Results for 'Jewish sociology'

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  1.  33
    (1 other version)Mystical Jewish Sociology.Philip Wexler - 2007 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 6 (18):206-217.
    The paper begins by engaging Mircea Eliade’s undervaluation of the importance of classical sociology of religion, namely, Durkheim and Weber, and goes on to show how much they share with him, particularly with regard to a critique of modern European civilization, and of the foundational importance of religion in society. This “other”, non-positivist, non-reductionist face of Durkheim and Weber is elaborated by showing their religious, even “primordial” approaches to the religious bases of society and culture. Eliade’s criticism of (...) is further misplaced, given the decline of the sociological regime of knowledge, and the accuracy of Eliade’s prescient expectation of a cosmic rather than historical orientation, and the current importance of religion and “spirituality” for socio-cultural life, generally. The displacement of secular social theory by social and psychological understanding explicitly based in religious thought is explored in several domains and religious traditions. The paper emphasizes, however, a sociology created from within the streams of Jewish mysticism, and examples are offered. The line of Romanian scholars of religion, including Eliade, Idel and Culiano, is seen as less than apparently dissonant with both the sociology of religious experience, and the post-sociological turn to creating social theory from within religious, and particularly, mystical traditions. (shrink)
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    From theology to sociology: Bruno Bauer and Karl Marx on the question of Jewish emancipation.Yoav Peled - 1992 - History of Political Thought 13 (3):463-485.
    My key argument will be that by shifting the debate over Jewish emancipation from the plane of theology, where it had been traditionally fought, to the plane of sociology, Marx was able to circumvent one of Bauer's main arguments against emancipating the Jews. Bauer had contended that as a religion of law, not of faith, Judaism was by its very nature a public creed. It was incompatible, therefore, with life in a free state, where religion could only be (...)
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  3.  20
    Theodicy of Culture and the Jewish Ethos: David Koigen's Contribution to the Sociology of Religion.Martina Urban - 2012 - De Gruyter.
    This volume presents the theory of culture of the Russian‑born German Jewish social philosopher David Koigen (1879-1933). Heir to Hermann Cohen's neo‑Kantian interpretation of Judaism, he transforms the religion of reason into an ethical Intimitätsreligion. He draws upon a great variety of intellectual currents, among them, Max Scheler's philosophy of values, the historical sociology of Max Weber, the sociology of religion of Émile Durkheim, Ernst Troeltsch and Georg Simmel and American pragmatism. Influenced by his personal experience of (...)
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    Jewish veganism and vegetarianism: studies and new directions.Jacob Ari Labendz & Shmuly Yanklowitz (eds.) - 2019 - Albany, NY: State University of New York Press.
    Jewish vegan and vegetarian movements have become increasingly prominent in recent decades, as more Jews adopt plant-based lifestyles. In this book, scholars, rabbis, and activists explore the history of veganism and vegetarianism among Jews and present compelling new directions in Jewish thought, ethics, and foodways. Jewish Veganism and Vegetarianism asks how Judaism, broadly considered, has inspired people to eschew animal products and how those choices have enriched and defined Jewishness. It offers opportunities to meditate on what makes (...)
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    Jewish thought and scientific discovery in early modern Europe.Noah J. Efron - 1997 - Journal of the History of Ideas 58 (4):719-732.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Jewish Thought and Scientific Discovery in Early Modern EuropeNoah J. EfronAlmost a quarter-century ago Benjamin Nelson published his famous plea for what he called a “differential” and “comparative historical sociology of ‘science’ in civilizational perspective.” 1 Like Max Weber, Robert Merton, and Joseph Needham, Nelson believed that the growth of western science could be better understood when compared to the ways “science” fared in other cultures with (...)
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    The Frankfurt School, Jewish Lives, and Antisemitism.Jack Jacobs - 2014 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    The history of the Frankfurt School cannot be fully told without examining the relationships of Critical Theorists to their Jewish family backgrounds. Jewish matters had significant effects on key figures in the Frankfurt School, including Max Horkheimer, Theodor W. Adorno, Erich Fromm, Leo Lowenthal and Herbert Marcuse. At some points, their Jewish family backgrounds clarify their life paths; at others, these backgrounds help to explain why the leaders of the School stressed the significance of antisemitism. In the (...)
