Results for 'Jennifer Mitzen'

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  1.  4
    The Politics of Pedagogy: The Problem of Order in the IR Classroom.Jennifer Mitzen - 2024 - Ethics and International Affairs 38 (2):180-188.
    The Hobbesian problem of order has been central to international relations (IR) pedagogy. What are the political implications of this pedagogy? Giving students conceptual tools to understand world politics feels vital in this moment of anxiety about the erosion of the current international order. But some of the deepest threats to international order are rooted in a multiplicity of justice claims. IR's explanatory orientation, and the many biases underlying its anchoring concepts, limit our ability as educators to make sense of (...)
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    International legitimacy and world society - by Ian Clark.Jennifer Mitzen - 2008 - Ethics and International Affairs 22 (2):223–225.
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    Power in Concert: The Nineteenth-Century Origins of Global Governance, Jennifer Mitzen , 280 pp., $90 cloth, $32.50 paper. [REVIEW]Andreas Osiander - 2015 - Ethics and International Affairs 29 (1):111-113.
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  4. Factive and nonfactive mental state attribution.Jennifer Nagel - 2017 - Mind and Language 32 (5):525-544.
    Factive mental states, such as knowing or being aware, can only link an agent to the truth; by contrast, nonfactive states, such as believing or thinking, can link an agent to either truths or falsehoods. Researchers of mental state attribution often draw a sharp line between the capacity to attribute accurate states of mind and the capacity to attribute inaccurate or “reality-incongruent” states of mind, such as false belief. This article argues that the contrast that really matters for mental state (...)
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  5. Politically Significant Terms and Philosophy of Language.Jennifer Saul - 2012 - In Anita M. Superson & Sharon L. Crasnow (eds.), Out from the Shadows: Analytical Feminist Contributions to Traditional Philosophy. New York, US: Oxford University Press.
    Philosophers of language have tended to focus on examples that are not politically significant in any way. We spend a lot of time analyzing natural kind terms: We think hard about “water” and “pain” and “arthritis.” But we don’t think much about the far more politically significant kind terms (natural or social—it's a matter for dispute) like “race,” “sex,” “gender,” “woman,” “man,” “gay,” and “straight.” In this essay, I will try to show, using the example of “woman,” that it's worth (...)
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  6. (1 other version)Normative Uncertainty without Theories.Jennifer Rose Carr - 2020 - Tandf: Australasian Journal of Philosophy 98 (4):747-762.
    Volume 98, Issue 4, December 2020, Page 747-762.
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    How to Be an Ethical Naturalist.Jennifer A. Frey - 2018 - In John Hacker-Wright (ed.), Philippa Foot on Goodness and Virtue. Springer Verlag. pp. 47-84.
    The ethical naturalist asks us to take seriously the idea that practical norms are a species of natural norms, such that moral goodness is a kind of natural goodness. The ethical naturalist has not demonstrated, however, how it is possible for a power of reason to be governed by natural norms, because her own attempts to do this have led her into a dilemma. If she takes the first horn and stresses that ethical naturalism provides objective, natural norms of the (...)
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  8. Reasons for Trying.Jennifer Hornsby - 1995 - Journal of Philosophical Research 20:525-539.
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    Kant on the motive of (imperfect) duty.Jennifer Ryan Lockhart - 2017 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 60 (6):569-603.
    This paper argues that Kantians face a little discussed problem in accounting for how actions that fulfill imperfect duties can be morally motivated. It is widely agreed that actions that are performed from the motive of duty are performed through a recognition of the objective necessity of the action. It is also generally held that the objective necessity of an action consists in its rational non-optionality. Many actions that fulfill imperfect duties, however, are rationally optional. Given these constraints, it is (...)
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  10. What luck is not.Jennifer Lackey - 2008 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 86 (2):255 – 267.
    In this paper, I critically examine the two dominant views of the concept of luck in the current literature: lack of control accounts and modal accounts. In particular, I argue that the conditions proposed by such views—that is, a lack of control and the absence of counterfactual robustness—are neither necessary nor sufficient for an event's being lucky. Hence, I conclude that the two main accounts in the current literature both fail to capture what is distinctive of, and central to, the (...)
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  11. Anscombe on Practical Knowledge and the Good.Jennifer A. Frey - 2019 - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy 6.
