Results for 'Jochen Büttner'

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  1.  85
    Exploring the limits of classical physics: Planck, Einstein, and the structure of a scientific revolution.Jochen Büttner, Jürgen Renn & Matthias Schemmel - 2003 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 34 (1):37-59.
  2.  16
    Galileo's unpublished treatises: A case study on the role of shared knowledge in the emergence and dissemination of an early modern new science.Jochen Büttner, Peter Damerow & Jürgen Renn - 2004 - Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science 239:99-117.
    Galileo’s last publication, his Discorsi e dimostrazioni matematiche intorno a due nuove scienze attenenti alla mecanica & i movimenti locali (1638), is widely considered to be one of the most influential contributions of early modern science to the emergence of classical physics. As the title of Galileo’s book indicates, he himself claimed to have established “two new sciences,” including a new science of motion which, from the perspective of classical physics, indeed turned the Aristotelean theory of motion, which had prevailed (...)
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    Jochen Büttner, Swinging and Rolling: Unveiling Galileo's Unorthodox Path from a Challenging Problem to a New Science, Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer, 2019. [REVIEW]Maarten Van Dyck - 2022 - Centaurus 64 (4):925-940.
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    Grammar and analyticity: Wittgenstein and the logical positivists on logical and conceptual truth.Kai Michael Büttner - 2023 - Philosophical Investigations 46 (2):196-220.
    Wittgenstein's conception of logical and conceptual truth is often thought to rival that of the logical positivists. This paper argues that there are important respects in which these conceptions complement each other. Analyticity, in the positivists' sense, coincides, not with Wittgenstein's notion of a grammatical proposition, but rather with his notion of a tautology. Grammatical propositions can usually be construed as analyticity postulates in Carnap's sense of the term. This account of grammatical and analytic propositions will be illustrated by appeal (...)
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  5.  48
    Hume’s principle: a plea for austerity.Kai Michael Büttner - 2019 - Synthese 198 (4):3759-3781.
    According to Hume’s principle, a sentence of the form ⌜The number of Fs = the number of Gs⌝ is true if and only if the Fs are bijectively correlatable to the Gs. Neo-Fregeans maintain that this principle provides an implicit definition of the notion of cardinal number that vindicates a platonist construal of such numerical equations. Based on a clarification of the explanatory status of Hume’s principle, I will provide an argument in favour of a nominalist construal of numerical equations. (...)
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    Computational Approaches to Comics Analysis.Jochen Laubrock & Alexander Dunst - 2020 - Topics in Cognitive Science 12 (1):274-310.
    Comics are complex multimodal documents that make for intriguing materials to analyze with computer vision and computational linguistics. This review summarizes the growing developments in computational modeling which have been progressing to analyze visual narratives across their various substructures.
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  7.  20
    Kants Theorie der Freiheit: Rekonstruktion und Rehabilitierung.Jochen Bojanowski - 2006 - Berlin; New York: De Gruyter.
    In der Reihe werden herausragende monographische Untersuchungen und Sammelbände zu allen Aspekten der Philosophie Kants veröffentlicht, ebenso zum systematischen Verhältnis seiner Philosophie zu anderen philosophischen Ansätzen in Geschichte und Gegenwart. Veröffentlicht werden Studien, die einen innovativen Charakter haben und ausdrückliche Desiderate der Forschung erfüllen. Die Publikationen repräsentieren den aktuellsten Stand der Forschung.
  8.  15
    Bernhard Irrgang: Roboterbewusstsein, automatisiertes Entscheiden und Transhumanismus und Vom impliziten technischen Wissen zum technologischen Design von KI und Biotechnologie.Manja Unger-Büttner - 2024 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 77 (1):35-53.
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    The parser consults the lexicon in spite of transparent gender marking: EEG evidence from noun class agreement processing in Zulu.Jochen Zeller, Emanuel Bylund & Ashley Glen Lewis - 2022 - Cognition 226 (C):105148.