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  7. The Dawn of Apocalyptic. The Historical and Sociological Roots of Jewish Apocalyptic Eschatology.Paul D. Hanson & Peter R. Ackroyd - 1975
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    Beauty in Holiness: Studies in Jewish Customs and Ceremonial ArtThe Art of AustraliaInternational Review of Music Aesthetics and Sociology I, no. 1 (1970)The Rise of an American ArchitectureAmerican Architecture and Urbanism.Sadayoshi Omoto, Joseph Gutmann, Robert Hughes & Edgar Kaufmann - 1971 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 29 (3):427.
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    The war against forgetfulness: Sociological lessons from Bauman’s writings on European Jewry.Matt Dawson - 2020 - Thesis Eleven 156 (1):86-101.
    This paper argues against assigning Zygmunt Bauman to the category of a ‘white’, ‘European’ theorist and the tendency to speak of an undifferentiated ‘Eurocentrism’. To argue this, I return to a set of articles by Bauman which reflected on the history of European Jewry. These encourage us to place Bauman in a historical and social context in which he is best identified as emerging from the racialized and classed politics of East European Jewry. Bauman traces how this group were made (...)
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  10.  44
    (1 other version)The Expulsion of Jewish Professors from University Science Departments during Fascism.Giorgio Israel - 2013 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2013 (164):97-115.
    ExcerptSeveral studies have examined the racial policies promoted by the Nazi regime from theoretical and sociological perspectives. Theoretical studies have focused their attention on the contribution that scientific disciplines (anthropology, biology, eugenics, and demography) gave to the institution of Nazi racial policies. Sociological studies have focused on the role that the German scientific community had in enforcing such policies, as well as on the consequences these policies had for the scientific community. For instance, they have considered the effect that the (...)
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  11.  25
    Rereading Durkheim in light of Jewish law: how a traditional rabbinic thought-model shapes his scholarship.Taylor Paige Winfield - 2020 - Theory and Society 49 (4):563-595.
    When studying the work of Émile Durkheim, scholars must consider how his intellectual development in a traditional Jewish environment contributed to and informed his ideas. This article details how Durkheim’s upbringing endowed him with a traditional rabbinic thought-model. The author analyzes five of Durkheim’s major works to argue that the system of classification, language, and style of argument Durkheim used to define concepts in his scholarship mirror streams of rabbinic thought. The article builds off the sociology of knowledge (...)
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  12.  31
    Return and repair: the rise of Jewish agrarian movements in North America.Zachary A. Goldberg, Margaret Weinberg Norman, Rebecca Croog, Anika M. Rice, Hannah Kass & Michael Bell - forthcoming - Agriculture and Human Values:1-18.
    Jewish Agrarian Movements (JAM hereafter) in North America express the many different shapes and iterations of Jewish farming on the continent, grounded in historical perspectives that influence current practices and activities. From within this diversity, common threads emerge with much to contribute to agrarian social movements and scholarship. Jewish values of returning (_t_’_shuvah_), releasing (_shmitah_), and repairing (_tikkun_), along with theories of _doikayt_ (an anti-zionist movement around “hereness”) and radical diasporism, animate JAM’s critical engagement with agri-food systems. (...)
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  13.  9
    Diasporas and Exiles: Varieties of Jewish Identity.Howard Wettstein (ed.) - 2002 - University of California Press.
    Diaspora, considered as a context for insights into Jewish identity, brings together a lively, interdisciplinary group of scholars in this innovative volume. Readers needn't expect, however, to find easy agreement on what those insights are. The concept "diaspora" itself has proved controversial; _galut, _the traditional Hebrew expression for the Jews' perennial condition, is better translated as "exile." The very distinction between diaspora and exile, although difficult to analyze, is important enough to form the basis of several essays in this (...)
