Results for 'Jerri Daboo'

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  1.  30
    The Routledge Companion to Performance Philosophy.Laura Cull Ó Maoilearca, Alice Lagaay, Ira Avneri, Freddie Rokem, Jerri Daboo, Michael Ellison, Hannah McClure, Andres Fabien Henao Castro, David Kornhaber, Anthony Gritten, Laura Cull ó Maoilearca, Sreenath Nair, Will Daddario, Esther Neff, Yelena Gluzman, Fumi Okiji & Theron Schmidt (eds.) - 2020 - Routledge.
    The Routledge Companion to Performance Philosophy is a volume of especially commissioned critical essays, conversations, collaborative, creative and performative writing mapping the key contexts, debates, methods, discourses and practices in this developing field. Firstly, the collection offers new insights on the fundamental question of how thinking happens: where, when, how and by whom philosophy is performed. Secondly, it provides a plurality of new accounts of performance and performativity as the production of ideas, bodies and knowledges in the arts and beyond. (...)
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  2. Interview - Jerry Fodor.Jerry Fodor - 2008 - The Philosophers' Magazine 40 (40):40-41.
    Jerry Fodor is one of the leading philosophers of mind and language in the world today. He is best known for his work developing two theses which give theirnames to his books The Modularity of Mind and The Language of Thought. He teaches philosophy at Rutgers and at the CUNY Graduate Center.
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    Situations and Attitudes.Jerry Butterfield - 1986 - Philosophical Quarterly 36 (143):292-296.
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  4. Lot 2: The Language of Thought Revisited.Jerry A. Fodor - 2008 - New York: Oxford University Press. Edited by Jerry A. Fodor.
    Jerry Fodor presents a new development of his famous Language of Thought hypothesis, which has since the 1970s been at the centre of interdisciplinary debate about how the mind works. Fodor defends and extends the groundbreaking idea that thinking is couched in a symbolic system realized in the brain. This idea is central to the representational theory of mind which Fodor has established as a key reference point in modern philosophy, psychology, and cognitive science. The foundation stone of our present (...)
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  5. The Mind Doesn’T Work That Way: The Scope and Limits of Computational Psychology.Jerry A. Fodor - 2000 - MIT Press.
    Jerry Fodor argues against the widely held view that mental processes are largely computations, that the architecture of cognition is massively modular, and...
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  6. Representations: philosophical essays on the foundations of cognitive science.Jerry A. Fodor - 1981 - Cambridge: MIT Press.
    Introduction: Something on the State of the Art 1 I. Functionalism and Realism 1. Operationalism and Ordinary Language 35 2. The Appeal to Tacit Knowledge in Psychological Explanations 63 3. What Psychological States are Not 79 4. Three Cheers for Propositional Attitudes 100 II. Reduction and Unity of Science 5. Special Sciences 127 6. Computation and Reduction 146 III. Intensionality and Mental Representation 7. Propositional Attitudes 177 8. Tom Swift and His Procedural Grandmother 204 9. Methodological Solipsism Considered as a (...)
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    Adam Smith in His Time and Ours: Designing the Decent Society.Jerry Z. Muller - 1995 - Princeton University Press.
    Counter to the popular impression that Adam Smith was a champion of selfishness and greed, Jerry Muller shows that the Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations maintained that markets served to promote the well-being of ...
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  8. Adam Smith's Moral Philosophy: A Historical and Contemporary Perspective on Markets, Law, Ethics, and Culture.Jerry Evensky - 2005 - Cambridge University Press.
    Adam Smith is the best known among economists for his book, The Wealth of Nations, often viewed as the keystone of modern economic thought. For many he has become associated with a quasi-libertarian laissez-faire philosophy. Others, often heterodox economists and social philosophers, on the contrary, focus on Smith's Theory of Moral Sentiments, and explore his moral theory. There has been a long debate about the relationship or lack thereof between these, his two great works. This work treats these dimensions of (...)
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  9. Argumentative design.Jerry E. B. Andriessen & Baruch B. Schwarz - 2009 - In Nathalie Muller Mirza & Anne Nelly Perret-Clermont, Argumentation and education. New York: Springer.
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  10. Concepts: Where Cognitive Science Went Wrong.Jerry A. Fodor - 1998 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    The renowned philosopher Jerry Fodor, a leading figure in the study of the mind for more than twenty years, presents a strikingly original theory on the basic constituents of thought. He suggests that the heart of cognitive science is its theory of concepts, and that cognitive scientists have gone badly wrong in many areas because their assumptions about concepts have been mistaken. Fodor argues compellingly for an atomistic theory of concepts, deals out witty and pugnacious demolitions of rival theories, and (...)