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    What you see is what you need.Jochen Triesch, Dana Ballard, Mary Hayhoe & Brian Sullivan - 2003 - Journal of Vision 3 (1):86-94.
  11. Neue kulturelle Selbstvergewisseung : was die Stunde gebietet.Jochen Bohn - 2010 - In Jochen Bohn & Thomas Bohrmann (eds.), Religion als Lebensmacht: eine Festgabe für Gottfried Küenzlen. Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt.
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  12. Ein Kreis voller Mibverständnisse.S. Büttner - 1996 - Studia Spinozana: An International and Interdisciplinary Series 12:185-194.
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    XXX. Studien zu Polybios.Theodor Büttner-Wobst - 1900 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 59 (1):560-573.
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    Ökonomische Organisation im Gesundheitswesen als Gebot der Rechtsordnung.Jochen Taupitz - 2005 - In Hermes Andreas Kick (ed.), Gesundheitswesen zwischen Wirtschaftlichkeit und Menschlichkeit. LIST. pp. 10--21.
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    Changing Funding Arrangements and the Production of Scientific Knowledge: Introduction to the Special Issue.Jochen Gläser & Kathia Serrano Velarde - 2018 - Minerva 56 (1):1-10.
    With this special issue, we would like to promote research on changes in the funding of the sciences, social sciences, and humanities. Since funding secures the livelihood of researchers and the means to do research, it is an indispensable condition for almost all research; as funding arrangements are undergoing dramatic changes, we think it timely to renew the science studies community’s efforts to understand the funding of research. Changes in the governance of science have garnered considerable attention from science studies (...)
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  16.  6
    Semantic Explanations Made Easy: The Case for Truth in Virtue of Meaning.Kai Michael Büttner & Mindaugas Gilaitis - forthcoming - Philosophia:1-22.
    The positivists’ notion of truth in virtue of meaning presupposes that the truth of certain sentences can be explained merely by reference to semantic rules. The currently most popular objection to the notion denies the possibility of such semantic explanations, on the grounds that semantic rules can only explain what a sentence says, but not whether what a sentence says is true. Though recent critics of the objection have insisted that semantic rules do explain the truth of certain sentences, the (...)
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    Einführungen in die Ethik ― als Dokumente fachwissenschaftlichen Selbstverständnisses. Einige Beobachtungen.Berendes Jochen & Marcus Düwell - 2024 - In Ingrid Scharlau & Tobias Jenert (eds.), Wissenschaftsdidaktik als kritische Kommunikationsanalyse. Ein Sammelband zur Weiterführung eines Gedankens von Ludwig Huber. Opladen: Verlag Barbara Budrich. pp. 105-122.
  18. Elgin on Science, Art and Understanding.Jochen Briesen - 2021 - Erkenntnis 88 (6):2651-2671.
    Is art epistemically valuable? Catherine Z. Elgin answers this question in the affirmative. She argues for the epistemic value of art on the basis of her innovative epistemological theory, in which the focus is shifted from knowledge and truth to a non-factive account of understanding. After an exposition and critique of her view, as she develops it in her most recent book “True Enough” (MIT-Press, 2017), I will build on some of her ideas in order to strengthen her account.
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  19.  31
    On Wittgenstein's remarks about the standard metre.Kai Michael Büttner - 2024 - Philosophical Investigations 47 (2):204-222.
    In a notorious passage from his Philosophical Investigations, Wittgenstein writes that one can state of the standard metre neither that it is one metre long, nor that it is not one metre long. While many commentators have rejected this claim, it has been commonly assumed that Wittgenstein himself endorsed it. In a recently published article, Thomas Müller not only provides a novel argument against Wittgenstein's claim about the standard metre but also claims that Wittgenstein did not actually endorse that claim. (...)