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  14.  21
    Kill me a mosquito and I will build a state: political economy and the socio-technicalities of Jewish colonization in Palestine, 1922–1940.Omri Tubi - 2021 - Theory and Society 50 (1):97-124.
    Scholars see Israel as a settler state, comparable with North American, South African and Oceanian cases. But how was Jewish settlement-colonization in pre-Israel Palestine even possible? In the North American, Oceanian and South African cases, European settlers did not encounter diseases like malaria that scholars argue impede settlement. Palestine, however, had high malaria morbidity rates. The disease incapacitated and killed settlers and was one of the most serious threats to Jewish settlement and political economic development. I argue that (...)
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  15.  87
    The Implications of Weber's Sociology of Religion for the Understanding of the Processes of Change in Contemporary Non-European Societies and Civilization.Samuel N. Eisenstadt - 1974 - Diogenes 22 (85):83-111.
    Weber's studies of non-European (or non-Christian) religions constitute the largest part of his Sociology of Religion—comprising most of the Aufsaetze zur Religionssoziologie (1920-1923), as well as large parts of his treatment in Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft (1956). Included, as is well known, are relatively full-blown studies of Jewish, Chinese (Confucian) and Indian (Hindu and Buddhist) civilizations, and more dispersed, but very rich appraisals of diverse aspects of other religions. These studies are focused on the internal dynamics of religions and (...)
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  16.  57
    Not an innocent pursuit: The politics of a 'jewish' genetic signature.Katya Gibel Azoulay - 2003 - Developing World Bioethics 3 (2):119–126.
    ABSTRACTThis commentary questions the presumption in genetic research that a biological connection exists between populations identified as Jewish. The author emphasises that identifying individuals as Jewish based on biological criteria is a sociological process that can draw attention away from other social mechanisms affecting identity construction. She also encourages critical consideration of the possible racialised thinking behind genetic anthropology studies, and the language used to express genetic findings. In conclusion, she calls for a radical cultural shift in the (...)
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  17.  34
    Book Review: Discourses of Jewish Identity in Twentieth-Century France. [REVIEW]Ellen S. Fine - 1995 - Philosophy and Literature 19 (2):378-379.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Discourses of Jewish Identity in Twentieth-Century FranceEllen S. FineDiscourses of Jewish Identity in Twentieth-Century France, edited by Alan Astro; Yale French Studies 265pp. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1994, $17.00.Ever since France became the first European country to grant Jews equal rights as citizens with the enactment of the Declaration of the Rights of Man in 1791, the question of identity has been a central preoccupation (...)
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  18.  62
    Tracing Settler Colonialism: A Genealogy of a Paradigm in the Sociology of Knowledge Production in Israel.Areej Sabbagh-Khoury - 2022 - Politics and Society 50 (1):44-83.
    Knowledge is inextricably bound to power in the context of settler colonialism where apprehension of the Other is a tool of domination. Tracing the development of the “settler colonial” paradigm, this article deconstructs Zionist and Israeli dispossession of Palestinian land and sovereignty, applying the sociology of knowledge production to the study of the Israeli-Palestinian case. The settler colonial paradigm, linked to Israeli critical sociology, post-Zionism, and postcolonialism, reemerged following changes in the political landscape from the mid-1990s that reframed (...)
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  19.  19
    Essays on Jewish Life and Thought, Presented in Honor of Salo Wittmayer Baron. [REVIEW]S. F. L. - 1959 - Review of Metaphysics 13 (2):355-355.
    This Festschrift for Professor Baron's sixtieth birthday displays an astonishing variety of interests on the part of his former students, from the sociological study of the American conservative Rabbinate to the correspondence of Tobias ben Moses and the New York cloakmakers' strike of 1910. Essays of philosophic interest are Bokser's "Morality and Religion in the Theology of Maimonides," Hahn's "Wellhausen's Interpretation of Israel's Religious History," Blau's "Tradition and Innovation," and Ben-Horin's "Toward the Dawn of History". The volume includes an extensive (...)
