Results for 'Jessica Keir'

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  1. Integrating text and pictorial information: eye movements when looking at print advertisements.Keith Rayner, Caren M. Rotello, Andrew J. Stewart, Jessica Keir & Susan A. Duffy - 2001 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied 7 (3):219.
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  2. (1 other version)Ethics as a service: a pragmatic operationalisation of AI ethics.Jessica Morley, Anat Elhalal, Francesca Garcia, Libby Kinsey, Jakob Mökander & Luciano Floridi - 2021 - Minds and Machines 31 (2):239–256.
    As the range of potential uses for Artificial Intelligence, in particular machine learning, has increased, so has awareness of the associated ethical issues. This increased awareness has led to the realisation that existing legislation and regulation provides insufficient protection to individuals, groups, society, and the environment from AI harms. In response to this realisation, there has been a proliferation of principle-based ethics codes, guidelines and frameworks. However, it has become increasingly clear that a significant gap exists between the theory of (...)
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  3. Ethical guidelines for COVID-19 tracing apps.Jessica Morley, Josh Cowls, Mariarosaria Taddeo & Luciano Floridi - 2020 - Nature 582:29–⁠31.
    Technologies to rapidly alert people when they have been in contact with someone carrying the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 are part of a strategy to bring the pandemic under control. Currently, at least 47 contact-tracing apps are available globally. They are already in use in Australia, South Korea and Singapore, for instance. And many other governments are testing or considering them. Here we set out 16 questions to assess whether — and to what extent — a contact-tracing app is ethically justifiable.
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  4. The Birth of Belief.Jessica Moss & Whitney Schwab - 2019 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 57 (1):1-32.
    did plato and aristotle have anything to say about belief? The answer to this question might seem blindingly obvious: of course they did. Plato distinguishes belief from knowledge in the Meno, Republic, and Theaetetus, and Aristotle does so in the Posterior Analytics. Plato distinguishes belief from perception in the Theaetetus, and Aristotle does so in the De anima. They talk about the distinction between true and false beliefs, and the ways in which belief can mislead and the ways in which (...)
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  5. Why Does Kant Think We Must Believe in the Immortal Soul?Jessica Tizzard - 2020 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 50 (1):114-129.
    Making sense of Kant’s claim that it is morally necessary for us to believe in the immortal soul is a historically fraught issue. Commentators typically reject it, or take one of two paths: they either restrict belief in the immortal soul to our subjective psychology, draining it of any substantive rational grounding; or make it out to be a rational necessity that morally interested beings must accept on pain of contradiction. Against these interpreters, I argue that on Kant’s view, belief (...)
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  6. Right Reason in Plato and Aristotle: On the Meaning of Logos.Jessica Moss - 2014 - Phronesis 59 (3):181-230.
    Something Aristotle calls ‘right logos’ plays a crucial role in his theory of virtue. But the meaning of ‘logos’ in this context is notoriously contested. I argue against the standard translation ‘reason’, and—drawing on parallels with Plato’s work, especially the Laws—in favor of its being used to denote what transforms an inferior epistemic state into a superior one: an explanatory account. Thus Aristotelian phronēsis, like his and Plato’s technē and epistēmē, is a matter of grasping explanatory accounts: in this case, (...)
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  7. Knowledge-that is knowledge-of.Jessica Moss - forthcoming - Philosophers' Imprint.
    If there is any consensus about knowledge in contemporary epistemology, it is that there is one primary kind: knowledge-that. I put forth a view, one I find in the works of Aristotle, on which knowledge-of – construed in a fairly demanding sense, as being well-acquainted with things – is the primary, fundamental kind of knowledge. As to knowledge-that, it is not distinct from knowledge-of, let alone more fundamental, but instead a species of it. To know that such-and-such, just like to (...)
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  8. Kantian Moral Psychology and Human Weakness.Jessica Tizzard - 2021 - Philosophers' Imprint 21 (16):1-28.
    Immanuel Kant’s notion of weakness or frailty warrants more attention, for it reveals much about his theory of motivation and general metaphysics of mind. As the first and least severe of the three grades of evil, frailty captures those cases where an agent fails to act on their avowed recognition that the moral law is the only legitimate determining ground of the will. The possibility of such cases raises many important questions that have yet to be settled by interpreters. Most (...)
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  9. The limits of empowerment: how to reframe the role of mHealth tools in the healthcare ecosystem.Jessica Morley & Luciano Floridi - 2020 - Science and Engineering Ethics 26 (3):1159-1183.