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  20. Perspective Taking and Avatar-Self Merging.Jochen Müsseler, Sophia von Salm-Hoogstraeten & Christian Böffel - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Today, avatars often represent users in digital worlds such as in video games or workplace applications. Avatars embody the user and perform their actions in these artificial environments. As a result, users sometimes develop the feeling that their self merges with their avatar. The user realizes that they are the avatar, but the avatar is also the user—meaning that avatar’s appearance, character, and actions also affect their self. In the present paper, we first introduce the event-coding approach of the self (...)
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  21.  16
    Theoretische Psychologie: eine Systematik der Kontroversen.Jochen Fahrenberg - 2015 - Lengerich: Pabst Science Publishers.
  22.  72
    Impact of Leader Racial Attitude on Ratings of Causes and Solutions for an Employee of Color Shortage.E. Holly Buttner, Kevin B. Lowe & Lenora Billings-Harris - 2006 - Journal of Business Ethics 73 (2):129-144.
    Diversity scholars have emphasized the critical role of corporate leaders for ensuring the success of diversity strategic initiatives in organizations. This study reports on business school leaders’ attributions regarding the causes for and solutions to the low representation of U.S. faculty of color in business schools. Results indicatethat leaders with greater awareness of racial issues rated an inhospitable organizational culture as a more important cause and cultural change and recruitment as more important solutions to faculty of color under-representation than did (...)
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  23.  25
    On the complexity of qualitative spatial reasoning: A maximal tractable fragment of the Region Connection Calculus.Jochen Renz & Bernhard Nebel - 1999 - Artificial Intelligence 108 (1-2):69-123.
  24.  50
    Surveyability and Mathematical Certainty.Kai Michael Büttner - 2017 - Axiomathes 27 (1):113-128.
    The paper provides an interpretation of Wittgenstein’s claim that a mathematical proof must be surveyable. It will be argued that this claim specifies a precondition for the applicability of the word ‘proof’. Accordingly, the latter is applicable to a proof-pattern only if we can come to agree by mere observation whether or not the pattern possesses the relevant structural features. The claim is problematic. It does not imply any questionable finitist doctrine. But it cannot be said to articulate a feature (...)
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  25.  9
    Vom rechten Handeln in rechtloser Zeit – Ernst Wiecherts Novelle „Der Richter”.Büttner Matthias - 2015 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Germanica 11.
    The novella "The Judge" by Ernst Wiechert gives testimony to the poet’s critical analysis and examination of the immediate National Socialist past and, at the same time, tries to provide some forward-looking re-orientation in terms of a comprehensive humanism based on Christian ideals. Wiechert’s narrative follows a dramatic structure in accordance with the tragedies of Classical Greek Antiquity. Faced with an existential crisis, the title character has to prove his moral integrity and steadfastness. Deluded by the pervasive Nazi ideology, the (...)
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  26.  36
    Addressing Internal Stakeholders’ Concerns: The Interactive Effect of Perceived Pay Equity and Diversity Climate on Turnover Intentions.E. Holly Buttner & Kevin B. Lowe - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 143 (3):621-633.
    Stakeholder theory has received greater scholarly and practitioner attention as organizations consider the interests of various groups affected by corporate operations, including employees. This study investigates two dimensions of psychological climate, specifically perceived pay equity and diversity climate, for one such stakeholder group: racioethnic minority professionals. We examined the main effect of U.S. professionals’ of color pay equity perceptions, and the influence of perceived internal and external pay equity on turnover intentions. We also investigated the interactive effect of perceptions of (...)
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  27. Results from rate measurements inside the transverse magnet chamber.Jochen Volmer, Markus Ehrenfried & Adolf Schwind - 2002 - Hermes 2:002.
