Results for 'Joan Pecover'

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  1. The Evidence of Experience.Joan W. Scott - 1991 - Critical Inquiry 17 (4):773-797.
    There is a section in Samuel Delany’s magnificent autobiographical meditation, The Motion of Light in Water, that dramatically raises the problem of writing the history of difference, the history, that is, of the designation of “other,” of the attribution of characteristics that distinguish categories of people from some presumed norm.1 Delany recounts his reaction to his first visit to the St. Marks bathhouse in 1963. He remembers standing on the threshold of a “gym-sized room” dimly lit by blue bulbs. The (...)
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    By Author.Armand Matheny Antommaria, Joan Atkinson & Michael See Prieur - 2006 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 16 (4):397-399.
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    Enseñanza y revolución en China.Zedong Mao & Joan Senent-Josa (eds.) - 1977 - Barcelona: Anagrama.
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    Contra els absoluts: converses amb Ignasi Moreta.Joan-Carles Mèlich - 2018 - Barcelona: Fragmenta Editorial. Edited by Ignasi Moreta.
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    Erwin Panofsky and Karl Mannheim: A Dialogue on Interpretation.Joan Hart - 1993 - Critical Inquiry 19 (3):534-566.
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    Finitary Extensions of the Nilpotent Minimum Logic and (Almost) Structural Completeness.Joan Gispert - 2018 - Studia Logica 106 (4):789-808.
    In this paper we study finitary extensions of the nilpotent minimum logic or equivalently quasivarieties of NM-algebras. We first study structural completeness of NML, we prove that NML is hereditarily almost structurally complete and moreover NM\, the axiomatic extension of NML given by the axiom \^{2}\leftrightarrow ^{2})^{2}\), is hereditarily structurally complete. We use those results to obtain the full description of the lattice of all quasivarieties of NM-algebras which allow us to characterize and axiomatize all finitary extensions of NML.
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    (1 other version)Editors' Introduction.Zachary Hoskins, Joan Woolfrey & Gregory Hoskins - 2019 - Social Philosophy Today 35:1-5.
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    Justice: social, criminal, juvenile.Zachary Hoskins & Joan Woolfrey (eds.) - 2018 - Charlottesville, Virginia: Published on behalf of the North American Society for Social Philosophy by the Philosophy Documentation Center.
    This volume contains a selection of papers presented at the 34th International Social Philosophy Conference (2017), an annual event sponsored by the North American Society for Social Philosophy. The theme of the conference was "Justice: Social, Criminal, Juvenile"; this volume invites wider discussion of the issues explored at the conference.
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  9. Critical review of Impact of research cultures on the use of digital library resources.Marcia Johnson & Joan Cherry - forthcoming - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society.
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    Figures Philosophiques du Conflit.Andreas Wilmes & Joan-Antoine Mallet (eds.) - 2015 - Paris, France: L'Harmattan.
    L'ambition de cet ouvrage est d'illustrer à la fois comment la philosophie conceptualise le conflit et comment elle s'efforce d'en résoudre les dangers inhérents. Plutôt que de proposer un aperçu purement abstrait de la notion de « conflit », l'ensemble des travaux se focalise sur la confrontation des philosophes à des problèmes historiques tels que la guerre, la dissension sociale, la tyrannie, ou encore le sport. -/- .
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  11. The role of beneficence in clinical genetics: Non-directive counseling reconsidered.Mark Yarborough, Joan A. Scott & Linda K. Dixon - 1989 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 10 (2).
    The popular view of non-directive genetic counseling limits the counselor's role to providing information to clients and assisting families in making decisions in a morally neutral fashion. This view of non-directive genetic counseling is shown to be incomplete. A fuller understanding of what it means to respect autonomy shows that merely respecting client choices does not exhaust the duty. Moreover, the genetic counselor/client relationship should also be governed by the counselor's commitment to the principle of beneficience. When non-directive counseling is (...)
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    A matter of life and death: Water in the natural philosophy of albertus Magnus.Joan Cadden - 1980 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 2 (2):241 - 252.
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    Cat Wars: The Devastating Consequences of a Dangerous Book.Joan E. Schaffner - 2018 - Journal of Animal Ethics 8 (2):236-248.