    This article highlights the limitations of the tendency to frame health- and wellbeing-related digital tools (mHealth technologies) as empowering devices, especially as they play an increasingly important role in the National Health Service (NHS) in the UK. It argues that mHealth technologies should instead be framed as digital companions. This shift from empowerment to companionship is advocated by showing the conceptual, ethical, and methodological issues challenging the narrative of empowerment, and by arguing that such challenges, as well as the risk (...)
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  10. Kant on space, time, and respect for the moral law as analogous formal elements of sensibility.Jessica Tizzard - 2018 - European Journal of Philosophy 26 (1):630-646.
    To advance a successful reading of Kant's theory of motivation, his interpreter must have a carefully developed position on the relation between our rational and sensible capacities of mind. Unfortunately, many of Kant's commentators hold an untenably dualistic conception, understanding reason and sensibility to be necessarily conflicting aspects of human nature that saddle Kant with a rigoristic and fundamentally divided moral psychology. Against these interpreters, I argue for a reading that maintains a unified conception, claiming that we must think of (...)
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  11. Plato on Pistis: Belief and Trust.Jessica Moss - manuscript
  12. The debate on the ethics of AI in health care: a reconstruction and critical review.Jessica Morley, Caio C. V. Machado, Christopher Burr, Josh Cowls, Indra Joshi, Mariarosaria Taddeo & Luciano Floridi - manuscript
    Healthcare systems across the globe are struggling with increasing costs and worsening outcomes. This presents those responsible for overseeing healthcare with a challenge. Increasingly, policymakers, politicians, clinical entrepreneurs and computer and data scientists argue that a key part of the solution will be ‘Artificial Intelligence’ (AI) – particularly Machine Learning (ML). This argument stems not from the belief that all healthcare needs will soon be taken care of by “robot doctors.” Instead, it is an argument that rests on the classic (...)
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    Pragmatic Abilities in Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Case Study in Philosophy and the Empirical.Jessica de Villiers, Robert Stainton & Peter Szatmari - 2007 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 31 (1):292-317.
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  14. (1 other version)Soul-Leading: The Unity of the Phaedrus, Again.Jessica Moss - 2012 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 43:1-23.
  15. The poor performance of apps assessing skin cancer risk.Jessica Morley, Luciano Floridi & Ben Goldacre - 2020 - British Medical Journal 368 (8233).
    Over the past year, technology companies have made headlines claiming that their artificially intelligent (AI) products can outperform clinicians at diagnosing breast cancer, brain tumours, and diabetic retinopathy. Claims such as these have influenced policy makers, and AI now forms a key component of the national health strategies in England, the United States, and China. While it is positive to see healthcare systems embracing data analytics and machine learning, concerns remain about the efficacy, ethics, and safety of some commercial, AI (...)
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    Thought and Imagination: Aristotle’s Dual Process Psychology of Action.Jessica Moss - 2021 - In Caleb M. Cohoe, Aristotle's on the Soul: A Critical Guide. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. pp. 247-264.
    Aristotle's De Anima discusses the psychological causes of what he calls locomotion – i.e, roughly, purpose-driven behavior. One cause is desire. The other is cognition, which falls into two kinds: thought (nous) and imagination (phantasia). Aristotle’s discussion is dense and confusing, but I argue that we can extract from it an account that is coherent, compelling, and that in many ways closely anticipates modern psychological theories, in particular Dual Processing theory. Animals and humans are driven to pursue objects that attract (...)
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    Revisiting pragmatic abilities in autism spectrum disorders.Jessica de Villiers, Brooke Myers & Robert J. Stainton - 2013 - Pragmatics and Cognition 21 (2):253-269.
    In a 2007 paper, we argued that speakers with Autism Spectrum Disorders exhibit pragmatic abilities which are surprising given the usual understanding of communication in that group. That is, it is commonly reported that people diagnosed with an ASD have trouble with metaphor, irony, conversational implicature and other non-literal language. This is not a matter of trouble with knowledge and application of rules of grammar. The difficulties lie, rather, in successful communicative interaction. Though we did find pragmatic errors within literal (...)
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  18. Is Having Pets Morally Permissible?Jessica Toit - 2015 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 33 (3):327-343.
    In this article, I consider the question of whether having pets is morally permissible. However, I do so indirectly by considering three objections to the practice of having pets — what I shall call the ‘restriction of freedom objection’, the ‘property objection’, and the ‘dependency objection’. The restriction of freedom objection is dismissed relatively easily. The property objection also fails to show that having pets is morally impermissible. However, my consideration of this second objection does lead to the conclusion that (...)
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    The Impact of Sustainable Tourism on the Economic and Social Development of Rural Destinations: A Case Study in Ecuador.Jessica Vargas, Marlene Coronel, Francisco Mena & Rafael Carrera - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1554-1564.