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  28. Habitus und Kultur: Das Habituskonzept in den empirischen Kulturwissenschaften Ethnologie - Volkskunde - Cultural Studies.Jochen Bortz und Jens Wietschorke - 2013 - In Alexander Lenger, Christian Schneickert & Florian Schumacher (eds.), Pierre Bourdieus Konzeption des Habitus: Grundlagen, Zugänge, Forschungsperspektiven. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
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  29.  6
    Nietzsches Leben als Werk: ein systematischer Versuch über die Symbolik der Biographie bei Nietzsche.Jochen Zwick - 1995 - Bielefeld: Aisthesis.
  30.  49
    The Independence of Research—A Review of Disciplinary Perspectives and Outline of Interdisciplinary Prospects.Jochen Gläser, Mitchell Ash, Guido Buenstorf, David Hopf, Lara Hubenschmid, Melike Janßen, Grit Laudel, Uwe Schimank, Marlene Stoll, Torsten Wilholt, Lothar Zechlin & Klaus Lieb - 2022 - Minerva 60 (1):105-138.
    The independence of research is a key strategic issue of modern societies. Dealing with it appropriately poses legal, economic, political, social and cultural problems for society, which have been studied by the corresponding disciplines and are increasingly the subject of reflexive discourses of scientific communities. Unfortunately, problems of independence are usually framed in disciplinary contexts without due consideration of other perspectives’ relevance or possible contributions. To overcome these limitations, we review disciplinary perspectives and findings on the independence of research and (...)
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  31.  67
    On the role of counterfactuals in inferring causal effects.Jochen Kluve - 2004 - Foundations of Science 9 (1):65-101.
    Causal inference in the empiricalsciences is based on counterfactuals. The mostcommon approach utilizes a statistical model ofpotential outcomes to estimate causal effectsof treatments. On the other hand, one leadingapproach to the study of causation inphilosophical logic has been the analysis ofcausation in terms of counterfactualconditionals. This paper discusses and connectsboth approaches to counterfactual causationfrom philosophy and statistics. Specifically, Ipresent the counterfactual account of causationin terms of Lewis's possible-world semantics,and reformulate the statistical potentialoutcome framework using counterfactualconditionals. This procedure highlights variousproperties and (...)
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  32. On the meaning and the epistemological relevance of the notion of a scientific phenomenon.Jochen Apel - 2011 - Synthese 182 (1):23-38.
    In this paper I offer an appraisal of James Bogen and James Woodward’s distinction between data and phenomena which pursues two objectives. First, I aim to clarify the notion of a scientific phenomenon. Such a clarification is required because despite its intuitive plausibility it is not exactly clear how Bogen and Woodward’s distinction has to be understood. I reject one common interpretation of the distinction, endorsed for example by James McAllister and Bruce Glymour, which identifies phenomena with patterns in data (...)
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  33.  8
    Herrschaft ohne Naturrecht: der Protestantismus zwischen Weltflucht und christlicher Despotie.Jochen Bohn - 2004 - Berlin: Duncker Und Humblot.
    Der Protestantismus hat ein Problem mit der Welt: Die reformatorische Behauptung eines dreifachen SOLA - Gnade, Glaube, Schrift - bricht die Kirche aus der Welt heraus, eröffnet aber neben dem schlichten Glaubensbekenntnis keine überzeugenden Kommunikationsmöglichkeiten. Wie kann nun das bürgerliche Verhältnis dieser Kirche zu der sie umgebenden Welt gedacht werden? Kann sie überhaupt in rechtlicher Gemeinschaft mit der Welt leben? Verfügt sie über geeignete Mittel, an der Gestaltung dieser Gemeinschaft mitzuwirken?Ausgehend von dem Blick auf die »Kehrseite« des SOLA - die (...)
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  34.  8
    Ästhetisches Verstehen: Zugänge zur Kunst nach Wittgenstein und Cavell.Jochen Schuff - 2019 - Paderborn: Wilhelm Fink.
