Results for 'Jennifer Griggs'

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  1.  11
    Beyond the polemics of Christian–Muslim Relations: Exploring a Dialogical Approach.Jennifer Griggs - 2013 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 30 (2):128-140.
    Against the historical backdrop of early Christian–Muslim apologetics in the Middle East, an apologetics that was overwhelmingly polemical in its scope, I consider the contribution of the mystics, in providing a dialogical model that would overcome the state of impasse that inter-religious debate had reached. Dialogue moves beyond the established polemical binaries of two rival belief systems, towards the clarification of defensible difference, in which the other is allowed to speak in all its polyvocality and even to impinge on the (...)
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    Gregory Barhebraeus' Mystical Hermeneutics of the Love of God in Dialogue with Islamic Tradition.Jennifer Griggs - 2022 - Gorgias Press.
    This book explores the mystical thought of Gregory Barhebraeus (1226-1286CE) and its contemporary relevance, to offer a reading of Barhebraeus' mystical texts by bringing them into conversation with critical religious studies and the hermeneutical tradition of philosophy. Griggs emphasises the problem of conceptual categories for the academic study of mysticism, seeking to avoid traditional assumptions concerning 'mysticism' and attend to the particularity of 'mystic' traditions. Through this approach, she examines the mystical hermeneutics of the love of God developed by (...)
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    Understanding Virtue: Theory and Measurement.Jennifer Cole Wright, Michael T. Warren & Nancy E. Snow - 2020 - Oxford University Press.
    The last thirty years have seen a resurgence of interest in virtue among philosophers, psychologists, and educators. This co-authored book brings an interdisciplinary response to the study of virtue: it not only provides a framework for quantifying virtues, but also explores how we can understand virtue in a philosophically-informed way that is compatible with the best current thinking in personality psychology. The volume presents a major contribution to theemerging science of virtue and character measurement.
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    Religion and Faction in Hume's Moral Philosophy.Jennifer A. Herdt - 1997 - New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press.
    This book explores Hume's concern with the destructiveness of religious factions and his efforts to develop, in his moral philosophy, a solution to factional conflict. Sympathy and the related capacity to enter into foreign points of view are crucial to the neutralization of religious zeal and the naturalization of ethics. Jennifer Herdt suggests that Hume's preoccupation with religious faction is the key which reveals the unity of his varied philosophical, aesthetic, political and historical works.
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  5. The cognitive mechanisms of intolerance.Jennifer C. Wright, Cullen B. McWhite & Piper T. Grandjean - 2014 - In Tania Lombrozo, Joshua Knobe & Shaun Nichols, Oxford Studies in Experimental Philosophy, Volume 1. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK.
    The new field of experimental philosophy has emerged as the methods of psychological science have been brought to bear on traditional philosophical issues. Oxford Studies in Experimental Philosophy will be the place to go to see outstanding new work in the field. It will feature papers by philosophers, papers by psychologists, and papers co-authored by people in both disciplines. The series heralds the emergence of a truly interdisciplinary field in which people from different disciplines are working together to address a (...)
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    No Children Should Be Left Behind During COVID-19 Pandemic: Description, Potential Reach, and Participants' Perspectives of a Project Through Radio and Letters to Promote Self-Regulatory Competences in Elementary School.Jennifer Cunha, Cátia Silva, Ana Guimarães, Patrícia Sousa, Clara Vieira, Dulce Lopes & Pedro Rosário - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:647708.
    Around the world, many schools were closed as one of the measures to contain the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. School closure brought about important challenges to the students' learning process. This context requires strong self-regulatory competences and agency for autonomous learning. Moreover, online remote learning was the main alternative response to classroom learning, which increased the inequalities between students with and without access to technological resources or for those with low digital literacy. All considered, to level the playing field (...)
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    Smart forests and data practices: From the Internet of Trees to planetary governance.Jennifer Gabrys - 2020 - Big Data and Society 7 (1).
    Environments are increasingly becoming technologized sites of data production. From smart cities to smart forests, digital networks are analyzing and joining up environmental processes. This commentary focuses on one such understudied smart environment, smart forests, as emerging digital infrastructures that are materializing to manage and mitigate environmental change. How does the digitalization of forests not only change understandings of these environments but also generate different practices and ontologies for addressing environmental change? I first analyze smart forests within the expanding area (...)