    A documentary review was carried out on the production and publication of research papers related to the study of the variables Sustainable Tourism, Economic Development and Rural Destinations. The purpose of the bibliometric analysis proposed in this document was to know the main characteristics of the volume of publications registered in the Scopus database during the period 2018-2023, achieving the identification of 135 publications. The information provided by this platform was organized through graphs and figures categorizing the information by Year (...)
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    The illusory truth effect requires semantic coherence across repetitions.Jessica Udry & Sarah J. Barber - 2023 - Cognition 241 (C):105607.
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    Belly Up: How Corporate Interests Are Keeping an Unsustainable Tasmanian Aquaculture Afloat and Failing to Protect the Welfare of the Nonhuman Animals Affected.Jessica C. Tselepy - 2023 - Journal of Animal Ethics 13 (1):14-20.
    The Tasmanian salmon industry has become one of the state's most profitable industries to date. Though production conditions notoriously lack transparency, there is a clear dependency on the mass production of complex nonhuman animals who are kept in inappropriate conditions and subject to harmful industry practices. This article explores why the Tasmanian Environmental Protection Agency recently approved the construction of the largest salmon hatchery in Australia, despite serious environmental sustainability and welfare concerns. It considers the likely impact of the new (...)
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    The homeodomain: A new face for the helix‐turn‐helix?Jessica Treisman, Esther Harris, David Wilson & Claude Desplan - 1992 - Bioessays 14 (3):145-150.
    The discovery of conserved protein domains found in many Drosophila and mammalian developmental gene products suggests that fundamental developmental processes are conserved throughout evolution. Our understanding of development has been enhanced by the discovery of the widespread role of the homeodomain (HD). The action of HD‐containing proteins as transcriptional regulators is mediated through a helix‐turn‐helix motif which confers sequence specific DNA binding. Unexpectedly, the well conserved structural homology between the HD and the prokaryotic helix‐turn‐helix proteins contrasts with their divergent types (...)
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  23. Shame, Pleasure, and the Divided Soul.Jessica Moss - 2005 - In David Sedley, Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy Xxix: Winter 2005. Oxford University Press. pp. 137-170.
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    Commentary on Larsen.Jessica Moss - 2017 - Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium of Ancient Philosophy 32 (1):100-110.
    How does Plato draw the line between perceiving and reasoning? According to Peter Larsen, he gives perception only the power to perceive isolated proper perceptibles, and treats all other cognitive operations as reasoning. I show problems for this interpretation. I argue that in the Republic, non-rational cognition—perception, either on its own, or perhaps augmented by other non-rational powers Plato does not specify, along the lines of Aristotle’s φαντασία —can generate complex cognitions. Reason’s job is not to integrate the raw data (...)
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    Emerging Roots: Investigating Early Access to Meaning in Maltese Auditory Word Recognition.Jessica Nieder, Ruben van de Vijver & Adam Ussishkin - 2024 - Cognitive Science 48 (11):e70004.
    In Semitic languages, the consonantal root is central to morphology, linking form and meaning. While psycholinguistic studies highlight its importance in language processing, the role of meaning in early lexical access and its representation remain unclear. This study investigates when meaning becomes accessible during the processing of Maltese verb forms, using a computational model based on the Discriminative Lexicon framework. Our model effectively comprehends and produces Maltese verbs, while also predicting response times in a masked auditory priming experiment. Results show (...)
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    ‘After all, I have to show that I’m not different’: Muslim women’s psychological coping strategies with dichotomous and dichotomising stereotypes.Jessica McQuarrie, Katharina Steinicke, Natalie Rodax & Katharina Hametner - 2021 - European Journal of Women's Studies 28 (1):56-70.
    More than ever, ‘the headscarf’ is a dominant trope in contemporary ‘Western’ discourses on migration. Within controversies on Muslim ‘others’, ethnicity and gender frequently interweave. In discussions about the Muslim woman, a problematic dichotomy frequently emerges: namely the representation of a Muslim woman who wears the headscarf and is seen as ‘oppressed’ or ‘traditional’. This is opposed to the position of a Muslim woman who does not wear the headscarf and is simultaneously considered a ‘self-determined’ or ‘modern’ Muslim woman. Against (...)
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    Aristote sur la sagesse pratique.Jessica Moss, Maxence Gévaudanet & David Lefebvre - 2021 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 138 (3):27-47.
    L’article porte sur le rapport entre la phronèsis (prudence ou sagesse pratique) et la vertu éthique dans la conception aristotélicienne de l’action et du bonheur. La question principale est la suivante : faut-il penser, selon une conception « humienne », que, chez Aristote, les buts sont fixés par notre désir, tandis que la raison servirait de simple instrument pour déterminer les moyens de les atteindre? La thèse défendue est que la vertu de caractère donne bien le contenu des fins, mais (...)
