Results for 'Jill Moore'

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  1.  52
    Should Your State Have: A Public Health Law Center?Jill Moore, Marice Ashe, Patricia Gray & Doug Blanke - 2003 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 31 (s4):58-59.
    The Tobacco Control Legal Consortium is a national “network” designed to tap expertise about tobacco control legislation and to leverage existing resources. Based at the William Mitchell College of Law in St. Paul, Minnesota, the Consortium supports local counsel with research, strategic advice, sample materials and pleadings, and amicus briefs. The Consortium’s priorities are to support capacity nationally, to offer education, and to perform outreach activities to a variety of audiences.The Consortium seeks to advance policy change by making legal expertise (...)
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    Melissa R. Klapper, Ballots, Babies, and Banners of Peace : American Jewish Women’s Activism, 1890-1940.Deborah Dash Moore - 2016 - Clio 44:317-320.
    Melissa Klapper opère plusieurs déplacements historiographiques par son histoire de l’activisme politique des femmes juives américaines au cours du demi-siècle précédant la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Tout d’abord, elle élargit la définition du politique en y incluant l’activité des organisations de femmes juives des classes moyennes engagées pour la paix après la Première Guerre mondiale et pour le développement du contrôle des naissances. Elle défie également l’assertion de nombreux historiens...
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    Colloquium 3 Commentary on Narbonne.J. Aultman-Moore - 2018 - Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium of Ancient Philosophy 33 (1):88-92.
    In this response, I dispute Professor Narbonne’s thesis on the literary leeway of the poet, emphasizing the constraints on poetic license from both the nature of the genre and the ethical and educational role tragedy played for Aristotle in civic life.
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    Alpha and Omega.Jared S. Moore - 1935 - The Monist 45 (2):161-185.
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    Antoine-Augustin cournot.Henry L. Moore - 1905 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 13 (3):521 - 543.
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    A cognitivist reply to behaviorism.Robert C. Moore - 1984 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 7 (4):637.
  7. An Interpretive Analysis of the Elsi Program: Closing the Loop.B. J. Moore - 1997 - Dissertation, Arizona State University
    The ELSI Program: Closing the Loop was an interpretive policy study undertaken to identify how the research and the researchers funded through the program to study the ethical, legal, and social implications of mapping the human genome contributed to the construction of a public policy agenda. The stated goals of this federal grant program, known as ELSI and administered through the National Center for Human Genome Research within the National Institutes of Health, was to maximize the benefits and minimize the (...)
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  8. 2. Balance and tilt.A. P. Moore - 1994 - In Edmund Michael R. Critchley, The Neurological Boundaries of Reality. Farrand. pp. 17.
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  9. Breaking down Silos and Compartments. The International Landscape Convention.Kathryn L. Moore - 2013 - Topos: European Landscape Magazine 82:21.
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    Composition.Asher Moore - 1971 - The Monist 55 (2):163-181.
    There being no object without a subject, we can neither understand nor govern ourselves as if we were objects. If “human” refers to our objectivity and “transcendental” to our subjectivity, philosophy, since it is a subjective act, is transcendental.
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  11. Man and His Motives.George Moore - 1848
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    More than mentoring: the importance of group culture for scientific integrity.Andrew Moore - 2009 - Bioessays 31 (12):1271-1272.
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    Newman and Peirce on Practical Religious Certainty.Matthew Moore - 2008 - Semiotics:48-56.
  14. Ruth 2.Martha L. Moore-Keish - 2010 - Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 64 (2):174-176.
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    Some lingering misconceptions of instrumentalism.A. W. Moore - 1920 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 17 (19):514-519.
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    The Relations of Philosophy.Jared S. Moore - 1938 - Philosophy 13 (51):321-337.
    PHILOSOPHY, like some people, has many relations; and, as in the case of people with large family connections, it is possible to learn a good deal more about the nature of philosophy if we consider its relations with other members of the family to which it belongs. In this family are included, along with philosophy itself, two extremely important human interests, science and religion, all of which have a common concern in the fundamental problems of human experience, and attempt in (...)
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    The world after print: Mind how you write, like never before….Andrew Moore - 2014 - Bioessays 36 (11):1013-1013.
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    The moral and political philosophy of immigration: Liberty, security, and equality.Tanita Jill Poeggel - 2018 - Contemporary Political Theory 17 (4):248-251.
