Results for 'Jeanne Caruso'

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  1.  16
    New Directions for Assessing Menstrual Hygiene Management in Schools: A Bottom-Up Approach to Measuring Program Success.Jacquelyn Haver, Jeanne L. Long, Bethany A. Caruso & Robert Dreibelbis - 2018 - Studies in Social Justice 12 (2):372-381.
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    The lost generation: How the government and non-governmental organizations are protecting the rights of orphans in Uganda. [REVIEW]Jeanne Caruso & Kevin Cope - 2006 - Human Rights Review 7 (2):98-114.
    Millions of Ugandan children have become orphaned over the last two decades, the primary cause being the increasing HIV/AIDS epidemic. This phenomenon has prompted the government to institute numerous legal reforms. These internal reforms, implemented in a legal environment based on English common law and increasingly, international standards, greatly influence the legal inheritance rights of Ugandan orphans and their chances for prosperity. In many regions, however, the traditional local mores trump both national and global standards, meaning that while Ugandan parents (...)
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    Penser dans le temps: mélanges offerts à Jeanne Hersch.Jeanne Hersch & Raymond Aron (eds.) - 1977 - Lausanne: Éditions l'Age d'homme.
    Fessard, G. Jeanne Hersch, genèse d'une œuvre.--Muralt, A. de. Phénoménologie et métaphysique.--Philonenko, A. Leibniz et le platonisme.--Christoff, D. Représentation et décision dans la temporalité selon Kant.--Tilliette, X. De l'illusion au savoir, la philosophie.--Widmer, G. Variations kierkegaardiennes sur l'édifiant.--Dufour-Kowalska, G. L'imagination maîtresse de vérité.--Leyvraz, J.-P. Des noms.--Piguet, J.-C. Liberté esthétique et liberté éthique.--Schaerer, R. Le philosophe entre oui et non.--Scheurer, P.-B. Vues nouvelles sur la science du temps et l'histoire.--Starobinski, J. La littérature et l'irrationnel.--Aron, R. De la libéralisation.--Werner, E. La (...)
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    Justification and update.Jeanne Peijnenburg & David Atkinson - 2024 - Asian Journal of Philosophy 3 (2):1-10.
    In this commentary on Jun Otsuka’s first-rate book, we focus on the difference between justification and update.
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    (1 other version)Ascesi E conoscenza.Giuseppe Caruso - 2013 - Miscellanea Francescana 113 (1):84-95.
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    De Sarmiento a los Simpsons: cinco conceptos para pensar la educación contemporánea.Marcelo Caruso & Inés Dussel - 1996 - Buenos Aires: Kapelusz. Edited by Inés Dussel.
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    National Styles of Corporate Social Responsibility: Exploring Macro Influences on Responsible Business Behavior.Jeanne M. Logsdon & Harry J. Van Buren Iii - 2007 - International Corporate Responsibility Series 3:253-268.
    While the literature on corporate social responsibility suggests that its form and content differ at least somewhat from country to country, it has not begun to address whether CSR practices converge or diverge over time as countries benefit from higher levels of economic development, or whether these practices relate to specific cultural values and institutional structures. This paper proposes an initial conceptual model and propositions to begin to assess whether and how the different levels of economic development, cultural values, and (...)
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  8. Hard-Incompatibilist Existentialism: Neuroscience, Punishment, and Meaning in Life.Derk Pereboom & Gregg D. Caruso - 2018 - In Gregg D. Caruso & Owen J. Flanagan, Neuroexistentialism: Meaning, Morals, and Purpose in the Age of Neuroscience. New York: Oxford University Press.
    As philosophical and scientific arguments for free will skepticism continue to gain traction, we are likely to see a fundamental shift in the way people think about free will and moral responsibility. Such shifts raise important practical and existential concerns: What if we came to disbelieve in free will? What would this mean for our interpersonal relationships, society, morality, meaning, and the law? What would it do to our standing as human beings? Would it cause nihilism and despair as some (...)