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  8.  46
    Solidarity in Dark Times: Arendt and Gadamer on the Politics of Appearance.Jennifer Gaffney - 2018 - Philosophy Compass 13 (12):e12554.
    This essay surveys the theme of solidarity in the respective works of Hans-Georg Gadamer and Hannah Arendt. Recent discourses in continental political philosophy have arrived at an impasse regarding solidarity. On the one hand, solidarities are important for galvanizing historically oppressed peoples against dominant discourses. On the other hand, solidarities that impose similarities in advance run the risk of absorbing difference and becoming exclusionary. Gadamer and Arendt, each in different manners, promise a distinctive approach to discourses on solidarity through their (...)
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  9.  78
    Can a Language Go Mad? Arendt, Derrida, and the Political Significance of the Mother Tongue.Jennifer Gaffney - 2015 - Philosophy Today 59 (3):523-539.
    This article examines Jacques Derrida’s criticism of the significance Hannah Arendt attributes to her mother tongue in, “What Remains? The Language Remains.” I begin by developing Derrida’s claim in The Monolingualism of the Other that despite Arendt’s suggestion otherwise, the German language can and did go mad. I argue that his criticism, while powerful, overlooks the political concerns at work in Arendt’s commitment to her mother tongue. I turn to Arendt’s analysis of language in Eichmann in Jerusalem to show that (...)
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  10.  25
    Commentary On The Character Gap.Jennifer Cole Wright - 2019 - Journal of Philosophical Research 44:213-224.
    The Character Gap by Christian Miller is an excellent discussion of how the empirical research conducted on virtue bears upon the larger question of whether or not people are virtuous, especially when we consider the question through the lens of a philosophically rigorous account of virtue. His conclusion is that overall people are not virtuous—but then, neither are they vicious. In this commentary, I challenge the latter. I explore two alternative ways of conceiving of vice and utilize a range of (...)
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  11.  39
    Catatonia, motor neglect, and hysterical paralysis: Some similarities and differences.John C. Marshall, Jennifer M. Gurd & Gereon R. Fink - 2002 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 25 (5):587-588.
    We outline some ways in which motor neglect (the underutilization of a limb despite adequate strength) and hysterical paralysis (failure to move a limb despite no relevant structural damage or disease) may throw light on the pathophysiology of catatonia. We also comment on the manifold inadequacies of distinguishing too firmly between symptoms of “neurologic origin” and of “psychiatric origin.”.
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    Society in language, language in society: essays in honour of Ruqaiya Hasan.Wendy L. Bowcher, Jennifer Yameng Liang & Ruqaiya Hasan (eds.) - 2015 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    This is the first collection dedicated to presenting research directly influenced by the innovative and groundbreaking ideas of the eminent linguist Ruqaiya Hasan. The collection offers an insight into the breadth and depth of Hasan's distinctive linguistic approaches and theoretical concerns. The chapters cover areas such as verbal art, context of situation, semantic networks, cohesive harmony, text structure and literacy education, contributed by well-known scholars in the field such as M.A.K. Halliday, Geoffrey Williams, David Butt, Donna Miller, Wendy L. Bowcher, (...)
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    The Philosophy of Protest: Fighting for Justice without Going to War.Jennifer Kling & Megan Mitchell - 2021 - New York: Rowman & Littlefield International.
    Rather than looking at protest in the ideal case, this book looks at how protest is actually practiced and argues that suitably constrained violent political protest is sometimes justified.
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    Routine, Scale, and Inequality: Introduction to the Special Issue on Ethics, Organizations, and Science.Jennifer L. Croissant - 2015 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 40 (2):167-175.
    This special issue of Science, Technology, & Human Values contains articles concerned with ethics in and around scientific practice. These articles ask how organizational routines both produce and diffuse concerns about the risks and benefits of scientific research and products, and why context remains elusive in formal ethical analysis. These cases are from diverse settings, with several touching on issues of economic inequality and participation in scientific research. Each article describes in some way how cultural and institutional configurations shape ethical (...)
