Results for 'Joanna Fava'

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  1. Working with the stalking offender : Considerations for risk assessment and intervention.Barry Rosenfeld, Joanna Fava & Michele Galietta - 2009 - In James L. Werth, Elizabeth Reynolds Welfel & G. Andrew H. Benjamin, The Duty to Protect: Ethical, Legal, and Professional Considerations for Mental Health Professionals. American Psychological Association.
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  2. Is it wrong to topple statues and rename schools?Joanna Burch-Brown - 2017 - Journal of Political Theory and Philosophy 1 (1):59-88.
    In recent years, campaigns across the globe have called for the removal of objects symbolic of white supremacy. This paper examines the ethics of altering or removing such objects. Do these strategies sanitize history, destroy heritage and suppress freedom of speech? Or are they important steps towards justice? Does removing monuments and renaming schools reflect a lack of parity and unfairly erase local identities? Or can it sometimes be morally required, as an expression of respect for the memories of people (...)
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  3. Should Slavery’s Statues Be Preserved? On Transitional Justice and Contested Heritage.Joanna Burch-Brown - 2020 - Journal of Applied Philosophy (5):807-824.
    What should we do with statues and place‐names memorializing people who committed human‐rights abuses linked to slavery and postslavery racism? In this article, I draw on UN principles of transitional justice to address this question. I propose that a successful approach should meet principles of transitional justice recognized by the United Nations, including affirming rights to justice, truth, reparations, and guarantees of nonrecurrence of human rights violations. I discuss four strategies for handling contested heritage, examining strengths and weaknesses of each (...)
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  4. Principles of Robotics.Margaret Boden, Joanna Bryson, Darwin Cladwell, Kerstin Dautenhahn, Lilian Edwards, Sarah Kember, Paul Newman, Vivienne Parry, Geoff Pegman, Tom Rodden, Tom Sorrell, Mick Wallis, Blay Whitby & Alan Winfield - 2017 - Connection Science 29 (2):124-129.
  5. In defence of biodiversity.Joanna Burch-Brown & Alfred Archer - 2017 - Biology and Philosophy 32 (6):969-997.
    The concept of biodiversity has played a central role within conservation biology over the last thirty years. Precisely how it should be understood, however, is a matter of ongoing debate. In this paper we defend what we call a classic multidimensional conception of biodiversity. We begin by introducing two arguments for eliminating the concept of biodiversity from conservation biology, both of which have been put forward in a recent paper by Santana. The first argument is against the concept’s scientific usefulness. (...)
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  6. Don’t be deceived: bald-faced lies are deceitful assertions.Jakub Rudnicki & Joanna Odrowąż-Sypniewska - 2023 - Synthese 201 (6):1-21.
    The traditional conception of lying, according to which to lie is to make an assertion with an intention to deceive the hearer, has recently been put under pressure by the phenomenon of bald-faced lies i.e. utterances that _prima facie_ look like lies but because of their blatancy allegedly lack the accompanying intention to deceive. In this paper we propose an intuitive way of reconciling the phenomenon of bald-faced lies with the traditional conception by suggesting that the existing analyses of the (...)
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    Weak assertives and faultless disagreement over vague predicates.Joanna Odrowąż-Sypniewska - 2024 - In Alessandro Capone, Roberto Graci & Pietro Perconti, New Frontiers in Pragmalinguistic Studies: Theoretical, Social, and Cognitive Approaches. Springer. pp. 3-14.
    One of the challenges that any theorist of vagueness faces is to account for there being two kinds of disagreement over vague predicates like “tall” and “rich”: canonical disagreements concerning clear cases and faultless disagreements concerning borderline cases. I’ll argue that one needs to maintain that the illocutionary force of borderline utterances is different from that of clear utterances. Whereas the latter might be correct assertions, the former should be assertives weaker than assertions, since they express only a weak belief (...)
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  8. Bioethics, Experimental Approaches.Jonathan Lewis, Joanna Demaree-Cotton & Brian Earp - 2017 - In Mortimer Sellers & Stephan Kirste, Encyclopedia of the Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy. Springer. pp. 279-286.