    Über das Verstehen von Kunst nachzudenken heißt über die Bedeutsamkeit von Kunst nachzudenken. Jochen Schuff zeichnet nach, wie Ludwig Wittgenstein und Stanley Cavell diesen Gedanken auf komplementäre Weise entfalten. Wittgenstein rückt in seinen verstreuten Bemerkungen zur Ästhetik die unterschiedlichen Spiele von Ausdruck und Verstehen zwischen kultureller Tradition und spontanen Reaktionen in den Fokus. Cavell erläutert die Bedeutsamkeit von Kunst an den Medien und Werken seiner Gegenwart--und daran, wie mit ihnen zentrale Aspekte der menschlichen Lebensform erfahrbar werden. Die vorliegende Studie (...)
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  35.  72
    It's great but not necessarily about attention.Jochen Braun - 2001 - PSYCHE: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Research On Consciousness 7.
    I point out that Mack and Rock manipulated both expectation and attention and suggest that their results may have been caused by lack of expectation rather than lack of attention. This alternative reading of Mack and Rock's results is supported by other findings, which suggest that 'pure' manipulations of expectation produce 'blindness' whereas 'pure' manipulations of attention do not. Why should failure to expect or anticipate a stimulus lead to 'blindness'? In psychophysics, stimuli near threshold typically require a degree of (...)
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  36.  38
    Leader Mindfulness and Employee Performance: A Sequential Mediation Model of LMX Quality, Interpersonal Justice, and Employee Stress.Jochen Reb, Sankalp Chaturvedi, Jayanth Narayanan & Ravi S. Kudesia - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 160 (3):745-763.
    In the present research, we examine the relation between leader mindfulness and employee performance through the lenses of organizational justice and leader-member relations. We hypothesize that employees of more mindful leaders view their relations as being of higher leader-member exchange quality. We further hypothesize two mediating mechanisms of this relation: increased interpersonal justice and reduced employee stress. In other words, we posit that employees of more mindful leaders feel treated with greater respect and experience less stress. Finally, we predict that (...)
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  37.  13
    Das Konzept der Generativen Wärme bei Aristoteles.Jochen Althoff - 1992 - Hermes 120 (2):181-193.
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    Orthographic consistency and parafoveal preview benefit: A resource-sharing account of language differences in processing of phonological and semantic codes.Jochen Laubrock & Sven Hohenstein - 2012 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 35 (5):292-293.
    Parafoveal preview benefit is an implicit measure of lexical activation in reading. PB has been demonstrated for orthographic and phonological but not for semantically related information in English. In contrast, semantic PB is obtained in German and Chinese. We propose that these language differences reveal differential resource demands and timing of phonological and semantic decoding in different orthographic systems.
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  39.  22
    Der erste Prolog des Fabeldichters Babrios.Jochen Althoff - 2023 - Hermes 151 (3):346-372.
    An analysis of this allusive prologue demonstrates the poet’s acquaintance with all of Greek literature. The tone of his choliambic verses is softer and more urbane than that of his iambic predecessors, his message is less obtrusive, ambiguous and can only be grasped by an active interpretative effort. The linguistic and stylistic forming of the fables, which are consciously referring back to the prosaic and more polemic Aesop, is the core of the poet’s interest. With regard to content the poet (...)
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  40. The theory of event coding (TEC): A framework for perception and action planning.Bernhard Hommel, Jochen Müsseler, Gisa Aschersleben & Wolfgang Prinz - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (5):849-878.
    Traditional approaches to human information processing tend to deal with perception and action planning in isolation, so that an adequate account of the perception-action interface is still missing. On the perceptual side, the dominant cognitive view largely underestimates, and thus fails to account for, the impact of action-related processes on both the processing of perceptual information and on perceptual learning. On the action side, most approaches conceive of action planning as a mere continuation of stimulus processing, thus failing to account (...)
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  41.  14
    Le Métier de Juriste Entre Règle de Droit et Expérience de l’Histoire.Jochen Hoock - 2011 - Revue de Synthèse 132 (2):277-291.