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  9. Do time-biases promote or frustrate wellbeing?Eugene Caruso, Andrew J. Latham, Kristie Miller & Wen Yu - manuscript
    Empirical evidence shows that people have multiple time-biases. One is near-bias, another is future-bias, and a third is present-bias. Philosophers are concerned with the normative status of these time-biases. They have argued that, at least in part, the normative status of these biases depends on the extent to which they tend to promote, or frustrate, wellbeing, where “wellbeing” is taken to be of fundamental value. Since near-bias is thought to be associated with impulsivity, lack of self-control, and poor long-term health (...)
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  10. Fading Foundations: Probability and the Regress Problem.Jeanne Peijnenburg - 2017 - Cham, Switzerland: Springer. Edited by Jeanne Peijnenburg.
    This Open Access book addresses the age-old problem of infinite regresses in epistemology. How can we ever come to know something if knowing requires having good reasons, and reasons can only be good if they are backed by good reasons in turn? The problem has puzzled philosophers ever since antiquity, giving rise to what is often called Agrippa's Trilemma. The current volume approaches the old problem in a provocative and thoroughly contemporary way. Taking seriously the idea that good reasons are (...)
  11. Free will skepticism in law and society : an overview.Gregg D. Caruso, Elizabeth Shaw & Derk Pereboom - 2019 - In Elizabeth Shaw, Derk Pereboom & Gregg D. Caruso, Free Will Skepticism in Law and Society: Challenging Retributive Justice. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
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  12. Consciousness, Free Will, Moral Responsibility.Caruso Gregg - 2018 - In Rocco J. Gennaro, Routledge Handbook of Consciousness. New York: Routledge. pp. 89-91.
    In recent decades, with advances in the behavioral, cognitive, and neurosciences, the idea that patterns of human behavior may ultimately be due to factors beyond our conscious control has increasingly gained traction and renewed interest in the age-old problem of free will. To properly assess what, if anything, these empirical advances can tell us about free will and moral responsibility, we first need to get clear on the following questions: Is consciousness necessary for free will? If so, what role or (...)
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  13. Die vorprädikative Dimension im Kunstwerkaufsatz.Giovanna Caruso - 2020 - In Chiara Pasqualin & Maria Agustina Sforza, Das Vorprädikative: Perspektiven im Ausgang von Heidegger. München: Verlag Karl Alber.
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    L’ultimo nemico di Dio. Il ruolo dell’Anticristo nel cristianesimo antico e tardoantico, a cura di Alberto D’Anna - Emanuela Valeriani.Giuseppe Caruso - 2015 - Augustinianum 55 (1):285-286.
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  15. Sulla cronologia della vita di S. Elia speleota da reggio.Stefano Caruso - 2000 - Byzantion 70 (1):25-56.
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    Bioethical Issues and the Nurse.Jeanne Meurer - 1979 - Ethics and Medics 4 (12):1-2.
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    Hoe zeker is Heisenbergs onzekerheidsprincipe?Jeanne Peijnenburg & David Atkinson - 2021 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 113 (1):137-156.
    How certain is Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle? Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle is at the heart of the orthodox or Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics. We first sketch the history that led up to the formulation of the principle. Then we recall that there are in fact two uncertainty principles, both dating from 1927, one by Werner Heisenberg and one by Earle Kennard. Finally, we explain that recent work in physics gives reason to believe that the principle of Heisenberg is invalid, while that (...)
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    L’oralité des témoins dans le droit antique : les faits contre la rhétorique?Jeanne Roland - 2024 - L’Enseignement Philosophique 74 (1):87-95.
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    Visions of the City; Utopianism, Power and Politics in Twentieth-Century Urbanism.Jeanne M. Wolfe - 2006 - Utopian Studies 17 (3):579-584.
