Joan Tronto,
Nel Noddings,
Eloise Buker,
Selma Sevenhuijsen,
Vivienne Bozalek,
Amanda Gouws,
Marie Minnaar-Mcdonald,
Deborah Little,
Margaret Urban Walker,
Fiona Robinson,
Judith Stadtman Tucker &
Cheryl Brandsen (eds.)
Rowman & Littlefield Publishers (
Contributors to this volume demonstrate how the ethics of care factors into a variety of social policies and institutions, and can indeed be useful in thinking about a number of different social problems. Divided into two sections, the first looks at care as a model for an evaluative framework that rethinks social institutions, liberal society, and citizenship at a basic conceptual level. The second explores care values in the context of specific social practices or settings, as a framework that should guide thinking