    Les activités du juriste qu’il soit juge, avocat ou enseignant, occupent une place stratégique dans la régulation de l’ordre politique et social des sociétés modernes. En Allemagne, la confrontation avec son passé récent a provoqué dans les années 1960 des débats sur les fondements de l’État moderne et son rôle dans la crise de la modernité qui se sont poursuivi au cours années 1980 pour déboucher au début du xxi e siècle sur le problème de l’intégration et l’affirmation d’une échelle (...)
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  42.  40
    The accessibility of music: participation, reception and contact.Jochen Eisentraut - 2013 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    An outline topography of musical accessibility. What is musical accessibility? ; Society, atonality, psychology -- Accessibility discourse in rock, and cultural change. Case study 1 : 'Prog' rock/punk rock : sophistication, directness and shock ; Zeitgeist : accessibility in flux -- A valiant failure? : new art music and the people. Case study 2 : Vaughan Williams' national music in context ; Art music, vernacular music and accessibility -- Accessibility, identity and social action. Case study 3a : Accessibility in action (...)
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  43.  83
    Data-Phenomena-Theories: What’s the Notion of a Scientific Phenomenon Good for?Jochen Apel, Monika Dullstein & Pawel Radchenko - 2009 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 40 (1):125-128.
  44. (1 other version)Die Deduktion des Kategorischen Imperativs.Jochen Bojanowski - 2015 - In Kants Begründung von Freiheit und Moral in Grundlegung III. Münster, Germany: pp. 83-108.
  45.  76
    Künne über singuläre und generelle Terme.Kai Michael Büttner - 2010 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 64 (4):546-559.
    Inhalt des Aufsatzes ist eine kritische Untersuchung der von Künne in seinem Buch Abstrakte Gegenstände vorgeschlagenen Definition der Unterscheidung zwischen singulären und generellen Termen. Zunächst wird aufgezeigt, dass Künnes Formulierung seiner Definition dahingehend unklar ist, dass sie sowohl eine satzrelative als auch eine kategorische Deutung der fraglichen Unterscheidung zulässt. Im Hauptteil des Aufsatzes soll dann gezeigt werden, dass Künnes Definition in beiden Deutungen inadäquat ist. Schließlich wird eine alternative Definition der Unterscheidung zwischen singulären und generellen Termen vorgeschlagen, welche zwar mit (...)
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    Spinozas präsentationstheoretische Konzeption als Vorläuferin der Fichteschen Bildtheorie.Stefan Büttner - 2003 - Fichte-Studien 22:49-57.
    Bevor die präsentationstheoretischen Verhältnisse der spinozistischen Philosophie analysiert werden, sei ein schematischer Überblick über deren Konzeption vorangestellt. Folgt man der Reihenfolge der Definitionen des ersten Teils der Ethik, hat man mit der Bestimmung der Substanz zu beginnen.
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  47.  18
    Tragik Oder Traktat?: Zum Wechselspiel von Tragödie Und Philosophie in der Antike.Stefan Büttner, Christopher Diez & Nils Kircher (eds.) - 2022 - Academia – Ein Verlag in der Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft.
    Which is more important, tragedy or treatise? This question, which was posed as early as in antiquity, cannot easily be answered since tragedy has reflective passages on existential issues, just as philosophy uses tragedy for argumentation or takes the dramatic form itself. This is particularly evident in the work of the ‘philosophus scaenicus’ Euripides, in Plato, whose understanding of tragedy as expressed in the Symposium and the Laws is discussed here, and with Cicero and Seneca, who were both authors of (...)
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    XXXIX. Der Tod des Kaisers Julian.Theodor Büttner-Wobst - 1892 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 51 (1):561-580.
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  49. Die norm im Wahrheitskonditionalen Interpretationsschema.Jochen Bung - 2005 - Rechtstheorie 36 (1):41-48.
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    Die Wut des Verstehens: zur Kritik der Hermeneutik.Jochen Hörisch - 1988 - Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
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