Results for 'Joan McDonald'

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  1.  27
    Socializing Care: Feminist Ethics and Public Issues.Joan Tronto, Nel Noddings, Eloise Buker, Selma Sevenhuijsen, Vivienne Bozalek, Amanda Gouws, Marie Minnaar-Mcdonald, Deborah Little, Margaret Urban Walker, Fiona Robinson, Judith Stadtman Tucker & Cheryl Brandsen (eds.) - 2006 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Contributors to this volume demonstrate how the ethics of care factors into a variety of social policies and institutions, and can indeed be useful in thinking about a number of different social problems. Divided into two sections, the first looks at care as a model for an evaluative framework that rethinks social institutions, liberal society, and citizenship at a basic conceptual level. The second explores care values in the context of specific social practices or settings, as a framework that should (...)
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    A Cross-Cultural Dialogue on Health Care Ethics.Joan Anderson, Arthur Blue, Michael Burgess, Harold Coward, Robert Florida, Barry Glickman, Barry Hoffmaster, Edwin Hui, Edward Keyserlingk, Michael McDonald, Pinit Ratanakul, Sheryl Reimer Kirkham, Patricia Rodney, Rosalie Starzomski, Peter Stephenson, Khannika Suwonnakote & Sumana Tangkanasingh (eds.) - 2006 - Wilfrid Laurier Press.
    The ethical theories employed in health care today assume, in the main, a modern Western philosophical framework. Yet the diversity of cultural and religious assumptions regarding human nature, health and illness, life and death, and the status of the individual suggest that a cross-cultural study of health care ethics is needed. A Cross-Cultural Dialogue on Health Care Ethics provides this study. It shows that ethical questions can be resolved by examining the ethical principles present in each culture, critically assessing each (...)
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    Rousseau and the French Revolution, 1762-1791.Joan McDonald - 1965 - [London]: University of London, Athlone Press.
    From 1789 onwards there sprang up a fervent revolutionary cult of Rousseau, and at each stage in the subsequent unfolding of the drama of the Revolution historians have seen Rousseau's influence at work. Mrs McDonald seeks in this study to trace the development of the cult and to define the nature of the influence by means of a detailed survey of the appeals made to the authority of Rousseau in books, pamphlets and accounts of speeches put forth by revolutionary (...)
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    Femmes et littérature. Une histoire culturelle (2020), sous la direction de Martine Reid. Tome I : « Moyen Âge- xviii e siècle », par Jacqueline Cerquiglini-Toulet, Éliane Viennot, Joan DeJean, Edwige Keller-Rahbé et Christie McDonald ; Tome II : « xix e - xxi e siècle, francophonies », par Martine Reid, Florence de Chalonge, Delphine Naudier, Christelle Reggiani et Alison Rice. Paris : Gallimard, Folio/Essais. [REVIEW]Nicole G. Albert - 2021 - Diogène n° 267-268 (3):324-331.
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  5. Creating Caring Institutions: Politics, Plurality, and Purpose.Joan C. Tronto - 2010 - Ethics and Social Welfare 4 (2):158-171.
    How do we know which institutions provide good care? Some scholars argue that the best way to think about care institutions is to model them upon the family or the market. This paper argues, on the contrary, that when we make explicit some background conditions of good family care, we can apply what we know to better institutionalized caring. After considering elements of bad and good care, from an institutional perspective, the paper argues that good care in an institutional context (...)
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  6.  56
    Is strong inference really superior to simple inference?John McDonald - 1992 - Synthese 92 (2):261 - 282.
    The method of strong inference, wherein multiple hypotheses are constructed and a crucial experiment is carried out, is said to have special status in science because it guarantees falsifying results. However, the proposition that strong inference is in any way superior to the method of constructing and testing a single hypothesis is contradicted both by close rational analysis and by the empirical evidence. An experiment is reviewed in which subjects who conduct strong tests are much less likely to discover or (...)
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  7. Care as a Basis for Radical Political Judgments.Joan C. Tronto - 1995 - Hypatia 10 (2):141 - 149.
    The best framework for moral and political thought is the one that creates the best climate for good political judgments. I argue that universalistic theories of justice fall short in this regard because they cannot distinguish idealization from abstraction. After describing how an ethic of care guides judgments, I suggest the practical effects that make this approach preferable. The ethic of care includes more aspects of human life in making political judgments.
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    Derrida s Gift.Elizabeth Weed & Ellen Rooney (eds.) - 2005 - Duke University Press.
