Results for 'Jesse Virgil Mauzey'

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  1. Montaigne's philosophy of human nature..Jesse Virgil Mauzey - 1933 - Annandale-on-Hudson, N.Y.,: St. Stephen's college.
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    Report of the thirty-third annual meeting of the eastern division of the american philosophical association.Jesse V. Mauzey - 1934 - Journal of Philosophy 31 (4):96-104.
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    (2 other versions)An Elementary Logic.Jesse V. Mauzey - 1932 - Philosophical Review 41:646.
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    General Logic. [REVIEW]Jesse V. Mauzey - 1932 - Journal of Philosophy 29 (10):268-271.
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    Multimodal Cognitive Workload Assessment Using EEG, fNIRS, ECG, EOG, PPG, and Eye-tracking.Jesse Mark, Adrian Curtin, Amanda Kraft, Amanda Sargent, Alison Perez, Leah Friedman, Amanda Barkan, Trevor Sands, William Casebeer, Matthias Ziegler & Hasan Ayaz - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  6. Is love an emotion?Arina Pismenny & Jesse Prinz - 2024 - In Christopher Grau & Aaron Smuts, "Introduction" for the Oxford Handbook of the Philosophy of Love. NYC: Oxford University Press.
    What kind of mental phenomenon is romantic love? Many philosophers, psychologists, and ordinary folk treat it as an emotion. This chapter argues the category of emotion is inadequate to account for romantic love. It examines major emotion theories in philosophy and psychology and shows that they fail to illustrate that romantic love is an emotion. It considers the categories of basic emotions and emotion complexes, and demonstrates they too come short in accounting for romantic love. It assesses the roles of (...)
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    (1 other version)Mind and Cognition: An Anthology.William G. Lycan & Jesse J. Prinz (eds.) - 1999 - Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.
    First published in 1990, Mind and Cognition: An Anthology is now firmly established as a popular teaching apparatus for upper level undergraduate and graduate courses in the philosophy of mind. Brings together the most important classic and contemporary articles in philosophy of mind and cognition Completely revised and updated throughout, in response to feedback from teachers in the field Now includes 20 new readings Each updated part opens with a brief, synoptic introduction to the individual field and a comprehensive further (...)
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    What is the shape of developmental change?Karen E. Adolph, Scott R. Robinson, Jesse W. Young & Felix Gill-Alvarez - 2008 - Psychological Review 115 (3):527-543.
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  9. Intuitions about consciousness: Experimental studies.Joshua Knobe & Jesse Prinz - 2008 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 7 (1):67-83.
    When people are trying to determine whether an entity is capable of having certain kinds of mental states, they can proceed either by thinking about the entity from a *functional* standpoint or by thinking about the entity from a *physical* standpoint. We conducted a series of studies to determine how each of these standpoints impact people’s mental state ascriptions. The results point to a striking asymmetry. It appears that ascriptions of states involving phenomenal consciousness are sensitive to physical factors in (...)
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  10. What's wrong with virtue signaling?James Fanciullo & Jesse Hill - 2023 - Synthese 201 (117).
    A novel account of virtue signaling and what makes it bad has recently been offered by Justin Tosi and Brandon Warmke. Despite plausibly vindicating the folk’s conception of virtue signaling as a bad thing, their account has recently been attacked by both Neil Levy and Evan Westra. According to Levy and Westra, virtue signaling actually supports the aims and progress of public moral discourse. In this paper, we rebut these recent defenses of virtue signaling. We suggest that virtue signaling only (...)
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  11. The role of emotional awareness in evaluative judgment: evidence from alexithymia.Rodrigo Díaz & Jesse Prinz - 2023 - Scientific Reports 13 (5183).
    Evaluative judgments imply positive or negative regard. But there are different ways in which something can be positive or negative. How do we tell them apart? According to Evaluative Sentimentalism, different evaluations (e.g., dangerousness vs. offensiveness) are grounded on different emotions (e.g., fear vs. anger). If this is the case, evaluation differentiation requires emotional awareness. Here, we test this hypothesis by looking at alexithymia, a deficit in emotional awareness consisting of problems identifying, describing, and thinking about emotions. The results of (...)
