Results for 'Jean-Pierre Lucas'

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  1.  47
    Prendre Soin: Anamnèse, Témoignages, Aveux, Preuves documentaires.Jean-Pierre Lucas - 2011 - Études Ricoeuriennes / Ricoeur Studies 2 (1):179-197.
    La relation de soin est une aventure historique partagée et bien singulière. Le sujet souffrant, ses proches et les soignants sont les co-auteurs de l'historiographie des rencontres itératives. Cela construit un système complexe de sens lié à l'interaction entre l'ensemble des témoignages avec les aveux à soi-même et avec l'archivage de preuves documentaires sous la forme d'un dossier médical partagé. L'anamnèse est un travail sur les mémoires enchevêtrées, elle s'élabore sur les oublis réactivés dans la trame du texte qui se (...)
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    Exposé succinct de la contestation qui s'est élevée entre M. Hume & M. Rousseau: avec les pièces justificatives & la lettre de Monsieur de Voltaire à ce sujet.David Hume, Jean Le Rond D' Alembert & Jean-Pierre Jackson - 1998 - Paris: Alive Editions. Edited by Jean Le Rond D' Alembert & Jean-Pierre Jackson.
  3. Remarques mêlées, coll. « GF ».Ludwig Wittgenstein, Gérard Granel & Jean-Pierre Cometti - 2003 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 193 (4):480-481.
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    Interventions.Raymond Boudon, Alban Bouvier, Pierre Demeulenaere, Jean-Pierre Dupuy, Pascal Engel & Bruno Gnassounou - 2000 - Cités 1:157-170.
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  5. Notre passé a-t-il encore un avenir ?Willy Lahaye, Huguette Desmet & Jean-Pierre Pourtois - 2005 - Cahiers Internationaux de Symbolisme 110:65-78.
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    Interactions Between the Cross-Shore Structure of Small Pelagic Fish Population, Offshore Industrial Fisheries and Near Shore Artisanal Fisheries: A Mathematical Approach.Alain Miranville, Rémy Guillevin, Jean-Pierre Françoise & Hermine Biermé - 2016 - Acta Biotheoretica 64 (4):479-493.
    This work presents a mathematical model describing the interactions between the cross-shore structure of small pelagic fish population an their exploitation by coastal and offshore fisheries. The complete model is a system of seven ODE’s governing three stocks of small pelagic fish population moving and growing between three zones. Two types of fishing fleets are inter-acting with the fish population, industrial boats, constrained to offshore area, and artisanal boats, operating from the shore. Two time scales were considered and we use (...)
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    Influence of Antithrombin on the Regimes of Blood Coagulation: Insights from the Mathematical Model.Alain Miranville, Rémy Guillevin, Jean-Pierre Françoise & Hermine Biermé - 2016 - Acta Biotheoretica 64 (4):327-342.
    Blood coagulation is regulated through a complex network of biochemical reactions of blood factors. The main acting enzyme is thrombin whose propagation in blood plasma leads to fibrin clot formation. Spontaneous clot formation is normally controlled through the action of different plasma inhibitors, in particular, through the thrombin binding by antithrombin. In the current study we develop a mathematical model of clot formation both in quiescent plasma and in blood flow and determine the analytical conditions on the antithrombin concentration corresponding (...)
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    The Poitiers School of Mathematical and Theoretical Biology: Besson–Gavaudan–Schützenberger’s Conjectures on Genetic Code and RNA Structures.Alain Miranville, Rémy Guillevin, Jean-Pierre Françoise & Hermine Biermé - 2016 - Acta Biotheoretica 64 (4):403-426.
    The French school of theoretical biology has been mainly initiated in Poitiers during the sixties by scientists like J. Besson, G. Bouligand, P. Gavaudan, M. P. Schützenberger and R. Thom, launching many new research domains on the fractal dimension, the combinatorial properties of the genetic code and related amino-acids as well as on the genetic regulation of the biological processes. Presently, the biological science knows that RNA molecules are often involved in the regulation of complex genetic networks as effectors, e.g., (...)
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    Après Kant: mélanges offerts à Jean-Pierre Fussler.Jean-Pierre Fussler & Antoine Hatzenberger (eds.) - 2024 - Paris: Classiques Garnier.