    This entry summarizes an emerging subdiscipline of both empirical bioethics and experimental philosophy (“x-phi”) which has variously been referred to as experimental philosophical bioethics, experimental bioethics, or simply “bioxphi”. Like empirical bioethics, bioxphi uses data-driven research methods to capture what various stakeholders think (feel, judge, etc.) about moral issues of relevance to bioethics. However, like its other parent discipline of x-phi, bioxphi tends to favor experiment-based designs drawn from the cognitive sciences – including psychology, neuroscience, and behavioral economics – to (...)
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    The color red attracts attention in an emotional context. An ERP study.Michał Kuniecki, Joanna Pilarczyk & Szymon Wichary - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  10. Religion and reducing prejudice.Joanna Burch-Brown & William Baker - 2016 - Group Processes and Intergroup Relations 19 (6):784 - 807.
    Drawing on findings from the study of prejudice and prejudice reduction, we identify a number of mechanisms through which religious communities may influence the intergroup attitudes of their members. We hypothesize that religious participation could in principle either reduce or promote prejudice with respect to any given target group. A religious community’s influence on intergroup attitudes will depend upon the specific beliefs, attitudes, and practices found within the community, as well as on interactions between the religious community and the larger (...)
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    Introspection — One or More? Pluralism about Self-Knowledge.Joanna Komorowska-Mach - 2019 - Filozofia Nauki 27 (1):5-25.
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  12. Logic. of Descriptions. A New Approach to the Foundations of Mathematics and Science.Joanna Golińska-Pilarek & Taneli Huuskonen - 2012 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 27 (40):63-94.
    We study a new formal logic LD introduced by Prof. Grzegorczyk. The logic is based on so-called descriptive equivalence, corresponding to the idea of shared meaning rather than shared truth value. We construct a semantics for LD based on a new type of algebras and prove its soundness and completeness. We further show several examples of classical laws that hold for LD as well as laws that fail. Finally, we list a number of open problems. -/- .
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    Reflection and synthesis: How moral agents learn and moral cultures evolve.Joanna Burch-Brown - 2021 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 55 (6):935-948.
    Journal of Philosophy of Education, Volume 55, Issue 6, Page 935-948, December 2021.
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    How Philosophy Can Support Community-Led Change: Reflections from Bristol Campaigns for Racial Justice.Joanna Burch-Brown - 2023 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 93:137-151.
    How can philosophy expand to be a discipline via which young people from diverse backgrounds feel they can make a direct and positive contribution to their communities? In this chapter I suggest some creative methods by which philosophers can support community-led change. Collaborators and I have been developing the approaches described here through work on issues of racial justice, but they can be applied to campaigns or public debate on any topic. Developing more community-led, socially engaged methods has the potential (...)
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    Worldviews, values and perspectives towards the future of the livestock sector.Kirsty Joanna Blair, Dominic Moran & Peter Alexander - 2023 - Agriculture and Human Values 41 (1):91-108.
    The livestock sector is under increasing pressure to respond to numerous sustainability and health challenges related to the production and consumption of livestock products. However, political and market barriers and conflicting worldviews and values across the environmental, socio-economic and political domains have led to considerable sector inertia, and government inaction. The processes that lead to the formulation of perspectives in this space, and that shape action (or inaction), are currently under-researched. This paper presents results of a mixed methods exploration of (...)
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    Intergenerational Equity.Wilfred Beckerman & Joanna Pasek - 2001 - In Wilfred Beckerman & Joanna Pasek, Justice, Posterity, and the Environment. Oxford University Press.
    Discusses one principle that has been suggested as a guide to the way we ought to take account of the interests of future generations, namely the principle of intergenerational ‘equity’ and its related claim of intergenerational equality, particularly in spheres such as the way we should share out ‘finite’ resources among generations. This chapter examines the possible arguments in favour of intergenerational egalitarianism and concludes that they are difficult to defend. It is proposed that egalitarianism should be replaced by the (...)
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    Introduction: Ethics and Economics in Environmental Policy.Wilfred Beckerman & Joanna Pasek - 2001 - In Wilfred Beckerman & Joanna Pasek, Justice, Posterity, and the Environment. Oxford University Press.