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    False Dilemma.Jennifer Culver - 2018-05-09 - In Robert Arp, Steven Barbone & Michael Bruce, Bad Arguments. Wiley. pp. 346–347.
    This chapter focuses on one of the common fallacies in Western philosophy, 'false dilemma (FD)'. According to Andrea A. Lunsford, John J. Ruskiewicz, and Keith Walters, a FD tends to “reduce a complicated issue to excessively simple terms” or, when intentionally created, tends to “obscure legitimate alternatives”. FD reflects incorrect thinking because it presents a problem or issue as having only two possible solutions when in fact there are more. Liam Dempsey noted that shows such as The Daily Show and (...)
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  16.  32
    Sustainability transitions in agri-food systems: insights from South Korea’s universal free, eco-friendly school lunch program.Jennifer E. Gaddis & June Jeon - 2020 - Agriculture and Human Values 37 (4):1055-1071.
    Government-sponsored school lunch programs have garnered attention from activists and policymakers for their potential to promote public health, sustainable diets, and food sovereignty. However, across country contexts, these programs often fall far short of their transformative potential. It is vital, then, to identify policies and organizing strategies that enable school lunch programs to be redesigned at the national scale. In this article, we use document analysis of historical newspapers and government data to examine the motivating factors and underlying conditions that (...)
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  17.  39
    The Educator's Dual Role: Expressing Ideals While Educating in Nonideal Conditions.Jennifer M. Morton - 2016 - Educational Theory 66 (3):323-339.
    In this essay, Jennifer Morton discusses educators as central examples of agents who engage in ideal and nonideal ways of thinking. The educator, as a representative of the political community, is tasked with two aims. The first is nurturing students with the skills and knowledge they need for the world as they will find it. In pursuing this goal, the educator is assuming certain social facts, some of them unjust, that constitute the present nonideal world. The second aim is (...)
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  18.  23
    10 Analogy and Meta phor from Thomas Aquinas to Duns Scotus and Walter Burley.E. Jennifer Ashworth - 2013 - In Charles Bolyard & Rondo Keele, Later Medieval Metaphysics: Ontology, Language, and Logic. New York: Fordham University Press. pp. 223-248.
  19.  26
    Looking back and looking forward.Jennifer Blumenthal-Barby - 2022 - Journal of Medical Ethics 48 (7):429-429.
    This July 2022 issue of the JME contains several articles addressing ethical issues related to COVID-19 as well as reproductive ethics—a timely topic, given the leaked U.S. Supreme Court document, anticipating the overturn of Roe v. Wade. On the COVID-19 front, original articles in this issue include an analysis of ethical issues related to sharing research samples and data between low/middle-income countries and high-income countries,1 a retrospective analysis of European scientific societies’ triage policies early in the pandemic,2 an assessment of (...)
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  20.  21
    Is a Long Essay Always a Good Essay? The Effect of Text Length on Writing Assessment.Johanna Fleckenstein, Jennifer Meyer, Thorben Jansen, Stefan Keller & Olaf Köller - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The assessment of text quality is a transdisciplinary issue concerning the research areas of educational assessment, language technology, and classroom instruction. Text length has been found to strongly influence human judgment of text quality. The question of whether text length is a construct-relevant aspect of writing competence or a source of judgment bias has been discussed controversially. This paper used both a correlational and an experimental approach to investigate this question. Secondary analyses were performed on a large-scale dataset with highly (...)
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  21.  34
    Effort? Natural Talent? More on the Normative Structure of Sport.Jennifer Flynn - 2018 - American Journal of Bioethics 18 (6):28-29.
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  22.  59
    Thinking, meaning, and truth: Arendt on Heidegger and the possibility of critique.Jennifer Gaffney - 2024 - Constellations 31 (1):3-17.
  23.  56
    Memories of exclusion: Hannah Arendt and the Haitian Revolution.Jennifer Gaffney - 2017 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 44 (6):701-721.
    This article examines Hannah Arendt’s concern for remembrance in political life in light of contemporary discourses regarding the memory of slavery and colonization in the African diaspora. Arendt’s blindness to questions of exclusion within this context has given way to a set of critical debates in Arendt studies concerning the viability of her political project. In this paper, I give further contour to these debates by considering Arendt’s discourse on revolution in light of an analysis of the Haitian Revolution. In (...)
