Results for 'Joe Alcock'

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  1.  80
    Is eating behavior manipulated by the gastrointestinal microbiota? Evolutionary pressures and potential mechanisms.Joe Alcock, Carlo C. Maley & C. Athena Aktipis - 2014 - Bioessays 36 (10):940-949.
    Microbes in the gastrointestinal tract are under selective pressure to manipulate host eating behavior to increase their fitness, sometimes at the expense of host fitness. Microbes may do this through two potential strategies: (i) generating cravings for foods that they specialize on or foods that suppress their competitors, or (ii) inducing dysphoria until we eat foods that enhance their fitness. We review several potential mechanisms for microbial control over eating behavior including microbial influence on reward and satiety pathways, production of (...)
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    Joe L. Kincheloe 163.Joe L. Kincheloe - forthcoming - Journal of Thought.
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    Kant’s Rationalist Account of Hope.Joe Stratmann - 2024 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 106 (4):836-857.
    Few fates seem worse than living without cause for hope. Yet what is it to have a cause for hope? And how is it related to having hope? Although these questions have received relatively little philosophical attention, I argue that Kant advances a rationalist account of hope that addresses them. My central thesis has two parts. First, hope is a rational attitude for Kant; certain rational conditions are needed to differentiate hope from other desiderative attitudes (such as mere wishing or (...)
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    Some hope for Kant’s Groundwork III.Joe Saunders - 2024 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 67 (9):2902-2929.
    Kant worries that if we are not free, morality will be nothing more than a phantasm for us. In the final section of the Groundwork, he attempts secure our freedom, and with it, morality. Here is a simplified version of his argument: A rational will is a free willA free will stands under the moral lawTherefore, a rational will stands under the moral lawIn this paper, I attempt to defuse two prominent objections to this argument. Commentators often worry that Kant (...)
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    Belief and survival.James Alcock - 2003 - World Futures 59 (3 & 4):189 – 200.
    Our ability to survive in a world beset by looming global perils depends ultimately on our collective will to harness our intellects and change our behaviors. In order to respond appropriately, people must first believe that serious problems exist, that there are potential solutions, and that they have a role to play in finding and implementing them. Without such beliefs, individual change is unlikely. In order to promote belief change, it is important to understand how beliefs are learned, what their (...)
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  6. Cadbury-Camelot: A Fifteen- Year Perspective.L. Alcock - 1983 - In Alcock L., Proceedings of the British Academy, Volume 68: 1982. pp. 355-388.
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  7. The myth of genetic determinism – again.John Alcock - 1999 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (5):885-886.
    Lifelines mounts a vigorous attack on sociobiology on the utterly mistaken grounds that sociobiologists believe that genes single-handedly determine social behavior. The many previously published rebuttals to this pernicious criticism are conveniently ignored by the author.
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    Anti‐materialist Arguments and Influential Replies.Joe Levine - 2007 - In Max Velmans & Susan Schneider, The Blackwell Companion to Consciousness. New York: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 391–403.
    This chapter discusses the anti‐materialist arguments that purport to show that conscious phenomena are genuinely new, nonphysical features of reality. The anti‐materialist claims that zombies are indeed conceivable. To see why this might make trouble for the materialist, the chapter considers again what is supposed to distinguish materialism from property dualism. Given the characterization of the difference between the materialist and the property dualist, it becomes clear why the conceivability of a zombie counts against materialism. One of the most influential (...)
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    Democracy, Kingship, and Consensus: A South African Perspective.Joe Teffo - 2004 - In Kwasi Wiredu, A Companion to African Philosophy. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 443–449.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Introduction Domesticated Democracy The Principle of Consensus as a Feature of Democracy Conclusion.
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    Explainable AI tools for legal reasoning about cases: A study on the European Court of Human Rights.Joe Collenette, Katie Atkinson & Trevor Bench-Capon - 2023 - Artificial Intelligence 317 (C):103861.
  11.  19
    Automating humanity.Joe Toscano - 2018 - Brooklyn, New York: PowerHouse Books.
    Automating Humanity is the shocking and eye-opening new manifesto from international award-winning designer Joe Toscano that unravels and lays bare the power agendas of the world's greatest tech titans in plain language, and delivers a fair warning to policymakers, civilians, and industry professionals alike: we need a strategy for the future, and we need it now. Automating Humanity is an insider's perspective on everything Big Tech doesn't want the public to know--or think about--from the addictions installed on a global scale (...)