  11.  53
    Special Sciences Jerry Fodor.Jerry Fodor - 1991 - In Richard Boyd, Philip Gasper & J. D. Trout, The Philosophy of Science. MIT Press. pp. 429.
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  12. (1 other version)Special sciences (or: The disunity of science as a working hypothesis).Jerry Fodor - 1974 - Synthese 28 (2):97-115.
  13. (1 other version)The Elm and the Expert: Mentalese and Its Semantics.Jerry A. Fodor - 1994 - MIT Press.
    This book is largely a reconsideration of the arguments that are supposed to ground this consensus.
  14.  62
    Labor's view of quality of working life programs.Jerry Wurf - 1982 - Journal of Business Ethics 1 (2):131 - 137.
    The quality of working life and the quality of business ethics cannot be separated. In the private sector, the profit priority motivates most employer behavior, which can be characterized as mean and rationalistic. Management-initiated quality of life programs are usually disguised attempts to achieve a speedup. From the union perspective, fair wages and working conditions are synonymous with the quality of working life, and unions pursue these through collective bargaining, which is essentially adversarial in both the public and private sectors. (...)
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  15. The Psychology of Language: An Introduction to Psycholinguistics and Generative Grammar.Jerry Fodor, Bever A., Garrett T. G. & F. M. - 1974 - Mcgraw-Hill.
  16. Methodological solipsism considered as a research strategy in cognitive psychology.Jerry A. Fodor - 1979 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 3 (1):63-73.
    The paper explores the distinction between two doctrines, both of which inform theory construction in much of modern cognitive psychology: the representational theory of mind and the computational theory of mind. According to the former, propositional attitudes are to be construed as relations that organisms bear to mental representations. According to the latter, mental processes have access only to formal (nonsemantic) properties of the mental representations over which they are defined.The following claims are defended: (1) That the traditional dispute between (...)
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  17. The Language of Thought.Jerry Fodor - 1975 - Harvard University Press.
  18. Psychosemantics: The Problem of Meaning in the Philosophy of Mind.Jerry A. Fodor - 1987 - MIT Press. Edited by Margaret A. Boden.
    Preface 1 Introduction: The Persistence of the Attitudes 2 Individualism and Supervenience 3 Meaning Holism 4 Meaning and the World Order Epilogue Creation Myth Appendix Why There Still Has to be a Language of Thought Notes References Author Index.
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  19. Hume Variations.Jerry A. Fodor - 2003 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    Hume? Yes, David Hume, that's who Jerry Fodor looks to for help in advancing our understanding of the mind. Fodor claims his Treatise of Human Nature as the foundational document of cognitive science: it launched the project of constructing an empirical psychology on the basis of a representational theory of mind. Going back to this work after more than 250 years we find that Hume is remarkably perceptive about the components and structure that a theory of mind requires. Careful study (...)
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    Interpretation as abduction.Jerry R. Hobbs, Mark E. Stickel, Douglas E. Appelt & Paul Martin - 1993 - Artificial Intelligence 63 (1-2):69-142.
  21.  24
    What Darwin got wrong.Jerry A. Fodor - 2010 - New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux. Edited by Massimo Piattelli-Palmarini.
    This book dares to challenge natural selection--not in the name of religion but in the name of good science. Most scientists are so terrified of religious attacks on the theory of evolution that it is never examined critically. There are significant scientific and philosophical problems with the theory of natural selection. Darwin claimed the factors that determine the course of evolution are very largely environmental. Empirical results in biology are increasingly calling this thesis into question. The authors show that Darwinism (...)
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  22.  31
    Formal Theories of the Commonsense World.Jerry R. Hobbs & Robert C. Moore (eds.) - 1985 - Intellect Books.
    This volume is a collection of original contributions about the core knowledge in fundamental domains. It includes work on naive physics, such as formal specifications of intuitive theories of spatial relations, time causality, substance and physical objects, and on naive psychology.
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    Doubts about Death: The Silence of the Institute of Medicine.Jerry Menikoff - 1998 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 26 (2):157-165.
    Traditionally, organ retrieval from cadavers has taken place only in cases where the declaration of death has occurred using “brain death” criteria. Under these criteria, specific tests are performed to demonstrate directly a lack of brain activity. Recently, as a result of efforts to increase organ procurement, attention has been directed at the use of so-called “non-heart-beating” donors : individuals who are declared dead not as a result of direct measurements of brain function, but rather as a result of the (...)
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  24.  13
    Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations: A Reader's Guide.Jerry Evensky - 2015 - Cambridge University Press.