    Par son enseignement et par ses traductions de Kant, Jean-Pierre Fussler a influencé plusieurs générations d'étudiants. Croisant les approches, ce recueil de travaux en son honneur fait dialoguer perspectives kantiennes, lectures et relectures des œuvres de Kant, commentaires de son œuvre et études de sa réception contemporaine, mais aussi, plus généralement, questions éthiques, essais phénoménologiques et diverses études philosophiques qui s'accordent toutes sur la nécessité de la méthode, la diversité du rationalisme et les impératifs de la pensée critique."--Page (...)
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    The narratology of lay ethics.Jean-Pierre Dupuy - 2010 - NanoEthics 4 (2):153-170.
    The five narratives identified by the DEEPEN-project are interpreted in terms of the ancient story of desire, evil, and the sacred, and the modern narratives of alienation and exploitation. The first three narratives of lay ethics do not take stock of what has radically changed in the modern world under the triple and joint evolution of science, religion, and philosophy. The modern narratives, in turn, are in serious need of a post-modern deconstruction. Both critiques express the limits of humanism. They (...)
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  11.  11
    On the Origins of Cognitive Science: The Mechanization of the Mind.Jean-Pierre Dupuy - 2009 - MIT Press.
    An examination of the fundamental role cybernetics played in the birth of cognitive science and the light this sheds on current controversies. The conceptual history of cognitive science remains for the most part unwritten. In this groundbreaking book, Jean-Pierre Dupuy—one of the principal architects of cognitive science in France—provides an important chapter: the legacy of cybernetics. Contrary to popular belief, Dupuy argues, cybernetics represented not the anthropomorphization of the machine but the mechanization of the human. The founding fathers (...)
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  12.  66
    Entrevista com Jean-Pierre Berlan.Jean-Pierre Berlan - 2004 - Scientiae Studia 2 (3):395-413.
  13.  16
    The Mark of the Sacred.Jean-Pierre Dupuy - 2013 - Stanford University Press.
    Jean-Pierre Dupuy, prophet of what he calls "enlightened doomsaying," has long warned that modern society is on a path to self-destruction. In this book, he pleads for a subversion of this crisis from within, arguing that it is our lopsided view of religion and reason that has set us on this course. In denial of our sacred origins and hubristically convinced of the powers of human reason, we cease to know our own limits: our disenchanted world leaves us (...)
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    A nuanced critical realist approach to educational policy and practice development: Redefining the nature of practitioners’ agency.Jean Pierre Elonga Mboyo - 2018 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 51 (8):815-828.
    In an age of nationalisation of international educational policy, or vice versa, the politics and conflicts behind such policies often take centre stage to the detriment of professional expertise. In response, this article develops a nuanced critical realism to propose a practice-based development and implementation of educational policy reforms. Based on empirical reports of head teachers’ subversive practice, the article concludes by highlighting that professional expertise is a central component, dubbed ‘formless capability’, that all stakeholders use to turn policy intentions (...)
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  15. Liminaire : la pensée de Peter Sloterdijk.Jean-Pierre Couture - 2007 - Horizons Philosophiques 17 (2):1-20.
  16.  27
    Les croisements de l’éthique et des morales entre francophonie et anglophonie à l’'ge classique.Jean-Pierre Cléro - 2021 - Lumen: Selected Proceedings From the Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies 40:1-34.
    During the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, French authors did not ignore the word “éthique,” but neither did they make it play a specific role in their works like they did with “morale,” their preferred term. By contrast, English writers were more likely than their counterparts to distinguish “Ethicks” from “Morals.” Consequently, it is mainly in English-language writings that the separation of the two terms can be found. The key authors invested in refining these distinctions are Locke, Shaftesbury, Hutcheson, Hume, and (...)
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  17. Descartes, Divine Veracity, and Moral Certainty.Jean-Pierre Schachter - 2005 - Dialogue 44 (1):15-40.
    RésuméCet article explore les liens entre le recours à la véracité de Dieu et les notions de certitude «métaphysique» et «morale» chez Descartes. Pour cela, je montre le rôle qu'elles jouent dans sa preuve de l'existence du monde extérieur, sa position sur l'existence d'autres esprits et celle sur l'«animal-machine». Descartes se sert de la véracité de Dieu dans le premier cas, maispas dans le deuxième ni le troisième. Je suggere que c'est parce que faire à nouveau appel à la véracité (...)
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  18. From a Geometrical Point of view: a study in the history and philosophy of category theory.Jean-Pierre Marquis - 2009 - Springer.