  20. Homo naledi: raízes e florações do humano.F. Caruso - 2024 - Cosmos and Contexto 62 (1).
    Aqui se conta uma história de alguns segredos, tão antigos quanto algo entre 240 e 350 mil anos, revelados por uma misteriosa caverna. É uma história que ganha vida como um palimpsesto, sobrepondo-se à outra, narrada no documentário Caverna de Ossos, da série Explorando o Desconhecido. Impossível não ficar impactado por esse relato, pois levanta várias questões intrigantes sobre a evolução humana e sobre a própria definição de humano. Essa narrativa, mais do que pela razão formal e analítica, é conduzida (...)
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  21. Just Deserts: Can we be held morally responsible for our actions? Yes, says Daniel Dennett. No, says Gregg Caruso.Gregg D. Caruso & Daniel C. Dennett - 2018 - Aeon 1 (Oct. 4):1-20.
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    The computational complexity of logical theories.Jeanne Ferrante - 1979 - New York: Springer Verlag. Edited by Charles W. Rackoff.
    This book asks not only how the study of white-collar crime can enrich our understanding of crime and justice more generally, but also how criminological ...
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    Urgent History.Jeanne Morefield - 2017 - Political Theory 45 (2):164-191.
    This article argues for the recovery and re-incorporation of lost voices and debates into the history of political thought by focusing on the issue of sovereignty. It begins by examining why such a narrow understanding of the canon has come to dominate the sub-discipline and argues for critical approaches that treat the past as a “contested terrain” rather than an unfolding plot. It then turns to early twentieth-century Britain as an example of an era when thinkers who have been largely (...)
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  24. Hans Jonas: gli equivoci della «responsabilitè».Sergio Caruso - 1991 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 6:235-242.
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    T. Vitale (a cura di), In nome di chi. Partecipazione e rappresentanza nelle mobilitazioni locali.L. Caruso - 2008 - Polis 22 (2):352-354.
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    A better way of dying: how to make the best choices at the end of life.Jeanne Fitzpatrick - 2010 - New York: Penguin Books. Edited by Eileen M. Fitzpatrick.
    Advanced directives and living wills have improved our ability to dictate end-of-life care, but even these cannot guarantee that we will be allowed the dignity of a natural death. Designed by two sisters-one a doctor, one a lawyer-and drawing on their decades of experience, the five-step Compassion Protocol outlined in A Better Way of Dying offers a simple and effective framework for leaving caretakers concrete, unambiguous, and legally binding instructions about your wishes for your last days. Meant for people in (...)
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    Les empêchements de la mémoire.Jeanne Marie Gagnebin - 2019 - Études Ricoeuriennes / Ricoeur Studies 10 (1):43-57.
    Cet article part de la supposition que la reprise de la thématique de la mémoire et de l’oubli, dans La mémoire, l’histoire, l’oubli, part d’une recherche de la “juste mémoire” dans un paysage politique français qui souffre de “boulimie commémorative,” comme le dénonce Pierre Nora dans Les lieux de mémoire. Est exposée la confrontation entre une conception de la mémoire empreinte d’émotions subjectives, en opposition à la rigueur scientifique de l’histoire, et une conception de la mémoire vive comme condition transcendantale (...)
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    The subject is nothing.Jeanne L. Schroeder & David Gray Carlson - 1994 - Law and Critique 5 (1):93-112.
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    Ethical standards for online advice giving: an overview of the issues for business and financial advisers.Jeanne H. Yamamura & Fritz H. Grupe - 2005 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 3 (2):69-77.
    For the business community, the Internet is a new frontier, offering unparalleled opportunities for expansion and growth. Businesses can and do offer their services throughout the world, with the range of services multiplying daily. This paper discusses ethical issues related to the online provision of business and financial information and advice, reviews problems encountered and ethical issues raised, and proposes an ethical code to help address such problems. It begins by identifying differences occurring in an online advice‐giving environment and extending (...)
