Results for 'Joachim Frank'

948 found
  1. "Spinoza" von Dimitri Frenkel Frank: ein Ketzer-Brevier zur Aufführung.Dimitri Frenkel Frank & Joachim Johannsen (eds.) - 1984 - [Zürich]: Neue Schauspiel.
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  2. In defence of metaphysical analyticity.Frank Hofmann & Joachim Horvath - 2008 - Ratio 21 (3):300-313.
    According to the so-called metaphysical conception of analyticity, analytic truths are true in virtue of meaning (or content) alone and independently of (extralinguistic) facts. Quine and Boghossian have tried to present a conclusive argument against the metaphysical conception of analyticity. In effect, they tried to show that the metaphysical conception inevitably leads into a highly implausible view about the truthmakers of analytic truths. We would like to show that their argument fails, since it relies on an ambiguity of the notion (...)
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    Das Spannungsverhältnis von Finanzierungsinteressen und der Vermeidung eines beherrschenden Einflusses im deutschen Profi-Fußball – Notwendigkeit und Vorschläge zur Modifizierung der derzeitigen Regulation / The tension between financial interests and prevention of a controlling influence in German professional football – Needs and recommendations for a modification of the existing regulation.Frank Richter, Christof Wieschemann, Gregor Hovemann & Joachim Lammert - 2009 - Sport Und Gesellschaft 6 (3):203-233.
    Zusammenfassung Um die Öffnung der Bundesliga gegenüber Investoren möglichst wettbewerbsneutral zu gestalten und den Einfluss von externen Geldgebern auf einen Profi-Fußballclub zu beschränken, wurde die sogenannte 50-plus-1-Regel in die Satzung des DFB aufgenommen. In diesem Beitrag wird umfassend analysiert, welche Konstellationen mit beherrschendem Einfluss nicht von dieser Regelung erfasst werden. Ziel dieser Analyse ist der anschließende Vorschlag eines alternativen Konzeptes, welches die vorgebrachten Zielsetzungen konsequent realisieren könnte. Zur Durchführung der Regulation werden außerdem konkrete Handlungsempfehlungen ausgesprochen. Die Vorteilhaftigkeit des vorgeschlagenen Konzeptes (...)
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    Territory Lost - Climate Change and the Violation of Self-Determination Rights.Frank Dietrich & Joachim Wündisch - 2015 - Moral Philosophy and Politics 2 (1):83-105.
    Inhabitants of low-lying islands flooded due to anthropogenic climate change will lose their territory and thereby their ability to exercise their right to political self-determination. This paper addresses the normative questions which arise when climate change threatens territorial rights. It explores whether the loss of statehood supports a claim to territorial compensation, and if so, how it can be satisfied. The paper concludes that such claims are well founded and that they should be met by providing compensatory territories. After introducing (...)
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    Cryo‐electron microscopy as an investigative tool: the ribosome as an example.Joachim Frank - 2001 - Bioessays 23 (8):725-732.
    Cryo‐electron microscopy allows the visualization of macromolecules in their native state. Combined with techniques of three‐dimensional reconstruction, cryo‐EM images of single molecules can be used to study macromolecular interactions. The ribosome, a large RNA–protein complex with multiple binding interactions, is an excellent test case illustrating the power of these new techniques. Conformational changes during the binding of tRNA and protein factors to the ribosome can now be studied without the interference of crystal packing. Now that the first X‐ray structures of (...)
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    Improved guideline adherence to pharmacotherapy of chronic systolic heart failure in general practice – results from a cluster‐randomized controlled trial of implementation of a clinical practice guideline.Frank Peters-Klimm, Thomas Müller-Tasch, Andrew Remppis, Joachim Szecsenyi & Dieter Schellberg - 2008 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 14 (5):823-829.
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    Sedierung am Lebensende: Empfehlungen der AG Ethik am Lebensende in der Akademie für Ethik in der Medizin.Gerald Neitzke, Frank Oehmichen, Hans Joachim Schliep & Dietrich Wördehoff - 2010 - Ethik in der Medizin 22 (2):139-147.
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  8. Territory Lost – Climate Change and the Violation of Self-determination Rights.Dietrich Frank & Wündisch Joachim - 2014 - Moral Philosophy and Politics 2 (1):83-105.