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  12. Emotion Recognition as a Social Skill.Gen Eickers & Jesse J. Prinz - 2020 - In Ellen Fridland & Carlotta Pavese, The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Skill and Expertise. New York, NY: Routledge. pp. 347-361.
    This chapter argues that emotion recognition is a skill. A skill perspective on emotion recognition draws attention to underappreciated features of this cornerstone of social cognition. Skills have a number of characteristic features. For example, they are improvable, practical, and flexible. Emotion recognition has these features as well. Leading theories of emotion recognition often draw inadequate attention to these features. The chapter advances a theory of emotion recognition that is better suited to this purpose. It proposes that emotion recognition involves (...)
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  13. Putting concepts to work: Some thoughts for the twenty first century.Andy Clark & Jesse Prinz - 2004 - Mind and Language 19 (1):57-69.
    Fodor’s theory makes thinking prior to doing. It allows for an inactive agent or pure reflector, and for agents whose actions in various ways seem to float free of their own conceptual repertoires. We show that naturally evolved creatures are not like that. In the real world, thinking is always and everywhere about doing. The point of having a brain is to guide the actions of embodied beings in a complex material world. Some of those actions are, to be sure, (...)
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  14. Aesthetic Emotions Reconsidered.Joerg Fingerhut & Jesse J. Prinz - 2020 - The Monist 103 (2):223-239.
    We define aesthetic emotions as emotions that underlie the evaluative assessment of artworks. They are separated from the wider class of art-elicited emotions. Aesthetic emotions historically have been characterized as calm, as lacking specific patterns of embodiment, and as being a sui generis kind of pleasure. We reject those views and argue that there is a plurality of aesthetic emotions contributing to praise. After presenting a general account of the nature of emotions, we analyze twelve positive aesthetic emotions in four (...)
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  15. Sound morality: Irritating and icky noises amplify judgments in divergent moral domains.Angelika Seidel & Jesse Prinz - 2013 - Cognition 127 (1):1-5.
    Theoretical models and correlational research suggest that anger and disgust play different roles in moral judgment. Anger is theorized to underlie reactions to crimes against persons, such as battery and unfairness, and disgust is theorized to underlie reactions to crimes against nature, such as sexual transgressions and cannibalism. To date, however, it has not been shown that induction of these two emotions has divergent effects. In this experiment we show divergent effects of anger and disgust. We use sounds to elicit (...)
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    How abstract is syntax? Evidence from structural priming.Jayden Ziegler, Giulia Bencini, Adele Goldberg & Jesse Snedeker - 2019 - Cognition 193 (C):104045.
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    Artificial agents’ explainability to support trust: considerations on timing and context.Guglielmo Papagni, Jesse de Pagter, Setareh Zafari, Michael Filzmoser & Sabine T. Koeszegi - 2023 - AI and Society 38 (2):947-960.
    Strategies for improving the explainability of artificial agents are a key approach to support the understandability of artificial agents’ decision-making processes and their trustworthiness. However, since explanations are not inclined to standardization, finding solutions that fit the algorithmic-based decision-making processes of artificial agents poses a compelling challenge. This paper addresses the concept of trust in relation to complementary aspects that play a role in interpersonal and human–agent relationships, such as users’ confidence and their perception of artificial agents’ reliability. Particularly, this (...)
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  18. Excessive daydreaming: A case history and discussion of mind wandering and high fantasy proneness.Cynthia Schupak & Jesse Rosenthal - 2009 - Consciousness and Cognition 18 (1):290-292.
    This case study describes a patient presenting with a long history of excessive daydreaming which has caused her distress but is not incident to any other apparent clinical psychiatric disorders. We have treated this patient for over 10 years, and she has responded favorably to fluvoxamine therapy, stating that it helps to control her daydreaming. Our patient, and other psychotherpists, have brought to our attention other possible cases of excessive daydreaming. We examine the available literature regarding daydreaming, mind wandering, and (...)
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  19. A participatory, qualitative analysis of the use of MagicSchool AI for course design.Shantanu Tilak, Jesse Lincoln, Tara Miner, Natasha Christensen, Judy Jankowski & Kadie Kennedy - 2024 - Journal of Sociocybernetics 19 (1):43-106.