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    Awareness Revision and Belief Extension.Joe Roussos - 2024 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy:1-24.
    What norm governs how an agent should change their beliefs when they encounter a completely new possibility? Orthodox Bayesianism has no answer, as it takes all learning to involve updating prior beliefs. A partial proposal is Reverse Bayesianism, which mandates the preservation of ratios of prior probabilities, but it faces counterexamples introduced by Mahtani (2021). I propose to separate awareness growth into two stages: awareness revision and belief extension. I argue that Mahtani’s cases highlight that we need to theorize awareness (...)
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  13. The Acropolis.Susan E. Alcock - 1991 - The Classical Review 41 (02):441-.
  14.  14
    Young Children Playing: Relational Approaches to Emotional Learning in Early Childhood Settings.Sophie Jane Alcock - 2016 - Singapore: Imprint: Springer.
    The subject of this book is young children's emotional-social learning and development within early childhood care and education settings in Aotearoa-New Zealand. The focus on emotional complexity fills a gap in early childhood care and education research where young children are frequently framed narrowly as 'learners,' ignoring the importance of emotional functioning and the feelings with which children make sense of themselves and the world. This book draws on original data in the form of narrative-like framed events to creatively illustrate (...)
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    The quest for learning: how to maximize student engagement.Marie Alcock - 2018 - Bloomington, IN: Solution Tree Press. Edited by Michael Fisher & Allison Zmuda.
    The Quest for Learning: How to Maximize Student Engagement affirms that traditional classroom learning experiences, in which you plan lessons and voice instruction at the front of the room, do not meet 21st century students learning needs. Questing is a customizable pedagogy that readers and their students together tailor to a students abilities, needs, and interests. Side by side, and aligned with learning targets, readers learn how teachers and students determine what a student will learn about and at what pace. (...)
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    Policymaking under scientific uncertainty.Joe Roussos - 2020 - Dissertation, London School of Economics
    Policymakers who seek to make scientifically informed decisions are constantly confronted by scientific uncertainty and expert disagreement. This thesis asks: how can policymakers rationally respond to expert disagreement and scientific uncertainty? This is a work of non-ideal theory, which applies formal philosophical tools developed by ideal theorists to more realistic cases of policymaking under scientific uncertainty. I start with Bayesian approaches to expert testimony and the problem of expert disagreement, arguing that two popular approaches— supra-Bayesianism and the standard model of (...)
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    Searching in an unfamiliar environment: a phenomenologically informed experiment.Madeleine Alcock, Jan M. Wiener & Doug Hardman - forthcoming - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences:1-21.
    Wayfinding is generally understood as the process of purposefully navigating to distant and non-visible destinations. Within this broad framework, uninformed searching entails finding one’s way to a target destination, in an unfamiliar environment, with no knowledge of its location. Although a variety of search strategies have been previously reported, this research was largely conducted in the laboratory or virtual environments using simplistic and often non-realistic situations, raising questions about its ecological validity. In this study, we explored how extant findings on (...)
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    Ethical journalism: adopting the ethics of care.Joe Mathewson - 2022 - New York: Routledge.
    This book makes the case for the news media to take the lead in combatting key threats to American society including racial injustice, economic disparity, and climate change by adopting an "ethics of care" in reporting practices. Examining how traditional news coverage of race, economics and climate change has been dedicated to straightforward facts, the author asserts that journalism should now respond to societal needs by adopting a moral philosophy of the "ethics of care," opening the door to empathetic yet (...)
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  19.  10
    Autonomy Without Compromise: Wolff, Kant, and the Grounds of Moral Laws.Joe Stratmann - 2025 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 63 (1):97-120.
    abstract: Moral autonomy might seem to harbor inconsistency. Whereas nomos suggests that moral laws are grounded in our essence or nature (and thus are not up to us), autos suggests that they are grounded in some free act of self-legislation or prescription (and thus are up to us). Latter-day Kantians often respond by compromising on autonomy, deflating either nomos or autos. This investigation reconstructs how Christian Wolff, Kant’s great rationalist predecessor, already forged a path for embracing autonomy without compromise. His (...)