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  30. Probabilistic Justification and the Regress Problem.Jeanne Peijnenburg & David Atkinson - 2008 - Studia Logica 89 (3):333-341.
    We discuss two objections that foundationalists have raised against infinite chains of probabilistic justification. We demonstrate that neither of the objections can be maintained.
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    Is food a motivation for urban gardeners? Multifunctionality and the relative importance of the food function in urban collective gardens of Paris and Montreal.Jeanne Pourias, Christine Aubry & Eric Duchemin - 2016 - Agriculture and Human Values 33 (2):257-273.
    In the cities of industrialized countries, the sudden keen interest in urban agriculture has resulted, inter alia, in the growth of the number and diversity of urban collective gardens. While the multifunctionality of collective gardens is well known, individual gardeners’ motivations have still not been thoroughly investigated. The aim of this article is to explore the role, for the gardeners, of the food function as one of the functions of gardens, and to establish whether and how this function is a (...)
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  32. When are thought experiments poor ones?Jeanne Peijnenburg & David Atkinson - 2003 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 34 (2):305-322.
    A characteristic of contemporary analytic philosophy is its ample use of thought experiments. We formulate two features that can lead one to suspect that a given thought experiment is a poor one. Although these features are especially in evidence within the philosophy of mind, they can, surprisingly enough, also be discerned in some celebrated scientific thought experiments. Yet in the latter case the consequences appear to be less disastrous. We conclude that the use of thought experiments is more successful in (...)
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  33. Global Business Citizenship and Voluntary Codes of Ethical Conduct.Jeanne M. Logsdon & Donna J. Wood - 2005 - Journal of Business Ethics 59 (1-2):55-67.
    This article describes the theory and process of global business citizenship (GBC) and applies it in an analysis of characteristics of company codes of business conduct. GBC is distinguished from a commonly used term, “corporate citizenship,” which often denotes corporate community involvement and philanthropy. The GBC process requires (1) a set of fundamental values embedded in the corporate code of conduct and in corporate policies that reflect universal ethical standards; (2) implementation throughout the organization with thoughtful awareness of where the (...)
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    Beyond the Proxy Vote: Dialogues Between Shareholder Activists and Corporations.Jeanne Logsdon & Harry Buren - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 87 (Suppl 1):353-365.
    The popular view of shareholder activism focuses on shareholder resolutions and the shareholder vote via proxy statements at the annual meeting, which is treated as a “David vs. Goliath” showdown between the small group of socially responsible investors and the powerful corporation. This article goes beyond the popular view to examine where the real action typically occurs – in the Dialogue process where corporations and shareholder activist groups mutually agree to ongoing communications to deal with a serious social issue. Use (...)
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    Social Issues in Management as a Distinct Field: Corporate Social Responsibility and Performance.Jeanne M. Logsdon & Donna J. Wood - 2019 - Business and Society 58 (7):1334-1357.
    This article focuses on the question of whether Social Issues in Management (SIM) is a “field” and, if so, what kind, emphasizing specifically the recent literature on corporate social responsibility and performance (CSR/csp). Fields are defined in part by coherent bodies of knowledge that serve as guideposts for current research, and so the authors construct a simple model of CSR/csp scholarship, illustrating the relevant categories with representative publications. The authors conclude that SIM is a “low-paradigm” field but is not recognized (...)
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    Ineffectual Foundations: Reply to Gwiazda: Discussions.Jeanne Peijnenburg - 2010 - Mind 119 (476):1125-1133.
    In an earlier paper I argued that there are cases in which an infinite probabilistic chain can be completed. According to Jeremy Gwiazda, however, I have merely shown that the chain in question can be computed, not that it can be completed. Gwiazda thereby discriminates between two terms that I used as synonyms. In the present paper I discuss to what extent computability and completability can be meaningfully distinguished.
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  37. Women in the History of Analytic Philosophy.Jeanne Peijnenburg & Sander Verhaegh (eds.) - 2022 - Cham: Springer.