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  24.  38
    Good and Bad Ideas in Obesity Prevention.Jennifer K. Walter & Anne Barnhill - 2013 - Hastings Center Report 43 (3):6-7.
    One of six commentaries on “Obesity: Chasing an Elusive Epidemic,” by Daniel Callahan, from the January‐February 2013 issue.
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    Alienated agents.Jennifer Hornsby - 2004 - In [no title].
    Book synopsis: Today the majority of philosophers in the English-speaking world adhere to the “naturalist” credos that philosophy is continuous with science, and that the natural sciences provide a complete account of all that exists—whether human or nonhuman. The new faith says science, not man, is the measure of all things. However, there is a growing skepticism about the adequacy of this complacent orthodoxy. This volume presents a group of leading thinkers who criticize scientific naturalism not in the name of (...)
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  26.  12
    Becoming a Candidate: Political Ambition and the Decision to Run for Office.Jennifer L. Lawless - 2011 - Cambridge University Press.
    Becoming a Candidate: Political Ambition and the Decision to Run for Office explores the factors that drive political ambition at the earliest stages. Using data from a comprehensive survey of thousands of eligible candidates, Jennifer L. Lawless systematically investigates what compels certain citizens to pursue elective positions and others to recoil at the notion. Lawless assesses personal factors, such as race, gender and family dynamics, that affect an eligible candidate's likelihood of considering a run for office. She also focuses (...)
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  27. Ideology and perceptions of inequality.Denise Baron, Jennifer Sheehy-Skeffington & Nour Kteily - 2018 - In Bastiaan T. Rutjens & Mark J. Brandt, Belief systems and the perception of reality. New York: Taylor & Francis.
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  28.  15
    Becoming Teen Fathers: Stories of Teen Pregnancy, Responsibility, and Masculinity.Jennifer Beggs Weber - 2012 - Gender and Society 26 (6):900-921.
    Drawing on in-depth interviews, I analyze how teen fathers talk about the responsibility for having a baby at a young age. In addition to negotiating the stigma often associated with teen pregnancy, teen fathers also confront stereotypes that label them as selfish and uncaring. In telling their stories of “what happened,” they utilize three gendered discourses to deny responsibility for the pregnancy: the feminization of birth control, a discourse of uncontrollable male sexual desire, and love. Their narratives also reveal the (...)
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    The Open Courseware Movement in Higher Education: Unmasking Power and Raising Questions about the Movement's Democratic Potential.Robert A. Rhoads, Jennifer Berdan & Brit Toven-Lindsey - 2013 - Educational Theory 63 (1):87-110.
    In this essay Robert Rhoads, Jennifer Berdan, and Brit Toven-Lindsey examine some of the key literature related to the open courseware (OCW) movement (including the emergence and expansion of massive open online courses, or MOOCs), focusing particular attention on the movement's democratic potential. The discussion is organized around three central problems, all relating in some manner or form to issues of power: the problem of epistemology, the problem of pedagogy, and the problem of hegemony. More specifically, the authors raise (...)
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  30.  16
    Melancholic Habits: Burton’s Anatomy and the Mind Sciences.Jennifer Radden - 2016 - New York, US: Oxford University Press USA.
    Jennifer Radden finds, within Robert Burton's religious and humoral explanations in his Anatomy of Melancholy, a remarkably coherent account of normal and abnormal psychology with echoes in modern day clinical psychology.
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  31. Association for the study of food and society (asfs) and the agriculture, food, and human values society (afhvs).Krishnendu Ray Cia & Jennifer Berg Nyu - 2003 - Agriculture and Human Values 20:335-336.
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    Issues-Driven Shareholder Activism.Cynthia E. Clark & Jennifer J. Griffin - 2012 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 23:221-228.
    Issues-driven shareholder activism suggests that specific issue characteristics brought by shareholders, a group to which firms are obligated to respond, interact in a way that affects the materiality of the issue in the eyes of the modern corporation. Relevant issue characteristics include: issue type, social significance, and issue life cycle stage.