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  20.  13
    Between Nature and Culture: Photographs of the Getty Center by Joe Deal.Joe Deal, Richard Meier, Weston Naef & Mark Johnstone - 1999 - J. Paul Getty Museum.
    "He completed the assignment in two phases: The photographs made during the first phase capture the natural ruggedness of the terrain and establish its relationship to the developed neighboring enclaves. Those made during the second phase not only record the actual construction process but also reveal Deal's personal perspective on the qualities of light and the creation of form. Represented in this book as a selection from the resulting portfolio, Topos, a Greek word meaning place, site, position, and occasion - (...)
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    The Individual as an Object of Love: The Property View of Love Meets the Hegelian View of Properties.Joe Saunders & Robert Stern - 2023 - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy 10.
    In this paper, we do two things: first, we offer a metaphysical account of what it is to be an individual person through Hegel’s understanding of the concrete universal; and second, we show how this account of an individual can help in thinking about love. The aim is to show that Hegel’s distinctive account of individuality and universality can do justice to two intuitions about love which appear to be in tension: on the one hand, that love can involve a (...)
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    The Rectification of Names: Addressing Habermas’s Colonization via “the Political” to Remake the World.Joe Old & Robert Ferrell - 2015 - Open Journal of Philosophy 5 (7):418-444.
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    Do Mathematicians Agree about Mathematical Beauty?Rentuya Sa, Lara Alcock, Matthew Inglis & Fenner Stanley Tanswell - 2024 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 15 (1):299-325.
    Mathematicians often conduct aesthetic judgements to evaluate mathematical objects such as equations or proofs. But is there a consensus about which mathematical objects are beautiful? We used a comparative judgement technique to measure aesthetic intuitions among British mathematicians, Chinese mathematicians, and British mathematics undergraduates, with the aim of assessing whether judgements of mathematical beauty are influenced by cultural differences or levels of expertise. We found aesthetic agreement both within and across these demographic groups. We conclude that judgements of mathematical beauty (...)
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  24.  23
    Practical Implications of Mind Uploading.Joe Strout - 2014 - In Russell Blackford & Damien Broderick, Intelligence Unbound. Wiley. pp. 201–211.
    This chapter focuses on how life after uploading will differ from life today. These differences are substantial: people will be able to alter their shape and appearance, travel at the speed of light, live comfortably throughout the solar system, and even dwell in artificial realities of their own design. It's important to note, however, that these differences are fundamentally superficial. We will laugh, cry, love, despair, strive for goals, and sometimes fall short. We will care for our friends and family, (...)
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  25. Evidential Holism and Indispensability Arguments.Joe Morrison - 2012 - Erkenntnis 76 (2):263-278.
    The indispensability argument is a method for showing that abstract mathematical objects exist. Various versions of this argument have been proposed. Lately, commentators seem to have agreed that a holistic indispensability argument will not work, and that an explanatory indispensability argument is the best candidate. In this paper I argue that the dominant reasons for rejecting the holistic indispensability argument are mistaken. This is largely due to an overestimation of the consequences that follow from evidential holism. Nevertheless, the holistic indispensability (...)
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  26.  25
    1 The stratigraphy of serendipity.Susan E. Alcock - 2010 - In Mark de Rond & Iain Morley, Serendipity: fortune and the prepared mind. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 22--11.
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    Lacan: une lecture philosophique.Joël Balazut - 2018 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    Lacan, qui a prôné le "retour à Freud", qui s'est donc voulu le défenseur strict de la cause freudienne, ne s'est jamais réclamé que de la psychanalyse. Il a cependant beaucoup fréquenté les philosophes : non seulement Hegel à travers la lecture de Kojève, mais aussi et surtout Bataille et Heidegger, deux auteurs dont il a été, on le sait aujourd'hui, intellectuellement très proche. Cette profonde influence sur son oeuvre pose alors la question de savoir s'il serait possible de proposer (...)
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  28. Common Ground: Ethics for Theists and Naturalists.Joe Barnhart - 2005 - Essays in the Philosophy of Humanism 13.
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    Comments on Fisher's.Joe Cruz - unknown
    My first plea has to do with the adequacy of this approach for the diverse purposes that philosophers set out for conceptual analysis. It is unclear what to make of concepts that do not lend themselves to obvious analysis in terms of the sorts of benefits that motivate Fisher’s intuitive cases. Some of the central concepts of philosophy — just the ones that where conceptual analysis ought to be most at home — like Knowledge or Person or Just State are (...)
