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  1.  45
    Precarious Professionals: (in)Secure Identities and Moral Agency in Neocolonial Context.Joanne Jones & Kelly Thomson - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 146 (4):747-770.
    We contribute to the literature on ethics in the professions by theorizing how global mobility precipitates professional insecurity and constrained moral agency. We present our findings of a study of accountants migrating to Canada. Using postcolonial theory and relational/poststructuralist theories of identity and ethics, we contrast the experiences of marginalized and privileged migrant accountants to show how those with “diverse” social identities are not recognized by professionals in Canada and must seek recognition from Canadian colleagues, employers, and clients to reconstitute (...)
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  2.  28
    If It Feeds, It Leads: Food Journalism, Care Ethics, and Nourishing Democracy.Joseph P. Jones - 2023 - Journal of Media Ethics 38 (3):132-145.
    This project explores the ethical obligations of food journalists. Using history, normative, and feminist theory, I argue that if specific media is going to be considered food journalism, then we should be able to identify its service to citizens. This project thus seeks a unified view for evaluating the democratic and caring potential of food journalism. I outline some of the contours of quality food journalism – its principles, practices and forms – through both historical and contemporary examples. I show (...)
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  3.  59
    What’s in it for Me? An Examination of Accounting Students’ Likelihood to Report Faculty Misconduct.Joanne C. Jones, Gary Spraakman & Cristóbal Sánchez-Rodríguez - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 123 (4):645-667.
    Since there are so few controls over detecting and preventing faculty misconduct, one of the most common ways in which it is discovered is through student reports. Given the importance of student reports in bringing to light faculty’s ethical lapses, this paper seeks to understand what factors influence students’ likelihood to report faculty misconduct. We develop an empirical model that integrates the decision process of the Prosocial Organizational Behavior Model with insights from the emotional perspective on whistleblowing. Specifically, we use (...)
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  4.  28
    Caring with the Public: An Integration of Feminist Moral, Environmental, and Political Philosophy in Journalism Ethics.Joseph Jones - 2021 - Journal of Media Ethics 36 (2):74-84.
    ABSTRACT This article seeks to “contaminate” an ethics of care with three different but interrelated theoretical interventions: the expansion of the care ethic beyond interpersonal relations, ecofeminism, and feminist political theory. This makes care theoretically resilient: durable enough to have grounded meaning but flexible enough for situational application. This also makes care a primary concept capable of subsuming some aspects of the traditional ethical theories of deontology, consequentialism, and virtue ethics. This holds vast implications for journalists as they seek new (...)
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  5.  34
    Characterizing the Details of Spatial Construction: Cognitive Constraints and Variability.Amy Lynne Shelton, E. Emory Davis, Cathryn S. Cortesa, Jonathan D. Jones, Gregory D. Hager, Sanjeev Khudanpur & Barbara Landau - 2022 - Cognitive Science 46 (1):e13081.
    Cognitive Science, Volume 46, Issue 1, January 2022.
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  6.  19
    On Aristotle and Greek Tragedy.John Jones - 1968 - Random House (UK).
  7. Intelligible Matter and Geometry in Aristotle.Joe F. Jones - 1983 - Apeiron 17 (2):94.
  8.  21
    Work and Play during Covid-19.Joe Jones & Jon Winder - 2021 - Brief Encounters 5 (1).
    The global pandemic and resultant lockdowns are challenging our traditional assumptions about the times and spaces of labour and leisure - but how were these norms established and why have they had such an enduring appeal? In this paper, we take a long view to investigate the philosophical and historical roots of the binary distinction between work and play and outline ways in which these long-held ideas are being increasingly challenged. As lockdown measures are relaxed, we urgently need to develop (...)
