Results for 'Jennifer Jeyaruby'

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  1.  19
    Periodontal knowledge and awareness among South Indian medical professionals: A questionnaire-based survey.G. Sivaram, Divya Kumar, Puja Hariepriya & Jennifer Jeyaruby - 2016 - Journal of Education and Ethics in Dentistry 6 (2):85.
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  2. What Is Justified Group Belief.Jennifer Lackey - 2016 - Philosophical Review 125 (3):341-396.
    This essay raises new objections to the two dominant approaches to understanding the justification of group beliefs—_inflationary_ views, where groups are treated as entities that can float freely from the epistemic status of their members’ beliefs, and _deflationary_ views, where justified group belief is understood as nothing more than the aggregation of the justified beliefs of the group's members. If this essay is right, we need to look in an altogether different place for an adequate account of justified group belief. (...)
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  3. Fundamentality And Modal Freedom.Jennifer Wang - 2016 - Philosophical Perspectives 30 (1):397-418.
    A fundamental entity is an entity that is ‘ontologically independent’; it does not depend on anything else for its existence or essence. It seems to follow that a fundamental entity is ‘modally free’ in some sense. This assumption, that fundamentality entails modal freedom (or ‘FEMF’ as I shall label the thesis), is used in the service of other arguments in metaphysics. But as I will argue, the road from fundamentality to modal freedom is not so straightforward. The defender of FEMF (...)
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  4. Rewriting the Soul: Multiple Personality and the Sciences of Memory.Jennifer Whiting - 1997 - Philosophical Review 106 (4):610.
    True to his longstanding bias against grand unifying theories, Hacking chooses to pursue these questions by focusing on a specific case of memory-thinking: the history of multiple personality. His excavation of the contemporary terrain leads him, however, to the surprisingly grand conclusion that the various sciences of memory—including neurological studies of localization, experimental studies of recall, and studies in the psychodynamics of memory—all emerged in connection with attempts to “scientize the soul,” as a result of which spiritual battles have been (...)
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  5. The Psychological Context of Contextualism.Jennifer Nagel & Julia Jael Smith - 2017 - In Jonathan Jenkins Ichikawa, The Routledge Handbook of Epistemic Contextualism. New York: Routledge.
  6. Demythologizing intuition.Jennifer Ellen Nado - 2017 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 60 (4):386-402.
    Max Deutsch’s new book argues against the commonly held ‘myth’ that philosophical methodology characteristically employs intuitions as evidence. While I am sympathetic to the general claim that philosophical methodology has been grossly oversimplified in the intuition literature, the particular claim that it is a myth that philosophers rely on intuitions as evidence is open to several very different interpretations. The plausibility and consequences of a rejection of the ‘myth’ will depend on the notion of evidence one employs, the notion of (...)
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    Melancholic Habits: Burton’s Anatomy and the Mind Sciences.Jennifer Radden - 2016 - New York, US: Oxford University Press USA.
    Jennifer Radden finds, within Robert Burton's religious and humoral explanations in his Anatomy of Melancholy, a remarkably coherent account of normal and abnormal psychology with echoes in modern day clinical psychology.
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    The Educator's Dual Role: Expressing Ideals While Educating in Nonideal Conditions.Jennifer M. Morton - 2016 - Educational Theory 66 (3):323-339.
    In this essay, Jennifer Morton discusses educators as central examples of agents who engage in ideal and nonideal ways of thinking. The educator, as a representative of the political community, is tasked with two aims. The first is nurturing students with the skills and knowledge they need for the world as they will find it. In pursuing this goal, the educator is assuming certain social facts, some of them unjust, that constitute the present nonideal world. The second aim is (...)
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  9. Representation and Explanation.Jennifer Wang - 2016 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 93 (2):462-468.
  10.  61
    Expediency, Legitimacy, and the Rule of Law: A Systems Perspective on Civil/Criminal Procedural Hybrids.Jennifer Hendry & Colin King - 2017 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 11 (4):733-757.