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  20.  9
    The cross and the star: the post-Nietzschean Christian and Jewish thought of Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy and Franz Rosenzweig.Wayne Cristaudo & Frances Huessy (eds.) - 2009 - Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Press.
    This book brings to publication three essays by Rosenstock-Huessy on Nietzsche, and a translation of a chapter from his 'Sociology', clarifying the post-Nietzschean approach of the 'new thinking'.
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  21.  19
    From Neo-Kantianism to Durkheimian Sociology.Stephen Turner - 2021 - Durkheimian Studies 25 (1).
    The phenomenon of sacrifice was a major problem in nineteenth-century social thought about religion for a variety of reasons. These surfaced in a spectacular way in a German trial in which the most prominent Jewish philosopher of the century, the neo-Kantian Hermann Cohen, was asked to be an expert witness. The text he produced on the nature of Judaism was widely circulated and influential. It presents what can be taken as the neo-Kantian approach to understanding ritual. But it also (...)
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  22.  7
    The Social Teaching of Rabbinic Judaism: Between Israelites.Jacob Neusner - 2001 - BRILL.
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  23.  72
    Kurt H. Wolff and Italy: Tracing the Steps of an Elusive Spirit on his Journey Home.Onorina Del Vecchio - 2016 - Human Studies 39 (3):433-450.
    This article traces Kurt H. Wolff’s involvement with Italy, from his first sojourn in the 1930s as a German Jewish intellectual in exile to the end of his life. Wolff developed profound ties with the country that hosted him, and that he was forced to abandon once racial laws were introduced there on the eve of World War II. Nonetheless, throughout his life he regarded Italy as an elective homeland of sorts. Wolff’s Italian experience is revisited through a detailed (...)
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  24.  14
    Echoes From the Holocaust: Philosophical Reflections on a Dark Time.Alan Rosenberg - 1988 - Temple University Press.
    The murder of six million Jewish men, women, and children during World War II was an act of such barbarity as to constitute one of the central events of our time; yet a list of the major concerns of professional philosophers since 1945 would exclude the Holocaust. This collection of twenty-three essays, most of which were written expressly for this volume, is the first book to focus comprehensively on the profound issues and philosophical significance of the Holocaust.The essays, written (...)
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  25.  47
    Friends on the Margins.Atalia Omer - 2019 - Journal of Religious Ethics 47 (1):192-202.
    In this essay, I examine Richard Miller’s exposition of political solidarity as one of the key contributions of his multifaceted argument in Friends and Other Strangers to the study of religion, ethics, and culture. Miller’s focus on culture broadens the landscape of ethical analysis in ways that illuminate how culture and cultural productions mediate and construct norms and virtues, and the complex relations between self and society. I challenge Miller’s inclination, however, to focus scholarly attention more on habituated forms of (...)
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  26. Tolpa i mudret︠s︡y Talmuda.A. B. Kovelʹman - 1996 - Moskva: Evreĭskiĭ universitet v Moskve.
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    Race and Ethnicity Discourse in Biblical Studies and Beyond.Sung Uk Lim - 2016 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 15 (45):120-142.
    This paper aims at foregrounding race and ethnicity discourse in Biblical Studies and beyond in order to undermine transhistorical and transcultural racism and ethnocentrism in religious discourse. It is my argument that matters of race and ethnicity should be approached as analytical categories in an interdisciplinary manner, albeit in a specific context, Hellenistic, Roman, Jewish, or Christian. In doing so, I first examine the works of Steve Fenton as well as Robert Miles and Malcolm Brown in order to look (...)
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  28.  11
    Dialogue with deviance: the Hasidic ethic and the theory of social contraction.Mordechai Rotenberg - 1983 - Lanham: University Press of America.
    Mordechai Rotenberg, who is well known for his work on the pessimistic impact of Protestant ethics on the Western social sciences, presents here a systematic study derived from, and based on, Judeo-Hasidic ethics. Proceeding from the cabalistic-Hasidic concept of contraction (tzimtsum), according to which God's voluntary withdrawal into Himself to evacuate space for the world serves as a model for human behavior, Professor Rotenberg shows that it is not personal-social construction, but self- and social contraction, that explains how the "is" (...)