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  28. La imagen-movimiento en Guilles Deleuze y el cine como una nueva propuesta de pensamiento.Jessica Morales Guzmán - 2012 - In Andrea Cortés-Boussac, Cine: más allá de la técnica: téchne contemporánea como arte y producción en las nuevas tecnologías. Bogotá, D.C., Colombia: Universidad Sergio Arboleda.
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    General practitioners’ ethical decision-making: Does being a patient themselves make a difference?Katherine Helen Hall, Jessica Michael, Chrystal Jaye & Jessica Young - 2018 - Clinical Ethics 13 (4):199-208.
    There is very little literature on the actual decision-making frameworks used by general practitioners with respect to ethical issues and virtually none on the impact of personal experiences of illness on this. This study aimed to investigate what these frameworks might be and if and how they were altered by doctors’ own illness experience. Twenty general practitioners were recruited, 10 having had a previous serious medical illness and 10 having no such history. They participated in a semi-structured interview, including case (...)
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    Ecological identity work in higher education: Theoretical perspectives and a case study.Jessica S. Hayes-Conroy & Robert M. Vanderbeck - 2005 - Ethics, Place and Environment 8 (3):309 – 329.
    This paper develops and extends the concept of ecological identity work through an investigation of issues of identity among students studying the environment at one US university. We conceptualize identity work as both an individual and group process through which students locate themselves in relation to particular, relatively preformed ecological identities, while also attempting to redefine the boundaries of ecological identity itself. Using interview and participant observation data we ask what kinds of ecological identity work takes place among students and (...)
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  31. David Octavius Hill, Eugène Atget, Karl Dauthendey : Wie Benjamin Fotografien entwendet.Jessica Nitsche - 2019 - In Jessica Nitsche & Nadine Werner, Entwendungen: Walter Benjamin und seine Quellen. Paderborn: Brill Fink.
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  32. Moral Agency as Cognitive Agency: Recovering Kant’s Conception of Virtue. [REVIEW]Jessica Tizzard - 2020 - Con-Textos Kantianos 1 (11):481-491.
    Review of: Merritt, M., Kant on Reflection and Virtue, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2018, 219 pp. ISBN 978-1-108-42471-4.
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    Kant's Tribunal of Reason: Legal Metaphor and Normativity in the Critique of Pure Reason by Sofie Møller. [REVIEW]Jessica Tizzard - 2023 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 61 (2):332-334.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content: Kant's Tribunal of Reason: Legal Metaphor and Normativity in the Critique of Pure Reason. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2020. Pp. 208. Hardback, $105.00. -/- Even those with a passing knowledge of Kant's system will recognize his sustained use of legal metaphor and his appeal to lawfulness as a beacon of philosophical progress. He famously begins one of the most important (and impermeable) sections of the Critique of Pure (...)
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    Kant and Religion. By Allen W. Wood. Kant and the Divine: From Contemplation to the Moral Law. By Christopher J. Insole. [REVIEW]Jessica Tizzard - 2022 - Journal of the American Academy of Religion 90 (2):513-516.
    Double Review of Insole, C, "Kant and the Divine: From Contemplation to the Moral Law," Oxford University Press, 2020, 432 pages; and Wood, A, "Kant and Religion," Cambridge University Press, 2020, 249 pages.
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  35. Grounding-based formulations of physicalism.Jessica M. Wilson - 2016 - Topoi 37 (3):495-512.
    I problematize Grounding-based formulations of physicalism. More specifically, I argue, first, that motivations for adopting a Grounding-based formulation of physicalism are unsound; second, that a Grounding-based formulation lacks illuminating content, and that attempts to imbue Grounding with content by taking it to be a strict partial order are unuseful and problematic ; third, that conceptions of Grounding as constitutively connected to metaphysical explanation conflate metaphysics and epistemology, are ultimately either circular or self-undermining, and controversially assume that physical dependence is incompatible (...)
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    Rationality Meets Ren : beyond Virtue Catalogues for a World Business Ethos.Jonathan Keir & Bai Zongrang - 2018 - Humanistic Management Journal 3 (2):187-201.
    The Confucian tradition, which places the virtue of ren or fellow feeling at its heart as a ‘gateway’ to the more concrete virtues of common Western parlance, offers a potential antidote to the excesses of a Western business ethics which, even after its recent academic reembrace of the Aristotelian tradition, in practice still too often instrumentalises virtue in the service of a ‘rational’ or ‘reasonable’ constraining of the profit motive. The deeper, intrinsic ‘ethos’ promised by a Confucian approach also finds (...)