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    Levinas à Jérusalem.Joëlle Hansel (ed.) - 2007 - Paris: Klincksieck.
    Seize universitaires americains, europeens et israeliens, reunis en 2002 a Jerusalem a l'initiative de Joelle Hansel, Shalom Rosenberg, Richard A. Cohen et Ami Bouganim, interrogent l'ensemble de l'oeuvre d'Emmanuel Levinas : ses ecrits philosophiques, etudes phenomenologiques, essais sur le judaisme, lectures talmudiques, commentaires de textes litteraires ou poetiques, reflexions sur des questions d'actualite, prises de position a l'egard de courants ou d'ideologies contemporains et textes sur l'art. Des questions majeures servent de trait d'union entre ces etudes : la relation de (...)
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  31.  20
    Everyday Life and the State by Peter Bratsis.Joe Painter - 2011 - Constellations 18 (2):260-262.
  32.  11
    The Spoil of the Poor Is in Your Houses.Joe Pettit - 2007 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 27 (1):33-55.
    THIS ESSAY CONSIDERS THE ROLE OF THE PROPHET IN CONTEMPORARY public policy debate. After identifying some problems that contemporary appeals to the prophets often encounter, the essay moves into an analysis of the Babylonian and Egyptian contexts out of which the Israelites and the Hebrew prophets emerged. A consideration of all three contexts shows that the central prophetic concern is a disruption of the divinely established social order that is most clearly indicated by the rich getting richer at the expense (...)
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    Income Generation Programmes for Poverty Alleviation.Joe V. Remenyi - 1990 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 7 (2):12-13.
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  34. Scarman: the police counter-attack.Joe Sim - 1982 - In Martin Eve & David Musson, The Socialist Register. Merlin Press. pp. 19--19.
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  35. Honor in military culture : a standard of integrity and framework for moral restraint.Joe Thomas & Shannon E. French - 2016 - In Laurie Johnson & Dan Demetriou, Honor in the Modern World: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Lanham: Lexington.
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    World Congress of Families.Joe Woodard - 1996 - The Chesterton Review 22 (4):527-527.
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    Searching for the impossible: Parapsychology’s elusive quest.Arthur S. Reber & James E. Alcock - 2020 - American Psychologist 75:391-399.
    Recently, American Psychologist published a review of the evidence for parapsychology that supported the general claims of psi (the umbrella term often used for anomalous or paranormal phenomena). We present an opposing perspective and a broad-based critique of the entire parapsychology enterprise. Our position is straightforward. Claims made by parapsychologists cannot be true. The effects reported can have no ontological status; the data have no existential value. We examine a variety of reasons for this conclusion based on well-understood scientific principles. (...)
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  38.  15
    Atheist out of the Foxhole.Joe Haldeman - 2009 - In Russell Blackford & Udo Schüklenk, 50 Voices of Disbelief. Wiley‐Blackwell. pp. 187–190.
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    Cognitive science meets the mark of the cognitive: putting the horse before the cart.Joe Gough - 2022 - Biology and Philosophy 38 (1):1-24.
    Among those living systems, which are cognizers? Among the behaviours of, and causes of behaviour in, living systems, which are cognitive? Such questions sit at the heart of a sophisticated, ongoing debate, of which the recent papers by Corcoran et al. ( 2020 ) and Sims and Kiverstein ( 2021 ) serve as excellent examples. I argue that despite their virtues, both papers suffer from flawed conceptions of the point of the debate. This leaves their proposals ill-motivated—good answers to the (...)
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    Supererogation, Conditional Obligation, and the All or Nothing Problem.Joe Horton - 2023 - In David Heyd, Handbook of Supererogation. Springer Nature Singapore. pp. 51-61.
    If doing good is often beyond the call of duty, instances of the All or Nothing Problem abound. I have argued elsewhere that we should solve this problem by accepting a principle that I call Optimific Altruism, which has interesting implications both for the correct account of supererogation and for our obligations to give to charity. However, Theron Pummer and Daniel Muñoz have argued that we should instead solve this problem by rejecting an inference rule that I call Conditional Obligation. (...)
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    (1 other version)Satisficers Still Get Away with Murder!Joe Slater - 2023 - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy 10.