    In recent years an increasing quantity of UK legislation has introduced blended or ‘hybridised’ procedures that blur the previously clear demarcation between civil and criminal legal processes, typically on the grounds of normatively-motivated political expediency. This paper provides a critical perspective on instances of procedural hybridisation in order to illustrate that, first, the reliance upon civil law measures to remedy criminal law infractions can raise human rights issues and, second, that such instrumental criminal justice strategies deliberately circumvent the enhanced procedural (...)
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  11. Simple sentences, substitution, and intuitions.Jennifer Mather Saul - 2007 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Substitution and simple sentences -- Simple sentences and semantics -- Simple sentences and implicatures -- The enlightenment problem and a common assumption -- Abandoning (EOI) -- Beyond matching propositions -- App. A : extending the account -- App. B : belief reporting.
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    The multiattribute linear ballistic accumulator model of context effects in multialternative choice.Jennifer S. Trueblood, Scott D. Brown & Andrew Heathcote - 2014 - Psychological Review 121 (2):179-205.
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  13. Divided Minds and Successive Selves: Ethical Issues in Disorders of Identity and Personality.Jennifer Radden - 1996 - MIT Press.
    This book addresses these and a cluster of other questions about changes in the self through time and about the moral attitudes we adopt in the face of these...
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  14. The pragmatics of attitude ascription.Jennifer M. Saul - 1998 - Philosophical Studies 92 (3):363-389.
  15.  52
    Shared Health Governance.Jennifer Prah Ruger - 2011 - American Journal of Bioethics 11 (7):32 - 45.
    Health and Social Justice (Ruger 2009a) developed the ?health capability paradigm,? a conception of justice and health in domestic societies. This idea undergirds an alternative framework of social cooperation called ?shared health governance? (SHG). SHG puts forth a set of moral responsibilities, motivational aspirations, and institutional arrangements, and apportions roles for implementation in striving for health justice. This article develops further the SHG framework and explains its importance and implications for governing health domestically.
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  16. Intuition, philosophical theorising, and the threat of scepticism.Jennifer Ellen Nado - unknown
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    Global Health Justice and Governance.Jennifer Prah Ruger - 2012 - American Journal of Bioethics 12 (12):35-54.
    While there is a growing body of work on moral issues and global governance in the fields of global justice and international relations, little work has connected principles of global health justice with those of global health governance for a theory of global health. Such a theory would enable analysis and evaluation of the current global health system and would ethically and empirically ground proposals for reforming it to more closely align with moral values. Global health governance has been framed (...)
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    Modelling the effects of semantic ambiguity in word recognition.Jennifer M. Rodd, M. Gareth Gaskell & William D. Marslen-Wilson - 2004 - Cognitive Science 28 (1):89-104.
    Most words in English are ambiguous between different interpretations; words can mean different things in different contexts. We investigate the implications of different types of semantic ambiguity for connectionist models of word recognition. We present a model in which there is competition to activate distributed semantic representations. The model performs well on the task of retrieving the different meanings of ambiguous words, and is able to simulate data reported by Rodd, Gaskell, and Marslen‐Wilson [J. Mem. Lang. 46 (2002) 245] on (...)
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  19.  46
    The Misuse of Power, Not Bad Representation: Why It Is Beside the Point that No One Elected Oxfam.Jennifer C. Rubenstein - 2013 - Journal of Political Philosophy 22 (2):204-230.
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    Chancy accuracy and imprecise credence.Jennifer Carr - 2015 - Philosophical Perspectives 29 (1):67-81.
    Can we extend accuracy-based epistemic utility theory to imprecise credences? There's no obvious way of proceeding: some stipulations will be necessary for either (i) the notion of accuracy or (ii) the epistemic decision rule. With some prima facie plausible stipulations, imprecise credences are always required. With others, they’re always impermissible. Care is needed to reach the familiar evidential view of imprecise credence: that whether precise or imprecise credences are required depends on the character of one's evidence. I propose an epistemic (...)