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  12. Group Assertion.Jennifer Lackey - 2018 - Erkenntnis 83 (1):21-42.
    In this paper, I provide the framework for an account of group assertion. On my view, there are two kinds of group assertion, coordinated and authority-based, with authority-based group assertion being the core notion. I argue against a deflationary view, according to which a group’s asserting is understood in terms of individual assertions, by showing that a group can assert a proposition even when no individual does. Instead, I argue on behalf of an inflationary view, according to which it is (...)
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  13. Knowledge Is Not Enough.Jennifer Nado - 2017 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 95 (4):658-672.
    Discussions of the role of intuition in philosophical methodology typically proceed within the knowledge-centred framework of mainstream analytic epistemology. Either implicitly or explicitly, the primary questions in metaphilosophy frequently seem to revolve around whether or not intuition is a source of justification, evidence, or knowledge. I argue that this Standard Framework is inappropriate for methodological purposes: the epistemic standards that govern inquiry in philosophy are more stringent than the standards that govern everyday cognition. The experimentalist should instead view her criticisms (...)
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  14. Perverse and Necessary Dialogues in African Philosophy.Jennifer Lisa Vest - 2009 - Thought and Practice: A Journal of the Philosophical Association of Kenya 1 (2):1-23.
    This article examines the concerns and debates that have arisen in African philosophy over the last few decades, and asks whether it continues to be necessary for African philosophy to take on what the author calls “perverse questions” or “perverse preoccupations” with the West. The author argues that to engage and respond to questions about the intellectual capabilities of African thinkers or the possible existence of philosophical resources in African cultures is to respond to perverse questions. To engage in academic (...)
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  15. Revisiting Modern Moral Philosophy.Jennifer A. Frey - 2020 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 87:61-83.
    This essay revisits Elizabeth Anscombe's ‘Modern Moral Philosophy' with two goals in mind. The first is to recover and reclaim its radical vision, by setting forth a unified account of its three guiding theses. On the interpretation advanced here, Anscombe's three theses are not independently intelligible; their underlying unity is the perceived necessity of absolute prohibitions for any sound account of practical reason. The second goal is to show that Anscombe allows for a thoroughly unmodern sense of ‘moral' that applies (...)
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  16. Eyewitness testimony and epistemic agency.Jennifer Lackey - 2021 - Noûs 56 (3):696-715.
    Eyewitness testimony is a powerful form of evidence, and this is especially true in the United States criminal legal system. At the same time, eyewitness misidentification is the greatest contributing factor to wrongful convictions proven by DNA testing. In this paper, I offer a close examination of this tension between the enormous epistemic weight that eyewitness testimony is afforded in the United States criminal legal system and the fact that there are important questions about its reliability as a source of (...)
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  17. Assertion and Expertise.Jennifer Lackey - 2016 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 92 (2):509-517.
    A reply to Matthew A. Benton, "Expert Opinion and Second‐Hand Knowledge," Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 92 (2016): 492-508.
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  18. Causing Actions.Jennifer Hornsby - 2002 - Mind 111 (441):159-161.
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    Black Feminist Bioethics: Centering Community to Ask Better Questions.Jennifer Elyse James - 2022 - Hastings Center Report 52 (S1):21-23.
    Hastings Center Report, Volume 52, Issue S1, Page S21-S23, March‐April 2022.
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  20. When Do People Not Protest Unfairness? The Case of Skin Color Discrimination.Jennifer Hochschild - 2006 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 73 (2):473-498.
    The evidence is clear and consistent that African Americans and Hispanics are treated differently depending on their skin color within their racial or ethnic group, and yet the surveys that show these results also show very few political or political-psychological patterns as a result of skin color. To investigate why this is so, this paper uses the fact that discriminatory treatment by skin color does not necessarily result in political action or perceptions around that discrimination to raise the larger question (...)
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    Contingent transcranialism and deep functional cognitive integration: The case of human emotional ontogenesis.Jennifer Greenwood - 2013 - Philosophical Psychology 26 (3):420-436.
    Contingent transcranialists claim that the physical mechanisms of mind are not exclusively intracranial and that genuine cognitive systems can extend into cognizers' physical and socio-cultural environments. They further claim that extended cognitive systems must include the deep functional integration of external environmental resources with internal neural resources. They have found it difficult, however, to explicate the precise nature of such deep functional integration and provide compelling examples of it. Contingent intracranialists deny that extracranial resources can be components of genuine extended (...)