    Recently, a few attempts have been made to rehabilitate satisficing consequentialism. One strategy, initially shunned by Tim Mulgan, is to suggest that agents must produce an outcome at least as good as they could at a particular level of effort. The effort-satisficer is able to avoid some of the problem cases usually deemed fatal to the view. Richard Yetter Chappell has proposed a version of effort-satisficing that not only avoids those problem cases, but has some independent plausibility. In this paper, (...)
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  42.  82
    Just Judge: The Jury on Trial.Joe Slater - 2023 - American Philosophical Quarterly 60 (2):169-186.
    Content note: This paper discusses rape throughout.Abstract. In this paper, I consider arguments in favor of jury trials. While I find these generally persuasive, I argue that there can be cases where juries are not fit for purpose. In those cases, I argue that they should be replaced by judge-only trials. In doing so, I propose a framework for determining whether a type of case is unsuitable for jury trials. Partly in response to low conviction rates, there have been recent (...)
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  43. Parapsychology: Science of the anomalous or search for the soul?James E. Alcock - 1987 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 10 (4):553.
  44.  44
    In Leibniz’s Wake: Rationalist Paradise Lost.Joe Stratmann - 2022 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 52 (5):517-539.
    The eighteenth-century German rationalist tradition is, broadly speaking, committed to (what I call) ‘the principle of rational cognition’: the grounded must be rationally cognizable from its sufficient ground. Whereas the prevailing view takes the fundamental challenge to rationalist paradise to stem from the principle of sufficient reason, I argue that it instead stems from this principle: How is it possible to rationally cognize anything at all from its ground? By investigating the opposing responses of two of Leibniz’s most influential immediate (...)
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  45. Always Aggregate.Joe Horton - 2018 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 46 (2):160-174.
    Is there any number of people you should save from paralysis rather than saving one person from death? Is there any number of people you should save from a headache rather than saving one person from death? Many people answer ‘yes’ and ‘no’, respectively. They therefore accept a partially aggregative moral view. Patrick Tomlin has recently argued that the most promising partially aggregative views in the literature have implausible implications in certain cases in which there are additions or subtractions to (...)
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  46. Kant and Degrees of Responsibility.Saunders Joe - 2018 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 36 (1):137-154.
    Kant views every human action as either entirely determined by natural necessity or entirely free. In viewing human action this way, it is unclear how he can account for degrees of responsibility. In this article, I consider three recent attempts to accommodate degrees of responsibility within Kant's framework, but argue that none of them are satisfying. In the end, I claim that transcendental idealism constrains Kant such that he cannot provide an adequate account of degrees of responsibility.
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  47. Remarks on counterpossibles.Berit Brogaard & Joe Salerno - 2013 - Synthese 190 (4):639-660.
    Since the publication of David Lewis’ Counterfactuals, the standard line on subjunctive conditionals with impossible antecedents (or counterpossibles) has been that they are vacuously true. That is, a conditional of the form ‘If p were the case, q would be the case’ is trivially true whenever the antecedent, p, is impossible. The primary justification is that Lewis’ semantics best approximates the English subjunctive conditional, and that a vacuous treatment of counterpossibles is a consequence of that very elegant theory. Another justification (...)
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  48.  19
    Reaching God speed: unlocking the secret broadcast revealing the mystery of everything.Joe Kovacs - 2022 - New York: Fidelis Books.
    The answer is surprising, and what we're about to learn will wake us up to a reality most of us never knew existed.The reason we're so oblivious is because we've all been operating at human speed, relying on our own physical power and our five senses. But there is something extremely important we've all been missing. It holds the key to everything good--the key to life, success, happiness, peace of mind, and understanding beyond our wildest imagination. It's perhaps the best-kept (...)
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    Managing values in climate science.Joe Roussos - 2024 - PLoS Climate 3 (6):e0000432.
    Climate science has been deeply affected by social and political values in the last fifty years [1]. If we focus on climate denial and obfuscation, we might see the influence of values as wholly negative and aim instead for objective, value-free climate science. But, perhaps surprisingly, this is at odds with the view of many philosophers who study the influence of values on science. Science cannot and should not be free from values, they argue. Rather, we should be transparent about (...)
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  50.  26
    Making sure you know whom to kill: spatial strategies and strategic boundaries in the Eastern Roman Empire.Susan E. Alcock - 2007 - Millennium 4 (1):13-20.
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