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  29.  40
    Technological Knowledge among Non-Literate Ethiopian Adults in Israel.Yarden Fanta-Vagenshtein & David Chen - 2009 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 22 (4):287-302.
    Ethiopian Jewish immigrants in Israel are one of the most ancient communities in the world, one that has been detached from the known Jewish world for about 2,500 years. Throughout this very long period of isolation, the Ethiopian Jewish community maintained Jewish tradition and dreamed over the centuries to unite with the rest of the Jewish world and immigrate to the Jewish state—Israel. But this transition occurred within a short time from an agrarian society (...)
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  30.  48
    “Doing Religion” In a Secular World: Women in Conservative Religions and the Question of Agency.Orit Avishai - 2008 - Gender and Society 22 (4):409-433.
    Sociological studies of women's experiences with conservative religions are typically framed by a paradox that ponders women's complicity. The prevailing view associates agency with strategic subjects who use religion to further extra-religious ends and pays little attention to the cultural and institutional contexts that shape “compliance.” This paper suggests an alternative framing. Rather than asking why women comply, I examine agency as religious conduct and religiosity as a constructed status. Drawing on a study that examined how orthodox Jewish Israeli (...)
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  31.  8
    The psychology of tzimtzum: self, other, and God.Mordechai Rotenberg - 2015 - Jerusalem: Maggid Books, an imprint of Koren Publishers.
    Translation of: "Mavo la-psikhologyah shel ha-tsimtsum" (Introduction to the psychology of self contraction (tsimtsum)), Ã2010.
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    Verfassungssoziologie: zum Staats- und Verfassungsverstandnis von Ernst Fraenkel.Reinhard Dorn - 2010 - Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag.
    English summary: The wide-ranging work of Ernst Fraenkel lead to the foundation of postwar political science. In his role as "American in Berlin," Fraenkel helped shape the foundation of modern comparative government theory. Fraenkel's impressive, and in retrospect exemplary, biography, from being a Jewish labor lawyer in the Third Reich to an emigrant to the United States, allowed for him to be described as a commanding figure of the young field of political science of the Adenauer era. Reinhard Dorn (...)
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  33.  9
    Fundamentalismus als religionspädagogische Herausforderung.Wilhelm Eppler (ed.) - 2015 - Göttingen: V & R Unipress.
    English summary: Focusing on religious fundamentalism, different authors represent Christian, Jewish and Islamic theology as well as sociological, educational, psychological and politological sciences. They provide insights into the current discussion to prevent religious fundamentalism and to profile religious convictions on sound fundaments without fundamentalism. German description: Die Autoren nehmen den religiosen Fundamentalismus aus den Perspektiven der christlichen, judischen und islamischen Theologie sowie unterschiedlicher humanwissenschaftlicher Disziplinen in den Fokus und fragen, wie Pravention aussehen kann und wie religiose Orientierungen in der (...)
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  34. Edgar Zilsel: Philosopher, Historian, Sociologist. (Vienna Circle Institute Yearbook, vol. 27).Donata Romizi, Monika Wulz & Elisabeth Nemeth (eds.) - 2022 - Cham: Springer Nature.
    This book provides a new all-round perspective on the life and work of Edgar Zilsel (1891-1944) as a philosopher, historian, and sociologist. He was close to the Vienna Circle and has been hitherto almost exclusively referred to in terms of the so-called “Zilsel thesis” on the origins of modern science. Much beyond this “thesis”, Zilsel’s brilliant work provides original insights on a broad number of topics, ranging from the philosophy of probability and statistics to the concept of “genius”, from the (...)
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  35.  12
    Ernest Gellner: an intellectual biography.John A. Hall - 2011 - New York: Verso.
    Ernest Gellner was a multilingual polymath who set the agenda in the study of nationalism and the sociology of Islam for an entire generation of academics and students. This definitive biography follows his trajectory from his early years in Prague, Paris and England to international success as a philosopher and public intellectual. Known both for his highly integrated philosophy of modernity and for combining a respect for nationalism with an appreciation for science, Gellner was passionate in his defence of (...)