    In this special issue of _difference_s, leading feminist theorists acknowledge Derrida’s contribution to feminist theory, discuss the crucial place of difference in both Derridian deconstruction and feminist theory, and reflect on the ethical, professional, and epistemological implications of Derrida’s thought for the discipline of women’s studies. In bringing together major feminist critics whose work has been touched by the writings of Derrida, this issue both pays tribute to and reflects upon Derrida’s ideas. Among the essayists included, Jane Gallop considers Derrida’s (...)
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  9. The “Nanny” Question in Feminism.Joan C. Tronto - 2002 - Hypatia 17 (2):34-51.
    Are social movements responsible for their unfinished agendas? Feminist successes in opening the professions to women paved the way for the emergence of the upper middle-class two-career household. These households sometimes hire domestic servants to accomplish their child care work. If, as I shall argue, this practice is unjust and furthers social inequality, then it poses a moral problem for any feminist commitment to social justice.
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  10.  24
    (1 other version)La couleur eloquente.Marcel Henaff, Bridget McDonald & Jacqueline Lichtenstein - 1992 - Substance 21 (2):140.
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  11. Partiality Based on Relational Responsibilities: Another Approach to Global Ethics.Joan C. Tronto - 2012 - Ethics and Social Welfare 6 (3):303-316.
    Universalistic claims about the nature of justice are presumed to require larger commitments from a global perspective than partialist claims. This essay departs from standard partialist accounts by anchoring partialist claims in a different account of the nature of responsibility. In contrast to substantive responsibility, which is akin to an obligation and derived from principles, relational responsibilities grow out of relationships and their complex intertwining. While such accounts of responsibility are less clear cut, they will prove in the long run (...)
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  12. Structural Universals and Formal Relations.Joan Pagés - 2002 - Synthese 131 (2):215 - 221.
    I will consider Armstrong's problems in trying to account for structural universals, i.e., a kind of complex universal whose instantiation by particulars involves different parts of those particulars instantiating several basic properties and relations, such as the property of being a molecule of methane. I present and criticise Armstrong's most recent attempt to explain structural properties by means of the identification of universals with types of states of affairs and I state my own solution to the problem by appealing to (...)
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  13.  29
    Explaining the laser’s light: classical versus quantum electrodynamics in the 1960s.Joan Lisa Bromberg - 2016 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 70 (3):243-266.
    The laser, first operated in 1960, produced light with coherence properties that demanded explanation. While some attempted a treatment within the framework of classical coherence theory, others insisted that only quantum electrodynamics could give adequate insight and generality. The result was a sharp and rather bitter controversy, conducted over the physics and mathematics that were being deployed, but also over the criteria for doing good science. Three physicists were at the center of this dispute, Emil Wolf, Max Born’s collaborator on (...)
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    By Author.Armand Matheny Antommaria, Joan Atkinson & Michael See Prieur - 2006 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 16 (4):397-399.
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    Pride and prejudice: a case for reform of judicial recusal procedure.Gabrielle Appleby & Stephen McDonald - 2017 - Legal Ethics 20 (1):89-114.
    Justice must both be done and be seen to be done. A legal principle designed to give effect to this fundamental proposition is that a judge must not sit to determine a dispute if he or she is biased, or if there exists a reasonable perception that he or she is biased. Across many common law jurisdictions – including the UK, Australia, Canada, New Zealand and many jurisdictions in the United States – the judge in question himself or herself is (...)
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    Enseñanza y revolución en China.Zedong Mao & Joan Senent-Josa (eds.) - 1977 - Barcelona: Anagrama.
  17.  23
    Hallucinating visual structure: Individual differences in ‘scaffolded attention’.Joan Danielle K. Ongchoco & Brian J. Scholl - 2022 - Cognition 225 (C):105129.
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    Maxwell's displacement current and his theory of light.Joan Bromberg - 1967 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 4 (3):218-234.
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    Contra els absoluts: converses amb Ignasi Moreta.Joan-Carles Mèlich - 2018 - Barcelona: Fragmenta Editorial. Edited by Ignasi Moreta.
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  20.  63
    People's thinking plans adapt to the problem they're trying to solve.Joan Danielle K. Ongchoco, Joshua Knobe & Julian Jara-Ettinger - 2024 - Cognition 243 (C):105669.
    Much of our thinking focuses on deciding what to do in situations where the space of possible options is too large to evaluate exhaustively. Previous work has found that people do this by learning the general value of different behaviors, and prioritizing thinking about high-value options in new situations. Is this good-action bias always the best strategy, or can thinking about low-value options sometimes become more beneficial? Can people adapt their thinking accordingly based on the situation? And how do we (...)