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    Comments on Graham Bird’s The Revolutionary Kant.Kenneth R. Westphal - 2011 - Kantian Review 16 (2):1-11.
    My contribution to a book symposium on Graham’s commentary on Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason, sponsored by the North American and the UK Kant Societies, held in conjunction with the Central Division Meeting of the American Philosophical Association, Chicago, 20 February 2009. Comments also delivered by Adrian Moore, Gary Banham, Jill Buroker and Manfred Kuehn, with relplies by Graham Bird.
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    Where Teachers Thrive: Organizing Schools for Success.Susan Moore Johnson - 2019 - Harvard Education Press.
    _2020 PROSE Award Winner, Education Theory Category 2019 Outstanding Academic Title, _Choice_ In _Where Teachers Thrive_, Susan Moore Johnson outlines a powerful argument about the importance of the school as an organization in nurturing high‐quality teaching._ Based on case studies conducted in fourteen high-poverty, urban schools, the book examines why some schools failed to make progress, while others achieved remarkable results. It explores the challenges that administrators and teachers faced and describes what worked, what didn’t work, and why. Johnson (...)
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    Earth Ways: Framing Geographical Meanings.Deepanwita Dasgupta, Robert Kirkman, Jason W. Moore, François-Xavier Nzi Iyo Nsenga, Lawrence A. Peskin, Dennis E. Skocz & Paul Steege (eds.) - 2004 - Lexington Books.
    How do you connect the discipline of anthropology to both philosophy and geography? What about history, sociology, and other applied and theoretical forms of knowledge? In Earth Ways: Framing Geographical Meanings, Gary Backhaus and John Murungi challenge contributors to find the organizing component, or "framings," that enables them to bridge their own work to philosophy and geography. What emerges are truly creative contributions to interdisciplinary thought.
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  22. Some philosophical aspects of Indian political, legal and economic thought.Dhirendra Mohan Datta & C. A. Moore - 1967 - In Charles Alexander Moore, The Indian mind. Honolulu,: East-West Center Press.
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  23. A Feminist Companion to The Apocalypse of John.Amy-Jill Levine & Maria Mayo Robbins - 2009
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    Commentary: What Kind of Fire or Whose Feet?John J. Paris & M. Patrick Moore - 2010 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 19 (3):407-411.
    Thirty years later we seem no closer to a consensus on the ethics of sterilizing profoundly mentally compromised young girls than was Judge Blumenfeld.
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    [Letter to the Editors].Charles S. Peirce & Edward C. Moore - 1983 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 19 (4):422-423.
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  26. Life and thought.W. Moore Schrodinger & P. K. Hoch - 1994 - Annals of Science 51 (4):419-419.
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    Jacques Henri Lartigue: The Invention of an Artist.Kevin D. Moore - 2004 - Princeton University Press.
    As a young boy, Jacques Henri Lartigue set about passionately recording his life in photographs, first documenting his domestic circle and later capturing the auto races, air shows, and fashionable watering holes of the Belle époque. His images have so bewitched modern viewers that even scholars have failed to see them clearly. In Jacques Henri Lartigue: The Invention of an Artist, Kevin Moore puts to rest the long-held myth of Lartigue as a naïve boy genius whose creations were based (...)
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    Nicholas of Cusa and the kairos of modernity: Cassirer, Gadamer, Blumenberg.Michael Edward Moore - 2013 - Brooklyn, New York: Punctum Books.
    In this far-reaching essay, historian Michael Edward Moore examines modernity as an historical epoch following the end of the medieval period -- and as a "messianic concept of time." In the early twentieth century, a debate over the meaning and origins of modernity unfolded among the philosophers Ernst Cassirer, Hans-Georg Gadamer and Hans Blumenberg. These thinkers tried to resolve the puzzle of the fifteenth-century master Nicholas of Cusa. Was Cusanus the last great medieval thinker, his ideas a summa of (...)
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    Constructions and Confrontations: Changing Representations of Women and Feminisms, East and West : Selected Essays.Cristina Bacchilega, Cornelia Niekus Moore & East-West Center - 1996 - Literary Studies East & West.
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    Early Hebrew Orthography. A Study of the Epigraphic Evidence.Franz Rosenthal, Frank Moore Cross & David Noel Freedman - 1953 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 73 (1):46.