    Adam Smith's The Wealth of Nations is regarded by many as the most important text in the history of economics. Jerry Evensky's analysis of this landmark book walks the reader through the five 'Books' of The Wealth of Nations, analyzing Smith's terms and assumptions and how they are developed into statements about economic processes in Book I, his representation of the dynamics of economics systems in Book II, and his empirical case for his model in Book III. With that framework (...)
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    Stability in geometric theories.Jerry Gagelman - 2005 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 132 (2-3):313-326.
    The class of geometric surgical theories is examined. The main theorem is that every stable theory that is interpretable in a geometric surgical theory is superstable of finite U-rank.
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  26. Fodor’s Guide to Mental Representation: The Intelligent Auntie’s Vade-Mecum.Jerry A. Fodor - 1985 - Mind 94 (373):76-100.
  27.  44
    Ethical Conflicts Confronted by Librarians in News Media.Jerry Bornstein - 1999 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 14 (3):159-170.
    This article attempts to provide empirical assessment of the nature and extent of ethical dilemmas confronted by librarians working in the news media. Sixty-eight librarians randomly selected from the membership of the News Division of the Special Libraries Association were surveyed to identify prevailing ethical attitudes, specific ethical problems, and the frequency with which those problems were encountered on the job. The study found a widespread concern about ethical issues among news librarians; 9 widely experienced ethical dilemmas; and although ethical (...)
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  28.  19
    The Pythia’s Drunken Song: Thomas Carlyle’s Sartor Resartus and the Style Problem in German Idealist Philosophy.Jerry A. Dibble - 1978 - Martinus Nijhoff.
    CHAPTER I THE HISTORICAL BACKGROUND OF SARTOR RESARTUS He is writing a book on metaphysics, and is really cut out for it; the clearness with which he thinks ...
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    Sectarianism Without Perfection? Quong's Political Liberalism.Jerry Gaus - 2012 - Philosophy and Public Issues - Filosofia E Questioni Pubbliche 2 (1).
  30. The Modularity of Mind: An Essay on Faculty Psychology.Jerry A. Fodor - 1983 - Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
    One of the most notable aspects of Fodor's work is that it articulates features not only of speculative cognitive architectures but also of current research in ...
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  31. The specificity of language skills.Jerry A. Fodor, Thomas G. Bever & Mary Garrett - 1974 - In Jerry Fodor, Bever A., Garrett T. G. & F. M., The Psychology of Language: An Introduction to Psycholinguistics and Generative Grammar. Mcgraw-Hill.
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    Social Contracting in a Pluralist Process of Moral Sense Making: A Dialogic Twist on the ISCT.Jerry M. Calton - 2006 - Journal of Business Ethics 68 (3):329-346.
    This paper applies Wempe’s (2005, Business Ethics Quarterly 15(1), 113–135) boundary conditions that define the external and internal logics for contractarian business ethics theory, as a system of argumentation for evaluating current or prospective institutional arrangements for arriving at the “good life,” based on the principles and practices of social justice. It does so by showing that a more dynamic, process-oriented, and pluralist ‘dialogic twist’ to Donaldson and Dunfee’s (2003, ‘Social Contracts: sic et non’, in P. Heugens, H. van Oosterhout (...)
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  33. Argumentation in higher education: examples of actual practices with argumentation tools.Jerry E. B. Andriessen - 2009 - In Nathalie Muller Mirza & Anne Nelly Perret-Clermont, Argumentation and education. New York: Springer. pp. 195--214.
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  34.  60
    Coherence and Coreference.Jerry R. Hobbs - 1979 - Cognitive Science 3 (1):67-90.
    Coherence in conversations and in texts can be partially characterized by a set of coherence relations, motivated ultimately by the speaker's or writer's need to be understood. In this paper, formal definitions are given for several coherence relations, based on the operations of an inference system; that is, the relations between successive portions of a discourse are characterized in terms of the inferences that can be drawn from each. In analyzing a discourse, it is frequently the case that we would (...)
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  35. Coherence and connectivity.Jerry Samet & Roger Schank - 1984 - Linguistics and Philosophy 7 (1):57 - 82.
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  36.  12
    Practicing mindfulness: finding calm and focus in your everyday life.Jerry Braza - 2020 - North Clarendon, VT: Tuttle Publishing. Edited by Nhá̂t Hạnh.
    Learning to live mindfully moment by moment by moment... lifelong educator and mindfulness pioneer Jerry Braza is the ideal companion on the path to more abundant living. Follow his lead as he lays the foundation for a more peaceful and productive life. Applying mindful practices to our daily lives enhances our personal relationships, happiness, health, and well-being. Are you living for this moment or the next? Practicing Mindfulness opens the way to a more engaged existence in the here and now."--Back (...)
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    Diploma of Whiteness: Race and Social Policy in Brazil, 1917–1945.Jerry Dávila - 2003 - Duke University Press.