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  21.  28
    The fragile nature of contextual preference reversals: Reply to Tsetsos, Chater, and Usher (2015).Jennifer S. Trueblood, Scott D. Brown & Andrew Heathcote - 2015 - Psychological Review 122 (4):848-853.
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    Distribution and emergency.Jennifer Rubenstein - 2007 - Journal of Political Philosophy 15 (3):296–320.
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  23. Ideology and perceptions of inequality.Denise Baron, Jennifer Sheehy-Skeffington & Nour Kteily - 2018 - In Bastiaan T. Rutjens & Mark J. Brandt, Belief systems and the perception of reality. New York: Taylor & Francis.
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    Thinking Again about Science in Technology.Jennifer Alexander - 2012 - Isis 103 (3):518-526.
    How to characterize the relationship between science and technology has been a sensitive issue for historians of technology. This essay uses a recent and controversial piece by Paul Forman as a springboard for reexamining the concept of applied science and asks whether “applied science” remains a useful term. Scholars have often taken “applied science” to mean the subordination of technological knowledge to scientific knowledge—and thus the subordination of history of technology to history of science. This essay argues that the historical (...)
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    Human Rhythm and Divine Rhythm in Ainu Epics.Francois Mace & Jennifer Curtiss Gage - 1998 - Diogenes 46 (181):31-42.
    The Ainu are still in existence, but their reduced numbers, now around 20,000, indicate how marginal their presence is even in Hokkaido, their ancestral territory. Moreover, they have undergone much metissage, in both ethnic and cultural terms. Legally, the Ainu do not yet constitute an indigenous ethnic minority; they have only recently obtained some gestures of recognition from the government, such as the interruption of a dam project on a ritual site. In 1994, for the first time in history, an (...)
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    Unintended thought and nonconscious inferences exist.James S. Uleman & Jennifer K. Uleman - 1990 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 13 (4):627-628.
  27.  67
    Woman as Vulnerable Self: The Trope of Maternity in Levinas's Otherwise Than Being.Jennifer Rosato - 2012 - Hypatia 27 (2):348-365.
    Much due criticism has been directed at Levinas's images of the feminine and “the Woman” in Time and the Other and Totality and Infinity, but less attention has been paid to the metaphor of maternity and the maternal body that Levinas employs in Otherwise Than Being. This metaphor should be of interest, however, because here we find an instance in which Levinas uses a female image without in any way seeming to exclude women from full ethical selfhood.In the first three (...)
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  28.  48
    From Bad Pharma to Good Pharma: Aligning Market Forces with Good and Trustworthy Practices through Accreditation, Certification, and Rating.Jennifer E. Miller - 2013 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 41 (3):601-610.
    Could an accreditation, certification, or rating mechanism help the pharmaceutical industry improve both its bioethical performance and its public reputation? Other industries have used such systems to assess, improve, distinguish, and demonstrate the quality of their services, processes, and products. These systems have also helped increase transparency, accountability, stakeholder confidence, and awareness of industry best practices. This article explains how market forces can be harnessed to recognize and promote better bioethical performance by pharmaceutical companies when there are good systems to (...)
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    Quine's Global Structuralism.Jennifer A. Rosner - 1996 - Dialectica 50 (3):235-242.
    summaryQuine's ontological relativity thesis requires that objects be treated as «neutral nodes» in the logical structure of our total theory of the world. It is by treating objects as neutral that we are able to vary ontology yet leave the evidential support of our theory undisturbed. In this article, I present arguments against the possibility of treating objects as neutral.
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    Camouflaged Collectives: Managing Stigma and Identity at Gun Events.Sarah Jane Blithe & Jennifer Lanterman - 2017 - Studies in Social Justice 11 (1):113-135.