    Inhabitants of low-lying islands flooded due to anthropogenic climate change will lose their territory and thereby their ability to exercise their right to political self-determination. This paper addresses the normative questions which arise when climate change threatens territorial rights. It explores whether the loss of statehood supports a claim to territorial compensation, and if so, how it can be satisfied. The paper concludes that such claims are well founded and that they should be met by providing compensatory territories. After introducing (...)
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    A functional approach to movement analysis and error identification in sports and physical education.Ernst-Joachim Hossner, Frank Schiebl & Ulrich Göhner - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Konkordanz zu Ludwig Wittgensteins Tractatus logico-philosophicus / herausgegeben von Frank Börncke und Andreas Roser ; mit einem Vorwort von Joachim Schulte.Frank Börncke, Frank-Roland Börncke & Andreas Roser - 1995 - New York: G. Olms. Edited by Andreas Roser.
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    Nikolai Wehrs: Protest der Professoren. Der Bund „Freiheit der Wissenschaft“ in den 1970er Jahren, Geschichte der Gegenwart, hg. v. Frank Bösch und Martin Sabrow, Band 9, Göttingen: Wallstein Verlag 2014, 539 S. [REVIEW]Joachim H. Knoll - 2015 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 67 (3-4):302-305.
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    Frank Whaling : The World's Religious Traditions: Current Perspectives in Religious Studies. Essays in honour of Wilfred Cantwell Smith. T. & T. Clark Ltd. Edinburgh 1984, viii, 311 pp. [REVIEW]Hans-Joachim Klimkeit - 1985 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 37 (2):180-182.
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    Heidegger's Ecological Turn: Community and Practice for Future Generations.Frank Schalow - 2021 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    This book makes explicit the ecological implications of Martin Heidegger. It examines how the trajectory of Heidegger's thinking harbors an "ecological turn," which comes to the forefront in his attempt to anticipate the impending crisis precipitated by modern technology. Schalow's emphasis on such key motifs as stewardship, dwelling, and 'letting be' serves to coalesce the problem of freedom in a new and innovative way, in order to expand the interpretive or hermeneutic horizon for re-examining Heidegger's philosophy. By prioritizing a response (...)
  14. (1 other version)Gunk, Topology and Measure.Frank Arntzenius - 2008 - Oxford Studies in Metaphysics 4.
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    Establishments as Material rather than Immaterial Objects.Frank A. Hindriks - 2021 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 99 (4):835-840.
    ABSTARCT When people go shopping, they enter a building. But the shop cannot be identified with the building, because it would remain the same shop if it moved to another building or if it became an e-store. Daniel Korman [2019] uses these two observations to argue that establishments are immaterial objects. However, all that follows is that establishments are not buildings. I argue that establishments are organisations or corporate agents that are constituted by people. This entails that they are material (...)
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  16. The Nature of Truth.H. H. Joachim - 2005 - In José Medina & David Wood (eds.), Truth. Malden, MA: Blackwell.
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    How Theology Shaped Twentieth-Century Philosophy.Frank B. Farrell - 2019 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Medieval theology had an important influence on later philosophy which is visible in the empiricisms of Russell, Carnap, and Quine. Other thinkers, including McDowell, Kripke, and Dennett, show how we can overcome the distorting effects of that theological ecosystem on our accounts of the nature of reality and our relationship to it. In a different philosophical tradition, Hegel uses a secularized version of Christianity to argue for a kind of human knowledge that overcomes the influences of late-medieval voluntarism, and some (...)
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    The Common Cause Principle.Frank Arntzenius - 1992 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1992:227 - 237.
    The common cause principle states that correlations have prior common causes which screen off those correlations. I argue that the common cause principle is false in many circumstances, some of which are very general. I then suggest that more restricted versions of the common cause principle might hold, and I prove such a restricted version.
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    Modeling Diachronic Changes in Structuralism and in Conceptual Spaces.Frank Zenker & Peter Gärdenfors - 2014 - Erkenntnis 79 (S8):1-15.
    Our aim in this article is to show how the theory of conceptual spaces can be useful in describing diachronic changes to conceptual frameworks, and thus useful in understanding conceptual change in the empirical sciences. We also compare the conceptual space approach to Moulines’s typology of intertheoretical relations in the structuralist tradition. Unlike structuralist reconstructions, those based on conceptual spaces yield a natural way of modeling the changes of a conceptual framework, including noncumulative changes, by tracing the changes to the (...)