    In Brazil, the country with the largest population of African descent in the Americas, the idea of race underwent a dramatic shift in the first half of the twentieth century. Brazilian authorities, who had considered race a biological fact, began to view it as a cultural and environmental condition. Jerry Dávila explores the significance of this transition by looking at the history of the Rio de Janeiro school system between 1917 and 1945. He demonstrates how, in the period between the (...)
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    Individual and Organizational Reintegration after Ethical and Legal Transgressions in advance.Jerry Goodstein, Ken Butterfield, Mike Pfarrer & Andy Wicks - 2014 - Business Ethics Quarterly 24 (3):315-342.
    In this article we set the context for this special issue focusing on individual and organizational reintegration in the aftermath of transgressions that violate ethical and legal boundaries. Following a brief introduction to the topic we provide an overview of each of the four articles selected for this special issue. We then present a number of potentially fruitful empirical, theoretical, and normative directions management and ethics scholars might pursue in order to further advance this evolving literature.
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    What the papers say: The influence of immunoglobulin genes in lymphoid oncogenesis.Jerry M. Adams - 1986 - Bioessays 4 (6):267-269.
    Illuminating insights into lymphoid oncogenesis came with the finding that the chromosome translocations characteristic of many tumors of immunoglobulin‐producing cells represent conjunction of an immunoglobulin gene locus with the myc oncogene. The potency of this combination has been underlined by recent studies in which DNA regions mimicking certain chromosome junctions of lymphomas were shown to be highly tumorigenic when inserted into the mouse germline. Nevertheless, the mechanism by which an immunoglobulin locus activates the oncogene remains largely an enigma, particularly in (...)
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    An Aesthetics for Art Educators.Jerry G. Smoke - 1994 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 28 (1):103.
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    Introducing Art History: A Guide for Teachers.Jerry G. Smoke & Michael J. McCarthy - 1980 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 14 (4):111.
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  42. Deconstructing Dennett’s Darwin.Jerry Fodor - 1996 - Mind and Language 11 (3):246-262.
    Daniel Dennett’s book, Darwin’s Dangerous Idea, offers a naturalistic teleology and a theory of the intentionality of the mental. Both are grounded in a neo-Darwinian account of evolutionary adaptation. I argue that Dennett’s empirical assumptions about the evolution of psychological phenotypes may well be unwarranted; and that, in any event, the intentionality of minds is quite different from, and not reducible to, the intensionality of selection.
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    The church as a transformation and change agent.Jerry Pillay - 2017 - HTS Theological Studies 73 (3):1-12.
    This article traces the historical impact of the church in transforming, developing and changing society. It looks at how the church in selected periods in history, mainly in the reformation era, worked towards the transformation of society and communities. Extracting from these the author attempts to show how this can be applied to the church in the South African context. Further, the author explores the changing dynamics and characteristics of being church today and establishes that it is not so much (...)
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  44. Representations: Philosophical Essays on the Foundations of Cognitive Science.Jerry A. Fodor - 1983 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 34 (2):175-182.
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  45.  24
    The Regulation of COVID-19 “Challenge” Studies.Jerry Menikoff - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 20 (7):80-82.
    Volume 20, Issue 7, July 2020, Page 80-82.
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  46. Making mind matter more.Jerry A. Fodor - 1989 - Philosophical Topics 17 (11):59-79.
  47. A Reply to Churchland’s “Perceptual Plasticity and Theoretical Neutrality‘.Jerry A. Fodor - 1988 - Philosophy of Science 55 (June):188-98.
    Churchland's paper "Perceptual Plasticity and Theoretical Neutrality" offers empirical, semantical and epistemological arguments intended to show that the cognitive impenetrability of perception "does not establish a theory-neutral foundation for knowledge" and that the psychological account of perceptual encapsulation that I set forth in The Modularity of Mind "[is] almost certainly false". The present paper considers these arguments in detail and dismisses them.
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  48.  52
    From Those to Whom Much Has Been Given, Much is Expected.Jerry Organ - 2004 - Journal of Catholic Social Thought 1 (2):361-415.
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    A component analysis of natural language mediators obtained in paired-associate learning.Jerry M. Owens, Pamela R. Werder & Philip H. Marshall - 1974 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 4 (5):512-514.
  50. Connectionism and cognitive architecture: A critical analysis.Jerry A. Fodor & Zenon W. Pylyshyn - 1988 - Cognition 28 (1-2):3-71.
    This paper explores the difference between Connectionist proposals for cognitive a r c h i t e c t u r e a n d t h e s o r t s o f m o d e l s t hat have traditionally been assum e d i n c o g n i t i v e s c i e n c e . W e c l a i m t h a t t h (...)
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