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    The Historian, the Picture, and the Archive.Jennifer Tucker - 2006 - Isis 97 (1):111-120.
    One of the persistent features of historical writing about the sciences in the last twenty years has been the concern of a number of historians who insist on the need for a new awareness of the role of visual images and image making. The author believes that, rather than reducing the analysis of visual culture to a single set of principles, the point of the academic study of scientific images is the recognition of their heterogeneity, the different circumstances of their (...)
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    Madness and reason.Jennifer Radden - 1985 - Boston: G. Allen & Unwin.
  33. Association for the study of food and society (asfs) and the agriculture, food, and human values society (afhvs) theme: Agriculture to culture: The social transformation of food.Krishnendu Ray Cia & Jennifer Berg Nyu - 2003 - Agriculture and Human Values 20:389-391.
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    Phenomenology, Environmental Philosophy, and the Crisis of Ecology.Jennifer Gosetti-Ferencei - 2024 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 45 (2):215-244.
    This essay outlines the possibilities and limits of phenomenology as an ecophilic mode of thought in the context of a heightened, posthuman scrutiny of anthropocentrism, and advocates a self-reflexive environmental humanities informed by phenomenological insight. It aims to demonstrate that, despite its privileging of human consciousness, phenomenology offers important ecocritical resources, including methodological reflection on the constitution and limits of a human perspective; a vision of a meaningful lifeworld; a rendering of subjectivity as embodied within a larger vital materiality; and (...)
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    Christopher A. Hall, Living Wisely with the Church Fathers.Jennifer Hevelone-Harper - 2019 - Augustinian Studies 50 (2):234-236.
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    ‘Teaching Feminism’ – a Contradiction in Terms?Eileen Phillips & Jennifer Hurstfield - 1983 - Feminist Review 15 (1):94-98.
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    The Ideas That Made America: A Brief History.Jennifer Ratner-Rosenhagen - 2019 - Oup Usa.
    Drawing on a variety of discourses, from religion, philosophy, and political thought, to cultural criticism, social theory, and the arts,The Ideas That Made America: A Brief History shows how ideas have been major forces in American history, driving movements such as transcendentalism, Social Darwinism, conservatism, and postmodernism.
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  38. Dividends of Meaning: Jewish Rituals for the Financial Life Cycle.Rabbi Jennifer Gubitz - 2019 - In Mary L. Zamore & Elka Abrahamson, The sacred exchange: creating a Jewish money ethic. New York, NY: CCAR Press.
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  39. The Might of Words: A Philosophical Reflection on "The Strange Death of Patroklos".Maria Villela-Petit & Jennifer Curtiss Gage - 1998 - Diogenes 46 (181):101-113.
    These are the words Achilles speaks to Hektor, whom he has just struck with a fatal blow. He reminds the son of Priam how, after stripping Patroklos’ fallen body, Hektor made off with the fallen man's armour, which is Achilles’ own.
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    New strategies for HIV prevention for men who have sex with men (MSM): pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) and an ethical evaluation of its potential and its problems.Mathias Wirth, Jennifer Inauen & Hubert Steinke - 2020 - Ethik in der Medizin 32 (4):351-368.
    Stellen Kondome einen potenten Schutz sowohl vor HIV als auch von anderen sexuell übertragbaren Infektionen (STIs) dar, und besteht außerdem ein barrierefreier Zugang zur HIV-Postexpositionsprophylaxe (PEP) (z. B. nach Kondom-Fatigue), muss präzise sondiert werden, wann die sich zunehmend etablierende HIV-Präexpositionsprophylaxe (PrEP) die bessere Wahl darstellt. Vor dem Hintergrund einer generalisierten everyone at risk-Annahme über MSM wird die PrEP zunehmend zu einem standard of care. Zwar kann kein Zweifel daran bestehen, dass dies für bestimmte MSM mit einem bestimmten Risikoprofil wünschenswert ist. (...)