    During the last two or three decades, various developments in the environmental sphere have led to increasing concern with our obligations to posterity and to the non‐human part of the natural world. These developments have exposed gaps in both traditional, moral, and political theory and in conventional economics. Environmental issues have exposed these gaps and have brought to the fore questions such as how far the society, with whose welfare we are concerned, includes future generations or is limited to individual (...)
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    Our Obligations to Future Generations.Wilfred Beckerman & Joanna Pasek - 2001 - In Wilfred Beckerman & Joanna Pasek, Justice, Posterity, and the Environment. Oxford University Press.
    Even if future generations have no rights and intergenerational justice, intergenerational egalitarianism, and sustainable development are all flawed, this does relieve us of a moral obligation to take account of the impact of our policies on the interests of future generations. In this chapter we argue that whereas, in the very long run, it seems that widespread acute poverty will be eliminated and a decent environment will be preserved, there seems to be no prospect of ever eradicating the inherent weaknesses (...)
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    Die Metamorphosen und Anspielungen auf die Werke der deutschen Literatur im Roman von Stefan Chwin „Dolina Radości” [Freudental].Joanna Bednarska-Kociołek - 2014 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Germanica 10.
    In his novel “Dolina Radości” [“Valley of Joy”] Stefan Chwin tackles the subject of metamorphoses. In this article I will talk about the issue of transformations in “Dolina radości”. The hero of the novel is a makeup­-artist and that is why metamorphoses are at the center of the action. Noteworthy are also transformations connected with the most important political events and the most important places in Europe in the 20th century for example in the Polish city of Gdańsk which Chwin (...)
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    Individual differences in granularity of the affective responses to music.Emmanuel Bigand & Joanna Kantor-Martynuska - 2013 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 44 (4):399-408.
    The main focus of the paper is the role of listeners’ emotion-relevant characteristics and musical expertise in the granularity of affective responses to music. Another objective of the study is to test the consistency of the granularity of affect that is perceived in music and/or experienced in response to it. In Experiment 1, 91 musicians and nonmusicians listened to musical excerpts and grouped them according to the similarity of the affects they experienced while listening. Finer grouping granularity was found in (...)
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    The Implications of Filial Piety in Study Engagement and Study Satisfaction: A Polish-Vietnamese Comparison.Joanna Różycka-Tran, Paweł Jurek, Thi Khanh Ha Truong & Michał Olech - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:525034.
    Even in psychological literature, which describes many determining variables related to the school domain, few studies have investigated the universal mechanism underlying parent–child relations, which is a prototype matrix for future student–teacher relations. The role of the imprinted schema of children’s obligations toward parents seems to be crucial for school functioning in classroom society. The Dual Filial Piety Model is comprised of two higher-order factors that correspond to the two focal filial piety attributes: reciprocal and authoritarian, which have been shown (...)
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  22. Emergencja – podręcznik dla mało opornych.Joanna Komorowska-Mach - 2010 - Filozofia Nauki 18 (4).
    The review tries to summarize the main topics covered by the book "Między redukcją a emergencją" by Robert Poczobut and also to highlight certain points that might be controversial to the philosophically-oriented reader. In particular, Poczobut's methodological claims regarding the boundary between natural sciences and philosophy of mind are brought under scrutiny. While the book presents a broad range of views on matters regarding emergence and reduction, especially with respect to the psychophysical problem, it remains to be proven that the (...)
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    Negatywny program filozofii eksperymentalnej a odwołania do intuicji w argumentacji filozoficznej.Joanna Komorowska-Mach - 2013 - Filozofia Nauki 21 (3 (83)):157-165.
  24. Negative Program of Experimental Philosophy and Appealing to Intuition in Philosophical Argumentation.Joanna Komorowska-Mach - 2013 - Filozofia Nauki 21 (3):157 - +.
  25. O pochodzeniu pojęć.Joanna Komorowska-Mach - 2011 - Filozofia Nauki 19 (4).
    The review discusses the book The Origin of Concepts by Susan Carey, in which she presents three main theses — the innateness of some kind of conceptual representations, the presence of a qualitative change during conceptual development and the existence of a special learning mechanism that achieves that discontinuity called bootstrapping. The general reception of the work is positive. Minor doubts are presented regarding two claims: first, the speculation about the iconic format of core cognition representations, which seems to be (...)
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  26. Where do Concepts Come From?Joanna Komorowska-Mach - 2011 - Filozofia Nauki 19 (4):139.