    Cat Wars is a dangerous book that declares war on all free-roaming cats. Filled with hyperbole and exaggerated statistics, the book argues that cats are a danger to humans, birds, and other free-living animals and should be eradicated from the landscape—a devastating, expensive, inhumane, and useless result. This review exposes the flaws in the authors’ analysis and ethical approach and redirects the dialogue toward an ethic that protects all animals. Compassionate conservationism promotes the use of nonlethal management strategies to protect (...)
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    Is adaptation of orientation-specific cortical cells a plausible explanation of illusion decrement?Stanley Coren, Joan S. Girgus & Diane Schiano - 1986 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 24 (3):207-210.
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    The paradox of deviance in addicted mexican american mothers.Mary Devitt & Joan Moore - 1989 - Gender and Society 3 (1):53-70.
    Two aspects of mothering—using drugs during pregnancy and giving up the rearing of one's children—are the focus of this analysis of 58 addicted Chicana mothers who spent their adolescent years in barrio gangs. From a traditional stance, such women were doubly deviant, since they violated gender-role prescriptions by joining a barrio gang and by becoming involved in heroin and street life. Half of these women added to this deviance by using heroin during pregnancy, and 40 percent relinquished at least one (...)
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    Launch of the International Philosophy of Nursing Society (IPONS).Steven Edwards & Joan Liaschenko - 2004 - Nursing Philosophy 5 (1):91-92.
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    Filosofía Política y pesimismo antropológico. Notas sobre la filosofía política de Arthur Schopenhauer.Joan David Mateu Alonso - 2014 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 47.
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  18. Sobre la lógica de las lagunas en el derecho.Josep Joan Moreso, María Cristina Redondo & Pablo Eugenio Navarro López - 2001 - Critica 33 (99):47-73.
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    Affect and Gendered Creolisation.Suzanne Scafe & Joan Anim-Addo - 2013 - Feminist Review 104 (1):1-4.
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  20. The problem of solidarism in St. Thomas: a study in social philosophy.Mary Joan of Arc Wolfe - 1938 - Washington, D.C.: Catholic University of America.
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    From reproduction to research: Sourcing eggs, IVF and cloning in the UK.Joan Haran & Kate O'Riordan - 2009 - Feminist Theory 10 (2):191-210.
    This article provides an analysis of the relationships between IVF and therapeutic cloning, as they played out in the UK Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority consultation of 2006: Donating Eggs for Research: Safeguarding Donors. We develop an account of current developments in IVF and cloning which foregrounds the role of mediation in structuring the discursive context in which they are constituted. We foreground the imperative of choice and the promise of cures as key features of this context. We also argue (...)
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  22. Socrates on trial 2008 [videorecording] : cast and story / filmed and edited by Antoine Bourges ; directed by Joan Bryans.A. D. Irvine, Antoine Bourges & Joan Bryans - unknown
    NOTES: Based on the book Socrates on trial written by Andrew Irvine and published by the University of Toronto Press. Performed at the Chan Centre for the Performing Arts, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, May 31-June 7, 2008. CONTENTS: Trailer, Who was Socrates?, Selected scenes, The production, Credits. UBC Library Catalogue Permanent URL:
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    Editors’ Introduction.Zachary Hoskins & Joan Woolfrey - 2018 - Social Philosophy Today 34:1-4.
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    Musica e alterità: a partire da Lévinas.Joan Elies Adell I. Pitarch - 1994 - Idee 25:183-186.
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  25. El dios incomprehensible de Filón y su huella en el neoplatonismo.Miquel Beltrán & Joan Lluís Llinás Begon - 2010 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 27:46-61.
    A través de Filón la consideración escritutaria en torno a la disimilitud esencial entre Dios y sus criaturas irrumpió en el seno de la reflexión filosófica propia de Grecia. Dicha disimilitud comportaba la perfecta trascendencia de Aquél, y esto llevó a Filón a contemplarlo también como carente de cualidades (apoios), proclamando que de Él no pueden predicarse sino propiedades (idiotetes). Se pretende asimismo mostrar que la introducción de aquella disimilitud está en el origen del Uno o Primer Principio de Plotino.