    A Study of the History and Philosophy of Category Theory Jean-Pierre Marquis. to say that objects are dispensable in geometry. What is claimed is that the specific nature of the objects used is irrelevant. To use the terminology already ...
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    Transhumanism: a realistic future?Jean-Pierre Fillard - 2020 - Hackensack, New Jersey: World Scientific.
    Transhuman, or trans-human, is the concept of an intermediary form between human and posthuman. In other words, a transhuman is a being that resembles a human in most respects but who has powers and abilities beyond those of standard humans. These abilities might include improved intelligence, awareness, strength, or durability. Transhumans sometimes appear in science-fiction as cyborgs or genetically-enhanced humans. This book will look into the question "Can machines think?" followed by "Can humans extend their lifespan and keep up with (...)
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    The Bible, religious storytelling, and revolution: The case of Solentiname, Nicaragua.Jean-Pierre Reed - 2017 - Critical Research on Religion 5 (3):227-250.
    Building on the storytelling, political storytelling, and religious storytelling literatures, I examined the role religious stories play in the formation of revolutionary convictions. This study’s primary sources of data are volumes I, II, and III of The Gospel in Solentiname, a historical record of religious discussions that took place in an isolated campesino community at a seminary-like setting under a growing national revolutionary scenario in 1970s Nicaragua. My analysis of these discussions reveals that religious discourse based on stories of prophecy, (...)
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  21.  8
    Heurs et malheurs de la physique quantique: des vérités incroyables.Jean-Pierre Pharabod - 2017 - Paris: Odile Jacob. Edited by Gérard Klein & Nicolas Gisin.
    La mécanique quantique est l'un des domaines de la physique les plus surprenants et controversés. Depuis le début, elle a suscité les plus vifs débats quant à sa signification et à son lien avec le réel. L'atomisme, la lumière ou les théories relativistes ont aussi défrayé la chronique, mais rien ne semble devoir arrêter les polémiques qui entourent l'interprétation des phénomènes quantiques. De Heisenberg à Schrödinger en passant par la fameuse controverse entre Einstein et Niels Bohr, Jean-Pierre Pharabod (...)
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    Neuronal Man: The Biology of Mind.Jean-Pierre Changeux - 1997 - Princeton University Press.
    Here Jean-Pierre Changeux elucidates our current knowledge of the human brain, taking an interdisciplinary approach and explaining in layman's terms the complex theories and scientific breakthroughs that have significantly improved our ...
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    Jean-Paul Sartre: mind and body, word and deed.Jean-Pierre Boulé & B. P. O'Donohoe (eds.) - 2011 - Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Press.
    Jean-Paul Sartre: Mind and Body, Word and Deed celebrates Sartre's polyvalence with an examination of Sartrean philosophy, literature, and politics. In four distinct yet related sections, twelve scholars from three continents examine Sartre's thought, writing and action over his long career. "Sartre and the Body" reappraises Sartre's work in dialogue with other philosophers past and present, including Maine de Biran, Maurice Merleau-Ponty and Didier Anzieu. "Sartre and Time" offers a first-hand account by Michel Contat of Sartre and Beauvoir working (...)
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  24.  23
    Revisiting the sartre/lévy relationship.Jean-Pierre Boulé - 1998 - Sartre Studies International 4 (2):54-60.
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    Living with Uncertainty.Jean-Pierre Dupuy - 2004 - Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology 8 (2):4-25.
  26. What Makes Us Think?: A Neuroscientist and a Philosopher Argue About Ethics, Human Nature, and the Brain.Jean-Pierre Changeux & Paul Ricoeur - 2000 - Princeton.
    In a remarkable exchange between neuroscientist Jean-Pierre Changeux and philosopher Paul Ricoeur, this book explores the vexed territory between these...
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    Sur le théorème de recouvrement de Vitali: L’apprivoisement des constructions ensemblistes infinies.Jean-Pierre Tacchi & Bernard Maurey - 2013 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 67 (1):81-118.
    RésuméL’essentiel sur les recouvrements à la Vitali peut être exposé dans le cadre des familles d’intervalles de \documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$${\mathbf{R}}$$\end{document} et de leurs points d’accumulation.
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    Pierre Bayle, Matter, and the Unity of Consciousness.Jean-Pierre Schachter - 2002 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 32 (2):241 - 265.