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    ‘We've fallen into the cracks’: Aboriginal women's experiences with breast cancer through photovoice.Jennifer Poudrier & Roanne Thomas Mac-Lean - 2009 - Nursing Inquiry 16 (4):306-317.
    Despite some recognition that Aboriginal women who have experienced breast cancer may have unique health needs, little research has documented the experiences of Aboriginal women from their perspective. Our main objective was to explore and to begin to make visible Aboriginal women's experiences with breast cancer using the qualitative research technique, photovoice. The research was based in Saskatchewan, Canada and participants were Aboriginal women who had completed breast cancer treatment. Although Aboriginal women cannot be viewed as a homogeneous group, participants (...)
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    Recuerdo del alumno de la Universidad de Salamanca, Toribio Alfonso de Mogrovejo.Jennifer Castellanos Medina - 2009 - Salmanticensis 56 (2):357-370.
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  43. Self-conscious emotion and self-regulation.Dacher Keltner & Jennifer S. Beer - 2005 - In Abraham Tesser, Joanne V. Wood & Diederik A. Stapel, On Building, Defending, and Regulating the Self: A Psychological Perspective. Psychology Press. pp. 197-215.
  44.  22
    More than meets the heart: systolic amplification of different emotional faces is task dependent.Mateo Leganes-Fonteneau, Jennifer F. Buckman, Keisuke Suzuki, Anthony Pawlak & Marsha E. Bates - 2021 - Cognition and Emotion 35 (2):400-408.
    Interoceptive processes emanating from baroreceptor signals support emotional functioning. Previous research suggests a unique link to fear: fearful faces, presented in synchrony with systolic baro...
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    What would you do..Jennifer Moore-Mallinos - 2020 - Chicago, Illinois: Loyola Press. Edited by Andy Catling.
    We make decisions all day, don't we? Do I pick up the dog's poop when I take him for his walk? Should I tell Mom where I really went after school? When I see something wrong happening, what should I do? Making a good choice, doing the right thing, or even knowing right from wrong can be hard! In What Would You Do? ​you can practice making hard decisions and have some fun while we explore some everyday dilemmas!​.
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    Modern Threats to Confidentiality.Sharon Ort & Jennifer L. Kelsey - 1981 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 3 (3):11.
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    Kenotic Theologies and the Challenge of the ‘Anthropocene’: From Deep Incarnation to Interspecies Encounter.David S. Robinson & Jennifer Wotochek - 2021 - Studies in Christian Ethics 34 (2):209-222.
    As the detrimental effects of human agency loom large in the ‘Anthropocene’, theologians and philosophers have called for restraint by invoking the concept of kenosis. Although a ‘self-emptying’ form of life helps to counter the ways that humans are increasingly driving other species to extinction, we argue that such calls are often compromised by relying on notions of the Creator’s own attenuated or self-limited agency. They therefore trade in a competitive construal that is susceptible to the tendency of human agency (...)
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    “Homework Should Be…but We Do Not Live in an Ideal World”: Mathematics Teachers’ Perspectives on Quality Homework and on Homework Assigned in Elementary and Middle Schools.Pedro Rosário, Jennifer Cunha, Tânia Nunes, Ana Rita Nunes, Tânia Moreira & José Carlos Núñez - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Aspects of boundary research from the perspective of longue durée.Jean Terrier, Jennifer Jackson & Lina Molokotos-Liederman - 2015 - In [no title]. pp. 28-56.
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    Defining self-deception.Jennifer Radden - 1984 - Dialogue 23 (1):103-120.
    In this paper I shall first expose a weakness shared by several philosophical discussions of self-deception: I shall show that these discussions have failed to give it a complete analysis. The apparent phenomenon of self-deception is all too familiar, and yet its adequate characterization in general terms is wanting. More exactly, I shall argue that to understand self-deception statically, as these accounts have done, has been—and must be—to fail to give a characterization of it as a state of mind, sufficient (...)
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