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    Lo real, lo irreal y lo humano, releer a Zubiri.Joan Cuscó Clarasó - 2009 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 36:497-508.
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    BOOK REVIEW: MARQUES, T. & WIKFORSS, Å (EDS.), Shifting Concepts (Oxford University Press, 2020, 284 Pages).Joan Gimeno-simó - 2021 - Manuscrito 44 (3):143-156.
    In this review I provide a brief analysis of the main features of the collective volume Shifting Concepts (Oxford University Press, 2020), edited by Teresa Marques and Åsa Wikforss. The volume addresses several related topics, and it contains contributions from psychologists and philosophers. It deals with the topic of concept variation understood in a broad sense, for it tackles diachronic, contextual, interpersonal and even intrapersonal variation; besides, the second part of the book is devoted to the topic of concept revision (...)
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    Conceptes fonamentals de fenomenologia.Joan González & Josep Monserrat (eds.) - 2017 - Barcelona: Societat Catalana de Filosofia.
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    Islam and Psychoanalysis.Sigi Jöttkandt & Joan Copjec - 2009 - S: Journal of the Circle for Lacanian Ideology Critique 2 (1):2-4.
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  30. Consideraciones sobre la guerra en Nietzsche.Joan Bautista Llinares Chover - 2006 - In Nicolás Sánchez Durá, La guerra. Valencia: Editorial Pre-Textos.
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    Machiavelli at a crossroads. The birth of modern thinking.Joan Lluis Llinàs Begon - 2012 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 39:415-430.
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  32. Infectious Hepatitis.Ward Robert & Joan P. Giles - 1977 - In Robert Hunt & John Arras, Ethical issues in modern medicine. Palo Alto, Calif.: Mayfield Pub. Co.. pp. 291.
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    Les esquerdes del liberalisme polític: una crítica filosòfica a John Rawls.Joan Vergés Gifra - 2006 - Barcelona: Pòrtic.
    El liberalisme polític és la ideologia o tradició política dominant de les nostres democràcies occidentals. Ho és tant des del punt de vista històric, pel que fa a les seves conquestes institucionals, com des del punt de vista del pensament, pel.
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    The new ethics of abortion.Joan Greenwood - 2001 - Journal of Medical Ethics 27 (suppl 2):2-4.
    The papers included in this supplement were first given at a meeting, The New Ethics of Abortion, organised by the British Pregnancy Advisory Service (BPAS) in Senate House at the University of London on 21 February 2000. The British Pregnancy Advisory Service is primarily a provider of abortion services. Each year, the organisation provides almost 50,000 abortions, more than half of which are performed on behalf of the National Health Service (NHS), which means they are free of charge to women. (...)
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    The philosophical roots of the current medical crisis.Joan M. Boyle & James E. Morriss - 1981 - Metaphilosophy 12 (3-4):284-301.
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  36. (1 other version)Deciding Values.Joan McIver Gibson - 2020 - In Frankie Perry, The tracks we leave: ethics and management dilemmas in healthcare. Chicago, IL: Health Administration Press.
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    Josep-Maria Terricabras (1946-2024), in memoriam.Joan Vergés Gifra - 2024 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 73:259-262.
    Obituari en memòria de Josep-Maria Terricabras.
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    Methodological Eclecticism in Practical Philosophy.Joan Vergés Gifra - 2013 - International Philosophical Quarterly 53 (2):131-146.
    Methodological eclecticism has gained wide acceptance among practical philosophers in recent years. This paper analyzes and evaluates the strongest justifications supporting such a methodology: the primacy of practice thesis and the doctrine of value pluralism. Our aim is to show that methodological eclecticism cannot be justified by either of these considerations.
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    Cervantes, Locke y Hobbes: Pioneros de pensamiento político moderno.Joan J. Gilabert - 1983 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 10:217-228.
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    Thomas More Papers at Villanova.Joan F. Gilliland - 1983 - Moreana 20 (1):42-42.
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    On Nilpotent Minimum logics defined by lattice filters and their paraconsistent non-falsity preserving companions.Joan Gispert, Francesc Esteva, Lluís Godo & Marcelo E. Coniglio - forthcoming - Logic Journal of the IGPL.