    There were three such assumptions required, one explicitly stated, and two not made explicit until Bayle. The explicit one was a certain commonly accepted double understanding of ‘destruction’: a ‘natural’ version, which made it no more than a change in a particular arrangement or ‘organization’ of particles through which an aggregate was destroyed by losing its identity, and a metaphysical version, which entailed the actual annihilation of a substance. It was assumed that the latter could be accomplished only by miraculous (...)
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  29. Soeren Kierkegaard: penseur de l'existence.Jean Pierre Condette - 1977 - Bordeaux (20, rue du Parc, 33000): Kronos édition.
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  30. Le Sens caché selon René Guénon.Jean Pierre Laurant - 1975 - Lausanne: Éditions L'Age d'homme.
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    Hume's argument against the continuing existence of unperceived perceptions.Jean Pierre Schachter - 1978 - Mind 87 (347):436-442.
  32. Foreword.Jean-Pierre Warnier - 2023 - In Urmila Mohan (ed.), The efficacy of intimacy and belief in worldmaking practices. Abingdon, Oxon ; New York: Routledge.
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  33. Sensus communis: ein «Vermögen»? Quasi-anthropologische und hermeneutische Aspekte in John Rawls' Sozialethik.Jean-Pierre Wils - 2001 - Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie Und Theologie 48 (3):432-454.
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    Zur Produktion von Gemeinsinn. Ihre diffizilen Bedingungen und ihre problematischen Wirkungen.Jean-Pierre Wils - 2001 - In Harald Bluhm & Herfried Münkler (eds.), Gemeinwohl Und Gemeinsinn: Zwischen Normativität Und Faktizität. De Gruyter. pp. 113-130.
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    Comment reconnaître un agent double? Arthur Danto et la (dé)définition de l’art.Jean-Pierre Cometti - 2016 - Cahiers Philosophiques 144 (1):9-26.
    La philosophie de l’art de Danto se réclame expressément d’une conception à la fois historiciste et essentialiste ; elle se concentre sur la question des « indiscernables ». Le pop art, avec Warhol, joue à cet égard le rôle d’un experimentum crucis. Le présent essai s’efforce de mettre en lumière la complexité et les ambiguïtés des analyses et des positions défendues par Danto, en proposant une interprétation de l’« indiscernabilité » qui prend à revers les démarcations postulées. On y soutient (...)
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    Thinking with Sartre.Jean-Pierre Boulé - 2006 - Sartre Studies International 12 (2):101-113.
    This piece explores the background to writing Sartre, Self-Formation and Masculinities and explains the theoretical tools used in the book before examining some of the issues raised by Bergoffen and Flynn in their critical review-articles and responding to these. It provides a more fully fledged account of Sartre's relationship with psychoanalysis and states how the book combines psychology and biography through a masculinity-aware lens. Both commentators stimulate interesting insights into my own essay, and open up new avenues which I sketch (...)
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    (3 other versions)Chronique.Jean-Pierre Deschepper - 1997 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 95 (4):776-808.
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    In Silico Study of the Influence of Intensity and Duration of Blood Flow Reduction on Cell Death Through Necrosis or Apoptosis During Acute Ischemic Stroke.Jean-Pierre Boissel - 2010 - Acta Biotheoretica 58 (2-3):171-190.
    Ischemic stroke involves numerous and complex pathophysiological mechanisms including blood flow reduction, ionic exchanges, spreading depressions and cell death through necrosis or apoptosis. We used a mathematical model based on these phenomena to study the influences of intensity and duration of ischemia on the final size of the infarcted area. This model relies on a set of ordinary and partial differential equations. After a sensibility study, the model was used to carry out in silico experiments in various ischemic conditions. The (...)
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    Arguments for adjuncts.Jean-Pierre Koenig, Gail Mauner & Breton Bienvenue - 2003 - Cognition 89 (2):67-103.
    It is commonly assumed across the language sciences that some semantic participant information is lexically encoded in the representation of verbs and some is not. In this paper, we propose that semantic obligatoriness and verb class specificity are criteria which influence whether semantic information is lexically encoded. We present a comprehensive survey of the English verbal lexicon, a sentence continuation study, and an on-line sentence processing study which confirm that both factors play a role in the lexical encoding of participant (...)
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  40. Abus de conscience et contradictions.Jean Pierre Lucciardi - 1974 - Aix-en-Provence, (11, rue de Provence, 13100): J. P. Lucciardi.