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  9.  27
    Thresholds in feminist geography: difference, methodology, and representation.John Paul Jones, Heidi J. Nast & Susan M. Roberts (eds.) - 1997 - Lanham, Md.: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Ever want to be famous? They didn't. It just sorta happened. Playing for friends at a pizzeria one day - full-on, massive world tour the next. Insane to a power of ten. Then, right in the middle the madness, they crash and burn. The reality of life is - stuff happens... Now, their fans are asking - what is it going to take to get pop music's latest 'phenomenon' back together? Can it even be done? In the fast paced, high-pressure (...)
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  10. An Investigation of Social Influence.Linda Thorne, Dawn W. Massey & Joanne Jones - 2004 - Business Ethics Quarterly 14 (3):525-551.
    This study introduces Moscovici’s (1976, 1985) model of social influence to the accounting research domain, and uses an experimentto assess whether his theory explains how different types of discussion affects consensus in auditors’ ethical reasoning. Moscovici’s theory proposes three modalities of influence to describe how consensus is achieved following discussion: conformity, innovation, and normalization. Conformity describes the situation where individuals in the minority (e.g., auditors that do not accept the dominant view) accede to the majority (e.g., auditors that hold the (...)
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  11.  27
    Contiguity and reinforcement in relation to CS-UCS intervals in classical aversive conditioning.Joan E. Jones - 1962 - Psychological Review 69 (3):176-185.
  12.  12
    I.--idealism and epistemology.Jones Jones - 1893 - Mind 2 (7):289-306.
  13.  25
    Ethical argument for establishing good manufacturing practice for phage therapy in the UK.Mehrunisha Suleman, Jason R. Clark, Susan Bull & Joshua D. Jones - forthcoming - Journal of Medical Ethics.
    Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) poses an increasing threat to patient care and population health and there is a growing need for novel therapies to tackle AMR. Bacteriophage (phage) therapy is a re-emerging antimicrobial strategy with the potential to transform how bacterial infections are treated in patients and populations. Currently, in the UK, phages can be used as unlicensed medicinal products on a ‘named-patient’ basis. We make an ethical case for why it is crucially important for the UK to invest in Good (...)
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  14.  41
    A role for virtue in unifying the ‘knowledge’ and ‘caring’ discourses in nursing theory.Suzanne Bliss, Dirk Baltzly, Rosalind Bull, Lisa Dalton & Jo Jones - 2017 - Nursing Inquiry 24 (4):e12191.
    A critical examination of contemporary nursing theory suggests that two distinct discourses coexist within this field. On the one hand, proponents of the ‘knowledge discourse’ argue that nurses should drop the ‘virtue script’ and focus on the scientific and technical aspects of their work. On the other hand, proponents of the ‘caring discourse’ promote a view of nursing that embodies humanistic qualities such as compassion, empathy and mutuality. In view of this, we suggest a way to reconcile both discourses despite (...)
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  15.  15
    Nina Lykke. Vibrant Death: A Posthuman Phenomenology of Mourning.Joshua Jones - 2024 - Environmental Philosophy 21 (1):109-112.
  16.  29
    Dipesh Chakrabarty. One Planet, Many Worlds.Joshua Jones - 2023 - Environmental Philosophy 20 (2):319-323.
  17.  16
    The Concept of Poverty in St. Thomas Aquinas’s Contra Impugnantes Dei Cultum et Religionem.John D. Jones - 1995 - The Thomist 59 (3):409-439.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:THE CONCEPT OF POVERTY IN ST. THOMAS AQUINAS'S CONTRA IMPUGNANTES DE/ CULTUM ET RELIGIONEM JOHN D. ]ONES Marquette University Milwaukee, Wisconsin MEDIEVAL CONCEPTIONS of poverty have been given ongoing and serious attention by scholars during this century. The extensive literature on the nature and practice of poverty among the Franciscans bears witness to this. Serious investigation of St. Thomas Aquinas's understanding of poverty, however, is virtually nonexistent. Except for (...)
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  18.  28
    Reclaiming Media: Answering Surveillance Capitalists with Care-Based Democracy.Joseph Jones - 2023 - Journal of Media Ethics 38 (4):241-254.