  27. Czy Ja w Traktacie logiczno-filozoficznym Wittgensteina jest amoralistą?Joanna Krzemkowska-Saja - 2008 - Ruch Filozoficzny 65 (2).
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  28. Czy potrzebujemy pojęcia prawdy emocjonalnej?Joanna Krzemkowska-Saja - 2013 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 85 (1):47-61.
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  29. Aggregation of value judgments differs from aggregation of preferences.Adrian Kuźniar & Joanna Odrowąż-Sypniewska - 2016 - In Adrian Kuźniar & Joanna Odrowąż-Sypniewska, Uncovering Facts and Values: Studies in Contemporary Epistemology and Political Philosophy. Boston: Brill | Rodopi. pp. 9-40.
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    The analysis of Licheń's Holy Icon as a case study in semiotic fortition.Joanna Lubos-Kozieł & Małgorzata Haładewicz-Grzelak - 2013 - Semiotica 2013 (195):197-248.
    Journal Name: Semiotica - Journal of the International Association for Semiotic Studies / Revue de l'Association Internationale de Sémiotique Volume: 2013 Issue: 195 Pages: 197-248.
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    Effect of interpolated extinction on the reacquisition of partially and continuously rewarded responses.C. Thomas Surridge, Joanna Boehnert & Abram Amsel - 1966 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 72 (4):564.
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    Wspomnienie - Joanna Jabłkowska.Joanna Jabłkowska - 2011 - Etyka 44:106-109.
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    Heidegger e la gnosi.Lucrezia Fava - 2022 - Milano: Mimesis.
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    Prospettive di teoria del linguaggio: filosofia del linguaggio, sintassi-semantica, pragmatica.Elisabetta Fava (ed.) - 1983 - Milano: UNICOPLI.
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    Playful design, empathy and the nonhuman turn.Fabrício Fava, Camila Mangueira Soares & Miguel Carvalhais - 2019 - Technoetic Arts 17 (1):141-154.
    In the context of interspecies play involving humans, we find limitations when it comes to understanding most species. One reason for this may be the fact that we tend to anthropomorphize the other to be able to empathize with it. In light of this, how can we infer communication signs of other species so we are able to connect with the nonhuman world? We look for answers to this question by adopting a phenomenological approach that allows us to decentre from (...)
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  36. TeodyceaChryzypa. Recenzje i sprawozdania: Pierre Hadot -Filozofia jako ćwiczenie duchowe (Joanna Jarzębiak).Joanna Jarzębiak - 2004 - Ruch Filozoficzny 3 (3).
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  37. Picturebooks, pedagogy, and philosophy.Joanna Haynes & Karin Murris - 2012 - New York: Routledge. Edited by Karin Murris.
    A CHOICE Outstanding Academic Title 2012! Contemporary picturebooks open up spaces for philosophical dialogues between people of all ages. As works of art, picturebooks offer unique opportunities to explore ideas and to create meaning collaboratively. This book considers censorship of certain well-known picturebooks, challenging the assumptions on which this censorship is based. Through a lively exploration of children's responses to these same picturebooks the authors paint a way of working philosophically based on respectful listening and creative and authentic interactions, rather (...)
  38.  6
    ¿Qué es entonces la verdad?: trama y génesis del criticismo nietzscheano desde la óptica del lenguaje.Fernando Fava - 2021 - Paraná, Provincia de Entre Ríos, República Argentina: Editorial Fundación La Hendija.
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    Teorie del significato e della conoscenza del significato.Elisabetta Fava (ed.) - 2001 - Milano: UNICOPLI.
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  40. Patiency is not a virtue: the design of intelligent systems and systems of ethics.Joanna J. Bryson - 2018 - Ethics and Information Technology 20 (1):15-26.
    The question of whether AI systems such as robots can or should be afforded moral agency or patiency is not one amenable either to discovery or simple reasoning, because we as societies constantly reconstruct our artefacts, including our ethical systems. Consequently, the place of AI systems in society is a matter of normative, not descriptive ethics. Here I start from a functionalist assumption, that ethics is the set of behaviour that maintains a society. This assumption allows me to exploit the (...)