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    Comment on A. Flews Paper.Jean-Pierre Centi - 1993 - Journal des Economistes Et des Etudes Humaines 4 (2-3):295-300.
  42.  25
    La réflexion Benthamienne sur les mathématiques.Jean-Pierre Cléro - 1998 - Revue de Synthèse 119 (4):447-484.
    En 1814, Jeremy Bentham entreprend la rédaction de Chrestomathia, qui expose le savoir qu'il est utile d'apprendre. Mais ce texte est plus généralement une organisation entière du savoir de son temps à partir d'une «théorie des fictions », qui est à la fois une réflexion sur les concepts et une critique des nomenclatures. L'article qui suit s'intéresse particulièrement à la cinquantaine de pages consacrées aux mathématiques dans un ouvrage qui porte sur toutes les sciences du début du XIXe siècle et (...)
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    From Classical to Quantum Models: The Regularising Rôle of Integrals, Symmetry and Probabilities.Jean-Pierre Gazeau - 2018 - Foundations of Physics 48 (11):1648-1667.
    In physics, one is often misled in thinking that the mathematical model of a system is part of or is that system itself. Think of expressions commonly used in physics like “point” particle, motion “on the line”, “smooth” observables, wave function, and even “going to infinity”, without forgetting perplexing phrases like “classical world” versus “quantum world”.... On the other hand, when a mathematical model becomes really inoperative in regard with correct predictions, one is forced to replace it with a new (...)
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    Neuronal models of cognitive functions.Jean-Pierre Changeux & Stanislas Dehaene - 1989 - Cognition 33 (1-2):63-109.
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  45. Femina ex machina.Jean-Pierre Dupuy - 2019 - In Paolo Diego Bubbio & Chris Fleming (eds.), Mimetic theory and film. New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
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    Passion de la pensée: lecture de Heidegger.Jean-Pierre Emmanuel Jouard - 2017 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    Ce livre veut restituer la clarté de cette oeuvre difficile que sont les "Contributions à la philosophie" de Heidegger, non pas en en récusant l'obscurité, mais en reconnaissant l'obscur essentiel de l'Etre dans sa vérité d'événement : car penser signifie répondre à l'événement de l'Etre, suivant un questionnement rigoureux qui s'appelle ici Passion de la pensée.
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    Prenons nos distances pour comparer des textes, les analyser et les représenter.Jean-Pierre Barthélémy, Xuan Luong & Sylvie Mellet - 2003 - Corpus 2.
    1. ProlégomènesL’usage de méthodes mathématiques pour traiter de données textuelles a une longue tradition. On se souvient que c’est en étudiant Pouchkine que Markov a élaboré ses chaînes. La linguistique mathématique (qui dépasse de très loin l’analyse des données textuelles) a connu un peu partout un essor important et a fourni des modèles à bon nombre de travaux portant sur le langage (Chomsky, Harris, Montague, …). On connaît aussi, via des mathématiques fort sophistiquées, la profonde in...
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    Noël Carroll et l'Art en trois D.Jean-Pierre Cometti - 2012 - Cahiers Philosophiques 131 (4):83-85.
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    Symbol and Myth in Sociology.Jean-Pierre Sironneau - 2011 - Iris 32:11-27.
    Sociology was obviously created for studying images, symbols or values related to social action, which is its main purpose. However, the imaginary field was very lately called up in sociology studies. Across the emergence of a sociology of the imaginary from Émile Durkheim to Gilbert Durand and Pierre Bourdieu. Jean-Pierre Sironneau draws and distinguishes several fields of this sociology: religion, beliefs, tradition, mythology and cultural expressions (literature, art and media). Social imaginary has become a fundamental issue as (...)
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    La référence spinoziste dans la psychanalyse.Jean-Pierre Marcos - 2016 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 25:310-321.
    En este artículo argumento en contra del pluralismo lógico modalista de Bueno y Shalkowski. En la primera parte muestro que no está bien motivado, al menos si su motivación surge de las objeciones que le hacen al enfoque de Beall y Restall. Defiendo la posición de Beall y Restall contra estas objeciones apelando a los requisitos de necesidad y normatividad, que no fueron bien comprendidos por Bueno y Shalkowski. En la segunda parte analizo la posición modalista y doy argumentos en (...)
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