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  22. The He, She, and It of God: Translating Saint Augustine’s Gendered Latin God-talk into English.Hockenbery Jennifer - 2005 - Augustinian Studies 36 (2):433-444.
    This article analyzes the philosophical reasons behind Augustine's use of gendered pronouns for God in the corpus of his works. As a Roman rhetorician and African preacher and bishop, Augustine's thoughtful use of he, she, and it for God corresponds to ideas about the nature of the divine and the relationship of the divine to the believer. The article argues for a literal translation of Augustine's pronouns in order that his subtle philosophical and theological claims not be lost in translation.
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  23. Illuminating the Ethos of an Artist.Jennifer Scuro - 2004 - International Studies in Philosophy 36 (2):95-117.
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  24. Between Sense and Thought.Jennifer Mensch - 2005 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 10 (1):81-93.
    Focusing on the account of synthesis in Kant’s Transcendental Deduction allows us to see a greater degree of compatibility between the two editions of theCritique of Pure Reason than is sometimes thought. The first Deduction shows that while it emphasizes an account of empirical synthesis it also includes a more properly transcendental account of the synthetic unity required for cognition. The second edition simply focuses on this feature of synthesis to the exclusion of the empirical. The result: a complete account (...)
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    Heidegger, Hölderlin, and the subject of poetic language: toward a new poetics of dasein.Jennifer Anna Gosetti-Ferencei - 2004 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    Heidegger's interpretations of the poetry of Hölderlin are central to Heidegger's later philosophy and have determined the mainstream reception of Hölderlin's poetry. Gosetti-Ferencei argues that Heidegger has overlooked central elements in Hölderlin's poetics, such as a Kantian understanding of aesthetic subjectivity and a commitment to Enlightenment ideals. These elements, she argues, resist the more politically distressing aspects of Heidegger's interpretations, including Heidegger's nationalist valorization of the German language and sense of nationhood, or Heimat.In the context of Hölderlin's poetics of alienation, (...)
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    Who Owes What to War Refugees.Jennifer Kling - 2016 - Journal of Global Ethics 12 (3):327-346.
    The suffering of war refugees is often regarded as a wrong-less harm. Although war refugees have been made worse off in severe ways, they have not been wronged, because no one intentionally caused their suffering. In military parlance, war refugees are collateral damage. As such, nothing is owed to them as a matter of justice, because their suffering is not the result of intentional wrongdoing; rather, it is the regrettable and unintended result of necessary and proportionate wartime actions. So, while (...)
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    The Sound of Slurs: Bad Sounds for Bad Words.Eric Mandelbaum, Jennifer Ware & Steve Young - 2024 - In Shaun Nichols & Joshua Knobe (eds.), Oxford Studies in Experimental Philosophy, Volume 5. Oxford University Press.
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  28. Thinking of Bhopal.Jennifer Scuro - 2008 - International Studies in Philosophy 40 (2):93-105.
    If, as Vandana Shiva has argued it in Biopiracy: The Plunder of Nature and Knowledge (1997), that ‘the new colonies are to be found in the bodies of women, plants and animals,’ then what are the new and not yet evidenced consequences of the efforts to make women ‘a site of passivity and negotiation’? There are little to no intergenerational studies of the impact of the chemical load on reproduction and future generations. The erosion of regenerative power, through exhaustive practices (...)
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  29. Being Relational: Reflections on Relational Theory and Health Law and Policy.Jocelyn Downie & Jennifer Lewellyn (eds.) - 2011 - University of British Columbia Press.
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  30. Does Hume hold a dispositional account of belief?Jennifer Smalligan Marušić - 2010 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 40 (2):155-183.
    Philosophical theories about the nature of belief can be roughly classified into two groups: those that treat beliefs as occurrent mental states or episodes and those that treat beliefs as dispositions. David Hume's A Treatise of Human Nature seems to contain a classic example of an occurrence theory of belief as he defines 'belief' as 'a lively idea related to or associated with a present impression' (Treatise 96). This definition suggests that believing is an occurrent mental state, such as (...)
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    Perceptions on using surplus embryos for the treatment of Parkinson’s disease among the Swedish population: a qualitative study.Jennifer Drevin & Åsa Grauman - 2022 - BMC Medical Ethics 23 (1):1-9.
