Results for 'Joe Alcock'

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  1.  80
    Is eating behavior manipulated by the gastrointestinal microbiota? Evolutionary pressures and potential mechanisms.Joe Alcock, Carlo C. Maley & C. Athena Aktipis - 2014 - Bioessays 36 (10):940-949.
    Microbes in the gastrointestinal tract are under selective pressure to manipulate host eating behavior to increase their fitness, sometimes at the expense of host fitness. Microbes may do this through two potential strategies: (i) generating cravings for foods that they specialize on or foods that suppress their competitors, or (ii) inducing dysphoria until we eat foods that enhance their fitness. We review several potential mechanisms for microbial control over eating behavior including microbial influence on reward and satiety pathways, production of (...)
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    Joe L. Kincheloe 163.Joe L. Kincheloe - forthcoming - Journal of Thought.
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    Between Nature and Culture: Photographs of the Getty Center by Joe Deal.Joe Deal, Richard Meier, Weston Naef & Mark Johnstone - 1999 - J. Paul Getty Museum.
    "He completed the assignment in two phases: The photographs made during the first phase capture the natural ruggedness of the terrain and establish its relationship to the developed neighboring enclaves. Those made during the second phase not only record the actual construction process but also reveal Deal's personal perspective on the qualities of light and the creation of form. Represented in this book as a selection from the resulting portfolio, Topos, a Greek word meaning place, site, position, and occasion - (...)
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    Searching in an unfamiliar environment: a phenomenologically informed experiment.Madeleine Alcock, Jan M. Wiener & Doug Hardman - forthcoming - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences:1-21.
    Wayfinding is generally understood as the process of purposefully navigating to distant and non-visible destinations. Within this broad framework, uninformed searching entails finding one’s way to a target destination, in an unfamiliar environment, with no knowledge of its location. Although a variety of search strategies have been previously reported, this research was largely conducted in the laboratory or virtual environments using simplistic and often non-realistic situations, raising questions about its ecological validity. In this study, we explored how extant findings on (...)
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  5. Parapsychology: Science of the anomalous or search for the soul?James E. Alcock - 1987 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 10 (4):553.
  6. Proceedings of the British Academy, Volume 68: 1982.L. Alcock - 1983
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    1 The stratigraphy of serendipity.Susan E. Alcock - 2010 - In Mark de Rond & Iain Morley, Serendipity: fortune and the prepared mind. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 22--11.
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    Young Children Playing: Relational Approaches to Emotional Learning in Early Childhood Settings.Sophie Jane Alcock - 2016 - Singapore: Imprint: Springer.
    The subject of this book is young children's emotional-social learning and development within early childhood care and education settings in Aotearoa-New Zealand. The focus on emotional complexity fills a gap in early childhood care and education research where young children are frequently framed narrowly as 'learners,' ignoring the importance of emotional functioning and the feelings with which children make sense of themselves and the world. This book draws on original data in the form of narrative-like framed events to creatively illustrate (...)
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    The quest for learning: how to maximize student engagement.Marie Alcock - 2018 - Bloomington, IN: Solution Tree Press. Edited by Michael Fisher & Allison Zmuda.
    The Quest for Learning: How to Maximize Student Engagement affirms that traditional classroom learning experiences, in which you plan lessons and voice instruction at the front of the room, do not meet 21st century students learning needs. Questing is a customizable pedagogy that readers and their students together tailor to a students abilities, needs, and interests. Side by side, and aligned with learning targets, readers learn how teachers and students determine what a student will learn about and at what pace. (...)
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  10.  41
    Realism of confidence judgments.Joe K. Adams & Pauline Austin Adams - 1961 - Psychological Review 68 (1):33-45.
  11.  63
    Evaluative Uncertainty and Permissible Preference.Joe Horton & Jacob Ross - 2025 - Philosophical Review 134 (1):35-64.
    There has recently been an explosion of interest in rational and moral choice under evaluative uncertainty—uncertainty about values or reasons. However, the dominant views on such choice have at least three major problems: they are overly demanding, they are incompatible with supererogation, and they cannot be applied to agents with credence in indeterminate evaluative theories. The authors propose a unified view that solves all these problems. According to this view, permissible options maximize expected utility relative to permissible preferences, and different (...)
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    Singing down a blind alley.John Alcock - 1988 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 11 (4):630-631.
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    Belief and survival.James Alcock - 2003 - World Futures 59 (3 & 4):189 – 200.
    Our ability to survive in a world beset by looming global perils depends ultimately on our collective will to harness our intellects and change our behaviors. In order to respond appropriately, people must first believe that serious problems exist, that there are potential solutions, and that they have a role to play in finding and implementing them. Without such beliefs, individual change is unlikely. In order to promote belief change, it is important to understand how beliefs are learned, what their (...)