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  21.  82
    The Sexual Compact.Joan Copjec - 2012 - Angelaki 17 (2):31 - 48.
  22.  17
    Regulations for the Protection of Humans in Research in the United States.Joan P. Porter & Greg Koski - 2008 - In Ezekiel J. Emanuel, The Oxford textbook of clinical research ethics. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 156.
  23.  32
    Did that just happen? Event segmentation influences enumeration and working memory for simple overlapping visual events.Joan Danielle K. Ongchoco & Brian J. Scholl - 2019 - Cognition 187 (C):188-197.
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  24.  30
    Planning Abilities in Bilingual and Monolingual Children: Role of Verbal Mediation.Ishanti Gangopadhyay, Margarethe McDonald, Susan Ellis Weismer & Margarita Kaushanskaya - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:309982.
    We examined the role of verbal mediation in planning performance of English–Spanish-speaking bilingual children and monolingual English-speaking children, between the ages of 9 and 12 years. To measure planning, children were administered the Tower of London (ToL) task. In a dual-task paradigm, children completed ToL problems under three conditions: with no secondary task (baseline), with articulatory suppression, and with non-verbal motor suppression. Analyses revealed generally shorter planning times for bilinguals than monolinguals but both groups performed similarly on number of moves (...)
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  25.  29
    Resilience in the AESA During the Last Decades of the Twentieth Century.Joan Netta Burstyn - 2018 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 54 (1):52-55.
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  26.  15
    The Role of Quiet Eye Timing and Location in the Basketball Three-Point Shot: A New Research Paradigm.Joan N. Vickers, Joe Causer & Dan Vanhooren - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  27.  22
    Time's Place.Joan Tronto - 2003 - Feminist Theory 4 (2):119-138.
    Spatial metaphors abound in feminist theory. The modest goal of this paper is to reassert the importance of temporal dimensions in thought for feminist thinking. In order to establish this general claim, several kinds of current thinking about time that are problematic for feminists are explored. First, the postmodern compression of time and space is considered from the standpoint of the changes it brings in the nature of care. Second, the privileging of the future over the past is considered in (...)
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  28.  9
    The role of constructions in understanding predictability measures and their correspondence to word duration.Joan Bybee & Earl Kjar Brown - forthcoming - Cognitive Linguistics.
    Studies of word predictability in context show that words in English tend to be shorter if they are predictable from the next word, and to a lesser extent, if they are predictable from the previous word. Some studies distinguish function and content words, but otherwise have not considered grammatical factors, treating all two-word sequences as comparable. Because function words are highly frequent, words occurring with them have low predictability. Highest predictability occurs within bigrams with two content words. Using the Buckeye (...)
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  29.  29
    (1 other version)Editors' Introduction.Zachary Hoskins, Joan Woolfrey & Gregory Hoskins - 2019 - Social Philosophy Today 35:1-5.
  30.  8
    Justice: social, criminal, juvenile.Zachary Hoskins & Joan Woolfrey (eds.) - 2018 - Charlottesville, Virginia: Published on behalf of the North American Society for Social Philosophy by the Philosophy Documentation Center.
    This volume contains a selection of papers presented at the 34th International Social Philosophy Conference (2017), an annual event sponsored by the North American Society for Social Philosophy. The theme of the conference was "Justice: Social, Criminal, Juvenile"; this volume invites wider discussion of the issues explored at the conference.
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    Post-physicalism and Beyond.D. Vaden House & Marvin J. McDonald - 1992 - Dialogue 31 (4):593-.
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  32. Critical review of Impact of research cultures on the use of digital library resources.Marcia Johnson & Joan Cherry - forthcoming - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society.
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    Death and survival.Joan Roura-Parella - 1984 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 10:73.
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    The literature police: apartheid censorship and its cultural consequences.Peter D. McDonald - unknown
    This website is a supplement to Peter D. McDonald’s book The Literature Police: Apartheid Censorship and its Cultural Consequences, which was first published by Oxford University Press in February 2009. It is intended for anyone curious to know more about the subject and for those interested in doing further research into the vast topic of apartheid censorship.
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  35.  14
    Ethical leadership: progress with a moral compass.Joan Marques - 2017 - New York: Routledge.