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  33. Women, sustainability, and biodiversity : Vandana Shiva's arguments for earth democracy.Jennifer E. Michaels - 2014 - In David Humphreys & Spencer S. Stober, Transitions to sustainability: theoretical debates for a changing planet. Champaign, Illinois, USA: Common Ground Publishing LLC.
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    A Small‐Town Heart.Tim Lahey, Jennifer L. Herbst, Marielle S. Gross & Brandi Braud Scully - 2020 - Hastings Center Report 50 (6):4-7.
    Melanie presented at twenty weeks of gestation to an obstetrics clinic in a critical access hospital in rural Vermont. She was excited to undergo routine fetal ultrasonography, but her obstetrician gave her grave news: the ultrasound revealed hypoplastic left heart syndrome, a devastating congenital heart defect. Initially, Melanie agreed in general to pursue surgical care for her fetus—a three‐stage process that has somewhat uncertain results and could only be done in tertiary care facilities far from her home in Vermont. A (...)
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  35. Co‐op students' access to shared knowledge in science‐rich workplaces.Hugh Munby, Jennifer Taylor, Peter Chin & Nancy L. Hutchinson - 2007 - Science Education 91 (1):115-132.
  36.  22
    A theory of how evolved psychology underpins attitudes towards societal economics must go beyond exchanges and averages.Jennifer Sheehy-Skeffington & Lotte Thomsen - 2018 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 41.
    We applaud Boyer & Petersen for the advancement of an ultimate explanation of the dynamics of folk-economic beliefs and the political actions linked to them. To our mind, however, key inference systems regulating societal interaction and resource distribution evolved for more core relations than those of proportionate exchange, and situational factors are not the only constraints on how such systems produce economic beliefs.
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    Age-Related Developmental and Individual Differences in the Influence of Social and Non-social Distractors on Cognitive Performance.Patricia Z. Tan, Jennifer S. Silk, Ronald E. Dahl, Dina Kronhaus & Cecile D. Ladouceur - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  38. Needs assessment of Texas festival coordinators.Jennifer M. Flusche & Matthew Caleb Flamm - unknown
    Texas festivals are given credit for providing benefits for both the festival's community and for the people who visit the community. As a result of these perceived benefits, communities across Texas stage a broad range of festivals and events. These events require substantial planning and skilled management to be successful. Those involved in the planning are often volunteers and have little or no background in event planning and management. Regardless of their experience level however, most event coordinators have ongoing needs (...)
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    Rendering Inuit cancer “visible”: Geography, pathology, and nosology in Arctic cancer research.Jennifer Fraser - 2020 - Science in Context 33 (3):195-225.
    ArgumentIn August of 1977, Australian pathologist David W. Buntine delivered a presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Royal College of Pathologists of Australia in Melbourne, Victoria. In this presentation, he used the diagnostic category of “Eskimoma,” to describe a unique set of salivary gland tumors he had observed over the past five years within Winnipeg’s Health Sciences Center. Only found amongst Inuit patients, these tumors were said to have unique histological, clinical, and epidemiological features and were unlike any other (...)
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    Sacred and Profane Love.Jennifer Frey - 2020 - The Philosophers' Magazine 88:118-120.
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    At Home with the Foreign: Arendt on Heidegger and the Politics of Care.Jennifer Gaffney - 2018 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 23 (1):145-163.
    This paper examines Hannah Arendt’s contribution to a conception of political life that remains vigilant of the foreignness that confronts us in our efforts to inhabit a shared world. To this end, I interpret Arendt’s less appreciated discourse on caritas, or love of the neighbor in Love and Saint Augustine, as a critical appropriation of Heidegger’s notion of care. In turning to caritas, I maintain that Arendt captures, perhaps more fully than Heidegger, the foreignness that care is destined to confront (...)
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  42.  88
    Another Origin of Totalitarianism: Arendt on the Loneliness of Liberal Citizens.Jennifer Gaffney - 2016 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 47 (1):1-17.