    BackgroundHuman embryonic stem cells are currently used for developing treatment against Parkinson’s disease (PD). However, the use of ES cells is surrounded with moral concerns. Research regarding the public's attitudes can form an important basis for policymaking. The aim was to explore the perceptions of the public on using donated human embryos for developing treatment of Parkinson’s Disease.MethodsSemi-structured individual qualitative interviews were conducted with 11 members of the general population in Sweden. Interviews were analyzed with thematic content analyses.ResultsFour categories and (...)
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    Current Emotion Research in Social Neuroscience: How does emotion influence social cognition?Jennifer S. Beer - 2017 - Emotion Review 9 (2):172-180.
    Neuroscience investigations of emotional influences on social cognition have been dominated by the somatic marker hypothesis and dual-process theories. Taken together, these lines of inquiry have not provided strong evidence that emotional influences on social cognition rely on neural systems which code for bodily signals of arousal nor distinguish emotional reasoning from other modes of reasoning. Recent findings raise the possibility that emotionally influenced social cognition relies on two stages of neural changes: once when emotion is elicited and a different (...)
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    On ‘Facts Revisited’.Jennifer Hornsby - 2007 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 74 (2):406-412.
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    Philosophers and the Holocaust.Jennifer L. Eagan - 1997 - International Studies in Philosophy 29 (1):9-17.
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    The Strategic Samaritan.Jennifer Jordan, Daniel A. Diermeier & Adam D. Galinsky - 2012 - Business Ethics Quarterly 22 (4):621-648.
    This research examines how two dimensions of moral intensity involved in a corporation’s external crisis response—magnitude of effectiveness and interpersonal proximity—influence observer perceptions of and behavioral intentions toward the corporation. Across three studies, effectiveness decreased negative perceptions and increased pro-organizational intentions via ethical judgment of the response. Moreover, the two dimensions interacted such that a response high in proximity but low in effectiveness led to more negative perceptions and to less pro-organizational intentions. This interaction was particularly pronounced if the corporation (...)
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    Moral Judgments and the Analytic/Synthetic Distinction.Jennifer McCrickerd - 2001 - Journal of Philosophical Research 26:423-433.
    Hare shares with other critics an objection to the use of moral judgments in the method of reflective equilibrium. However, the reasoning behind his criticismdistinguishes it from the more common criticisms that the use of moral judgments is unwarranted because of their suspect origin. While these objections challenge the epistemic worth of moral beliefs, Hare’s objection goes beyond to also critique the deeper theoretical commitments of the method. Hare’s acceptance of a strict differentiation between the meaning and applications of words (...)
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    Borderlands: Towards an Anthropology of the Cosmopolitan Condition.Jennifer Reeve - 2016 - Environment, Space, Place 8 (2):144-147.
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    Revealing the mechanisms of human face perception using dynamic apertures.Jennifer Murphy & Richard Cook - 2017 - Cognition 169 (C):25-35.
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    Constitutivism and cognitivism.Jennifer Ryan Lockhart & Thomas Lockhart - 2022 - Philosophical Studies 179 (12):3705-3727.
    Constitutivism holds that an account of what a thing is yields those normative standards to which that thing is by nature subject. We articulate a minimal form of constitutivism that we call _formal, non-epistemological constitutivism_ which diverges from orthodox versions of constitutivism in two main respects. First: whereas orthodox versions of constitutivism hold that those ethical norms to which people are by nature subject are sui generis because of their special capacity to motivate action and legitimate criticism, we argue that (...)
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    The Semantic Foundations of White Fragility and the Consequences for Justice.Jennifer Kling & Leland Harper - 2020 - Res Philosophica 97 (2):325-344.
    This essay extends Robin DiAngelo’s concept of white fragility in two directions. First, we outline an additional cause of white fragility. The lack of proper terminology available to discuss race-based situations creates a semantic false dichotomy, which often results in an inability to discuss issues of racism in a way that is likely to have positive consequences, either for interpersonal relationships or for social and political change. Second, we argue that white fragility, with its semantic foundations, has serious consequences for (...)