    This book contains a selection of papers from the workshop *Women in the History of Analytic Philosophy* held in October 2019 in Tilburg, the Netherlands. It is the first volume devoted to the role of women in early analytic philosophy. It discusses the ideas of ten female philosophers and covers a period of over a hundred years, beginning with the contribution to the Significs Movement by Victoria, Lady Welby in the second half of the nineteenth century, and ending with Ruth (...)
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  38. Art as a political act: Expression of cultural identity, self-identity, and gender by Suk Nam yun and Yong soon Min.Hwa Young Choi Caruso - 2005 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 39 (3):71-87.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Art as a Political Act:Expression of Cultural Identity, Self-Identity, and Gender by Suk Nam Yun and Yong Soon MinHwa Young Choi Caruso (bio)IntroductionA number of artists of color, including Asian American women, are creating art from the basis of their lived experiences. Within minority groups searching for their cultural identity, establishing self-identity is an important process. For various psychological and sociological reasons, artists seem inspired to seek deeper (...)
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    The View From Above: The Science of Social Space.Jeanne Haffner & Peter Galison - 2013 - MIT Press.
    In "The View from Above," Jeanne Haffner traces the evolution of the science of social space from the interwar period to the 1970s, illuminating in particular the role of aerial photography in this new way of conceptualizing socio-spatial ...
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    O Estado mínimo é um Estado de direito? Nozick contra Locke.Paulo Baptista Caruso MacDonald - 2024 - Dois Pontos 21 (1).
    Os requisitos formais do ideal de Estado de direito respondem por alguns dos princípios mais caros ao liberalismo, a saber: a igualdade perante o direito, a segurança no usufruto dos direitos individuais e a previsibilidade na aplicação de sanções. A instituição do Estado no pensamento de Locke se dá exatamente em busca desses fins. Na linha de sua teoria política, o presente artigo pretende mostrar a necessidade da constituição de uma autoridade pública para que os requisitos formais do ideal de (...)
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    O papel representativo do Poder Judiciário em um Estado Democrático de Direito.Paulo Baptista Caruso MacDonald - 2020 - Doispontos 17 (2).
    Em recente artigo, o ministro do STF Luís Roberto Barroso defendeu o exercício de um papel representativo pelo Poder Judiciário, como forma de dar voz a uma vontade da maioria não captada pelas regras de direito positivo devido às distorções dos mecanismos institucionais fundados no voto. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo investigar se essa reivindicação é compatível com a noção de Estado Democrático de Direito levando em consideração tanto a possibilidade de se aferir a vontade empírica da maioria à (...)
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    Top 101 philosophers.Jeanne Nagle (ed.) - 2014 - New York: Britannica Educational Publishing, in association with Rosen Educational Services.
    Although their methodologies, areas of focus, and conclusions may diverge greatly, all philosophers in some form or another pose questions about universal truths. These individuals have elevated discourse and changed the way we interpret the world around us. Profiles of 101 of the most noteworthy individuals in the field introduce readers to the various philosophical schools of thought, as well as the ongoing questions and debates that have occupied philosophers and non-philosophers alike for centuries.
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    Les traductions d’οὐσία dans le Timée cicéronien.Jeanne Ravaute - 2022 - Philosophie Antique 22:65-91.
    Dans sa traduction partielle du Timée de Platon, Cicéron traduit le terme grec οὐσία par aeternitas et materia. Ces choix de traduction sont particulièrement intéressants à étudier puisqu’il n’existe pas de traduction fixe d’οὐσία en latin à l’époque de Cicéron – il n’est, en effet, pas à l’origine du néologisme essentia. Pourquoi Cicéron choisit-il deux termes latins pour traduire un même mot grec? Pourquoi deux mots si différents à la fois l’un de l’autre et du terme οὐσία? Quelle compréhension du (...)
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    Leibniz et l'individualité organique.Jeanne Roland - 2012 - [Montréal]: Presses de l'Université de Montréal.