    This participatory study recounts conversational practices occurring between three teachers, a head of school, and a researcher during a month-long curriculum design workshop mediated by the MagicSchool AI technology to create social studies, language arts, science, and mathematics lessons for a virtual special education program. A social paradigm of AI-mediated educational practices is presented, wherein teachers interact with AI tools by embodying co-agency and a spirit of inquiry. Collective practices are interpreted using Gordon Pask’s conversation theory framework, showcasing how to (...)
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  20. Automating Leibniz's Theory of Concepts.Paul Edward Oppenheimer, Jesse Alama & Edward N. Zalta - 2015 - In Felty Amy P. & Middeldorp Aart, Automated Deduction – CADE 25: Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Automated Deduction (Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence: Volume 9195), Berlin: Springer. Springer. pp. 73-97.
    Our computational metaphysics group describes its use of automated reasoning tools to study Leibniz’s theory of concepts. We start with a reconstruction of Leibniz’s theory within the theory of abstract objects (henceforth ‘object theory’). Leibniz’s theory of concepts, under this reconstruction, has a non-modal algebra of concepts, a concept-containment theory of truth, and a modal metaphysics of complete individual concepts. We show how the object-theoretic reconstruction of these components of Leibniz’s theory can be represented for investigation by means of automated (...)
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  21. A Curious Dialogical Logic and its Composition Problem.Sara L. Uckelman, Jesse Alama & Aleks Knoks - 2014 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 43 (6):1065-1100.
    Dialogue semantics for logic are two-player logic games between a Proponent who puts forward a logical formula φ as valid or true and an Opponent who disputes this. An advantage of the dialogical approach is that it is a uniform framework from which different logics can be obtained through only small variations of the basic rules. We introduce the composition problem for dialogue games as the problem of resolving, for a set S of rules for dialogue games, whether the set (...)
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  22. Starea filmului.Mihai Chirilov, Alex Leo Şerban, Virgil Ştefan Niţulescu, Cezar Paul Bădescu, Andrei Gorzo & Adina Popescu - 2003 - Dilema 540:7-11.
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    The interaction of association value and stimulus configuration in size estimation.Margaret E. Dow & Jesse E. Gordon - 1957 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 54 (5):332.
  24. Forum on the Yi Jing.Ming Dong Gu, Edward A. Hacker, Steve Moore, Tze-Ki Hon, Honglei Li & Jesse Fleming - 2003 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 30 (2):195-270.
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  25. Addressing Perspectives with Toolbox Methodology.Michael O'Rourke, Shannon Donovan, Jesse Engebretson, Lissy Goralnik, Chad Gonnerman, Valerie Imbruce, Paul Kjellberg, Marisa Rinkus & Brian Robinson - 2024 - In Rick Szostak, Handbook of Interdisciplinary Teaching and Administration. Cheltenham, UK: EE Publishing. pp. 171-193.
    The Toolbox dialogue method enables members of heterogeneous groups to identify, share, and compare their perspectives on topics of common interest, such as research questions or complex problems (Hubbs et al. 2020). These interactions occur in dialogue, typically in relatively brief (eg, two-to four-hour) workshop settings, where participants jointly consider their responses to abstract and often philosophical statements that express positions on the topics. By expressing positions on topics that matter to the group, these statements structure a dialogue that enhances (...)
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    Priming is swell, but it's far from simple.Jayden Ziegler, Jesse Snedeker & Eva Wittenberg - 2017 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 40.
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    An Update of Public Perceptions of Synthetic Biology: Still Undecided?Mirko Ancillotti, Virgil Rerimassie, Stefanie B. Seitz & Walburg Steurer - 2016 - NanoEthics 10 (3):309-325.
    The discourse on the fundamental issues raised by synthetic biology, such as biosafety and biosecurity, intellectual property, environmental consequences and ethical and societal implications, is still open and controversial. This, coupled with the potential and risks the field holds, makes it one of the hottest topics in technology assessment today. How a new technology is perceived by the public influences the manner in which its products and applications will be received. Therefore, it is important to learn how people perceive synthetic (...)
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    Cognitive Enhancement and Social Mobility: Skepticism from India.Jayashree Dasgupta, Georgia Lockwood Estrin, Jesse Summers & Ilina Singh - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 14 (4):341-351.