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  20. Between Physics and Philosophy.Philipp Frank - 1943 - Philosophical Review 52:220.
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  21.  31
    The hidden structure of overimitation.Frank Keil - manuscript
    Edited by Susan E. Carey, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, and approved October 18, 2007 (received for review May 11, 2007).
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    (1 other version)Is Evidence Normative?Frank Hofmann - 2020 - Philosophia 49 (2):1-18.
    This paper defends the view that in a certain sense evidence is normative. Neither a bit of evidence nor the fact that it is evidence for a certain proposition is a normative fact, but it is still the case that evidence provides normative reason for belief. An argument for the main thesis will be presented. It will rely on evidentialist norms of belief and a Broomean conception of normative reasons. Two important objections will be discussed, one from A. Steglich-Petersen on (...)
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  23. (2 other versions)The Argument from the Persistence of Moral Disagreement.Frank Jackson - 2008 - Oxford Studies in Metaethics 3:75-86.
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    Re-Envisioning Psychology: Moral Dimensions of Theory and Practice.Frank C. Richardson, Blaine J. Fowers & Charles B. Guignon - 1999 - Jossey-Bass.
    Does the practice of psychology make a significant and positive contribution to human welfare and the struggle for a good society? This book presents a reinvigorating look at psychology and its societal purpose, offering a bold new philosophical foundation from which professionals in the field can deeply examine their work.
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    Analyzing Social Policy Argumentation: A case study on the opinion of the German National Ethics Council on an amendment of the Stem Cell Law.Frank Zenker - 2010 - Informal Logic 30 (1):62-91.
    This paper analyzes and evaluates the 2007 majority opinion of the German National Ethics Council which seeks to establish new information (as to the inferior quality of legally procurable human embryonic stem cells) as a sufficient reason for a relaxation of the 2002 Stem Cell Law. A micro-level analysis of the opinion’s central section is conducted and evaluated vis à vis the strongest known opponent position in the national debate at that time. The argumentation is claimed to rely on an (...)
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  26. .Frank Kolb - unknown
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    Life, liberty, and happiness: an optimist manifesto.Frank S. Robinson - 2006 - Amherst, N.Y.: Prometheus Books.
    There's no shortage of gloom-and-doom viewpoints about humanity: our history of violence and war, environmental profligacy, economic and social injustice, etc. Frank S. Robinson has written this "optimist manifesto" as an antidote to such poisonous pessimism. Here you will find some radical and refreshing assertions: that most people are fundamentally good, that global society is getting better all the time, and that, in the big picture, humankind is not at the end of a brief, tragic existence but, rather, has (...)
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  28. Reinscribing the «λογωσ» in transcendental logic: Kant’s highest principle of synthetic judgments revisited.Frank Schalow - 2009 - Existentia 19 (3-4):205-224.
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  29. Modernisms in Black.Frank M. Kirkland - 2003 - In Tommy Lee Lott & John P. Pittman (eds.), A Companion to African-American Philosophy. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
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    On Truth: Original Manuscript Materials (1927–1929) From the Ramsey Collection at the University of Pittsburgh.Frank Plumpton Ramsey - 1990 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer.
    The present publication forms part of a projected book that F. P. Ramsey drafted but never completed. It survived among his papers and ultimately came into the possession of the University of Pittsburgh in the circumstances detailed in the Editor's Introduction. Our hope in issuing this work at this stage - some sixty years after Ramsey's premature death at the age of 26 - is both to provide yet another token of his amazing philosophical creativity, and also to make available (...)
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    Civil War Monuments: Mourning and Terror.Jeffrey Frank - 2019 - Philosophy of Education 75:187-199.
  32. Filosofi för fria människor.Jerome Frank - 1946 - Stockholm,: Natur och kultur.
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  33. Swedenborg and modern idealism..Frank Sewall - 1902 - [n.p.]:
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  34. (1 other version)Success.Frank Chapman Sharp - 1909 - Madison,: The University.
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  35. Leibnitzens Streit gegen Locke in Ansehung der angeborenen Ideen.Frank Thilly - 1896 - The Monist 7:468.