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  36.  10
    Dialog und Konflikt: das dialogische Prinzip in Philosophie, Religion und Gesellschaft.Ursula Frost, Johannes Wassmer & Hans-Joachim Werner (eds.) - 2018 - Bodenburg: Verlag Edition AV.
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  37.  24
    Interprétations, usages et appropriations de Leo Strauss.Bruno Quelennec - 2023 - Archives de Philosophie 86 (2):5-11.
    Résumé Partant du principe que les raisons de la politisation (ou non) de la référence théorique « Leo Strauss » ne peuvent être élucidées qu’en considérant ensemble les écrits du philosophe et les processus de réception dont ils font l’objet, cette contribution propose quelques éléments de biographie intellectuelle, distinguant six « séquences » puis elle met en lumière l’aspect « polyphonique » de l’oeuvre straussienne, semblant autoriser les lectures les plus contradictoires. Suit une exposition de deux paradigmes opposés de réception (...)
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    Christians Talk about Buddhist Meditation; Buddhists Talk about Christian Prayer (review).Sarah Katherine Pinnock - 2007 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 27 (1):204-208.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Christians Talk About Buddhist Meditation; Buddhists Talk About Christian PrayerSarah K. PinnockChristians Talk About Buddhist Meditation; Buddhists Talk About Christian Prayer. Edited by Rita M. Gross and Terry C. Muck. London: Continuum, 2003. 157 pp.It is popularly assumed that meditation enhances well-being and relieves stress. In the West, Asian practices are taught to persons from mainly Christian and Jewish backgrounds as new forms of spirituality, often presented (...)
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    Fire backstage: Philip Rieff and the monastery of culture.Cain Elliott - 2013 - New York: Peter Lang Edition.
    This book is a study of the life and work of Philip Rieff (1922-2006). It focuses on his contributions to social and cultural studies, to reactionary apocalyptics, psycho-theology, and to Jewish philosophy.
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    Martin Buber als Soziolog: 1878-1965-2008: Juden in der Soziologie.Erhard R. Wiehn - 2008 - Konstanz: Hartung-Gorre.
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    Paul and identity construction in early Christianity and the Roman Empire.F. Manjewa Mbwangi - 2020 - HTS Theological Studies 76 (4):1-10.
    The question of what subjects Paul addresses in his letters has been a matter of debate in New Testament scholarship. This debate shows the evolution of Pauline studies, whereby early scholars argued that Paul addressed topics ranging from questions of human existence, to relations between Jews and Gentiles, and even topics connecting Paul with the Roman Empire. Most of these scholars view Paul mainly from a religious perspective, particularly in terms of the relationship between Judaism and Christianity. However, viewing Paul (...)
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    New Voices: An Interview with PauI Knepper: Michael Polanyi and Judaism.Phil Mullins - 2007 - Tradition and Discovery 34 (2):26-29.
    In this interview, Paul Knepper, Senior Lecturer, Department of Sociological Studies, University of Sheffield, and Research Fellow, Centre for Jewish Studies, University of Manchester and one of the onlyscholars to take an interest in Michael Polanyi’s links to Judaism, responds to questions about this topic posed by Tradition and Discovery editor Phil Mullins.
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    PERSPECTIVES ON TORTURE: Reports from a Dialogue Including Christian, Judaic, Islamic, and Feminist Viewpoints.Jonathan K. Crane - 2011 - Journal of Religious Ethics 39 (4):585-588.
    Torture continues to be a pressing political issue in North America, yet religious scholarly reflection on the ethics of torture remains all but sidelined in public discourse for a variety of complex reasons. These reasons are explored—and critiqued—in this collection of reflections by Christian, Jewish, Muslim, and feminist religious ethicists. These scholars find that historical amnesia, forced if not twisted readings of classical texts and contemporary human rights instruments, and sociological factors are but a few of the factors challenging (...)