    Cognitive enhancement (CE) covers a broad spectrum of methods, including behavioral techniques, nootropic drugs, and neuromodulation interventions. However, research on their use in children has almost exclusively been carried out in high-income countries with limited understanding of how experts working with children view their use in low- and middle- income countries (LMICs). This study examines perceptions on cognitive enhancement, their techniques, neuroethical issues about their use from an LMICs perspective.Seven Indian experts were purposively sampled for their expertise in bioethics, child (...)
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  29. Parole and the moral self: Moral change mitigates responsibility.Javier Gomez-Lavin & Jesse J. Prinz - 2019 - Journal of Moral Education 48 (1):63-85.
    Recent studies demonstrate a moral self effect: continuity in moral values is crucial to ascriptions of identity in and over time. Since Locke, personal identity has been referred to as a ‘forensic’ concept, meaning that it plays a role in attributions of moral responsibility. If moral values are crucial to identity over time, then perceived changes in a person’s set of values may reduce responsibility for past deeds. To test this, we examined the moral self effect in parole contexts. In (...)
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  30. New additions to the library's holdings week ending september 7, 2009.Hugh R. Brady Murray, Jesse B. Hall, Tim Ambrose, Elizabeth M. Crooke, Elizabeth Crooke, Elaine Heumann Gurian, Louise Ravelli & Richard Sandell - 2005 - Political Theory 56:D47.
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    Mutual exclusivity in autism spectrum disorders: Testing the pragmatic hypothesis.Ashley de Marchena, Inge-Marie Eigsti, Amanda Worek, Kim Emiko Ono & Jesse Snedeker - 2011 - Cognition 119 (1):96-113.
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    Explaining metamers: Right degrees of freedom, not subjectivism.Michael T. Turvey, Virgil Whitmyer & Kevin Shockley - 2001 - Consciousness and Cognition 10 (1):105-116.
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    Individual differences in toddlers’ social understanding and prosocial behavior: disposition or socialization?Rebekkah L. Gross, Jesse Drummond, Emma Satlof-Bedrick, Whitney E. Waugh, Margarita Svetlova & Celia A. Brownell - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  34. Brill Online Books and Journals.Brent Dean Robbins, Jeronie H. Neyrey, William L. Petersen, P. W. da CarsonVan Der Horst & Jesse Sell - 2000 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 31 (2).
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    A new documentation system for congenital absent digits.Neil F. Jones & Jesse Kaplan - 2012 - In Zdravko Radman, The Hand. MIT Press. pp. 7--4.
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    Teaching ethical decision making: Adding a structuration dimension.Kristi Yuthas & Jesse F. Dillard - 1999 - Teaching Business Ethics 3 (4):337-359.
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    Bringing Together Species Observations: A Case Story of Sweden’s Biodiversity Informatics Infrastructures.Jesse D. Peterson, Dick Kasperowski & René van der Wal - 2023 - Minerva 61 (2):265-289.
    Biodiversity informatics produces global biodiversity knowledge through the collection and analysis of biodiversity data using informatics techniques. To do so, biodiversity informatics relies upon data accrual, standardization, transferability, openness, and “invisible” infrastructure. What biodiversity informatics mean to society, however, cannot be adequately understood without recognizing what organizes biodiversity data. Using insights from science and technology studies, we story the organizing “visions” behind the growth of biodiversity informatics infrastructures in Sweden—an early adopter of digital technologies and significant contributor to global biodiversity (...)
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    Design algorithms in automata languages : final report.Arthur W. Burks, J. Richard B.??chi, Calvin C. Elgot & Jesse B. Wright - unknown
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    What Makes Something Fashionable?Anya Farennikova & Jesse Prinz - 2011 - In Fritz Allhoff, Jessica Wolfendale & Jeanette Kennett, Fashion - Philosophy for Everyone: Thinking with Style. Wiley. pp. 13–30.
    This chapter contains sections titled: What Can Be Fashionable? From Pugs to Poodle Skirts Do Masses Matter? Robinson Crusoe's Runway Do Experts Matter? Khaki Glory Do Intentions Matter? Accidental Chic Do Aesthetics Matter? Form Over Function Does Identity Matter? Tribal Colors Does Timing Matter? To Everything, There is a Season Conclusion: What Matters?