    Nilpotent Minimum logic (NML) is a substructural algebraizable logic that is a distinguished member of the family of systems of Mathematical Fuzzy logic, and at the same time it is the axiomatic extension with the prelinearity axiom of Nelson and Markov’s Constructive logic with strong negation. In this paper our main aim is to characterize and axiomatize paraconsistent variants of NML and its extensions defined by (sets of) logical matrices over linearly ordered NM-algebra with lattice filters as designated values, with (...)
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    Analysis of the viq scores of families of three or more orkney Brothers.Joan D. T. Goodman & R. B. Anderton - 1997 - Journal of Biosocial Science 29 (2):181-190.
    Classification of the boys in 48 families of three or more brothers according to their Moray House Test (VIQ) scores awarded at age 11±1[fraction one-half] years in 1947–75 confirms the postulated existence of a total of nine male phenotypes for this X-linked trait in the score range <70 to 140 points. The phenotypic means lie close to the sequence 69(8)133. Recombination is shown to occur. An additive effect of three alleles at each of two X-chromosome loci is the most likely (...)
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    Should schools be in loco parentis? Cautionary thoughts.Joan F. Goodman - 2021 - Ethics and Education 16 (4):407-423.
    ABSTRACT The jurisdiction of schools has long been contested. Initially, under the sway of loco parentis, parents delegated all authority to educators. With ascendency of the common school movement in the 19th century, however, the doctrine confronted reverses. As the student body increased in size and heterogeneity, families no longer spoke with a single voice. The courts granted parental requests for a more determinative role in their children’s education, prohibited schools from giving religious instruction, and guaranteed students some civil rights. (...)
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    The interpretation of children's needs at home and in school.Joan F. Goodman - 2008 - Ethics and Education 3 (1):27-40.
    Statements of need are used promiscuously by caretakers and children. The term may refer to mere wants (desire), to wants that have become socialized into secondary needs, to needs inferred by adults based on interpretations of future adaptive requirements, as well as to fundamental needs required for a child's well-being. It is important to distinguish the various uses of the term, first, because need carries an imperative-it would be unethical to frustrate a child's basic needs. Second, when confounding meanings, there (...)
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  45. The quest for compliance in schools: unforeseen consequences.Joan F. Goodman & Emily Klim Uzun - 2013 - Ethics and Education 8 (1):3-17.
    This study investigates the reaction of high school students in an alternative urban secondary school to highly controlling, authoritarian practices. Premised on the published theories, we imagined that students would object to the regime and consider it unduly repressive. Student reactions were elicited through questionnaires and interviews. To our considerable surprise, most respondents approved of the authoritarian regime and disapproved of granting students more self-expression. Most have come to believe that they do not deserve freedom from pervasive rules, for they (...)
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    Neo-kantianism, pantheism, and the ego.Joan Delaney Grossman - 1995 - Studies in East European Thought 47 (3-4):179 - 193.
  47. Tiempo Y medida. Investigaciones fenomenológicas sobre temporalidad Y cronometría.Joan González Guardiola - 2007 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas: Anuario de la Sociedad Española de Fenomenología 5:11.
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    Hembra Sin Nombre: Una Aproximación Analítica Al Conflicto Entre Feminismo y Transactivismo.Joan Manuel Segura Guiscafré - 2023 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 114:229-259.
    La polémica entre feminismo y transactivismo lleva tiempo ocupando titulares, artículos, debates, etc. En este trabajo se intentan clarificar algunos de los problemas conceptuales que subyacen al conflicto. Para empezar, se abordan los conceptos de «sexo», «género» e «identidad de género» a partir del aparato conceptual proveniente de la ontología social presentada por John Searle. A continuación, ante la conveniencia de disponer de términos para hacer referencia unívoca a las personas de un sexo y de otro, se contrastan diferentes sentidos (...)
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    Standing at the edge: finding freedom where fear and courage meet.Joan Halifax - 2018 - New York: Flatiron Books.
    "[This book is] an... examination of how we can respond to suffering, live our fullest lives, and remain open to the full spectrum of our human experience"
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    (1 other version)Between Parents.Joan Cusack Handler - 1994 - Feminist Studies 20 (1):86.
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