    This project explores the political economy, logic, strategies, agents, values, and ethical implications of this latest iteration of modern capitalism, and it seeks to delineate what surveillance capitalism is and what its consequences are for human dignity and worth. Using technologies of which they are ignorant, surveillance capitalists interfere with our ability to become ourselves individually and collectively. Without consent, they invade privacy, impede moral autonomy, harm democracy, and muddle care. Surveillance capitalists also violate a number of foundational ethical principles, (...)
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  19.  24
    Expanding Understandings of ‘Work’ in Response to AI.Joe Alan Jones - 2023 - Humanistic Management Journal 8 (3):379-397.
    The increasing adoption of automated technologies in the world of work results in starkly opposing predictions. Some scholars argue that these technologies could lead to the utopian emancipation of society from economic necessity and meaningless work (Srnicek and Williams 2015, Bastani 2019, Danaher 2019 ); other scholars warn of the unintended technological unemployment and dystopian social upheaval that these technologies threaten (Ford 2015 ; Jones 2021 ; Mueller 2021 ). In either instance, the increasing presence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and (...)
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  20.  40
    An Absolutely Simple God? Frameworks for Reading Pseudo-Dionysius Areopagite.John Jones - 2005 - The Thomist 69:371-406.
  21.  22
    The Canonical Conundrum of 2065.Joseph L. Jones - 2023 - Political Theory 51 (1):126-133.
    This essay is part of a special issue celebrating 50 years of Political Theory. The ambition of the editors was to mark this half-century not with a retrospective but with a confabulation of futures. Contributors were asked: What will political theory look and sound like in the next century and beyond? What claims might political theorists or their descendants be making in ten, twenty-five, fifty, a hundred years’ time? How might they vindicate those claims in their future contexts? How will (...)
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  22.  33
    Parasitism genes and host range disparities in biotrophic nematodes: the conundrum of polyphagy versus specialisation.Vivian C. Blok, John T. Jones, Mark S. Phillips & David L. Trudgill - 2008 - Bioessays 30 (3):249-259.
    This essay considers biotrophic cyst and root‐knot nematodes in relation to their biology, host–parasite interactions and molecular genetics. These nematodes have to face the biological consequences of the physical constraints imposed by the soil environment in which they live while their hosts inhabit both above and below ground environments. The two groups of nematodes appear to have adopted radically different solutions to these problems with the result that one group is a host specialist and reproduces sexually while the other has (...)
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  23.  11
    The Psychology of Coronavirus Behavioral Health Mindset, Vaccination Receptivity, Customer Orientation and Community Public Service.Michael R. Cunningham, Perri B. Druen, M. Cynthia Logsdon, Brian W. Dreschler, Anita P. Barbee, Ruth L. Carrico, Steven W. Billings & John W. Jones - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Three studies were conducted to explore the psychological determinants of COVID-deterrent behaviors. In Study 1, using data collected and analyzed both before and after the release of COVID-19 vaccines, mask-wearing, other preventative behaviors like social distancing, and vaccination intentions were positively related to assessments of the Coronavirus Behavioral Health Mindset ; belief in the credibility of science; progressive political orientation; less use of repressive and more use of sensitization coping; and the attribution of COVID-19 safety to effort rather than ability, (...)
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  24. D. Johannis Alphonsi Curielis... Lecturæseu Quætiones in D. Thomæaquinatis... Primam Secundæ[Ed. By J. Jones].Joannes Alphonsus Curiel & John Jones - 1618
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  25.  40
    Pathogen perception by NLRs in plants and animals: Parallel worlds.Zane Duxbury, Yan Ma, Oliver J. Furzer, Sung Un Huh, Volkan Cevik, Jonathan D. G. Jones & Panagiotis F. Sarris - 2016 - Bioessays 38 (8):769-781.