    This paper examines Hannah Arendt's notion of citizenship with reference to her account of loneliness in the modern age. Whereas recent scholarship has emphasized Arendt's notion of the “right to have rights” in order to advance her conception of citizenship in the context of global democratic theory, I maintain that this discourse threatens to overshadow the depth of her critical relation to the liberal tradition. By turning to loneliness, I aim to show that Arendt's understanding of citizenship guides a prescient (...)
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  43. The self in dreams.Jennifer Windt & Thomas Metzinger - unknown
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    Meta-ethical pluralism: A cautionary tale about cohesive moral communities.Jennifer Cole Wright - 2015 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 38:e163.
    Meta-ethical pluralism gives us additional insight into how moral communities become cohesive and why this can be problematic (even dangerous) – and in this way provides support for the worries raised by the target article. At the same time, it offers several reasons to be concerned about the proposed initiative, the most important of which is that it could seriously backfire.
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    The effects of CEO activism on employees person‐organization ideological misfit: A conceptual model and research agenda.Lee Warren Brown, Jennifer G. Manegold & Dennis J. Marquardt - 2020 - Business and Society Review 125 (1):119-141.
    Research has found many positive benefits to person‐organization (PO) fit, for both individuals and the organization. However, PO misfit has received far less attention in the literature. In this article, we look specifically at PO misfit caused by the differing political values and beliefs of the CEO and employee. We argue that CEO activism influences employee perceptions of ideological misfit (IM), whereby differing political beliefs between employees and their activist CEO can impact workplace outcomes. We consider how peer group reactions, (...)
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    Using intervention mapping to design a self‐management programme for older people with chronic conditions.Beverley Burrell, Jennifer Jordan, Marie Crowe, Amanda Wilkinson, Virginia Jones, Shirley Harris & Deborah Gillon - 2019 - Nursing Inquiry 26 (1):e12265.
    Self‐management programmes provide strategies to optimise health while educating and providing resources for living with enduring illnesses. The current paper describes the development of a community‐based programme that combines a transdiagnostic approach to self‐management with mindfulness to enhance psychological coping for older people with long‐term multimorbidity. The six steps of intervention mapping (IM) were used to develop the programme. From a needs assessment, the objectives of the programme were formulated; the theoretical underpinnings then aligned to the objectives, which informed programme (...)
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    “Like Nothing I’ve Seen Before”: A Qualitative Inquiry Into the Lived Experience of Competing in a Trail Running Event.Timothy P. Chambers & Jennifer Poidomani - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    BackgroundA recent upsurge in nature-based exercise research demonstrates the potential added benefits of exercising in this context compared to more urban ones. Yet there is a lack of qualitative research investigating the lived experiences of those who participate in nature-based exercise events.ObjectiveTo explore the lived experience of individuals who were first-time participants in a nature-based running event.MethodSix participants who completed the Run Forrest trail run for the first time were individually interviewed. Semi-structured interviews were devised, and participants were invited to (...)
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    Unintended thought and nonconscious inferences exist.James S. Uleman & Jennifer K. Uleman - 1990 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 13 (4):627-628.
  49.  9
    Just in Time: Moments in Teaching Philosophy: A Festschrift Celebrating the Teaching of James Conlon.Jennifer Hockenbery & Jennifer Hockenbery Dragseth - 2019 - Pickwick Publications.
    ""Serious philosophy is not an attempt to construct a system of beliefs, but the activity of awakening, the conversation passionately pursued. Only if professional philosophy reclaims this paradigm and finds ways to embody it, will it achieve an active place in the thought and life of our culture."" --James Conlon, ""Stanley Cavell and the Predicament of Philosophy."" This book is a collection of serious philosophical essays that aim to awaken readers, teachers, and students to a desire for conversation passionately pursued. (...)
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    Living With Contested Knowledge and Partial Authority.Jennifer Clegg & Richard Lansdall-Welfare - 2003 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 10 (1):99-102.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology 10.1 (2003) 99-102 [Access article in PDF] Living with Contested Knowledge and Partial Jennifer Clegg and Richard Lansdall-Welfare THESE CAREFUL AND CONSTRUCTIVE comments bring grist to our mill. Before responding to them, we observe first that they offer no substantive challenge to our thesis: ambiguities associated with meaning in the disabled life make it more likely that professional service providers will make dogmatic responses (...)
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