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  36. Wittgenstein and the fire festivals.Frank Cioffi - 1987 - In S. G. Shanker (ed.), Ludwig Wittgenstein - Critical Assessments Vol. V. Routledge.
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    (1 other version)Kochen's Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics.Frank Arntzenius - 1990 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1990:241 - 249.
    Kochen has suggested an interpretation of quantum mechanics in which he denies that wavepackets ever collapse, while affirming that measurements have definite results. In this paper I attempt to show that his interpretation is untenable. I then suggest ways in which to construct similar, but more satisfactory, hidden variable interpretations.
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  38. Aristotle, the Nicomachean Ethics: A Commentary.H. H. Joachim & D. A. Rees - 1953 - Philosophy 28 (104):81-83.
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    Attribution of autonomy and its role in robotic language acquisition.Frank Förster & Kaspar Althoefer - 2022 - AI and Society 37 (2):605-617.
    The false attribution of autonomy and related concepts to artificial agents that lack the attributed levels of the respective characteristic is problematic in many ways. In this article, we contrast this view with a positive viewpoint that emphasizes the potential role of such false attributions in the context of robotic language acquisition. By adding emotional displays and congruent body behaviors to a child-like humanoid robot’s behavioral repertoire, we were able to bring naïve human tutors to engage in so called intent (...)
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    What Do Normative Approaches to Argumentation Stand to Gain from Rhetorical Insights?Frank Zenker - 2013 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 46 (4):415-436.
    Rhetorical analyses typically characterize structural, topical, and stylistic features of written or spoken argumentative text, and may also consider the context of interaction as well as the epistemic and social standing of participants as these relate to the goals of gaining, sustaining, and strengthening an audience’s adherence to a thesis or a course of action. Such considerations, broadly conceived, are taken to constitute rhetorical insights, insofar as they bear on effecting audience persuasion or, for that matter, fail to do so. (...)
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  41. Wittgenstein on Freud and Frazer.Frank Cioffi - 2005 - Philosophy 80 (313):459-461.
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  42. Secession of the rich: A qualified defence.Frank Dietrich - 2014 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 13 (1):62-81.
    The secession of prosperous regions may negatively affect the redistributive scheme of an established state. As a consequence, the capacity of its welfare system to support the inhabitants of poorer regions may be significantly reduced. Some authors assert that affluent groups who opt for full political independence violate duties of solidarity. This objection to the secession of prosperous regions can be based on different views of distributive justice. Here, following a distinction that has been introduced by Allen Buchanan, ‘subject centred’ (...)
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    Assessment of patient decision-making capacity in the context of voluntary euthanasia for psychic suffering caused by psychiatric disorders: a qualitative study of approaches among Belgian physicians.Frank Schweitser, Johan Stuy, Wim Distelmans & Adelheid Rigo - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (12):38-38.
    ObjectiveIn Belgium, people with an incurable psychiatric disorder can file a request for euthanasia claiming unbearable psychic suffering. For the request to be accepted, it has to meet stringent legal criteria. One of the requirements is that the patient possesses decision-making capacity. The patient’s decision-making capacity is assessed by physicians.The objective of our study is to provide insight in the assessment of decision-making capacity in the context of euthanasia for patients with psychic suffering caused by a psychiatric disorder.MethodTwenty-two semistructured interviews (...)
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  44. Non-Cognitivism, Validity and Conditionals.Frank Jackson - 1999 - In Dale Jamieson (ed.), Singer and His Critics. Malden, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 18--37.
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    Authority and the Common Good in Democratic Governance.William A. Frank - 2007 - Review of Metaphysics 60 (4):813-832.
  46. Inclusive Yet Discerning: Navigating Worship Artfully.Frank Burch Brown - 2009
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  47. Frege und... kein Ende.Joachim Schulte - 1984 - Philosophische Rundschau 31:60.
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    Konfuzius: Materialien zu e. Jahrhundert-Debatte.Joachim Schickel (ed.) - 1976 - Frankfurt am Main: Insel-Verlag.
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  49. Wittgenstein in Exile.Joachim Schulte - 2012 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 86 (1):287-290.
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    By way of briefty sketehing the three eomponents whieh are known to inftuenee the healing proeess, 1 want to illustrate the thesis that the effeet.Joachim Widder - forthcoming - Analecta Husserliana.
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