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  31. Age-of-acquisition and cumulative frequency have independent effects.Viv Moore, Tim Valentine & Judy Turner - 1999 - Cognition 72 (3):305-309.
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  32. B11±b21.Viv Moore, Tim Valentine, Judy Turner & Michael B. Lewis - 1999 - Cognition 72 (317):317-318.
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  33. ”British philosophy past, present and future.^ Philosophers'\ I „-4>'magazine K'.Ge Moore, Defending Animal Rights & Socrates Cafe - 2001 - The Philosophers' Magazine 13:5.
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    Correspondence.B. P. Moore - 1936 - The Classical Review 50 (01):43-44.
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    Conclusions and prospects.Ronald M. Moore - 1971 - Philosophy East and West 21 (4):521-529.
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    Critical Thinking in California.Brooke Moore - 1983 - Teaching Philosophy 6 (4):321-330.
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    Could virtual conferences change the face of scientific enquiry? – for the better?Andrew Moore - 2010 - Bioessays 32 (9):737-737.
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    Chapter XII. Sāṁkhya.Charles A. Moore & Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan - 1957 - In Charles A. Moore & Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, A Source Book in Indian Philosophy. University of Hawaii Press. pp. 424-452.
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  39. Determining cause of death in 45,564 autopsy reports.G. William Moore, Robert E. Miller & Grover M. Hutchins - 1988 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 9 (2).
    It has been demonstrated that death certificates do not accurately record the actual cause of death in up to one-fourth of cases, as determined from subsequent autopsy findings. The purpose of this study was to explore the use of natural language autopsy data bases as an automated quality assurance mechanism. We translated the account of the major process leading to death, or the primary diagnosis, from all 45,564 narrative autopsy reports obtained at The Johns Hopkins Hospital between May 28, 1889, (...)
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    Darwinizing History: Sociobiology versus Sociology.James Moore - 1989 - British Journal for the History of Science 22 (4):429-432.
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  41. Depths of reality.Jared S. Moore - 1936 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 17 (3):278.
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    ERISA and RICO: New Tools for HMO Litigators.Elaine T. Moore - 2000 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 28 (1):83-85.
    As the shield preempting state suits under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act has been successfully pierced and Duke v. U.S. Healthcare, Inc., 57 F.3d 350 ), plaintiff attorneys have begun to use the ERISA statute itself to further litigation against managed care organizations. The court in Shea v. Esensten, 107 F.3d 625, held in a landmark decision that an HMO's failure to disclose financial incentives that discourage a treating physician from providing essential health care referrals for conditions covered under (...)
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    Existential phenomenology.Asher Moore - 1967 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 27 (3):408-414.
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  44. Editor's supplement: The enigmatic Japanese mind.Charles A. Moore - 1967 - In Charles Alexander Moore, The Japanese mind. Honolulu,: East-West Center Press.
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    Foundations of a Theory of Territory.Margaret Moore - 2015 - In A Political Theory of Territory. New York: Oxford University Press.
    This chapter sets out the main elements of the self-determination theory of territory. It argues that a ‘people’ has rights to jurisdictional authority over the geographical area that it legitimately occupies if and only if: a large majority of people are in a relationship with one another which is characterized by a shared political commitment to establish rules and practices of self-determination; they have the political capacity to establish and sustain institutions of political self-determination; and they possess an objective history (...)
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    FOCUS: Some ethical issues in british insurance.Peter G. Moore - 1993 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 2 (3):132–139.
    Insurance is not well understood by most UK purchasers and many feel unease about it. Could this be partly due to the structure of the products on offer, and partly to the difficulties in obtaining good quality impartial advice? The author is Professor of Statistics, and a former Principal, at London Business School, Professor of Rhetoric at Gresham College, London, and a past President of the Institute of Actuaries.
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    From Spangled Hamburghs to Turing machines: evolution – the outer reaches.Andrew Moore - 2009 - Bioessays 31 (2):129-129.
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    Getting what you paid for in quality control? Cell lines exemplify a more general challenge.Andrew Moore - 2014 - Bioessays 36 (12):1121-1121.
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    Incorporating anisotropic electronic structure in crystallographic determination of complex metals: iron and plutonium.K. T. Moore, D. E. Laughlin, P. Söderlind & A. J. Schwartz - 2007 - Philosophical Magazine 87 (17):2571-2588.
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  50. In Search of Erasmus.W. Moore - 1935 - Hibbert Journal 34:522.
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