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    Metodologia systemowa a filozofia przyrody.Joanna Ropek - 1997 - Zagadnienia Filozoficzne W Nauce 20.
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    Genethics: Moral Issues in the Creation of People.Joanna Pasek - 1993 - Philosophical Quarterly 43 (172):385.
    Unprecedented advances in medicine, genetic engineering, and demographic forecasting raise new questions that strain the categories and assumptions of traditional ethical theories. Heyd's approach resolves many paradoxes in intergenerational justice, while offering a major test case for the profound problems of the limits of ethics and the nature of value.
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  43. Wrongdoing and Forgiveness.Joanna North - 1987 - Philosophy 62 (242):499 - 508.
    To forgive a person for a wrong he has done has often been valued as morally good and as indicative of a benevolent and merciful character. But while forgiveness has been recognized as valuable its nature as a moral response has largely been ignored by modern moral philosophers who work outside the confines of a religious context. 1 Where it has been discussed, forgiveness has been thought particularly difficult to define, and some have thought the forgiving response paradoxical or even (...)
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    Foucault, the subject and the research interview: a critique of methods.Joanna K. Fadyl & David A. Nicholls - 2013 - Nursing Inquiry 20 (1):23-29.
    FADYL JK and NICHOLLS DA. Nursing Inquiry 2013; 20: 23–29 Foucault, the subject and the research interview: a critique of methodsResearch interviews are a widely used method in qualitative health research and have been adapted to suit a range of methodologies. Just as it is valuable that new approaches are explored, it is also important to continue to examine their appropriate use. In this article, we question the suitability of research interviews for ‘history of the present’ studies informed by the (...)
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    Optimising qualitative longitudinal analysis: Insights from a study of traumatic brain injury recovery and adaptation.Joanna K. Fadyl, Alexis Channon, Alice Theadom & Kathryn M. McPherson - 2017 - Nursing Inquiry 24 (2):e12170.
    Knowledge about aspects that influence recovery and adaptation in the postacute phase of disabling health events is key to understanding how best to provide appropriate rehabilitation and health services. Qualitative longitudinal research makes it possible to look for patterns, key time points and critical moments that could be vital for interventions and supports. However, strategies that support robust data management and analysis for longitudinal qualitative research in health‐care are not well documented in the literature. This article reviews three challenges encountered (...)
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    I.Joanna Lipking - 2009 - Critical Inquiry 35 (4):1054-1056.
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  47. CRISPR/Cas9 and Germline Modification: New Difficulties in Obtaining Informed Consent.Joanna Smolenski - 2015 - American Journal of Bioethics 15 (12):35-37.
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    Informed Consent: Foundations and Applications.Joanna Smolenski - 2021 - Dissertation, Cuny Graduate Center
    Since its advent in the 20th century, informed consent has become a cornerstone of ethical healthcare, and obtaining it a core obligation in medical contexts. In my dissertation, I aim to examine the theoretical underpinnings of informed consent and identify what values it is taken to protect. I will suggest that the fundamental motivation behind informed consent rests in something I’ll call bodily self-sovereignty, which I argue involves a coupling of two groups of values: autonomy and non-domination on the one (...)
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    Democratic governance in an age of datafication: Lessons from mapping government discourses and practices.Joanna Redden - 2018 - Big Data and Society 5 (2).
    There is an abundance of enthusiasm and optimism about how governments at all levels can make use of big data, algorithms and artificial intelligence. There is also growing concern about the risks that come with these new systems. This article makes the case for greater government transparency and accountability about uses of big data through a Government of Canada qualitative research case study. Adapting a method from critical cartographers, I employ counter-mapping to map government big data practices and internal discussions (...)
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    Is risk regulation a strategic influence on decision making in the biotechnology industry?Joanna Chataway & Joyce Tait - 1993 - Agriculture and Human Values 10 (2):60-67.
    This paper discusses strategic decision making in firms pursuing biotechnology innovation and the influence of risk regulation on firm strategy. Data from three research projects, involving interviews with over 60 managers from agricultural and food related biotechnology companies and also over 60 key participants in the regulatory process in the UK and EC, shows a diversity of strategy and opinion. While some industry representatives identified new risk regulations governing the release of genetically manipulated organisms (GMOs) as the primary constraint on (...)
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