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  37. Custom : the limits of reciprocity in village resettlement.Keir Martin - 2009 - In Karen Sykes, Ethnographies of moral reasoning: living paradoxes of a global age. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 93.
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    The Science of Cows: Tuberculosis, Research and the State in the United Kingdom, 1890–1914.Keir Waddington - 2001 - History of Science 39 (3):355-381.
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    Elliott Coues: Naturalist and Frontier Historian. Paul Russell Cutright, Michael J. Brodhead.Keir Sterling - 1983 - Isis 74 (2):290-291.
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    The restless clock: a history of the centuries-long argument over what makes living things tick.Jessica Riskin - 2016 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    A core principle of modern science holds that a scientific explanation must not attribute will or agency to natural phenomena.The Restless Clock examines the origins and history of this, in particular as it applies to the science of living things. This is also the story of a tradition of radicals—dissenters who embraced the opposite view, that agency is an essential and ineradicable part of nature. Beginning with the church and courtly automata of early modern Europe, Jessica Riskin guides us (...)
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    The semantics of evaluativity.Jessica Rett - 2015 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    The null morpheme POS -- The null morpheme EVAL -- Implicature : a brief review -- Evaluativity as implicature -- Extensions of the evaluativity implicature.
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  42. What is visual culture? Jessica Evans and Stuart Hall.Jessica Evans - 1999 - In Jessica Evans & Stuart Hall, Visual culture: the reader. Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications in association with the Open University. pp. 1.
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    Decoding emotions in expressive music performances: A multi-lab replication and extension study.Jessica Akkermans, Renee Schapiro, Daniel Müllensiefen, Kelly Jakubowski, Daniel Shanahan, David Baker, Veronika Busch, Kai Lothwesen, Paul Elvers, Timo Fischinger, Kathrin Schlemmer & Klaus Frieler - 2018 - Cognition and Emotion 33 (6):1099-1118.
    ABSTRACTWith over 560 citations reported on Google Scholar by April 2018, a publication by Juslin and Gabrielsson presented evidence supporting performers’ abilities to communicate, with hig...
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    Alcohol Craving in Heavy and Occasional Alcohol Drinkers After Cue Exposure in a Virtual Environment: The Role of the Sense of Presence.Jessica Simon, Anne-Marie Etienne, Stéphane Bouchard & Etienne Quertemont - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
  45. Evolutionary Hypotheses and Moral Skepticism.Jessica Isserow - 2019 - Erkenntnis 84 (5):1025-1045.
    Proponents of evolutionary debunking arguments aim to show that certain genealogical explanations of our moral faculties, if true, undermine our claim to moral knowledge. Criticisms of these arguments generally take the debunker’s genealogical explanation for granted. The task of the anti-debunker is thought to be that of reconciling the truth of this hypothesis with moral knowledge. In this paper, I shift the critical focus instead to the debunker’s empirical hypothesis and argue that the skeptical strength of an evolutionary debunking argument (...)
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    The Rhythm of Thought: Art, Literature, and Music After Merleau-Ponty.Jessica Wiskus - 2013 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    Between present and past, visible and invisible, and sensation and idea, there is resonance—so philosopher Maurice Merleau-Ponty argued and so Jessica Wiskus explores in The Rhythm of Thought.
  47. Aristotle on the apparent good: perception, phantasia, thought, and desire.Jessica Moss - 2012 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Pt. I. The apparent good. Evaluative cognition -- Perceiving the good -- Phantasia and the apparent good -- pt. II. The apparent good and non-rational motivation. Passions and the apparent good -- Akrasia and the apparent good -- pt. III. The apparent good and rational motivation. Phantasia and deliberation -- Happiness, virtue, and the apparent good -- Practical induction -- Conclusion : Aristotle's practical empiricism.
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    Language in the Theater.Keir Elam - 1977 - Substance 6 (18/19):139.
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  49. Paternalism.Jessica Begon - 2016 - Analysis 76 (3):355-373.
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    An Evolutionary Approach to Understanding Distinct Emotions.Jessica L. Tracy - 2014 - Emotion Review 6 (4):308-312.
    According to evolutionary accounts of distinct emotions, these emotions are shaped by natural selection to adjust the physiological, psychological, cognitive, and behavioral parameters of an organism to facilitate its capacity to respond adaptively to threats and opportunities present in the environment. This account has a number of implications, most notably: (a) each distinct emotion serves, or served, an adaptive function, and (b) emotions are comprised of multiple components, all of which should be functional. In this article, I briefly outline an (...)
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