    Changing paradigms about moving forward -- The notion of progress in the past -- The notion of progress today -- Self-leadership and progress -- Toward a moral compass -- The right thing in pre-millennial context -- The right thing in current context -- Defining and polishing our moral compass -- Moving forward while doing the right thing -- About choice and reality -- Five moral pitfalls to avoid -- Moral theories : some pros and cons -- Five moral handles for (...)
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  36.  64
    Searching for character and the role of schools.Joan F. Goodman - 2018 - Ethics and Education 14 (1):15-35.
    ABSTRACTDespite a resurgence of interest in character education, just what ‘character’ means is contested. Two strands, while overlapping, diverge on several questions: Is character centrally about moral qualities or more inclusive? Does it consist of one or multiple traits? Does it regard virtue as independently or instrumentally good? Is character a set of dispositions or behaviors? Is it a matter of reflection and reason or habits and skills? Those aligned with the first part of each dichotomy I label purists, the (...)
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  37. Public Interests and the Duty of Food Citizenship.Joan McGregor - 2016 - In Win-Chiat Lee & Ann Cudd, Citizenship and Immigration - Borders, Migration and Political Membership in a Global Age. Cham: Springer Verlag.
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  38. Response to Rebecca Dresser's 'involuntary confinement: Legal and psychiatric perspectives'.Joan C. Callahan - 1985 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 10 (2):199-202.
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    Catholic reflections on the Paul report.Joan Brothers - 1965 - Heythrop Journal 6 (1):55-65.
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    Fields of Force. The Development of a World View from Faraday to Einstein. William Berkson.Joan Bromberg - 1976 - Isis 67 (1):132-134.
  41.  40
    Hypochondria: Woeful ImaginingsSusan Baur.Joan Brumberg - 1989 - Isis 80 (1):87-88.
  42.  8
    Ni déus ni bèsties: per una ètica possible.Joan Manel Bueno - 1996 - Lleida: Pagès.
    Sovint el humans ens hem somiat déus. I Déu n'hi do si hem fet coses admirables: ciència, organització social, art,...motius n'hi ha per estar orgullosos. La vida, però, també ens mostra amb insistència la cara més fosca de nosaltres mateixos, i en aquests moments el més fàcil és passar de l'orgull a la desesperança més absoluta. El camí, però, no pot ser el de l'abandonament. Ni déus ni bèsties! Els déus no trien i, sense esforç ni dubtes, coneixen i realitzen (...)
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    Dilemmas of organizing women office workers.Joan Keller Burton - 1987 - Gender and Society 1 (4):432-446.
    This article analyzes the conditions that facilitate or hinder office-worker activism. Participant observations in Baltimore Working Women, a local affiliate of 9 to 5, and interviews with 72 members and nonmembers revealed the dilemmas of organizing women office workers. Early joiners recruited themselves and then brought in friends for whom the costs of activism were greater. Job security, supportive bosses, and experience in protesting inequities eased the difficulties associated with activism, and commitment to working women's issues sustained activism. Those who (...)
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  44.  30
    The Sane Positivist: A Biography of Edward L. ThorndikeGeraldine Joncich.Joan Burstyn - 1970 - Isis 61 (4):549-551.
  45.  29
    Naturkenntnisse und Naturanschauungen bei Wilhelm von Auvergne. Albrecht Quentin.Joan Cadden - 1978 - Isis 69 (1):115-116.
  46.  52
    Sexuality and Medicine in the Middle AgesDanielle Jacquart Claude Thomasset Matthew Adamson.Joan Cadden - 1990 - Isis 81 (2):335-336.
  47.  27
    The Ages of Man: Medieval Interpretations of the Life Cycle. Elizabeth Sears.Joan Cadden - 1987 - Isis 78 (4):629-630.
  48. Attempting to translate Being and Time.Joan Stambaugh - 2005 - Studia Phaenomenologica 5:79-90.
    In this article, the author narrates the story of the second English translation of Being and time. In the first part, the author describes both the personal history and the general cultural situation which led to the necessity of a new translation of Sein und Zeit. In the second part of the essay, the author discusses some of the Heideggerian terms as Da-sein, Wiederholung, Verfallen, Geworfenheit, Befindlichkeit, focusing on the meaning and the central role of temporality in the project of (...)
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  49.  16
    Guidelines for Adolescent Participation in Research: Current Realities and Possible Resolutions.Joan P. Porter & Jennifer M. Phillips - 1995 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 17 (1):10.
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  50.  24
    Can Democratic Caring Save our Planet?Joan C. Tronto - 2023 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 120 (1):21-40.
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