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  14.  44
    Beyond the sociobiology of sexuality: predictive hypotheses.John Alcock - 1980 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 3 (2):181-182.
  15.  32
    Production Is Only Half the Story — First Words in Two East African Languages.Katherine J. Alcock - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  16. Science, pseudoscience, and anomaly.James E. Alcock - 1998 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 21 (2):303-303.
    My criticisms of parapsychology are neither based on its subject matter per se, nor simply on a charge of sloppy research, but rather on the whole pattern of theory and research in this domain. The lack of a positive definition of psi, the use of ad hoc principles such as psi-missing and the experimenter psi effect to account for failures to confirm hypotheses, and the failure to produce a single phenomenon that can be replicated by neutral investigators are among the (...)
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    Where is the “anomaly” called psi?James E. Alcock - 1987 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 10 (4):568.
  18. Reading the Epigraph to Philosophical Fragments.Joe Westphall - 2004 - Kierkegaardiana 23.
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  19.  16
    Teachers as Researchers : Qualitative Inquiry as a Path to Empowerment.Joe L. Kincheloe - 2012 - Routledge.
    _Teachers as Researchers_ urges teachers - as both producers and consumers of knowledge - to engage in the debate about educational research by undertaking meaningful research themselves. Teachers are being encouraged to carry out research in order to improve their effectiveness in the classroom, but this book suggests that they also reflect on and challenge the reductionist and technicist methods that promote a 'top down' system of education. It argues that only by engaging in complex, critical research will teachers rediscover (...)
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    Give the null hypothesis a chance: Reasons to remain doubtful about the existence of psi.James Alcock - 2003 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 10 (6-7):6-7.
    Is there a world beyond the senses? Can we perceive future events before they occur? Is it possible to communicate with others without need of our complex sensory-perceptual apparatus that has evolved over hundreds of millions of years? Can our minds/souls/personalities leave our bodies and operate with all the knowledge and information-processing ability that is normally dependent upon the physical brain? Do our personalities survive physical death?
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  21. Externalism about mental content.Joe Lau - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Externalism with regard to mental content says that in order to have certain types of intentional mental states (e.g. beliefs), it is necessary to be related to the environment in the right way.
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  22. The Acropolis.Susan E. Alcock - 1991 - The Classical Review 41 (02):441-.
  23.  21
    Values, word frequencies, and perception.Joe Adams & Donald R. Brown - 1953 - Psychological Review 60 (1):50-54.
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  24. Urban Survey and the.S. E. Alcock - forthcoming - Polis.
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    Santayana and solipsism.Joe Lee Davis - 1972 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 10 (2):123-130.
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  26. Lucio Tan: Simple, Pretenseless, Insightful.Joe Ngaw - 2010 - Budhi: A Journal of Ideas and Culture 14 (2 & 3):237-238.
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    (1 other version)Interview: Ryuzaburo Kaku.Joe Skelly - 1995 - Business Ethics 9 (2):30-33.
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  28. Chemical kind term reference and the discovery of essence.Joe LaPorte - 1996 - Noûs 30 (1):112-132.
  29. The Rise of International Ethics.Joe Skelly - 1995 - Business Ethics 9:24-25.
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  30.  19
    Reaching God speed: unlocking the secret broadcast revealing the mystery of everything.Joe Kovacs - 2022 - New York: Fidelis Books.
    The answer is surprising, and what we're about to learn will wake us up to a reality most of us never knew existed.The reason we're so oblivious is because we've all been operating at human speed, relying on our own physical power and our five senses. But there is something extremely important we've all been missing. It holds the key to everything good--the key to life, success, happiness, peace of mind, and understanding beyond our wildest imagination. It's perhaps the best-kept (...)
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  31.  57
    Radical, liberal, conservative, reactionary: Making them distinctions which distinguish.Joe R. Burnett & John R. Palmer - 1967 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 5 (2):225-244.
  32.  59
    Knowledge and Neuroscience.Joe Cruz - unknown
    Let me begin with the standard apology and expression of regret for not being able to comment on all of the intriguing and illuminating themes in Professor Churchland’s paper. I should at least note, though, my enthusiasm for his suggestive discussion of the complexity of all concepts, for his detailed portrayal of the resources of neural network models, and for his attempt to deflate our Cartesian pretensions by focusing on the commonality between human and infrahuman cognition. I restrict my developed (...)
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    Major Lyricists of the Northern Sung, A. D. 960-1126.Joe Cutter & James J. Y. Liu - 1977 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 97 (4):573.
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    Wittgenstein's influence on philosophy of education.Joe L. Green - 1977 - Educational Studies 8 (1):1-20.
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  35. Skillen: Ruling Illusions.Joe Mccarney - 1981 - Radical Philosophy 27:36.