    Le statut des corps dans la metaphysique de Leibniz continue de resister a tout effort de reconstitution. Qu'il n'y ait au monde que les substances simples et leurs modifications ne presente plus l'evidence d'une position philosophique achevee. Dans le meilleur des mondes possibles, les ames ne sont jamais sans corps et la moindre portion de matiere renferme un univers de creatures vivantes. Au moment meme ou Leibniz semble embrasser une position idealiste en peuplant le monde d'une infinite d'entites psychiques, ne (...)
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  45. The Ability Model of Emotional Intelligence: Principles and Updates.Peter Salovey, David R. Caruso & John D. Mayer - 1990 - Emotion Review 8 (4):290-300.
    This article presents seven principles that have guided our thinking about emotional intelligence, some of them new. We have reformulated our original ability model here guided by these principles, clarified earlier statements of the model that were unclear, and revised portions of it in response to current research. In this revision, we also positioned emotional intelligence amidst other hot intelligences including personal and social intelligences, and examined the implications of the changes to the model. We discuss the present and future (...)
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  46. The Emergence of Justification.Jeanne Peijnenburg & David Atkinson - 2013 - Philosophical Quarterly 63 (252):546-564.
    A major objection to epistemic infinitism is that it seems to make justification impossible. For if there is an infinite chain of reasons, each receiving its justification from its neighbour, then there is no justification to inherit in the first place. Some have argued that the objection arises from misunderstanding the character of justification. Justification is not something that one reason inherits from another; rather it gradually emerges from the chain as a whole. Nowhere however is it made clear what (...)
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    Ethics of Luxury: Materialism and Imagination.Jeanne Randolph - 2007 - Yyz Books. Edited by Ihor Holubizky.
    In Ethics of Luxury renowned Canadian thinker and artist Jeanne Randolph gives us a magnum opus focusing on one of the most pressing issues facing us today – how we act morally and ethically while participating in a culture of abundance, opulence and consumerism. Randolph argues that when we use our imagination, as we do when we create, appreciate and live with art, we are acting ethically, expressing our sense of morality in a practical, material way.
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  48. Lamps, cubes, balls and walls: Zeno problems and solutions.Jeanne Peijnenburg & David Atkinson - 2010 - Philosophical Studies 150 (1):49 - 59.
    Various arguments have been put forward to show that Zeno-like paradoxes are still with us. A particularly interesting one involves a cube composed of colored slabs that geometrically decrease in thickness. We first point out that this argument has already been nullified by Paul Benacerraf. Then we show that nevertheless a further problem remains, one that withstands Benacerraf s critique. We explain that the new problem is isomorphic to two other Zeno-like predicaments: a problem described by Alper and Bridger in (...)
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  49. Grounds and limits: Reichenbach and foundationalist epistemology.Jeanne Peijnenburg & David Atkinson - 2011 - Synthese 181 (1):113 - 124.
    From 1929 onwards, C. I. Lewis defended the foundationalist claim that judgements of the form 'x is probable' only make sense if one assumes there to be a ground y that is certain (where x and y may be beliefs, propositions, or events). Without this assumption, Lewis argues, the probability of x could not be anything other than zero. Hans Reichenbach repeatedly contested Lewis's idea, calling it "a remnant of rationalism". The last move in this debate was a challenge by (...)
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    Free Will Skepticism in Law and Society: Challenging Retributive Justice.Elizabeth Shaw, Derk Pereboom & Gregg D. Caruso (eds.) - 2019 - New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
    'Free will skepticism' refers to a family of views that all take seriously the possibility that human beings lack the control in action - i.e. the free will - required for an agent to be truly deserving of blame and praise, punishment and reward. Critics fear that adopting this view would have harmful consequences for our interpersonal relationships, society, morality, meaning, and laws. Optimistic free will skeptics, on the other hand, respond by arguing that life without free will and so-called (...)
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