brentano is a precursor of deflationism has gone largely unnoticed because of a different reception of his lecture: according to most scholars, Brentano proposes in it a (...)
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  31. The Philosophical Theory of the State.Bernard Bosanquet - 1922 - The Monist 32:315.
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    Some remarks on the" slingshot'argument.Johannes Brand - 1991 - In Georg Schurz (ed.), Advances in Scientific Philosophy. pp. 24--421.
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    The sociology of science.Bernard Barber - 1978 - Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press. Edited by Walter Hirsch.
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    Ethics and the Moral Life.Bernard Mayo - 1958 - New York: St. Martin's Press.
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    On the way toward a phenomenological psychology.Johannes Linschoten - 1968 - Pittsburgh,: Duquesne University Press.
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    Scientific Method: Optimizing Applied Research Decisions.Bernard R. Grunstra - 1965 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 25 (4):594-595.
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  37. Defining mental disorder.Bernard Gert & Charles Culver - 2004 - In Jennifer Radden (ed.), The Philosophy of Psychiatry: A Companion. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  38. Normativität : über die Hintergründe sozialwissenschaftlicher Theoriebildung : zur Einführung.Johannes Ahrens, Raphael Beer, Uwe H. Bittlingmayer & Jürgen Gerdes - 2011 - In Johannes Ahrens, Raphael Beer, Uwe H. Bittlingmayer & Jürgen Gerdes (eds.), Normativität: über die Hintergründe sozialwissenschaftlicher Theoriebildung. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag.
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    Vom Sinn des Ganzen.Johannes Barnick - 1952 - Tübingen,: Verlag Der Gral.
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  40. The poetry of genetics.Johannes Borgstein - 1997 - Ludus Vitalis 5 (9):221-224.
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    Patienten brauchen mehr als nur ein Rezept.Johannes Neuhofer - 2009 - Wien: Ueberreuter. Edited by Judith Hintersteiner & Wolfgang Bogner.
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  42. Rethinking Explanation. Series: Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science Vol. 252.Johannes Persson & Petri Ylikoski (eds.) - 2007 - Dordrecht: Springer Verlag.
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  43. Computation and simulation.Johannes Lenhard - 2010 - In Robert Frodeman, Julie Thompson Klein & Carl Mitcham (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Interdisciplinarity. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. pp. 246.
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  44. (1 other version)Philosophical Fragments, or a Fragment of Philosophy.Johannes Climacus, David F. Swenson, Theodor Haecker & Alexander Dru - 1937 - Philosophy 12 (48):483-485.
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    Essential Sources in the Scientific Study of Consciousness.Bernard J. Baars & J. B. Newman (eds.) - 2001 - MIT Press.
    Current thinking and research on consciousness and the brain.
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  46. A mistrustful animal.Bernard Williams - 2009 - In Alex Voorhoeve (ed.), Conversations on ethics. New York: Oxford University Press.
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  47. Social ethics: natural law in the modern world.Johannes Messner - 1949 - St. Louis, Mo.: B. Herder Book Co..
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  48. A mistrustful animal.Bernard Williams - 2009 - In Alex Voorhoeve (ed.), Conversations on ethics. New York: Oxford University Press.
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  49. Political Philosophy at the Closure of Metaphysics.Bernard Flynn - 1993 - Journal of Nietzsche Studies 6:141-147.
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  50. designed in the Nelson-Heckmann tradition : a tool for reducing the theory-practice divide in business ethics.Johannes Brinkmann - 2015 - In Knut Johannessen Ims & Lars Jacob Tynes Pedersen (eds.), Business and the greater good: rethinking business ethics in an age of crisis. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar.
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