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  36.  58
    Adherence in paediatric renal failure and dialysis: an ethical analysis of nurses’ attitudes and reported practice.Joe Scott Mellor, Sally-Anne Hulton & Heather Draper - 2015 - Journal of Medical Ethics 41 (2):151-156.
  37.  34
    Minimally constrained maximisation.Joe Mintoff - 2007 - In Bruno Verbeek, Reasons and Intentions. Ashgate.
    This chapter argues that, under certain conditions, forming an intention makes an action rational which would otherwise not have been rational, since intentions (together with beliefs) in and of themselves provide deductive reasons for further intentions and actions, an argument which builds on previous work by R M Hare, Michael Bratman and others, It also provides an articulation and defense of the concept of "minimally constrained maximization" as a unified general solution to the well-known paradoxes of rationality, including the paradox (...)
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    Plato's Phaedo: An Interpretation Kenneth Dorter Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1982. Pp. 233.Joe Novak - 1987 - Dialogue 26 (1):183-.
  39.  7
    Questioning history: 16 essential questions that will deepen your understanding of the past.Joe Regenbogen - 2016 - Wilmington, Delaware: Vernon Press.
    Since the days of the Ancient Greeks, history has been perceived as the academic study of the past. Unfortunately, it has generally been taught as a litany of rigid, boring facts intended to be accepted rather than questioned. This has been reinforced for decades by weighty textbooks that overwhelm the reader with mind-numbing details presented in a chronological sequence. The end result is that students see little relevance of what they learn in history class to the real world, and many (...)
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  40.  61
    An Informal Talk about Forms.Joe Sachs - 2007 - New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy 7:197-207.
  41.  17
    The Limits of Natural Law: Liability for Wrongdoing in the Inleidinge.Joe Sampson - 2019 - Grotiana 40 (1):7-27.
    This article focuses on Grotius’s treatment of obligations arising from wrongdoing in his Inleidinge. The work has clear parallels with the natural law formulation of the same topic in De Jure Belli ac Pacis, and this article explores the extent of the similarities. It focuses on points of divergence, suggesting that the theoretical coherence of the natural law approach to obligations arising from wrongdoing was challenged primarily by extant legislative enactments. These provided either for region-specific doctrines, or rules that proved (...)
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    Uma apologia do diálogo: Claude Geffré lendo Paul Tillich.Joe Marçal Gonçalves dos Santos - 2015 - Horizonte 13 (40):1870-1895.
    O objeto deste artigo é a leitura que Claude Geffré faz de Paul Tillich em De Babel a Pentecostes: ensaios de teologia inter-religiosa. O autor recorre à teologia de Tillich para desenvolver uma “hermenêutica do diálogo inter-religioso”, a fim de responder ao desafio do pluralismo religioso para a teologia cristã. O argumento que Geffré encontra é que apenas a partir do paradoxo cristológico, à luz do conceito de “revelação final” e “preocupação última”, a teologia cristã pode responder ao pluralismo religioso (...)
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    Timnah: A Biblical City in the Sorek Valley.Joe D. Seger, George L. Kelm & Amihai Mazar - 1998 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 118 (3):440.
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  44. The rise of international ethics: the Caux Round Table: principles for business.Joe Skelly - forthcoming - Business Ethics.
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    Die absolute Vereindeutlichung der philosophischen Terminologie.Joe Stickers - 1924 - Berlin,: L. Simion nf..
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    A to-do about dualism or a duel about data?James E. Alcock - 1987 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 10 (4):627.
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  47. New Essays on the Knowability Paradox.Joe Salerno (ed.) - 2008 - Oxford, England and New York, NY, USA: Oxford University Press.
    This collection assembles Church's referee reports, Fitch's 1963 paper, and nineteen new papers on the knowability paradox.
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    Atheist out of the Foxhole.Joe Haldeman - 2009 - In Russell Blackford & Udo Schüklenk, 50 Voices of Disbelief. Wiley‐Blackwell. pp. 187–190.
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    Bertrand Russell on Education.Joe Park - 1963 - [Columbus]: Routledge.
    Although scholars from many disciplines have turned their attention to Russell’s work and appraised its significance for a number of fields, and an extensive literature on him emerged, until this book, first published in 1963, no thorough study on Russell’s contribution to education – an area to which he devoted no small part of his energies – had yet appeared. The book is based on interviews with Russell as well as diligent research in his writings and the sources of his (...)
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  50. The All or Nothing Problem.Joe Horton - 2017 - Journal of Philosophy 114 (2):94-104.
    There are many cases in which, by making some great sacrifice, you could bring about either a good outcome or a very good outcome. In some of these cases, it seems wrong for you to bring about the good outcome, since you could bring about the very good outcome with no additional sacrifice. It also seems permissible for you not to make the sacrifice, and bring about neither outcome. But together, these claims seem to imply that you ought to bring (...)
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