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    Redoing Gender, Redoing Religion.Helana Darwin - 2018 - Gender and Society 32 (3):348-370.
    This article advances a critical gender lens on the sociology of religion by arguing that “doing gender” and “doing religion” function as intertwined systems of accountability. To demonstrate the inextricability of these two systems, this study analyzes open-ended survey data from 576 Jewish women who wear kippot. These women’s responses reveal that this religious practice is fraught with social sanctions on the basis of the women’s simultaneous gender deviance and religious deviance. These women are not read as simply (...)
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    Les diasporas ou l'expérience de l'unité dans la diversité.Chantai Bordes-Benayoun - 2008 - Hermes 51:189.
    Le paradigme des diasporas peut-il répondre à la nécessité de prendre en compte les changements opérés dans le champ des migrations humaines? Elles s'inscrivent au coeur d'une dialectique entre la dispersion des migrants au sein de sociétés pluralistes et le maintien de liens concrets et spirituels avec les sociétés d'origine. Les sciences sociales ont privilégié longtemps le paradigme de la diversité. De même, l'opposition de l'option multiculturaliste à la « sociologie de l'intégration » a enfermé les débats dans une fausse (...)
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    Ethnicity and Religion.Mathias Bös - 2004 - ProtoSociology 20:143-164.
    Ethnicity and religion are European concepts used to describe social patterns in the world system. Historically, the Jewish and Greek traditions exemplify two models of the relation between religion and ethnicity. In sociological theory ethnicity and religion are two aspects in the multilayered systems of cultures in human society. Structurally most religions include many ethnic groups, but most ethnic groups have one majority religion. This relation often leads to the local misperception that identifies one ethnic group with one religion. (...)
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    The Cambridge Companion to Lévinas.Robert Bernasconi & Simon Critchley (eds.) - 2002 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Emmanuel Levinas is now widely recognised alongside Heidegger, Merleau-Ponty and Sartre as one of the most important Continental philosophers of the twentieth century. His abiding concern was the primacy of the ethical relation to the other person and his central thesis was that ethics is first philosophy. His work has also had a profound impact on a number of fields outside philosophy such as theology, Jewish studies, literature and cultural theory, psychotherapy, sociology, political theory, international relations theory and (...)
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    The distorted image of the copts.Alastair Hamilton - 2000 - Heythrop Journal 41 (3):327–332.
    Books reviewed:Victor H. Matthews, Bernard M. Levinson and Tikva Frymer‐Kensky, Gender and Law in the Hebrew Bible and the Ancient Near EastNeil Asher Silberman and David B. Small, The Archaeology of Israel: Constructing the Past, Interpreting the PresentErich S. Gruen, Heritage and Hellenism: The Reinvention of Jewish TraditionBrenda Deen Schildgen, Power and Prejudice: The Reception of the Gospel of MarkDavid C. Sim, The Gospel of Matthew and Christian Judaism: The History and Social Setting of the Matthean CommunityAllan D. Fitzgerald, (...)
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    Images.Mary Kelly - 2005 - Diacritics 35 (3):3-3.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:ContributorsMichael Bernard-Donals is the Nancy Hoefs Professor of English, and an affiliate member of the Mosse-Weinstein Center for Jewish Studies, at the University of Wisconsin—Madison. His most recent book is An Introduction to Holocaust Studies: History, Memory, and Representation.Oliver Marchart is a professor in the Department of Sociology, University of Lucerne, Switzerland. He is the author of books on Hannah Arendt (2005) and postfoundational political thought (2007) (...)
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    Functions of the Book for Society and Self: a Study in Secular Transformation.Elihu Katz & Hannah Adoni - 1973 - Diogenes 21 (81):106-121.
    Reading and study were among the central values of traditional Jewish society. Indeed, it is impossible to explain the continuity of the Jewish people without reference to the unique status of the book. Any analysis of contemporary Israeli culture, therefore, must look first to the fate of the book as it is affected by the weight of tradition and of modernity. This task is attempted here. It is part of a comprehensive national study of the sociology of (...)
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