    Intracellular NLR (Nucleotide‐binding domain and Leucine‐rich Repeat‐containing) receptors are sensitive monitors that detect pathogen invasion of both plant and animal cells. NLRs confer recognition of diverse molecules associated with pathogen invasion. NLRs must exhibit strict intramolecular controls to avoid harmful ectopic activation in the absence of pathogens. Recent discoveries have elucidated the assembly and structure of oligomeric NLR signalling complexes in animals, and provided insights into how these complexes act as scaffolds for signal transduction. In plants, recent advances have provided (...)
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  26.  10
    George Santayana, a Bibliographical Checklist, 1880-1980.Herman J. Saatkamp & John Jones - 1982 - Bowling Green State Univ philosophy.
    This bibliographical checklist has its origins in a conflation of two previous bibliographies, those of Shohig Terzian and Ceferino Santos Escudero, S.J. These basic listings were considerably amplified by materials discovered during research for the complete critical edition of Santayana's work, and this bibliography remains an essential resource for Santayana scholars.
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  27.  15
    The rule of procedure ${\rm Re}$ in Ł ukasiewicz's many-valued propositional calculi.John Jones - 1985 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 26 (4):423-428.
  28.  29
    (2 other versions)A Formalisation of an ℵ0‐Valued Propositional Calculus with Variable Functors.John Jones - 1982 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 28 (33‐38):505-510.
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  29.  45
    Assessing Human Needs.John Jones - 1990 - Philosophy and Theology 5 (1):55-64.
    This paper investigates the meaning of needs claims to determine conditions under which they can be falsified. Interpreting needs as necessary requirements, I consider two distinct versions of the statement “A needs X.” One is hypothetical: “If A is to do or obtain Y, then A needs X.” The other is categorical - “A needs X at hand” - and is derived from the hypothetical statement when A is in some manner to do Y. I argue that, despite some cases (...)
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  30.  8
    A Modest Realism: Preserving Common Rationality in Philosophy.Joe Frank Jones - 2001 - Upa.
    What do words have to do with the world? Do our concepts make the world the way it is for us? If concepts do make the world what it is for us, is this making complete, without residue of a natural world, and how does this making occur? Is there a real world to which word and concepts refer that anchors their meaning? What is the role of the imagination in making words have meaning? Is understanding embodied, conceptual, or both? (...)
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  31. A Non-entitative Understanding Of Being And Unity: Heidegger And Neoplatonism.John Jones - 1982 - Dionysius 6:94-110.
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  32. Aquinas on human well-being and the necessities of life.John D. Jones - 2002 - The Thomist 66 (1):61-99.
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  33.  2
    Attention-Compromising Practices and the Facilitation of White Ignorance.John W. Jones - 2024 - Philosophy of Education 80 (2):150-154.
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  34.  18
    Analysis, Phenomenology and the Travails of Ontology.Joe Frank Jones - 2014 - Philosophy in the Contemporary World 21 (1):77-91.
    This essay suggests loosening pedagogical boundaries in order to prepare children for useful philosophical reflection, particularly ontological boundaries. The argument for this is that the analytic-contmental distinction is muddier than most realize. I explain analytical developments in logic from 1884 to 1931 in a way designed to show there should be no real distinction between analytic and Contmental philosophy. I suggest this explanation provides sufficient support for dismissing ontological boundaries in certain philosophical contexts as well as in early philosophical education.
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  35.  26
    All-or-none versus incremental learning.Joan E. Jones - 1962 - Psychological Review 69 (2):156-160.
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  36.  2
    Brain storms of humanism.Joseph Ketchum] 186-?- Jones - 1932 - San Francisco, Calif.: Harr Wagner publishing company.
  37.  58
    Confronting Poverty and Stigmatization.John D. Jones - 2006 - Philosophy and Theology 18 (1):169-194.
    The paper develops a preliminary framework for confronting poverty within the Eastern Orthodox Christian tradition. In the first section, I draw on St. Gregory of Nazianzus’s Oration 14 to discuss what is called the stigma of poverty. Although stigmatization is not essentially linked to everyday economic poverty, poor people as such are often subjected to stigmatization. For example, disaffiliation grounded in social rejection was often a distinguishing mark between pôtchos and penês. Moreover, stigmatization in itself constitutes its own form of (...)