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    CLASH's life history foundations.Willem E. Frankenhuis, Jesse Fenneman, Jean-Louis van Gelder & Irene Godoy - 2017 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 40.
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  41. (1 other version)A Modern Art of Education Fourteen Lectures Given in Ilkley, Yorkshire, 5th-17th August, 1923. --.Rudolf Steiner, George Adams & Jesse Darrell - 1972
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  42. Interactive Effects of Racial Identity and Repetitive Head Impacts on Cognitive Function, Structural MRI-Derived Volumetric Measures, and Cerebrospinal Fluid Tau and Aβ.Michael L. Alosco, Yorghos Tripodis, Inga K. Koerte, Jonathan D. Jackson, Alicia S. Chua, Megan Mariani, Olivia Haller, Éimear M. Foley, Brett M. Martin, Joseph Palmisano, Bhupinder Singh, Katie Green, Christian Lepage, Marc Muehlmann, Nikos Makris, Robert C. Cantu, Alexander P. Lin, Michael Coleman, Ofer Pasternak, Jesse Mez, Sylvain Bouix, Martha E. Shenton & Robert A. Stern - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
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    Thomas Aquinas.Martin Grabmann & Virgil Michel - 1929 - Philosophical Review 38 (6):615-617.
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    Journalism and the Philosophy of Truth: Beyond Objectivity and Balance.Jesse Owen Hearns-Branaman - 2016 - Routledge.
    This book bridges a gap between discussions about truth, human understanding, and epistemology in philosophical circles, and debates about objectivity, bias, and truth in journalism. It examines four major philosophical theories in easy to understand terms while maintaining a critical insight which is fundamental to the contemporary study of journalism. The book aims to move forward the discussion of truth in the news media by dissecting commonly used concepts such as bias, objectivity, balance, fairness, in a philosophically-grounded way, drawing on (...)
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    Literatur.Gudrun Heinrich, Eckhard Jesse & Johannes Schillo - 2021 - Polis 25 (1):32-34.
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    Law, ethics, and medicine: essays in honour of Peter Skegg.Mark Henaghan, Jesse Wall, P. D. G. Skegg & Ron Paterson (eds.) - 2016 - Wellington [New Zealand]: Thomson Reuters New Zealand.
    Described as one of the two fathers of medical law, Professor Peter Skegg has been a leading figure in the study of law and medicine. Over a 46 year academic career at the University of Auckland, University of Oxford, and the University of Otago, Professor Skegg has helped develop the field of medical law into a burgeoning academic discipline and has provided intellectual guardianship for the practice of law and medicine. This collection brings together contemporaries, colleagues, and former students of (...)
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    Institutional Predictors of the Adoption of Employee Social Media Policies.Ivana Pais, Jesse Segers, Mariam El Ouirdi & Asma El Ouirdi - 2015 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 35 (5-6):134-144.
    The importance of employee social media policies is recognized in today’s increasingly connected organizations. Yet these policies are adopted at varying rates in different sectors and geographical regions. In the present study, an institutional approach was employed to investigate the predictors of the adoption of employee social media policies by organizations. Six predictors were examined, namely, organizational size, industry, and the national culture dimensions of power distance, individualism, masculinity, and uncertainty avoidance. Results of a logistic regression analysis of 558 online (...)
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    Theory of Logical Nets.Arthur W. Burks & Jesse B. Wright - 1954 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 19 (2):141-142.
  49. Haidt & Graham --.Jonathan Haidt & Jesse Graham - unknown
    Most academic efforts to understand morality and ideology come from theorists who limit the domain of morality to issues related to harm and fairness. For such theorists, conservative beliefs are puzzles requiring non-moral explanations. In contrast, we present moral foundations theory, which broadens the moral domain to match the anthropological literature on morality. We extend the theory by integrating it with a review of the sociological constructs of community, authority, and sacredness, as formulated by Emile Durkheim and others. We present (...)
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  50. On Art, Religion, Philosophy Introductory Lectures to the Realm of Absolute Spirit.Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel & Jesse Glenn Gray (eds.) - 1970 - Harper & Row.
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