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    Student Vitality, Teacher Engagement, and Rapport in Studio Music Instruction.Jennifer Blackwell, Peter Miksza, Paul Evans & Gary E. McPherson - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Teaching and learning guide for: Consciousness in sleep: How findings from sleep and dream research challenge our understanding of sleep, waking, and consciousness.Jennifer M. Windt - 2020 - Philosophy Compass 15 (9):e12694.
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  43. Why Even a Liberal Can Justify Limited Paternalistic Intervention in Anorexia Nervosa.Jennifer Hawkins - 2021 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 28 (2):155-158.
    Most adult persons with anorexia satisfy the existing criteria widely used to assess decision-making capacity, meaning that incapacity typically cannot be used to justify coercive intervention. After rejecting two other approaches to justification, Professor Radden concludes that it is most likely not possible to justify coercive medical intervention for persons with anorexia in liberal terms, though she leaves it open whether some other framework might succeed. I shall assume here that the standard approach to assessing decisionmaking capacity is adequate.1 The (...)
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    Refuting The Whole System? Hume's Attack on Popular Religion in The Natural History of Religion.Jennifer Smalligan Marušić - 2012 - Philosophical Quarterly 62 (249):715-736.
    There is reason for genuine puzzlement about Hume's aim in ‘The Natural History of Religion’. Some commentators take the work to be merely a causal investigation into the psychological processes and environmental conditions that are likely to give rise to the first religions, an investigation that has no significant or straightforward implications for the rationality or justification of religious belief. Others take the work to constitute an attack on the rationality and justification of religious belief in general. In contrast to (...)
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    Instilling hope and respecting patient autonomy: Reconciling apparently conflicting duties.Jennifer Beste - 2005 - Bioethics 19 (3):215–231.
    ABSTRACT In contemporary American medical practice, certain physicians are critical and wary of the current emphasis on patient autonomy in medicine, questioning whether it really serves the complex needs of severely ill patients. Physicians such as Eric Cassell and Thomas Duffy argue that the duty of beneficence should override the duty to respect autonomy when conflicts arise in clinical situations. After evaluating their claim that severe illness robs patients of their autonomy, I will argue that this perceived conflict between beneficence (...)
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    She works hard for the money: women in Kansas agriculture.Jennifer A. Ball - 2014 - Agriculture and Human Values 31 (4):593-605.
    Since 1997 there has been a significant increase in the number and percentage of Kansas farmers who are women. Using Reskin and Roos’ model of “job queues and gender queues” I analyze changes in the agricultural industry in Kansas that resulted in more women becoming “principal farm operators” in the state. I find there are three changes largely responsible for women increasing their representation in the occupation: an increase in the demand for niche products, a decrease in the average farm (...)
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    Microaggressions, Interrupted: The Experience and Effects of Gender Microaggressions for Women in STEM.Jennifer Y. Kim & Alyson Meister - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 185 (3):513-531.
    Women continue to remain underrepresented in STEM, and this gender disparity is particularly pronounced in leadership positions. Through in-depth, qualitative interviews of 39 women leaders in STEM, we identify common gender microaggressions they experience, and explore how these microaggressions affect their leadership experience and outcomes in the workplace. Our findings highlight five types of gender microaggressions women most often encounter, and how and when these microaggressions occur. We explore the negative impact that microaggressions can have on women’s work identities and (...)
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    Autour des Obligationes de Roger Swyneshed: La Nova responsio.E. Jennifer Ashworth - 1996 - Les Etudes Philosophiques:341-360.
    J'examine plusieurs sources selon lesquelles Swyneshed (malgré les prétentions d'Angel D'Ors dans ses articles récents) donne une nova responsio en partie sous forme de la règle « On peut nier une proposition conjonctive après avoir concédé ses deux parties. » Je montre que cette nova responsio est liée à un rejet de la règle « Chaque proposition qui suit de l'ensemble de propositions déjà concédées doit être concédée », et j'attribue ce rejet à une théorie selon laquelle une inférence se (...)
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    The superior colliculus: A window for viewing issues in integrative neuroscience.David L. Sparks & Jennifer M. Groh - 1995 - In Michael S. Gazzaniga (ed.), The Cognitive Neurosciences. MIT Press. pp. 565--584.
  50.  81
    Norms of criminal conviction.Jennifer Lackey - 2021 - Philosophical Issues 31 (1):188-209.
    Philosophical Issues, Volume 31, Issue 1, Page 188-209, October 2021.
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