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  38. Elfenau Athroniaeth Foesol.John Jones - 1895
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  39.  22
    (1 other version)Formalisations of Many‐Valued Propositional Calculi with Variable Functors.John Jones - 1985 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 31 (25‐28):403-422.
  40.  38
    Guest Editor’s Page.John D. Jones - 2006 - Philosophy and Theology 18 (1):195-197.
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  41.  43
    How Basic Are Basic Needs?John D. Jones - 1996 - Journal for Peace and Justice Studies 8 (1):37-55.
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  42.  12
    Implication and iterated implication.John Jones - 1983 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 29 (10):543-556.
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  43. Mind.Jones Jones - 1893 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 36:667.
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  44.  48
    Multiculturalism and Welfare Reform.John D. Jones - 1994 - Philosophy in the Contemporary World 1 (2):11-18.
    Multiculturalism has not yet systematically addressed, much less challenged, dominant approaches to poverty and welfare reform. This lacuna must be rectified since the widespread poverty experienced by people of color poses a substantive threat to the development of a truly inclusive and multicultural society. Present approaches to poverty, defined in the context of welfare reform, are defective for three reasons: First, welfare reform basically aims to reduce welfare “dependency” by moving so-called able-bodied welfare recipients off welfare and into the labor (...)
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  45.  52
    Poverty as a Living Death.John D. Jones - 1986 - Philosophy Research Archives 12:557-575.
    I argue that stigmatization and inferiorization constitute the most destructive form of everyday poverty, the meaning of which is shown through a phenomenological interpretation of skid row. There are three parts to the paper. First, there is a brief discussion of poverty as a philosophical problem. Second, and ancillary to the analysis of skid row, there are discussions of the character of human dignity, everyday meaningful action and the psycho-social dynamics of stigmatization. Third, there is an analysis of skid row (...)
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  46.  71
    Poverty as Malum Simpliciter.John D. Jones - 2001 - Philosophy and Theology 13 (2):213-239.
    This article provides critical analysis of Aquinas’s designation of poverty as unqualifiedly evil. This paper provides an analysis of two different meanings of poverty: (a) in relation to things or to the external conditions in which people live and (b) in relation to an action in which people engage or are thwarted. Next, the paper discusses the sense in which poverty is an evil—and particularly, an unqualified evil—in relation to both of these meanings of poverty. Since Aquinas claims that poverty (...)
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  47. Poverty and subsistence. St. Thomas and the definition of Poverty.John D. Jones - 1994 - Gregorianum 75 (1):135-149.
    L'article analyse comment Saint Thomas définit la nature de la pauvreté en faisant référence à la controverse moderne, à savoir si la pauvreté doit être définie seulement en termes de subsistance physique. Selon l'A., le théologien a deux conceptions différentes de la nature de la pauvreté. La première définit la pauvreté en termes de subsistance. L'autre en donne une définition rationnelle. L'article indique l'emplacement de ces deux conceptions dans l'œuvre de Saint Thomas, les explique et les compare pour les mettre (...)
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  48.  13
    Postmodern Contentions: Epochs, Politics, Space.John Paul Jones, Wolfgang Natter & Theodore R. Schatzki - 1993 - Guilford Press.
    John Paul Jones III, Wolfgang Natter, and Theodore Schatzki are co-Directors of the University of Kentucky Committee on Social Theory. They are members, respectively, of the departments of Geography, Germanic Languages and Literatures, and Philosophy.
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  49. Pedro De Valencia's Defence Of Arias Montano: A Note On The Spanish Indexes Of 1632, 1640 And 1667.John Jones - 1995 - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance 57 (1):83-88.
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  50.  88
    Philosophy of technology.John D. Jones - 1996 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 70:179-191.
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